Incendiary Go-Go dance. What is go-go? Evolution of the concept

Modern and very fiery dance under unusual name go-go pleases the eye with its relaxedness and energy; even the name itself means movement in English. Many people do not know what go go is and think that it is exclusively club dance, which encourages people to make the most of their time on the dance floor, but it is much more complex than it might seem at first glance.

Where did this dance come from?

The name go-go literally means a call to action. Shouting “come on, come on,” the DJs supported the dancers performing in public. But there is another version, translated from French “a gogo” means “in abundance,” which revealed the essence of an excess of movements and combined directions.

And although the dance looks very modern, it appeared back in the 60s in the USA. Hollywood became its ancestor. It was here in a nightclub called "Whisky-A-Go-Go" that girls in short skirts They danced energetically in cages suspended from the ceiling.

Similar dances were also noticed in Japanese nightclubs around the same years. It was this time that became the beginning of the progressive fashion for go-go dancing. It was often confused with striptease, although, unlike the latter, the dance does not involve exposure of intimate areas (the exception was Carol Doda's topless dance in 1964).

The popularity of this incendiary movement grew over time, and it was performed not only by the fair sex, but also by men. In the 60s, such dancers were especially in demand in gay clubs.

What is a go-go destination?

The main purpose of dance is to incite the desire in the audience to dance, have fun and move to the rhythm. Characteristic Features directions consider the following:

  • Lack of strict structure or consistency. Often performers come up with their own movements and improvise to different rhythms of the music.
  • Having a bright, shiny suit that is tight-fitting and eye-catching, with knee-high boots, although many simply wear high-heeled shoes.
  • Rhythm of movement using various techniques, for example, disco or house dance.
  • No restrictions and free flight of imagination.
  • The dance is most often performed on special stands or stands.

Go-go performers most often perform in nightclubs, discos, casinos or concert venues. The trend is becoming more youthful and today is gaining more and more popularity due to the lack of boundaries.

Features of Go-Go. What can't you do without?

However, regardless of the fact that the dancer is given complete freedom, the performer must possess certain skills, without which the dance will lose its essence. All dance schools and training courses aim to teach their graduates the following:

  • All movements should be seductive and smooth.
  • Learn to listen to your body, because not everyone can turn dance into a real art and light up the dance floor with one movement.
  • To love music in all its manifestations, to hear the rhythm, melody, every feature, vocals and all transitions.
  • Adapt to any direction of music, using various elements of other dances, turning all improvisation into a single harmonious dance.
  • Be able to control the body to create an overall composition. Don’t forget what position your arms and legs are in during a particular movement.
  • All actions must be decisive and energetic, filled with drive. Go-go dancing is not suitable for indecisive people, as it implies liberation.

All classes and training are often aimed at mastering all modern styles dance, so that a person quickly gets used to it and can easily come up with combinations. Special attention is given to the creation beautiful effects with slowing down and speeding up, working out emotions, because facial expression is also part of the dance.

While performing the dance, alcohol consumption is not allowed, as this will necessarily affect the dancer’s coordination. Many trainers teach go-go as a science, and once you understand its basics, you can easily find a job or even make a career.

How does a dancer's career begin?

Of course, to earn recognition in the field of Go-Go dancing, you need talent and the ability to listen to music. It is a good sense of rhythm that often plays decisive role in the ability to put on a real show, for which the owners of bars and clubs shell out good money. As for the dancer’s appearance, an integral part of the image will be:

  • Bright makeup showing strengths and hiding defects.
  • An ideal hairstyle that can withstand heavy loads.
  • Dress code: leather, latex, mesh, fur and other burlesque costumes.

Working as a dancer requires staying in good shape, so regular attendance is important. gym and dance lessons. The key to successful casting will be the regular addition of new ones to the repertoire interesting movements, usually they are given no more than 2 minutes to demonstrate them, so you need to learn to give your all in a short time.

Go-go dance– this is an opportunity to find your own unique style, which will be difficult for anyone else to repeat. For many, this trend has ceased to be a hobby and has turned into a real lifestyle.

Is it possible to learn to dance go-go at home?

