Diet of Kim Protasov: detailed description. Detailed description of Kim Protasov’s diet, risks, reviews from nutritionists

Diet Kima Protasova has become popular due to the fact that it allows you to lose extra pounds and develop a sustainable habit of healthy eating.

Sticking to the diet is not difficult, because it does not contain strict restrictions and is quite varied. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of the weight loss system and correctly “exit” from long-term fasting.

“Shuffle”: description of the diet

The secret of the mechanism that allows you to start the process of getting rid of extra pounds ov, lies in the successful combination of healthy fiber with the proteins necessary for the body.

As a result, it is possible not only to cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the pancreas, but also to normalize blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for starchy, sweet and fatty foods. Refusal of salt, in turn, will allow you to remove excess liquid from the body and thereby normalize kidney function.

“Shuffling” is also popular because it allows you to lose extra pounds. If there are few of them, then the result will be appropriate. Intensively, the weight “goes away” mostly at 4 and 5 weeks diet, which indicates an improvement in metabolic processes in the body.

Description by week

The rules of the Protasov diet can be reduced to several principles:

Detailed description by week

Menu for every day

You can create a menu yourself, using the list and norms of products that are allowed by this weight loss system. However, if you have problems making your own choice, you can use an approximate diagram, dividing the daily menu into several meals. The easiest way is to prepare one or two salads and eat them throughout the day.


Tomato-cucumber salad with onions.

Cheese pieces (5%) and chopped bell pepper.

Apple and cottage cheese. You can add cinnamon for flavor.

Vegetable smoothie. It is advisable to choose red varieties.


A large portion of salad is prepared, which includes Chinese cabbage, pieces of bell pepper, dill, and tomato.

As a dessert, it is advisable to prepare a cocktail of kefir, cinnamon and apple.


As an option, dietary okroshka (cucumbers, eggs, radishes, greens, fermented baked milk) is good. It is recommended to supplement the menu with sliced ​​tomatoes and cottage cheese seasoned with garlic.

As a drink - vegetable smoothies.


For breakfast, you can afford sandwiches with a leaf of Chinese cabbage and slices of cheese, tomato, and cucumber.


Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

Baked cottage cheese with apple in the form of a cupcake.


Okroshka (can be with the same ingredients as on Wednesday).

Sliced ​​vegetables (you can choose according to your taste).

Any fermented milk products.

Smoothie (green vegetables).


Cottage cheese and apples (you can sprinkle with cinnamon for taste).

Tomato salad with onions.

Salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and onion.

Vegetable smoothies made from green fruits and herbs.

Next week you can use the same list of dishes. And starting from third and until the end fifth weeks in daily diet it is necessary to administer 250-300 g. baked or boiled meat and fish products.

Kim Protasov's diet: recipes for 1-2 weeks

We have prepared several more detailed recipes for you:

How to get out of a diet correctly?

Quitting the diet takes the same amount of time as losing weight itself – 5 weeks:

The Protasov diet is very popular: the number of followers and the amount of kilograms lost is growing.

The essence of the Protasov diet

Kim Protasov's diet refers to those types of diets that are aimed at cleansing and healing. Following it helps you learn to eat right and get rid of the habit of overeating flour, sweets and fatty foods. For 5 weeks, raw vegetables are consumed in unlimited quantities, fermented milk products without sugar and starch with a fat content of no more than 5%.

The main thing is that the ratio of products corresponds to the following proportions: For every 70 g of vegetables you need to eat at least 30 g of fermented milk products. Allowed is 1 chicken or 3 - 4 boiled quail eggs. As a dessert, an Israeli nutritionist allows you to eat 3 green apples a day.

Be sure not to forget about the importance of water for the body and drink at least 2 liters a day.

The diet works by reducing fat and increasing complex carbohydrates and proteins. This proportion triggers proper metabolism and, therefore, improves digestion. Which, in turn, affects not only weight, but also the overall health of the body.

Strong hair and clear skin are additional pleasant consequences of this diet. As a result, nutritionists advise practicing “shuffling” once a year, even for those who do not have problems with overweight, but wants to cleanse his body.

Benefits of the diet

  • The main advantage of the diet is that you can eat in any quantity and at any time of the day.. But only products included in a strictly defined, rather large list. This is convenient from a psychological point of view and is great for people who, due to their lifestyle, cannot eat by the hour.
  • Elimination of fast carbohydrates from the diet helps get rid of addiction to sweets. And an excess of dairy products helps avoid breakdowns.
  • The protein that a person receives from fermented milk products helps get rid of fat mass and is involved in building muscle. In combination with physical activity, a beautiful, toned body is guaranteed.
  • Large amounts of raw vegetables– a storehouse of fiber and vitamins. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved. Fiber removes toxins, which justifies the cleansing effect of this diet.

Disadvantages and harm to the body

Since the diet is not balanced in terms of fat, it cannot be used as a nutritional system.

When talking about vegetables that can be eaten raw, the first ones that come to mind are cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Some people do not refuse uncooked beets. Eating only them is boring, which means breakdowns cannot be avoided. If you approach this shortcoming creatively, you can not only lose weight effectively, but also discover new interesting tastes.

Since “Protasovka” was developed in Israel, residents of Russia may have the question “Where can I buy cheese with 5% fat?” This is explained by the fact that on Israeli products the fat content is indicated for 100 g of total weight, while domestic companies inform about the fat content in dry matter.

In order not to torment yourself with complex calculations, you can replace cheese grainy cottage cheese. It is just according to Protasov: it does not contain sugar and fits into the required 5% fat content.


Due to the fact that the Protasov diet is not therapeutic, the presence of any chronic diseases is a contraindication for its use. Also, you should not choose this diet if you are allergic to any approved product. It is completely unsuitable for people with lactose intolerance, since fermented milk products are indispensable at Protasovka.

In addition, nutritionists advise all expectant and nursing mothers to postpone losing weight.

The most correct solution before starting the diet - consult your doctor.

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Protasov's diet by week

In the first and second weeks you should eat only raw vegetables and fermented milk products with 5% fat content. You are allowed to add 1 chicken or 3 - 4 boiled quail eggs to your diet. Since sweets are strictly prohibited, you can treat yourself to 3 green apples a day.

By the way, the most popular dessert among Protasovites is apple with cottage cheese and cinnamon. It was during this period that many housewives try to make homemade cheese for the first time.

With the beginning of the third week, a piece of meat or fish is added to the already usual diet. Approximately 300 g. Meat can be boiled, grilled or fried without oil. With this innovation, you need to proportionally reduce the amount of cheeses and yoghurts. This menu is kept for another three weeks.

Sample menu for the entire diet period

First week


Breakfast. Curd crackers with herbs.
Dinner. Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables and eggs.
Afternoon snack. Grain cottage cheese casserole. Applesauce.
Dinner. Salad of cabbage, pepper, onion, tomato, cucumber and dill. Seasoned with kefir.


Breakfast. Sweet pepper and homemade Adyghe cheese with herbs.
Dinner. Salad of Chinese cabbage, tomato and bell pepper with yogurt dressing without additives. Boiled egg.
Afternoon snack. Smoothie made with carrots, celery, parsley and yogurt.
Dinner. Curd paste made from grain cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, spread on halves of tomatoes.


Breakfast. Summer soup made from cucumber, zucchini, garlic and kefir.
Dinner. Red cabbage with green apple, dressed with classic yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Cucumbers stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.
Dinner. Arugula salad with cottage cheese and tomatoes.


Breakfast. Salad Brush: beets, carrots, white cabbage, fresh herbs, lemon juice and a tablespoon of water.
Dinner. Carrots with celery and apple, dressed with yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Soup of tomato, celery, green onions with cilantro and parsley, seasoned with matsoni.
Dinner. Pumpkin with apple and yogurt.


Breakfast. Casserole made from cottage cheese, eggs and cinnamon with raw apple.
Dinner. Carrot salad with broccoli and spinach.
Afternoon snack. Cherry tomatoes with cucumber and homemade cheese.
Dinner. White cabbage with boiled egg and classic yogurt.


Breakfast. Egg omelette with cottage cheese and herbs.
Dinner. Warm rolls of water omelet, tomatoes and herbs, wrapped in cabbage.
Afternoon snack. Pumpkin salad with tomatoes and fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Cold soup made from celery, green apple, cucumber and kefir.


