Game forms of working with children with disabilities during music classes in preschools. Perspective and thematic planning of musical and recreational work with disabled children in the senior preschool group

Now that we have learned to fly

through the air, like birds, to swim under water,

Like fish, we are missing only one thing:

learn to live on earth like people.

Inclusive practice with children with

special health capabilities

in musical and educational activities.

According to the All-Russian medical examination of 2002, the number of children with disabilities, which include children with visual impairment, hearing, speech, intelligence, emotional-volitional disorders and learning difficulties, has increased significantly. In 2008, two new documents were published, which became the basis for integrated education and inclusive processes in the educational space of the Russian Federation. The letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 01.01.2001 3AF-150/06 “On creating conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children to receive education” states: “Receiving education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities is one of the main essential conditions for socialization , ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities. In this regard, ensuring the realization of the rights of children with disabilities to education is considered as one of most important tasks state policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.”

Basis life position society should become tolerance. Inclusive education helps develop in healthy children tolerance for the physical and mental disabilities of their peers, a sense of mutual assistance and a desire for cooperation. They contribute to the formation in children with disabilities positive attitude to peers and adequate social behavior.

The most common form of education for children with disabilities currently is special (correctional) education. One of its main tasks is to carry out the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical or mental development of the child. Currently, inclusive education of children with disabilities in preschool institutions Russia is becoming more active, testing various forms and models of interaction between special and mass education, and making various attempts to create adequate conditions for the most complete socialization and adaptation of such children.

A necessary condition for organizing successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is to create an adaptive environment that allows them to ensure their full integration and personal self-realization in an educational institution.

The problem of raising and educating children with disabilities requires a sensitive and flexible approach, since everyone realizes that not all children with developmental disabilities can successfully integrate into the environment of healthy peers. Individual educational route involves the gradual inclusion of such children into a group of peers with the help of an adult. Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if the process of education and upbringing is started on time and adequately organized.

Musical education is part of the system of correctional pedagogical work carried out with children with disabilities (with mental retardation and intellectual impairment). It fits organically into this system, namely into its aesthetic block. The ability to imitate the actions of an adult is formed gradually, throughout all stages of training, and is one of the main areas of correctional work in music classes.

Inclusive education, based on the ideas of inclusion, is one of the current areas of activity modern system education. This idea in DS No. 000 “Oblachko” has been successfully implemented in practice for more than 7 years musical activity. In our kindergarten(building No. 1) six normal groups, four groups with mental retardation and two groups of children with intellectual disabilities. The goal of the music director’s work is to create conditions for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational system and their socialization, and to form a tolerant attitude towards them in all kindergarten children. To implement the idea, the following problems were identified and identified:

· Unpreparedness of kindergarten students to interact with children with other physical and mental abilities

· Lack of contact between disabled children and peers is the group norm

· The distrust of parents who worry about their children, fearing that their child may be offended by an unkind word, is annoying to consider. This problem still exists today.

Involving children with disabilities in children's society is a very painful process, associated with bias and misunderstanding even on the part of parents of healthy children. With their incorrect remarks, they cultivate a negative attitude towards children with disabilities in their children. In such a situation, we can talk about the moral and spiritual flaws of our society, because moral person will never offend another either with a look or a word.


Ø Creating optimal conditions for the successful gradual adaptation of children with disabilities into children's society through musical activities

Ø Ensuring the correctional educational process of teaching children with disabilities.


Ø Formirova development of a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities in children group norm

Ø Development of creative abilities of children with disabilities with the help of children in norm groups

Ø Creating an atmosphere of humane, friendly attitude towards all students, which allows them to grow sociable, friendly, capable of helping their neighbors, striving for joint creativity

Ø Maximum use of various types of musical activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process

Ø Creative organization musical activity of children norm of groups and disabilities

Ø Variable use of musical material, allowing to develop the creative abilities of each child

Ø Respect for the results of joint creativity

Ø Development of communication skills and culture of communication, creation of a positive emotional mood in musical activities

The main stages and forms of work with children with disabilities to solve the identified problems.

Stage 1: years 2008 – 2010

Organization and holding of musical entertainment and celebrations together with children norm groups

In the systematic work to develop a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities, inclusive education plays an exceptional role. There is no doubt that it is joint education that helps to awaken a sense of compassion and forms life values ​​and high morality in children.

