Strange names for guys. The most beautiful male names - a difficult choice

Greetings to all visitors to my blog! Today I would like to raise the most, one might say, vital topic for any person. We will discuss the variety of male names...
Have you noticed with what zeal parents choose a name for their baby? Oh, how the imagination of young mothers and fathers is not so sophisticated. The worst thing here is that no one is interested in the opinion of the child himself. And he will be able to object only after many years,
when he grows up.

Why do parents think that the more original the name, the better?!

As they say in modern times, be more creative. But have you thought about how a child will live with this “creative” name? I'm sure not everyone pays attention to this aspect.

For this reason, children, growing up at 18 years old, simply change their name to another. Just imagine if your name was Casper or Dolphin, Prince or Wind. It’s funny to you, yes, but many parents experiment just like that, without thinking about the future of their child.

I wonder what it would be like for them to study at a school with such a name; there would be tons of offensive nicknames, because such a testing ground for fantasy. And now children are more cruel, so you should think carefully when coming up with a name for your dear son.

Choose beautiful modern male names

There are many of them now, harmonious and courageous.


  • Alexander;
  • Vladimir;
  • Miron;
  • Nikita;
  • Yaroslav.

This list could go on for a long time. Just when choosing a name, say it out loud, combine it with the middle name and last name of the future baby. If it doesn't work out well, look for another name.

There's no need to choose foreign options names, they will sound bad with a Russian surname. For example: Naumov George Sergeevich... Very stupid, isn’t it? And your grandchildren won’t be delighted either when they call them their middle name, for example, Anastasia Dzhorevna. Just awful.

Old belief: Eat unusual way choose a name for the boy. Let each family member choose their three favorite names. Then write them on a piece of paper and read them out loud. It is believed that if a child begins to push when a name is mentioned, it means he likes that name more.

I’ll digress a little and tell you one life story on this topic...

I was told that a guy named... Buddha studied at a nearby school. Yeah, his mother was a history teacher, so she decided to name her son after the ancient god. Of course, the intentions were very noble. After all, everyone believes that a person’s name gives him certain character traits.

It is for this reason that children are named after scientists, great figures or singers, thinking that their child will be equally outstanding. It is unknown what motivated my friend’s mother. When he asked why Buddha, his mother said that he was like a little god to her.

Well, while he was little, there weren’t too many problems, because he’s such a cute little guy with such an unusual name. The trouble started at school. He was constantly teased. Like “O Great One, create a miracle for us, get a star from the sky or fly.” Popularity, in the poor understanding of the word, was guaranteed to him.

You understand, he could not endure such psychological pressure for long and his mother had to transfer him to home schooling. We sometimes correspond with him. He works from home, is an excellent computer scientist, but is still wary of people.

Therefore, dear mothers and fathers, think before giving unusual or rare names to your sons.

Where to start looking for a good name for your son

As soon as you find out the good news about the future heir, you should immediately think about the name. A family council often meets to decide the fate of the baby. Ask why fate, I will explain.

The ancient Slavs, and later Christians, believed that a person’s name should not be given to strangers just like that, otherwise it could be used for evil. So, for example, Christians at baptism give the baby a second name, from God. And most often it differs from the usual one recorded in the birth certificate and then in the passport.

The Old Russians chose names according to the months after which they named their children. And the name personified the essence of a person. It happened that a child could be without a name for several years if he did not decide on his life path...

So, by naming a child, you reward him with both certain qualities and difficulties in achieving the goals he has set.

Where did unusual Russian male names come from?

The origin of most modern Russian names comes from:

  • Latin;
  • Jewish;
  • Roman;
  • Greek roots.

Such abundance came with Christianity. Here are the name options:

  • Greek:

Andrian- a brave and powerful warrior. But natural ardor can play a cruel joke and bring trouble;

Bogdan– excellent logic combined with determination will help you get what you want. Only the unwillingness to compromise can harm the work;

Velizar– a very clear person, does not like sudden changes, so he always plans everything. Reliable and bright, very calm, so he resolves issues quickly;

Mecheslav– independence and excessive passion to get what you want, useful skills in life. But intemperance and directness can cost a career;

Oleg- a reasonable and cautious, but at the same time a dreamy person. Only natural coldness and lack of expression of emotions can leave him alone;

Yaropolk– a strong personality with his own views on life. Only his love of adventure often gets him into trouble.

