Women's Saints April. Name days for boys and girls according to the church calendar in April

When a girl is born, people say that her mother’s assistant and her father’s pride appeared. These are the words that instill in a girl from childhood such qualities as thriftiness, responsiveness, complaisance, determination and, of course, self-confidence. And a correctly chosen name will help multiply these positive qualities of a girl. That is, if the ship’s path is determined by its name, then the child’s life attitude is determined by its name.

Character for those born in April

April- April people have a stronger character than March people. They are persistent in achieving their goals, courageous and decisive. And this despite the fact that they do not always manage to fully realize themselves. They are practical and reasonable. The material side of life worries them most of all. They get promoted easily, they know what they want. Lucky enough, but overly ambitious. Marriage relies more on reason than on feelings. It is difficult to give up the usual way of life. For a man, the main thing is stability and material well-being. He would rather agree to tolerate an unloved wife and live in a family where no one needs him than to destroy a marriage and exchange material wealth for love. But the “April” woman has an attitude towards family life somewhat different. She treasures good relations with her husband, material security comes in the background for her. “April” women are cheerful, witty, and can find a reason for fun in every little thing.

Names of girls born in April

You need to choose a girl’s name carefully, approaching this issue with all responsibility. Therefore, slowly look through all the possible options, choose a name that will combine the expected qualities and character traits, and it should also be harmonious. The time of birth of the baby also plays an important role, that is, children in different time years are born with different abilities and characters, even if they are given the same names. Spring babies can be indecisive; they think about each step several times.

Due to the fact that girls born in April are afraid of sudden changes, the process of development of events proceeds slowly, everything is hampered by the fear of something new. In addition, April babies can be selfish, stubborn and, to some extent, selfish. That is why the names of girls born in April should be somewhat tough, and then confidence and determination will be added to their characters. But this does not mean that names should be purely masculine. The names of girls born in April can be Regina, Kira, Christina, Feodora, Victoria.

But even if you gave your daughter, born in April, a soft, gentle name, you can give her severity by coming up with its derivative. For example, you named your daughter Margarita, instead of Ritochka, you’d better call her Margot. In general, psychologists advise giving a child several derivative names from the main one, and then the child’s character traits will be more diverse and richer.

It is better to give April girls names: Alexandra, Lydia, Daria, Maria, Karina, Sabina.

Popular names for girls born in April:















If you want to give your baby an exotic name, you can contact a Muslim name book. For spring girls born in April, names such as:

Azalea (similar to azalea flower)

Alsou (beautiful, pink-faced)

Gulnara (pomegranate flower)

Gulya (flower)

Daria (large deep river)

Lily (tulip)

Laysan (first spring rain)

Nazira (blooming)

Rabia (snowdrop)

Ravilya (like the spring sun)

Yasmina (similar to jasmine flower) and others.

>>April names for girls

Names for girls born in April. April names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of April girls

Girls born in March are usually cheerful and sociable with others. The girls born in April are very active and have an energy that is unusual for many girls. They often take on many things at once, so it is difficult for them to complete their undertakings, therefore, it is quite difficult for them to cope with monotonous and routine activities.

The stubborn feminine nature is well demonstrated in April girls. Their spontaneous actions and rash actions can drive parents crazy and irritate others. At the same time, prohibiting them from acting in one way or another is not only difficult, but sometimes impossible, because the girls turn all their anger and dissatisfaction on those who interfere with them. Such girls are characterized by excessive selfishness, pride and stubbornness.

Girls born in April prefer stability and do not like strong changes, even if they feel that change can lead to the better. It is difficult for them to decide on any dramatic changes In my life. That is why such girls, first of all, are guided not by their feelings, but by their mind. This quality will remain in girls into adulthood.

Often such girls lack discipline. Therefore, when choosing a name for her, you should choose fairly strict names, but not too harsh. Also, such girls should not be given names derived from male names. Men's names are emphasized in them by no means the most best qualities, such as stubbornness and pride.

