Weekly horoscope Libra from Olga. Weekly horoscope - lucky days for signs.

Monday, August 28

Today, the horoscope stars promise that many things may work out easier for you than usual, as if by themselves. Things will go wrong, tasks and problems will find unexpected, elegant solutions. However, ease has a relaxing effect - it may seem to you that there is no need to rush anywhere, and that the next day everything will be just as easy. Don’t give in to this feeling and give laziness a fight - only today, if you want, can you move mountains and solve those tasks that you cannot do on an ordinary day. Take advantage of this chance so you don’t regret missed opportunities later.

Tuesday, August 29

Wednesday, August 30

Today in the horoscope the tone will be set by ambitious aspirations. Don’t be surprised if someone you know wants to jump over their head today, achieve a breakthrough in some area, or even assert themselves at someone else’s expense. That's the kind of day it is. People who have a big goal in life will strive for it especially strongly today, believing that all means are good to achieve it. The rest will simply experience an increased need for self-realization and recognition from others. If you wanted to enlist someone's patronage, the easiest time to do this is today: people will be happy to feel their importance by playing the role of an adviser or guardian.

Thursday, August 31

Don't miss your chance - today everything is in your hands! The horoscope stars incline towards clarity, precision, intelligence and decisive action - by demonstrating these qualities, you will achieve everything you strive for. That is why today it is best to plan important matters and negotiations not only in the work sphere, but also in the personal and financial spheres. Remember that defending your position and making an important decision on this day will be easier than usual. And most importantly: any decisions made today will be specific, practical and very promising.

Friday, September 1

Logic will play a leading role in the horoscope today. Making any decision on this day may take you longer than usual - you are unlikely to say “yes” or “no” before thinking through the consequences several steps ahead, like in a chess game. But the probability of errors today is almost zero. Stars impart such qualities as thoughtfulness, logic, the ability to draw conclusions and give an accurate forecast. On this day, any task in which you need to think with your head will be excellent, be it study, science or planning. But the area of ​​feelings and emotions will temporarily recede into the background - like everything else that contradicts the strict laws of logic.

Saturday, September 2

Today the horoscope promises a very active day, full of events and emotions. You will be especially good at everything that is in one way or another connected with the intellectual sphere - discussions, plans, developments, studies, scientific work. However, keep in mind that no matter what you do today, there is a danger of going deeper into the jungle: the day tends towards meticulousness and increased attention to detail. In addition, beware of harsh judgments - in the heat of righteous anger today there is a danger of saying a lot of unnecessary things, which you may regret later.

Sunday, September 3

Today there is a risk of making many mistakes - the horoscope stars are inclined to take active, but not very reasonable actions. Even if you feel like you have everything under control, acceptance important decisions better to put it off until later. Today, it's easier than ever to engage in wishful thinking and act based on false assumptions, so be careful with your money. In general, on this day you should not take important steps and make large purchases - unless, of course, you are afraid that the next day you will have to correct the steps and take your purchases back to the store.

General horoscope for the week from September 4 to September 10, 2017
The beginning of the week is truly the beginning of something new in your life. You are inclined to turn your attention to the sphere of vigorous activity (which may be related to work, but not necessarily) and begin to quickly implement your plans. Strength...

Weekly horoscope for Aries from September 4 to September 10, 2017
You are too immersed in matters of a material nature, and although your position is now quite stable, you cannot always count on this. You should reconsider your views, as money comes and goes, any material...

Take a wait-and-see attitude; you shouldn’t make hasty decisions now, especially if they are followed by the same hasty actions, and all this will have an important impact on your still bright future. You need to ask for help...

You strive forward, rush with incredible speed, afraid of being late somewhere. But this impulse, which exceeds all your strength, leads only to hasty decisions and actions, which does not at all indicate their quality...

Cunning and trying to benefit at the expense of others is your quality this week. And we must pay tribute - it brings results, both quite material and emotional. The most important thing here is to do everything carefully and clearly and at the same time not...

Fate has favored you for a long time, helping you get out of the most difficult situations without loss or damage. But you can’t test her strength and mercy forever; a period comes when Fate is inclined to show its character and deigns to turn around...

Disagreements and internal disputes will settle in your soul, it will be very difficult to come to unanimous opinion with yourself, gain understanding of the situation around you and within yourself. We often forget that the world inside us is just as big and diverse...

