A transgender from Canada won the Women's World Championship: a scandal. Transgender from Canada wins the Women's World Championship: scandal Wow, talking fish

Yes, all Russian cartoons aged 30 years are riddled with deep philosophical meaning . But the cruel reality and deep inner world Animators of the 70-80-90s were forced to convey this meaning in such a perverted way that the consciousness of many of us simply cannot be restored. And this is wonderful!

We once already wrote that foreigners will never understand the twisted Russian soul. So: it’s better not to show these cartoons to them at all. Never. This will be our secret psychological weapon.

1. Wings, legs and tails

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelia. Although it would seem that nothing foreshadows: the birds just find some tasty stuff and make an informed decision to get to it.

We're working, ostrich, we're working!

2. Fru-89

Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what it is frustration. Because there is simply no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.

3. Contract

A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract with absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stubborn robot, punishing spheres, Mr. Brutality and Incorruptibility, a flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that modern hipsters are better off not looking at it to avoid aesthetic shock.

Spoiler: in the end it turns out that everything happened in a giant flower.

4. Last year's snow fell

Yes, it’s banal, but the truth is nowhere without it. Let's start with the fact that the story is told on behalf of a person with an advanced stage of the syndrome distracted attention- the narrator is constantly jumping with one storyline to another and forgets where he stopped. What doesn't spoil big picture- rather, it even helps to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere surrealism reigning in the minds of the creators.

It won't be enough!

5. Bear

With frustration it was easier - they immediately made it clear that there was no point in striving to understand what was happening. Here you try to understand the plot until the last moment, and sometimes it even seems to you that you are beginning to understand. But it won't last long.

You can reassure yourself that this is just dreams that a bear sees in your warm cozy bed.

6. Wow, talking fish

Each creation of the Armenfilm film studio is a cultural monument to the absurd, made with such high quality that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth. Colorful psychedelic mutations, by the way, are fully capable of competing.

7. Contact

"Solaris" for children in summary: alien intelligence is trying to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects that they understand. Painting in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

8. Blue Puppy

We don’t know if there is the subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now he touches on deep issues of discrimination, oppression and all this.

Blue, blue, we don't want to play with you!

9. Fierce Bambre

A film about anger management and the difficulties of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world ordinary people.

10. Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely crazy short films, as beautiful in content as they are in drawing. Hare with ponytail and belly button, who is searching for himself, and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were very young then.

Yes, that's right. The American athlete was threatened with threats not only to apologize to the man who declared himself a woman, but also to call on her supporters to reconcile and submit.

The world has gone crazy. Or not?

Transgender Lesbian Triumph

In mid-October, the World Track Cycling Championships in the Masters category took place in Los Angeles. It is unlikely that the world media would have paid attention to the veteran competition if it were not for the victory in the sprint of Canadian Rachel MacKinnon. The fact is that the champion, who respectably calls herself a professor of feminist philosophy at the University of Charleston, was a man until she was 29 years old.

Then this same man stated that since childhood he had felt like a woman and... had his gender reassigned. Whether this procedure included surgery is not known for certain, but outwardly McKinnon cannot be mistaken for a lady. See for yourself.

Compared to her, even the poor woman looks like a feminine representative of the fairer sex.

Not only that, Rachel not only changed her gender, but also immediately became a lesbian. Do you also think that this definitely smacks of fraud? Well, okay, let the Canadian LGBT morals department sort this out, and we'll get back to sports.

Threats and insults

The participation of yesterday's men in women's competitions is not yet the norm, but it is no longer a super sensation. So the incident in cycling turned into a scandal not because of the very fact of the performance and even the victory of the transgender lesbian McKinnon, but thanks to the cry of despair of the defeated American Jen Wagner. She wrote under the photo from the podium: “I took third place. It's definitely not fair."

Immediately thousands of insults and threats from fighters for tolerance rained down on Wagner, and within three days the unfortunate American was forced to apologize to McKinnon and urge her supporters to “stop humiliating Rachel.” The case when feminism was brutally beaten by tolerance. Let us summarize tolerantly and delicately: the toad defeated the viper.