Organization of entertainment is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of musical activity, a huge world positive emotions and joyful experiences. The participants in these events were children from normal groups and children with disabilities (with mental retardation and intellectual impairment). The children of mental retardation were especially successful in participating in games and dances, “cheering” not only for their own children, but also for other children. But children with intellectual disabilities are grateful listeners and spectators. They watched with pleasure and showed emotional responsiveness; at the end of the entertainment, many of them danced with great desire with all the children. Entertainment was carried out on the themes “Children’s Day”, “Day of Humor and Laughter”, “Day of Knowledge”, etc.

Organizing and holding holidays is one of the forms of musical activity, where all types (playing musical instruments, singing, auditory perception, musical and rhythmic movements) constitute its main content. Joint celebrations were organized very successfully “ New Year”, “Hello autumn”, “Spring is red”, etc. In preparation for the holidays, the need arose for joint musical meetings. The ZPR children watched with interest the singing and playing of musical instruments by the children in the norm groups and with great desire took part in joint dances: much faster they learned to move like a snake, move in a concentric circle, move in pairs and threes to show their peers.

Every year in anticipation international day To promote tolerance, our kindergarten is hosting a city campaign “Warmed with Kindness!” within the framework of the city network project “Tolyatti - the city of tolerance”. It was kindergarten No. 000 “Oblachko” in 2012, on the initiative of the head, that stood at the origins of this movement. The kindergarten's methodologists developed a plan for the interaction of children in norm groups with children with disabilities. Children went to visit each other, held joint classes in productive activities, walks, and games. The result of this week was great musical festival“We are together”, where children of the preparatory norm group and children with intellectual disabilities interacted for the first time. During joint meetings, many pupils made new friends, they helped them, felt responsible for them, sang together, played musical instruments and danced. However, it should be noted that not all children are ready to interact with disabled children.

In November 2014, other kindergartens also took part in this movement: MBU No. 000 “Rainbow”, MBU No. 000 “Fairytale”, MBU No. 000 “Solnechny”, No. 000 “Gvozdichka”. In September 2015, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 73 joined the project “Tolyatti – City of Tolerance”, and the final concert event for all children with disabilities and their parents was held in the small concert hall Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity (MOUDOD DDYUT).

Stage 2: years 2010-2013

Development and implementation of an adaptive educational program of additional education for children with disabilities (with mental retardation) and group norms.

In the kindergarten “Oblachko” there are several additional education services, including the “Noise Orchestra” club. This service was first offered in 2010. Parents of children with disabilities received this information with great enthusiasm and enrolled almost the entire group in this circle. For more than 5 years, children with disabilities have been studying according to the music director’s original program.

The main idea of ​​the program is a child conductor. One of the leading tasks is to develop orchestral thinking, the ability to combine rhythmic and timbre various groups children's musical instruments. The credo of our repertoire is the best examples classical music.

In the “Noise Orchestra” club there are two groups of children: the first is a preparatory norm of 10 people, the second is a preparatory ZPR of 9 people. It should be noted that all playing techniques are practiced in regular music classes. In the circle there is creative work on the repertoire, and the same musical material is taken for all children (for example: a march from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, L. Mozart’s “Sleigh Ride”). There are general and joint activities where children interact with each other, so there are no problems with concert performances.

The result of this work is a graduation party, where one of the children (the most active) takes the place of the music director and conducts the orchestra.

The result of this creative work is a very successful performance by all students of the Noise Orchestra club:

· 2012 -2014 - Thanksgiving letters School No. 69 for participation in concert performances in the charity marathon “Hurry up to do good deeds” of the city campaign “For Life without Barriers”

· 2012 – Diploma of the 3rd degree of the competition of instrumental orchestras and folklore ensembles city ​​festival of children's creativity for children with special needs "Sunny Circle"

· 2010-2015– Diplomas of laureates of the regional Christmas festival of children and youth creativity “Star of Bethlehem” in the nomination “Noise Orchestra”

· 2010-2015– Diplomas of the laureates of the regional Christmas festival of children and youth creativity “Easter Drops” in the category “Noise Orchestra”

· 2012– After the performance of ZPR children at the gala concert with the musical number “Barn Swallows” by J. Strauss, the audience gave a standing ovation, and the teacher was awarded a diploma “For performing skills” (video in the attachment)

Stage 3: years 2014-2015

Development and implementation musical projects, theatrical performances (fairy tales), the formation of a system of work on the socialization of children with disabilities and the spiritual and moral relations of kindergarten students

