Quotes from American actors. Quotes about actors. Alexander Pankratov-Cherny


The less you know about an actor, the easier it is for you to believe the character he plays, this is one of the formulas for success.

Christian Bale


A true artist is always an artist, even on stage.

Mikhail Genin


The relationship between an actor and a director is like love story between man and woman. Well, sometimes I have to be a woman.

Gerard Depardieu


The art of acting is the art of giving away secrets.

Ellen Barkin


Playing is like drawing on waterproof wallpaper in the bathroom. After ten minutes you erase the drawing and there is nothing left of it.

Shelley Winters


Like all actors, I want to cheat death and be remembered.

Dennis Hopper


An actor is a sculptor who sculpts in the snow.

Edwin Booth


An actor is not a profession, but a diagnosis.


You don't have to be moved to be moved.

Denis Diderot


Extreme sensitivity creates mediocre actors; average sensitivity produces most bad actors, and only its absence produces great actors.

Denis Diderot


Acting is like roller skating: if you know how to do it, it doesn’t electrify or excite you at all.

George Sanders


Don’t get confused: actors die from lack of praise, real people die from lack of love.

Friedrich Nietzsche


The actor's body is a well in which life's impressions are accumulated and withdrawn when necessary.

Simone Signoret


A great artist is the one who makes the audience forget about the details.

Sarah Bernhardt


The place where the curtain rises should be a fourth wall, transparent to the audience but not to the actors.

Jean Julien


Whatever happens, pretend that it was meant to be.

"The First Principle of Acting"


The public, if you just let it, will play half the role for you.

Katharine Hepburn


Required for the stage Long hands; Better too long than too short. An artist with short arms will never have graceful gestures.

Sarah Bernhardt


The actor must make the audience forget about the existence of the author, the existence of the director, and even the existence of the actor.

Paul Scofield


The worse the play, the better the actors perform.

Albrecht Haller


George Bernard Shaw


Acting is, first of all, the ability to keep a full audience from coughing.

Ralph Richardson


Pretense is in people's blood: the essence of a person is most fully revealed when he portrays another.

William Hazlitt


The actor's job is not to dress up, but to be completely naked. The whole point of memorizing a text is this. to forget it and say it as if the words just came to you.

Glenda Jackson


It doesn't matter if you're really crying. What matters is whether the public believes your tears.

Ingrid Bergman


I misunderstood the drama. I thought drama was when the characters cried, but in reality it was when the audience cried.

Frank Capra


When I play drunks, I need to be sober: otherwise I don’t know how to play.

Richard Burton


The role never requires me to undress, but that doesn’t stop me: the box office demands it.

Helen Mirren


It doesn't bother me that I'm fat. My fee is not cut for this.

Marlon Brando


They become actors to hide themselves or to show themselves off.

Ralph Richardson


There are no small roles - there are small actors.

Konstantin Stanislavsky


Watching how the actors play Hamlet, you understand why Ophelia drowned herself.

For an actor, success is just delayed failure.

Graham Greene


We are artists, our place is at the buffet.

Alexander Ostrovsky. "Guilty without guilt"


Great is the actor who makes the viewer forget about the buffet.

Arkady Davidovich


Every actor has a natural antipathy towards every other actor, present or absent, living or dead.

Louise Brooks


The motivating motive of any artist is: “Well, look at me, mom!”

Lenny Bruce


We see the best and worst actors not on stage.

Romain Rolland


When an actor does not understand who he is playing, he inevitably plays himself.

Vasily Klyuchevsky


On the faces of the actors you can read all the roles they have not played.

Mieczyslaw Shargan


The actress is a woman in a square, the actor is a man from whom the root is extracted.

Karl Kraus


Politicians and actors never leave on time.

Frank Hubbard


His name never left the poster, where he invariably appeared among “etc.”

Emil Krotky


The stage is the actor’s homeland, and you need to renew your passport all the time so as not to lose your citizenship.

Charlton Heston


Working in the theater has a lot in common with unemployment.

Arthur Gingold


Unemployed actors are like ghosts looking for a body to inhabit.

Gail Godwin


He wants to become an actor, and he has all the data for this, including a complete lack of money and sense of responsibility.

Hedda Hopper


I receive letters: “Help me become an actor.” I answer: “God will help!”

Faina Ranevskaya


I lived with many theaters, but never enjoyed it.

Faina Ranevskaya


An actor is something less than a man; an actress is more than a woman.

Richard Burton


If an actor marries an actress, squabbles begin over the mirror.

Burt Reynolds


Talented actresses should be forgiven for their whims, because poor ladies devoid of talent are no less capricious.

Jules Renard


She is subject to the whole range of feelings from A to B.

