How to celebrate New Year, what to cook. What does the Fire Rooster want to see on the festive table? Decorating the apartment for the upcoming celebration. What is important to consider

New Year's menu- the topic is well-known, and any housewife knows by heart the list of dishes that traditionally appear on the table on the evening of December 31st. However, in last decade Celebration traditions have begun to acquire many additions, most of which we accept with pleasure. No one refuses familiar and favorite dishes, such as Olivier, herring “under a fur coat” and jellied meat, but the New Year’s table menu has become many times richer. Not only forgotten foods and drinks according to classic Russian recipes appeared (for a long time we simply did not have the necessary products), but also dishes from different countries peace. When compiling a menu, we think not only about taste and benefits, but also want to surprise guests with our art, bring joy to ourselves, and please the symbol of the coming year “to the fullest.”

In we are waiting for the Red Fire Rooster, the Master of the generous, but reasonable, loving everything simple and natural, but welcoming brightness, diversity and originality. How to combine all this? You can remember good taste and the fact that best dishes come from the most simple products, without exotic ingredients and seasonings.

Let's try to figure out what the Rooster may or may not like. These birds are considered almost omnivores: on peasant farms, chickens are often fed what is left “from the table”, and they eat worms as readily as cereals and greens. But chickens (and, accordingly, roosters) are much more inclined to a vegetarian menu.

What does the Rooster like and dislike?

Cereals should be given preference, but this does not mean that you have to cook porridge from wheat, oatmeal or millet. Cereals are part of many dishes, especially baked goods. different types: The Rooster likes baking, and here endless possibilities open up for housewives.

Small sandwiches and canapés with crispy

Festive desserts are a great way to appease the Rooster: prepare cakes and cupcakes, pastries, pies and bright cookies that depict him as luxurious and majestic - “in all his glory.”

With drinks, too, there is “where to turn around”, preparing them yourself. It is believed that the Rooster likes cocktails, and not only because of their brightness and variety, but also because the name of these drinks, which came to us from in English, means nothing more than “cock tail”; at least this is one of the common versions.

Several suitable recipes

Salads prepared in an original form are welcome at any festive table, and they are perfect for celebrating the Year of the Rooster.

It’s not just drinks that are called “rooster’s tail.” There are also salads with this name, with bright and juicy ingredients. Bake a small piece of pork (300-400 g) in foil; cut into thin half rings and sweet red. Cool the meat, cut into thin strips, mix with vegetables. Add 200-250 g of boiled red beans (you can buy canned, drain the juice), 2-3 tbsp. crushed and a handful of pomegranate seeds. You can also add a jar of bright yellow Bonduelle corn - it won’t hurt, and sprinkle the salad with fresh herbs. There is no need to season with mayonnaise, but a mixture with balsamic vinegar and olive oil will make the taste brighter and will not mask the color of the vegetables. Salt and pepper - to taste, but you can replace them with soy sauce.

The Rooster will definitely like the following salad: original and beautiful, with a combination of grains, nuts and fruits. Cut 2 large greens and a large slice, 4-5 leaves green salad tear into medium-sized pieces, mix everything with wheat sprouts (a glass), chopped (2-3 tbsp) and granular cottage cheese (200 g), add your favorite herbs to taste and pour over. Wheat for sprouting can be bought at the supermarket, in the health food section; Start sprouting about a week before use.

Hot potato “nests” with pork will please both the guests and the Host of the Year: the main thing is that they are served with more vegetables. Eat meat or fish without large quantity fresh vegetables and herbs this New Year It’s not recommended at all, and this is good news: we don’t face any heaviness in the stomach, and it’s more comfortable and enjoyable to have fun and dance after a light meal. For 500 g of potatoes - about 250 g of pork, a large onion, 50 g of soft cheese, a raw egg, 3 tbsp. flour, 2-3 cloves, a little butter and salt. Potatoes are boiled in salted water and mashed with the addition of flour, eggs and butter. Finely chopped pork is fried in a frying pan until almost done, along with onion half rings and crushed garlic. Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet, place the puree in a pastry bag, squeeze it onto the baking sheet in the form of small nests, add a mixture of pork and onions, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C. The dish will be tastier and lighter if you add mushrooms to the meat.

