Timur movement: history of origin, ideology and various facts. Timur movement: history of origin, ideology and interesting facts Timur movement in the USSR

1. General provisions and terms

“Timurovets” is a participant in the children’s social movement to help families of soldiers, the disabled, and the sick (named after Timur, the hero of A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” - S.I. Ozhegov “ Dictionary", p.798).

Children's public organization "Timurovtsy" Municipal Educational Institution Dmitrovskaya Secondary secondary school No. 9 was created in January 2014 as a voluntary association of students in grade 6, focused on universal human values and motivated by the desire to accomplish good deeds for the benefit of society, development of social activity of schoolchildren, development of responsibility towards others, development of communication skills.

In their activities, participants of the Timurovtsi preschool educational institution are guided by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, the Convention on Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    “House without loneliness” (helping lonely elderly people).

    “Heroes live nearby” (communication with war and labor veterans).

    “We are your older friends!” (help for students in grades 1-2).

    “Within the circle of friends” (conducting conversations, informational minutes, games, competitions for primary school students).

3. Goals of the Timurov organization

    formation in children of a culture of social service as important factor development of modern society;

    creating conditions for implementation creative potential individuals in organizing free assistance to war veterans, the elderly, and children in need of help and complicity.

4. Objectives of the Timurov organization

    formation of civic feelings of junior schoolchildren;

    support for social initiatives aimed at spreading humanism, mercy, philanthropy and compassion;

    development of children’s social activity, independence and responsibility, communication skills;

    providing opportunities for self-realization in the development of organizational skills of students through participation in planning and carrying out socially significant activities and events;

    revival of the Timur movement as a means of helping those in need of attention.

5. Participants of the preschool educational institution "Timurovtsy"

Participants in the Timurovtsi preschool educational institution can be students who voluntarily accepted the ideas of the Timurov movement and agree to implement them in their lives.

A member of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsi” is obliged to:

    Comply with the Charter of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsy”;

    Be a model for other students, do good to people, stand up for the elderly, younger, weak and offended, always be ready to help;

    Be responsible for your behavior and actions, recognize the equality of all people, work to improve the society in which you live.

    Protect your good name and dignity of the Timurovtsy organization.

6. Principles of activity of members of the preschool educational organization “Timurovtsy”



    Awareness by members of the organization of personal and social significance its activities

    Continuity and systematicity



7. The squad has its own symbols and attributes (motto, emblem, laws).

Laws of the Timur detachment:

    The law of accuracy (the “zero-zero” law): start everything on time, don’t be late.

    Law of the Raised Hand: If a person raises his hand, it means he has something to say.

    Law of truth: remember, truth is needed not only by you, but also by the people around you.

    The law of goodness: be kind to your neighbor, and goodness will return to you.

    Law of caring: before demanding attention to yourself, show it to the people around you; remember their interests, needs, needs.

    Law of mercy: you feel good today, but there may be people nearby who have tears in their eyes. Don't forget about it, help them.

    Law of memory: people must know their history and remember their people.

    Law of respect: if you want to be respected, respect the human dignity of other people.

    Law of old age: remember, old age is respected among all nations.

    Law of honor: remember physical strength only when alone; remember spiritual strength, nobility, duty, dignity.

Unit symbols – an emblem with the image of a steering wheel. On the helm is the squad’s motto “Warm people with your hearts.” There - five pointed star, symbol of the Timur movement.

If the name Timur Garayev means something to you, then as a child you also loved to read stories about the adventures of responsible guys who tried to make the world a better place. The story “Timur and His Team,” published in 1940 by Arkady Gaidar, became a cult favorite and was passed down from generation to generation. Are there such Timurites now?

Volunteering these days is becoming increasingly popular among young people not only in the country, region, but also in our Kardymovsky district. Volunteers are those people who do good at the call of their hearts. They are called when help is needed.

On November 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree establishing Volunteer Day in Russia. New holiday will be celebrated annually on December 5th. The establishment of the corresponding date is timed to “ International Day volunteers for the sake of economic and social development", which was established in 1985 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly.

IN recent years In our country, the volunteer movement, which appeared in the 80s, began to actively revive. Although, if you look into history, it should be noted that it has always existed, for example, in the form of the sisters of mercy service, the pioneer movement, various nature conservation societies and monuments.

As the leading expert on youth affairs of the district Department of Education, preschool curator Dina Stolyarova said, on the territory municipality Today, several volunteer movements are actively working in the Kardymovsky District and providing all possible assistance to the population - about 600 schoolchildren from all over the region.

