How to teach a girl to dance at home. Types of homeschooling. From theory to practice

How to learn to dance at home?

To be the king/queen of the dance floor, you don't have to long years go to an expensive professional dance studio. You can learn all the wisdom in the comfort of your own home.

Dance tutorials

The easiest way to master dance is to use specialized manuals for beginner dancers as assistants. Moreover, we immediately note that books and various magazines are good only for studying the history of dance. For the practical part, they will turn out to be quite useless. Instead, videos of real performances by venerable dancers, as well as educational videos, will help you learn to dance at home.

  • First, decide on the direction you want to master. It can be ballroom or Latin American dancing, strip dancing, belly dancing, modern jazz, disco, hip-hop, tectonics and go-go, which are popular today. Please note that some types of dances require the participation of a couple. Therefore, if you are going to study alone, it is better to choose areas that allow solo performance. Also, remember that some styles require special equipment - such as a pole strip.
  • Explore with printed publications, articles on the Internet and videos this direction- the history of its appearance and development, main trends. This will help you understand the philosophy dance direction, assess how interesting you are.
  • Next, to learn how to dance at home, you will need to find detailed lessons for newbies. This can be done on social networks on the pages of dance schools or on websites dance studios. There are also many videos on Youtube. True, in all these cases, you will most likely receive only a limited number of lessons - after all, schools are interested in having students sign up for real, paid lessons. To get complete training courses, you can buy training discs in the store - it is worth choosing this option.
  • After this, you will need to take care of free space for training. You may even have to make a small rearrangement of furniture in the room.
  • When all preparatory work are completed, start training. Set aside mandatory time for them several times a week. Practice one or two lessons at a time. First with a trainer on video, and then on your own, achieving professionalism in the movements.

Private tutors

If you have the appropriate financial capabilities, then a private teacher will be happy to help you learn how to dance at home. The advantage of this option is live communication with a professional dancer, who will not only show you how to move correctly and tell you a lot interesting facts about the style you have chosen, but together with you he will work out every movement to perfection. In addition, as practice shows, classes with a teacher are always more productive, since they involve greater student responsibility. This way, you will have fewer opportunities to skip a workout due to laziness or refuse to perform any difficult element.

But there are two big disadvantages to private lessons:

  • Firstly, not in every city you can find a truly experienced and professional choreographer providing such services.
  • Secondly, such classes are usually quite expensive. And considering that you won’t be able to master the style in a couple of weeks, the disadvantage becomes more noticeable.

If you still choose a similar method for yourself, then:

  1. Go online and look at a list of dance schools in your city.
  2. Read student reviews of teachers on social networks, dance studio websites, and forums. If you don’t find the information you need, then on the same forum or in social network You can always contact one of the school students with the appropriate question. Don't be shy - this is completely normal. Just explain that you would like to sign up for an individual home course. And ask which teacher you should contact with this proposal - which choreographer is considered the best and whether he does similar work.
  3. After this, you will need to pick up the phone to contact your future teacher and make an appointment.
  4. During communication, clarify how much one lesson will cost, how long each training session will last and what will be needed for it - clothing, equipment, additional items. Ask how many lessons it will take to master the basics of the style. Also ask questions regarding the frequency of meetings.
  • It is almost impossible to become a real professional by practicing exclusively within the walls of your home. Therefore, having studied the basic techniques of dance and realizing that you are ready to continue to devote your time to it free time, take courses at a specialized school. Or you can join one of the groups of street dancers in which people different ages and professions share their dance experience with each other completely free of charge. True, this is typical mainly for such movements as hip-hop, breakdancing, tectonics, and krump. However, communication in a creative environment of non-professionals who are just as passionate about dancing as you are will definitely have the most positive impact on you.
  • Play sports. Any direction of dance requires physical strength, endurance, and plasticity from the performer. A variety of things will help you develop these qualities. sports training: running and swimming, exercises in gyms, in aerobics or fitness classes.
  • Various dance shows like the Ukrainian project “Everybody Dance!” From them you can not only glean a lot of valuable ideas for dance, but also hear important tips and comments from professional choreographers.
  • Study other types of dance, because a good dance performer is versatile. In addition, a performance in your favorite style will look more interesting if you add elements from other types of dances.
  • Learn to choreograph yourself.
  • When dancing, watch not only your movements, but also your facial expressions.
  • Try to give those around you a powerful energy charge and drive.
  • A dancer must certainly be artistic and completely relaxed. Often these skills come along with the awareness of your own professionalism, and therefore put all your strength and soul into training to really achieve good results.

Our other article will also tell you how to learn to move beautifully to the rhythm of music without leaving the walls of your home.

Professionals are not born, they are made. You must remember this truth well. Even if at first glance you do not have all the necessary data for dancing, do not despair - thanks to hard training, you will succeed.

