Musical entertainment for the senior group. Subject: I am a resident of Russia. Scenario of musical and theatrical entertainment “Winter Patterns” in the senior group

Irina Tkachenko
Summary of musical entertainment in senior group « Winter's Tale»

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group

Topic: "Winter's Tale".

Target: amuse, amuse, entertain children.


1. Educational: continue to teach children to get used to the game situation.

2. Developmental: develop musical and aesthetic perception, attention, develop existing skills, mental processes - activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team.

3. Educational: continue to cultivate organization, a friendly attitude towards others, positive attitude for musical entertainment.

Methods and techniques: artistic word, explanations, questions, guidelines, signals, reminders, praise, encouragement.

Equipment: costumes for characters, snowflakes, snowballs, buckets, medals, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

a) teacher: writing a summary of musical entertainment, reading additional literature, preparing equipment and materials for musical entertainment.

b) children: guessing riddles about the seasons, reading poems about winter, about the seasons.

Progress of musical entertainment:

(Children enter the hall to the music.) Music by A. Ermolov.


What kind of guests are rushing into the hall?

Glad to see the guys here!

Guys, now we are going to go to a fabulous place. Do you want to know where exactly we will go?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then listen carefully to this poem and riddle, and you yourself will understand where we are heading. It's clear?

Children: Yes!


A paw soft and fluffy,

The whitest on earth

Snow is knocking on my window:

"Hello, I'm already here!"

And it turned white from the snow,

It suddenly became so beautiful

The snow falls clean, white,

Weightless, like fluff.

Everything is covered in snow - houses and schools,

Parks, groves and fields,

After all, she came, scattering snow,

Real winter! Words by E. Snitsaruk.

Riddles about winter.


If there is snow all around,

If the river is under ice,

So, come visit us yourself

Who came, tell me?

Children: Winter.

Leading: That's right, well done kids, it's winter. You and I are going to winter forest. Oh, how beautiful the forest is in winter, just a fairy tale!


If there is a column of smoke,

The snow creaks underfoot,

If your cheeks, nose,

What's on the street?

Children: Freezing.


If there are Christmas trees in houses

In bright beads and lights,

If we dance in a circle,

What are we meeting?

Children: New Year. Words by T. Gusarova.

Leading: Well done! How do you love solving riddles? Have you ever seen snowflakes?

Children: Yes!

Leading: What are they like?

Children: Magical, icy, beautiful.

Leading: I agree with you! Come on, let us motivate you with snowflakes. And let's dance a wonderful and cheerful dance of snowflakes. Fine?

Children: Yes!

(Dance with snowflakes.) Music by A. Varlamov.

Leading: Great! I really liked your dance of snowflakes. Well, you just can’t take your eyes off it! And you probably sing as well as you dance?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And this is what we will check now! Let's sing everyone's favorite song from the cartoon "If only there were no winter."

(Everyone sings the song “If only there were no winter.”) Music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Entin.

Leading: Children, do you hear what those sounds are?

In an ice carriage rushes


The wind beats its wings

To sleepy houses.

Squares and parks are blooming

Snowy white.

And the frost erects arches

Above the forest path. Words by T. Bokova.

(Winter enters to the music). Music by Y. Serdobolskaya, lyrics by O. Serdobolsky.


Hello guys!

Dear guests!

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

Let the fun come to us!


Winter has come - beauty,

And the children, oh, how they like it!

We love you, Zimushka!

Your frost and ice,

And a sled and a skating rink!


So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Are you afraid of frost?

Children: No!

Winter: Oh, let's check it out! Let's play a game.

(Children play under cheerful music.) Music by N. Glazkova.

Game: "Snowflakes and the Wind."

Goal: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; practice running, doing turns around yourself, and squatting.

Progress of the game: the teacher says the words:

Now I'll look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost?

The teacher - “wind” imitates the blowing of the wind, and the children - “snowflakes” move around the playground, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down when the teacher stops blowing.

Winter: Wow! Indeed, you are not afraid of frost! You know how not to freeze, look at how you hid from the wind, well done! Guys, how much do you know about me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Let me tell you some riddles, then we’ll see how much you know about me.

Riddles about winter.


Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers,

Spun it, swept it away,

The street became white.

Children: Blizzard.


I live under the very roof,

It's scary to even look down.

I could live higher

If only there were roofs there.

