The fastest way to solve a Rubik's cube. Simple rules for solving a Rubik's cube

So, the assembly itself consists of 7 stages, which will be described in detail below. But first you need to prepare a little. Don't be afraid, it won't take long :)

I understand that learning the basics is often boring and discourages any desire, but they are needed!
Let's take it briefly.

Basic elements of a Rubik's cube


This is the only component that cannot move, that is, it is around the centers that we collect the remaining elements.


Elements that have 2 colors (stickers) “connect” the center.


Combines 3 colors at the same time.

Surely you have already spun your cube and discovered that it does not rotate chaotically, but according to well-defined rules. Have you given it a spin yet? Well, let's quickly explore all the possible turns!

L- rotation of the left side

90 clockwise.

R- rotation of the right edge.

U- rotate the top edge 90 clockwise.
D- rotation of the bottom edge.

F- rotate the front face 90 clockwise.

- the stroke indicates that the rotation is directed counterclockwise.

Russian-language designations for a cube

Since our people are Russian, we will also give Russian-language designations for the components of a Rubik's cube:

It may not be as elegant, but it is extremely clear and understandable.

In what follows, the formulas will also be presented in two versions.

Also during the assembly process you will encounter such miracles as P2 (R2) or F2 (F2)

Don't be alarmed, in this case you just need to rotate the edge twice, that is, make 180 degrees.

Spin language

To solve the cube correctly and quickly you need to know the language of rotations. Let's consolidate our knowledge and scroll through one of the formulas. It's long, so be careful:

R2 F R’ F’ D2 R2 U F U’ B L2 F2 R F2 U’ L F2 L B R’ D’ L’ D’ R F

(P2 F P’ F’ N2 P2 V F V’ B L2 F2 P F2 V’ L F2 L B P’ N’ L’ N’ P F)

Phew, you did it!! Right or wrong? Well, this is not so important here, because the cube will break in any case. This formula is called.

Great, the cube is broken, as you can see, no violence was required. Now let's get started with the assembly!

Stage 1 - Cross

Actually, as my assembly teacher said, anyone can assemble the first layer using only logic, and it’s really simple. Therefore, if you are not devoid of passion, then try to handle it yourself, it will be even more useful

And for those who did not risk losing their self-esteem, we will continue

So our target at the first stage - collect correct cross which looks like this

In general, there is nothing to explain here, it is important that you get exactly the right cross, that is, the colors on the edges correspond to the centers of the cube. Before proceeding to the next step, check that everything is correct. Let's call this point EXAMINATION. A check should be performed after each step to make sure that you are doing everything correctly.

Video: how to assemble a 3x3 cross

- that's half the battle. Now it needs to be assembled. And here this most detailed video instruction will help you.


The internet is full right now a huge amount instructions on the topic "how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube". The methods for solving a Rubik's cube for beginners, taught by numerous instructors, are practically no different.
Except for one thing, the most important thing - simplicity and accessibility of explanation. This is what determines how quickly you or your child will solve your first Rubik's cube.


Simplest method of teaching how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube developed by the hero of the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” Maxim Chechnev. Maxim, while working in children's camps, taught many children how to solve a 3x3 cube. And based on his experience, he developed the simplest teaching method, understandable and accessible to children even of primary school age.

The learning process is divided into 9 lessons with tasks. Don't be intimidated by the number of lessons - all of them can be completed within a few hours. But in the end, you will not only solve your first Rubik's cube, but you are also guaranteed to remember the assembly steps and will definitely solve the Rubik's cube the second time without any hints, on your own.

How to solve a Rubik's cube video from Maxim Chechnev.

Stage 1. Basics of the structure of the cube.

Stage 2. Putting a cross on one of the sides + theory about the elements of a 3x3 Rubik's cube.

After you have assembled the cross, before watching video 3, you MUST disassemble and reassemble it several times. Reinforce the steps and Rubik's cube formulas immediately, so as not to forget in an hour!

Stage 3. Put the elements of the cross in place.

Stage 4. Assemble one side completely.

Stage 5A. We assemble the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + securing the material.

IMPORTANT! After completing step 5A, disassemble your cube - and be sure to secure the previous 4 steps of solving the Rubik's Cube on the orange side (solve the cross and then the entire orange side).