During the implementation of project musical activities, a great interest was noted among children with disabilities (with mental retardation)

The most interesting of them:

· A project using integrated learning “In the world of magical noise sounds” for children of the preparatory group with mental retardation (according to the principles of the Carl Orff program). Here children played with great interest on crystal wine glasses, cups and saucers, voicing “Polka” by S. Rachmaninov. We experimented with a sheet of paper, created a noise orchestra using various techniques in the game (clicking, shaking, etc.), and voiced M. Glinka’s “Polka.” As part of their productive activities, they painted patterns in a fantasy style and made homemade instruments from halves of walnuts. The presentation included an exhibition of noise instruments and a children's concert.

· The project “Create your own dance” - created with the aim of developing creative imagination in children with mental retardation and consolidating musical genres.

· Joint theater project fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood in a new way." It involved children from the preparatory norm group, the preparatory mental retardation group, and a subgroup of children with intellectual disabilities. Parents were happy to participate in this project. They were the ones who came up with various additional characters. And the music director determined the roles in accordance with the individual musical abilities of the children.

· Musical fairy tale"Frog traveler". In the production of the fairy tale, children with mental retardation and intellectual disabilities became full participants, participating in playful episodes of the fairy tale action.

Stage 4: years 2015-2016

Job prospect - drawing up maps of an individual route


As a result of many years of focused work on music education, it was possible to create certain conditions that:

· Contribute to the creation of a musical space for all children, including children with disabilities

· Children with disabilities receive high-quality additional education in the Noise Orchestra club and are awarded numerous diplomas as laureates of city and regional competitions

· Many pupils of the kindergarten “Oblachko” demonstrate their tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities

The team of teachers is doing everything possible to destroy the stereotypical perception of the problems of people with disabilities in children's society and involves all their students in joint public events.

Ekaterina Skorobogatova
Promising- thematic planning musical and recreational work with children with disabilities in senior group preschool educational institution

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in music classes

in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Perspective and thematic planning of musical and recreational work

with children with disabilities in the senior group of preschool educational institutions.

Topic of the week: September “Goodbye, summer! Hello kindergarten!

Healthy lifestyle element: Psycho-emotional regulation “We are glad to see everyone”

Objective: to develop the emotional sphere of the individual, the need for self-expression in the process of musical activity of children of senior preschool age.

Psycho-gymnastic exercise for getting into the working mood E. Kotysheva

"The morning begins, together we meet"

Logorhythmic exercise by O. N. Arsenevskaya “I’m coming”

Singing: V. Gerchik “Song of Friends”

Game guide No. 8 “Musical ball” program “Hello”

M. L Lazarev

Conversation "What would happen if..."

Finger gymnastics “We quarreled and became friends”

Breathing gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova exercise of the main complex

"Love myself"

Experimenting with sounds; Music rhythm. movements: T. Suvorov “Boogie-woogie”, “If you like me”

Interaction with parents: Parent meeting “The importance of music for the formation of a child’s positive interaction with the world”

Creation of the booklet “Music brings us closer together”

Topic of the week: October "Autumn time is the charm of the eyes"

Healthy lifestyle element: Cultural and hygienic skills. Oral hygiene. Appearance.

Educational activities: Objective: to maintain and strengthen the respiratory apparatus.

Breathing gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova, exercises of the main complex “Palms”, “Pogonchiki”, “Pump”

Articulation gymnastics “Funny Tongue”

A set of preventive exercises for the upper respiratory tract “The steam locomotive brought us to the forest”

Singing: “Echo” arr. S. Zheleznova.

Health-improving exercises for the prevention of throat diseases.

"Tanya is crying."

Listening (relaxation): Tchaikovsky “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons”

Independent activity: Massage of biologically active zones:


Instrumental improvisation “Autumn Tale” to the music of P.I.


Musical and rhythmic movements with autumn leaves “Oh, what autumn”

Musical and didactic game “Wind and Rain”, T. Tkachenko “Cabbage”

Interaction with parents: Parent meeting on the topic “Organizational requirements for appearance and the uniform of children’s clothing during music classes, entertainment, and holidays at preschool educational institutions.”

Questionnaire on the topic “What kind of music does your family listen to”:

Topic of the week: November: Week 1-2: “We live in Russia”

Healthy lifestyle element: Motor activity "Movement is life." The importance of movement for health

Educational activities: Task: to form correct posture

Musical and rhythmic exercises: G. V. Sviridov “March”, T. Lomova “Dance”.

