World Winter War Games. What it is? Winter, military, third

TASS DOSSIER. On February 24, the III Winter Military World Games will start in Sochi. On February 23, the first official training sessions will begin as part of the Games.

The Military World Games are competitions in summer and winter sports among military athletes.

The Military World Games are held under the auspices of the International Council of Military Sports (Conseil International du Sport Militaire, CISM; CISM). The organization was created on February 18, 1948. Its first members were Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France. The stated purpose of the CISM is to "promote the international peace process by establishing close and permanent ties between armed forces different countries in the field of sports and physical education".

Currently, 135 states are members of the CISM (Russia joined in 1992). The headquarters of the organization is located in Brussels. The President of CISM is Colonel Abdulhakim Al-Shino (Bahrain), the Secretary General is Colonel Dorah Mambi Koita (Guinea).

Since the early 1950s. SIZM is organizing the largest sports competitions for military athletes, including continental and world championships in both Olympic sports and applied military sports (military pentathlon, naval pentathlon, etc.).

Since 1995, SIZM has been holding the most large-scale events in this area - the World Military Games.

To date, six Summer Military World Games have been held: 1995 (Rome, Italy), 1999 (Zagreb, Croatia), 2003 (Catania, Italy), 2007 (Hyderabad, India), 2011 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and 2015 (Mungyeong, South Korea) Russian national team four times - in 1995, 1999, 2007 and 2015. - took the lead in the unofficial medal standings. In 2011, the domestic team did not participate in the competition. The Winter Military World Games have also been held twice to date.

Winter World War Games

The I Winter Military World Games were held on March 20-25, 2010 in Valle d'Aosta (Italy). 800 athletes from 43 countries took part in the competition. Their program included six sports: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, rock climbing , short track speed skating and ski orienteering. First place in the unofficial team competition was taken by representatives of the Italian Armed Forces (16 awards; 6 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze), second by representatives of the French Armed Forces (12; 6-2-4), third by representatives of the Chinese Armed Forces (10; 3-7-0). The Russians are in fourth place (6; 3-2-1).

The II Winter Military World Games were held on March 25-29, 2013 in Annecy (France). About 1 thousand people from 40 countries took part in them. The games program included seven sports: ski mountaineering (a sport that combines alpine skiing and a type of cross-country skiing) was added to those previously presented. First place in the unofficial team competition was taken by representatives of the French Armed Forces (30; 12-7-11), second by representatives of the Italian Armed Forces (24; 11-10-3), third by representatives of the Swiss Armed Forces (11; 5-3-3). The Russians again finished the competition in fourth position (11; 4-5-2).

Winter Military World Games - 2017

The decision to hold the III Winter Military World Games in Sochi was made on May 22, 2015 in Kuwait at the 70th General Assembly of the International Military Sports Council. In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015, the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the Games was created. Its chairman is Hero of Russia, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

About 1 thousand athletes from 27 countries will take part in the competition (among them are Germany, China, France, Turkey, South Korea, Italy, etc.). 550 volunteers are involved in organizing the Games.

The Russian national team includes 59 athletes. Among them are world champion in biathlon Maxim Tsvetkov, winner of the World Cup in alpine skiing Alexander Khoroshilov, bronze medalist Olympic Games in cross-country skiing Nikolai Morilov, bronze medalist of the world championship in short track speed skating Sofya Prosvirnova and others.

The competition program includes seven sports: biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski mountaineering, short track speed skating, rock climbing and ski orienteering. 44 sets of awards will be raffled off.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will take place at the Ice Cube multifunctional arena. Rock climbing competitions will be held at the Bolshoi Sports Palace, short track speed skating at the Iceberg Ice Palace, and alpine skiing and ski mountaineering competitions at the Rosa Khutor ski center. Biathlon, cross-country skiing and ski orienteering will be hosted by the Laura ski and biathlon complex.

