Detailed horoscope for October Aries. October horoscope for Aries woman

The second autumn period is perfect for the active implementation of long-conceived dreams. The horoscope for Aries for October directly indicates that representatives of the star sign should act quickly, clearly and positively. There is no need to be upset if small troubles unexpectedly arise along the way; all of them will be instantly resolved by Aries. The main task for star representatives is not to succumb to the feeling of laziness and only move forward. The stars give Aries open self-confidence, of course, they perfectly possess such a factor in their own character, but the current activity and self-confidence will be aimed only at positive life positions.

You should not refuse the faithful and reliable help of close comrades and family; perhaps such support is exactly what Aries needs. Star representatives themselves should not refuse those in need of help, of course, if they are able to do so. There is a lot of communication and various kinds of acquaintances ahead, but you should not rely heavily on personal communication, since it will be more directed towards partnerships and professional problems.

The month is an excellent opportunity for Aries, who are desperate for something, to find the right and most accurate solution in a confusing situation. If star representatives still remain in their own past, which attracts and holds them, then they also need to communicate with old acquaintances or partners, because of whom, in fact, the past does not leave the soul of Aries. Perhaps, through joint communication, a solution to the existing problems will be found, after which the star representatives will calm their tormented souls and live the most peaceful life possible.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Aries will recommend that star representatives not trust strangers and those people who have shown themselves to be bad in the past. It is important to remember that Aries' material wealth depends only on how hard they pursue their professional obligations. In the life of star representatives, financial disappointments are possible due to the fact that someone will take advantage of the latter’s good intentions and simply try to exist materially at the expense of Aries. For this month, Aries should not plan huge changes in their own well-being, even though the period is most favorable, they are not insured against financial collapse. In particular, such circumstances promise in life when representatives of the star constellation do not control their own purchases, acquisitions and expenses.

Towards the end of the autumn period, the star sign should think about what it says. Perhaps a greater number of quarrels in the relationships of partners arise from the fact that representatives of the sign offend their own partners with the words they say. The advice of the month could be that it is better to remain silent in certain situations than to say a lot of unnecessary words and unpleasant phrases.

If the stars foretell only positive motives in fate for beautiful ladies, then they will still miss the romantic affection and sincerity of feelings that only partners can give them. The time is perfect for starting self-study; there is no need to refuse to enroll in educational establishments or from attending coursework and training programs.

Ladies can be advised to more often pay their own attention to the priorities of the people who are nearby. Perhaps most of the problems women create on their own. To nip this in the bud, it is important to eliminate selfishness and a sense of grandeur from your own character.

Horoscope for October 2018 for an Aries man

As for the stronger half of the star constellation, Aries will become so self-confident that they will try to attract as many fans as possible into their “networks”. The period is quite romantic, but men should not show feelings of love of freedom, as it can provoke a lot of personal problems.

The health horoscope for Aries reminds you that constant monitoring of your own well-being is a reliable preventive measure against the occurrence and exacerbation of serious diseases. It is important for men to immediately seek qualified help from an appropriate specialist as soon as negative painful symptoms appear.

Love horoscope for October 2018 for Aries

If there is an opportunity and desire, then representatives of the star sign need to leave personal affairs in the order in which they are now. The period in the fate of Aries is quite successful, but with their behavior they themselves can ruin the positive course of life.

It is important for family star constellations to take more care of their own partner; if possible, then it is necessary to please their loved one with pleasant and romantic surprises as often as possible.

For lonely stars, fate does not foretell any special changes, but the latter should beware of open deception and flirting, which can quickly lead to very unfavorable consequences.

Health horoscope for October 2018 for Aries

For almost the entire autumn month, representatives of the sign will live the most eventful and contented life possible. active life. To compensate for the loss of physical strength due to their own activity, they need to significantly change their diet. The Aries menu should include more meat products and dairy dishes, as they will give both strength and positivity to the body of the sign’s representative.

In the second half of the month, the star sign may experience a cold infection. This disease is quite unpleasant, so it is important to take preventive measures against the disease in advance.