Breakfast. Smoothie with apple, carrots and kefir.
Dinner. Cabbage, carrots, egg, doused with kefir.
Afternoon snack. Apples with Greek yogurt.
Dinner. Cream soup made from tomatoes, cauliflower, paprika, garlic, kefir and herbs.

Second week


Breakfast. Vegetable rolls made from zucchini, red pepper, carrots, cucumber and homemade cheese.
Dinner. Savoy cabbage rolls stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Egg with cottage cheese baked in the oven. With raw applesauce sauce.
Dinner. Rolls stuffed with egg pancake, cottage cheese, sweet pepper and cucumber.


Breakfast. Pumpkin, carrot and apple salad.
Dinner. Raw cabbage rolls made from cottage cheese with tomatoes, basil and parsley, wrapped in Chinese cabbage leaves.
Afternoon snack. Sports cocktail: tomatoes, kefir, greens.
Dinner. Okroshka with kefir: cucumber, tomato, radish, egg, greens.


Breakfast. Protasovsky omelette. Fresh celery and lemon.
Dinner. Live borscht: beets, carrots, cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, bell peppers, doused with mineral water.
Afternoon snack. Smoothie made from fermented baked milk, yogurt, cinnamon and natural vanillin.
Dinner. Salad: grated beets and carrots, mixed with cheese, seasoned with garlic and topped with fermented baked milk.


Breakfast. Fresh carrots and curd crackers.
Dinner. Carrots, beets, cheese. Season with Protasovsky mayonnaise: yogurt with garlic and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Carrots grated with apple.
Dinner. Mix sevoy cabbage leaves, beets, carrots, red onions, herbs, cucumber, garlic in a blender and season with plain yogurt.


Breakfast. Beets grated with apple.
Dinner. Salad with carrots, grated homemade cheese, garlic and yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Smoothie made with homemade tomato juice, sweet peppers, cucumber, green onions and lemon juice.
Dinner. Cottage cheese mixed with egg whites and herbs, fried in a dry frying pan.


Breakfast. Gazpacho: tomatoes, bell peppers, celery stalk, herbs, pureed in a blender and seasoned with fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Rolls stuffed with cottage cheese and cucumber.
Afternoon snack. Yogurt and apple smoothie.
Dinner. Salad of cucumber, radish, boiled egg, and herbs, dressed with kefir.


Breakfast. Egg and fermented baked milk omelette with fresh tomatoes.
Dinner. Salad with carrots, eggs and tomatoes, dressed with fermented baked milk.
Afternoon snack. Apple smoothie. Mint and yogurt.
Dinner. Cauliflower with grated cucumber, garlic, herbs and kefir.

Third week


Breakfast. Green salad: white cabbage, cucumber, egg, season with celery, spinach, parsley and yogurt beaten in a blender.
Dinner. Salad with cherry tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, red pepper, boiled egg and chicken breast, seasoned with yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Egg roll with cucumber, grain cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of grated carrots, cottage cheese, bell peppers, radishes and tomatoes.


Breakfast. Daikon with carrots and cheese, filled with kefir.
Dinner. Beets with yogurt, herbs and garlic.
Afternoon snack. Salad of cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes, green and onions with a drop of lemon juice.
Dinner. Lettuce, shrimp, Bell pepper, cucumber, season with lemon juice.


Breakfast. Eggs stuffed with herbs.
Dinner. Trout in foil with raw cucumbers and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack. Salad of carrots, apples and radishes, dressed with grain yogurt.
Dinner. Cottage cheese with applesauce.


Breakfast. Boiled omelet: egg mixture boiled in a bag.
Dinner. Scotch eggs (minced boiled eggs) with fresh tomatoes.
Afternoon snack. Layered dessert: finely grated carrots, apple, soft cottage cheese with cinnamon, whipped egg white with cinnamon.
Dinner. Dietary vinaigrette without canned food and oil.


Breakfast. Garlic-curd pancakes.
Dinner. Fish cutlets steamed with herbs.
Afternoon snack. Pepper stuffed with vegetables and cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, red onions, peppers and Brussels sprouts. Curdled milk.


Breakfast. Fresh cucumbers, cottage cheese, herbs, doused with kefir.
Dinner. Cabbage, celery, apple, cucumber, dill, a little salt.
Afternoon snack. Salad of zucchini, apple, Iceberg lettuce, carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.
Dinner. Chicken fillet baked with cottage cheese.


Breakfast. Tarator soup: greens, cucumber, spices, garlic, pour kefir.
Dinner. Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken and squid.
Afternoon snack. Radish, carrots, herbs, seasoned with lemon juice.
Dinner. Salad with red cabbage, radish, pepper, tomato and herbs.

Fourth week


Breakfast. Arugula with bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, cottage cheese and egg.
Dinner. Grated carrots, beets, apple with yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Fresh cucumber boats: stuff the cucumbers with cottage cheese, pepper, and spices.
Dinner. Turkey with kefir, lemon and basil in the oven.


Breakfast. Soup of cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, herbs, doused with kefir.
Dinner. Salad with boiled beef tongue. Cucumber and egg, seasoned with Protasovsky mayonnaise.
Afternoon snack. Egg and homemade cheese sandwiches on sliced ​​vegetables.
Dinner. Salad with tomatoes, young cabbage, herbs and Adyghe cheese, classic yogurt.


Breakfast. Protasovskaya casserole of cottage cheese and eggs in yogurt-brown sauce.
Dinner. Salad with scrambled eggs, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers and Greek yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Vegetable okroshka with kefir.
Dinner. Liver stewed in kefir. Salad with carrots and turnips.


Breakfast. Casserole made from eggs, cottage cheese and fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Cutlets in a steamer. Salad of cabbage, tomatoes and cucumber with herbs.
Afternoon snack. Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs.
Dinner. Raw zucchini salad with cucumber and acidophilus.


Breakfast. Omelet with fish and herbs.
Dinner. Lithuanian borscht made from cucumber, beets and herbs, doused with kefir.
Afternoon snack. Protasovskie rolls: seaweed, cottage cheese with cilantro, omelette, cucumber.
Dinner. Beetroot soup made from raw beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and garlic. Pour in kefir.


Breakfast. Curd soufflé.
Dinner. A la pizza: vegetables on an egg pancake.
Afternoon snack. Mint cocktail: dilute kefir with water, mix with mint, apple and vanilla in a blender.
Dinner. Protasovsky pie. A crust of two egg pancakes, filling: cottage cheese, cucumber, chicken.


Breakfast. Smoothie made from beets, apples and carrots with kefir.
Dinner. Salad with squid, tomatoes, cheese and garlic.
Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole.
Dinner. Raw pumpkin, zucchini, apple, grated and seasoned with yogurt.

Fifth week


Breakfast. Sweet envelopes made of apple, herbs and cottage cheese, wrapped in Chinese cabbage.
Dinner. Eggs stuffed with vegetables.
Afternoon snack. Smoothie made from kefir and apple.
Dinner. Chinese cabbage salad with fried chicken liver, bell pepper and garlic.


Breakfast. Curd crackers.
Dinner. Salmon baked in lemon juice on a bed of raw vegetables.
Afternoon snack. Green apple, celery and parsley with yogurt.
Dinner. Cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes and homemade cheese.


Breakfast. Celery salad with cucumbers and fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Salad with tomatoes. Cheese, onions and yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Apple with sweet pepper and yogurt.
Dinner. Veal baked in the oven.


Breakfast. White cabbage, dill, garlic, egg and cottage cheese.
Dinner. Chicken fried in kefir with spinach, spices and yogurt sauce.
Afternoon snack. Carrots, daikon, bell peppers in yogurt sauce with herbs.
Dinner. Egg, onion, carrots, cheese with natural yogurt.


Breakfast. Apple with yogurt and baby cottage cheese, seasoned with cinnamon and vanilla.
Dinner. Hake baked in garlic and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Tomatoes, chopped in a blender with ground pepper, salt and lemon juice.
Dinner. Zucchini pasta in tomato and fresh basil sauce.


Breakfast. Apple with celery and yogurt.
Dinner. Vegetable rolls.
Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with carrots and apples.
Dinner. A la Caesar: cherry tomatoes, Iceberg lettuce, chicken fillet. Season with curd cheese, garlic and herbs.