Stage 5B. We collect the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + additional possible situations.

For children and adults sometimes the task may seem overwhelming how to solve a 3x3 rubik's cube. A diagram with pictures for beginners in this matter is one of the main assistants.

Also, to make everything clear and transparent, you can use video instructions. We will actively use both of these aids in practice so that you finally learned how to solve the eternal problem with a Rubik's cube.

You can solve a Rubik's cube different ways and methods. You can do this in 15 moves, 7 moves, or even as many as 20. For many years, all sorts of clever people have been struggling to find the optimal solution to this problem. After all, the Rubik's cube is a mechanical puzzle that can be completely logical solution. All you need is step-by-step instruction, as well as a small supply of logic and patience.

Before starting the assembly algorithm itself, you should learn key concepts.

The name of the toy speaks for itself - the cube consists of 6 sides (faces), 12 edges, 8 corners. The faces of the cube consist of 9 small colored elements that can rotate simultaneously, but only clockwise and counterclockwise. Letters Russian alphabet the names of the faces will be indicated as follows:

F – facade;

T – rear;

P – right;

L – left;

B – top;

N – bottom.

Many descriptions and diagrams contain designations for the faces of the cube in English.

The next secret of the Rubik's cube
lies in the arrangement of small colored elements.

  1. Central cubes Determine the color of the entire side of a Rubik's cube. We will call these cubes by analogy with the name of the faces (F, T, P), etc.
  2. Edge cubes are adjacent to two faces at once, therefore the name will be double (for example, FP, PV) - depending on the faces with which they interact.
  3. Corner cubes contain 3 letters in the name at once, since they refer to three faces simultaneously (FPV).

And one more mini-secret - when you study the face rotation patterns, letters without any additions will mean rotate 90 degrees clockwise, and letters with an additional sign ' - counterclockwise.

Having understood all these symbols, it will be much easier for you to solve the Rubik's cube and you will do it correctly and quickly.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the easiest way, assembly diagram

The simplest and reliable way Assembling our Rubik's cube begins with the lower cross. Make a cross on the bottom edge of the cube and proceed to a step-by-step solution to the problem of how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the most easy way, the diagram of which is right in front of you.

And, of course, the most understandable guide for assembling a cube is a video lesson with detailed description an experienced virtuoso.

Scheme for assembling a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners in pictures

In the first stages of practicing solving a Rubik's cube, we will use the same cross method, but this time we will have a cross made of colored cubes on the top edge. As you understand, high-speed solving of the Rubik's cube awaits you ahead, at this stage you should learn to correctly determine the location of the edges and moving them in the plane of the cube.

There are different methods for solving a cube, and Now you have to learn how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the scheme for beginners consists of 7 stages. Pictures describing the assembly process are available for each of the steps. You may spend more time on this puzzle than expected, but you will solve a problem that not everyone on our planet can achieve! It's worth the sweat.

By the way, the last one world record for solving a rubik's cube was set to speed in 4.73 seconds. And it belonged to Australian student Felix Zemdegs, who defeated the previous record holder by just 0.01 seconds. We are in no hurry in this matter, so we carefully study the instructions and begin to assemble the first layer.

The principle of assembling a Rubik's cube from the starting cross not that complicated. Here it is necessary to correctly study the location of the edges. And then it’s a matter of technique, as they say. We have already gone through the basic concepts and rules for assembling a Rubik's cube for dummies.

We are sure that the diagram for assembling a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners in pictures helped you set your own record and in further attempts you will reduce the time to a minimum.

If all these steps and formulas seemed complicated and confusing to you, we suggest you watch the video, which shows the whole process in detail using the example of a virtual Rubik's cube.

3x3 Rubik's cube formulas: calculating moves

If you think that previous methods of solving the notorious cube were intended exclusively for stupid people, catch a few formulas.

First stage we will start by creating the cross we already know. Where would we be without him?

Rubik's Cube- an interesting childhood puzzle. Although many adults are not averse to having fun with this curiosity. At first glance, you can tell that this is an ordinary cube with six sides different colors. But this is only at first glance. The puzzle is quite complex and not every brave person can do it. Therefore, today we will try to explain in as much detail as possible how to assemble a toy from our childhood.