What names were given to girls born in April, according to the dates of the month? Meaning of names

  1. Daria (1.from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  2. Illaria (from Greek "cheerful")
  3. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  1. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting people")
  2. Claudia, Claudia (from Latin "lame")
  3. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  4. Svetlana (1.from the words light and lan, which means earth, literally "Light of the Earth" 2.from the words light and lanita, which means cheeks, literally "fair-faced" 3. Slavic, meaning "light")
  5. Julia (1.from Greek "curly" 2.from Latin "July" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  6. Ulyana, Juliana (1.from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2.Russian form of the name Yulia)
  7. Praskovya (1.from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, preparation")
  1. Tatyana (1.Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  1. Vasilisa (from Greek "royal")
  2. Veselina (from Bulgarian "cheerful")
  3. Daria (1.from Slavic "gift, gift" 2. from the Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  4. Polina (this name has many variants of origin 1. from ancient Greek "solar", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.from Greek "meaningful" 3.from Latin "small" 4. from Greek "liberated" 5. from ancient Greek "strong")
  5. Taisiya (1.from Greek "wise" 2.from Greek "dedicated to the goddess Isis" 3.from Egyptian "fertile")
  6. "the girl from Lydia" 2.from Italian "musical")
  7. Aglaya, Aglaida (from Greek "brilliant")
  8. Apolinaria (origin unknown, presumably from Greek "solar")
  1. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  2. Liana (1.from Latin "thin, slender" 2.from Latin "youth" 3.from ancient Greek "sad song")
  3. Lydia (1.from the Greek name of the country in Asia Minor, literally "the girl from Lydia" 2.from Italian "musical")
  4. Pelagia (from Greek "sea")
  1. Allah (1.from ancient Arabic "letter" 2.from Hebrew "goddess" 3.from Arabic "goddess" 4.from Hebrew "pistachio tree" 5.in Gothic dialect "Jack of all trades" 6.from Greek "other" 7.from Hebrew "invincible")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew )
  3. Larisa (from Greek "gull")
  4. Dana (1.from Slavic "given, bestowed" 2.from Hebrew "God is my judge" 3.derived from the Irish goddess Danu)
  5. Leocadia (from the name of the island of Lefkada in the Ionian Sea, means "white, light")
  1. Matryona (1st Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  1. Marina (1.from Latin "sea" 2.derived from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, patroness of Rus')
  1. Stanislav (from Slavic "become famous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  2. Miroslava (1.from Slavic "glorifying the world" 2.from Slavic "famous throughout the world")
  1. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  1. Ilona (1.from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch"
  1. Theodosius (from ancient Greek "gift of God")
  2. Julia (1.from Greek "curly" 2.from Latin "July" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  1. Archelia (from ancient Greek "original")
  1. Akulina (from Old Russian or Latin "eagle")
  2. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "favour", "favored")
  3. Odette (1.from German “heiress, owner” 2. from the Greek “fragrant”)
  1. Ilona (1.from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. Martha (1.from Syriac "madam, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Thomaida (from Hebrew "twin girl")
  2. Marceline (1.from Latin "dedicated to Mars" 2.from the name of the French city of Marseille)
  3. Martha (1.from Syriac "madam, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Zita (1.from Latin "happiness" 2.from Persian "young woman" 3.from Italian "unmarried girl" 3.in Sanskrit "furrow")
  1. Anastasia (from Greek "resurrected")
  2. Vasilisa (from Greek "royal")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derivative from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Vasilisa (from Greek "royal")
  3. Galina (from ancient Greek "quiet, calm")
  4. Irina (from Greek "prepossessing, peaceful")
  5. Irena (1.on behalf of greek goddess Irena 2.variant named Irina)
  6. Nike (from ancient Greek "victory")
  7. Nicole (French form of Greek name Nikolay, "conqueror of nations")
  1. Ascitrea (from Greek "ascetic")

It has long been known that the name given to a person at birth has a great influence on his future fate. How to choose a name for a child so that he will be happy in the future? This will largely depend on himself, but it has been noticed that people who celebrate name days in April are usually active and cheerful. Perhaps this is due to the month of birth, when everything in nature begins to grow and develop.