Breakfast. Tomatoes with homemade cheese.
Dinner. Homemade pate from stewed liver, boiled egg and yogurt.
Afternoon snack. Cocktail of radish, cucumber, tomato and herbs with kefir.
Dinner. Layered salad of cucumber, egg, radish, sweet pepper, tomato.

Exit from the Protasov diet

In order for the results of the diet to please you for as long as possible, you do not need to immediately return to your usual diet, but smoothly transition to a normal diet. However, experienced protasovites claim that after five weeks on vegetables and kefir, you don’t want to return to harmful delicacies.

To exit correctly you should:

  • Reduce the fat content of dairy products and replace some of them with 3 teaspoons of vegetable oil. It is important to remember that olives and nuts contain a large amount of fat, so they are not at all suitable for introduction in the first days of release.
  • Replace two out of three apples with other unsweetened fruits.
  • Cook porridge for breakfast and eat it with low-fat cottage cheese and vegetable salad.
  • All recommendations are being implemented gradually to prevent stress in the body.

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List of prohibited products

Often people who want to lose weight hope that their favorite treat was accidentally forgotten to be included in the list of allowed foods, so important rule diets - everything that is not allowed is prohibited. Those who are losing weight are especially interested in questions regarding alcohol, mushrooms, sushi and soy sauce.

Nutritionists insist that all this cannot be consumed during a diet.

In addition, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • Fruits and berries in any form, including dried fruits and compotes. The exception is green apples because they have the least amount of sugar.
  • Cooked vegetables. It is important to remember that freezing is also a temperature treatment, so you will have to forget about vegetables from the freezer for a while.
  • Any canned food from stewed food to homemade preparations. You won’t be able to enjoy lightly salted cucumbers and squash caviar for a while.
  • Marinades and pickled dishes. Korean carrots are also banned.
  • Fermented milk products with additives, even with bran.
  • Honey, candy, chocolate, marmalade, cocoa, including sweets from the diabetic section.
  • Any sauces and vinegar.
  • Soy products: soy sauce, asparagus, meat substitutes.
  • Sugar and its substitutes, even if they are of plant origin.
  • Japanese food products, such as sushi, rolls, ginger, wasabi.
  • Carbonated mineral water , because gas causes appetite.
  • Olive oil.
  • Sports nutrition.

Among fans of the diet, there is debate about whether it is possible to consume milk and cream during the “Shuffle”. Consultants who have studied this issue believe that milk is not a fermented milk product, so to achieve the best result, you should abstain from this drink.


I continue to discuss with you the most popular diets and power systems. We have already sorted out:

By analyzing them, I am not trying to impose my point of view on you and tell you whether the system is good or not. I try to give you food for thought and add a bit of my knowledge of physiology and weight loss experience. And it’s quite significant for me, because trying to pump up more muscles, I often have to get rid of excess fat accumulated due to unsuccessful training programs. So you can safely trust me to help you lose weight. But I wouldn’t trust my advice on pumping up muscles yet.

But let’s not get distracted, I have Protasov’s diet for you to review today.

Protasov's diet. Detailed description

You know, given the great popularity of this weight loss system, I was simply sure that it was quite gentle and did not require much sacrifice. How wrong I was! A person who decides to lose weight using this method will have to face so many restrictions that it is unlikely that he will be able to withstand 5 (!) weeks of the diet itself and another 5 weeks of leaving it. At the same time, supporters of the “shuffle” claim that its main advantage is that there is no limit on the amount of food eaten, therefore, while following this diet, there is no feeling of hunger. I wonder if they tell me that today I can only eat, for example, tomatoes, and at the same time I can’t stand them, will it make me feel better that I can eat as much of them as I want so as not to feel hungry?

But I’m already nitpicking, let’s start first.

The essence of the Protasov diet

In 5 weeks, the popular “shuffle” allows you to completely change your eating habits and abandon stereotypes. You should eat raw vegetables, apples, as well as fermented milk products with a low fat content (no more than 5%). You can’t eat sweets or flour, and drink tea and coffee without sugar. The diet also excludes the consumption of fatty foods. But the quantity clean water gradually increase to 2 liters per day.

During this time, we are promised a weight loss of 8 kilograms or more. Sounds pretty good in principle. But how realistic is this? Let's try to figure it out.

I came across this obscure phrase on the Internet: “It’s worth mentioning right away that our domestic dairy industry practically does not produce 5% products, and those samples that come across contain sugar. In order not to violate the rules of the diet, it is better to purchase low-fat dairy products.”

Basically, all dairy products contain the sugar lactose. It is called “milk sugar”. If you want to avoid its consumption, then you need to give preference to cottage cheese and cheese. But the desire to stick to only low-fat products can lead to unwitting consumption of the most common sugar. For example, if you buy low-fat yogurt, it probably contains sugar to add flavor to the drink. So be careful. It is better to buy 2-3% natural yogurt (this should be written on the label) than low-fat offal.

Claimed benefits

  • You won't have to feel hungry. Kim Protasov's diet menu is designed in such a way that there is no need to limit the serving size. In addition, there are no restrictions on the time of eating: if you want to eat in the morning, eat; if you are hungry in the evening, no one forbids you to eat.

This is truly wonderful . At first sight.

  • Refusal of many sweets leads to the fact that the functions of the pancreas are gradually improved. The desire to eat something sweet and tasty gradually disappears.

I really doubt that this method of “not wanting” sweets will work.

  • The large amount of fiber found in fruits and vegetables helps detoxify the body. The intestines and blood are perfectly cleansed.

As soon as I hear about toxins and impurities, I immediately understand that either an amateur wrote or they are trying to deceive me.

  • Drinking water promotes the active elimination of toxins.

Twenty-five again.

  • The main products of the first weeks of the diet are apples and fermented milk products, which supply the body with pectin, calcium, lactose and protein.
  • The body gradually gets used to healthy food and rebuilds itself.

The body does not adapt to healthy food; it is not a programmable robot. It’s just easier to take the necessary substances from the right food.

Diet of Kim Protasov: description by week

So, your entire subsequent diet will be scheduled for five weeks. At the same time, it will be divided into 2 parts: the first two weeks one menu, in the next three - small adjustments.

First week

Get ready for the next 7 days to actively eat exclusively raw (or baked) vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and yoghurt. The quantity of fresh vegetables is unlimited, and you can eat them at any time of the day.

The menu for the first week of the Protasov diet also includes 1 boiled egg per day and several green apples.

At first, it may seem incredibly difficult to eat this way. But in fact, by the end you can easily give up even a boiled egg. By the way, vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, and carrots contain starch. During the diet you need to give them up or consume very little.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t call this approach to nutrition comfortable. At the same time, carrots and zucchini are not vegetables with a high starch content. With an average one, yes, but not with a large one.

There was a time when I practiced a raw food diet. I remember that time with a smile. I went to the kitchen, took an apple, ate it in front of the TV, and went back to the kitchen to look for something else to eat. If you just started losing weight, then you won’t be able to get enough of vegetables and fruits.

Well, maybe at least cottage cheese and yogurt will help out.

Second week

Recipes for 1-2 weeks of the Protasov diet are repeated. From the 8th to the 14th day, the menu will continue to consist of fermented milk products, vegetables and apples. If you have sufficient willpower, you can stop eating eggs. Try to create a menu so as not to overuse fermented milk products to the detriment of vegetables. The diet consists equally of products from both groups. It is necessary to avoid feta cheese and salted cheese, since salt retains fluid in the body and swelling appears.

The same. I can say for myself, I would have definitely lost my mind here.

Third week

From the 15th day, you can gradually add meat to the diet (no more than 300 g), and the amount of fermented milk products, on the contrary, is reduced. Meat can be boiled, baked or grilled. It is better to use turkey, rabbit or chicken.

Hurray, meat. Three hundred grams, but at least something.

Fourth and fifth weeks

The menu corresponds to the 3rd week, only from the 22nd day the active weight loss phase begins. This is due to the fact that the body gets rid of toxins, and the internal organs begin to work more actively after a good cleansing.

Didn't understand. Active weight loss phase from day 22? Usually by this time, on any other diet and system, weight loss is actively slowing down, since the body has already given up excess fluid and most of the visceral (internal) fat.