  • Latin or Roman:

Agathon is an open and optimistic person by nature, and this quality often interferes with a good understanding of the people around him. Therefore, he often gets into trouble, but does not learn from mistakes;

Vissarion is a persistent person with a serious approach to business, but with a contradictory character. Therefore, excessive fanaticism in resolving issues often leads to conflicts;

Eugene– a very peaceful person with good intuition. And if not for his laziness I could have achieved more;

Leonid- This is an aesthetic, emotional person without any special merits, well, perhaps attractiveness in his youth. He has no aspirations, and selfishness and snobbery often create problems;

Fedor- him wide circle interests and at the same time excellent adaptability to circumstances. But stubbornness and isolation are not good for work and family;

Yuri– an inquisitive and active person, but with elements of arrogance. He is quick-tempered and often loses his temper, especially if he feels that he is being taken advantage of.

  • Jewish:

August– he has strong willpower, so it’s not easy to find the weaknesses of such a person, but at the same time he is very empathic and gentle, but he just doesn’t show emotions. Mistrust and slow reaction can leave him alone;

Victor– honest, therefore does not tolerate betrayal with a heightened sense of justice. Too simple-minded, trying to help everyone ends up making things worse for himself;

Angelus– honesty and constant development These are the virtues of such a nature. It’s interesting to be with him, but poor health may prevent him from making his dreams come true;

Georgius– natural modesty of character, and as a consequence of this, silence and gloominess, helps to weed out unreliable people.

Although everyone new Age dictates its own fashion.

  • Revmir– what does the Revolution of the world mean;
  • Diamar– this is dialectical materialism;
  • Ram– revolution-electrification-mechanization;
  • Electrine– electrical industry.

And reading English or European novels became popular:

  • Rudolf;
  • Alfred;
  • Sherlock.

By saying that everything new is well-forgotten old, we are returning to the roots. And this, in my opinion, is correct, because as the wisest say:

“those who do not know their past cannot have a wonderful future.”

The main thing here is not to overdo it...

If you are interested in the meaning and magical influence of the name

Often, expectant mothers choose a name for a boy based on his meaning. Of course, this is also useful, but just don’t think that the description of the name will suit your baby’s character. What makes a person is not only his name, but also his good heredity.

Just think how many Sergeevs, Alexandrovs, and Ivanovs there are in the world. And each of them is unique in its own way. One is an outstanding scientist, another is an excellent entrepreneur, and the third is a general . The name doesn't give you happy ticket in life, your child will have to build it himself.

You cannot rely on luck or faith, you need to make an effort to raise your son correctly, including by example. Provide education and not put a spoke in our wheels.

I hope your son will grow up to be an excellent person with high moral views. And my advice will help you not make a mistake in choosing a name for him. I will be happy to answer all questions. Subscribe to updates and recommend to your friends!

Choosing a name for a baby is an extremely important and responsible matter, because the future character of the baby and even his fate largely depend on it. There are different names for boys, and we will try to figure it out together which one is right for your little one.

Scientists have long established that using a name you can correct negative traits character, or, conversely, aggravate them. By naming your baby incorrectly, you can direct his life into a tragic scenario. How to avoid all these mistakes and make the right and informed choice - read the article.

There are many theories regarding exactly how a person’s name and destiny are connected, and how a name can influence life. I bring to your attention the most interesting and worthy of attention.

  • The theory of public opinion.

We all live in society, surrounded by people who have thoughts and opinions about anything. These opinions tend to vary depending on the country, social group and even time.

Hearing a person’s name, society is able to endow him with certain character traits in advance, as well as form an opinion about him in advance. If a person is constantly ascribed certain qualities throughout his life, they become truly inherent to him, whether he wants it or not.

For example, towards a boy named Nero (Roman emperor, known for his atrocities) or Adolf (everyone knows who the association is with, right), people’s attitude will be deliberately wary, wary and even hostile. And to a boy named Vanya - good-natured and disposed, like positive hero folk tales. When addressing Isaac, people will assume in advance his Jewish origins, and will treat the child knowingly based on their prejudices.

  • Theory of emotions and sound.

A child hears his name several times a day from birth. As he gets older, he will hear it more and more often. Each name is a set of certain sounds of different timbres and pitches.

All sounds affect the human brain differently, causing certain emotions. Some sound melodious and euphonious, contributing to the formation of a calm and gentle character, for example, Nikolai, Alexey, Mikhail.

Others, on the contrary, seem to be drumming on the brain: Dmitry, Robert, Taras. This is a prerequisite for the formation of a tough character and unshakable self-confidence.

Thus, each name is capable of influencing the fate of a child, shaping certain character qualities in him.

How to choose a name

Of course, there are no and cannot be universal recommendations regarding what name to name your baby. However, there are universal rules that you can follow to narrow down your choice among thousands of names, and ultimately make the only right decision.

  • Rule No. 1. The name must be combined with the child’s surname and patronymic.

A person will hear such combinations quite often throughout his life: in kindergarten and it is customary for the school to address students by their first and last names. And in adult life, at work, a person most often hears him being called by his first name and patronymic.