What are saints

The Holy Fathers of the Church say that every person at baptism by the Lord God is given two Angels. One of them is a Guardian Angel: he assistant in good and godly deeds and a protector from all troubles, troubles and adversities. But there is also another Angel - the holy saint of God, whose name is wears Orthodox man. He acts as an intercessor before God and offers prayers to the Lord for well-being and spiritual health your ward. And his holy prayers are accepted by God more quickly.

In Russia there was a pious tradition: for the well-being and health of a person, the name of a newborn was chosen at baptism, considering the calendar(months of words). This is a list of historical figures - pious Christians who pleased God with their lives on earth and included for this the Russian Orthodox Church canonized.

And the day of remembrance of the saint after whom a person is named is called the day of an angel or name day. For example, Taisiya’s name day church calendar celebrated on April 4th. Accordingly, according to the calendar, a girl born on the 4th of this month can bear the name Taisiya. Or a boy born on April 16 may be named Nikita.

When choosing a name, it is necessary to take into account that a saint is an example for a person’s earthly life, and that is why you need to know about his earthly life and try, to the best of your ability and ability, to correspond to this high image of holiness.

In the second month of spring, many parents of newborns think about what to name a boy born in April. This month the Church remembers many saints, from those who wear male names. It can be really difficult to choose just one from many names.

Men's names in April are quite diverse and their choice is wide. The most popular names are: Dmitry, Alexander, Vasily, Victor, Alexey, Georgy, Peter, Stepan, Ivan, Kirill, Artemy, Pavel, Ilya, Vadim and Nikita.

In addition, in the calendar of this month there are also less common names, for example, Pakhom (celebration on April 3), Zakhar - April 6, Savva - April 7, Gabriel - on the 8th, Spiridon - on the 10th, Jonah - on the 11th, Sophrony - on the 12th numbers, Polycarp - 15th, Zosimas - 17th, Plato - 18th, Eremey - 19th, Luke - 21st, Gabriel - 22nd, Terenty - 23rd, Antipus - 24th, David - 25th, Christopher - 27th numbers, Martin - 28th, Adrian - 30th.

What to name a girl

“So many good girls, so many affectionate names...”

There are indeed many names: beautiful, feminine and affectionate. The names of girls born in April are bright in spring. For the future well-being of a girl, when choosing a name, you should pay attention to the following female names in April. The birthday girls of this month are: Daria, Alexandra, Anastasia, Maria, Galina, Irina, Anna. Among the rarer names these days, one can remember such as Claudia and Paraskovya (celebration on April 2), Vasilisa, Taisiya - on April 4, Feodosia, Pelageya - on April 5, Matrona - on the 9th, Evdokia - on the 20th, Marfa - on the 26th, Arina - 29th.

How to spend an angel's day

Duty Orthodox Christian is not only knowledge of his name day, but also knowledge of the life of his patron saint. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the celebration of this day and not limit the celebration only to friendly and family feasts. Angel Day is a special day and therefore it should be celebrated in a special way:

  • The birthday boy must go to church to thank his patron for his help and his holy prayers.
  • The birthday person will receive great help from above by confessing and receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this day.
  • It is not advisable to work on Angel's Day; it is better to spend it without fuss and haste, with peace and joy in your soul as your own personal holiday.

If the day of the angel falls on a fast day, which is Wednesday and Friday of each week of the month (except for continuous weeks) or on the day of one of the fasts, then the festive meal should be fast. In addition, if the name day falls on Lent, then it is better to celebrate them on Bright Week or move it to the next Saturday or Sunday.

What are “small name days”

Some saints have several days of remembrance per year, for example, the days of remembrance of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg - February 6 and June 6, or the days of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - May 22 and December 19. In this case, you should focus on the next day after your birthday. In this case, another day of memory will be called “small name day”. On this day it is also advisable to be in the temple to thank your patron for your help and protection.