Once again. The internal organs do not require any cleaning. These are not sewer pipes clogged with garbage - this is a living, self-renewing system. They cannot work more actively. They can be more productive if they don't have to digest chips, sausage rolls and crackers. The point here is not at all about the “activity” of the internal organs, the point is that healthier food is digested faster and the body can spend the resources it previously spent on digesting “harmful” food on something more useful. Due to this, lightness and energy appear, and you will get enough sleep faster and better.

Indeed, I noticed myself, with active weight loss, somewhere after the third week this very “lightness” begins to be felt. But this happens not due to the removal of toxins (I already wrote about this), but due to the fact that by this time, the body needs less food and less resources are spent on “maintenance” of the digestive system. That's the whole secret. And there is no need for complex formulations about “cleansing” the body.

Exit from the Protasov diet

An important point for another 5 weeks. The menu of each subsequent week repeats the menu of the previous one, with some additional foods allowed.

Week 6. Add 3 tablespoons of porridge cooked in water to the diet.

Week 7. In addition to apples, you can eat plums and avocados.

Week 8. We gradually introduce dried fruits into the diet; you can cook compotes without sugar.

Week 9. Add boiled vegetables. You can eat more meat, but at the same time reduce the amount of fermented milk products.

Week 10 We add weak broths and light soups to the diet. After leaving the diet, it is advised not to eat flour for another 1-2 months, reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum and not include rice dishes in the diet.

That is, after 5 weeks of basic weight loss, you will have to spend another five on a way out that does not involve a significant change in the menu. IN general diet Protasova is 10 full weeks of self-restraint. After which you cannot eat bread for another 2 months.

Sample menu for every day for the first two weeks

1 day

Day 2

Day 3

4 day

5 day

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

10 day

Day 11

12 day

Day 13

Day 14

As you can see, the menu can hardly be called comfortable. It’s hard to follow such a diet if you don’t sit at home around the clock. And two weeks without meat is a dubious pleasure. No, at first glance everything looks good. But believe me, by the end of the first week you will start dreaming about sausages and cakes.

My conclusions about the Protasov diet

I really don’t like that they tell us that the body begins to lose weight because it gets rid of waste and toxins. This is a completely unscientific statement. I understand that modern medicine does not yet know the whole truth about the work of our body, but waste and toxins... excuse me, only those who want to believe in them still believe in them.

At the same time, you will definitely lose weight on this diet. Why? Because, as in any other weight loss system, you will be deprived of sweet, salty and starchy foods. You are unlikely to lose the promised 8 kilograms, but it is quite possible to get rid of 5-6 kilograms in 5 weeks. As with any other system proper nutrition. Even if it doesn't have such a strict menu.

In general, such a system will suit you in two cases:

  • If you are determined to lose weight, and the first diet you came across turned out to be a “shuffle”
  • If you are used to adhering to strict boundaries and think that you will not be able to lose weight if you do not keep yourself in a “black body”

Of course, it’s up to you to choose, but it seems to me that 10 weeks of strict nutrition control is too much to pay for a result that can be achieved using more comfortable methods.

Good luck on your journey to the figure of your dreams.

The Protasov diet is a “democratic” method of gradual weight loss with minimum quantity contraindications.

At the end of the twentieth century, an original article by the famous nutritionist Kim Protasov appeared in the newspaper “Russian Israeli”, which turned people’s minds upside down, as it forced them to completely rethink their eating behavior.

“Don’t make a cult out of food. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle,” the doctor’s phrase sounded like a sentence. In addition to a strict statement of fact, Protasov presented for public viewing a self-developed dietary nutrition plan, with a description of the weekly menu and a list of permitted foods. Since then, after the first publication, the diet was nicknamed in honor of the author, and it “bears” its name to this day.

The essence of the technique

Kim Protasov's diet is designed for five weeks. Unlike most express programs (cucumber, apple, etc.), this weight loss method does not put stress on the body, but, on the contrary, promotes the systematic loss of extra pounds without compromising health.

Weight loss occurs as a result of eliminating simple carbohydrates and fats from the diet. And it is based on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products with a fat content of up to 5% during the first 14 days, as well as eggs, poultry, meat, and greens from 3 to 5 weeks. In addition, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which slow down the weight loss process, are completely excluded from the diet of those losing weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the load on the pancreas, as a result, its work is normalized, and the craving for sweets is reduced.

The abundance of protein in the menu helps burn fat tissue and build muscle, and the fiber contained in raw vegetables normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes fluid, and ensures a quick feeling of satiety.

The Protasov diet allows you to get rid of 10 excess kilograms in 5 weeks, while its main advantage is that after completing the program the weight does not return again.

It is noteworthy that cottage cheese, yogurt, and vegetables can be eaten whenever and as much as you want. For drinks, you are allowed to drink purified water, green tea, weak coffee without sugar.

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, “shuffling” changes a person’s taste sensations, as a result the body gets used to a new healthy diet and eats prohibited foods (fried, fatty foods, flour, confectionery) I don’t want to at all.

The author of the diet argued that while following a protein-vegetable diet, a person loses weight exactly as much as it is beneficial directly for his body. Intensive weight loss occurs between days 21 and 35.

According to reviews from nutritionists, the Protasov diet is recommended for everyone, even those who do not have problems with excess weight, to undergo the Protasov diet every year as a preventive measure to relieve the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that “shuffling” was developed at the end of the last century, it gained popularity only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Advantages of the technique:

  • no strict restrictions on food;
  • reduction of cravings for sweet “bad” foods;
  • wide range of approved products;
  • build-up muscle mass body (physical activity in combination with the intake tones the muscles);
  • obtaining visible results after the second week of losing weight;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • detoxification of the body;
  • saturation of the intestines with bacteria and probiotics;
  • increased libido;
  • appetite suppression;
  • lack of psychological stress;
  • elimination of constipation (fiber, which is contained in vegetables, stimulates intestinal motility);
  • improvement of the functional condition of the skin;
  • accessibility (allowed products, unlike Energy diet mixtures, can be found in any supermarket);
  • lasting result (if done correctly);
  • feeling of lightness after eating.

Despite many advantages, the Protasov diet, if not followed correctly or practiced in “forbidden” cases, can cause harm to the body.

Contraindications for using the technique:

  • stomach ulcer, chronic gastritis, duodenitis, esophagitis;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • allergy to milk protein;
  • metabolic disease;
  • stones in the kidneys, bile ducts;
  • coronary heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology.

In addition, the dietary diet is not without its drawbacks.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • lack of hot dishes during the first stage of the diet (provoking pancreatic dysfunction);
  • insufficient consumption of carbohydrate foods (in 80% of cases causes dizziness, fatigue, weakness);
  • the need to take “bulk” portions of vegetables - more than a kilogram per day (to achieve the daily calorie intake);
  • the need to completely eliminate alcohol;
  • monotonous diet.

Diet rules

Since the Protasov diet does not involve strict restrictions on food, to achieve a lasting result, strict adherence to the fundamental rules is required. Violation of at least one of them slows down the process of losing weight and moves you away from the desired number on the scales.

Diet principles of Kim Protasov

  1. Choose natural fermented milk products. Food that contains harmful additives is prohibited: starches, dyes, sweeteners, thickeners, flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers. The best option for daily consumption is food homemade.
  2. Observe drinking regime. To stimulate intestinal function on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 500 milliliters of pure water (30 minutes before a meal). The daily fluid intake is 2 liters. Drink water in small portions (30-50 milliliters), having previously distributed 70% of the daily volume over the first half of the day. Lack of fluid leads to hormonal imbalance, as a result, the effectiveness of weight loss decreases by 2–3 times.
  3. Avoid taking lozenges, lozenges or cough syrups. Ignoring this rule leads to stimulation of insulin triggers, and as a result, to increased feelings of hunger and cravings for sweet foods.
  4. During the first two phases of the diet, eat exclusively lean foods. At the same time, it is prohibited to completely exclude “healthy” fats from the menu; the daily norm of trideglycerides is 30 grams.
  5. Take multivitamin complexes to compensate for the deficiency.
  6. Monitor the content of “hidden” salt in food. An excess of this substance leads to fluid retention in the body, edema and disruption of the heart.
  7. Do not change the sequence of taking approved products.
  8. Monitor the condition of the body. If headaches, intestinal spasms, pain in the epigastric region, pressure surges occur during the diet, renal colic, menstrual irregularities, you should immediately consult a doctor and interrupt the weight loss process.

The following periods of “shuffling” are distinguished:

After completing the first stage of the diet, blood glucose levels normalize, and as a result, cravings for sweet foods decrease.