The main thing in the article

How to learn to solve a Rubik's cube?

  • The original idea for the magic cube was to teach students mathematical group theory. So in 1970s years, Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik created a mechanical tool that was a learning cube for understanding three-dimensional models and moving independent parts.
  • Later a short time Great fame came to the magical patented cube. People became interested in him different professions and from different countries. So, in 1980s For years, the whole world knew about him, he won many competitions and was awarded all kinds of prizes.
  • The mechanism includes an internal and external part. The inner one is a figure consisting of three connected cylinders. External - edges attached to the internal mechanism, which in turn consist of squares.
  • By rotating the edges of the faces in different directions, you can solve a Rubik's cube. Over the years, many people worked on the magic cube, as a result of which many techniques were created. Now there are even some algorithms, using which you can quickly solve a cube.
  • The cube consists of three elements: centers - 4 , angles - 8 and ribs - 12 .

How to solve a Rubik's cube quickly and easily: the main rules

  • It is necessary to rotate not only the color sectors, but also the cube itself.
  • You need to focus on the central figures.
  • In the original version, yellow is always opposite white, orange is opposite red, and green is opposite blue.
  • It is necessary to move the middle and corner sectors, in accordance with the colors of the central figures.
  • Each new movement creates a new angle and center segment.
  • The centers do not change, no matter what confusing position you bring the cube into, there will always be white at the top, yellow at the bottom, green in front, blue in the back, red on the right, and orange on the left.
  • The edge elements have two stickers, and the corner elements have three.
  • Since the color fragments do not change their position, the cube will always be assembled in the same way.
  • There are ribs comfortable- looking left and right, and uncomfortable- located below or above. There are also ribs that stand still or under the cross.

How to solve one or two sides of a Rubik's cube?

  • In order to assemble one of the sides, you need to create a cross of one color on any of the faces. The starting point will be the central fragment of one of the flowers.
  • Having chosen the desired color located in the center, direct fragments of a similar color towards it, creating a cross.
  • Next, you need to assemble corners of similar colors. To do this, you need to move the found color to the edge of the side to be assembled.

The cross will be assembled correctly if the centers on the other faces match the edges in color.

  1. Find the white center.
  2. Then place comfortable ribs that face you.
  3. Afterwards, tackle the inconvenient ones. Scroll the edge to the left or right and make it convenient for placing a cross.
  4. Afterwards, scroll the top to make room for the rib.
  5. Next, add the corners. They are either top or bottom. The top corners move initially.
  6. Select a corner and bring it to the center of those colors whose color stickers are located along with the white corner.
  7. Then twist the formula "bang Bang" until the corner is in place.

To ensure that all centers coincide with the ribs, always twist one clockwise motion and check.

When the moment comes that the centers and edges on two faces do not coincide, then you need to use the formula "bang Bang".

  • Formula "bang Bang"— algorithm of repeated movements. The white cross is facing up, clockwise move the right side one movement, then move the top clockwise. Afterwards, move the right part counterclockwise, that is, return it back, and return the top back counterclockwise.

The second side is assembled in a similar way. To do this, you first need to assemble the correct cross, the first side and move the edges so that they coincide with the centers in color. Next, move the corners according to the formula.

How to solve a Rubik's cube completely?

In order to assemble the entire mechanism, you need to use the lesson on assembling one side. Afterwards the second one and the remaining parties gather.

How to solve the corners of a Rubik's cube?

  • The corners of the cube are divided into upper and lower. The top ones move first, as they are the easiest to move.
  • The secret is that, having found the top corner, you need to move the white sticker so that the other corner stickers are located with their centers.
  • And then the angle moves according to the formula "bang Bang".

How to solve a Rubik's cube layer by layer?

  1. Collect the right one white cross.
  2. Create one white layer.
  3. Find the ribs without the yellow stickers.
  4. Remember the color of the edge and match it with the corresponding color.
  5. Now do everything with your right hand.
  6. Place the two centers in front of you at an angle 45°.
  7. Hide the colored element in that direction so that it is not visible, twisting the edge in one motion.
  8. Lift up the right corner.
  9. Return the hidden rib.
  10. And return the corner. You should get a pair of two colors.
  11. Next, follow the same algorithm to move all the fragments into place.

