Famous Sagittarius athletes. Actors Sagittarius by zodiac sign

Jupiter, which is the ruler of Sagittarius, is considered the planet of great happiness. And for many people it provides great opportunities, but it’s up to you to decide how to take advantage of them. Professions associated with Jupiter: teacher, mentor, sponsor, traveler, researcher, philosopher, preacher of some faith or ideology. Associated with Jupiter higher education, medicine, wealth, generosity, morality, ethics, high ideals, justice. But there is also the other side of the coin (negative) manifestation of Jupiter - extravagance (and on a large scale), adventures with serious financial or ideological losses, an insatiable desire for adventure, injustice, aggressiveness (but not with a fist, but ideologically - in words, at the level of concepts) , excessive love of freedom, pathological confidence in one’s rightness on any issue.

Famous Sagittarius

Famous Sagittarius men

Ludwig van Beethoven, born December 17, 1770 - famous German composer, conductor, pianist.

Walt Disney, born December 5, 1901, is a famous American animator, film director, actor, screenwriter and producer, founder of the Walt Disney Company.

Sir Winston Churchill, born November 30, 1874 - famous British statesman and politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940–1945 and 1951–1955), military man, journalist, writer, laureate Nobel Prize according to literature.

Alexander Suvorov, born November 13 (24), 1729 or 1730 - famous Russian commander.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, born December 6 (18), 1878 (according to the official version, December 9 (21), 1879) - Russian revolutionary, Soviet political, state, military and party leader, Generalissimo Soviet Union(1945). From the late 1920s and early 1930s until his death in 1953, Stalin was the leader of the Soviet state.

Leonid Brezhnev, born December 6 (19), 1906, is a Soviet statesman and party leader who held senior leadership positions in the USSR for 18 years: from 1964 until his death in 1982.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, born December 11, 1918 - famous Russian writer, publicist, poet, public and political figure, Nobel Prize laureate in literature.

Jonathan Swift, born November 30, 1667, is a famous Anglo-Irish satirist, publicist, poet, and public figure.

Frank Sinatra, born December 12, 1915, is an American singer, actor, film director, producer and showman.

Mark Twain, born November 30, 1835 - famous American writer, journalist, public figure.

Nikolay Nekrasov, born November 28 (December 10), 1821 - famous Russian poet, writer, publicist.

Chingiz Aitmatov, born December 12, 1928 - famous Kyrgyz Soviet writer.

Woody Allen, born December 1, 1935, is a famous American film director, actor, producer, three-time Oscar winner, and writer.

Bruce Lee, born November 27, 1940, is a martial artist, stuntman, American and Hong Kong film actor, film director, producer and screenwriter.

Ben Stiller, born November 30, 1965 - American actor, comedian, director, screenwriter and producer.

Yuri Nikulin, born December 18, 1921, is a famous Soviet and Russian actor, clown, People's Artist of the USSR.

Leonid Bronevoy, born December 17, 1928, is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Igor Sklyar, born December 18, 1957 - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema and singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Leonid Bykov, born December 12, 1928, is a famous Soviet actor, film director and screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Vladimir Mashkov, born November 27, 1963, is a popular Soviet and Russian actor and theater and film director, screenwriter, and film producer. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Maryanov, born December 1, 1969 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter.

Rodion Shchedrin, born December 16, 1932, is a famous Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Alexander Maslyakov, born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius on November 24, 1941, is a famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

Fedor Konyukhov, born December 12, 1951, is a famous Soviet and Russian traveler, yachtsman, writer, and artist.

Sergei Bubka, born December 4, 1963, is a Soviet and Ukrainian athlete, 35-time world record holder in pole vaulting, Olympic champion (1988), 10-time world champion.

Nikolai Ozerov, born December 11, 1922 - athlete, sports commentator, theater and film actor, People's Artist RSFSR.

Boris Grebenshchikov, born November 27, 1953 - famous Soviet and Russian poet and musician, leader of the rock band Aquarium.

Garik Sukachev, born December 1, 1959 - famous Russian musician, poet, composer, actor, director, leader of the “Brigade S” groups.

Famous Sagittarius women

Mary I (Mary Stuart), born December 8, 1542 - Queen of Scots from infancy, Queen of France (1559–1560).

Kim Basinger (Basinger), born December 8, 1953 - famous American actress, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards.