An original appetizer of salted red fish can be prepared with the same name as the salad described above. A multi-colored rooster's tail is laid out from cut pancake rolls and skewers with brightly colored ingredients strung together. Need to bake in advance thin pancakes: the more there are, the more magnificent the tail will be. Spread a thick layer of cream cheese on each pancake, add a thin piece of red fish fillet, a couple of sprigs of fresh herbs and roll it up. The rolls are cut diagonally to obtain ovals about 1.5-2 cm thick: all layers of filling will be visible - light, red and green. Dark olives, slices of fresh cucumber, 1/2 and a piece of white cheese in the shape of a cube are strung in turn onto wooden skewers, and all the skewers are laid out in a semicircle on one side of a large dish: the olives are facing the edge, the cheese is facing inward. The cut pieces of rolls are also placed in a semicircle, closer to the middle of the dish, in 3-4 tiers, overlapping, one on top of the other: they form inner part tail The outer tier is adjacent to the cheese - the skewers form bright end feathers. A small cockerel is laid out from salty crackers, the beak and wing are made from

The New Year is getting closer, and the monkey is preparing to give way to the temperamental rooster. How to “appease” the 2017 talisman, what to wear to celebrate the Year of the Rooster and what to prepare for the holiday table?

Horoscope for 2017

While the red fiery Monkey is submitting work reports for 2016, the owner of next year - the red and no less fiery Rooster - is hovering around her office. Kukareku, make room! Try betting with a rooster: this one will lose his last feathers, but he will achieve his goal. Although even a monkey is not to be trifled with - remember Kink Kong? The monkey and the rooster are furious on occasion. Both are hot-tempered and capricious. But the feathered one, unlike the irrepressible monkey, strives for order, values ​​​​its familiar place, and protects the foundations.

And yet the rooster is not a conservative. Otherwise, would he have been the herald of the dawn, would he have been the first to see the beginning of a new day? The Rooster brings renewal and warns of change. Therefore, in 2017, many will have to “rebuild”, turn off the beaten track, and finally do Difficult choice. Save your family or break off an outdated union, stay in a hopeless but stable job or risk your old job for new career heights, etc. In any case, you need to improve, work, and not give up. The cockerel will appreciate this and throw in some odds and ends. The main thing is to notice them and not “click your beak”!

“2017 is a time of hope,” says famous stargazer Tamara Globa. In an interview with magazine, the astrologer promised Russia a rise. Not easy and rapid, as in an elevator, but gradual, with breaks and stops. Closer to autumn it may “slip” financial system countries. But small and medium-sized businesses will rise in the next year or two.

According to Tamara Globa, the Year of the Rooster will be “a triumph of individuality, traditionalism and rebellion at the same time.” The year will be “feminine” - thanks to Venus, who will make a loop again. And we will fall in love again, get carried away, look for our “hens” and “cockerels”!

New Year 2017: how to celebrate?

The Rooster values ​​strong alliances. Respect him: celebrate the New Year with your family, old friends, and not with an unfamiliar company. Let it be fun, warm, tasty! “But there is no need for excess,” some astrologers warn. They say that the cockerel is a thrifty fellow and would not spend all the money on a holiday. Play along with the homely owner of the year - throw a party in a rustic style! Dress up as peasant women and farmers, build an impromptu fence, start a “farm”. Find out which of the guests will be more convincing in the role of a rooster: it will crow louder, sit on the perch longer, and “peck” more grains without hands. Don’t forget about outdoor games: let the hens run around with the eggs (lots will decide who will be who), and let the cockerels rooster in comic fights.

How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster?

Not just in red, gold or white. There are so many colors in the “rooster” palette! Red, blue-black, dark green, terracotta, purple... Choose 1-2 basic colors for clothes, and “build in” the rest into makeup and accessories. What suits you more: large earrings like a cockerel, or colored feathers? They can decorate an outfit or hairstyle. Do you like bold looks? Style your head with a sassy comb or create a high ponytail with a couple of colorful faux locks. The rooster will be happy!

What dress should I buy/sew for the New Year?

Beautiful! So that all the “cockerels” open their beaks when they see you at the party. It’s up to you to wow them with a flirty mini, a floor-length dress or a “disco” shirt embroidered with sequins. Which fabric to choose? Astrologers recommend satin, silk, chiffon, brocade, and velvet from year to year. Maybe it's time to dilute this selection with something else?