Thus, these combinations should be pronounced without difficulty and should not cause difficulties for the speaker. Otherwise, the child will constantly tense internally in anticipation that his name will be in Once again distorted.

What difficulties may there be in pronunciation:

  1. many consonants at the junction of first name and last name, first name and patronymic. For example, the unsuccessful combination is Kanziberg Grigory or Alexander Dmitrievich; Kanziberg Oleg or Anton Dmitrievich sounds more successful.
  2. combinations that are too long, for example, Innokenty Aleksandrovich Zagrebelny is unsuccessful, Ivan Aleksandrovich Zagrebelny sounds successful.
  • Rule No. 2. The name must be combined with the child’s nationality and citizenship.

The name should not be dissonant with the surname and patronymic based on nationality and affiliation with a particular country. So, Ivanov Tamerlan, Vasiliev Teimuraz or Smirnov John, Popov Daniel sound very strange.

  • Rule No. 3. The name must have diminutives.

Cradling a little baby in your arms, you want to call him, for example, Levushka, and not Lev, Sashenka, and not Alexander, Dimochka, and not Dmitry.

And this is natural; throughout our lives it helps us convey the full range of emotions when communicating with a person.

What not to call a boy

  • Bad idea No. 1. Name it after a relative who died a violent death or suffered a difficult fate.

No matter how good your intentions are, no matter how good and worthy a person the deceased was, and no matter how skeptic you may be, pay attention to the following.

Scientists have noticed a pattern according to which children named after relatives who died tragically often have an unfortunate fate and difficulty defining themselves in life.

How to explain this phenomenon - psycho-emotional connections, ancestral energy or mysticism - everyone decides for himself. You may not believe in such matters, but is it worth risking your baby's future when there are so many other beautiful names to choose from?

  • Bad idea #2: Give it a creepily original but strange and unpronounceable name.

It seems to you that this is fresh and unusual, but a child with his own name can live: go to a children's group, build a career and personal life. I’m not sure that in the future a person named Appolinarius, Evgrafiy, Dormedont, Callistratus, Polycarpius, etc. will thank you.

In kindergarten and school, children with such names always endure ridicule, withdraw into themselves, become embittered and unsociable. Why does the baby need such tests out of the blue?

  • Bad Idea #3: Naming it after a historical event or political figure.

We all know such male names as Vladilen (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin), Kim (Communist Youth International), Lyublen (Love Lenin), Stalen (Stalin, Lenin). At the time of the revolution, they seemed trendy and relevant.

However, time has passed, ideals have changed, famous historical events and personalities are condemned, and everything is no longer so rosy, fun and easy. And people who were named in a certain way remain attached to images of past years and events throughout their lives.

It is much easier when a person is responsible only for himself and his actions than for some historical figures, to whose actions he has nothing to do, but is forced to associate with them.

Names for boys by month according to the church calendar

Believers know that every person comes into this world for a reason and is born in a particular month for a reason. The date of birth of a baby means a lot, in particular, a newborn is assigned by heaven a protector from above, a saint, a guardian angel who will protect him throughout his life.

Our ancestors did not invent anything unnecessary, and when choosing a name for a newborn, they turned to the holy calendar - church calendar with the names of saints.

Nowadays, the tradition of the calendar has been simplified, and it is quite acceptable to use calendars by month, when each month of the year corresponds to several names of saints, from which you can choose the one you like.

The church calendar with Orthodox names by month according to the calendar looks like this.