Dorothy Parker on Katharine Hepburn


Only those who know the role by heart can improvise.

Judy Foster


Narcissism - very useful quality in life, but for an actor it is absolutely necessary.

Robert Morley


I am not as good as they say about me now, and not as bad as they will say about me.

Gustav Holoubek


Even the most brilliant director's vision does not hinder a good actor.

Anthony Slonimsky


Disney, of course, has the best actors. He simply erases a bad actor.

Alfred Hitchcock


Lord, send me good actors, and send them cheap!

Lilian Baylis, English theater figure


Amateur performance: a chance for people without talent to prove it to everyone.

Margaret Thatcher - " The Iron Lady", 71st Prime Minister of Great Britain, the first woman to become Prime Minister of a European state:

“The home should be the center, but not the boundary, of a woman’s world.”

“The rooster may crow well, but the chicken still lays the eggs.”

“You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn him into a friend.”

Indira Gandhi is one of the most famous natives of India, the daughter of the first Prime Minister of independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the first woman to head the government of India.

“You cannot shake hands with clenched fists.”

“History is the best teacher who has the worst students.”

“My grandfather once told me that people are divided into those who work and those who take credit for the results of this work. He advised me to get into the first group: there is less competition there.”

Mother Teresa- Catholic nun, laureate Nobel Prize peace for helping the poor and sick; beatified by the Catholic Church.

“The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.”

“There are many people in the world who die from hunger, but there are even more who die from lack of love.”

"Peace begins with a smile."

Lady Diana - Princess of Wales, first wife of Prince Charles of Wales, one of the most famous women of her time and, without exaggeration, the favorite of all the British.

"Hugging can do a lot of good - especially for children."

“Men lie less than women, except when talking about their feelings.”

“Philosophical mentality is the art of enduring the misfortunes of others.”

Hillary Clinton- American politician, wife of the 42nd President of America, Bill Clinton, until recently - US Secretary of State.

“The fate of a marriage is determined only by two people - those who are in it.”

“There are no other people’s children.”

“The path out of poverty must start in the head.”

Faina Ranevskaya- one of the most talented Soviet theater and film actresses, a woman with an extraordinary sense of humor and an inimitable philosophy of life.

“God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.”

“Women, of course, are smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

“Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.”

Galina Vishnevskaya- owner strong character, one of the greatest Soviet opera singers, People's Artist of the USSR, winner of numerous awards in the field of music and cinema.

“The most important thing is not to give way to despair”

“I created a wall around myself through which people could not get through to me, and I myself did not meet them halfway. This trait has always been in me.”

“I don’t complain to anyone, I walk with my head up, in spite of all my envious people, and I stick out in their throats like a bone.”

Sofia Rotaru- forever young owner of one of the most recognizable voices on Russian stage, a native of Ukraine, whose repertoire includes more than 500 songs, the grandmother of two grandchildren, who celebrated her 65th birthday in 2012.

“Compliments are a unique way to cheer us women up at any moment.”

“The most attractive virtue is kindness and generosity”

“I assure you, you can experience a state of happiness every time you do what you love”

Maya Plisetskaya- legendary ballerina, choreographer and choreographer, People's Artist of the USSR, winner of many awards and prizes in the field of art.

“Character is destiny”

“No need to diet, just eat less”

“The outer shell sculpts the image. We base our perception of personality on it.”

Coco Chanel- style icon, French female fashion designer, with whose light hand small ones appeared in the women's wardrobe black dress and a fitted jacket.

"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted".

"Can not be ugly women"Some people are lazy."

“A man capable of action is doomed to be loved!”

"I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all"

“If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.”

Marilyn Monroe- symbol of the era, American pop idol. Film actress, singer and owner of the most recognizable image on television.

“I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world.”

“Give a woman a pair of good shoes and she will conquer the world!”

“The one thing you want most in life, as a rule, cannot be bought with money.”

Angelina Jolie- famous American actress, one of the highest paid "stars" in Hollywood, official ambassador good will UN, mother of six children, three of whom were adopted.

“No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself... and not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak.”

“We love someone not because we finally met the ideal, but because we saw it in someone imperfect.”

“When you do something for others from the heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never dreamed of.”

: Actors are divided into performers and those who can give birth to something. The latter are only ten percent.