New Year 2017: what to cook for the table in the Year of the Rooster

The rooster is an omnivorous bird. He loves cereals, grass, and worms. He also doesn’t disdain meat if they give it to him. But, of course, he won’t tolerate chicken at the New Year’s table. Don't anger the bird: cook beef, fish or pork for hot dishes. Make a super-healthy salad with sprouts of oats, green buckwheat or barley - the rooster will appreciate it! And he will probably like a warm salad with beans, sesame seeds and cherry tomatoes.

What else can you use to butter the cockerel? As bright as his feathers, cuts from fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, homemade cakes, simple salads (for example, with apple, cabbage and celery). Decorate the table with a dish of grains or a figurine of a rooster - the owner of the year will definitely melt! And I hope it will bring you only good, bright, and desirable things in the new year. With coming!

Anastasia Lemenkova

2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster. Everyone plans to spend it positively and cheerfully. How to approach the celebration wisely in order to find prosperity and success, how to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster?

What to expect in 2017: horoscope
The Rooster will take the reins on January 28, 2017 with the arrival of the Chinese New Year. Astrologers believe that it represents rebirth, novelty and mystery. For this reason, 2017 promises changes in the life of any person. And these changes will be global.

The New Year will bring happiness to ambitious and stubborn people, but to receive these benefits you will need to prove yourself - the Rooster does not tolerate lazy people.
We can confidently say that 2017 will be the starting year on the path from a period of decline to prosperity.
You should maintain steadfastness and self-control in the coming year, and not pay attention to provoking situations. The Year of the Red Rooster provides an opportunity to gain the ability to resolve any controversial issues with the help of compromises.

How and where to celebrate the Year of the Red Rooster?
It is not recommended to go on a trip; it is advisable to postpone plans for a while. The fact is that the Rooster is a homebody and a connoisseur of family principles. This circumstance will contribute to achieving agreement and unanimity in the family.

Celebrating the New Year outside of your family can lead to quarrels between family members. All everyday problems must be resolved before the chimes strike. Under no circumstances should you conflict during a festive feast - this may result in a loss of mutual understanding.

Color of clothes for the New Year 2017
The outfit on this day is better to choose red, scarlet or Pink colour. Yellow and orange are also shades of fire. For those who do not like these colors, it is permissible to opt for shades of purple and blue, attracting the attention of the Rooster.

Outfit for New Year 2017
For the celebration, ladies are recommended to choose an elegant floor-length dress made of flowing natural fabric. If for some reason it is not possible to wear such a dress, you can choose an outfit with elements of asymmetry. Will also work business style, but it needs to be diluted with bright accessories. A woman's outfit should emphasize lightness and sophistication. It is better to abandon the daring image, leaving it for other occasions.

Gentlemen should abandon negligence, preferring a strict and elegant style. You need to pay attention to suits or trousers with bright shirts. Three-piece suits made in rich colors are popular. You can wear a pullover over the shirt - this will keep you warm if the celebration is celebrated outside the city.
For children, it is better to choose a fancy dress. Girls will be happy to show off in fairy or princess outfits. And the boys are dressed as knights or kings.
But often kids want to be like their parents. You shouldn't deny them this. The child will be happy and satisfied.

Makeup, hairstyle and accessories
Any elegant toilet will look unfinished if it is not complemented with styling and decorations. New Year 2017 is best celebrated under the auspices of authenticity and simplicity (this applies to both treats and outfits).

Accessories should be kept in moderation. They should complement the image and not overload it. It is better to give preference to minimalistic decorations.

What to treat guests to New Year's Eve
This year does not limit hospitable hostesses in any way. The New Year's table 2017 should be varied, with meat, all kinds of salads, and seafood. According to the advice of astrologers, seafood on the table should be adjacent to meat dishes, which will help attract good luck and attract financial well-being.

The owner of the coming year has a big sweet tooth. Therefore, desserts should be present on the festive table, and to attract finance to the house, you need to put a dish of fruit on the table.

How should you decorate your holiday table?

Just like last year, candles are needed on the table due to the relevance of the theme of fire. It is acceptable to use last year's red decorations. However, there is no need to overuse tinsel; it is only important to emphasize the atmosphere of celebration.