Financial horoscope for October 2018 for Aries

The period was very successful in terms of professional activity. If the love horoscope for Aries for October 2018 advises to be calm about personal life, then the career horoscope recommends being active and decisive in your own professional affairs. The signing will go well important documents and contracts, a partnership meeting is planned ahead of the star sign, which will lead to decisive changes in their career.

Don't be shy to put forward own ideas, perhaps they will quickly be appreciated for their worth, and the result of this will be the rise of the representative of the sign up the career ladder.

Personal life in mid-autumn becomes dynamic, because the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the house of your Aries partner give you an abundance of energy. The influence of these planets will be expressed clearly and will stimulate you to decide on experiments in love and change.

In October 2017, your charm and attractiveness increase, and you can successfully take advantage of this when establishing contacts with the opposite sex. You tend to pay more attention to your image and appearance, so much so that it can even distract you from your work.

For lonely Aries, the stars do not guarantee exceptional success, but there is real chance meet your destiny. Of course, for this you need to be active, and not sit still indecision. Take action, but at the same time remain yourself.

In the last ten days of the month everything calms down somewhat. When it comes to love, you will not make any attempt to meet someone new. Instead, you will focus on self-development and, finally, think about friends and family you haven’t seen for a long time. It’s good to be around close, understanding people. Take care of your home - and you will feel a surge of mental strength, feel warmth and comfort.

Aries career and financial horoscope for October 2017

Collaboration is your priority as Mercury, the ruler of Aries' house of work, transits through the partnership sector. Moreover, Mercury accompanies the Sun, and in the second half of the month Venus joins these planets.

Your professional life depends on others, which can help or hinder, depending on the circumstances. Regardless of how your relationships with colleagues and business partners develop, do not forget about diplomacy.

Mars is in Aries' house of work until October 23, so you are energetic and enterprising. If you lacked the determination to accomplish something, use this time. At the same time, in conducting business there is a tendency to impulsive actions and hasty decisions. The desire for superiority and increased ambition can ruin a lot.

Financially, positive changes can be expected. On October 10, 2017, the planet of luck Jupiter enters the eighth house of Aries, associated with joint finances and big money. Jupiter will maintain its position for thirteen months, until November next year. Income growth will occur due to participation in joint projects. Monetary and material profits are possible through partners (spouse, lover, business partners), receiving an inheritance, sponsorship, grant, subsidy, etc.


The influence of Mars can create a state of excitement or anxiety, as well as a desire to take risks. Situations at work and in the family can cause stress, which can negatively affect your health and well-being. Massage, aromatherapy, music, and dancing will help you balance your energy. Avoid overwork, be careful when carrying out physical work and in everyday life.

Be attentive to details, do not make rash promises!

Aries in October 2017 will be involved in literally everything - both in the affairs of their noisy family and in public life. You have rarely stood by if events of a grandiose scale were unfolding somewhere nearby, and in mid-autumn the role of a passive observer of what is happening will not appeal to you. It will seem much more interesting and important for you to rush to the barricades with your chest. Your “revolutionary spirit” will, of course, play a good role, and those matters in which you accept the most live participation, will end in a positive result. It just doesn’t make much sense that you will give up your personal happiness for the sake of others for the entire month of October...

People are not grateful, do not forget about this at the moment when you are faced with the acute question of what to prefer - public life or personal troubles. While you are building some socially important project brick by brick, dark clouds will appear over your love front. Where can you expect problems, and why will they appear in mid-autumn? The cause of these problems likely has its roots in your long-standing relationship with your significant other. So, if you have already repeatedly sacrificed her interests for the sake of social life (or something else that has no special relation to your family), rest assured that in October 2017 a real revolution will begin within the walls of your home! Your partner will demand only one thing - that you do more about family affairs and be within the walls of your home more often. Don’t think that this ultimatum is just another momentary whim of your soulmate! If you ignore this request, you will find out for yourself how unpleasant divorce is and everything that accompanies it.