Thanks to this, in 14 days the weight decreases by 2 - 3 kilograms. Compliance with the mentioned rules during the second “fixing” phase will help you lose another 4–5 kilograms. However, we can talk about results only if we exit the diet correctly.

Let's take a closer look at the week-by-week description.

First stage

The diet for the next 14 days consists exclusively of fermented milk products with a fat content of 0 to 5% and vegetables.

What you can eat at the first stage:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • paprika;
  • eggplant;
  • green beans;
  • zucchini;
  • artichokes;
  • parsley dill;
  • white cabbage, Chinese cabbage;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • asparagus (except Korean);
  • bell pepper;
  • okra;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • green apple (no more than 3 pieces per day and only after eating the main course);
  • egg (1 piece per day).

It is preferable to consume vegetables raw; in extreme cases, minimal heat treatment and steam are allowed.

At first glance, due to the strict restriction of products, 1 week may seem unbearable, but this is not so. From the ingredients presented above, you can prepare many healthy cocktails, salads, and snacks that will diversify your menu.

In the first 14 days, it is important to ensure that the ratio of dairy products and vegetables eaten is 1:2.

As a salad dressing, use low-fat unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk or lemon juice.

Prohibited at the first stage:

  • sugar, sweeteners;
  • meat fish;
  • vinegar, sauces, ketchup;
  • Korean carrots;
  • sausage, frankfurters;
  • seafood;
  • gelatin-containing dishes;
  • packaged store-bought juices;
  • soy products;
  • avocado;
  • meat broths;
  • fermented milk products with fillers and additives (muesli, fruit).

Considering the fact that during the first stage the body adapts to a new diet and this period is not easy to tolerate, let us consider in detail the diet of a person losing weight every day.

Menu for 1 week
Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Day No. 1 Kefir – 200 ml, cheesecakes Chamomile decoction, apple – 1 pc. Beetroot soup with kefir and ginger Tomato juice, cucumber salad Apple, cottage cheese, kefir
Day No. 2 Green Boat Salad Herbal tea, apple Boiled egg, cabbage salad Apple, carrot, pumpkin smoothie Yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese
Day No. 3 Sweet peppers, tomatoes, Protasovsky omelette Apple kefir smoothie Cottage cheese balls with garlic, salad of greens, onions, carrots, cucumbers Cooling cocktail of green tea, apple, cinnamon, ice Cheesecakes, yogurt
Day No. 4 Deviled egg, lettuce Carrot-apple juice Beetroot salad with sour cream and garlic, egg, tomato juice Yogurt, apple Curd casserole, kefir
Day No. 5 Baked eggplants with cottage cheese, green tea Boiled egg Gazpacho Kefir, carrots Salad "Freshness"
Day No. 6 Omelet “Protasovski style”, yogurt Apple, tomato juice Sauerkraut, sweet pepper, green tea Pumpkin, kefir Cheese, cucumber salad, seasoned with lemon juice
Day No. 7 Cottage cheese, yogurt Apple juice with cinnamon Cheese, tomato salad, egg Carrot White cabbage salad with sour cream, tomato
Menu for every day, week 2
Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Day No. 8 Baked bell peppers with cheese and garlic filling Apple “Green Boat” salad, kefir Cottage cheese Cucumber soup, yogurt
Day No. 9 Cabbage salad, apples, stuffed egg Tomato juice Gazpacho Cheesecakes, green tea Salad with zucchini and onions
Day No. 10 Green peas, omelette, tomato juice Green tea, cheesecakes Okroshka made from greens, radishes, cucumbers Cottage cheese, yogurt Herbal tea, carrot casserole with cinnamon
Day No. 11 Freshness salad, cheese, green tea Yogurt-apple smoothie Boiled egg, carrot-pumpkin juice, cabbage salad Baked apples Salad of greens, radishes, beets, garlic
Day No. 12 Apple casserole, herbal tea Yogurt with cinnamon Stuffed egg “Protasov style”, cucumber and tomato salad Tomato juice Green Boat Salad
Day No. 13 Salad of carrots, sweet peppers, lettuce, herbal tea Baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese Boiled egg, beetroot soup Apple-carrot juice Salad of bell pepper, onion, herbs, tomato, seasoned with sour cream, kefir
Day No. 14 Omelet “Protasovski style”, tomato juice Yogurt Gazpacho Cheesecakes, green tea Salad “Freshness”, kefir

Recipes for approved dishes of the first stage

To diversify the menu of the first and second weeks, we recommend that you consider a list of the most popular “Protas” dishes.

Recipes for their preparation



  • - 1 PC;
  • red pepper – 1 piece;
  • beets – 1 piece;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • ginger root – 20 g;
  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • lettuce – 40 g.

Cooking principle:

  1. Peel and cut vegetables and cheese.
  2. Grate the ginger.
  3. Mix the crushed ingredients in one container.
  4. Dilute kefir with 100 milliliters cold water, season the vegetables.
  5. Before serving, cool the dish to 18 degrees and garnish with herbs.

Green Boat Salad


  • cottage cheese 5% – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • garlic.

Sequence of technological processes:

  1. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into two halves and cut out the seeds from the middle. Grind the resulting pulp.
  2. Chop the bell pepper and dill.
  3. Peel the garlic and squeeze out the juice.
  4. Mix the crushed products with cottage cheese and add salt.
  5. Stuff cucumber boats.
  6. When serving, the dish can be decorated with a “sailboat” formed from a thin slice of cheese strung on a toothpick.

Stuffed egg “Protasov style”


Cooking principle:

  1. Boil, cool egg, cut in half lengthwise. Remove the yolk from the resulting halves.
  2. Grind the garlic using a garlic press.
  3. Prepare the filling: combine processed cheese, yolk, garlic, mix thoroughly. Add salt to the resulting mixture.
  4. Place the filling into the egg white halves. When serving, sprinkle with hard cheese.

Salad "Freshness"


  • onion – 1 piece;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • low-fat yogurt without fillers – 15 ml;
  • radish – 1 piece;
  • greens (dill, parsley);
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Creation sequence:

  1. Thinly slice the vegetables, place in a salad bowl, and mix.
  2. Chop the greens, add salt and pepper.
  3. Mix all salad ingredients, season with low-fat unsweetened yogurt without fillers. If desired, you can add an egg or cheese to the dish.



  • bell yellow pepper;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs;
  • tomato juice – 150 ml;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml.
  1. Peel the onion and garlic.
  2. One cucumber, half a pepper, cut into 3 parts, place in a blender. Add onion, garlic, tomato juice, 50 milliliters of purified water, grind until smooth.
  3. Cut the remaining vegetables into cubes and combine with vegetable puree.
  4. Season the gazpacho with salt and pepper, season with lemon juice, and garnish with celery when serving.

Omelet “Protasovski style”


  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

The principle of preparation is as follows: beat an egg, add all ingredients to the air mixture, mix, pour into a baking container, and place in the microwave for three minutes.

Apple kefir smoothie


  • cinnamon;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • apple – 2 pcs;
  • yogurt – 200 ml.

To obtain a fortified drink, the ingredients must be mixed and blended in a blender. When serving, garnish with mint.

Second phase

After 14 days, Protasov’s diet menu undergoes the following changes: 300 grams of meat or fish are added to lactic acid products and non-starchy vegetables. At the same time, when preparing dishes, it is worth considering that this weight is indicated in raw form.

Meat or fish may be boiled, steamed or baked without fat. It is strictly forbidden to fry it.

This is due to the fact that during the cooking process the product absorbs all the fat, becomes high in calories, and leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits. As a result, the weight loss process stops.

With the introduction of meat/fish into the daily diet, you need to reduce the amount of lactic acid products consumed by a third. At the same time, “green apple” (3 pieces/day) and “egg” (1 piece/day) retain their positions. In addition, at the second stage you can eat buckwheat, millet, and oatmeal.

To prepare dressings and sauces for salads, use lemon juice, vegetable oil (sesame, flaxseed, olive), and butter are prohibited.

Detailed menu for the day, week 3

  • breakfast – “Diet” pizza, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch – beetroot and carrot salad with apple slices;
  • lunch – chicken baked in kefir;
  • afternoon snack – apple juice with cinnamon;
  • dinner - fish cake or buckwheat, cabbage salad.

