Teaching French from scratch for children. How to learn French quickly

And now you have come to the conclusion that you need to start learning French (by your own free will or under the pressure of circumstances (fell in love with a French girl)). I assure you - in any case you will not be disappointed! Indeed, in addition to the fact that this is one of the most beautiful languages world, it is another one of the 5 most common. Along with English, French is spoken by everyone five continents peace.

Where to start learning French.

Where to start studying? As strange as it may seem, start with your own THINKING. Most people who want to master a new language are faced with the fear of failure in learning; many believe that languages ​​are not given to everyone, and that only a select few can be polyglots. So, I declare with all responsibility that these are groundless fears (if not to say complete nonsense)! Language is a skill! None of us are born speaking one language or another. We learn this in the process of life. And depending on the environment in which we were born, we master one language or another. Accordingly, if we succeeded in this once and we speak, read, write, think perfectly, for example, in Russian, then we will definitely be able to repeat our path and speak another language, for example, French. You must be internally confident that you CAN SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES!!! This belief will determine your success. Of course, it won’t be easy, because learning a new language is work, and it’s not small work. But you should know that you can achieve your goals if you simply study constantly and do not shirk on completing tasks. The main thing in this matter is to remember why you started all this, and then everything will work out.

Now let's move on to 10 useful tips, which will be useful to you in learning French.

Advice1. Determine who you are by type of perception.

Who are you: an auditory learner (you remember better by hearing), a visual learner (you trust your vision), a kinesthetic learner (sensitive experience and sensations are important to you) or a discrete learner (you perceive the world around you using logic). During the first lesson, I always find out from my students which method of memorization is closer to them. The entire subsequent methodology for presenting the material and the learning process will depend on this.

If you've studied languages ​​before, think about what worked for you and what didn't. If you find it difficult to classify yourself as one or another type of perception, you can take a test on the vast expanses of the Internet. Or perhaps you, like me, are of the mixed type and for you, like me, it is important to hear, see, and feel the material, and think logically.

Advice2. Start with phonics and reading rules.

The phonetics of the French language is quite complex. Despite the fact that the pronunciation of most letters of the French alphabet is similar to the pronunciation of letters from the Russian alphabet, our languages ​​are historically related, and in our speech we use many borrowed words from the French language (yes, don’t be surprised! you already know something) However, pronouncing words and entire sentences may be difficult. French speech flows, there are many connections and connections between words. Listen to French speech and repeat (the method is especially good for auditory learners). Listen to native speakers (audio and video can be found online) to get an idea of ​​speaking speed and intonation.

Work on your articulation, do exercises in front of the mirror. This is important for correct pronunciation, your rate of speech will depend on it, and this is so that the interlocutor, hearing your speech, understands what exactly you mean. Francophones themselves actively use facial expressions and articulation during conversations.

Learn the rules of reading. I warn you right away - it is not easy and will take some time. The peculiarity of the French language is that words are written with a large number of letters, but are pronounced with only a few sounds. For example: beaucoup (many) is written in as many as eight letters, and is pronounced “boku”.

Therefore, knowing the rules of reading will help you read words correctly, pronounce them correctly, and, as a result, enrich your vocabulary with the help of books. AND read, read, read and read everything in French again! (This is especially good for visual learners, and auditory learners can listen to audiobooks) Fiction, scientific, magazines, newspapers, brochures, even advertising... With this you will make your speech richer, more intense.

Advice3. Practice grammar!

“Grammar” may sound boring, but it is incredibly important. Agree, we ourselves are pleased to communicate with a foreigner when he speaks Russian correctly. Same for the French, grammatically correct speech pleasant and important. And in order to speak correctly, you must understand the structure of sentences, how to use verbs in the present, past and future tenses, know the gender of nouns and the use of adjectives. If you're a discrete person, you'll love grammar. This clean water logics!

If you are a beginning “Francophone”, then here is mine practical advice. Remember, in a French sentence the subject always comes first, the predicate comes second, and then the object. For example: Je vais à l'école (I am going to school). And this is very cool, because having a small vocabulary (at first), you can clearly express your thoughts in short sentences. For example, introduce yourself: Bonjour! Je suis Tatiana Voronkova. Je suis russe. Je suis professeur. J'aime le français. (Hello! I'm Tatyana Voronkova. I'm Russian. I'm a teacher. I love French.)

Advice4. 15 minutes, but every day!