How to learn to dance so that those around you at the disco are speechless? What dance will blow your mind away? How to learn to feel the music and move to the beat? Let's try to find answers to all these questions together.

Benefits of classes

1. The dancers have a beautiful physical form. At least for the vast majority. Constant stress will not allow you to gain weight.

2. This is a great way to get rid of 4-10 kg excess weight per month. Especially if you haven’t played sports before, your body will accept new loads with a bang.

3. Thanks to them, you will become more relaxed, find new friends, and maybe love.

4. Get to know your body and be more sexy.

This is not all the advantages of dance art. But I think there are enough of them to understand that you definitely need to try dancing in this life!

Each of us has danced at least once, even at home in front of the TV. It is clear that before receiving the title of Master of Sports in ballroom dancing We are far away, but everything is in our hands. You can learn to dance at home using Have a good mood, video lessons and your desires. If you can’t master the elements and steps on your own, sign up for a special group with a good specialist.

How to master this art

Before starting classes, choose the dance style that you like best. To do this, watch videos of other people’s performances, read reviews, listen to the music to which the dance is performed, feel what is close to your heart.

If you are determined to trust the professionals, choose good school. It should be taught by real professionals who have multiple degrees and extensive experience. The room should be normal. Don't forget to inquire about tuition fees. You are unlikely to have outstanding results in one session; at a minimum, you should study for three months. Plan your budget in advance.

It’s quite possible for a girl to learn how to move beautifully at home. To do this, you need to work on your flexibility and plasticity. Download the necessary video lessons and study them for as long as possible. It is more convenient for beginners to master starting skills at home, because in a team you may feel awkward and will not allow you to properly perceive the trainer’s information. Dance in front of the mirror, and strictly follow the video lessons.

Don't rush, you won't be able to learn a full dance right away. Remember 6-8 movements and repeat them until automatic.

Learn to understand and listen to music. Dancers perceive music differently than ordinary people. They are always imagining elements and movements, coming up with new performances. Each dance step has its own notes. Having learned to listen to music, you will not get confused during the process.

Don't criticize yourself and don't listen to words of condemnation. Close people may judge you and not support you in your desire to master dance art. Be prepared for this and believe in your strength. The main thing is that you make your dream come true!

Once you actively start exercising, you will feel severe pain. Art requires sacrifice and at the first stage you will have to endure some inconveniences. Over time, this will pass, and your body will become much slimmer.

Start dancing, and who knows, maybe you will find your calling!

Everyone loves to dance. It has been scientifically proven that dancing relieves stress, lifts your mood and even strengthens your immune system. Scientists and doctors are sure that dance helps to harmonize your relationships with outside world, enhance mental activity. And he also gives pleasure. But you are not born with the ability to dance; you have to learn it. For some people, it is enough to watch how others move in order to immediately adopt their style and start dancing beautifully themselves. Others have to go to special dance training groups. What about those who do not have access to these opportunities?

How to learn to dance at home? Is it possible? Of course available. Especially in our time, when you can invite a virtual dance teacher to your home. After all, there are many videos on the Internet that show in detail how to move while performing this or that dance.

However, just videos are not enough. Dance, especially modern dance, puts a lot of stress on muscles and ligaments, so training or learning must be approached very carefully so as not to damage them.

So how to learn to dance at home? First you need to decide what exactly you want to dance. After this, it is very advisable to read the history of the chosen dance. After all, any dance is a reflection of the culture of a certain people or layer of society, and each movement carries a precise meaning. Misunderstanding of dance culture often leads to quite funny results.

Once, in a conversation with several young Muscovites who were vacationing in Kuban for the first time, unfamiliar with the local culture, but passionately wanting to dance Lezginka, I asked: how to learn to dance Lezginka at home? How did they do it?

The girls were surprised at my inability and offered to teach me the dance right in the restaurant where the conversation took place (and it was in Kuban). And as soon as the orchestra started playing Lezginka, they jumped out onto the dance floor and began to perform something vaguely reminiscent of Shamil’s dance, which is more often called Lezginka. But... self-confident creatures performed... the male part of this dance.

Needless to say, what a laughing stock they have become in the Kuban town, where boys and girls learn to dance Lezginka before they can walk?

So, after you have become familiar with the history of the dance and the images that it should convey, you need to create a training schedule. To understand exactly how to learn to dance at home, you need to realize that, as in any training, only regular lessons can bring benefits. Therefore, it is advisable to practice daily.

Training, like any lesson, should be divided into several stages.

The first is warm-up or general physical preparation. Like any activity of this kind, it should first include exercises that warm up the muscles, then stretching. It is important to ensure that the warm-up involves absolutely all the muscles: from the neck to the toes (lezginka, for example, is performed on the fingers). It is necessary to finish the warm-up with relaxation of the whole body and light self-massage.