Family comfort now presents to you main value. Work on yourself, think about the meaning of life, whether you are on the right path. Take up meditation - if it's available to you. You strive for harmony and mutual understanding, but everything...

Unlike many others, this week is very favorable for you, first of all, in matters of vigorous activity, in moving towards achieving your goal. From the very beginning of the week you will feel confident in your...

When taking on a new business, no matter how profitable and favorable it may seem to you, carefully look at the surrounding circumstances and, above all, at the people around you, those of them who are able to influence this business, who will help you,...

Work, try, don’t despair and don’t give up what you started - and then you will be rewarded, or rather, you will achieve everything yourself. This week encourages you to be persistent in achieving your goals. It's good to start work that requires care...

You are very active and swift in actions and thoughts, your actions, carried out at lightning speed, can lead you to a positive result and allow you to achieve your goal, but most likely your strength will run out sooner...

You are full of strength and energy to do everything that you yourself have in mind, as well as at the same time realize other people’s thoughts and desires. But instead of getting down to business, you are wasting your strength, rushing from one thing to another, and...

General horoscope for the next week from September 7 to September 13, 2017
The beginning of the week will bring a new flow of emotions and feelings into your life, although in many cases this influx of energy will not be as bright as it will be more formed and specific and will simply strengthen existing relationships, favorably...

Horoscope for the next week for Aries from September 7 to September 13, 2017
If you want to achieve something, and you have many goals, then you need to show determination. Don't expect everything to work out in the best possible way without your participation, everything is completely different - only you can change the situation from dead...

You now have a clear goal to achieve stability, whatever it may be expressed in (stability in work, stability in relationships). And you can even imagine how you can achieve this and what needs to be done for this. But one important thing is missing...

Constantly weighing yourself down with thoughts about what to do next or how best to act, you achieve nothing, but only fall into a stupor and waste your energy. Try to walk through life easily, at least for this week, and the paths of fate yourself...

Do you want to find stability, start something new in your life and thereby strengthen your position? To do this, you need to radically change your views, if not on life, then on the current situation for sure. The events of this week call...

A new sprout begins to emerge in your life, and this sprout (or fontanel) is a source of new emotions and feelings, your inspiration and the very energy that you have been missing for so long to throw off the shackles of the past and look at the world...

There are many situations before you that need to be resolved. First of all, it is very difficult for you to come to a decision, to come to an agreement with yourself, and even more difficult to come to an agreement with other people. New ones are opening up before you...

Be sure to take some time to relax at home at the beginning of the week. First of all, this should be done because at the moment you have a much better chance of putting things in order there than on other days. From the middle of the week you will rush into active activities...

This week is especially relevant for romantic and amorous people, as well as for those who are currently single and actively looking for their soulmate. At the beginning of the week, a person may appear in your life who will bring new feelings into it...

Your emotional impulses are sometimes completely out of place; under the influence of feelings and emotions, you can do something completely bad and irreparable. But you don’t know how to control yourself in this situation, so this week you first have to...

Hormonal and emotional surges are possible for Capricorns this week. Keeping emotions under control will not be easy; they can literally overwhelm you, and, as a rule, these changes will be expressed in a very specific and vivid form...

In a relationship, you will show a new side of yourself, now you will not look as soft and sluggish as you might have been before. Firstly, your emotions and feelings will be much stronger. This may be caused by the appearance of a person who is for you...

At the beginning of the week, negative memories may come flooding back, depression may begin to develop - in general, you will not feel good at all. But in the second half of the week the situation will change seriously, a new surge of energy, tasks and activities...

Compiled by the magazine's staff astrologer, detailed horoscope for the current week will help you anticipate and avoid many mistakes and their negative consequences from them. You will be able to understand for yourself what you should pay attention to special attention this week, and what is the opposite must be ignored for its own good. What events are most likely to happen in the coming days? What should you prepare for? You will find answers to these questions in the horoscope of the week, which consists of several sections: work, career, finance, health and is updated weekly on the night from Sunday to Monday.