“I may not agree with the rules, but if I wear my bib number, it means I agree to play according to existing rules", - Here keywords from Wagner's explanatory note.

No matter how ridiculous it may seem to us that a person with the anthropometry and DNA of a man would win a women's competition, MacKinnon herself acted strictly in accordance with the rules and therefore cannot be condemned. Questions only to those who are responsible for the regulations.

Transgender people are already at the Olympics. For a long time

It’s easy to imagine the horror in the eyes of those who see signs of an approaching apocalypse in everything: soon such MacKinnons will tear apart ordinary athletes not only at amateur veteran competitions, but also at Olympic Games. What then should we do in Russia, where negligible numbers of gender reassignment operations are performed? And it’s almost impossible to imagine a transgender person on the Russian national team for any sport. At least for now.

McGregor is a woman. How to beat up a hapless jockey for $1,500

The only place for this fight was the American “hole”, and permission for it was given by the extradition department driver's license.

In fact, it's too early to panic. Major international sports organizations respect athletes who have changed their gender, but they do not refuse to protect ordinary men and women. The International Olympic Committee first allowed transgender people to participate in the Olympics back in 2004, but then mandatory requirements There was an operation to confirm gender reassignment and a two-year course of hormonal therapy.

But already in 2015 the rules were relaxed. Surgical intervention was no longer necessary, and to be allowed to compete it was enough to maintain a certain level of the male hormone testosterone for a year before entering the competition. By the way, before the Tokyo Games, the maximum permissible testosterone level decreased by half. It is obvious that the IOC is giving a clear signal: all that is important is adherence to the principles of fair competition and nothing else.

Called yourself a woman - go for gold?

Of course, in addition to hormones, there are also anthropometric data, which on average are significantly higher in men. But this issue will also be resolved. Now several scientific groups at large universities are conducting relevant research. In any case, it will not be possible to simply call yourself a woman and go for Olympic gold, because this will hurt not only Russian athletes, but also their rivals from other countries.

The IOC and other sports organizations simply have an obligation to guarantee true women equal conditions to fight former men. But surely many in this case will be against the participation of transgender people in competitions, simply because they do not like their very existence, much less the fact that they have any rights.

There were similar stories with women, African Americans, and Paralympians. And this no longer has anything to do with sports.

Cartoons for boys- a whole section of cinematographic art, which involves the creation of instructive and interesting projects. Every day, domestic and foreign studios delight little men interesting stories about superheroes and young knights. Such cartoons teach boys courage, correct perception of the world around them and honor.

What is distinctive about these works is their dynamism. It is difficult to interest lively and restless boys with morals and instructions alone. Guys' interest must be attracted by powerful and explosive jokes, exploits, and adventures. Such cartoons tell about the adventures of robots, supernatural creatures, mind-blowing cars, UFOs and funny animals.

In this section of the site, we offer to consider a wide selection of animated films, which are regularly updated with new cartoons for boys, and we also advise you to pay attention to the section educational cartoons !

How are cartoons useful for boys?

Watch cartoons for boys, as a rule, is interesting not only for kids, but also for their parents, especially fathers online. Yes, yes, even grown men enjoy watching interesting paintings featuring the Ninja Turtles, Spider-Man, Cars and other characters. This is probably due to the fact that every man lives little boy who wants to add a touch of childhood to his daily duties and responsibilities, and for such a case, a section with cartoons for the whole family has been created.

However, the task of any cartoon for boys is to reflect the confrontation between good and evil. In the background interesting events the guy should develop an understanding of the difference between bad and noteworthy actions. But do not worry that your child will encounter immoral motives or anger. All children's cartoon characters, including villains, are positive and cheerful images.

The best site for little boys!

Cartoons for boys online It's very convenient for us to watch. We have developed a simple website that even a novice user who is only at the stage of development and getting to know the world can manage. There is a convenient search through which parents can find a specific file. Watch online interesting cartoons the boy will be able to independently thanks to the presence of a clear design.