Many people have mastered the science of go-go dancing without leaving home; all they needed was desire and a little free time. Here are a few useful tips that will help in this matter:

  • You should choose several high-quality video lessons that are intended for beginners. They will set the pace and allow you to get used to it faster. Ideally, this will be a course that involves sequential mastery of each stage.
  • You need to set aside a place and time when you can turn on music without complaints from neighbors and minimum quantity distractions.
  • Carefully approach the creation of the image, even at home it must be flawless.
  • You will need to place a mirror in front of you so that all movements can be controlled, the plasticity can be assessed, and the execution of each element can be corrected.
  • You need to start with simple techniques, even copying other dancers and only after successfully mastering them, you can move on to creating your own compositions.
  • Since at home there will be no control from a trainer, you should pay maximum attention to flexibility, perform more exercise for stretching. Broaden your horizons by mastering several styles and directions.

The entire dance should be fiery and erotic, but vulgarity must be completely excluded. The main trump card of execution is emotionality and flirting, which encourage other people to join the game.

Video Go Go

Go-go or go-go is an entertaining dance of erotic content, which does not involve undressing. This is an improvisational dance, relaxed and energetic, designed to ignite people on the dance floor of nightclubs

Traditionally, Go-go is considered a club dance, however, contrary to stereotypes, it is far from easy to perform. In addition, Go-go dancers need not only to beautifully perform all the movements, but also to charge those present with energy, delight themselves and those around them with their dance, and be the center of the club action

History of origin

One version connects the name of the dance with English expression“go-go”, which can be translated as “come on.” It is assumed that these were the words the dancers shouted, supporting DJs and artists performing in front of the public. According to another version, it is believed that Go-go is part of the French phrase “à gogo”, which means “in abundance, in abundance”, and it in turn goes back to the Old French “la gogue” - “joy, happiness”.

Whatever the origin of the name of this dance, but in the early 60s of the last century in Hollywood, an interesting sight appeared at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go club: girls in short skirts began to dance in cages suspended from the ceiling, captivating and igniting everyone present with her dances. At the same time, this dance appeared in bars in Japan.

These performances can probably be considered the beginning of the Go-go era. Owners of night bars and clubs began to hire dancers to attract visitors. Go-go dancing does not involve undressing, although its history includes a topless performance by Carol Doda in 1964, one of the famous go-go performers who danced at the Condor club in San Francisco for 22 years.

The Vietnam War brought go-go to the bars of Saigon where Americans entertained during lulls in the war.

Not only girls, but also men danced go-go, this was especially typical in the 60s for gay clubs. Male dancers are popular in similar establishments and now.

What is Go-Go?

To avoid the wrong impression, we emphasize that Go-go dancers, unlike striptease performers, do not have the task of awakening sexual desires, they must be able to stir people up, ignite them with their dance and awaken the desire to move and have fun.

Currently, Go-go has become an indispensable attribute of nightclubs, private parties, and discos. Despite the presence dance schools, offering Go-go training, as a rule, many dancers come up with the elements and pattern of the dance themselves.

For a Go-go dancer, the costume is of great importance. Most often, these are shiny, bright clothes with a minimum of fabric, effectively emphasizing the beautiful figures of the performers. Special costumes can also be used to create a certain image. An indispensable attribute in the dancers' costume are boots. At the beginning of the development of this dance they were called “go-go boots”, now any boots that reach the knees are suitable.

Features of the dance

For Go-go there is no one strictly fixed style or direction. This dance is performed using elements from a variety of concepts: disco, R&B, house dance, belly dance, flamenco, etc. But it cannot be said that Go-go is a chaotic mixture of techniques and movements. In order to dance Go-go, you need to know different dance styles, easy to improvise, skillfully combining them, move rhythmically, have internal energy and the ability to transfer it to others. Any tempo and style of music should not be a surprise to go-go dancers. The most important thing about Go-go dance is the absence of strict restrictions, the rise of imagination and incredible drive!

Go-go dance is usually performed on a high stage, specially equipped stands or stands.