MonthSaints' names
SeptemberKirill, Pavel, Mikhail, Nikolai, Andrey, Alexey, Timofey, Arseny, Vasily, Denis, Philip, Clement, Zakhar, Ephraim, Dorofey, Seraphim, Pankrat.
OctoberVasily, Fedor, Vitaly, David, Maxim, Roman, Andrey, Georgy, Daniil, Igor, Vladislav, Alexander, Veniamin, Yakov, Moses, David, Kuzma, Ostap, Prokhor.
NovemberKonstantin, Boris, Lev, Ilya, Stepan, Evgeniy, Bogdan, Pavel, Vasily, Timofey, Valery, Nikolai, Peter, Arkady, German, Mark, Porfiry, Seraphim, Demyan, Nestor, Arkady, Rodion.
DecemberDaniel, Maxim, Zakhar, Savva, Denis, Nikolai, Lev, Victor, Alexey, Alexander, Vladimir, Roman, Gerasim, Arkhip, Solomon, Nazar, Innocent, Seraphim, Procopius, Joseph, Ignatius.
JanuaryFedor, Peter, Nikolai, Vladimir, Lev, Ignat, Ilya, Ivan, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeniy, Dmitry, Nikolai, Vasily, Timofey, Naum, Emelyan, Joseph, Erast, Ignatius, Efim.
FebruaryDmitry, Grigory, Peter, Vladimir, Arseny, Prokhor, Savva, Anton, Konstantin, David, Kirill, Makar, Anatoly, Arkady, Julian, Maximilian, Julian.
MarchGerasim, Alexander, Stepan, Daniel, Taras, Ephraim, Pavel, Ilya, Kirill, Peter, Ivan, Andrey, Zakhar, Victor, Nestor.
AprilVasily, Nikita, Stepan, Veniamin, Maxim, Dmitry, Ivan, Sergey, Philip, Mark, Victor, Georgy, Alexander, Pavel, Martyn, German, Zakhar, Veniamin, Isaac.
MayStepan, Nikolai, Savva, Nestor, Lazar, Yakov, Efim, Mikhail, Georgy, Alexander, Sergey, Foma, Denis, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma.
JuneMark, Konstantin, Igor, Julian, Luka, Ostap, David, Nikita, Fedor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Pavel, Irakli, Ivan, Matvey, Gennady, Yakov, Zakhar, Tikhon, Maxim, Ignatius, Denis.
JulyGleb, Stepan, Anatoly, Grigory, Leonid, Lev, Ostap, Andrey, Ivan, Peter, Luka, Maxim, Konstantin, David, Victor, Yakov, Arkhip, Gennady, Fedor, Sergey, Fedot, Nikon, Naum.
AugustPlato, Julian, Prokhor, Ostap, German, Gleb, Nikolai, Ermolai, Savva, Ivan, Roman, Seraphim, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Cornelius, Fedor, Semyon, Sergei, Boris, Peter, Tikhon, Peter, George, Maxim, Konstantin.

Beautiful Russian names

Traditional Russian male names are associated with masculinity and strength of character.

With such a name, the boy will certainly grow up comfortably, and his peers will easily remember the baby’s name. Beautiful Russian name goes well with Russian surnames and is not capable of causing unnecessary associations.

As a rule, Russian names for boys are distinguished by Greek or Roman origin, which is due to historically early contacts Ancient Rus' with Byzantium.

Popular modern names for boys

Rare and beautiful

IN last years There has been a particularly acute tendency to choose an unusual, rare and beautiful name for a child. Young mothers want their baby to be exceptional and special from birth because of his name.

Let's take a closer look at the unusual rare and beautiful names for boys.

Old Russian

Such names pose a certain danger for the baby, and we have already talked about it. Nowadays old Russian names for boys they sound too extravagant.

Children are cruel creatures, and a baby with an unusual name may be subject to ridicule and attacks from his peers in kindergarten and school, which will make him withdrawn and unsociable.

Therefore, I urge you to think very carefully and weigh the pros and cons of giving your baby an old Russian colorful name in order to amuse your pride and show everyone that you have imagination. I am convinced that there are many other ways to manifest it without making it difficult for the child throughout his life.

However, we will list the now popular old Russian and old Slavic names for boys, and also let’s figure out what they mean:

Bronislav – defending glory;

Vseslav - famous, famous;

Dobromil - kind, dear;

Milorad – sweet, joyful;

Miroslav - glorifying the world;

Svyatopolk - at the head of the sacred army;

Yaropolk - at the head of the solar army;

Kuzma - organizes the world;

Thomas is a twin;

Foka - from the sea;

Lazarus is the one who was helped by God;

Fedot - long-awaited;

Potap - from another country;

Nazar – dedicated himself to God;

Luka – light;

Laurel is the name of the tree.

Rules for choosing a name by season

According to psychological theory, people born at the same time of year have similar character traits, temperament and personal qualities. In addition, such people have similar positive and negative qualities.

Knowing this, you can correct and strengthen weak points in your character, as well as soften and neutralize the influence of undesirable strong properties.

For example, boys born in the summer are united by good nature and easy disposition. However, there is a downside: they are capricious, emotionally unstable and have a weak character. To add firmness and perseverance to the personality, it is recommended to call such babies sonorous names, for example, Dmitry, German, Kirill. It’s a bad idea to give your baby a gentle and soft name, such as Mikhail, Nikolai, Savely.

On the contrary, winter boys demonstrate an excess of stubbornness, rebellion and determination. To balance the character, it is reasonable to balance such qualities with a soft melodic name, such as Ilya, Elisha, Maxim. It will not work, and will only worsen the situation, if you name the winter baby Grigory, Victor, Peter.

Spring creates kind, calm and sympathetic, but soft-bodied and spineless boys. If nothing is done, such people may grow up to be mama's boys and henpecked people. Therefore, one cannot do without a firm and tough name, for example, Alexander, Boris. Leonidas and Moses won't do at all.

Autumn pleases us with balanced, harmonious personalities, so such a child can be called whatever your heart desires; nothing needs to be adjusted here.