Lonely Aries will not have to choose between social life and family, since for them these important aspects in October 2017 will be intertwined together. Perhaps a complex public project will be started by one of your relatives, and this person will appoint you to the post of chief administrator. Of course, such a complex role will require maximum responsibility from you! That's why you won't have time to visit friends and actively look for a suitable life partner. The conclusion is this: stormy public life in October will prevent you from finding your personal happiness. That's the minimum. At most, the frantic rhythm of this October will tire you so much that you will find yourself on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

But it’s not all bad, dear Aries! Everyone knows your amazing workaholism and your ability to cope even with overwhelming responsibilities. In October 2017, you will certainly be able to skillfully organize the rhythm of your work and rest, and in this “life plan” special role will be dedicated to your work. You will continue to perform your professional duties as diligently as in the past. True, October will not give you a chance to move up the ladder career success, and all because for your career growth until there is not a single prerequisite. The absence of these bright prospects will not affect your morale in any way. You are a surprisingly wise and strong-willed person, and therefore you know very well that a period of downtime, as a rule, precedes very important, fateful stages. In general, while at work, you will be calm, like an ancient Spartan, and will gradually begin to derive enormous benefit from this period of downtime (without feeling particularly tired from your obligatory tasks, you will direct all the potential unspent at work to the development of your social project).

Attention, the Aries horoscope for the month of October 2017 has been published in a shortened form. To have full picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The Year of Red has come Fire Rooster. The patron of 2017 has a special character that will affect each of us. What exactly he has in store for Aries this year - read more in the horoscope.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Aries

Aries will have more chances of success than other zodiac signs. In love you will swim like in a warm ocean, diving headlong into passion and romance. You have to work a little on your image and change your behavior style. But the Rooster will control all this even better than experienced specialists and cosmetologists. The horoscope for 2017 promises business prosperity and promotion to Aries. career ladder. Just look around more often to notice your competitors. If Aries has a decent job, then he should find additional income. After all, as you know, there is no such thing as extra money.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Aries

The time of love is spring, which will give Aries wonderful moments of happiness and a sea of ​​dates. Better not to miss it profitable offer. If you sign the contract, you will live like the king of the situation all year. In June, Aries will be faced with all the difficulties and problems at once. Although some are your own fault, as the unpredictable Cockerel convinces others. Friends will suddenly turn out to be not entirely reliable and loyal, and business partners will try to trip Aries up.

The less Aries complains about life, the faster it will get better and become even more beautiful. Don't worry about the little things and mistakes that absolutely everyone makes. You are no exception, as the wise Rooster clarifies. Calm down, be patient and work hard, then the 2017 horoscope for Aries will give you a lot of opportunities to achieve your goals. Financial stability will add joy to you, as well as unexpected profits on a large scale. Maybe this is an inheritance or a generous gift from a patron?

Horoscope for 2017 career and business for Aries

In July, Aries will receive many surprises from the Rooster. You have to make your own choice - work or personal life. In what area do you dream of becoming luckier and happier? The horoscope for 2017 advises Aries to turn to the Rooster for a hint. Surely he knows around what corner Fortune awaits you. If you try, you can achieve good results in all areas, and also build a strong family life. By the way, about relatives. Aries should be more delicate with them, and also spend more time with his family.

Health horoscope for 2017 for Aries

It is recommended to arrange for Aries family holidays and all kinds of parties. If you go on vacation in the summer, then immediately buy tickets for all family members. After all, they also dream of visiting China, Finland or the Red Sea. If Aries takes full rest in the summer, then in September he will burst into active work. Autumn 2017 is perfect for manifestation creative talents, which Mother Nature did not deprive Aries of.

Don't be afraid to talk about your ideas and make plans for the future. It’s not worth fighting with competitors with swords. The Rooster reminds you of the famous saying: “You need to keep your enemies close to you.” So, follow the lead, fellow Aries.

In October 2017, Aries himself will be amazed at his determination and ingenuity. You choosed Right way to success and prosperity, so the Rooster is already ready to perform an ode in your honor. The horoscope for 2017 does not advise Aries to become arrogant and talk about his fame, finances and goals at every corner. Be prudent, restrained and do not give in to the emotional outbursts of the people around you. As a result, at the end of 2017 you will get what you deserve. I mean, honors and rewards from the vain Rooster.