Children: Icicle.


I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream.

Children: Snowman.

Winter: Ay, well done! I have never met such smart children!

Leading: Children, Winter whispered to me that she had lost the snowflakes. And he can’t find snowballs.

We must work hard

After all, Winter needs snowballs.

(Children play to cheerful music.) Music by Lyubasha.

Game: "Who will assemble faster snowflakes and snowballs.”

Goal: to exercise children in running, to continue to consolidate the ability to act on the teacher’s signal, and to cultivate a positive attitude towards games.

Material: snowflakes and snowballs.

Progress of the game: children are divided into two teams. One team must find and collect snowflakes, the other team must find snowballs in the hall. Then the children put their finds into buckets. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Leading: We played great!


It's time for me to leave, guys!

But it’s not my fault,

Spring is following me,

And he takes many holidays with him.

And I will come to you again,

But only next year.

I thank you for everything

I will give you gifts.

(Winter gives out commemorative medals to the children.)

Publications on the topic:

Foot report: Competition "Winter's Tale" in the senior group. Winter is a wonderful time. Winter is the time fun games and fun. Children are riding in the streets.

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Russian Samovar” Presenter: Very often, behind the events and the turmoil of the days of our Antiquity, we do not remember, we forget about it. And although we are more accustomed to flights.

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Meeting in the Forest” Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Meeting in the Forest” Goals: formation careful attitude to living nature through various.

Abstract open event in the senior speech therapy "B" group for speech development Topic: "Winter's Tale" Educator: Kachmazova I. R. Goals:.

Summary of entertainment “Miracle Tree”

Description: The proposed entertainment summary will be useful for music directors, educators, and the proposed games can also be used by parents. The selected games are designed for children of older preschool age.
Target: Systematize children's knowledge with the help of musical and didactic games.
Tasks: Develop creativity, sense of rhythm; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other; continue to teach how to speak out about music.
Look what an unusual tree appeared in our hall. Do you know why it is unusual? Because this tree grew in the land of Music and itself became musical. Do you want to know what task is hidden behind the number 1?

Didactic game"Piggy Bank"
Purpose of the game: Learn to speak out about music
Progress of the game: When the children listened piece of music(“Morning” from E. Grieg’s suite “Peer Gynt”), the teacher asks them to cup their hands and then address them:
- What a capacious piggy bank each of you has! What are we going to put in it?
Children respond by offering various options.
- Let's put it in your piggy banks beautiful words that correctly describe the music we listened to.

Number 2 invites us to play with the cube.
Didactic game "Fun cube"
Purpose of the game: Develop creative manifestations in feasible emotional and expressive transmission of images.
Progress of the game: Any simple, cheerful melody sounds, and the participants pass the cube to each other.
You need to take a funny cube,
And pass it around.
What will this cube show?
We need to show it to the kids!
The player who has the die throws it on the floor in a circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top edge of the cube. The teacher suggests showing to the music how this animal moves.
Number 3 hid an unusual task from us. Now I will tell you a story that happened to one lazy cat. And you help me bring the fairy tale to life.
Didactic game "Cat and Mice"
Purpose of the game: improve children's ability to distinguish dynamic shades, develop creative imagination, the ability to expressively convey a musical and gaming image.
Progress of the game: The presenter reads the poem, the participants perform actions according to the text and dynamics.
There lived a cat Vasily.
The cat was lazy!

Sharp teeth and a fat belly.
He always walked very quietly.
Loudly and insistently asked to eat.
Yes, I snored a little more quietly on the stove.
That's all he knew how to do.
A cat once had a dream like this:
as if he had started a fight with mice.
Screaming loudly, he scratched them all

With your teeth, your clawed paw.
In fear, the mice quietly prayed:
“Oh, have pity, have mercy, do me a favor!”
Then the cat exclaimed a little louder, “Scram!”
and they scattered.
While the cat was sleeping, this is what happened:
The mice quietly came out of the hole,
Crunching loudly, they ate it bread crusts,
Then they laughed a little more quietly at the cat,
they tied his tail with a bow.
Vasily woke up and sneezed loudly;
He turned to the wall and fell asleep again.
And the mice climbed onto the back of the lazy man,
They made fun of him loudly until the evening.