Rhythmoplasty "Merry Travellers" music. M. Starokadomsky

Independent activity: Games for developing correct posture and strengthening the muscular corset of the spine O. N. Arsenevskaya “Who is faster”,

"We are gymnasts"

Interaction with parents: Information basket “Recommendations for parents on listening to classical music in the family” Recommend the game “Living Statues”

Topic of the week: November: Week 3-4: “Objects in the immediate environment”

Healthy lifestyle element: Motor activity "Movement is life"

Useful and dangerous movements

Educational activities: Objective: forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life in various types musical activities, compliance with basic rules during games, round dances, and competitions.

Articulation gymnastics V. Emelyanov “Mischievous tongue”

Game "How many of us"

Speech games with musical instruments O. N. Arsenevskaya: “Matryoshka and Parsley”, “Kitchen Orchestra”

Independent activity: Music for waking up after sleep: E. Grieg “Morning”, P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

Interaction with parents: A booklet on the rules for conducting musical-rhythmic movements at home.

Topic of the week: December: 1-2 weeks " Animal world»

Healthy lifestyle element: Medical activity. Disease Prevention

Educational activities: Task: to form correct posture through corrective gymnastics exercises on the topic “Animal World”, to exercise self-control in maintaining the posture of the legs, arms, and back through playful transformation into images of animals and birds.

Breathing exercises by B. Tolkachev and A. Strelnikov “Palms”, “Pump”, “Cat”

Speech exercises “The cat is walking” Corrective exercises according to the recommendations of an orthopedic doctor to the music “Bear” r. n. m.

Independent activity:

Singing L. Knipper "Once in a frosty winter"

Dance improvisation and play creativity based on the story “Winter Hut of Animals”

Interaction with parents: Conduct consultations on a complex of corrective gymnastics on the topic “Animal World”

Topic of the week: December: Week 3-4 “Feed the birds in winter”

Element 3

OJ: Medical activity. Disease Prevention

"Magic Sounds of Winter"

Educational activities: Objective: development of physical qualities for musical-rhythmic activities, use of musical works as musical accompaniment various types of children's activities and physical activity.

Chant with elements of self-massage “The cold has come” by M. Kartushina

Self-massage “Bird” according to A. Umanskaya

Music rhythm. ex. “Bullfinches on a branch” Exercise for developing fine motor skills “Snowflakes and lumps” Listening to G. Sviridov “Waltz” from A. S. Pushkin’s story “Blizzard”

Independent activity: Game and dance creativity: “Who we met in the forest”

Dance improvisation “Birds and Chicks” music. W. Mozart “First Violin Concerto”

Interaction with parents: Offer a family hike in the winter forest. Listen to the sounds of the winter forest, the voices of birds. Tell why and how you can get sick in winter. Breathing exercise booklet “Inhaling the aroma of pine needles”

Wellness leisure “Bird holiday”

Publications on the topic:

Perspective and thematic planning for the OO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. Application Perspective and thematic planning for the OO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. Application Topic of the week Direct educational.

Perspective-thematic planning for the natural world in the preparatory group for the “Childhood” program (Part 1) September 1st week Topic of the week: “Kindergarten and school” Topic of NOD: “Conversation about summer” Deepen and generalize children’s ideas about summer, its typical ones.

Perspective-thematic planning for the natural world in the preparatory group for the “Childhood” program (Part 2) February 1st week Theme of the week: “Winter. Wintering birds” GCD topic: “How our feathered friends live in winter” Summarize the children’s knowledge acquired.

Long-term thematic planning for speech development (1st half of the year) September. “My favorite kindergarten” “My group, toys” Program content: Junior subgroup. Adaptation of children in a group (play,...

Perspective-thematic planning in the younger group. Theme: Autumn The general theme of the quarter is AUTUMN Me and the kindergarten It’s good that we have an excursion in the kindergarten Game situation “Happy housewarming” Consideration. Paintings “Children.

Perspective-thematic planning in the younger group. Topic: Spring. The general theme of the quarter is SPRING. March 1-2 weeks Family. Pedigree March 8 Looking at photos of families Conversations about mothers and grandmothers Developmental games.

Perspective-thematic planning in the younger group. Topic: Winter. The general theme of the quarter is WINTER. December Beginning of winter. Me and my health. New Year. 1 week Image of Me. Clothes. Healthy image life "Day and Night".