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign:

Horoscope for August 2017 by week:

Horoscope for July 2017 by week:

Aries weekly horoscope. Aries week - women and men. The lucky day of the week for Aries is Tuesday (especially the 9th, 18th, 27th). It's Mars day. Mars awarded Tuesday with such qualities as activity, overflowing energy, and ambition. Although Tuesday is considered a difficult day, luck will be favorable for representatives of the Aries sign - persistent, courageous and persistent! Aries, on Tuesday the horoscope invites you to move forward, although first making sure you are in the right direction. Aries businessmen can make a profitable sale on Tuesday, farmers can buy livestock. On Tuesday of the week, any mechanical work will be possible, from repairing a chair to repairing a car.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus. The lucky day of the week for Taurus is Friday (especially the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th). Friday is ruled by the beautiful Venus. Since this planet is the patron of art, it is good to practice all types of art on this day of the week. Taurus, do something nice for Venus: sing, dance, draw, play, make at least one person laugh! On Venus day it is very favorable to devote time to yourself and your beauty. This is the best day of the week for going to hairdressers, spa salons, for beauty treatments, and for self-care. The horoscope advises on this day to dress beautifully and elegantly, decorate your home, and give flowers. This is the best day of the week for dating, entertainment, relaxation and enjoyment. Taurus, everything you do on this day will have a huge effect!

Weekly horoscope for Gemini. The lucky day of the week for the Gemini sign is Wednesday, especially the 5th, 14th, 23rd (series of fives). This day of the week is ruled by Mercury, which patronizes any monetary transactions. Therefore, the horoscope recommends Gemini to invest money on Wednesday, make purchases, lend and take loans. On Wednesday, it is favorable for Gemini to go on a short trip. Dedicate this day to thinking and solving a problem. If you haven't been able to write a letter to your loved one and... to a loved one, then try it on Wednesday. If work requires you to redo documents, then it is best to do this again on Wednesday. This day of the week is suitable for meetings, negotiations, and the start of short-term projects that can produce quick results.

Weekly horoscope Cancer. Lucky day of the week for Cancers is Monday (especially the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th). Monday is called a difficult day, and for good reason, because it is ruled by the emotional, impressionable Moon. For Cancer, the Moon is the mistress, that is, it controls all areas of your life. The Moon is in charge of the family, and by visiting relatives on Monday, Cancers will strengthen their rear and help the atmosphere at home become more harmonious. Family gatherings and bachelorette parties will be very useful. Monday is the day of the week when a Cancer woman can purchase a household item for her home. A favorable day to pamper yourself with massages and oils. It's time to tinker with the kids. The horoscope advises romantic Cancers to take a walk under the Moon, especially somewhere along the shore of a pond.

Leo weekly horoscope. A good day of the week for the Leo sign is Sunday (especially the 1st, 5th, 9th, 11th). This day is ruled by the Sun, the planet of creativity, and you need to approach everything on Sunday in an unconventional way. It is on this day that new ones can be born, original ways solving old problems. Leos, on this day you need to be in the Sun, especially in the morning. Enjoy life, pay attention to your individuality, if possible, spend at least part of Sunday in nature. On Sunday you should start new things, begin treatment and other wellness procedures. The horoscope does not advise Leos to spend Sunday in solitude, engage in adventurous transactions, and also make new acquaintances.

Virgo weekly horoscope. Lucky day of the week for the Virgo sign is Wednesday (especially the 5th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 25th) This day of the week is associated with the planet Mercury. Mercury Day for Virgo is a favorable time for preparing documents, concluding contracts, and starting a new business. It is also favorable to learn something, travel, communicate with relatives. On Wednesday, Virgo can successfully conclude deals, make useful contacts, pass exams well, make commercial purchases, and sign contracts. We advise Virgo parents to study with their children this evening and prepare together homework, and Wednesday evening can be devoted to reading a book or watching interesting film. Virgo, the horoscope promises that everything you do on this day will have an amazing effect!

Weekly horoscope for Libra. A favorable day of the week for the Libra sign is Friday (especially the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th). Friday is a day of peace and justice. Libra, this is the best day for marriage and love affairs. Friday's horoscope encourages you to make purchases, especially clothes and jewelry. On this day you should book a table in a restaurant, enjoy a wonderful dinner or go to a concert. On the fifth day of the week, it is not recommended to indulge in passions and enter into conflicts. It is on this day of the week that Libra should start new projects. Good luck will be with you.