Number 4 invites us for a walk.
Didactic game"A Walk in the Park"
Purpose of the game: Develop a sense of rhythm in children.
Progress of the game: Today we will go to the park to the playground. This walk is unusual as we will only imagine what we are doing. So let's begin. It was a beautiful day, and you and I decided to go to the park. We got dressed and began to go down the stairs ( imitate on metallophonesgoing down the stairs - from upper register to lower register). We went outside and ran up the path, straight to the playground. (imitated on metallophones by sounding from lower register to upper register in a fast rhythm). They saw a swing and started swinging on it, singing a song:
Here is a swing in the meadow,
I'll run to swing
Up - down,
Up - down.
We rode on a swing and started playing ball, saying:
My cheerful ringing ball,
Where did you run off to!( imitate a bouncing ball on metallophones).
But suddenly it started to rain. At first he walked slowly, and then faster and faster: Drip... drip... ( the sound of drops on metallophones). We were afraid of the rain and ran to the kindergarten: stamp, stamp, stamp.

And number 5 offers us the game “Magic Fan”
Didactic game"Magic Fan"
Purpose of the game: Develop imagination and creativity, consolidate knowledge of music genres, form a sustainable interest in various types and genres musical art.
I have a magic fan. Yes, not just one, but how many. He can transform into various objects. Think about what else can be made from a fan, how can it be folded? Music will help us in this game.
So, if you hear a waltz, the fan will remain a fan, if a march, we will make a straight path out of the fan, if a polka, the fan will turn into a skirt, and if a song plays, the fan will become an accordion.

Number 6 invites us to feel like orchestra musicians
Didactic game"Musicians"
Purpose of the game: To increase interest in music, develop children’s natural musicality and initial music-making skills.
Progress of the game: They are on the table musical instruments: tambourine, drum, spoons, pipe, rattles and maracas, (these same instruments are depicted on the faces of the cube.) Participants stand in a circle and pass the cube to each other to the music with the words:
Everything plays and sings.
The cube will tell who will start!
The player who threw the dice names the instrument shown on the top face, takes it from the table and plays a simple rhythmic pattern. Everyone repeats the rhythmic pattern with clapping.

A caterpillar hid behind the number 7. She wants to become a singer, but doesn't know how to learn to sing. Shall we help her?
Didactic game"Teach the caterpillar to sing"
Purpose of the game: Development of vocal skills, learning to sing according to patterns.

What else has our music tree prepared?
Didactic game: “Musical locomotive”
Purpose of the game: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of various musical instruments.
Progress of the game: Look, there’s a steam locomotive,
He brought the trailers.
His journey is long
After all, the train is musical.

The phonogram of a musical piece sounds, the participant names the instrument that sounded. The named tool takes up space in the trailer.

What is the next task awaiting us? And we are waiting for a meeting with our favorite cartoons.
Didactic game"Multi-remote"
Purpose of the game: Teach children to determine the nature of music, develop diction when singing, pure intonation, develop emotional responsiveness to a song they hear.
Progress of the game: Using a counting rhyme, a “driver” is selected:
One, two, three, four, five - we're going to play,
A butterfly flew to us and told you to sing.

The player is asked to sing a children's song, the picture of which appears on the screen.

And we just have to complete the last task.

Didactic game: "Toy Store"
Purpose of the game: Development of creative abilities, creativity.
Progress of the game: Dili-ding, dili-ding,
We are opening a store.
Come on, come on,
Choose what you want!
The selected participant answers what he wants to buy. Then everyone portrays the given toy. The “buyer” chooses the one who portrays it better.
Well done! You have completed all the tasks of the Miracle Tree. In memory of the meeting, I reward you with the “Young Musician” emblems.

Scenario of entertainment “Winter-winter” for preparatory and senior groups:

Target: Create a joyful festive atmosphere.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop imaginative expressive speech children;


The path is covered with white fluff. How clear the air is in winter!

I’ll stand and admire for a while how the snowflakes fly above me!

Winter scatters them everywhere, giving everyone a silvery outfit.

It’s as if a fairy tale comes to life around you, and snowflakes are spinning and flying!

Both adults and children love winter! That’s why they call it affectionately – winter-winter!


Dear guys, today we have gathered in this hall to welcome Winter! Tell me, what winter months do you know?


December, January and February.


Right! And every month of winter is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. January is a holiday of Christmas, winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe, frosty month of winter. In February there are snowstorms and blizzards. In winter everything is white and beautiful!