Julianne Moore, born December 3, 1960, is an American actress and Oscar winner.

Britney Spears, born December 2, 1981 - famous American singer, dancer, songwriter, actress.

Scarlett Johansson, born November 22, 1984, is a famous American film actress and singer.

Milla Jovovich, born December 17, 1975, is a famous American actress, musician and model of Montenegrin-Russian origin.

Anastasia Vertinskaya, born December 19, 1944 - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Nonna Mordyukova, born November 25, 1925, is a famous Soviet and Russian film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Galina Polskikh, born November 27, 1939 - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Natalya Krachkovskaya, born November 24, 1938 - theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.

Galina Volchek, born December 19, 1933, is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR.

Alisa Freindlikh, born December 8, 1934, is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Svetlana Zhiltsova, born November 30, 1936 - Soviet TV presenter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Ekaterina Andreeva, born November 27, 1961 - Russian TV presenter, has been leading since January 1997 information program“Vremya” on “ORT/Channel One”.

Larisa Verbitskaya, born November 30, 1959 - Soviet and Russian announcer and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia.

They love themselves and the world around them; they are sybarites and conformists with an excellent sense of humor. Among famous Sagittarius there are many talented leaders. Sagittarians hate painstaking, boring work, they are passionate and used to doing everything in one go, they love improvisation and spontaneity.

An arrow that loses interest in the goal - this could be the symbol of this zodiac sign, whose representatives are not distinguished by determination and perseverance. These darlings of fate are accustomed to receiving many benefits for nothing, for beautiful eyes. Sagittarius is eternal struggle opposites: feelings and reason, romance and practicality, emotionality and restraint. In the most businesslike of Sagittarius, the inner fire always burns brightly, the most unrestrained and reckless from time to time strives to become more serious. Representatives of this zodiac sign often change their point of view, dream a lot, do not know how to count money, and value freedom above all else.

Boris Grebenshchikov, who became a legend of Russian rock music, has always been free-thinking, but at the same time he managed to achieve recognition at the official level. A typical situation for Sagittarius. The leader of the Aquarium group was born in Leningrad, received a mathematical education, but in Streltsy the physicist always fights with the lyricist - Grebenshchikov worked at the Research Institute of Sociology, but at the same time gave concerts, performing songs of his own composition.

Boris Grebenshchikov, like a true Sagittarius, has always been an addicted person. He studied Buddhism, Christianity, they say, tried soft drugs, wrote several books, and was engaged in translation work. The spiritual quest of one of the founding fathers of Russian rock did not exclude the search for material gain: for example, a once disgraced musician who expressed his protest against any form of government today declares that he supports Russia’s political course and happily accepts official titles and awards. Sagittarians generally change their point of view often.

The famous actress was born in Leningrad, and from childhood she was interested in theater, which is natural, because her father was an actor. Together with her mother, Alisa survived the siege of Leningrad; her father was in Tashkent at that time, which saved him, because then repressions against the Germans began in Leningrad. Alisa, being an emotional and enthusiastic person, took an active part in the activities of the school drama club. When the time came to choose a profession, the girl did not think for a long time and did as her heart told her: she submitted documents to the Leningrad Theater Institute.

Director Eldar Ryazanov noted that Freundlich is incredibly charming, her warmth and friendliness are liked by others, and her talent gives people joy. Indeed, Sagittarius, always in in a great mood emitting positive energy will certainly endear you to your colleagues and acquaintances. Freundlich herself could become an excellent theater director, however, according to her, she is afraid to take on such responsibility - and her fears are not unfounded, because Sagittarians are often unpunctual, absent-minded and unnecessary.
Alexander Maslyakov (November 24, 1941)

The permanent host of KVN is cheerful and resourceful, has a sparkling sense of humor, like all Sagittarius. Alexander Vasilyevich is a talented leader: despite the inability to concentrate on one goal for a long time, Sagittarius sometimes become wonderful leaders, but only if all that is required of them is the ability to inspire the team and direct the process in the right direction. Charismatic, friendly Maslyakov is one of the best television presenters on Channel One: he is sympathetic to the audience, authoritative, and prone to improvisation. It is noticeable that the father of the KVN movement is a dual nature: he is characterized by restraint and emotionality (he rarely laughs, but on special occasions he cannot contain his laughter), solidity and youthful enthusiasm.