Choosing a name for an unborn child is very difficult, because it is this that determines the entire fate of a person, your little son, so you want him to be happy and joyful, strong, resilient, generous and wise. There are several options for interesting names for boys and their interpretation.

Beautiful names for boys and their meanings

By popular belief, a man’s name must have the letter “r”, then the character of your son will be firm and strong. Several options for interesting and beautiful male names:

  • Gabriel - from Hebrew, divine warrior.
  • Adrian - from Greek strong, mature.
  • Robert is an ancient Germanic name of unfading glory.
  • Ernest is an ancient Germanic name meaning serious, strict.
  • Christian - from ancient Greek - Christian

Beautiful Slavic names for boys

Slavic names have remained popular for many years; more and more often you can hear parents calling Nikon, Matvey or Savva. This name takes us back to our roots and is suitable for a boy. Slavic origin. Having chosen a name, try to choose diminutive forms:

  • Miron, Mirosha
  • Radomir, Radik
  • Dobrynya, Dobrynyushka
  • Jaromir, Jaromirchik
  • Dragomir, Dragomirchik
  • Svyatozar, Svetik
  • Peresvet, Svetik
  • Ladomir, Ladushka
  • Bazhen, Bazhenushka
  • Velimir, Velyusha
  • Belogor, Belogorushka
  • Gorynya, Gorynyushka
  • Mirolubushka, Mirolubushka
  • Milorad, Miloradushka.

When choosing, you should evaluate the combination of first name, patronymic and last name; obvious dissonance can later cause ridicule among classmates.

Beautiful Orthodox names for boys

A name is called Orthodox if it is determined depending on the saint whose memory is celebrated on the child’s birthday. This calendar of names is called Christmastide or Saints, using them you can choose one of the names that you like the most. For example, you may come across such names:

  • Sylvester
  • Arkhippus
  • Akhila
  • Fadey
  • Emilian
  • Makar

For each date there are from 7 to 15 names, and you can also look at the names a few days in advance. If you named your child according to the calendar, then Angel Day and birthday will fall on the same day.

Beautiful old names for boys

Ancient names that almost went out of use are being revived today. Parents who want to give their child unique name, can find it in the calendar or metrics. As we know, everything new is well forgotten old.

  • Aryan - brave
  • Bonifatius - gracious
  • Dositheus - a gift from God
  • Eutychius - joyful
  • Callist - beautiful, attractive
  • Liverius - free-willed
  • Malachi - messenger from God
  • Olympius - sunny
  • Photius - enlightener

Beautiful Muslim boy names

Having chosen several name options, tell your baby about them and see how he reacts. Try calling him by his name, this will make it easier for both you and him to get used to it. Among the Muslim names we can list:

  • Alfir - excellent
  • Anwar - radiant
  • Garif - knowledgeable
  • Garey is worthy
  • Ikram - respectful
  • Insaf is fair
  • Murat is desirable
  • Musharif - famous

Beautiful Tatar names for boys

Tatar names are often associated with outstanding personalities that determined the fate Tatar people. Usually the whole family gets involved in the selection process; the abundance of options offered can sometimes make your head spin. Beautiful Tatar male names:

  • Bakir – student
  • Ahmad - praised
  • Eldar - ruler of the country
  • Timur - iron
  • Narbek – light
  • Irek - will
  • Ildus - who loves his homeland

Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

Kazakh names are always distinguished by melody and masculinity. Male Kazakh names honor various virtues. Some parents prefer not to disclose the name of their unborn child outside the family until the moment of birth.

  • Aidar - the strongest and most powerful
  • Kairat is the most active and mobile
  • Samat is the most constant
  • Rashit - the bravest
  • Sharip - the most respected
  • Talip - the most learned
  • Ulan is the bravest

Beautiful Arabic names for boys

7 days after the birth of the baby, the child’s name is given according to Muslim customs, during which time parents can understand what the name will do child and reflects his character. On the other hand, it is believed that strong name can change a person’s destiny and give energy to a weak and sick child. The chosen name option will determine the entire later life. The most popular Arabic name is "Muhammad", or "praiseworthy", other variations:

  • Damir is smart
  • Arsen - fearless
  • Suleiman - protected
  • Timerlan - persistent
  • Ibrahim - father of nations
  • Jamil is attractive

Beautiful Turkish names for boys

Male names in Turkey come from Arabic, Persian or Turkish roots. Double names are also common. A boy’s name should have a special meaning and carry the qualities that parents want to see in their son: virtue, respect, intelligence, strength, etc.

  • Balaban - brave
  • Baskurt - first warrior, military leader
  • Ugar - lucky
  • Mustafa - the chosen one
  • Akhmet - the most famous
  • Kerem is generous

Beautiful Islamic names for boys

Most Islamic names have Arabic roots, and they appeared long before the birth of Islam. The most popular names are the names of the prophets mentioned in the Quran.