These are children's public associations: “Coeval” under the leadership of V.I. Velikopolskaya (village Tyushino), “Gagarintsy” and RDS under the leadership of E.F. Nesterova (Kardymovo settlement), “Friends of Nature” under the leadership of A.G. Kovaleva (village Shokino), “Commonwealth” under the leadership of O.A. Yakunenkova (village Ryzhkovo), “Native Spaces” under the leadership of E.Yu. Frolenkova (village Solovevo), “Rubezh” under the direction of N.M. Derbilova (village Tirya), “Rainbow” under the direction of S.I. Golovina (village Kamenka), “Friendship” under the direction of A.Sh. Kironova (village Shestakovo). They brought together completely different (in age, social status and many other indicators) guys who are united by the desire to help those in need, to be useful to people. Kardymov Timurites are guys from 9 to 18 years old. They were fascinated by the experience of their Soviet predecessors, who helped the elderly, veterans and those who various reasons needs help.

At the Kardymovskaya Secondary School, 35 young people have received personal volunteer books to date; these are students in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11. The former participants grew up, graduated from school, left the volunteer movement, and entered higher education. educational institutions. The current lineup was formed a year ago, replacing the previous one. Most recently, in November 2017, 25 active children from Kardymovskaya Secondary School joined the ranks of volunteers.

“Anyone can become a volunteer, regardless of age,” says Dina Mikhailovna. “Our volunteers are involved in cleaning monuments, local areas of WWII participants and labor veterans, and in organizing and conducting various events. The main thing is to have a desire, a desire to help and clearly understand that this is not a job that generates income, but an internal state. Children who are passionate about volunteer activities unite together to make our lives kinder. Such youth groups include active Kardymov high school students who work for the good of society without asking for anything in return. They have a lot of useful things ahead of them. Now the main issue on the agenda is organizing New Year’s events.”

On the eve of Volunteer Day, a member of the volunteer movement, secretary of the public youth movement, Arina Lavrenova, told us what it was like to always be where help is needed.

— How did you become a volunteer?

— We were offered to join a volunteer society, and we agreed. After all, becoming a volunteer is a person’s own choice. During this time, we have become more active, organized, responsible, and most importantly - responsive!

— Who guides you, where do you get information about where your help is needed?

— In our work, we closely cooperate with the administration of the Kardymovsky district, in particular, with the specialist of the Education Department for Youth Affairs Dina Mikhailovna Stolyarova, the director of the sports and recreation center Sergei Sergeevich Anufriev and specialists from the Cultural Center.

— What kind of help do you provide?

— Volunteer help is required in the most different cases. This is assistance in holding events on a district and regional scale, cleaning areas, holding events, various cultural, patriotic, entertainment events, and we also help older people. Every event is important and significant for us. But there are special and memorable ones, for example, the three-day festival “Solovieva Crossing” - this is the most striking, large-scale event. Among the recent Spartakiads for disabled people, where our duties included: meeting and escorting athletes to the place, participating in the opening of the Spartakiad. And also congratulations on Mother’s Day, presentation of flowers self made, laying flowers on mass grave Kardymovo village for the Day of the Unknown Soldier.

Now we are preparing for the New Year. We have not yet decided what kind of events will be held - the main thing is to do more good deeds and try to be useful to those who need help.

—Who can join your ranks?

— We always welcome new guys. To join the squad, you need to be active and really want to do good deeds. Now they are paying more attention to volunteers - they have started issuing certificates, the presence of which means certain privileges when entering educational institutions. And many join our ranks precisely for this reason, and when we need help and we turn to them, there are constant refusals with various excuses. We want to have more people, but we don’t just need them for show or numbers. " Dead souls“We don’t need it.

— What did volunteering give you?

“This is, first of all, useful for society, for our native village.” We don’t wander around the streets idle, every day is scheduled. By participating in various events, we always learn something new, and then share the information received with others. And this is also one of the areas of our activity.

— Thanks to the Kardymov volunteers and good luck in their good deeds!

Volunteers work for the benefit of society without asking for anything in return, which is another reason why they are honored with their own holiday. Selfless actions in modern world– are rare, but they are so necessary. So on December 5, we should thank all those people who work for free and help people.

There have been, are and will be followers of Timur Garayev’s case in our country! And if as a child, reading Arkady Gaidar’s story, you learned to sympathize and help those in need, then you have every opportunity to become modern Timurites - volunteers!