Weekly horoscope Scorpio. The lucky day of the week for Scorpio is Tuesday (especially the 9th, 18th and 27th). It's Mars day. According to the horoscope, Tuesday is a day of active action. Scorpios, don't sit at home idly! On Tuesday, without thinking about the consequences, you can take initiative everywhere and in everything. Mars does not like sluggish and passive people. On this day, according to the recommendation of the horoscope, we do not recommend paying too much attention to your loved ones, as this can lead to serious conflicts. For Scorpios of intellectual work, this day is good for research and for studying mathematics. If you need to talk to someone “like a man” or even punish them, then the day of Mars is the time.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius. The lucky day of the week for the Sagittarius sign is Thursday (especially the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th). Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, a giant planet that explores more energy than the Sun takes in. This is a planet social activities, therefore, this day of the week can be considered the most successful for Sagittarius’s work-related affairs, for negotiations with business partners, for finding ways to realize oneself outside the home, for the benefit of society, for large group people. Sagittarians, who are very lucky on Thursdays, most likely were pious and generous in a past life, receiving good Jupiter as a reward. According to the horoscope, Thursday is good for material prosperity. It is better to start long-term financial projects and large enterprises on this day. This is also the most suitable day for all legal matters.

Weekly horoscope Capricorn. The lucky day of the week for Capricorns is Saturday (especially the 1st, 5th, 9th, 11th). This day of the week is ruled by Saturn, the greatest of the planets. What Capricorns should do on Saturday: rest (rest on Saturday prolongs life); retire; practice yoga; treatment, including surgeries and injections, buy land for construction, plant trees. It's good to tinker around in the garden. Mountains will give Capricorns extraordinary positive energy. What Capricorns should not do on Saturday: do not quarrel; do not cut hair or nails; do not wash. Traditionally, Saturday is considered a day of honoring ancestors and relatives. On this day of the week, it is very favorable for Capricorns to pray for their family and for your entire family. Good luck on Saturday!

Weekly horoscope for Aquarius. The lucky day of the week for the Aquarius sign is Saturday (especially the 1st, 5th, 9th, 11th). This day of the week is ruled by Saturn, so Saturday is the best day of the week for Aquarius to retire, reflect on the meaning of life, take stock, and complete some business. Saturday is, according to the horoscope, the best day for matters related to property, especially real estate, for laying the foundation, for construction, and the best day for putting the finishing touches on something. But you should always remember that on Saturday it is recommended to talk less and be silent more. Aquarius, if you have elderly people in your family, be sure to pay attention to them. If you have offended someone or treated someone unfairly, it is better to apologize on Saturday so as not to carry this heavy burden into the next week.

Horoscope for the week of Pisces. The lucky day of the week for Pisces is Thursday (especially the 7th, 14th, 21st, 21st and 28th). This day of the week is ruled by Jupiter, which generously rewards merciful people who help others not for the sake of someone else's praise or reward. It favors optimists, people of high morality and honesty. According to the horoscope, Jupiter is also responsible for money. They will come first of all to those representatives of the Pisces sign who follow their destiny, to whom work brings joy and pleasure. And also to those who sincerely donate to good causes, keeping it secret. Many Pisces sometimes complain that there are no like-minded people, that they are lonely. Try inviting guests on Thursday, telling them something from the scriptures or Vedic tale. Jupiter will bless you for the whole week, as well as your guests!

In general, September can be called a good month for weddings. At the beginning of autumn there are favorable days for a wedding, which are easier to calculate than in August. A wedding in September has its own special wedding signs. Signs for a wedding in September 2017 contain information on when it is better to plan a wedding, when and how to conduct traditional wedding events favorably - matchmaking, bride price, the wedding day itself and all the events of this day, meetings with relatives after the wedding, etc. An autumn wedding and ideas for holding it are described in the folk calendar.










On August 27, 2017, the shortest Assumption Fast ends, and after it the time of autumn weddings opens. In astrology, it is believed that the beginning of any event carries an important component of luck in the chosen business. The right date for any event already contains half the success. All this applies to family life.

The horoscope is published in the magazine "7+7ya"

Horoscope: Aries(March 21 - April 20)

This is a week of surprises, gifts, pleasant contacts. Consciously expand your circle of contacts, take an interest in everything new. In the middle of the week, a meeting is possible that will be remembered for a long time and will change your life and destiny. Aries who are preoccupied appearance, can be increased this week physical activity. Thursday is a good day for love and romance. On Sunday, arrange a small holiday for yourself and your loved ones.
Favorable days: 29, 30. Be careful: 2

Horoscope: Taurus(21 April - 21 May)