The second stage is repeating previously learned movements or, if you have just started learning, watching video instructions and repeating them. Fortunately, entire cable TV channels and Internet sites are dedicated to video lessons on dancing. You can use traditional dance textbooks, where all the movements are described and drawn in detail. Unfortunately, such textbooks are quite difficult to buy today. Therefore, to the question of how to learn to dance tectonics at home (or breakdancing, or electro, or hip-hop, or tango, etc.), there is only one answer: watch video lessons.

As soon as you have consolidated previously learned movements or combinations, begin to introduce new elements into the dance. This will be the third stage of classes. Remember, your task is to achieve freedom of action, learn to combine movements so that with each new musical chord a new rhythmic, plastic or figurative pattern is born.

Final stage- creation of a single dance image. When rehearsing in front of a mirror, try to create an image that matches the culture that gave birth to the dance. For example, one of the directions of tectonics (Milky Way) is designed to demonstrate the dancer, the male part of the Lezginka - his belligerence, courage, and tango - his ardent passion.

Repeat the learned fragment several times along with connections and transitions and move on to relaxation exercises.

Of course, there can be as many teaching methods as there are people. Therefore, if desired, everyone can find their own teaching method and independently answer the question of how to learn to dance at home.

Dancing isn't just about showing off at a party in front of friends and attractive strangers. They develop plasticity and grace, teach you to move beautifully and harmoniously in any situation, and not just by performing intricate steps. U dancing people often has a cool gait and an attractive figure. And this is also an excellent and most importantly - not boring aerobic exercise. Dancing is emotions and drive!

Our video review today is dedicated to how to quickly learn to dance and what can be found on the Internet to achieve this goal.

Dance lessons for beginners, as we found out, is quite a popular topic on the Internet and useful material We have found quite a few. We have selected the best.

How to combine dance moves

The first lesson in our review is a very useful and accessible lesson for beginners, answering one of the main dance questions: “How to harmoniously combine dance movements?” The connectedness of various movements distinguishes dance from fitness or aerobics.

Have you heard the phrase “He doesn’t dance, he plays sports!”? This is a situation where a person seems to be making movements and in themselves they look good, but they are not connected with each other, there is no single narrative...

Salsa for Beginners: Basic Steps and Turns

Salsa is a fiery Latin American dance. Like all of them, it will make your figure and movements sexy and beautiful.

This is a very simple and easy to follow lesson for beginners that will teach you some of the basic moves of this dance. If you like it, you can always continue by enrolling in a studio where Latin American dances are taught.

Wave with your hands

In this lesson you can learn a new hand movement. It’s only at first that it seems difficult to wave with your hands. With clear instructions and a little practice, you'll feel like you have the ability to dance.

Gypsy dance lesson from Venus Ferari

Gypsy dance is fire and passion, long skirts, beautiful movements and a rich centuries-old history.

Video lesson: Michael Jackson's side gait

Michael Jackson is the king, and it doesn't matter whether he's alive or dead! The way he danced, no one had danced before him and it is unlikely that anyone will dance after him. He created his own unique and spectacular dance style and gained a huge number of imitators and fans.

After watching this video lesson, you will learn how to perform one of his most famous movements.

Video tutorial: Michael Jackson Moonwalk (glide)

And finally, legendary!

Learning basic dance moves for beginners is easy, thanks to clear video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose the appropriate dance style. Some areas are too complex and not suitable for beginners, so before starting your first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Club dance go-go

Go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in American nightclubs. It was originally based on dance moves twist, which the girls performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs thought of placing the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique Go-Go dancing became incredibly popular: refined and sensual movements attracted people to the club great amount visitors.

This dance requires performers to have great physical strength, significant flexibility, looseness and an impeccable sense of rhythm. It is usually performed to modern pop music and includes many various styles such as strip dancing, hip-hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it is still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which movements are judged.

Group Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners; simple ones are easy for beginners to master; they allow you to develop special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can learn to dance beautifully on your own and after just a few lessons you can shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic movements hips, relaxed and filled with freedom, straight, proud posture and chin held high. It is important to note that all steps are performed on bent legs. This direction requires good physical preparation, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will definitely bear fruit.


It's beautiful and passionate dance, which is usually performed in pairs. There are several varieties of tango: Argentine, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last one, ballroom, is often chosen as wedding dance happy couple.

Even beginners can master the basic steps and positions, but it takes a lot of work to achieve true mastery. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember, and the couple always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular destinations for girls - Eastern dance, since the movements are very simple and beautiful, they help to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dancing is much simpler than strip dancing, it does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the most short time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is danced even in discos. Basic movements Belly dancing for beginners includes swaying the hips, soft movements of the arms and chest. The video tutorial will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn to dance, you need to overcome embarrassment and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video training, beginners can try themselves various directions and choose exactly the one that works best and gives the most pleasure. Basic dance movements for beginners are easy to learn, and regular lessons will allow you to achieve the desired level of skill.