Long-term thematic planning in the first junior group of the NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. Drawing NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" Drawing. Planning in I younger group according to T. S. Komarova with elements from I. A. Lykova Problems:.

Perspective-thematic planning of interaction with parents Prospective - thematic planning of interaction with parents for 2012 - 2013. Senior group No. Topic Forms and methods Participants Dates.

Models of musical and recreational work with children of different age groups The purpose of music and health work: to ensure that each child strengthens his psychophysical and physical health, development and identification.

Image library:

Game forms of working with children with disabilities during music classes in preschool educational institutions

Musical education is an integral part of the general system of education and upbringing of children with disabilities. Correction of impaired functions through music helps to introduce the child to various types of activities, develop attention, interest in music, and develop musical abilities. Music organizes children and infects them with their mood. Musical education is aimed directly at the development of basic movements, sensory functions (visual and auditory perception), and speech activity.

Target- to help children with disabilities actively enter the world of music, stimulate the development of musical abilities, and develop communication skills through basic types of musical activities and elements of logorhythmics based on the consolidation of lexical topics.


1. Development of musical and creative abilities of preschool children, formation of their experience of interaction with musical works.

2. Development of free communication about music with adults and children.

3. Development in theatrical activities in classes of all components oral speech.

4. Developing the ability to move rhythmically, accompanying the movements with speech.

5. Development of auditory attention and memory.

6. Formation of prosodic components of speech: speech breathing, correct articulation, diction based on the material of phonopedic exercises, tongue-twisters, speech therapy chants, folk chants.

7. Expansion and activation vocabulary, development grammatical structure speech.

8. Development of speech as a means of communication, practical mastery by children of age-specific speech standards.

9. Development of mental processes: perception, imagination, attention, memory, thinking.

Among the problems are:

involuntary movements;

fear of a new place, communication with strangers;

speech disorders or lack of speech;

isolation, inactivity of children;

unstable attention and memory in preschool children.

The peculiarities of working with such children are:

not in finding ways to master different dance movements, but in stimulating elementary activity in the child;

not in improving pronunciation, but in developing elementary vocalizations, simple onomatopoeia;

not in learning dances, but in finding ways to encourage a child to dance creativity.

The main and most important thing in the classroom is the atmosphere that is created by the special quality of communication between equal partners - children and the teacher. This communication can rightfully be called playful. The opportunity to be accepted by others without any conditions allows the child to express his individuality. In this play form, not all children have to do the same as the others, but each... with his own personal experience can participate in the game. A kind of ritualization (repetitive structure of the lesson) helps children quickly navigate new material, be confident, create images, create, help others and enjoy their successes and successful discoveries. We believe in such children, love and support them.

We are all born with different capabilities. Sometimes restrictions are imposed by nature itself. But this does not mean that children with disabilities have less chance of being happy. And there is a solution to this - music therapy.

Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic method based on the healing effects of music on psychological condition person.

The usefulness of music therapy in working with children with disabilities is that it:

helps to strengthen trust and mutual understanding between participants in the process;

helps speed up the progress of therapy, since internal experiences are more easily expressed through music than through conversation;

music enhances attention to feelings, serves as material that enhances awareness;

musical competence indirectly increases, and a sense of internal control and order arises.

In order to more successfully solve the problem of developing basic mental functions necessary for the general development and adaptation of children, the following types of music and movement therapy are used:

psychogymnastics – training studies, exercises, games that activate psychomotor skills, aimed at developing and correcting various deviations in mental processes;

logorhythmic classes (with a subgroup or group of children) - a variant of movement therapy used in working with preschoolers, a system of musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games, united by one common plot and game form;

a system of musical and didactic games that are effective in working with children with certain developmental problems.

All these areas of work are based on the most accessible type of activity for children - play. Solving correctional problems in a playful way allows you to create a friendly, emotionally rich atmosphere of joint creativity between children and adults, encourages each child to take an active part in the educational process, supports cognitive interest and attention Preference is given to active forms. Let's take a closer look at them.


Including psycho-gymnastics in work with children (book by M.I. Chistyakova, which teaches how to help children with disabilities):

games to develop attention:

memory development games:

games to overcome motor automatism:

outdoor games:

Games to promote calm and organization:

Games for expressing various emotions:

The peculiarity of these games is that they are all accompanied by music. I believe that with the help of musical rhythm you can establish balance in activity nervous system child, moderate overly excited temperaments and disinhibit inhibited children, regulate incorrect and unnecessary movements.