Diet 4 weeks

No new products are introduced to the menu; you should adhere to the diet for the third week. During this period, intensive weight loss occurs, since the body is already accustomed to low-calorie foods and begins to actively burn fat deposits.

Sample menu for 4 weeks per day:

  • breakfast – salad with tuna, avocado;
  • lunch - apple stuffed with cottage cheese;
  • lunch – chopped chicken cutlet, beet salad with garlic;
  • afternoon snack – , egg;
  • dinner – okroshka made from vegetables and herbs.

Week 5 instructions

Starting from day 29, the weight loss process reaches the finish line. The menu for the last week of the second stage consists of already known dishes and products. At the same time, the feeling of hunger does not arise, taste preferences change, and lightness appears from the lost kilograms.

Menu for day 5 of week:

  • breakfast – cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch – apple-yogurt dessert with cinnamon;
  • lunch – fish soufflé, mix of cabbage, carrots, apple;
  • afternoon snack – baked pumpkin with cheese;
  • dinner - oatmeal, apple.

Recipes for permitted dishes of the second stage

We bring to your attention a detailed description of “Protasovsky” delicacies.

Pizza "Diet"


  • egg – 1 pc;
  • cottage cheese 5% – 100 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • yogurt – 100 ml;
  • mustard;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Cooking principle:

  1. Beat the egg, add salt and soda.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with 50 milliliters of yogurt, add the egg mixture.
  3. Pour the “protein” dough onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until cooked.
  4. Cool the prepared base.
  5. Half a tomato, cut bell pepper into rings.
  6. Prepare the sauce: pass the garlic through a garlic press, mix with mustard, salt, and 50 milliliters of yogurt. Make tomato puree from the second half of the tomato. Add to sauce. Grease the crust with the resulting dressing, place chopped vegetables on top, sprinkle with cottage cheese, and put the pizza in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  7. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Chicken in kefir


  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • chicken breast – 300 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • spices (basil, chili pepper, cloves, cumin, rosemary);
  • salt.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash, cut the chicken fillet into 3 parts, beat.
  2. Place the meat in a container, season with salt and spices, pour in kefir so that the liquid completely covers the bird, marinate for 2 hours.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  4. Place the fillet in a heat-resistant dish, add 50 milliliters of marinade, cook for 50 minutes.

Fish soufflé


  • pollock fillet – 300 g;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • – 50 ml;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • spices (dried onions, ground coriander, thyme, hot pepper).

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the fish into small pieces (2 cm x 2 cm), place in a mold.
  2. Beat egg, salt, spices, milk. Pour the resulting mixture over the fish.
  3. Preheat the oven and place the soufflé in the oven for 25 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees.
  4. When serving, garnish the dish with lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes.

Seafood salad


  • peeled shrimp – 200 g;
  • bell red pepper – 1 piece;
  • low-fat yogurt without additives – 100 ml;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • lettuce leaves – 1 piece;
  • hard cheese – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • salt.

Sequence of work:

  1. Boil the shrimp and leave to cool.
  2. Chop vegetables, cheese, herbs.
  3. Mix the ingredients, add salt, spices, yogurt, lemon juice.

Chopped chicken cutlets


  • egg – 1 pc;
  • chicken breast – 300 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare the minced meat: place all ingredients in a blender bowl and grind.
  2. Form cutlets from the resulting meat mixture.
  3. Place in a steamer and bake for 20 minutes.

Baked fish with vegetables


  • blue whiting fillet – 300 g;
  • kefir – 150 ml;
  • mustard;
  • arugula;
  • cauliflower;
  • ginger;
  • salt;

Cooking principle:

  1. Peel the ginger and grind in a blender.
  2. Wash the greens and cauliflower, and divide the latter, in turn, into inflorescences.
  3. Prepare the marinade. Mix salt, mustard, chopped ginger.
  4. Rub the fish fillet with marinade, place in a container, add arugula, cauliflower, and pour kefir over everything.
  5. Place in the oven for 20 minutes, cook at 200 degrees.

The above low calorie dishes will help diversify the diet of those losing weight and minimize the likelihood of breakdowns.

The third stage is “exit”

It is important to return to your usual diet slowly and systematically. If, at the end of the diet, you “pounce” on fatty and sweet foods, the weight will quickly return. In addition, the risk of pancreatitis or indigestion increases. You can eliminate the likelihood of these problems by following a five-week program that ensures the correct way out of the “shuffle.” It is advisable to take the proposed diet as the basis for the daily menu.

Exit from the Protasov diet by week

week 6

Replace half of the fermented milk products consumed over the previous 7 days with low-fat analogues, and introduce 15 milliliters of vegetable oil into the diet. The daily intake of fat is 30–35 grams. The sixth week menu can be supplemented with nuts (up to 50 grams), proportionally reducing the amount of oil consumed. You can determine the fat content of foods and create a dietary diet using special tables in the “about diet” section on Kim Protasov’s official website;

week 7

Replace two green apples other fruits: plums, unsweetened pears, oranges. Dates, mangoes, bananas, and persimmons are prohibited. Supplement the previous week's menu with 100 grams of oatmeal;

8 week

Enrich the “previous” diet with dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, figs) – 150 grams;

Week 9

Add boiled vegetables to the menu: beets, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin. Replace half of the fermented milk products with lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal) or lean fish (pollock, hake, perch, cod);

10 week

In the last 7 days of leaving the diet, systematically reduce the amount of dietary products, replacing them with familiar dishes that contain fats and carbohydrates. In the tenth week, you are allowed to eat “light” broths.

Kim Protasov's diet is simple and affordable. The number of products is not limited, and the results last a long time. Learn how to eat and cook healthy dietary dishes to get rid of extra pounds forever.

Kim Protasov's diet is simple, accessible and effective. Its popularity rests on the relative ease of following the recommendations, good performance and stability of the results achieved. Without promising miracles from heaven, the Israeli author invites everyone to lose as much weight as they need, and most importantly - with benefit. The highlight of the diet are fresh vegetables and green apples. Therefore, it is best to start “shuffling” in the season when they are cheap and abundant.

Brief characteristics of the diet

Duration: 5 weeks + from 2 to 5 weeks for a competent exit.

Basic principle: eat plenty of fiber and proteins; reducing consumed fats and carbohydrates.

Main products: vegetables, 5% cheese and dairy products, green apples, lean meat and fish (from day 15), tea and coffee without sugar, water.

Cost: low during vegetable season.

Daily calorie intake: 1200-1500 kcal.

Effectiveness: weight loss from 5 to 20 kg.

Difficulty: medium.

Contraindications: available, detailed description below.

“Bonuses”: cleansing the body, detoxification, reducing cravings for sweet foods, normalizing digestion.

Benefits of the Protasov diet

  1. Availability. Your diet will not only not require additional costs, but may also become more economical. Especially if you get it right with seasonal vegetables.
  2. Benefit for health. Metabolism will improve, and the abundance of plant fiber will help to carry out “spring cleaning” in the body.
  3. Optimal rate of weight loss. The five weeks that Kim Protasov’s diet program is designed for allow, on the one hand, to achieve fairly quick results, and on the other hand, to prevent stress on the body, which it tends to remember and not only make up for lost time, but also make substantial reserves for a possible new one. attack.
  4. The effectiveness of the diet. Weight loss is noticeable and occurs specifically in fat tissue, without causing damage to muscle tissue. How much you can lose depends on how accurately you follow the recommendations, your initial body weight and other characteristics of your body.
  5. No restrictions on the amount of food. There is no upper limit for food consumed if it corresponds to the recommended list and does not violate the prohibition on individual items.


  1. Despite the general availability of what you need, sometimes it becomes difficult to find 5% cheese and yoghurts that are free of harmful chemicals and fruit additives and sweeteners. You will find below how to make this cheese yourself.
  2. Even a small deviation from the ban on sweets is unacceptable.
  3. At first, the food may seem monotonous; the first ten days of the diet are the hardest, especially on the third day. You just need to be prepared for this.
  4. There is a danger of oversaturation with fiber. The more varied the vegetables, the less likely this is.
  5. There is a certain seasonality. In winter, those losing weight may encounter an insufficient variety of vegetables. In addition, imported vegetables are more expensive during this period.
  6. Lack of hot food. This is especially true for those who love first courses.
  7. Those losing weight on the Protasov diet often report a feeling of chills.