The ambassadors of the Games are: two-time Olympic champion in pole vaulting Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic champion in diving Dmitry Sautin, two-time Olympic champion in biathlon Svetlana Ishmuratova, Olympic champion in fencing Sofya Velikaya, sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev, National artist RSFSR Nikita Mikhalkov and others.

From February 11 to 13, the fire of the III Winter Military World Games was lit in the territories of five military districts of the Russian Federation. The ceremonies took place: in the village of Yantarny, Kaliningrad region, in a Sami village in the Murmansk region, in Kabardino-Balkaria on the top of Elbrus, in the Chelyabinsk region at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, at the Lopatinsky lighthouse in the city of Nevelsk, Sakhalin region.

The torch relay was organized for the first time as part of the Games. The ceremony of unifying the fire of the World Military Games will take place on February 23 at the State Kremlin Palace during festive concert, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. After this, the flame will be sent to Sochi, where the final leg of the 2017 m relay and the official opening ceremony of the Games will be held in the Olympic Park on the evening of February 24.

February 20 at the site news agency TASS hosted a presentation of the Games medals. As part of the event, the uniform of the Russian national team was also presented.

The leopard was chosen as the mascot of the Games, symbolizing strength and courage.

On May 22, 2015, in Kuwait City, at the 70th General Assembly of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM), Sochi was given another Olympics, which will be held exactly three years after the landmark (but already tainted by doping history) Games in 2014. From February 22 to 28, 2017, in the resort city, the Military World Winter Games are an analogue of the real Olympic Games, but exclusively for the military.

SCAPP takes a look at what these games are and what you can expect from them.

The Military World Games are the Olympic Games for active duty military personnel. By analogy with the Olympics, there are winter and summer war games. At the same time, participating countries often field professional athletes who are enrolled in the armed forces, but are actually exempt from active duty. military service(serve one month a year for 10 - 12 years). For example, throughout the history of the winter military games, the following took part in competitions: famous athletes as Martin Fourcade, Ariana Fontana, Dario Cologna, Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle and Natalia Korosteleva.

Throughout history?

Do they have a story?

Yes. The first (summer) games took place in 1995 in Rome and were dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. As for the winter games, they began to be held much later: the first competitions were held in March 2010 in Italian city Aosta. Then athletes from 43 countries took part in the games.

  • 1995 - Rome, Italy
  • 1999 - Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2003 - Catania, Italy
  • 2007 - Hyderabad, India
  • 2010 (winter) - Aosta, Italy
  • 2011 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2013 (winter) - Annecy, France
  • 2015 - Mungyeong, Republic of Korea


Who is the organizer? IOC?

No, the International Olympic Committee has nothing to do with it. Organizer - CISM - International Council of Military Sports. The organization was created in 1948 in Nice, France and now unites 134 countries. It is considered one of the largest international sports organizations, second in size only to the International Olympic Committee and the International sports federation universities. By the way, CISM is officially recognized by the IOC and the UN.


So there will be hockey, figure skating and all that at the games?

No. And although the sports included in the competition program sometimes change, figure skating and hockey are not held as part of the war games. For example, the program of the Winter Military Games in Sochi 2017 includes 8 sports:

  • Biathlon
  • Ski race
  • Skiing
  • Ski orienteering
  • Ski mountaineering
  • Patrol Race
  • Indoor sport climbing
  • Short track


How do our people perform at these war games?

Better than the Olympic team. The Russian team participated in all summer games(except for 2011, when Russia refused to participate), where it took a confident first place overall as a team (not counting 2003, when it surpassed China in the total number of medals, but lost in gold). And in 2015, the Russian team generally set an absolute record for the summer military games, winning a total of 135 medals (59 of them gold). If we don’t have any problems in the summer, then the situation with the winter games is worse: both times (in 2010 and 2013) - 4th place.

What will happen in Sochi?

And where will all this take place?