How many of you can say what kind of winter it is? Let's try to describe it:

Children's answers: (frosty, white, silver, cold, icy, snowy, beautiful, sparkling)


Right! She's such a beauty! And she is also cheerful, because she brings with her a lot of joy, fun, games, and holidays. So tell me, what games can we play in winter?

- Children's answers (playing snowballs, making a snowman, sliding down a hill, skating, sledding, skiing, building a fortress).


That's how much fun winter has. You probably can't wait to see our guest. Let's call her to us:


Winter, come!

Bring us a snowball

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

All together: Winter, come!

Winter enters the hall to the music.


Hello guys! I heard you calling me, I’m very glad that I’m a welcome guest with you! And I'm happy to meet you.


You are such a talented artist – how you decorated everything! Guys, it’s true, it’s beautiful all around - everything sparkles, glitters, When will you see something like this again? Zimushka - winter, the children are very happy to see you and want to give you poems:

Favorite winter

Beautiful winter
It's freezing outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
and as warm as possible!
I'll put on gloves
My mother knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I will pull stubbornly.

The whole lake is covered in ice,
The trees turn silver
And everything around is covered in snow,
And I'll go for a ride.

I'll ski down
quickly from the steep mountain,
I'll go sledding
And, falling, I will warm myself.

How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times of the year
Where it's raining unexpectedly.
When the mushrooms grow
And the buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

Winter is the most beautiful!
It may be cold, but still
Blush, more fun,
It looks like a holiday!


Wonderful poems, this is a very valuable gift for me! I also prepared many different surprises for you. When you meet me on the street, we play snowballs, make a snow woman, but here, in this room, we won’t be bored. Do you want to play? Then let's begin!

The game "Snowdrifts" is being played

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of whatman paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it. The action is repeated until the child reaches the Christmas tree through the snowdrifts. You need to run back to the team and pass the snowdrifts to the next one.


Guys, I brought you snowballs, let's play.

The game "Snowballs" is being played

“Snow” lumps are scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. At a signal, children collect “lumps” into a basket. The team with the most “lumps” in its basket wins.

The game “Dress up the Christmas tree” is being played

The outline of a Christmas tree is drawn on two Whatman papers, and there are markers in the cups. To the music, the children begin to dress it up (draw balloons). Whose team draws the most balls on the Christmas tree wins.

"Snow Fight"

Place tinsel on the floor. The teams stand on either side of it. The teams are given snowballs equally. A snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, the half whose team has the least amount of snowballs is counted. This team wins.

Winter :

Now listenriddles:

1. As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters keep you warm. What are their names? (Mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks there are characters from different fairy tales.

They are having fun and circling, what kind of holiday is this? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the very roof, it’s even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is always busy with work, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees along the way. (Snow) .

5. Fish live warmly during the winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. The village is in white velvet - both fences and trees.

And when the wind attacks, this velvet falls off. (Rime).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not leave each other.

Both run through the snow, both sing songs. (Skis) .

8. First you fly at them from the mountain,

And then you pull them up the hill. (Sled) .

9. I dusted the paths and decorated the windows.

She gave the children joy and gave them a sledding ride. (Winter) .

10. The stars swirled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflakes).

Presenter :

Well done guys completed the task.

Game "Magic Snowflake"


I invite everyone to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, we pass the snowflake, as soon as the music stops, whoever has the snowflake in their hands completes the task (sing, dance, recite a poem, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for the winter.

Song "Winter Song"


Well done, guys! I'm so interested in you! But it’s time for me to go outside - add snow, whiten the trees - I have a lot to do! I'll see you outside - just dress warmly! Goodbye guys!

Teachers hand out candy.

Entertainment for children in the senior group “Zimushka - winter”

Goal: Create an emotional mood, consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities.

Recognize the characteristic signs of winter.

Teacher in the role (Zimushki - winters)

Children come to the hall, decorated and elegant.

Winter: Hello guys! Look how beautiful and fabulous everything is here! Who do you think is meeting you? Of course, this is Zimushka - winter! Let's listen to the poem.

The cold weather has arrived!

The water turned into ice.

And the cowardly gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring.

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this all happen?

Children: In winter.

Winter: Correct in winter. Do you want to visit Zimushka - winter?

Guys, I have magical snow clouds.

Get up, close your eyes and fly away to Zimushka.