What do they give on name days?

Since Angel Day is a special holiday for a Christian, gifts should be filled with a special spiritual meaning. The patron saint of the person named is not interested in gifts that are customary to receive and give on ordinary holidays: dishes, clothes, etc. Here you need something that will remind you of the need for a person’s spiritual growth and help him in this.

When choosing a gift suitable for this occasion, you can contact the church shop. The most obvious gift option is personalized icon. But he is far from the only one; a suitable gift on this day could be:

  • candles, candlesticks;
  • videos of church services;
  • audio recordings of Orthodox music;
  • incense with the face of saints;
  • oil for lamps, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the excellent selection of Orthodox literature available today.

When preparing a christening gift for a child in Rus', there was the following custom: to order a so-called “measured” icon for the baby at baptism. For example, on April 5, a girl was born, fifty-two centimeters tall, and was named Lydia. And then an icon of the holy martyr Lydia of Illyria is ordered, with a height equal to fifty-two centimeters.

If we talk about a gift for a birthday boy from his parents, then an excellent option would be a personalized icon, and, if possible, specially ordered from an icon painter. In this case, the gift takes on even greater meaning, being family heirloom, which can be passed on by inheritance and parental blessing at the same time.

The birth of a child is a blessing from the Lord and His great mercy. But at the same time there is a great responsibility for his upbringing before God and the world. Orthodox parents are given enormous help in the difficult task of forming and raising a child through the sacrament of Baptism: in it a person is given the opportunity to be born not only for earthly life, but also for eternal life.

Girls born in April are characterized by increased energy and cheerfulness. They are quite restless people with a hot temperament. Always ready to support any idea or participate in any undertaking. In addition, they are desperately fighting for justice.

These are the little people who can laugh out loud, be loudly indignant and defend their point of view to the last.

They are overly emotional and will not do what seems wrong to them, no matter how much they are persuaded. Also, spring girls do not like it when outsiders interfere in their affairs, because they are able to cope with everything on their own. Despite their eccentricity, April girls can be quite shy. The kids are very kind, often capable of providing help even to their own detriment, just so as not to give a person a reason for disappointment.

They are naturally endowed with good intuitive qualities, determination and courage. They are quite jealous and do not like to share “their” person with someone else. Sometimes their jealousy is the cause of a bad mood, which actively spreads to others. Bad mood It also forces girls to lash out at close people, which they later regret very much. Unfortunately, the impulsiveness of “April girls” gives rise to aggression, which often leads to similar conflict situations.

If older girls are able to control their emotions, become more calculating, reasonable and cold, they will definitely achieve great success.

Negative factors are stubbornness, emotionality, and in some cases even arrogance - they easily add problems, dampen the accumulated advantages and recreate life’s obstacles.

Important! Negative traits can be turned into positive ones. The strength of April's stubbornness allows them to rise through the social and career ranks so quickly that others cannot stop being surprised and sighing enviously. Well, emotionality will be the key to success in creative areas.

Lucky female names of saints

The name is fraught with many mysteries; for one it brings many victories, and for another an endless streak of failures. What to name a baby born in this spring month so as not to miscalculate and enhance its positive qualities? In fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem. An important aspect The only thing that will happen is that it does not go by chance, but becomes a responsible step and a final firm choice.

Here are the most favorable female names for those born in April:

Name days according to the calendar (church calendar)

The table below will help you decide and simplify the task significantly. Simple orientation by dates will give you the opportunity to concentrate and focus on one thing.