The III Military World Winter Games will be held in Sochi from February 22 to 28, 2017. It is planned that more than 4,000 athletes from 60 countries will take part in the competition, who will compete for 44 sets of medals. For comparison, the last winter Games 850 athletes from 40 countries came to Annecy.

The opening ceremony will take place on February 23 (yes, Defender of the Fatherland Day) at the Bolshoi Ice Palace. For the sports part, Olympic venues will be used: the Bolshoi Ice Palace (sport climbing), the Palace winter sports"Iceberg" (short track), GTC "Gazprom" (cross-country skiing, biathlon and ski orienteering), GC "Rosa Khutor" (alpine skiing and ski mountaineering). The closing ceremony of the games will take place on February 27 at the Bolshoi Ice Palace.

In addition, a military sports torch relay is planned (again by analogy with the Olympic flame), the installation of a clock with a countdown to the start of the competition (in the main city squares) and the participation of the CSKA helicopter aerobatic team.

As the head of the Department of Physical Training and Sports of the Armed Forces stated during the inspection Russian Federation Colonel Oleg Botsman, now very great attention is devoted to comprehensive training of volunteers for competitions. For this purpose, a volunteer program for the Military World Games has already been developed.

“A military battalion of volunteers from physical training and sports specialists of the Russian Armed Forces with specialized education will also be created in Sochi. They will help organize all competitions, including judging, the work of technical specialists, and credentials committees. This will make the work of all organizers much easier,” explained Colonel Oleg Botsman, adding that the exact number of volunteers will be determined in January.

In addition, the colonel said that the organizers of the games offered the military council options for holding a symbolic torch relay.

“We recommended to the military council, the president of CISM, to work out and consider the issue of lighting a military sports flame that would burn at each of our competitions. It would be very symbolic. This issue is being studied. We have a proven option,” said the head of the Department of Physical Training and Sports of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to the head of CSKA, Colonel Mikhail Baryshev, two options for lighting the fire are planned.

“The first option: the fire will be lit in Switzerland, in Lausanne at the headquarters of the Olympic Committee from the fire at the monument to the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin. We plan to conduct a military ritual in the form of laying wreaths by the Russian delegation at the monument, and the ambassador of the Military World Games will light a fire, which will be transferred to Sochi,” said the head of the Central Sports Club of the Army.

In addition, Colonel Mikhail Baryshev stated that symbolic lights will also be lit simultaneously in five military districts of the Russian Federation: in Kamchatka, in the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, in the North Caucasus on the top of Elbrus, in Central Russia and Far East. All the lights will converge in Moscow in front of the building of the Russian Ministry of Defense, where the torch relay of the Military World Games in Sochi will begin.

In turn, the Secretary General of CISM - the head of the foreign delegation, Colonel Dorah Mambi Koita, expressed confidence that the Military World Games in Sochi will be held at the highest level and will confirm the motto “Friendship through sports!”

“We are confident in the success of the event. All countries will contribute to the competition,” said Dorah Mambi Koita.

“We are glad to have such an organizer as Russia. We are confident that we will continue to cooperate fruitfully and that the event will be a success. I see a desire to carry out everything at the highest level,” he supported Secretary General CISM Project Manager for the Military World Games Major Johan Grouen.

Lieutenant Colonel Svetlana Ishmuratova, two-time Olympic champion and deputy head of the Army Central Sports Club for working with personnel, spoke about the preparation of Russian athletes participating in the Military World Games in Sochi in 2017.

“The participants are preparing as usual; the World Cup stages are currently underway, where our guys are performing successfully. Anton Babikov and Maxim Tsvetkov beat Fourcade himself. If we want, we can do anything. We haven’t yet had first places in military competitions, and why don’t we win in our homeland, in the Olympic city of Sochi,” said Svetlana Ishmuratova.

According to the head of the Department of Physical Training and Sports of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel Oleg Botsman, full composition The Russian national team will be determined closer to the competition itself.