The next type of music and movement therapy in correctional work with children with various disabilities - logorhythmic activities, each of which is plot-based. Used: game motivation, pantomime, musical stories and improvisations.

Music in these classes is the organizing principle of movements. Each musical signal causes an immediate motor response. This allows you to develop attention, auditory perception, spatial orientation, and contributes to the correction of speech disorders, for example, phonemic hearing. Children easily cope with all logorhythmics tasks because they are fascinated by the game form.

Classes are structured according to a certain sequence:

rhythmic warm-up;

exercise to develop attention;

exercise that regulates muscle tone;

exercise to develop a sense of tempo and rhythm;

exercise to develop coordination of words with movement;


exercise for developing fine muscles of the fingers;

exercise for the development of speech and facial movements;

the final relaxation exercise, its purpose is to calm the children and switch their attention to other activities.


A special place in the work is given to musical and didactic games. They are an important means of sensory development, in particular auditory sensations and perceptions. Working with preschoolers with low intelligence has its own characteristics, determined by the nature of the children’s impairments. Classes using psycho-gymnastics, logorhythmics and musical and didactic games give their results. The combination of music and games evokes a lot of emotions, many children are happy to participate in the activity, in this form they are ready to perform even those actions that they are not capable of in other classes. It is obvious that children have a desire to interact with each other and with adults, to imitate the actions of others. The development of voluntary movements is observed, i.e. the child does not just play a musical instrument, but only when the music sounds does he fulfill requests, refusing to immediately carry out his own desires, and most importantly, the activity of children increases. Movements become more coordinated and rhythmic. The child learns to produce sound from a musical instrument, moves next to other children without colliding with them, and develops general and fine motor skills. Children master more and more complex instruments that require the active participation of two hands: spoons, triangles, etc. Many children independently try to change movements in accordance with musical sound.

Problems of development of the cognitive sphere are also solved: children recognize familiar melodies, determine by ear the sound of various instruments, i.e. positive dynamics are noticeable in the formation of auditory perception, memory, and attention. It is with the help music games and singing, many children begin to sing and pronounce simple words in while in ordinary life they experience difficulties in mastering active speech. appears song repertoire, which expands further. Children are able not only to passively listen to music (all these children are very musical), but also to create it - sing, dance, play musical instruments. But the most important thing is that they want and interact with each other and with the adults around them.

Matinees and entertainment occupy a special place in the system of raising children with disabilities. High emotional uplift and anticipation of a special event sharpen children’s feelings, they better perceive and assimilate the content of songs and poems, which makes correctional and educational work more effective. Planning and selection of materials for matinees and entertainment is carried out jointly by the music director, speech therapist and teachers. The age of the children is taken into account. The level of speech development and individual characteristics of each child. Holding holidays for children has its own specifics. On initial stages During the training, the main performers at the matinee are adults; children only take part to the best of their ability. Children take part in dancing, games with simple movements, and round dances. Children participate in small scenes, where their actions are accompanied by comments from the teacher. To activate speech, choral monosyllabic answers are possible for children when guessing riddles and answers to questions from heroes of fairy tales. We give each child the opportunity to perform at the festival and demonstrate their successes. Scenarios for matinees and entertainment are entertaining in form, with the obligatory presence of surprise moments, short in time (from 20 to 30 minutes).

When preparing holidays and entertainment: The speech therapist, music director and teacher jointly select poems, songs, dramatizations and other speech material; The speech therapist initially works through the texts, achieving correct sound pronunciation; The teacher conducts vocabulary work, consolidates speech material in free time; Musical director learns songs, dances, round dances. Holidays spiritually enrich a child, expand his understanding of the world around him, help consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in various types of classes, and encourage the child to be creative and communicate.

Thus, we can talk about the beneficial role of musical games in positive changes in the child’s condition. Positive dynamics are noted in all children: there is an increase in mental activity, creativity, level of self-regulation, development of the emotional and personal sphere, and expansion of communication skills.

Currently Special attention is devoted to the comprehensive development of children. There are many methods aimed at achieving full physical and psychological development child. This approach is also relevant for children with special health needs. And the method of art therapy as a way of self-expression and mental development of personality occupies a special place among other approaches.