Alexander Maslyakov was born in Sverdlovsk into the family of a military pilot and a housewife. The son of his parents, Maslyakov is both an idealist and a pragmatist, a romantic and a practitioner, in general, a real Sagittarius. At the age of four, Alexander came to Moscow: his family moved. In the capital, Maslyakov graduated from school and entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and then almost accidentally ended up on television. It is known that Alexander Vasilyevich is quite authoritarian, which is typical for Sagittarius, but he is also friendly and honest. The TV presenter himself admits that he is not without vanity and pride, however, these qualities, inherent to one degree or another in all Sagittarius, are compensated by the talent and charisma of the Russian television star.

One of the most immodest TV presenters, Anfisa Chekhova, excites the imagination of many men - both colleagues and ordinary TV viewers. The program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” remained a real hit on Russian television for a long time. Attractive, alluring, desirable, like all Sagittarius women, the actress clearly does not like to be bored at work. Boring, painstaking work is not for her: Chekhova prefers rather extreme genres associated with the sphere of feelings and fantasy.

Anfisa Chekhova was born in Moscow, already at school she began to be interested in theater, entered GITIS, but violated unspoken prohibitions by becoming a member of a vocal group, for which she was expelled. The girl quickly forgot about her dream of becoming a theater and film star, as well as her career as a singer - Sagittarians often easily give up their plans if, for example, the task is beyond their capabilities. According to her, a positive attitude helps Chekhova overcome all adversity. Becoming famous TV presenter, the muse of all night owls and erotomaniacs, Anfisa still cannot find her man. According to the freedom-loving star, like all Sagittarius, she knows one thing: her partner should not limit her in anything.

When a simple village boy, Igor Sukachev, studied at the railway technical school, hardly any of his fellow students or teachers could have imagined that in the near future Sukachev would have fame, money, recognition... But Sagittarius are usually lucky: having received a degree in directing from the Lipetsk Regional Cultural Center educational school, the guy quickly became famous. The group "Brigade S" earned the love of thousands of fans and even starred in films.

Sukachev was first in love with the theater, then fell out of love with it and became interested in cinema, but music was always part of Sukachev’s sphere of interests. After the collapse of Brigade C, the Untouchables appeared. Sukachev's stage image shocks, energizes, irritates and delights. Eccentric, like many Sagittarius, the singer can sometimes seem rude, but fans forgive him many antics for his straightforwardness, positivity and love of freedom.

(23.11-21.12) - this is
a sincere, frank person with a developed imagination and madly liked by the fairer sex.

This is a person who can talk captivatingly about his worldviews, which makes him very interesting conversationalist.

Sagittarius is characterized by a love of music, art, nature, entertainment and gourmet food.

Representatives of this zodiac sign remain young at heart throughout their lives and even after years do not lose their emotionality, activity and mobility.


The Sagittarius man prefers clothes in business style, but not averse to experimenting with bright shades. His wardrobe always contains rich tones. And to complement the expressive image are expensive accessories - rings, chains, watches, cufflinks and bracelets.

Some representatives of this sign have a beautiful athletic figure, but even the presence of a small belly or impressive torso size does not spoil those born during this period. On the contrary, many believe that such a feature is appearance gives it credibility.

Sagittarius character

The sincerity of Sagittarius men sometimes reaches the point of absurdity; he can easily tell his interlocutor to his face about his shortcomings. It is paradoxical that no one is especially offended by Sagittarius, since he does not know how to do nasty things on the sly.

Full of new ideas, Sagittarius can captivate a whole company with him. And the representative of this sign carries out every new task conscientiously. Activity and restlessness are the main character traits of a Sagittarius man.

By nature, optimists and darlings of fate, born during this period, also “infect” their surroundings with optimism.

Sagittarius men are not characterized by revenge and cold calculation, they are unconditionally honest.

But if a new exciting idea appears on the horizon, representatives of the sign may immediately take off from their homes to follow their dreams. Because of this, they often get a reputation as an unreliable and superficial person. Although in most cases this is not the case.


Curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge makes you try yourself in the field different professions.

Representatives of this sign know how to work with information, analyze it and are endowed with excellent business qualities.

Any business that a Sagittarius man undertakes, provided that he is interested in it, will be successful. Sometimes he may exaggerate the importance of his occupation, but this is only for the good.