We circled a little and sank to the ground.

(Blizzard music sounds).

So we arrived in the winter kingdom to Zimushka - winter.

(Children stand in a circle and sing a song for Zimushka - winter).

Song "Once a Snowflake".

Winter: I am very glad to see you in my kingdom! How did you know that Winter had come?

Children's answers: (In winter it’s cold, snow is flying everywhere, there are severe frosts, the trees are covered with snow, we can sled, ski, sculpt snowmen, the rivers are covered with ice, snowstorms are blowing, the animals have changed their coats, it is snowing, the most long-awaited and happy holiday"New Year").

Winter: Let's relax a little and playgame "Winter - Winter".

Hello Zimushka - winter!(We bow).

What did you bring as a gift?(We spread our arms to the sides.)

White fluffy snow(We crouch and touch the imaginary snow).

Frost silver(We get up, raise our hands up).

Skis, sleds and skates(We imitate the movements of skiers).

And there are lights on the tree!(Flashlights).

Winter: Guys, tell me, do you know a lot of poems about winter?

Children read poems about winter.

1. Everything is covered with white snow -

And trees and houses

The face-winged wind whistles

2. An intricate trail winds through

From clearing to hill

This is what the hare typed:

Hello, Zimushka - winter!

3. We set up bird feeders,

We pour food into them

And the birds sing in flocks:

Hello, Zimushka - winter!

4. Snow falls on houses

Winter has come to us again!

Brought it in a knapsack

Blizzards and drifting snow.

Cold, snowdrifts, ice

And, of course, New Year!

5. Happy winter has come

With skates and sleds,

With powdered skis,

With a magical old fairy tale.

6. On a decorated Christmas tree

Lanterns swing

May your winter be fun

It doesn't end any longer!

Winter: Well done! We read very beautiful poems. I suggest playinggame “It happens, it doesn’t happen.”

Is there a snowstorm in winter?

Does the water in the river freeze in winter?

Does it rain in winter?

Does the hare go to school?

Does the sun shine at night?

Does the wind shake the trees?

Does the wolf play the violin?

Does thunder roar in winter?

Does it snow in winter?

Do you celebrate New Year in winter?

Winter: Guys, what do you like to do in winter? Which winter games do you know?

Children: We walk a lot, make snowmen, ride downhill, sled, and play snowballs.

Winter: Let's all play snowballs together.

Snowball game

Two baskets. Children collect snowballs in one basket. Zimushka is another winter. Who will collect the most snowballs the fastest?

Game "Snowflakes and the Wind"

Children gather in a circle and hold hands. At the teacher’s signal: “The wind blew strong, strong. Scatter, snowflakes! - scatter in different directions around the hall, spreading their arms to the sides, swaying, spinning. “The wind has died down! Come back, snowflakes, to the circle!” Children run into a circle and hold hands.

Game “Like snow on a hill”

Like snow on a hill, snow

And under the tree there is snow, snow

And there's snow on the tree, snow(fold their hands over their heads).

And under the tree there is snow, snow(sit down, arms to the sides).

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet, quiet - don't make noise!(they shake a finger).

Let a bear sleep in the den.

Winter: Well done guys! You really love winter with games, winter fun, frost, fluffy snow, and happy holidays.

Oh, snowflakes and snow-white fluffs are flying.

This is Zimushka - winter has shown its sleeves.

She swirled all the snowflakes and dropped them to the ground.

Dance "Snowflakes"

(Zimushka - winter dances with the children).

Winter: Today we had fun and played and frolicked.

And now kids, it’s time for us to rest.

Thanks guys! I really enjoyed playing and having fun with you. Did you guys like it in my kingdom?

Children: Yes.

Winter: Guys, it's time for you to return to the group. Magic clouds await us.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten Alzamay"

Educator: Kovel V.K.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Olkhovskaya progymnasium" of the Olkhovsky municipal district Volgograd region


Khobotova G.A.,

musical director


Development of integrated qualities in children


Aesthetic development


Social and moral development


Encourage to expressively convey images of animate and inanimate objects

To develop singing skills, to interest in song creativity, encouraging long-drawn singing.

Strengthen the ability to glue paper objects to a large sheet

Activate children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena

Foster a sense of teamwork when performing joint actions

Demo material


Whatman sheet blue, 10-12 “snowballs”

Cut snowflakes and Christmas trees according to the number of children, glue

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle. The hall is beautifully decorated. The children are greeted in the hall by the music director dressed as Winter.