How does weight go away and where does the craving for sweets go?

“Shuffling” can be included in the list of low-calorie nutrition systems, but it is designed in a cunning way. Its principle ensures comfortable weight loss due to the interaction of proteins and carbohydrates. Plant fiber comes into the body from some fruits and non-starchy vegetables allowed on the menu. The source of protein in the first 14 days of Protasov’s diet is eggs and dairy products, and then meat is added to them.

The protein consumed is not only slowly digested itself, but also slows down the process of digestion of carbohydrates coming from fruits and vegetables. As a result, there is a uniform flow of sugar into the blood throughout the day, and spontaneous releases of insulin, which are the main provocateurs of hunger pangs, are eliminated. Control over the functioning of the pancreas is ensured by the absence of foods with a high glycemic index in the diet. You feel full and comfortable.

It is this lack of sugar rush that causes your hand to reach for candy less and less often. As a result, eating habits change, and the disturbing majority goes away. fat people craving for sweets, which is the key to the stability of the achieved result.

The difference between the Protasov diet and other protein and low-carbohydrate nutrition systems

The principle described above is also typical for other protein nutrition systems. But, unlike them, “shuffling” focuses on plant fiber. Thanks to this, the main disadvantage and risk of protein nutrition is eliminated - the high load on the kidneys. In addition, plant foods promote deep cleansing of the body, and in the matter of losing weight and comprehensively bringing yourself and your health back to normal, this is the basis.

Fermented milk products, in turn, improve the health of the intestinal microflora and ensure high-quality processing of protein and other nutrients.

Kim Protasov’s simple and easy diet is recommended not only for those who are overweight, but also for everyone who wants to cleanse and rejuvenate their body (in the absence of contraindications).

Description of the diet by week

First week

Raw vegetables that do not contain starch.

  • Not less than 1400 g per day. They will be discussed in detail separately. Important: you can only eat raw vegetables at this stage!

1 boiled chicken egg per day.

  • Can be replaced by 4-5 quail.

Yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese and cheeses - all with 5% fat content.

  • At least 600 g. Cheeses must be unsalted.
  • In the strict version, only cheeses and yoghurts remain.
  • Muesli and fruits are not allowed as additional ingredients in the composition.

Unsweetened tea and coffee in unlimited quantities.

  • Sweetener is also not allowed.

3 green apples.

  • Clean, without gas - at least 2 liters per day. Drink water regularly and preferably in small sips, not in one gulp.
  • The exact amount of water required is calculated using the formula 30 g of water per 1 kg of weight.

All this can be consumed in any combination, at any time and in any quantity, except eggs.

Reviews from those losing weight show that it is best to prepare salads from these products, which can be dressed with unsweetened yogurt, sprinkled with cheese and washed down with tea.

Second week

All products are the same as in the first one.

  • The diet of the second week of the diet exactly repeats the diet of the first, but with the difference that you begin to enjoy it all and completely forget what hunger is. There comes a feeling of lightness in the body, and instead of thoughts about food - bright plans for the future.

Third week

The products are still the same as in the first week of Kim Protasov’s diet.

From now on, the amount of dairy products can be slightly reduced. Optimally - for 300 g. Everything else - in the same unlimited volume.

300 g lean meat, fish or poultry.

  • Fry in a frying pan without oil, grill, simmer, boil in water, bake in the oven and steam.
  • Fatty fish is allowed no more than twice a week.

The weight of meat and fish is indicated in raw form!

Fourth and fifth week

Same as the third one.

  • Continue to reduce your intake of dairy products whenever possible. During this period there is a particularly intensive reduction in body weight.

Protasov's diet does not limit the consumption of permitted foods (except eggs) to an upper limit. But it is highly advisable to adhere to the recommended minimum.

It amounts to 1.4 kg of vegetables, 3 apples (green!) and 600 g of dairy products with 5% fat content. For men, this norm increases to 2100 g of vegetables and 900 g of fermented milk products and cheese. Starting from day 15, this amount is reduced by adding meat, poultry or fish.

Milk is not a fermented milk product. You cannot use it for all 5 weeks!


  1. “Small sins” in the form of sweet pills, one-piece cookies, lollipops (including cough drops), sweets and other things during a diet can result in a serious breakdown. You can give a boost to insulin, which responds with a sudden attack of hunger and an uncontrollable desire to eat sweets. Don't wake the genie while he's sleeping in his bottle.
  2. When buying dairy products, pay attention not only to their fat content. Make sure that, if possible, they do not contain flavor enhancers, coloring and sweetening agents, as well as starch, gelatin, other thickeners and chemical additives.
  3. Monitor the amount of salt, keeping it to a minimum. This also applies to the choice of cheeses and the use of soy sauce, which will be discussed below. Excess salt is unhealthful in all respects.
  4. Do not try to reduce the fat content of fermented milk products by replacing them with low-fat analogues. Depriving your body of healthy fats is not the best path to slimness.
  5. Maintain the proportions of vegetables and fermented milk diet. There should be twice as many first ones. Ideal ratio: 70 g of vegetables - 30 g of dairy products.
  6. Listen to yourself. You don't have to force yourself to eat something you don't want. In the second week, as surges in blood glucose level out, appetite usually declines. Let the total amount of food decrease.

Full list of permitted products

Fermented milk products with a fat content of 5% or close to it.

  • Natural yoghurts without sweeteners, thickeners or fruit additives.
  • Ryazhenka, curdled milk, katyk, Varenets, kefir, sourdough - all high fat content.
  • Soft, grained or traditional cottage cheese.
  • Unsalted cheese, preferably homemade.

Do not buy cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, etc. from this list if the name contains the word “product” (kefir, cheese, curd, etc.). This is a low quality product that does not meet the requirements.

Fermented milk products can be heat treated - frozen, boiled (for example, cheese), made into casseroles, etc.

Meat, poultry and fish.

  • The meat should be lean. Beef is preferable to pork. Chicken and turkey are preferable to goose and duck.
  • Seafood.
  • By-products (liver, kidneys, chicken gizzards, etc.).
  • Fish caviar can be included in the menu from the 15th day.
  • Fish, preferably low-fat varieties. Oily fish - maximum 2 times a week.
  • Heat treatment is required. You can stew and fry without oil, bake in the oven, on the grill (including in an air fryer), on coals (kebabs), boil in water and steam. The barbecue marinade should not contain unauthorized ingredients.

Green apples - 3 pieces per day.

Raw non-starchy vegetables and herbs - in any quantities and combinations.

  • All types of cabbage. Cucumbers, radishes, peppers, asparagus, garlic, zucchini, pumpkin, celery (stalks), wild garlic.
  • Greens: onions (onions, leeks, chives, trampoline, shallots, green feathers); lettuce and all leaf lettuces; sorrel; turnip tops and edible tops of other vegetables; Swiss chard; parsley; spinach; basil and other table herbs.
  • Horseradish roots, ginger, celery (not pickled!).

Raw medium-starchy vegetables are allowed in limited quantities.

  • Carrots, beets, soy sprouts, turnips, eggplants.

Frozen vegetables are heat-treated and cannot be consumed!

Nori and other seaweeds, seaweed.

  • Allowed raw, fried without oil, dried (natural drying).

One egg a day.

  • Heat treatment is required (boiled, fried without oil, poached).

Unlimited coffee and tea.

  • Without sugar, sweeteners, milk, cream, fruits and berries. The exception is lemon or lime juice.

Freshly squeezed juices from apples, tomatoes (no salt!) and other vegetables.

Only homemade juices! Bagged purchases are prohibited!

Lime or lemon juice (not acid) for dressing vegetables and adding to drinks.

Herbal decoctions and infusions.


  • Mustard powder, cinnamon, vanillin (pure powder), natural spices and herbs, dried bell pepper.

To maintain proper balance in the body, take multivitamin complexes that do not contain oils, starch and sugary substances. The presence of B vitamins is especially desirable.

What apples can you eat on Kim Protasov’s diet?

Preference should be given to the Granny and Simirenko varieties. If they are not available, you can eat other varieties of apples, but be sure to be green.

Apples must be fresh, not frozen, not soaked or baked.