Many people have heard about this type of dance called go-go. Yes, we've heard a lot. We have all seen these wildly energetic girls and boys more than once in a variety of nightclubs and even as the opening act for ordinary corporate events. Despite the apparent ease of such work, dancers of this genre experience enormous stress, associated, first of all, with a lot of physical labor and a bunch of stereotypes that, like rain of abundance, fall on their beautiful bodies.

Our editors found out what representatives of the go-go genre face in their work, what their training consists of, and how they combat the stereotypical thinking of customers and employers. But first things first. To begin with, we go to a dance teacher in one of dance studios. Elena Kostritskaya, a beautiful and fit girl, agreed to tell us all the “secrets” of her craft.

Elena, I’ll start traditionally: what is go-go? What style is it and how is it danced?
Go-go is a club dance,” Len’s teacher tone includes. - It is divided into two types: dances performed by girls in clubs, and the direction itself, which is taught in studios. These are two different things. In clubs it’s more relaxed, sexy, and there’s usually much less space involved. The go-go that is taught is more of a choreography. In classes we learn to feel music, learn to coordinate movements.

Why do they usually order go-go girls? For what events?
Now it's fashionable to order live show: someone sings, musicians play, we dance. These are birthdays, company corporate events, presentations. They don’t invite you to weddings,” the girl laughs. - Order to look at beautiful girls to create the right atmosphere and captivate guests.

When they place an order for go-go girls, do they usually understand what awaits them?
Always, when an order comes in, I ask again: “Are you sure you want this?” Lena laughs and emphasizes the word “this.” - It also happens that they don’t understand. Although now basically everyone knows what go-go is.

There are many stereotypes regarding your profession ( Lena nods). Many people think that this is a rather frivolous activity. So the question arises: how difficult and serious is your work?
Yes, there are stereotypes. But I believe that easy work absolutely not. Dancing is very difficult. This is a big exercise stress, especially on the lower back. You have to dance in high heels. It can be very uncomfortable, and at the same time you have to smile and pretend that everything is fine.

Since we're talking about stereotypes: is go-go often confused with striptease?
Previously, yes. Three or four years ago they were constantly confused. Now this happens too, but extremely rarely. People are already more enlightened.

In general, why are these two genres confused?
Simply because they are not aware. Go-go girls wear revealing outfits, just like representatives of the strip industry. And we also have a hint of sexuality, but without it there’s still nowhere. But this is just a hint.

Is it emotionally difficult to work?
It all depends on the event. When people look at you and perceive you correctly, an exchange of energy necessarily occurs between us. And in general, with experience, you understand that when they look at you and discuss you, even if it’s negative, it’s still good.

What does it take to become a go-go dancer? Probably not every girl can dance? I'm talking about external data and professionalism.
Moscow clubs have certain criteria, but even there they make exceptions. Height is not the most important thing, there are heels! In other cities the requirements are slightly lower. It doesn't have to be a girl with long hair, seventy meters, etc. The main thing is the figure and the ability to move.

Go-go is still improvisation or...
Yes, this is purely improvisation,” the girl answers without listening to the end of the question. - There are some universal ligaments that we learn, but the real go-go dance is classic version- this is improvisation.

The rehearsal hall gradually began to fill with young girls, everyone was preparing for the next training session. Someone came with a schoolchild who disappeared somewhere during the rehearsal. Mommy go-go. Interesting. Watching the newcomers, I suddenly became interested:
Do you think there is competition between dancers?
- Competition?... - Lena thought a little, - probably... not. I've only encountered this once. Moreover, the motive of the girl who competed with me is still not clear to me. There are usually more friends here than competitors.

Literally in the next 15 minutes I realized what such a colossal physical labor Elena interpreted. These girls have strength training like soldiers in the army. Push-ups, abs, stretching - a small part of what I had to see.

“Oddly enough, I started my dancing career with fitness. It was there that I realized that just fitness is boring. That’s why a year ago I came to the dance studio,” says Nastya Gorokhova, one of Elena’s students, during a break. - First I went for stripplasty, then I started doing go-go. Literally six months later I started performing.”
How does your boyfriend feel about your activities? What about your loved ones?
He likes. He had prejudices, but we found a compromise with him. And my friends are delighted, they are interested and come to the performances,” Nastya happily reports.