Features of the horoscope for 2017 for Aries

In 2017, the joint influence of planets such as Saturn and Venus will help Aries moderate their selfish desires and sense of constant duty. In the new year 2017, Aries will completely reconsider all their life values. This period of time is precisely intended so that Aries can weigh everything, understand what is really important and what has absolutely no meaning for their lives and sum up all the intermediate results. The horoscope for 2017 predicts an excellent opportunity for Aries to reconcile with some people, to resolve difficult situations with them and experience a painless breakup.

If a certain person is really important for Aries, then he will be able to understand and hear the other person and pick up the right words so that you can be heard. Aries, who are representatives of professions related to creativity, will experience intense inspiration in 2017. In the year of the Rooster, Aries will receive great pleasure from their work and will be able to devote themselves completely to it. Sometimes new ideas may seem absurd, but you should not approach them too critically. Their value will be noticeable only after being translated into reality. If we look ahead, then in a year the work and efforts of Aries will be made public and will receive approval from the public.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aries man

Aries men are goal-oriented and assertive, as well as restless. However, the horoscope for 2017 promises them control over their emotions, as well as representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to put their nerves in order. Aries should pay more attention to their family, because going “to the left” will not give the desired pleasure, but will only lead to big problems.
Aries need to show patience and understanding to their loved ones, especially to their soulmate, who really needs it and is always nearby.

In 2017, Aries should not be too principled and go against their leadership, thereby creating a conflict. A small misunderstanding can lead to a large-scale scandal. This will have a bad effect on the career and financial situation of Aries men.

Aries are advised to be less nervous and not enter into opposition with people. You are too suspicious and irritated, so you keep a tight rein on yourself. In the spring, Aries may have clashes with relatives, but the summer will become pleasant and clear in all respects. Changing jobs will not bring prospects and profits, so it is better to stay in your current place.

The main “headache” for Aries will be the financial problem. Of course, there will be money available, but not in the desired quantity. In spring and winter, the horoscope for 2017 does not recommend Aries to invest even in familiar projects. But the green light will turn on later on this issue! Just consult with competent people first. A bonus is possible in December.

Finally, Aries will be able to apply their knowledge and wealth of experience in specific work. Even minor things will become paramount and important during this period. Horoscope for 2017 predicts mass for Aries original ideas, which will be approved by superiors and colleagues. If you set your priorities correctly, then by November-December you will feel satisfied with what you have done.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aries woman

Aries women face unstable times. They will play the role of a warrior woman, an Amazon who can cope with any situation. Fate will create such conditions for them that Aries will understand that they need the support of their loved one and his protection, and cannot always cope on their own. This is a great time to pay attention to your significant other.

Women born under the sign of Aries will enter into conflict situations and create quarrels to show who is in charge in the family. But such situations will not bring them anything good, this will become noticeable closer to summer.

The horoscope for 2017 promises a measured period for Aries, which will give confidence. There will be a feeling that all worries and problems are left behind. The situation in finances and personal life will be successful, but minor troubles should not be ignored. In December, Aries' old mistakes will “resurface.” Choose a different time to relax, but it’s too early to rest on your laurels.

This year, Aries will experience pleasant surprises and new interesting acquaintances. It is possible that you will have to part with some of your old friends. To avoid repeating mistakes, you need to be extremely careful in all areas of life. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Aries choose the role of an observer rather than taking active action. A bonus for past work is expected in the fall.

The horoscope for 2017 advises Aries to be smarter in love matters. Don't give in to passion and momentary emotions. This applies not only to feelings, but also to work issues. A great year for Aries, who is used to living and working according to plan. In the summer of 2017, you will have to test the strength of your relationship with your chosen one, and the fall-winter will help solve professional problems.

Shopping horoscope for Aries in 2017

The horoscope for 2017 recommends Aries to be more practical in purchases, otherwise you will find yourself in a critical financial situation. Particular savings will be needed at the end of winter. If Aries takes a friend with him to the store, he will probably avoid unnecessary and expensive purchases. Try to buy gifts for relatives in accordance with your income. On his birthday, Aries will receive a truly valuable gift.