Elegant decoration of dishes is also necessary to appease the Red Fire Rooster. Cherry tomatoes, pomegranate seeds, and red caviar can be decorative elements.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2017
A Christmas tree is not a simple holiday attribute. Over the years, it has become an integral part of New Year's celebrations, but how to properly decorate it to please the Rooster?
The symbol of the coming year must certainly be present on the festive tree. Toys should be chosen in fiery colors. Use tinsel in moderation, as the Rooster does not like glitter.

New Year decorations for home 2017
Christmas wreaths and bright holiday socks that can be hung on the walls will be a stylish attribute for decoration. Please note that they must be natural and made independently. Astrologers advise using ribbons made from the fabric you like best for decoration. They can be added to any holiday composition or attached to chairs. This will attract the Rooster, and he will give success and prosperity. To attract finance, you need to focus on fruit decor: dishes and baskets with apples, pears and citrus fruits.

Gifts in the year of the Red Rooster
The most pressing topic on the eve of the holiday is gifts. What to choose? Gifts should carry a reminder of the upcoming celebration. The presence of red and its shades is preferable. You can give souvenirs, toys, accessories. For family and loved ones the best gift will be a modest piece of jewelry.

Happy celebration!

The most anticipated holiday is the New Year, because it brings with it not only a joyful mood, many gifts, pleasant communication and a delicious festive table, but also the main thing in the life of any person - hope.

Without it, it is impossible to look into the future, which means you should do everything to ensure that success accompanies you throughout the coming year, so that all your dreams and expectations come true.

Where and how best to celebrate New Year 2017

The symbol of the coming year will be Fire Rooster. His likes and dislikes largely determine the nature of the events that will certainly happen to all of us over the next 12 months. Because best strategy for New Year's holidays It will be the right meeting for 2017 so that the keeper is satisfied and favors all our endeavors. The Fire Rooster prefers to stick to established family traditions. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 at home, with family and loved ones.

A noisy (but not riotous) friendly company, united by family ties, will certainly also appeal to the eccentric and emotional symbol of the eastern horoscope.

What to wear for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

The best color scheme for New Year 2017 is red and gold. Don’t get carried away by the neckline and transparent fabrics - such an image is unlikely to attract the attention of the sophisticated Rooster. Female image should consist of a neat cocktail dress in red, yellow, pastel golden tones, high-heeled shoes that visually lengthen and decorate a woman’s leg, and accessories to match the main color. A wonderful addition would be jewelry made of gold (or gold-like), pearls (including artificial ones).

Men can celebrate New Year's Eve in a less formal outfit. But if he came to visit arm in arm with his missus, then he should comply. A formal suit can significantly reduce the level of comfort at such a fun holiday, but welcoming 2017 in home clothes or in your everyday look will look almost immoral in the eyes of the pedantic Fire Rooster.

How to decorate your house and Christmas tree

The color scheme when decorating the house should correspond to the favorite color scheme of the 2017 symbol of the Fire Rooster. However, it is also allowed to decorate the house with green and blue colors, which, along with red, are traditional for the New Year holidays.

The interior should be dominated by decorations made from natural materials. It will be difficult to overdo it with glitter and lights, because the New Year cannot be imagined without light, colors, smiles and the accompanying surroundings.

The Fire Rooster, like many living beings, will approve of the presence of an artificial Christmas tree, which does not in any way detract from the fact of his love for natural materials. Use tinsel in shades of gold and red to add heart to the upcoming festivities - New Year's tree– the look is luxurious and elegant, and this will perfectly emphasize the overall atmosphere of the New Year 2017.

To dilute the secular mood, you can decorate the interior with soft capes that go so well with winter clothes. frosty days, and will also give a combination of home comfort and a special event. The best decoration for New Year 2017 are ripe red apples, matching the favorite color of the Fire Rooster. Instead of a New Year's star, you can use a Rooster figurine.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2017. Table setting

On New Year's table 2017, poultry dishes, in particular chicken, should not be present. It’s better to cook something from lamb, beef or pork for the New Year. All game should be crossed off the menu: ducks, turkeys, quails. Use chicken eggs as a decoration on the New Year's table - also not recommended.

Table setting should also take into account the tastes of the symbol of 2017. Use a plain tablecloth in light colors that will not attract attention. But the dishes can be bright, preferably made from natural materials. Synthetics and plastics should be avoided this year.