“Two more months, the teams are holding training camps, there will be more qualifying competitions. The number of military athletes increased significantly after the creation of military companies. Now it is impossible to say names, because the main composition of the national team will be approved by the head coaches on the eve of the competition. That the teams will be ready for high level, there is no doubt,” the officer explained.

For information

The III Winter Military World Games will be held from February 22 to 28, 2017 in Sochi. Sport program will consist of seven sports: biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski orienteering, ski mountaineering, indoor rock climbing and short track speed skating.

The decision to hold the Military World Games as an analogue of the Olympic Games once every four years was made by the International Military Sports Council in 1995. Then the first games took place in Italy. CISM conducts summer, winter and cadet games. The first competitions took place in 2010 in the city of Aosta (Italy), and the cadet competitions took place in the same year in Ankara (Turkey). A special feature of the Military World Games is that only athletes from among professional military personnel aged 17 years or older can take part in them.

The International Council for Military Sports CISM was created on February 18, 1948 in Nice (France). Its main task is to establish connections between the armed forces of different countries in the field of sports and physical education. CISM's motto is “Friendship through sports!”

Currently, CISM unites 135 states and is the largest sports organization after the International Olympic Committee and the International University Sports Federation.

On February 24, the competition program of the III Winter Military World Games starts at the sports facilities in Sochi.

The III Winter Military World Games are taking place in Sochi from February 22 to 27. The competition program starts on February 24, on the same day the torch relay will take place, as well as the official opening ceremony of the Games.

As the organizers have repeatedly stated, entry to all competitions will be completely free. However, when visiting the sports facilities of the Gazprom State Trade Center and the Rosa Khutor ski resort, you will have to purchase a ski pass.

The competitions will be held in the facilities of the coastal and mountain clusters according to the following schedule:

— 08:00 – 12:00 – Rosa Khutor Ski Center – Ski mountaineering, individual race (men, women).

— 09:30 – 12:30 – Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” – Ski racing. Individual race (free style) women – 10 km, men – 15 km.

— 11:00 – 18:00 – Bolshoi Sports Palace – Rock climbing. Difficulty climbing (qualification; men and women).

— 13:30 – 14:45 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Biathlon. Sprint, 10 km (men).

— 16:00 – 17:00 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Biathlon. Sprint, 7.5 km (women).

— 16:00 – 18:00 – Ice Palace “Iceberg” – Short track. Individual race, 500 m (men, women).

— 18:00 – 19:00 – Olympic Park – Torch relay.

— 20:00 – 22:00 – Multifunctional arena “Ice Cube” – Opening ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games.

— 09:00 – 12:00 – Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” – Ski orienteering. Middle distance (men, women).

— 09:30 – 13:00 — Ski center “Rosa Khutor” — Alpine skiing. Slalom (men).

— 11:00 – 14:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Difficulty climbing (semi-final).

— 15:00 – 16:30 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Mixed relay.

— 17:00 – 18:30 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Ski racing. Official training.

— 18:30 – 21:00 — Ice Palace “Iceberg” — Short track. Individual race, 1000 m (men, women).

— 20:00 – 22:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Difficulty climbing (final, duel; men, women).

— 09:30 – 13:00 — Ski center “Rosa Khutor” — Alpine skiing. Slalom (women).

— 10:00 – 12:30 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Ski racing. Team sprint (free style).

10:00 – 15:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Bouldering (qualification; men, women).

— 13:00 – 15:00 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Ski orienteering. Sprint. (men, women).

— 15:30 – 17:00 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Biathlon. Official training (men, women).

18:30 – 20:30 — Ice Palace “Iceberg” — Short track. Mixed relay, 3000 m (men, women).

— 20:00 – 22:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Bouldering (final; men, women).

— 20:30 – Rosa Square, Rosa Khutor ski resort – Medal ceremony. Alpine skiing, ski orienteering, cross-country skiing.

— 20:30 — Ice Palace “Iceberg” — Medal ceremony. Short track.

— 22:00

— 08:00 – 12:30 — Ski center “Rosa Khutor” — Ski mountaineering. Team race (men, women).