  • Aziz - strong, majestic
  • Vakil – patronizing
  • Dahi - wise in knowledge
  • Zinnur - light ray
  • Ishak - bringer of joy
  • Maksud - welcome
  • Munir - illuminating the way
  • Nadir – valuable, rare

Beautiful German names for boys

Ancient Germanic roots underlie almost all German names; of course, over the centuries they were influenced by the European neighborhood and changed. According to the rules, in Germany you can choose a name from an approved registry of names, inventing or inventing it is prohibited, and any conflicts are resolved through the courts.

  • Hermann - warrior
  • Raymond - defender
  • Wolfgang - the wandering wolf
  • Valdemar - lord
  • Emil – filled with passion
  • Karl - courageous
  • Paul is the most modest

Beautiful Armenian names for boys

Men's Armenian names usually glorified famous kings and generals, nature or human qualities.

  • Sarkis - holding a high position
  • Hovhannes - God had mercy on him
  • Vahe - hardy
  • Yegiazar - God helps him
  • Matevos - God's gift
  • Ruben – bright, noticeable
  • Hamlet - simple, sad
  • Argam - worthy

Beautiful Caucasian names for boys

The national diversity of the Caucasus Mountains has caused the accumulation of a database of names with similar characteristic features. Before naming, parents determine the meaning of the name, and only then, based on the meaning in the name book, choose names that fit this meaning.

  • Rustam - brave, courageous, courageous
  • Baisal - confident
  • Amir is the ruler
  • Kydyr – endowed with power
  • Karim - generous
  • Azat – independent

Beautiful Chechen names for boys

Chechen names are given to babies in accordance with the principles of the Muslim faith. As in most nations, names come from the names of holy prophets, natural phenomena, animals and plants.

  • Damask steel - steel
  • Murad – aspiring
  • Pasha is the ruler
  • Fazl - revered
  • Rahim - merciful
  • Zakiy – pure
  • Qais – firm, unapproachable
  • Ikram – respectful

Beautiful American names for boys

According to American traditions, a boy may be named after his father or grandfather or other revered relative. To avoid confusion, "junior" is added, for example Jacob Stevenson Junior. The basis of American names are biblical names, such as Job, Samosn, Adam and others.

  • Ben - living in the south
  • Quentin is the fifth in a row
  • Perry is a travel enthusiast
  • Fester - forest lover
  • Earl - famous
  • Phil is an equestrian and horse lover.
  • Tom – identical as two peas in a pod, twin
  • Reynold - ruling wisely
  • Marlon is a small warrior
  • Albee - sunny

Beautiful English names for boys

The English name book is truly huge; in it you can find names of various origins, both native English and Arabic, French, Greek. Moreover, the English often have several names, for example, Patrick Jay, Christian John Alfred.

  • Raymund is a smart defender
  • Casey - vigilant
  • Vic is the winner
  • Matthew - gifted by God
  • James - conqueror
  • Miki - godlike
  • Louis - warlike
  • Hammond - domestic
  • Bertie - noticeable, bright

You are given a whole 9 months to choose a name for your baby, during which time you will definitely have time to go through and scroll through everything in your head possible options, figure out how they combine with the patronymic and surname, and even imagine what names would be suitable for the patronymic formed from the given name for your grandchildren. Do not rush to choose a name; during pregnancy you will already be able to feel the baby’s character, understand what he is like: quiet or active, emotional or calm. Mothers always feel their babies and understand them even in the womb. Of course, the name determines the fate of a person, but you still need to try very hard to really live up to the qualities and virtues that are inherent in this name.

Video: Beautiful Russian names for boys

Hooray! An ultrasound showed who lives under my mother’s heart. “Son,” you are touched. “Heir!”, the future father rejoices. This is the moment when a woman begins to refer to her belly quite specifically, and that means it’s time to call it “belly.” And although it is not the name that makes a person, often disputes from the series “Vladlen, Dionysus or Vanya” lead to the fact that the baby remains a “baby” until the very moment of receiving a birth certificate. It is right in such a situation to gather for a family council. And you need to go there, armed with information about what rare and beautiful names there are for boys.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines the fate and character of a person. For example, by calling their son Lazarus, adults believed that God himself would help him in life. And the Fadeev’s parents hoped that their children would become successful and deserve praise in everything. They expected protection from Alexei, and courage from Brave.

The name is protection and the basis for personal development

In Indian tribes it was customary to give a person two names. One of them is false. It became public and was determined as the child grew up, when he showed any of his special qualities or skills. For example, "Keen Eye".

And the other thing was true and secret. It was carefully hidden, especially from strangers. It was believed that the enemy, who learned the secret of your naming, would gain power over your destiny, life and death.