New Year's holidays are approaching. Do you think there is still a lot of time before them? Fabulously decorated store windows remind you to hurry. The hour will fly by, so prepare for important event it is necessary in advance.

Holiday chores are the most pleasant. I have already started preparing for the winter holidays, I have reviewed many recipes, tips and recommendations. Today I’ll tell you what the menu should be and how to celebrate the New Year 2017. The Year of the Rooster will introduce its own requirements into preparation that you need to know about.

The cockerel will need to be appeased delicious dishes, beautifully decorated Christmas tree, elegant clothes. The table should be elegant, preferably with elements of New Year's decor. Let's celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster according to all the rules.

Menu for the New Year

What should be on the table in the Year of the Rooster 2017? Bright snacks, delicious salads, obligatory hot dish and dessert. I spent the whole day searching the Internet, looking for new interesting dishes. I'll show you what I liked from the huge variety of recipes.

Snacks. Without them, any table will be empty. Huge variety and originality will make it easy to surprise guests. One dish will be themed, the rest will be optional. Canapés, lavash rolls, cold meats and cheeses, stuffed eggs and salads in baskets will be an excellent snack.

For a themed appetizer, I chose adorable snowmen and cute chickens.

How to cook.

  1. Grind hard-boiled eggs and finely chop crab sticks.
  2. Mix them with mayonnaise and add salt.
  3. Make balls from the plastic mass, the basis of the snowmen.
  4. We make the hat and nose from boiled carrots. Pea buttons, decorated with parsley.
  5. Chickens can be filled with any filling. Cut paws and nose from carrots.

Canapes can be made from any product. The main thing is the original presentation.

The owner of the coming year will like brightly sliced ​​vegetables.

Beautifully chopped and arranged vegetables will greatly decorate the table.


Thematic - in the form of a Christmas tree or a Rooster. Garnish any favorite salad with such a charming rooster. Making a Christmas tree is not at all difficult; it will be a table decoration.

  1. Cut ham and Dutch cheese into cubes
  2. Grate the cucumber on a Korean grater
  3. Add corn
  4. Mix with mayonnaise, sprinkle with crackers
  • Very tasty with Chinese cabbage and smoked sausage

The owner of the year will like it with bright colors.

  1. Peking cabbage thinly sliced
  2. Small package crab sticks grind
  3. We cut thinly bell pepper Red
  4. Grate raw carrots on a coarse grater
  5. Cut smoked sausage into strips – 200 grams
  6. Add a small can of corn
  7. Mix with mayonnaise. It is eaten first on the table, so prepare it in abundance.

Main course

I will bake a leg of lamb for a hot dish. If you are not friends with lamb, cook pork knuckle in beer. Guests will be absolutely delighted!


I recommend

. Guests will lick their fingers, it’s so good. And also fruit jelly in bowls and fruit salad.

Where to meet

    • Where to celebrate the New Year? Certainly, better at home, surrounded by family and friends. The cockerel loves noisy companies, so it should be fun to meet.
    • You can go with the whole group to the city center and greet the first minutes of the new year with the clock striking. Then return home to the laid table.
    • Go on a trip good idea, many people do just that. It’s up to you how you celebrate the New Year. If you organize and prepare well, it will be fun. And if you wait for someone to do it for you, then you won’t have any fun.

How to decorate a New Year's table

What to wear for New Year

What to wear in the year of the rooster, what color? This question worries everyone. Everything is simple here. Do you remember what a cockerel looks like? Orange, red, gold are exactly the colors that you should use when choosing clothes.

What to give, ideas

What to give for New Year 2017 gift ideas. This must be taken care of in advance. I will list the most popular ideas. The main thing to remember is not to give unnecessary gifts. Give something that you would also like.

  • Flowers in flowerpots. Many will be happy with orchids; this is a very fashionable gift.
  • Certificate for a New Year's photo shoot. Many photo studios offer this service. This is a wonderful gift for the whole family. Friends will be happy to take a photo of their family in New Year's decor.
  • Certificates for the purchase of clothing, shoes, dance or sports club memberships.
  • Cosmetics, perfume. A classic gift that remains relevant for many years.
  • Present self made made personally. Or purchased from professional craftsmen.
  • Beautiful balls and toys for the Christmas tree, New Year-themed souvenirs are always relevant as gifts.
  • Order a video greeting or letter from Santa Claus - stylish, original, pleasant.