How to solve a Rubik's cube with pictures for beginners: step-by-step instructions

How to solve a Rubik's cube: clear diagram and formulas

How to solve a 3x3, 5x5 Rubik's cube very quickly?

  1. Cross— assembly of a cross, four rib cubes on the bottom edge;
    1. In order to assemble the mechanism very quickly, you can use the method - CFOP which stands for:
    2. F2L(First two layers) - assembly of two layers - bottom and middle;
    3. OLL(Orient the last layer) - correct orientation of the cubes of the top layer;
    4. PLL(Permute the last layer) - placement of the cubes of the top layer.
  2. Also, during high-speed assembly, the mechanism itself is of no small importance, how well it is lubricated. After all, the speed of movement of the faces depends on this.
  3. Another secret is to skillfully use both hands and all fingers, directing the edges in the desired direction.
  4. There should be no pauses; when one move is completed, it is necessary to move on with lightning speed.
  5. Having studied all the algorithms, you need to know in advance what your next step will be.
  6. Practice, and only it helps in quickly collecting the magic cube.

How to solve a Rubik's cube in 20 moves?

God Number20 steps in which you can assemble the positions of the magic mechanism. Represents an algorithm of actions, the number of which is equal to 20 . The video below shows a slow circuit consisting of exactly 20 steps.

This video shows a diagram of 18 steps for advanced speedcubers.

How to solve a Rubik's cube: the easiest way

To make it more clear, watch the video, which clearly and clearly explains the easiest method of collecting a magic cube.

How to solve a Rubik's cube in a minute?

Ability to assemble a mechanism 1 minute is that you know all the simple algorithms. With the help of them and the speed of your fingers, you can easily solve the intricate Rubik's mechanism.

How to solve a Rubik's cube with your eyes closed?

To be able to fold a cube with your eyes closed, you need to know by heart all the algorithms and the location of all the colors on the cube. And this requires practice.

How to solve a Rubik's cube easily for kids?

  • Before teaching children the mechanism of the Rubik's cube, you need to familiarize them with terminology that is understandable to the child.
  • Afterwards, you need to turn on your imagination and ask questions that will help the child understand how to move the figure.
  • Maxim Chechnev's technique helps children different ages master quick scheme collection

How to solve a Rubik's cube: Maxim Chechnev

Methodology Maxim Chechneva helps even children assemble the magic mechanism. In his training, he explains in detail how to correctly and quickly learn the basics of mastery. His video lessons are aimed at understanding the mechanism of the cube itself. It interests children with leading questions and helps them master correct technique in a fairly quick time frame.

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube: Tips from Jessica Friedrich

Jessica Friedrich- speedcuber, who 1980s years, she took first place in a mechanism assembly competition. In addition, she created her own collection method - CFOP, it is divided into 4 stages:

Tips from Jessica:

  • High quality mechanism;
  • Silicone Grease;
  • Patience, endurance and practice.

How to solve a disassembled, broken Rubik's cube?

If your cube broke or you wanted to look at the mechanism from the inside, then we suggest you watch the video, which describes in detail how to assemble the magic cube.

How to solve a Rubik's cube: video slowly

Assembling a magical mechanism allows you to develop not only memory, but also logical thinking, fine motor skills hands, diction and the ability to make quick and correct decisions. With the help of a magic toy you can develop intelligence, introduce children to not a boring game and don't waste your time.

Date of: 2012-11-20 Editor: Zagumenny Vladislav

Stage 1. Getting to know the Rubik's cube.
Names of Rubik's cube parts:
Rib parts or ribs– parts with two colors. The cube has a total of 12 rib parts, located in the middle of the ribs.

Corner parts or angles- These are parts with three colors. The cube has a total of 8 corner pieces located in the corners.

Central parts or simply centers– parts with one color. The cube has a total of 6 central parts, located in the center of each face. The central parts do not move and represent the colors of their edges.
Centers, always opposite friend to a friend:

White is the opposite of yellow.
- Orange is the opposite of red.
- Green is the opposite of blue.