Aries Hobbies

Aries will find the Rooster in the year interesting hobby, which will captivate her for several years. Broaden your horizons and communicate more with people who can fill you with new ideas. The 2017 horoscope for Aries predicts sports and creative hobbies. You will want to plunge into the atmosphere of extreme sports such as skydiving and alpine skiing. It is possible that one of your favorite activities will be dancing - tango, waltz.

Friendship horoscope for Aries for 2017

At the beginning of the year, no global changes are expected, and Aries will have to deal with any problems that arise himself. Although, the support from friends will be enormous. In April-May, Aries will experience an unexpected turn of events. Many of the business partners will become reliable friends of Aries. You will discuss business issues, go outdoors together and communicate in free themes. Aries' new prospects are also associated with new friends. Possible common hobbies, travel and recreation. During your vacation, you will become even closer friends and begin to completely trust each other.

Based on materials:

Useful tips

Mid-autumn will bring you many new and interesting events in the love sphere. Moreover, these events can be both positive and very stressful. Some may face breakups, others may face major changes in their relationships.

We will see the first half of the month Venus in Virgo , where she entered last month. Virgo is a serious and practical sign, so any relationship that may begin until October 14, 2017, will be taken very seriously. Even the most frivolous people in these first two weeks of the month, they will approach the choice of acquaintances or existing relationships with all seriousness.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for OCTOBER 2017

Virgo is also quite picky, so doesn't like casual relationships. On days when Venus moves through the sign of Virgo, people will be less likely to rush into quick one-night stands.

Important aspects of Venus in October 2017

In October Venus and Mars– two planets important for relationships will meet in the sign of Virgo. This will happen at the beginning of the month - October 5, 2017. On days close to this conjunction, people of the opposite sex will pull each other stronger than usual. The desire to love and be loved will especially intensify at this time. Although Virgo is not a very passionate sign, you can’t expect great passions now. However, without strong passions You can get by quite well.

There is now a high probability of office romances , that is, this perfect time, When business relationship can develop into love. However, be careful about excessive flirting at work: you may be misunderstood.

October 7 and 8, 2017 can be expected very conflicting emotions: It will be difficult to understand your feelings and desires. In some couples, coldness, detachment and indifference to the feelings of the other party may grow. These days, we do not advise you to sort things out or demand something from your partner, as pressure can worsen the relationship. It is possible that weak ties will break, and strong relationships will also be tested for strength.

Valid days for wedding: October 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in October 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for October 2017

This month, your relationships with partners may be quite difficult, especially towards the end of the month, when Venus and Pluto will make a negative aspect. There may be quarrels and disagreements: partners will not understand your goals and aspirations. Your relationship may deteriorate. If you correctly perceive the situations that you will encounter together with your partners, and are not too categorical and harsh with them, serious problems can be avoided. Take care of your partners, do not take important decisions, they may be premature.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : disagreements with partners, clarification of relationships, misunderstandings with partners.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for October 2017

The beginning of the month can be very successful for you: your love life will be in full swing, there are chances to make new acquaintances and even meet your other half. Use first 5 days months in order to get the most positive emotions: communicate more, be visible, meet people on the Internet. But now it’s closer to October 8, 2017 try to reduce communication with the opposite sex. October 6-11, 2017 It is dangerous to sort things out and demand something from partners. In existing relationships, there is a risk of rupture or very serious crises, leading to coldness and distance between partners.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : acquaintance, romantic relationship, pleasant pastime, breakups, quarrels, separation.