— 09:00 – 11:00 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Ski orienteering. Relay race (men, women).

— 09:30 – 11:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Speed ​​climbing, classic format (qualification; men, women).

— 11:00 – 12:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Speed ​​climbing, classic format (final; men, women).

— 12:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Medal ceremony. Rock climbing.

— 13:00 – 14:30 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Biathlon. Patrol race, 15 km (women).

— 14:00 – 16:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Speed ​​climbing, record format (qualification; men, women).

— 15:00 Rosa Square, Rosa Khutor ski resort - Medal ceremony. Ski mountaineering. Ski orienteering.

— 15:30 – 17:15 — Ski and biathlon complex “Laura” — Biathlon. Patrol race, 20 km (men).

— 16:00 -17:00 — Bolshoi Sports Palace — Rock climbing. Speed ​​climbing, record format (final; men, women).

— 20:00 — Rosa Square, Rosa Khutor ski resort — Medal ceremony. Biathlon.

— 20:00 — Multifunctional arena “Ice Cube” — Medal ceremony. Patrol race, speed climbing, “Best Nation” cup.

— 20:00 – 22:00 — Multifunctional arena “Ice Cube” — Closing ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games.

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Winter World War Games

The Military World Winter Games are a multi-sport event organized for military athletes once every four years (one year before the Winter Olympic Games).

The first Winter Military World Games took place in 2010. One of the conditions that ensured the success of the first Winter World Military Games was big number countries participating in this event. During the 8 days of competition on the fields of Valle d'Aosta (Italy), 43 national flags flew, representing more than 800 athletes. This demonstrated the high interest of athletes in winter sports. Considering that these were the first Winter War Games, these numbers can be considered a big win for CISM. Athletes competed in several sports: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, short track speed skating and ski orienteering. The first overall team place was won by athletes of the Italian Armed Forces, second place by athletes of the French Armed Forces, third place by athletes of the Chinese Armed Forces.

The second Winter Military World Games took place in 2013 in Annecy (France). From March 25 to 29, 1,000 participants from 40 countries, bringing some of the sport's superstars to the Games, promoted the slogan "Friendship through Sport." In the presence of the French ministers of defense and sport, thousands of spectators enjoyed the opening ceremony in Annecy on March 25. Competitions were held in seven sports. The first overall team place was won by athletes of the French Armed Forces, second place by athletes of the Italian Armed Forces, third place by athletes of the Swiss Armed Forces.

The decision to hold the III Winter Military World Games in Russia was made on May 22, 2015 in Kuwait at the 70th General Assembly of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM). The presentation of the Games in Sochi took place in October 2015 in South Korea at the VI Summer World Military Games CISM.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015 No. 2695-r, the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the III Winter Military World Games 2017 in Sochi was formed.

The organizer of the Games was the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the operator was the Federal autonomous institution Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Central sport Club Army." The Chairman of the Organizing Committee is Hero of Russia, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General S.K. Shoigu.

The sports program of the III Winter Military World Games 2017 consists of seven sports:

  • biathlon (including patrol race);
  • ski race;
  • skiing;
  • ski mountaineering;
  • short track;
  • indoor rock climbing;
  • ski orienteering.

Russian Federation in CISM

The Armed Forces of the USSR (then the Russian Federation) were admitted as members of the CISM on May 10, 1991 at the 46th General Assembly in Tanzania.

During the Russian Federation's membership in CISM, athletes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took part in 171 CISM World Championships in 25 sports.

The Russian Federation organized and successfully held the CISM World Championships in modern pentathlon in 1992, fencing in 1993, swimming in 1994 and 2001, orienteering and tennis in 1996, judo in 1998 and 2005, basketball in 2005 and parachuting in 2006 and 2016. In addition, a number of regional CISM championships and women's championship Europe in military pentathlon. Also in 2000, the European CISM meeting was successfully organized and held in Moscow.