I think systems approach to learning French is very important. Let it be 15 minutes a day (it’s not that much), but devote your entire day to the language. Learn new words and phrases, grammar rules, practice pronunciation, or just read something every day. Plus, at least twice a week, set aside a full hour of French class! This will definitely bear fruit. And within a month you will be able to speak in simple sentences, and after 5-6 months you will notice significant progress.

Advice5. The Internet can help you!

You don't let go of your phone or tablet because you're just stuck in in social networks? Or are you a fan of video hosting? Or like to read e-books, magazines, newspapers? Great! This will all help you in learning French!

Urgently set up the main language on social networks "Français". You already know what is located where, and you can practice the language in practice. For example: Quoi de neuf? (What's new?) in the news section, or En ligne (online). On social networks you can also find French-speaking friends and communicate with them both verbally and in writing.

On Youtube you will find a lot useful videos in French.

Well, we’ve already talked about books: look for your favorite reading material in French (it’s easier to do this in electronic form these days). Or find French children's books on the Internet. As a rule, they have bright illustrations and simple texts - just what a new francophone needs.

You will also find a lot of French-speaking news channels and applications on the Internet. I especially recommend the channel TV5Monde. Here you will learn world news and interesting programs look at various topics, but most importantly, this channel will help you learn French in the Apprendre le Français section (for all language levels).

You can also find wonderful electronic dictionaries on the Internet. For example: Multitran, Academician, Yandex dictionary, etc.

And these are all free resources!

Plus, of course, you can find various online schools foreign languages ​​that people learn via Skype. For example, Learning French at this school via Skype is practical and effective because you can learn French with a personal teacher anytime, anywhere. Isn’t studying your favorite language at home on the couch with a cup of tea a pleasant experience?

Advice6. Watch movies with subtitles in French.

French cinema is rich in masterpieces! Do not deny yourself the pleasure and watch French films in the original. This advice will especially appeal to kinesthetic and visual learners, but I’m sure people with other types of perception will also be happy to enjoy the movie. I recommend that you start with the well-known animated films. Be sure to watch films with subtitles. But with subtitles in French! It is important. Let go of the fear that you won't understand anything. You'll understand! Based on the context of the picture, the plot, knowledge of a certain number of words and expressions. It is not necessary to translate every word to understand the main meaning. But you will be immersed for some time in a French-speaking environment. And reading subtitles and matching them with what you heard will help you understand how the words you read are pronounced.

For beginners, it will also be fun and useful to watch the educational series Extra Francais - about three friends in Paris who help the fourth speak French. The quality of this video is not very good, but it is the only one with subtitles. Try downloading the entire series (or watch VK).

Advice7. Learn phrases, not words.

Try to memorize not just single words, but phrases, phrases and sentences. Learn a few phrases to correctly say hello and goodbye, ask for help, ask something, give information about yourself, etc.

For example:

Say hello: Bonjour (Hello), Bonsoir (Good evening), Salut (Hello), Comment Why?(How are you?).

Introduce yourself: Je suis .. . (I am...) or Je m'appelle.... (My name is…).

Say goodbye: Au revoir(Goodbye), a bientôt (see you later), Permettez moi de faire mes adieux! (Let me say goodbye!)

Forms of appeal:

Excusezmoi! Pardon! (Sorry!),

Excusezmoi de vous dranger (Sorry to bother you),

Pouvez vous me dire (Can you tell me...)

Puis je vous demander? (Can I ask you?)

Pardon, pourriezvous me dire oAnd se trouve... (Sorry, could you tell me where to be...).

Parlez lentement, sil vous plait (Please speak slowly).

Je necomprends pAs (I don't understand)

Rourriezvous maider? (Can you help me?).

Such memorized phrases will serve you well, for example, when traveling in a French-speaking country, if you need to know something or ask for help.

Advice8. Speak up!

The best way to learn a language is to speak it! All the knowledge you have acquired - words, grammar, verb conjugation, hundreds of exercises completed - is nothing without conversational practice. If you don't use them and speak French, you will, unfortunately, quickly forget everything. Language is integrated into us when we interact with other people during a conversation.

And despite the fact that speaking is simple and pleasant, most people are afraid of this step. This is the fear of making mistakes, speaking incorrectly, not understanding the interlocutor, hearing criticism of pronunciation...