Art therapy is one of the central psychotherapeutic areas, which includes therapeutic, correctional and rehabilitation work. There are several methods in art therapy, the goal of which is to create harmonious personal development through the formation of abilities of self-expression and cognition. Art therapy methods include drawing, music, modeling with paper, modeling, wood or stone work, literary creativity, singing, dancing, etc.

When working with preschool children who have special health needs, art therapy methods are also relevant and widely used by specialists. Method music therapy is one of the most accessible and effective ways of productive interaction with a child with disabilities and his development. The need for musical and rhythmic activities with children, their beneficial influence on the sensory and psycho-emotional state of children is beyond doubt. Movement to music is currently used very widely both as a means of creative and musical development of children, and as a tool for their physical education, and also as a means of correction and treatment of existing disorders.

This program is intended for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities and includes various exercises aimed at developing general motor skills, coordination, the ability to stay in a circle, notice other children in a group, correcting their emotional state and overcoming behavioral difficulties.

The program is designed in such a way that the game musical exercises include development various fields child development, from the simple beginning school year to more complex exercises by the end of the year.



Adapted educational program

additional education for children

“Art therapy in working with children with disabilities.

Musical and rhythmic education"

Designed for preschool children with disabilities

Explanatory note

Currently, special attention is paid to the comprehensive development of children. There are many methods aimed at the full physical and psychological development of a child. This approach is also relevant for children with special health needs. And the method of art therapy as a way of self-expression and mental development of personality occupies a special place among other approaches.

Art therapy is one of the central psychotherapeutic areas, which includes therapeutic, correctional and rehabilitation work. There are several methods in art therapy, the goal of which is to create harmonious personal development through the formation of abilities of self-expression and cognition. Art therapy methods include drawing, music, modeling with paper, modeling, wood or stone work, literary creativity, singing, dancing, etc.

When working with preschool children who have special health needs, art therapy methods are also relevant and widely used by specialists. The music therapy method is one of the most accessible and effective ways of productive interaction with a child with disabilities and his development. The need for musical and rhythmic activities with children and their beneficial effect on the sensory and psycho-emotional state of children is beyond doubt. Movement to music is currently used very widely both as a means of creative and musical development of children, and as a tool for their physical education, as well as as a means of correcting and treating existing disorders.

This program is intended for preschoolers with various developmental disabilities and includes various exercises aimed at developing general motor skills, coordination, the ability to stay in a circle, notice other children in a group, correcting their emotional state and overcoming behavioral difficulties.

The program is structured in such a way that playful musical exercises include the development of various areas of a child’s development, from simple exercises at the beginning of the school year to more complex exercises by the end of the year.

Let us formulate the main goals and objectives comprehensive education and development of the child using musical means.

1. Cultivating interest in musical and rhythmic movements.

2. Development of emotional responsiveness to music, figurative and playful movements.

3. Development of auditory perception, musical ear:

Musical sensory abilities (distinguishing dynamics, duration, pitch and timbre of musical sound);

Senses of rhythm - the ability to express the rhythmic pulsation of a melody in movement;

Auditory attention - the ability to begin and end movements in accordance with the beginning and end of music;

The ability to change tempo (contrasting - fast-slow) and the nature of movement in accordance with changes in the tempo and nature of the sound.

4. Development of the motor sphere – the formation of basic motor skills and abilities (walking, running, jumping), the development of spring, swing movements, expressive gestures, elements of dance movements (“flashlights”, stomping step, etc.); development of expressiveness of movements, skills to convey in facial expressions and pantomime images of familiar animals and characters (bunnies, bears, birds, etc.).

5. Developing sociability, the ability to make contact with an adult or child.

6. Development of elementary spatial orientation skills: the ability to stand one after another, move in a “flock” behind the leader, in a circle. Back and forth.

7. Development of the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of songs and nursery rhymes (formation and development of speech activity, expansion of vocabulary).

The repertoire consists of songs, the texts of which are accompanied by appropriate movements. Reliance on the word has special meaning for the development of children’s speech, as well as for concretizing the movement itself, filling it with meaning. In general, such compositions have a complex effect on the child, promoting the manifestation of bright positive emotional reactions and activating movement, the desire to sing along, and dance with adults or peers.

Taking into account the ability of children to imitate, their desire to move with an adult and, at the same time, the inability of most of these “special” children to act according to verbal instructions, the teacher must perform rhythmic compositions as expressively and clearly as possible, since the quality of the children’s movement directly depends on this .