IN Christian families and today, during the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a second name, which is recommended not to be advertised to strangers. The clergyman determines it according to the church calendar, taking into account the baby’s date of birth and the Orthodox name book. So, the child is named according to the calendar. That is, in honor of a certain saint, whose day coincides with the day the child is born or falls on the eighth or fortieth day from birth.

They say that the name of a ship determines the success of its voyage. That’s why parents often name their baby, taking into account the possible energetic influence of the Universe.

From a psychological point of view, a name is one of the main indicators of personality. This way the child can realize his gender identity, isolate himself from other people and take the path of independent development. Even new generations remember their ancestors based on their names.

How to name your son: 5 rules

All conversations regarding the influence of a person’s naming on his fate need not be taken seriously. But when choosing a beautiful and unusual name for a baby, you still need to take into account certain, quite mundane, nuances. There are five basic rules to follow when naming your son.

  1. Consonance with full name. Agree, the full name “Romeo Emelyanovich Sisev” will always attract undue attention to the child. Not every teacher will say “Gremislav Abdelkhakimovich Eldarkhanov.” And Prince Mikhailovich Zhuk, quite likely, having matured, will want to change his name. Therefore, if family surname is not distinguished by elegance, it is better to find an unpretentious, simple name for the baby. For example, “Vadim Mikhailovich Zhuk” will look much more advantageous.
  2. Compatibility with patronymic. There are several recommendations here. First you need to take into account the nationality of the father. For example, if the father is Armenian Gegham, then it is better to name the boy accordingly. Agree, the combination “Avetis Geghamovich” sounds strong in comparison with the combination “Vasily Geghamovich”. Another tip: focus on the length of the middle name. Short names are better suited for bulky middle names, and vice versa. For example, “Lev Konstantinovich” sounds more melodic than “Innokenty Konstantinovich”. Also, you should not give your baby a “name” that ends with the letter that the father’s name begins with. For example, “Vadim Maksimovich”. Also think about avoiding the accumulation of vowels and consonants at the junction of the name and patronymic. Because there is a high probability that in a conversation people will involuntarily distort them. An example of a not entirely successful combination: “Peter Vladimirovich.” But combinations play well when there are beautiful sound matches or names begin with the same letter: “Andrey Alekseevich”, “Elisey Evgenievich”.
  3. Correspondence to time and place. No one condemns parents’ love for popular television products, but it’s unlikely that Batman or Nolik will feel comfortable in the village of Michurino. Edward and Barak will also look special in the Slavic environment. And Tirrion or Mason during puberty will not collect autographs, but will carry bruises home. Therefore, think carefully about your decision before naming your boy with a name that is too unusual.
  4. Transformation. Almost all names have derived variations. They are transformed into diminutive forms or nicknames. And the latter may turn out to be offensive. This must be taken into account so that the child is not teased later. Please note that mom will be able to call Maxim “Maksyusha or Masya”, and friends - “Max” or “Maksyukha”. It’s more difficult with Gleb. Parents will address him: “Glebushka.” And peers will immediately twist it: “Bread.”
  5. Unisex names. Psychologists recommend to parents: “When naming your son, avoid options with vague gender references.” For example, these are the names Zhenya or Valya, which are suitable for both girls and boys. This is especially important if the child’s last name is not declined. For example, surnames like “Viligura” or “Katz” do not give an idea of ​​who their bearer is - a guy or a girl. Therefore, “Sasha Shuvalov” is still an acceptable option, but “Sasha Koval” is alas. This combination can provoke problems with the child’s self-identification and suppress exceptional masculine traits in character.

In Russia, the tradition of naming a child after relatives remains. For example, like a great-grandfather. This custom is a matter of debate. Some young parents are against him, because they believe that the baby can absorb the negative experiences of his ancestors and repeat their fate. And other mothers and fathers insist: naming according to the generic principle is additional protection.

It is better not to name your son after a relative who suffered a brazen, painful death or who had problems with the law. Psychologists also advise not to take your father's name. Otherwise, little San Sanych may grow up not as a loving son and helper, but as an irritable and insecure eternal fatherly competitor.

In pursuit of fashion: how do Ikars and Masons live?

Parents want their son to have a rare, energetically strong and fashionable name. But when considering unusual names for boys, it is important not to go too far. Fashion is a changeable thing. It is enough to look at history. Remember how, based on the events of 1917, the boys were named October, Revo, Vladlen.

Under the Soviets, Perkosrak was popular (in honor of the launch of the first space rocket), Dazdraperma (in honor of May Day).

Subsequently, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a wave of naming children based on TV series. Enrique, the Masons, the Cruzes, Rogelio, and Guillermo were registered.

But practice shows that after a few years all the tricky options not only lose relevance, but even look funny. But traditional names in our culture like Nikolai, Vladimir, Oleg and Alexei always sound decent.