Month\date Names Values Patron (name day)
April 1


Illaria of Rome Holy Martyr (1.04)

God's gift

Daria of Rome, martyr (1.04; 4.04)


noble woman

Matrona Alekseeva, martyr, nun (1.04; 2.04; 9.04)


Sofia Slutskaya, princess (1.04)


Human protector

Alexandra of Amisia (Pontus), venerable martyr (2.04)


God given

Theodosia of Amisia (Pontus), martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)

Claudia of Amisia (Pontus), holy martyr (2.04)


Bright, clean

Photina/Photinia (Svetlana) Samaritan, Roman, venerable martyr (2.04)

Belonging to Julius

Juliana of Amisia (Pontus), venerable martyr (2.04)

Matron noble woman Matrona of Amisia (Pontus), martyr (1.04; 2.04; 9.04)

Shiny, bright

Aglaida, martyr (4.04)

Daria, holy martyr (1.04; 4.04)

Taisiya, martyr (4.04)

Vasilisa Queen Vasilissa, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)
5th of April Feodosia God given Theodosia, martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)


Lydia of Illyria, martyr, nun (5.04)


Varvara Konkina, Venerable Martyr (5.04)



Anastasia, Venerable Martyr (5.04; 28.04)


Anna Gotfskaya, holy martyr (8.04., 13.04)


Alla Gotfskaya, holy martyr (8.04)

Larisa Gull Larisa Gotfskaya, martyr (8.04)
April 9 Matrona/Matryona noble woman Matrona of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), venerable martyr 1.04; 2.04; 9.04)
April 13 Anna Grace Anna, the righteous (8.04., 13.04)
14th of April Maria Bitter, stubborn Mary of Egypt, Venerable (14.04; 25.04)
April 16 Feodosia God given Theodosia of Tire, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)
April 17 Maria Bitter, stubborn Maria Lelyanova, nun, martyr (14.04; 25.04)

good will

Evdokia Pavlova, martyr, novice (20.04)

Akulina Like an eagle Aquilina the Younger, martyr (20.04)

Mistress, mentor

Martha of Bethany, martyr (25.04)

Maria Bitter, stubborn Mary of Bethany, venerable martyr (14.04; 25.04)
26 April Marfa Noble girl Martha Testova, Venerable Martyr (25.04; 26.04)


Vasilissa of Rome, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)

Anastasia Resurrected Anastasia of Rome, martyr (5.04; 28.04)


Attractive, loves the world

Irene of Corinth, holy martyr; Irina Aquileiskaya, holy martyr (29.04)


Galina of Corinth, martyr (29.04)

Victorious, bringing victory

Nike of Corinth, martyr (29.04)


Vasilissa of Corinth, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)

Alina/Alice/Evelina Another, someone else's Alevtina of Caesarea, martyr (29.04)

There is a world great amount names and each has its own spirit helpers and protectors. They will never leave a person alone, going through the entire life path. Guardians diligently carry out their own work: they protect from troubles, help cope with difficulties, overcome fears, reduce heartache. Take this seriously and respectfully, honor the saints, instill love for the invisible Angel of the Savior, and your child will always be under the supervision of the highest powers of God.

Everyone sees her as mom’s future assistant, dad’s favorite and pride. This seems to lay the program for her life: she will be a housewife, smart, beautiful, talented and persistent in achieving her goal. And this program seems to be crowned with a correctly chosen name that can help the growth of all these positive qualities. And what suitable names for girls born in April?

How to decide?

What is given to the child should not be “precocious” or accidental. This process must be approached very responsibly. It is worth going through many options to settle on the optimal one.

  • You can proceed from how you expect to see the future character of your child, how its represented qualities are thought to be. To do this, it would be nice to know the meaning/translation of the name.
  • The name should sound beautiful and harmoniously combine with the patronymic. Agree, it is absurd to name your daughter, say, Nefertiti, predicting her future classical beauty of this Egyptian queen, taking into account the simple Russian patronymic.
  • Experts believe that girls born in April do not like quick changes, preferring a measured life, they are afraid of something new, therefore names should, as it were, provide their bearers with a kind of rigid “framework”, which will give them determination and confidence.
  • But nevertheless, names should not be derived from male names, which will only emphasize not the most pleasant traits in girls, such as stubbornness and pride.