Musical director:

Hello guys! I am Zimushka - Winter. Are you happy to see me?

Look out the window. How has our street changed? Why did it become so light? (children's answers). That's right, on the streets lies soft and fluffy white snow.


There is snow everywhere; everything is quiet all around;
Nature sleeps in winter's sleep,
And through the clouds - gray and gloomy -
The sun looks dim.

Above my window is empty
One bird's nest -
But spring, flowers and sun
It reminded me!..

Ivan Belousov


That's how winter is - winter,

There is fringe on the trees.

The yard is not visible from the window,

The entire glass was covered with a pattern.

Guys, who doesn’t draw patterns on glass? That's right, frost, covering everything with frost. And I am a blizzard winter, I love to sing. Let's sing together.


I covered the entire path with white snow. And my friend, Frost, drew on the windows, and now he wants our hands to freeze. Let's warm them up.

Phonopedic exercise using the Emelyanov method.
Snowstorms “U” were whistling, snow “O” was flying.
A big blizzard “I” made the bed.
She made the beds with frost “A”.
And the snowstorms kept “A” from sleeping all night.

Musical director:

It's freezing outside now and I'm the boss. Are you afraid of frost?


You, frost, frost, frost,

Don't show your nose!

Go home quickly

Take the cold with you.

And we'll take the sleigh

Let's go outside

Let's sit in the sleigh - scooters

Yes, from the mountain - wow!

In the fluffy snow - boom!

Song about winter

Music Game"Sled"

Children stand in pairs, one in front, the other behind (sleigh). When fast music plays, they run in a circle (rolling down a slide), calm music - they walk in a circle (pulling a sleigh), when the music ends, they stop.


Guys, what do you like to play in winter? Let's roll a snowball.

Singing “Snowball”

A snowball rolled walk in a circle, rotating in front of the chest with bent

I follow him on foot. at the elbows with the hands, fingers clenched into a fist.

He's faster, I'm running - start running

And hit the gate with your forehead. stop at last word

BOOM! quietly slapping their palm on their forehead

Musical director:

Guys, tell us what you know to Zimushka - Zima. (children's answers)


Snow and snow patterns,

In the blizzard field, conversations,

Cold, twilight...

Day - skates, mountain, sled...

Evening - old wives' tales...

That's what you are - Winter! (A Kruglov)


Now guys, guess the riddle:

What kind of stars are through?

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through, cut-out,

Will you take it, water in your hand? (Snowflakes)

Musical director:

That's right, guys. These are my friends - snowflakes. Look how many of them are in the hall. Let us stick Christmas trees and snowflakes on large leaf paper, and we will have a winter forest with you.

Children, accompanied by music, apply glue to snowflakes and Christmas trees, and stick them onto the prepared background.


Let the blizzard blow

It won't scare us

Let's go for a walk anyway

Let's play with her.

Game "Blizzard and Blizzard"

Children stand in a circle. In the center there is a hoop with snowballs, near which stand Blizzard and Snowstorm.

Blizzard and blizzard

They creep along the road,

They are trying to cover up all the ways.

To belated

To a tired traveler

No way to find the road.

We'll take shovels

We'll remove the snow from the road.

Blizzard, Snowstorm:

We'll throw snowballs at you,

We'll stop you from clearing the snow.

Blizzard and Snowstorm throw snowballs at children. The children run away. Those hit by a snowball stop, cross their arms over their chests and pat themselves on the shoulders with their palms (they are shaking from the cold)

Musical director:

Well done, guys! Did you enjoy my visit? Tell us what we did today? What were they playing? I'm very glad you liked it. And I will be very glad to see you on the street. After all, it’s so beautiful there, there’s a lot of snow from which you can sculpt a snow woman, play snowballs and just tumble in the snowdrifts. And to do this, you will now need to go to the group, dress warmly and go to your site.

And so that you don’t forget about me, here are gifts from me. (gives sweets). See you outside!

Children leave the hall to join the group to the musicLiterature

    M.Yu. Kartushina “We play, draw, sing”, integrated activities and entertainment for children 5-7 years old. - Moscow: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2009

    M.Yu. Kartushina No. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten." - Moscow.: Sfera Publishing House, 2004