Today there is a tendency for Old Church Slavonic names to come back into use. And among them there are unusually beautiful names for boys. For example, in 1990, only seven Platons were registered throughout Russia. And in 2015, this male name was already among the ten most popular in the country.

What are men called: interesting facts

Male names are divided into soft and hard. In the first case, boys grow up calm and docile. In the second - stubborn and strong.

Soft ones include those in which there are many vowels, as well as quiet sonants - th, r, l, m, n. This is Ilya, Benjamin, Mikhail.

But in hard ones, voiced paired consonants predominate in the company of the growling letter “P”. These are the names of Yegor, Gregory, Dmitry.

There are also neutral options that endow their owner with moderate determination and wisdom. This applies to Arkady, Andrey, Pavel.

Romans are born in February, and Marks are born in July.

If parents cannot come to a common decision on what to name their son, then they can resort to the help of a calendar. Observations by old-timers show that children born in different time years, completely different options are suitable.

It is better to name winter boys by choosing from the following list: Roman, Anatoly, Peter, Semyon, Arseny, Ivan.

Spring children are comfortable if their names are Danila, Styopa, Nikita or David. For summer good options- Sergey, Kostya, Nazar, Mark, Matvey or Pasha.

A autumn baby will be in harmony with the name Timofey, German, Fedor or Anton. There are even special layouts where options suitable for naming are listed by month.

Naming by number and horoscope

Even adults resort to the help of numerology. To do this, the number of the baby’s date of birth is calculated and a name corresponding to this number is selected in special literature. Also, adults often pay attention to compatibility with the baby’s zodiac sign. And they even look at the combination with the names of the parents themselves in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings at the energetic level.

The most common name on the planet, given to more than 300 million men, is Muhammad. IN Muslim culture This is the customary name for all first-born children. But in Moscow, according to data metropolitan administration civil registration, since 1991 Alexander has always been in the lead. In 2015, Muscovites also often registered boys as Maxims, Artems, Mikhails, and Daniils.

Top 30 trendy boy names

Today there are special thematic sites where you can find an unusual name for a boy, find out its meaning and see what children are called in different countries.

Based on the statistics of traffic to such resources, we can compile a list of the most popular modern male names. The top 30 trendy boy names of 2017 are given below.

  1. Diaz. This is the Spanish version of the biblical name Jacob, which is more familiar in our environment. Translated as “following on the heels.”
  2. Matvey. Translated from Hebrew as “given by the Lord.”
  3. Artem. In Greek it means "healthy" or "unharmed."
  4. Janis. Greek version of the Russian name Ivan. It means “God’s grace” or “God’s mercy.”
  5. Maksim . From Latin - “greatest”.
  6. Dmitriy . From Greek - “ dedicated to the goddess fertility and agriculture of Demeter."
  7. Timofey. From Greek - “who worships God.”
  8. Daniel. Translated from Hebrew as “God is my judge.”
  9. Novel . From Latin - “Roman”.
  10. Arseny. Comes from the Greek - Arsenios. The meaning is “courageous”, “mature”.
  11. Egor . Russian transformation Greek name Georgy. Meaning: "farmer".
  12. Kirill . From ancient Greek - “lord”, “lord”.
  13. Mark. From Latin - “hammer”. However, from French it is “marquis”. There are also versions that the name is dedicated to the god of war, Mars.
  14. Andrey . From ancient Greek - “brave”, “courageous”.
  15. Nikita. From Greek - “winner”.
  16. Ivan. Comes from the ancient Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  17. Alexei . From ancient Greek - “protector”, “protector”.
  18. Bogdan. The Slavs interpreted this name as “God’s gift.”
  19. Ilya. Transformation of the Hebrew name Eliyahu - "believer" or "power of God".
  20. Yaroslav . Has Slavic roots. IN different sources translated as “bright”, “glorious”, “strong”.
  21. Timur. A variation of the names Damir and Tamerlan. Translated from Mongolian as “iron”.
  22. Mikhail. From ancient Hebrew - “like God.”
  23. Vladislav. In Slavic culture - “possessing glory.” The Polish version is "good ruler".
  24. Alexander . From Greek - “protector”.
  25. Sergey . From Latin - “noble”.
  26. Gleb. In Scandinavian culture - “favorite of the Gods.” The Slavic version of the origin compares this name with the words “block” and “pole”.
  27. Demid. Has Greek roots. Translated - “advice of Zeus.” Zeus in mythology is the heavenly ruler, the world ruler.
  28. Denis. Derived from the ancient Greek - Dionysios. Interpreted as “reveler”, “merry fellow”.
  29. Ruslan. From Turkic - “lion”.
  30. Paul . From Latin - “baby”.