The only obstacle on the way to the goal is its rapid cooling and complete loss of interest in the chosen business.

Love and compatibility of a Sagittarius man

A Sagittarius man knows how to get along well with women and is always the center of attention. Many ladies dream of becoming the companion of a man born during this period.

If Sagittarius confesses his love, there is no doubt about the authenticity of his feelings, because he does not know how to lie. By the way, if he gives compliments, they are always truthful.

When meeting a lady he likes, Sagittarius will immediately tell her about himself and his destiny, perhaps with some degree of boasting.

Men of this sign of nature are addicted, throughout their bachelor life they have many affairs, but each time they are as honest as possible with the woman and do not promise the impossible.

If Sagittarius fails to win the object he likes, he will not get hung up or suffer, but will switch to a more flexible woman.

Family relationships scare the freedom-loving Sagittarius a little, so he is in no hurry to tie himself into marriage. As a rule, in such cases the woman herself takes the initiative.

In the understanding of Sagittarius, a wife should be patient, easy-going and able to adapt to the man’s lifestyle. A common range of interests can also bring spouses closer together.

You should not take Sagittarius’s criticism and his straightforward remarks addressed to you painfully. If a woman manages to adapt, she will truly know what sincere and passionate love is. This will be the gratitude of Sagittarius.

As a rule, those born during this period enter into one marriage for life. For a Sagittarius man, representatives of such zodiac signs as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius are most suitable for starting a family.

Famous Sagittarius men

Many people were born under this zodiac sign famous people. Here is just a small list of surnames that are known throughout the world:

  • Emir Kusturica
  • Bruce Lee
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Alexander Blok
  • John Galliano
  • Mark Twain
  • Woody Allen
  • Georgy Zhukov
  • Gianni Versace
  • Brendan Fraser
  • Walt Disney
  • Jim Morrison
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Heinrich Heine
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Brad Pitt
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Leonid Brezhnev
  • Uri Geller
  • Samul L. Jackson

As you can see, the company is quite worthy of respect.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Sagittarius


Character of Sagittarius Sagittarius is a holiday person in in the best sense this word. This life-loving zodiac sign is almost always in a great mood and is ready to cheer up those around him.


The Sagittarius man is a real favorite of Fortune! Have you ever seen a person who seems to be able to win even at a scam game? If you don't believe in the existence of such personalities, be sure to meet a Sagittarius man. He will probably be able to tell you a lot of stories about his life, like: “He was walking down the street, found a hundred rubles, bought lottery ticket, won a trip to Mauritius.” Of course, this does not mean that Sagittarius is lucky always and everywhere (otherwise all Sagittarius would have lived in Mauritius long ago), but you, unlike him, cannot boast of a single such story, Is it true?


The Sagittarius woman is surprisingly positive and is able to bring bright colors and the singing of exotic birds into your gray everyday life. She is fresh, like an oasis of greenery in the center of a stuffy metropolis, playful, like a ray of sunshine breaking through from behind the clouds. Her optimism knows no bounds, and her energy seems limitless. Next to her, other females look like sleepy flies! Such is the nature of the Sagittarius woman that she is bored of living within the strict confines of patterns. And the point is not at all that she does not recognize these rules or denies them. Not at all. She is able to sincerely appreciate the strict style of a dress, a conservative hairstyle, and the ability to arrive at a meeting on time - but only if it is connected with someone else. Her sincere, bright, childlike nature makes her turn any business into a game. And the game has its own laws that simply do not allow it, when choosing a dress, to settle on the “boring” option. Bright, orange-green speckled - this is what the Sagittarius woman needs!


A charismatic, freedom-loving, curious child, Sagittarius is born with an inexhaustible thirst for communication and active activity. Those around him simply cannot be left indifferent by his openness and generosity - wherever he appears, it’s as if a little sun lights up! At the same time, healthy ambition, ambition and self-confidence open up enormous opportunities for the Sagittarius child in achieving life goals. Sagittarius baby


It is not difficult to attract the attention of an inquisitive Sagittarius - it is enough to offer him something interesting, and we are not talking about financial gain, but about the amount of emotions that this life-loving and adventure-seeking representative of the Zodiac will receive. Sagittarius will always gladly agree to take part in some risky and crazy adventure, just hint to him that it will bring him an unforgettable experience.