♊ Gemini love horoscope for October 2017

This month will not bring you success in love, rather it will be quite stressful and will make you think. Events this month in your love life may not seem the most pleasant at first, but you will appreciate their meaning a little later. If your relationship is too strained or you feel like it's time for a big change, there's no better time. Moreover, situations may help you, and you will be able to make the right choice, albeit a painful one.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : separation, breakups, serious changes in personal life.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for October 2017

In general, this month is not suitable for dating and getting married. Serious relationships, since they will not be the most successful for you. You will find fault with little things and will find it difficult to perceive new acquaintances as potential partners. But still, the chance of meeting love is small, but there is. If you are single and want to find a partner, it is better to go looking for him in the first 5 days of the month: then there are more chances to make a romantic acquaintance. Later, the risks of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings increase.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : low likelihood of new romantic acquaintances, disappointing relationships.

♌ Leo love horoscope for October 2017

This month your personal life may change seriously. If earlier you were quite careless and frivolous in relationships with your partners, now you have to seriously think about what needs to be changed in your personal life. If you are single, you will want to find someone, if you are in a relationship, you will want passion and sharper and brighter emotions. Remember that everything is in your hands and do not be too afraid of the changes that may now occur. Be prepared for them.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life, transition to another level of relationships.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for October 2017

This month you will especially want to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, not everything in your personal life will be cloudless and simple. You may be tormented by a feeling of loneliness, various experiences that you will not show to others and, as always, you will be quite stingy with emotions. Events that contribute to this can be very different: from a banal quarrel and disagreement with a partner, coldness in a relationship, misunderstanding to temporary separation or breakup.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : various problems in personal life, obstacles to understanding.

♎ Libra love horoscope for October 2017

This month may bring events that will heighten your feelings and inner experiences. You will daydream and fantasize a lot, so some experiences will not be particularly supported by external events, rather they will be your memories or fantasies rather than anything specific. There may be secret love dates and meetings; it is also possible that you will meet a person with whom you will not advertise your relationship. In the second half of the month, everything may be revealed, secrets will become apparent, and at the same time you may experience not the most pleasant emotions.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dreams and fantasies prevent you from looking soberly at the world, secret events in your personal life, betrayal, complex emotions and feelings.

♏ Love horoscope for Scorpio for October 2017

This month you will be very firm in your convictions, you will want to persistently achieve your goal and insist on your opinion. This can strain and even ruin relationships with existing partners. Lonely Scorpios can start relationships with people from a friendly group: friendships can develop into love ones. In the second half of the month, you will want to hide your feelings more. You may be tormented by emotions and strong internal contradictions. You may find it difficult to make any decisions regarding your partners. If you decide to break up with someone, it will be very difficult for you.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : communication and flirting in a friendly group, internal experiences, suspicion and anxiety, obsessive thoughts regarding personal partners, separation and separation from loved ones.

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for October 2017

In the first half of the month, you will be more concerned with work and career issues. Personal life may fade into the background, or events in your personal life will not be as bright as events in the professional sphere. In the second half of the month there may be disagreements and misunderstandings with partners, which are also related to your hobbies and friends. For example, your partners may not understand your desire to spend more time with friends and like-minded people.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : especially important events no, but there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for October 2017

This month it will be more difficult for you to restrain your negative emotions: you may become more picky and critical of your partners, which can lead to serious quarrels, disagreements and even a breakup! If you value your relationship, it is better to remain silent once again and do not find fault with trifles. In case of serious conflicts, restrain yourself and try to be alone for some time so that all passions subside and you can look at situations with a more sober gaze, without criticism.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for October 2017

At the beginning of the month, your feelings and emotions will be very heightened. Events are possible that will affect the future development of your relationships with partners; fatal meetings are also possible. Your wishes may come true by themselves, you may be surprised by it. Your relationships with partners can become closer and more intimate, and deeper feelings will appear. But at the same time, not the most favorable events may await you this month: there may be one-sided love, or insufficient attention from partners. Not the best month for dating, especially with foreigners and people from afar.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : changes in relationships with partners, dissatisfaction with personal life, unhappy love.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

The first week of the month will be very successful for you and your partners: you will be in good mood, your partners will delight you and take care of you. You will feel special affection and gratitude. But closer to the middle of the month, situations may change. Any trifle can make you angry and ruin your relationship. There is an increased risk of relationship breakdown or serious crises in the partnership. It will be difficult to start a new relationship.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : mood swings, very different events - both good and unfavorable.