No. 48 from 12/8/17

As domestic historians note, in the summer of 1941, Timur’s movement had already covered the entire USSR. A. N. Balakirev in his scientific work According to the research of this organization, he provides statistics characterizing the difference in the attitudes of children towards the Pioneers and Timurovites using the example of Buryatia: there, during the war, the number of Pioneers decreased by 5 times, and the number of Timurov organizations, on the contrary, increased by 3 times and reached 25 thousand people.
The movement of the Timurites in the Great Patriotic War enjoyed great prestige among Soviet children, since it was associated with specific work - the Timurites looked after the families of front-line soldiers, the elderly - they chopped firewood for them, carried water, collected ash and chicken droppings for greenhouses, money and bonds for the construction of the Soviet weapons, paraded over hospitals, performed concerts in front of the wounded... As A.N. Balakirev wrote, in the Chelyabinsk region alone in 1942-1943 there were over 3 thousand Timurov teams with a total number of 28 thousand people, children took care of 15 thousand families of front-line soldiers. In the Khabarovsk Territory, about a thousand teams of Timurovites were engaged in renovating the homes of families who fought on the fronts of the Second World War, helped in raising small children, weeded vegetable gardens and collected the grown crops, and prepared firewood. IN Voronezh region During the war, more than 50 thousand Timurites acted.
At the beginning of 1942, Timur’s rallies took place in the USSR, where the results of the work of these organizations in the country were summed up. Volunteer Komsomol assistants who acted in besieged Leningrad. In the besieged city, there were 753 teams with 12 thousand Timurites. Leningrad Timurites also took care of the families of front-line soldiers, pensioners and disabled people, purchasing food cards for them, storing fuel and cleaning apartments.

Timurov movement

a mass patriotic movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the content of which is civic concern for people in need of help. Originated in the USSR in the early 40s. influenced by A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team” as a movement to help military families. Etc. - an effective (with game elements) form of socially useful activity for children, contributing to their moral education, development of initiative and initiative.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, Timurov's teams and detachments operated in schools, orphanages, at palaces and houses of pioneers and other non-school institutions, at the place of residence; in the RSFSR alone there were over 2 million Timurites. Timurites patronized hospitals, families of soldiers and officers Soviet Army, orphanages and kindergartens, helped harvest the harvest, worked for the defense fund; in the post-war period they provide assistance to the disabled, war and labor veterans, and the elderly; care for the graves of fallen soldiers. In the 60s The search work of the Timurites to study Gaidar’s life greatly contributed to the opening of the writer’s memorial museums in Arzamas and Lgov. With funds raised by Timur's members, a library-museum named after. Gaidar. In the early 70s. For practical guide Timurov associations by the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization (See All-Union Pioneer Organization) named after. V.I. Lenin created Timur’s All-Union Headquarters under the editorial office of the magazine “Pioneer”, and local republican, regional, district and city headquarters. Traditional gatherings of Timur members are held regularly. In 1973, the 1st All-Union meeting of Timurites (about 3.5 thousand delegates) took place in Artek, which adopted a program for the development of etc.

The traditions of etc. found their expression and development in the voluntary participation of children and adolescents in the improvement of cities and villages, nature conservation, and assistance labor collectives adults, etc.

Timurov teams and detachments were created in the pioneer organizations of the GDR, People's Republic of Belarus, Poland, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia.

Lit.: Ukhyankin S.P., Timur Pioneers, M., 1961; Kamov B.K., Ordinary biography (Arkady Gaidar), M., 1971; Furin S. A., Simonova L. S., Young Timurovites, M., 1975.

S. A. Furin.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the “Timurov movement” is in other dictionaries:

    It arose in the USSR among pioneers and schoolchildren in the beginning. 1940s under the influence of the story by A.P. Gaidar, Timur and his team. We provided assistance to the families of military personnel and veterans, as well as the elderly, kindergartens, looked after the graves of fallen soldiers, etc... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    It arose in the USSR among pioneers and schoolchildren in the early 1940s. under the influence of A.P. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”. We provided assistance to the families of military personnel and veterans, as well as the elderly, kindergartens, looked after the graves of fallen soldiers, etc... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Timurov movement- TIMUROV MOVEMENT, mass patriotic. movement of pioneers and schoolchildren, the goal is to care for people in need of help. At the end of the 1930s. In some pioneer detachments, an initiative arose to patronize the families of military personnel, expressing... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    movement- , iya, wed. 1. Movement in space in which l. direction. == Progressive movement towards communism. pathet. Titarenko, 6. 2. Social activities, pursuing certain goals. * Revolutionary movement. MAS, vol. 1, 368. ◘ I... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Emblem of the pioneer organization of the USSR Pioneer movement movement of children's communist organizations in the USSR and in other countries. Modeled after the scouting movement, the pioneer movement differed from ... Wikipedia