But you need to overcome these fears and just start talking. You must understand that it’s not a problem to make a mistake, the problem is not even to try... And as the heroine of one said famous film: “And you blurt out, but blurt out confidently!” Believe me, if you make a mistake, your interlocutor will help you correct it, and the correct pronunciation will be even better imprinted in your head. Accept any criticism of pronunciation with gratitude and find out how to speak correctly, construct a sentence, which word is more appropriate here. This will help you improve your speech.

Speak French, even if you feel awkward because you don't know much. Everyone starts out this way, but over time you will improve. If you don’t understand what your interlocutor is saying, ask him to repeat it and speak more slowly. If you don't understand the meaning of a word, ask what it means. For example: Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? (What does it mean?). This way, by the way, you will better learn and remember the meaning of new words.

You may ask, where can you find someone who is willing to communicate with you in French? On the Internet... On various forums and websites. And of course, teachers are happy to communicate with you!

Think in French. Speak French out loud when you are alone. Comment on everything you do. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation. Listen to yourself.

Chip №9. Praise yourself for every success!

Be sure to praise yourself for every success and progress in learning French. Most people in the world admit how difficult it is to start teaching. foreign language. Some never take this step... But you are great! You need it, and you do it. Even if you learn a language purely for your own pleasure (as I did), you do it for yourself, you develop, and that is worthy of praise.

The French love their language, their culture, and are very proud of their history. They are very sensitive to you trying to learn their language. They are usually patient and friendly. And most likely, they will also praise you for your zeal.

A positive emotions will fuel you for the next round of language acquisition and give you strength.

Chip10. Don't give up!

When you start learning French from scratch, you will, of course, make constant progress at first. Enjoy these moments. Then, after a certain period of time, you may feel like there is no progress and you are at the same level for several months! Be patient. Keep working. You will definitely reach a new level of knowledge. The main thing is not to retreat and move forward!

LF School warns: learning languages ​​is addictive!

Learn foreign languages ​​via Skype at LingvaFlavor school

At all times, it was generally accepted that the more languages ​​a person knows, the greater his chances for a promising future. Learning French as a foreign language is (for various reasons) one of the main aspirations of many people. For some, learning French is a necessity related to life circumstances, for others it is a hobby, for others it is just a dream. But everyone is equally faced with the question of investing money in this business. Certified courses are not a cheap pleasure, and private lessons can only be affordable by a few and there is nothing to say. Therefore, let's talk about independent learning of the French language: methods, methods and means.

When faced with the need or your own will to start learning French from scratch, it is enough to have the proper level of motivation. For the rest, you will be helped by the presence of a huge amount of educational material: relevant didactic literature, reference books, dictionary sources, tutorials, etc. All this can be found in libraries, bookstores, and on the Internet. In addition, there are also video and audio courses, teaching foreign languages ​​via Skype, etc. The most important thing is the correct approach to planning and organizing classes and a clear allocation of time.

In order to learn French from scratch, the first stage (40-50 lessons) is usually devoted to reading rules and pronunciation. These are basic skills that are extremely important, since their development affects the ability to read French texts and listen to French speech.

The next 50-60 lessons, aimed at adults or adapted for children, are accompanied by a number of exercises, audio material and an introduction to texts and assignments for them. At this stage, basic lexical and grammatical material is mastered, including relevant texts to consolidate existing (studied) skills.

It should also be noted that each lesson should last on average 3 hours.

As a result of these two stages (of course, with perseverance and patience), you will be able to conduct and maintain a conversation on basic, everyday topics, read French and understand general meaning read. You will be able to understand basic and medium difficulty. You will also be able to perceive elementary audio texts by ear and know basic communication norms.

To help beginners

“Is it possible to learn French on your own?” It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. After all, people are different: each person has a certain potential, each has their own degree of motivation, and few can boast of willpower. Some people easily sit down to their daily classes, while others find it difficult to pull themselves together and force themselves to learn a foreign language, doing dozens of exercises every day and learning new words and phrases.

To help those who still dare to learn French on their own and firmly stand on their position, we can advise the most common and available methods studies that save not only money, but also time.

The first option: the use of book aids (tutorial guides, phrase books, textbooks, etc.), among which the most popular and suitable are:

  1. textbook “French language. Manuel de Français”, authors – I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakova and G.M. Kovalchuk;
  2. textbook “Beginner course of the French language”, Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.
  3. textbook “French Language Course”, author – Gaston Mauger.

The disadvantage of this method of learning is that a person opens books, flips through them, running his eyes over the first pages, and... closes them. Because he understands that it is almost impossible to figure out the material on your own without help or at least consultation from a knowledgeable specialist.