Nothing should distract you from serious matters. On Monday, contacts with partners will not be easy. Dissatisfaction with the financial situation can cause mutual claims. You should devote two weeks to improving old projects, bringing them to fruition, and keeping new things in mind and preparing the ground for them. Confidential communication can only be allowed with the closest people.
Favorable days: 29, 1. Be careful: 28

Horoscope: Gemini(May 22 - June 21)

While everyone else is enjoying the joys of summer, get ready for a rush. Prepare a difficult area of ​​work for this week, achieve specific results. On Tuesday, new deals with old partners are favorable. Unexpected sympathies and extravagant actions will add color to your life. Sunday is conducive to active activities. There may be unexpected news that will dramatically change the situation or your attitude towards it.
Favorable days: 31, 3. Be careful: 29

Horoscope: Cancer(June 22 - July 23)

The focus is on finances. Agree to a new workload only if you receive decent compensation. Ask more and you will get what you need. Be careful not to say too much on Monday and Saturday. There is a danger of error and deception. On Friday, your thoughts will be precise and your arguments concrete. On Sunday, give up the initiative to your partner. News is important, but does not require a quick response.
Favorable days: 30, 31. Be careful: 28

Horoscope: Leo(24 July - 23 August)

Now every day is unique for Leo. Don't allow yourself to be lazy. Meet with business partners more often, return to discussing old plans. On Monday, you will need patience and dedication in family matters. On Wednesday there is a chance to sell something profitably. Things are a little worse with shopping. Important step in your personal life you can time it to Thursday. A surprise awaits you on Sunday.
Favorable days: 29, 30. Be careful: 3

Horoscope: Virgo(24 August - 23 September)

It is useful to remember debts and promises. At the beginning of the week it is favorable to deal with error correction, repair and restoration. If you have accumulated excess or unnecessary things, try to find new owners for them. Plan an important event for Thursday. The end of August is suitable for increasing your status in your professional environment and personal life. Sunday is a good day to clarify prospects.
Favorable days: 28, 31. Be careful: 29

Horoscope: Libra(September 24 - October 23)

Venus in the sign of Leo is a time of romantic moods, love adventures and adventures. A change of environment will do you good, and if a vacation is not in sight, then ask to go on a business trip, take advanced training courses, or take up a job that doesn’t keep you in one place. Tuesday and Wednesday lucky days to solve the most important life problems. In the second half of the week, give due credit to household chores.
Favorable days: 30, 3. Be careful: 1

Horoscope: Scorpio(October 24 - November 22)

Continue to finish the things you started. It’s not your style to engage in routine, but no one will complain about the quality, and you will free up time for relaxation, which is extremely important at the end of summer. In your personal life, don’t change or speed up anything. Delving into the past is dangerous to health. Wednesday and Thursday are good days for implementing developments and negotiations. Spend the weekend at home, where there is always something to do.
Favorable days: 31, 1. Be careful: 3

Horoscope: Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21)

Contacts with influential people. Share your work and ideas. Thursday and Friday are favorable for career changes, financial investments, and making important decisions on business reconstruction. The sympathies of others are on your side, but on Saturday you may suffer from slander. On Sunday, it is important to be able to distract yourself and relax. Treat yourself to exotic cuisine.
Favorable days: 30, 3. Be careful: 29

Horoscope: Capricorn(December 22 - January 20)

A great time for Capricorns who know what they want. Everything you started before mid-August will receive favorable progress and support. But you need to separate old things and new intentions. The latter will have to wait until September 8th. In the meantime, do what you previously avoided and deal with the solution important issues in the family. The key day for taking a responsible step is Friday. Take a time out on Sunday.
Favorable days: 30, 31. Be careful: 2

Horoscope: Aquarius(January 21 - February 19)

Set your goals clearly. Let there be fewer of them, so you will show great determination and achieve success faster. Mercury is still moving retrograde, and it is better not to start new things. Pay more attention to confusing situations in relationships, find an acceptable solution for them. On Sunday, unexpected encounters are possible on the Moon in Aquarius. A good moment for reconciliation and concluding an agreement.
Favorable days: 30, 3. Be careful: 28

Horoscope: Pisces(February 20 - March 20)

Obstacles will provoke you - and you will open the right doors, organize those around you, and break personal records. On Monday you should get in touch with a person from afar, otherwise the relationship will end and you will regret it. On Thursday, communication with superiors is favorable. On Friday, listen to the advice of your friends. It’s good to dedicate the weekend to recharging your body. Relax, have fun.