    Children's movement- children's social movement, a set of activities of various children's public organizations and children's public associations; one of the forms of socially significant activities of children and youth. The term children's and... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Timurovets is a concept from Soviet times, denoting an exemplary pioneer who performs free of charge good deeds for the benefit of socialist society. Derived from the book “Timur and His Team” by Arkady Gaidar, the hero of which, Timur, ... ... Wikipedia

    Timurites- members of societies. movements within the framework of the All. pioneer organization named after. V.I. Lenin, primarily in the 1940s. Published in 1940. pov A.P. Gaidar Timur and his team, who set an example of self-organization for children. team without control and... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Timurovskaya Street runs from Demyan Bedny Street to Ushinsky Street. On October 2, 1970, a new street in the Kalininsky district was named Timurovskaya. “In honor of the patriotic education of pioneers,” the decision stated. IN … St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    ALL-UNION PIONEER ORGANIZATION, mass amateur communist organization of children and teenagers Soviet Union, formed on May 19, 1922, bore the name of V. I. Lenin since 1924; as a single organization ceased operations in the early 1990s... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Timur and his team, Gaidar A.. The story “Timur and his team” was written in 1940 and immediately became a favorite book of millions of young readers, and Timur’s movement - to selflessly help those in need - literally...

Even before the publication of the work, Gaidar was interested in the problems of military education of schoolchildren. In any case, traces of such interests were reflected in his diary and all his works about Timur. We just talked about the first book. But a little later the writer wrote a second work. It was called “Commandant of the Snow Fortress.” The characters were already doing some war game. Well, at the very beginning of the war, Gaidar managed to write the film script “Timur’s Oath.” From the pages he spoke about the need for a children's organization in military conditions. Members of this community will be on duty during the blackout and bombing. They will protect the territory from saboteurs and spies, and will help the families of Red Army soldiers and peasants in their agricultural work. Actually, that's what happened. Another question is whether the author actually wanted to create some kind of alternative to the pioneer organization with his works about Timur... Unfortunately, we will never know for sure.

Gaidar's idea

They say that Gaidar, in his books about Timur, described the experience of scout organizations in the 10s of the twentieth century. In addition, at one time he led a yard team. And secretly, like his character Timur, he did good deeds without asking for any reward for them. By and large, teenagers who help those in need are now called volunteers.

By the way, such eminent personalities as Anton Makarenko and Konstantin Paustovsky wrote about such a children’s organization in their time. But only Gaidar alone, willingly or unwillingly, managed to bring this plan to life.


What event served as the beginning of the Timur movement? The answer to this question seems quite obvious. It was after the appearance of the book about Timur that the informal Timur movement began. Corresponding detachments also appeared.

The Timurites themselves became, in fact, part of the ideological system of the Soviet Union. At the same time, they managed to maintain a certain spirit of volunteerism.

Timurovites were exemplary teenagers. They unselfishly did good deeds, provided assistance to elderly people, helped collective farms, kindergartens and much, much more. In short, a real mass movement of schoolchildren has emerged.

Who was the founder of the Timur movement? The very first detachment appeared in 1940 in Klin, in the Moscow region. By the way, it was here that Gaidar wrote his “imperishable story” about Timur and his team. There were only six teenagers in this detachment. They studied at one of the Klin schools. Following them, such detachments arose throughout the territory of the Soviet Union. Moreover, sometimes in one of the small villages there were 2-3 such teams. Because of this, funny things happened. Let's say teenagers repeatedly chopped wood for an elderly person and swept the yard three times...

The era of the great war

During the war, the Timur movement in the USSR grew in arithmetic progression. In 1945, there were already about 3 million Timurites in the Soviet Union. These teenagers actually turned out to be irreplaceable.

Such detachments functioned in orphanages, schools, palaces of pioneers and out-of-school institutions. The teenagers patronized the families of officers and soldiers and continued to help harvest the crops.

The teams also carried out tremendous work in hospitals. Thus, the Timurites of the Gorky region managed to organize almost 10 thousand amateur performances for the wounded. They were constantly on duty in hospitals, wrote letters on behalf of the soldiers, and performed a number of various chores.

Another example of the Timur movement occurred in the summer of 1943. The steamship "Pushkin" set off on the route "Kazan - Stalingrad". On the ship as cargo are gifts that were collected by the Timurites of the republic.