More diligent students open teaching aids, they try to read, learning new sounds and memorizing new words, they independently write down some rules in a notebook and even begin to do the first exercises…. But gradually, doubts arise in them: “Am I pronouncing this or that sound correctly?” “Is this the kind of intonation that this phrase should have?” “Am I reading this word correctly?” and many other questions that arise in the process of studying.

As a result, some give up on this matter, while others call on professionals for help, enrolling in French language courses or hiring tutors.

The second option: try to learn French from scratch using online methods.

Today, there are many resources on the Internet with a specific thematic focus. With their help, you can also try to learn French from scratch, either completely free of charge or for a small fee.

An excellent assistant for beginners can be the BBC portal, which includes a French section dedicated to learning the French language. The section presents a large number of grammar exercises, dictionaries, reference books, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a video course for those who study on their own, and even open access to radio and French TV. Each lesson is supplemented with detailed comments and audio files necessary for correct pronunciation.

However, there is one drawback: the site is in English, so it is advisable for users to speak English.

Independent study of foreign languages ​​is always associated with some difficulties, even with strong motivation and exemplary diligence. The difficulty is that there is no one to give an objective assessment of your training. Therefore, there is a risk of erroneous knowledge and skills in one aspect or another. It is better to start learning French, like any other language, under the guidance of a qualified specialist. When the basic foundation has been laid, the initial level has been reached, then you can try to move on to self-study.

Instructions for self-studying the language

First of all, Special attention should pay attention to phonetics. In French, pronunciation is key. Read different texts out loud every day, even if you don’t know their translation. Accustom to French speech your speech apparatus, repeating as often as possible French words. The speed of mastering French speech depends on the frequency of training.

To be able to speak French, you also need to understand what is being said. Find opportunities to regularly watch films and TV shows in French. It is better if they are accompanied by subtitles in their native language. Watch carefully the intonation and manner of pronunciation, try to reproduce some of the lines you heard. Record all your efforts on a voice recorder so that after listening, you can compare them with the original.

Learn new words every day, memorize speech patterns and fixed expressions. Beginners can use a dictionary or phrasebook, this will help in mastering lexical material. When studying grammar, try to immediately form sentences in French without translating into Russian. Start with phrases simple sentences and gradually try to compose complex long sentences on your own. It is recommended to learn about ten words every day.

Using a dictionary, try to translate simple texts yourself, read three to four pages every day. Try not to skip or delay learning for minor reasons, listen and try to translate the lyrics of songs by French performers. Work two to three hours a day and consolidate your skills, then you will be able to learn French faster.

You can check to what extent your goal has been achieved and how much you have managed to increase your level, moving it from “0” to intermediate or even advanced (B), using appropriate testing. You can easily take the test online. Similar checks are also carried out in full-time and correspondence French language courses.

And in the end, one more piece of advice: remember that any language, if it is not used in practice, is considered dead, therefore, having mastered the first basics, try to communicate in writing or orally with native French speakers, be it correspondence on the Internet or oral conversations in real life.

Learning something new is always a complex, long process that requires not only excellent theoretical knowledge, but also frequent practice. Learning French from scratch is more than possible. All you need is a little patience, effort and diligence. In this article we will help you understand all the intricacies of the upcoming matter.

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Let's start with the basics

To start speaking a foreign language as well as native speakers, you will need to put in a lot of effort. How to learn French if you have never encountered it before? You should start learning from the basics, this will make it easier to get used to speech, spelling, etc. This stage includes a basic vocabulary, a set of rules of pronunciation and usage, which are most often used in reality.

Let's look at a few tips that will help direct your energy in the right direction:

  • Learning French start with easy words, such as greetings, farewells, words of gratitude. It is enough to memorize two phrases every day, and also translate them into frequent use in life.
  • Gradually add additional elements to what you have learned, translating them into simple sentences such as: “How are you?”, “Can I pay?”, “How much does it cost?”. Like words, repeat them every day, using them in real practice.
  • Compose your own biography in a foreign language, where there will be answers to the main questions: “What is your name?”, “How old?”, “Where are you from?” ...
  • Continue to practice daily, even if the words and phrases are clearly imprinted in your memory. Use the tutorial, this helps in learning French from scratch.
  • Place stickers throughout the house, denoting the items that are most often used in everyday life with foreign names: refrigerator, stove, bedside table, doors, windows, tables, chairs, TV, telephone, iron and more. It will be much easier to remember French names, since they are always in sight.