Sagittarius is as light as the wind; in work this is both its advantage and its main disadvantage. He does not recognize pressure and rigid boundaries, and therefore it is difficult for him to come to terms with the need to come to work on time, as well as with other restrictions on his personal freedoms. In addition, he does not recognize authorities, and is unlikely to allow his boss to command him or diplomatically swallow the insult. All this makes the Sagittarius character not very convenient for advancement and career. However, his other talents - enthusiasm, sincere interest and love for his work, truthfulness, mental alertness - often make him an excellent specialist, capable of achieving heights thanks to his abilities, and not subordination. Sagittarius can feel great in areas related to communication, active activity and even risk. Such professions as sales or advertising agent, traveling salesman, athlete, actor, stuntman, journalist, etc. are suitable for him.


Sagittarius's love is another dizzying adventure in his life. And the more intricate and fascinating it is, the more interest and excitement Sagittarius plunges into it. He likes inaccessibility and the struggle for the object of his love.


Good mood is the best cure for all diseases for Sagittarius. Despite his restless lifestyle, he surprisingly rarely gets sick, and when it does happen, he quickly recovers. The most vulnerable places for Sagittarius are the arms, shoulders, hips, lungs, intestines and liver. In addition, his innate mobility and love of risk make him more likely than others to be at risk of injury and accidents. If Sagittarius is a little less careless, his optimism and love of life will help him live a long and, most importantly, a happy life.


The constellation Sagittarius (Latin name Sagittarius) ranks first in the number of variable stars - there are five and a half thousand of them in the constellation! And within the constellation Sagittarius there are many globular clusters, dark and light nebulae. However, this is not surprising, because Sagittarius is located in the very center, in the busiest place of our Galaxy. Thanks to such a favorable location, Sagittarius is rightfully considered the most beautiful part of the Milky Way. The image of this particular part of the starry sky can be found more often than others in paintings, photographs, advertising and, of course, in science fiction films.


Sagittarius months: November, December Sagittarius – 9th sign Zodiac circle. The Sun enters it on November 21 or 22, depending on the year, and remains there until December 20-21.


Who are you according to your zodiac sign? And according to Chinese horoscope? What about both horoscopes at once? Interestingly, the answer is precisely to last question can give the most accurate answer. The fact is that the Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiac (by month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.

Among celebrities, Sagittarians are quite common. And this is not surprising: Sagittarius is one of the most charismatic signs of the zodiac. They, as a rule, almost immediately make a brilliant career and enjoy the love of the public for a long time.

The secret of success of Sagittarius celebrities

Representatives of this sign are very open, but sometimes this quality plays a cruel joke on Sagittarius - they cannot always control their emotions and often express to their interlocutor’s eyes everything they think. Then they regret what they said, but, nevertheless, they find themselves in such situations quite often.

This is why Sagittarius have few friends, but all of them are real. Garik Sukachev, a popular St. Petersburg rock musician, and the famous BG (Boris Grebenshchikov), leader of the Aquarium group, are known for such antics.

Celebrities Sagittarius - historical figures, actors, singers

Without exception, all representatives of this zodiac sign simply adore travel. That is why artists born under this sign calmly endure long tours and life away from home. The desire for travel of Sagittarius is evidenced by the fact that Fedor Konyukhov, born in 1951, a famous yachtsman who more than once circumnavigated the globe on his vessel, belongs to this sign.

But it is advisable for such people to avoid Las Vegas. They are very reckless, easily “started up” and do not know how to stop in time. Therefore, in the press you can often find information that some Sagittarius celebrities lost to smithereens. Most often in such reports the names of B. Spears, K. Aguilera or Scarlett Johansson are mentioned.

In addition to our contemporaries, celebrities of the Sagittarius sign are represented by a large number of worthy and talented people from the past. The most famous world personalities include:

Julius Caesar is a great Roman emperor, the last of the Claudian-Julian dynasty. The famous ruler was born in 37, on December 15.

Lope De Vega is a great Spaniard. He glorified his name with poems and prose works. Born at the beginning of the second half of the 16th century.

Suvorov Alexander - great Russian commander, famous for, that he did not lose a single battle, as well as by his passage through the Alps.

Great poets silver age Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Nekrasov and Fyodor Tyutchev, born in the first half of the 19th century. General sign the zodiac even imposed a certain similarity on their work.

Walt Disney. American, cartoonist. Founder of the Walt Disney animation company.