Combining the efforts of parents and teachers in the upbringing and development of children is, perhaps, the red thread that permeates the focus of work on developing the personality of a “special” child, as well as improving the emotional relationship between parents and their child.

on raising children

musical means throughout the year


This period is one of the most difficult for the child, his parents and teachers, since it is at the beginning of the school year that adaptation to the new play environment, teacher and other children occurs. Hence the main task is to use playful motor exercises as a means of emotional interaction between a child and an adult. During this period, the most necessary thing is to create psychological comfort for children. Arousing joyful emotions in a child, interest in fun games, music, captivating and occupying him is much more important than teaching any movements and skills. However, the teacher pays attention to the development of the following skills:

1. children master walking and running as basic, contrasting types of movements (exercises “This is how we can”, “Legs and legs”, etc.) Children perform these exercises as shown by the teacher and move in a circle and in a flock, with the participation of parents .

2. Children learn to convey the simplest play actions also when shown by the teacher (exercise “Hide and Seek”, “Bird and Dog”, “See the Birds Fly”, etc.)

3. Children learn to rhythmically perform the simplest dance moves, stamping with each foot in turn, “flashlights”, etc. (dance “Ay-da”, “Chok-da-chok”, “Little Polechka”).

4. In familiar exercises, children sing along with repeated words and onomatopoeia (“knock-knock”, “la-la-la”, “bayu-bayu”, “drip-drip”, etc.)

So, in the autumn period of working with children, the most important thing is to establish contact with the child and his parents. If this task is solved, then subsequent training will progress more successfully.


During this period, children’s development in musical activity occurs more intensively: contact has already been established with some children, children are already developing a kind of reflex to a musical play session and a “musical adult” who dances and sings, and other teachers participating in the program. Teachers are able to pay more attention to the quality of movement and at the same time achieve clearer and more rhythmic movements.

The tasks are set:

1. Improve walking (some also run).

2. Develop figurative play movements (bunnies)

3. Develop the ability to convey the rhythm of a melody when playing musical instruments (development of a sense of rhythm and dexterity of movements).

4. Develop the ability to perform simple dance movements (for some children), for example. To "Russian Dance".

5. Create a desire to sing along and sing repeated words together with the teacher.

By the end of winter, children's movements become more confident. The execution of exercises as demonstrated by the teacher is more consistent. It is also possible to involve the child in a circle and dance a little faster.


In the third quarter, children are offered exercises that include new, more complex movements:

Walking back and forth We learned to walk”;

Straight gallop (“Horse”);

Dancing in pairs (“Top-clap”, “Boat”, “In a circle”);

A variety of figurative and playful exercises with objects (with handkerchiefs), figurative and playful expressive movements (“Here the birds flew”, “Sparrows and the cat”);

Dances and exercises are performed in various starting positions and formations (in pairs, in a circle, sitting on the carpet), which allows you to diversify the movements of the arms and legs.

The tasks of musical play education for children are essentially the same, however, the teacher can slightly increase the load in the classroom by offering to perform a larger number of exercises in a row (1-2 compositions).


As a rule, children attend for only one month in the summer, so for the rest of the summer, the proposed material can be used by parents (who by this time have already developed an interest and understanding of the importance of child development using musical means).

The repertoire offered for learning this quarter is aimed at improving children’s skills in basic movements (walking, running and jumping in some children), mastering more in a variety of ways their implementation is walking in pairs (“Let’s take a walk”), jumping in pairs, holding hands “We are going - we are jumping”). Children can already cope with quite complex coordination exercises: galloping in pairs (“Horse”), rocking back and forth, sitting on the carpet (“Boat”).

The musical game “Rain” and the round dance “Summer Gave” activate children’s creative expressions.

By the end of the year, some children are already actively singing along with an adult, memorizing words and phrases from songs, and sometimes performing them independently (according to their parents).

A clear indicator of the success of musical development is the emotionality of children’s behavior, their desire to practice together, the ability to concentrate on performing an exercise without being distracted, performing movements as shown by an adult.

By the end of the year, some children try to perform some elements of movements or dances learned in classes on their own.

Finally we can say that group joint musical play sessions between children and their parents instill in them a desire to communicate with other children and form the ability to interact with each other. During such play sessions, it is easier for children to learn the rules of behavior in a group (the ability to say hello and goodbye, participate in joint games and exercises).