Advice! If you are studying on the eve of a business trip, significantly increase your French vocabulary, focusing on the profession, supplementing with basic terms for beginners.

Advanced Training

If it’s easier to master the basics on your own, then deeper knowledge requires assistance from a qualified specialist. Is it difficult to cope alone? Certainly! You will be able to memorize, group words into whole sentences, and over time you will understand how to learn to speak French well, but this is extremely little. The ability to correctly select temporary insertions, decline, and become understandable to a native speaker is a lot of work, which only a professional can help you cope with.

To learn French in depth, use the following rules:

  1. Training program for children and adults is different, but there is one main thread: associate every new knowledge with something ordinary. This will make it easier for you to remember even the most complex terminology.
  2. Hire a professional teacher, he will help with the question: “How to quickly learn French from scratch?”, Attend his lessons 2-3 times a week. Don't stop in ordinary life repeat the old, adding new knowledge. Watching movies will help you understand spoken language and improve your mental perception as you hear what French sounds like.
  3. After each French lesson, do some self-reflection. Thanks to it, you will be able to focus on vulnerable areas, not forgetting to look at them in the next lesson.
  4. Emphasize tense endings and word forms, especially when learning how to read French. Write down the main rules on one sheet of paper, then hang it in a visible place. Regularly say them in your mind before composing a sentence or reading texts.
  5. Reinforce what you have learned in every lesson and only then start learning new things .
  6. “How to quickly learn French from scratch?” is a common question, the correct answer to which is: “There is no need for haste!” Pay attention to even the smallest details, only in this case can you master speech and spelling perfectly.

Attention! How long it takes to learn French from scratch is a loose concept, but with the help of a professional, achieving your goal will be much easier and faster.

Common Mistakes

Learning French for beginners from scratch is difficult at first, and many things will be unclear. If you decide to study on your own, pay attention to the following mistakes:

  • Chaotic learning of French on your own from scratch is the most common mistake that will never lead to good results.
  • Start studying thinking only about how to quickly learn the language. Quality perception requires time and effort.
  • Do not supplement the process with watching films, listening to music in French. If you avoid this, you will not understand how to learn to speak correctly.
  • Without learning foreign language literature, it is impossible to understand how to read as well as a native speaker.
  • French for children should be taught in a strict manner, especially if the acquaintance occurs from scratch.
  • Studying with interruptions is wrong. Buy a French language tutorial and use it daily.

Advice! French for beginners is always a challenge that is best done under the strict supervision of a professional.

  1. Learning is easier for children if master the material in game form , combining the complex with the easy.
  2. Watch more films and read books in a foreign language, preferably out loud. In this way, not only memory will work, but diction will also improve.
  3. Daily contact with sources will help you understand whether it is difficult to learn French on your own and whether it is worth getting a tutor.
  4. Don’t forget to pronounce question phrases with increased intonation. Start from the first lesson, it will be easier to get used to pronouncing French questions correctly.
  5. Don't try to master the basics and the main part at the same time. Chaotic – main enemy, it does not contribute to how to learn French easily.
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes during communication. Apologize, try to correct yourself.
  7. Consider the factors that led you to want to study; if this is a working area, start learning French for business, focusing on your profession.

Polyglot. Let's learn French in 16 hours!

We decided to learn French? French is spoken in more than 43 countries around the world. Many people consider this language to be the most beautiful. Lingust will give you the opportunity to check if this is true.

For the beginner level it is placed in the form online lessons popular tutorial by V. Panin and L. Leblanc. The first 12 lessons are devoted to the rules of reading and pronunciation. It is important to learn these lessons well, otherwise you will not be able to read normally, and it will be even more difficult to perceive the text by ear, given the speed of voicing. Having mastered these lessons, there will be one less problem, because... for example, in English, it is very difficult to read the text correctly without looking at the dictionary. Here you can learn this, although it will be more difficult than, for example, in German, where you don’t have to look at the dictionary for pronunciation at all, and in Chinese you need to carry a dictionary with you every now and then... We digress a little... :)

Next there will be 20 lessons on grammar and vocabulary, accompanied by tests to consolidate the material. Data lessons Suitable for both children and adults. Having mastered them, you will be able to communicate in French on everyday topics, read intermediate-level French texts, and get rid of the awkward feeling of a stranger by going on vacation to Paris or any French-speaking country without knowing the norms of language behavior.

The exercises are accompanied by forms for entering text; the answers to the exercises are located below them on the right in the form of a key. To see the answer, you need to move your mouse over the key. Audio, if available, is usually located immediately after the description of the exercise.