Expert opinion

Victoria Tsitovich () in the entertainment industry for over 10 years. She started working when go-go girls were also called “animators.” Vika knows everything about this genre and even more.

Victoria, how is the go-go genre represented in the entertainment industry today?
Go-go, first of all, is a dance, a dance of emotions, inner state and understanding of music. To become a go-go, you don’t have to be a professional dancer, I would even say that not every pro can be a great go-go and vice versa. Nowadays it is not that difficult to get into this industry. Sometimes it's enough to have beautiful figure and attractive appearance, and the ability to work as an animator is the second point. Mostly girls work in this market. There is a shortage of young men, but they exist, and that’s great!

What is it like today for a customer who chooses dancers of this genre?
For me, customers are divided into two types - those who want go-go, and those who want to see animators at their event. The first ones just want a dance party decoration. Secondly, to work with guests. This includes dancing, assistance in holding competitions, organizing master classes, and holding flash mobs. Here I always try to clarify what exactly is expected of us.

When and where is it appropriate for such artists to perform?
Events where artists of this genre may be in demand are very diverse. On the question of relevance. We had a funny incident: we were invited as go-gos to a teenager’s birthday party. As a result, we had to entertain the youth with competitions and jokes, since dancing was not very appropriate. I will say this, if you invite experienced artists, they will find a way out of the situation and will always be welcome!

Have you ever encountered misunderstanding and prejudiced attitude of the public towards your line of work?
It is rare, but it happens that a dancer feels out of place. Again, in such a situation he must find contact with the viewer. Many viewers are simply embarrassed to show their interest or have complexes for certain reasons. For example, when working at a banquet, you literally have to pay personal attention to everyone. We used to be confused with strippers, but that's when this direction was not so developed. The very phrase that I work in a nightclub caused a lot of mistrust. Now everything is much simpler. Almost every second girl here is a go-go, so there is no longer any suspicion about this.

Well, it seems that all the secrets have been revealed and the stereotypes have been debunked. Therefore, before you pick up the phone and dial the artist’s number, ask yourself again who you would like to see at your party.

Nina Kataeva

What does “Go” mean on VKontakte? Nowadays on the Internet you can find many strange words and expressions that people use in communication with each other. Some of them can be understood quite simply, but some will have to be understood on their own. One of these words is the word “go”.

What does go mean on VKontakte

What does VKontakte mean? Now, let's try to figure out what the word “go” means, which is often used both in online correspondence and in live communication.

Origin of the expression

The word “go” comes from the English “Go” and largely conveys its meaning. How is it that English word has become so widespread in the Russian language.

The expression is predominantly found in the language of youth; the fact is that young people often tend to experiment with language, simplify and shorten words in every possible way in order to make them simpler. And when words cannot be abbreviated, their analogue in another language is simply taken and used instead of the original. Apparently this is what happened in the case of our “original Russian” word go.

The convenience and brevity of this word clearly appealed to the taste of young people; over time, the use of the word go became fashionable, and eventually became a habit. Now we can find “go” in almost any part of the Russian-language Internet, and in real life, avid gamers often use the word go in communication.

Meaning of the word

So, what does VKontakte mean? Using foreign words as a replacement for your own, their original meaning is almost always preserved, so to understand the meaning of a word, just look at its translation.

The translation of the word go sounds like go, but there are also many alternative meanings like: start, do, etc.

Examples of using

To better understand the meaning of the word, let's look at its application in specific examples and let's analyze its meaning in each specific case.

  • Let's play! – Here the meaning of the word go can be deciphered as: let’s go or let’s go.
  • Come on! – In different contexts it can mean: Well, okay, let’s go, let’s start, etc.
  • Three! Two! One! Go! - IN in this case matters: Started.

As you can see, the word go is most often used as a call to something, and is also used to show one’s agreement.


After reading this article, you should no longer have the question “what does VKontakte mean?” We figured out that given word comes from English Go and has a similar meaning. Most often used among gamers as a call to action.