Leonid Gaidai:
Half of an actor's success depends on chance, half on appearance, the rest on talent.
Stanislav Sadalsky:
I have been and will always be an artist. And as Chekhov said: “Artists - strange people, and are they people at all?
Stanislav Sadalsky:
There are all kinds of artists, you just need to be able to make advantages out of your shortcomings.
Gerard Depardieu :
My work is connected with the need to love life in all its manifestations.
Gerard Depardieu :
The relationship between an actor and a director is like a love story between a man and a woman. Well, sometimes I have to be a woman.
Marlon Brando:
This profession is even older than prostitution! The apes were already playing!
Marlon Brando:
The best actors are the directors on set.
Marlon Brando:
Acting is the least mysterious of all professions. Whenever we want to achieve something from someone, when we want to hide something or simulate something, we act. Most people do this from morning to evening.
Marlon Brando:
If they offered me the same money for sweeping the studio floor as for playing a role, I would sweep the floor.
Marlon Brando:
comprehend full meaning life is the artist’s responsibility, to explain is his problem, and to express is his purpose.
Marlon Brando:
A movie star is a man sitting on a throne of sugar in the pouring rain.
Marlon Brando:
If a film actor is unable to improvise, it means that he received the role under the patronage of the director’s wife.
Marlon Brando:
An actor is a person who does not listen unless they are talking about him.
Alexander Pankratov-Cherny:
Behind the lightness of the visual image is the titanic work of the actor.
Nicole Kidman :
The essence of an actress is constant variability, pliability, and the ability to transform. Therefore, in my roles I try to be different every time, not to get used to a stable role and to play in contrasts.
Vivien Leigh:
Fantasy gives the actor an indescribable feeling of flight.
Nikolay Dobrynin:
The acting profession is a disease. Since you have chosen it, you need to really be sick, not pretend.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
He thought that he was a complete actor, but it turned out that he was a complete actor.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
There is only one reason for an actor not to appear at a performance - death.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
There are no small roles, there are small actors.

Ranevskaya Faina Grigorievna - People's Artist of the USSR, included in the top ten outstanding actresses of the 20th century. Born August 27, 1896 in Taganrog in a Jewish family. In 1915 Ranevskaya went to Moscow to enter the drama school. But she never got in because of “lack of talent,” so she got a job at one of the private schools. After graduating, she played in many theaters, [...]

Honored Artist of Russia, mother of two children, wonderful talented actress, business woman in restaurant business, TV show host. Larisa's career began early leading role in the film by Eldar Ryazanov based on “Dowry”. Beautiful face a young girl from a remote Russian village became popular overnight. The actress passed the test of fame successfully, thanks to her strict upbringing and amazing hard work.

Popular American film actress. Several films are dedicated to the story of this wonderful lady. In the 1930s, the Herm?s fashion house released a handbag, which later became known as the Kelly; this handbag is still sold today in different models and variations. Grace Kelly's quotes show the actress as a true woman and tell what a real woman should be.

Popular American actress, winner of the worldwide Oscar and Golden Globe awards in the Best Actress category. One of the actress's favorite activities is rock climbing. Sandra Bullock's quotes show her determination in all matters and her love for life.

The most famous British and American actress, fashion model. Was once awarded an Oscar for the best female role and was nominated four times for the same award. Audrey Hepburn quotes show how talented actress She was.

Famous Italian actress, fashion model. Monica speaks fluent Italian, English, Spanish and French. She has repeatedly received awards for best actress. Monica Bellucci's quotes characterize her as a spiritually rich woman.

Popular Mexican actress, director. She is rightfully the most successful actress from Mexico in Hollywood. She is the first Mexican actress to be nominated for an Oscar. Salma Hayek quotes show her rules successful life, which she strives to follow.

Making money in acting may not be the most noble pursuit, but it is quite lucrative. In addition, this does not always require acting skills honed over the years.

Film scripts and acting on set should always be brighter and more interesting than life. Only then will the viewer accept the film and trust the actors.

The moment a system called “confidence” is created, future generations will be able to work with greater desire, as it was back in the days of Savva Morozov, as well as the Demidovs.

As soon as passengers board the plane, they immediately become such believers.

IN real life the actor will be happy to help the woman, but on stage he won’t even have such a thought.

When a talented actor performs on stage, the audience in the hall sits with bated breath. This is real acting.

An unscrupulous person must have fear. A coward must have a conscience. But, if both are missing, then we have what we have.

Actors do not go on a well-deserved retirement, they simply stop receiving roles and offers to act in films.

The performance of a loud actor must be perfect.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The art of acting is not appropriated.

Actors are like children, they just want to play.

The actor plays, but teaches seriously.

The worse the play, the better the actors perform.

Men cannot stand the explosive mixture of beauty and intelligence.

The actor is the critic of the drama. Musical critic- this is a singer, or a violinist, or a flutist.