Go to -› list of lessons ‹- (Click)

What other reasons to learn French?

  • For fans of good literature - France has greatest number Nobel Prize winners in this field.
  • More than 60 million tourists visit France every year - you won't be bored.
  • France is famous for the quality of its high technology, and French is an important technology and business language in the world. (Second language on the Internet.)
  • More than 50 thousand English words are of French origin. There are a large number of them in the Russian language.
  • France offers great amount generous scholarships for our graduates.
  • French is the second most popular language for learning after English.
  • French is one of the two official languages ​​of the Olympic Games.
  • French-speaking Africa is a larger area than the United States.
  • Montréal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • Don't forget about the masterpieces of music and cinema!
  • many other reasons.

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Learning French

Ever since I taught my first lesson, I have dreamed of creating the perfect French textbook. And not just a textbook, but a real self-instruction manual, one that anyone could use to learn the language easily, simply, and easily without the help of a teacher. When buying another book, I constantly encountered the same problem: this textbook does not have enough exercises, and that one does not have enough texts; and how wonderful it would be if you could also find funny songs or rhymes, maybe a few educational games or even information about how, for example, life in France differs from our life. So what should it be like, a French language tutorial?

Nowadays there are tons of literature on the shelves of bookstores offering to master a foreign language for a minimum amount of time. short terms and through simple words-dialogues. Even after 10 years of teaching, I have already accumulated a decent library, and this is not counting the several gigabytes of literature downloaded from the Internet. In my opinion, most books that are full of colorful covers are designed only to pump money out of the consumer. You seem to be counting on the fact that having bought a book, you won’t have to go anywhere else, but in the end, you have to spend money again and again, on new textbooks, on lessons with a teacher and on dictionaries.

So, I offer you a review of several textbooks - self-instruction books:

1. “Beginner French course”(Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.) - one of my favorite textbooks. Maybe because I once studied it myself. The main section, in my opinion, is underdeveloped, but there are very interesting texts. But I really like the Introductory Course. The rules of grammar, methods of pronunciation of sounds are described in a form that is understandable to everyone and in great detail, and simple exercises will help you quickly reinforce the rules. The textbook is accompanied by audio materials in which all texts and phonetic exercises are read by a native speaker. I consider this a huge plus.

2. “French language. Self-instruction manual for beginners"(L. Leblanc, V. Panin) - a good textbook. Not too overloaded with information, a lot of voiced exercises. Ideal for those who want to expand their vocabulary initial stage learning, since the introductory section gives a lot of exercises with new words. But since a full-fledged textbook is not suitable, you will have to buy something else.

3. “Hello, French”(E.V. Musnitskaya, M.V. Ozerova) is one of the most popular tutorials among Internet users. And for good reason! Each lesson is structured correctly, with sounds and rules practiced. In each lesson you will find interesting dialogues, learn to use verbs in all forms, remember useful phrases. This book contains a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, just for those who do not like to devote great attention grammar, but prefers to immediately learn to speak. But, in my opinion, you can’t do without a teacher with such a textbook, since the exercises are given without translation into Russian, and they are read so quickly that you won’t immediately understand what’s what. But you immediately get used to live French speech.

4." » (I.N. Popova, Zh.A. Kazakova, G.M. Kovalchuk) - another good tutorial for those who want to master the language on their own. Detailed grammar explanations, lots of phonetic exercises, phrases and dialogues. Although the voiced material is good, I still give preference to native speakers.

5 .I think it’s worth paying attention to such tutorials as « French driving»/ « French in 3 months» . I don’t name the author, because there are a lot of similar books and disks, and they are all similar to each other. As a rule, a textbook has several topics, each topic has several dialogues voiced by role. In principle, you won’t learn how to fully maintain a conversation with the help of such books, but they will do for traveling. Be sure to learn a few standard phrases in different cases life.

6. Tutorial series "Alter Ego", "Tout va bien", "Taxi"— It’s not for nothing that I combined all these textbooks, despite the fact that they have different authors. You can take any of them, and you will never regret not choosing the remaining two. All textbooks have the same topics, the same new words - “vocabulaire”, and almost the same dialogues. The textbooks themselves are colorful, quite simple, rich in modern expressions and vocabulary. The audio materials are practically not adapted, so you quickly get used to the live colloquial speech. An excellent textbook, but you can’t do it without a teacher, since all the books are entirely in French.