And in Leningrad, besieged by the Nazis, the Timur movement acquired special meaning. Twelve thousand teenagers operated in 753 Timurov’s detachments in the northern capital. They provided assistance to the families of front-line soldiers, the disabled and pensioners. They had to prepare fuel for them, clean their apartments and receive food ration cards.

By the way, at the beginning of 1942, the first rallies of Timurites were held throughout the USSR. At these events they talked about the results of their successful activities.

Also by this time, the first songs about the Timur movement appeared, among them “Four friendly guys”, “How high is our sky above us” and, of course, “Song of the Timurites” by Blanter. Later, such popular musical compositions as “Gaidar Walks Ahead”, “Song of the Red Pathfinders”, “Eaglets Learn to Fly”, “Timurovites”, etc. were written.

Ural detachment

Returning to the war period, one of Timur’s famous teams was a detachment from the mining town of Plast, in the Chelyabinsk region. Two hundred teenagers took part in it. And it was headed by 73-year-old Alexandra Rychkova.

The detachment was created in August 1941. At the very first training camp, Rychkova said that she would have to work literally to the point of exhaustion. There will be no age discounts. She announced that if anyone changed their mind, they could leave immediately. But no one left. The teenagers were divided into groups and appointed leaders.

Every day Rychkova handed out a work plan. They helped those in need, told townspeople about situations at the front, and held concerts for the wounded in the hospital. In addition, they collected medicinal plants, scrap metal, prepared firewood, worked in the fields, and patronized the families of front-line soldiers. They were also trusted with a serious matter: Timur’s men crawled into mine dumps and took away rocks.

Note that despite working, teenagers still continued to go to school.

As a result, in six months the team from Plast was able to gain a truly impeccable reputation. Even the officials gave the guys a room for their headquarters. Timurites from this mining town have been repeatedly written about in periodicals. By the way, this detachment is mentioned in the encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

The process of merging pioneers and Timurites

In 1942, teachers were in some confusion. The fact is that Timur’s detachments, in fact, began to displace the pioneer squads. Let us remember that the book about Timur was about a “self-disciplined” team. In it, teenagers took on all the responsibilities and solved all problems themselves, without adult supervision.

As a result, the leaders of the Komsomol made a decision related to the unification of the pioneers and Timurites. After some time, the Komsomol managed to take control of them.

By and large, this situation had its obvious advantages and big disadvantages. The activities of the Timurites began to be considered an additional form of pioneer work.

Post-war period

Immediately after the victory over the fascist invaders, Timur’s men continued to help front-line soldiers, the disabled, and the elderly. They also tried to care for the graves of Red Army soldiers.

But at the same time the movement began to fade away. Perhaps the reason was that the Timurites did not feel much desire to “join” the ranks of the pioneer organization. They lost their freedom of choice.

The revival of the movement began only during Khrushchev’s “thaw”...


The history of the Timur movement in Russia continued. During this period, teenagers continued to engage in social activities useful activity. The best were awarded. For example, eleven-year-old schoolgirl M. Nakhangova from Tajikistan managed to exceed the norm for an adult by seven times in picking cotton. She was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Timurovites began to engage in search work. So, they began to study the life of A. Gaidar and, as a result, helped open museums of the writer in a number of cities. They also organized a library-museum named after the writer in Kanev.

And in the 70s, under the editorship of the famous Soviet magazine “Pioneer,” the so-called All-Union Timur Headquarters was formed. Training sessions for Timurites also took place with enviable regularity. Poems about the Timur movement were actively composed and read. In 1973, the first All-Union rally took place in the Artek camp. Three and a half thousand delegates attended the event. They then even managed to adopt the program of the Timur movement, aimed at its active development.

Note that such teams were created in Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the GDR.

Collapse and revival of the movement

At the very beginning of the 90s, the role of the Komsomol and the Pioneers was declared exhausted. These organizations officially ceased to exist. Accordingly, the same fate awaited Timur’s movement.

But almost simultaneously the “Federation of Children’s Organizations” was created, independent of any political party. A few years later Russian President announced the creation of a movement of Russian schoolchildren. Note that this idea was also supported by teachers.

A little earlier, a new Timurov (volunteer) movement was officially formed, which is designed to help socially vulnerable groups of the population.

New time

Thus, in our time, the traditions of the Timur movement have been preserved. Such units exist in several regions. For example, in Shuya, in the Ivanovo province, there is a youth movement of Timurites. As before, they not only help those in need, but also try to be useful to society.

I'm glad that this movement is spreading everywhere again...