Children become very funny when they get to the basics. I remember my daughter sat down in front of me and said: Dad, I need to ask you questions. And she's four, you know. I have three of them. First: Is God afraid of dogs? “I had to think about it. No, I say. - Not afraid. And she: Okay. Did he find dinosaurs? “I think I did.” And then she says: Does he have a maid? “But I don't know how to answer this question.

An actor is a person who does not listen unless they are talking about him.

The whole world is ACT. And the people in it are actors.

True loneliness is the company of people who do not understand you.

All people are actors, with the possible exception of some actors.

I love the work I do, but I’m tired of fighting other people’s stupidity and unprofessionalism.

The actor is a werewolf who loves numerous witnesses.

The art of acting is still in its infancy, when will it grow into our everyday acting?

Law of Actor Skill: The higher the dynamic range of an actor's skill, the wider his audience. Leonid S.

Need to live. Just live. Do not catch up and do not run away, do not envy and do not fuss.

Lord, send me good actors, and send them cheap!

Take what is most important to you, apply it and get rid of the rest.

In Rus', it was fools and jesters who often said what smart people were afraid to even think about.

Real men should have stronger brains than their penises. Wealth and sexuality alone cannot bring joy.

I've been swimming in the toilet butterfly style my whole life.”

There is no competition within me. I wouldn't say I'm loyal to anyone or anything. I'm true to myself.

An actor is a trainer of the public.

Today they live for today's Monday. I took it in the morning, sold it in the evening - and goodbye.

We ourselves became the guys we wanted to marry in our youth.

Acting is a game in which you are always not you, but someone else.

Be like children, but do not create in the same way that children create kaku.

Acting is a masochistic form of exhibitionism. This is not an activity for an adult.

The artist is a graveyard of unplayed images.

In an open field, any actor is better than a warrior.

Untalented actors are those who never fail.

If you fall behind in art, you won’t catch up. You just leave the circle. Become a champion in ten seconds extra years not a single athlete succeeded.

The heroic era of our life requires a different actor.

Even the role of Othello is played more truthfully when there is personal interest.

In the process of searching for an image, many actors commit outrages.

Varley!,” Natalya ordered for some reason.

Even good actor cannot play one role all his life.

All the actor needs to do is learn the role and not bump into the furniture.

Acting is like roller skating: if you know how to do it, it doesn’t electrify or excite you at all.

Wishes will definitely come true; if not, it means you haven’t learned how to make them yet.

Acting should be larger than life. The script must be larger than life. Everything should be larger than life.

The actor’s gambling is persecuted not by the law, but by fans.

Sexual intimacy can only be compared to music or prayer.

The actors and the audience should not meet. After the curtain falls, the actor should disappear, as if by magic.

If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Some are as beautiful as a rose, others as a cactus.

Even Hitler moved the meeting to another room when Oleg Yankovsky dozed off. (Not mine, I heard it by accident)

The actors resemble children who have stopped developing.

Don't be afraid of your enemies, be afraid of your friends. Friends betray, not enemies!!!

Being alone with your thoughts is a very dangerous activity... but very useful!

Acting is one version of the unreal after another.

An artist is not a vocation, it is a state of mind, plus the capabilities of the body.

It's too easy to blame other people and past circumstances for your own self-hatred.

You can edit a film, you can cut something out of a program, modern technology everything is possible. The only thing you cannot do is deceive the audience in the theater.

When I see someone who just follows their dreams and succeeds, doing only what they want to do and not answering to anyone for it, of course, without hurting anyone, I think that's beautiful.

An actress should be invisible in life.

Love is like climbing an ice-covered mountain in the dark. One wrong step and you're dead!

Music endows the biggest idiot with acting abilities.

Actors are the same puppets, only alive and more functional.

An actor is something less than a man; an actress is more than a woman.

An actor, in principle, is not able to assess the impact of another actor’s performance on the viewer: he is always instinctively on the wrong side of the curtain line, and can only judge his performance as “in itself.”

Women may fake orgasms. But men imitate relationships.

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It's how you rise that matters.

A great artist is the one who makes the audience forget about the details.

In whose personal life millions do not interfere, he has not yet established himself as an actor.

A great actor with a bad face will make a wonderful comedy.

The actor plays the image of a person - the sitter portrays his likeness.

In the creative nature of the actor, in his entire nature creative process there is nothing that would not be inherent to one degree or another in the nature of every person in general.

An actor is not a profession, but a diagnosis.

An actor is like a pianist, where the role of the keys is played by feelings.

Each person is an actor and creates his own repertoire.

A true actor, like every true artist, has a direct line of communication with the collective heart.

There should be either two artists in the family, or none.

Actors are mirrors of life, and differ from them in that each reflects it in their own way. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

An actor must first of all be cultured and understand, be able to reach out to the geniuses of literature.