Each side of the cube is designated by a Latin letter

R- right side - Right side cube
L– left side – left-hand side cube
U– top face – the top side of the cube
D– bottom face – the bottom side of the cube
F– front face – the front side of the cube
B– back face – the back side of the cube.
Comment: the letter “i” after the letter of the face means reverse or counterclockwise movement when looking directly at the face.

Very important
When performing the movements presented below, keep the cube completely turned with one side facing you, as shown in the figure. Dark grey colour in the pictures it means that true color these parts don't matter. Every movement is one fourth of a full turn 360 degrees.

Stage 2. Assembling the white cross.

Task: Holding your die with the white center on the top edge (U), you should form a white cross as shown in the picture below. Much of this stage is achieved through trial and error, but there are still a few tips.

Be sure to remember that you need to collect parts of the white cross in the following order - blue, orange, green, red.
Notice that the ribs in the picture above are combined with a top white center and a side red or blue center. This way you can easily determine that the ribs are in the right places.
Keeping the white center position on the top face, move the white and blue edge to the bottom face (D). Next, rotate the bottom edge until the white and blue edge is directly under the blue center. Now take the cube so that the blue center and the white-blue edge are on the right side (R).
Rotate the right side (R), until the white-blue edge is on the top (U) face above the blue center.
If your cube looks like the one below, then take the cube so that the orange center is on the right side and solve the side with the orange center in the same way.
If your cube looks like the one below, then follow the sequence below, making sure the blue center is on the right (R) face.

The remaining parts of the white cross are assembled in the same way.

If your die has a white cross the same as in the picture, then you can move on to stage 3!

Stage 3. Collecting white corners.

Task: take the cube so that the white cross is on the top face (U). Now you must collect the white corners and get a cube as in the picture below.

The corners will have one white edge and 2 edges of other colors.
If the corner is already on the bottom edge, then rotate the bottom edge until the corner is directly below where it should be. After this, your cube may look like one of the 3 pictures below.

Repeat the entire process for all four corners.
If the corner is located on the top face, then move it to the bottom face by following the sequence:

Now rotate the bottom edge until the corner is directly below where it belongs on the top edge.

If your white layer looks like the image below, then you have collected one third of the cube and can move on to stage 4.

Stage 4. Assembling the middle layer.
Task: Take the cube so that the completely assembled white layer is on the bottom edge. Now you need to assemble the middle layer, placing in its place side ribs.

Pay attention to the vertical blue stripe (it can also be red, orange, green) - this is critically important.
Assemble such a vertical strip by rotating the top edge until the color of the edge on the top edge without yellow matches the color of the center of the edge. The color of the upper part of the edge on the top face determines the direction of movement of the edge, that is, in which direction this part should move.
1) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

2) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

Repeat these steps until all the side ribs are in place.
Comment: if one of the edges is already in place, but not correctly oriented, do one of the sequences presented above, and it will end up in the top layer. After this, follow the appropriate sequence of actions to place the rib back into its place in the middle layer.

If the bottom two layers on your cube look like the picture below, you can start stage 5. You're two-thirds of the way through!

Stage 5. Assembling the top layer. We get a yellow cross.
Task: Compare the state of the yellow side of your cube with the templates presented below. Next, follow the appropriate sequence.
Clue: The yellow parts on the top edge should not yet match the color of the side edges.
Step one: Let's collect the yellow cross.

Switch to step two and start collecting the corners of the yellow edge.

Follow these steps:

Option 3.

Option 4.

Step two: Make all the corners of the top edge yellow.

Take a look at the top face and compare the state of the cube with the options presented below.
If there are no yellow corners on the top yellow side, then you must take the cube so that the yellow side of one of the corners is on the left side of the cube. See picture.

If there is one corner on the yellow edge, follow the sequence below.

Option 3. If there is not a single yellow corner on the top yellow face, and there is also not a single corner that could be used in option 1(that is, all corners have edges on the right). Then take the cube as shown in the figure below. The yellow part of the corner should be on the front edge of the cube.

Follow the sequence below 1, 2 or 3 times to get a fully assembled yellow face. After each completion of the sequence, re-compare the state of your cube with the options described above.


If your cube looks like the picture, you can move on to stage 6!

Stage 6. Place the yellow corners in their places.