Modern choice

For April girls, in this sense, we can recommend a choice of Regina and Kira, Feodora, Christina and Victoria. Softer names can be “hardened” with strict derivatives. For example, Margot can be a worthy replacement for Ritochka in derivative versions of Margarita. By the way, psychologists recommend forming several derivatives from her name to better reveal a girl’s more diverse traits.

And from the point of view of, say, astrology, girls born under the month of April zodiac sign Aries, have cheerfulness and courage, the ability to set specific goals and successfully achieve them.

According to astrologers, modern female names are most suitable for such “April” people. Eva, Evgenia, Zhanna, Rimma, Marina(from Latin “sea”), whose name day is celebrated on April 10. Interesting and significant names Margarita, Kaleria, Galina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Tatyana(which means in Greek the organizer, founder, April 3).

Taurus girls whose birth falls at the end of the fourth month of the year are expected to be homely and thrifty, sensuality and constancy. Among the most suitable names are Nina, Lydia, Zinaida, Isabella, Lada, Vanda, Angelica (Angelina).

You can settle on some exotic name, say, from the Muslim name book. If you know the meaning of the name, it can be very symbolic.

Thus, the name Alsou is translated as “beautiful, pink-faced”; “floral” Azalea and Lily speak for themselves (the latter, by the way, translates as “tulip”). Gulya can also be included in this category, which directly means “flower”; Gulnaru – “pomegranate flower”; Naziru (“blooming”); Rabi'u - "snowdrop"; Yasminu - “like a jasmine flower.”

In this case, you just have to remember that if the child is then to be baptized in the Orthodox Church, then a different name will be given at baptism. This is the first thing. And secondly, again we need to take into account the possibility of a combination with the father’s name.

How to call it according to the calendar?

The choice of a name for a child has been tested for centuries. And this method is the simplest.

  • So, a girl can be called by the name of a saint, on whose day a new little man was born.
  • IN Orthodox Church Often a child is baptized on the eighth or fortieth day of birth - you can give the name of the saint who is honored these days.
  • A name for a newborn is possible choose on any other day of Christmastide, following shortly after the appearance of the baby to the light.
  • Often the names of the most revered in the family are given saints
  • Choosing the name of one of the Orthodox saints, parents seem to entrust their daughter to her protection, and the baby will feel her care and protection all her life.

There are plenty of wonderful names for April baby girls.

  • Yes, on April 1 the name Daria comes in, which can be translated from as many as three languages: in Slavic it means “gift, gift”; in Greek - “possessing good”; in Persian - “victor”, “great fire”. You can call your daughter rare and sonorous name Illaria, and his translation is quite worthy - from Greek “cheerful”. The name Sofia, which the righteous princess Slutskaya bore, speaks of wisdom.
  • The common name in April is Maria ( 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 12th and 14th) also has several translations, and you can “guide” what to name the baby based on what you like best. In Hebrew it had several meanings: “mistress”, and “miserable”, and “desired, beloved”. The ancient Slavs had a goddess of winter, Mara - some see Mary as a derivative of this name.
  • 2nd celebrate the name day of Alexander, Claudius, Matryona, Praskovya, Svetlana, Ulyana (with the option of Julian), Julia (also 16th).
  • On 4th and 5th accounts for the name Lydia, the 4th and 5th, respectively, Taisiya and Pelageya.
  • Born April 8 you can name Alla, Anna (also on the 13th), Dana, Leocadia or Larisa.
  • Ancient names are undeservedly forgotten: falling on April 16 Theodosius (“given by God”).
  • 20 April- the day of the angel at Akulina, which translated from Greek means “eagle”, “eagle” and Evdokia - “benevolence”.
  • On 25th– Anfisa (“flower”) and 25th, 26th– Marfa/Martha (“mistress, madam”), but Anastasia sounds quite modern ( April 28), Vasilisa ( April 4, 28, 29).
  • Galina, Irina, Nika - 29th.

The choice of names for April newborns, as we see, is wide. If you name your daughter, after carefully thinking and weighing everything, with love and reason, then her name will become her real name