Prohibited Products

  • Alcohol
  • Any canned food, incl. homemade
  • Heat-treated vegetables (for example, an egg and tomato omelette is not allowed)
  • Dried, salted, pickled products, smoked meats
  • All types of sugar and its substitutes
  • Sausages
  • Crab sticks
  • Any vinegar
  • Ready-made store-bought, including Korean salads, which include Korean carrots, asparagus, etc.
  • Vegetable, meat and fish broths
  • Soybeans and all soy products
  • Anything that contains gelatin
  • Packaged juices
  • Milk
  • Fermented milk products with fruits, sweeteners, muesli and other additives
  • Watermelon, avocado, cereals, beans
  • Gelatin, agar-agar and other gelling agents
  • Cocoa
  • Mushrooms
  • Dietary supplements, except vitamin complexes

Why are sweeteners prohibited?

Despite all their harmlessness in terms of calories, sweeteners remain prohibited. The reason lies in the mechanism of the nutrition system itself, aimed at eliminating the release of insulin into the blood. As soon as something sweet gets into the mouth, even with zero calories, the brain signals the pancreas that glucose has entered the body and needs to be disposed of. Insulin is produced, and since there is no glucose, an avalanche-like process begins, and you begin to experience indomitable cravings for sweets.

The same applies to “small” violations, which are immediately followed by a big breakdown.

This scary word"disruption"

What to do if this does happen? The very first and most important thing is to forgive yourself for this. And then give yourself an extra vegetable day and continue your diet. No need to start all over again!

Is it possible to use soy sauce on the “shuffle”?

This question, which causes numerous disputes and categorical answers, must be resolved individually. In strict classic version In this food system, soy sauce, like all soy derivatives (except green shoots) are prohibited. But sometimes it’s just a little relaxation that allows a person to complete the job he has started. If for you this ingredient radically decides “to be or not to be” and your attitude (and it is very important in any nutrition system) significantly improves from the presence of soy sauce - eat. But in limited quantities. And remember that the sauce should not contain sugar or other sweeteners and it should be of high quality. We strongly advise you to learn how to navigate these products in terms of quality.

Weight stagnation

Stopping weight, so-called. The “plateau” effect is an unpleasant, but almost inevitable period during weight loss. This is normal and should not cause panic. We don't lose weight with numbers! Stagnation can be caused by physical characteristics and has nothing to do with fat deposits. In addition, the diet program is designed for a certain period, it is not over yet and you should not demand advances from your body. Chairs in the morning, money in the evening - that doesn’t happen.

But you can try to figure out why this happens.

  • Weight fluctuations can be masked by changes in the amount of fluid in the body. It is either excreted or accumulated, and the difference in terms of weight can be very significant.
  • A slagged, uncleaned body can accumulate up to 20-25 kg of feces! Therefore, at first, as the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, the result may be stunning, but then there will be no such plummets. Balancing biological masses and fluids are the main causes of plateaus.
  • Weight stagnation in women can be triggered by the menstrual cycle. Advice: it is better to start the Protasov diet immediately after the end of your period.
  • Large sudden physical activity during a diet leads to swelling of overtrained, unprepared muscles.

Sample menu for every day

The following can be used as a basis weekly menu, scheduled by day.

1 and 2 weeks

  • breakfast - chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with grated cheese, and unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - salad of cucumbers, eggs and green onions, tea;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - grated carrots and pumpkin, poured over a glass of kefir.
  • breakfast - cheese and carrot salad, herbal drink;
  • lunch - tomato salad with basil, dressed with Protasovsky mayonnaise;
  • afternoon snack - Varenets or yogurt;
  • dinner - apple and cottage cheese casserole.
  • breakfast - cabbage-apple soufflé, tea;
  • lunch - protasovski rolls;
  • dinner - a mixture of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • breakfast - yoghurt-apple dessert, coffee with chicory;
  • lunch - white cabbage and beet salad, fried cheese;
  • afternoon snack - applesauce, varenets;
  • dinner - zucchini casserole, homemade tomato juice.
  • breakfast - grain cottage cheese, herbal tea;
  • lunch - spicy zucchini salad, kefir;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt, cheese;
  • dinner - tomato slices with egg and asparagus, apple.
  • breakfast - cucumber salad with green onions and egg, apple, coffee;
  • lunch - cabbage salad with apple and garlic, apple casserole;
  • afternoon snack - fresh carrots;
  • dinner - fried cheese, yogurt.
  • breakfast - cottage cheese with garlic on tomato slices, cheese, tea;
  • lunch - bell pepper stuffed with cottage cheese and green onions;
  • afternoon snack - apple soufflé;
  • dinner - zucchini pancakes, squeezed zucchini juice, kefir.

3, 4 and 5 weeks

  • breakfast - cucumbers, chopped with celery, herbal infusion;
  • lunch - fried white poultry schnitzel;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt or fermented baked milk;
  • dinner - omelet with cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • breakfast - pumpkin grated with apple, coffee with chicory;
  • lunch - veal roll with cheese, fresh squeezed carrot juice;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt with herbs;
  • dinner - tomatoes with eggs and cheese, seasoned with kefir.
  • breakfast - fried cheese with coffee, radishes with green onions;
  • lunch - Chinese cabbage with cucumbers, dressed with Protasov-style mayonnaise;
  • afternoon snack - applesauce, egg;
  • dinner - fish baked with bell pepper, kefir.
  • breakfast - apple and cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch - steamed fish with slices of fresh cucumbers, apple juice;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt with herbs;
  • dinner - tomatoes with onions, seasoned with kefir.
  • breakfast - omelet with cheese, tomatoes with basil;
  • lunch - layered salad of apples, cheese and beets;
  • afternoon snack - fermented milk drink;
  • dinner - turkey meatballs with varents.
  • breakfast - cheese and carrot salad, tea, apple;
  • lunch - fried veal, bell pepper, tomato juice;
  • afternoon snack - fermented baked milk;
  • dinner - Protasov style rolls with shrimp, kefir.
  • breakfast - grated radish mixed with carrots and low-fat cheese, herbal drink;
  • lunch - steamed turkey cutlets with herbs, chopped and grated cabbage and carrots;
  • afternoon snack - apple juice;
  • dinner - peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs, kefir.

Where there are less than three apples on the daily menu or where they are absent altogether, they must be included at any time in the required quantity.

Keep drinking regime! It is better to drink before and after meals.

Recipes for 1-2 weeks

There are many recipes for the Kim Protasov diet nutrition program, and you can create a menu yourself, based on individual preferences and capabilities. We also offer several ready-made solutions that will help diversify your diet.

Protasovsky mayonnaise

With an abundance of ingredients for various vegetable salads, those losing weight often lack dressings for them to make the dish feel complete. Homemade yogurt-based sauce, conventionally called mayonnaise, makes this task much easier. Here are several ways to prepare it.

1 option

  • 125 g yogurt;
  • 1-3 cloves of garlic depending on size and preference;
  • 1-2 tsp. Dijon mustard. You can replace it with regular one if it does not contain sugar, or with wasabi, given its higher spiciness.

Option 2

  • 125 g yogurt;
  • 1 tsp lemon or lime juice;
  • 1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard. For replacement, see first recipe. Salt is often used in this recipe, but it is better to do without it.

Option 3 (for those who can afford soy sauce, see above for details).

  • 125 g yogurt;
  • 1 tsp soy sauce without sweeteners.

Recipe for 5% cheese

Cheese of this fat content is not always easy to find in the store. But you can do it yourself.

  • 600 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 150-160 ml milk 3.2%;
  • 1/2 tbsp. butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1/4 tsp. soda

Preparation: crumble the cottage cheese into hot milk and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. A lot of liquid will be released - this is normal. Pour everything onto cheesecloth and let drain. Transfer everything remaining on the cheesecloth into a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, mix. Put on fire. Cook the cheese for about 10 minutes, stirring continuously, preferably in a water bath, it will be of better quality and will not burn. Cheese cooked on an open fire is more like processed cheese, while in a sauna it looks more like a hard variety. Press down and cool.

Tomato salad with basil

  • 2 medium fleshy tomatoes - coarsely cut into oblong slices;
  • bunch of basil - chop;
  • 100g lightly salted cheese - grate coarsely;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Spicy zucchini salad

  • medium-sized zucchini (about 300g) - wash, peel and coarsely grate. The juice can be squeezed and drunk.
  • 1/2 head of onion - chopped;
  • 2 tbsp. finely grated horseradish (you can replace wasabi);
  • green onions - chopped;
  • dill and parsley, as well as any other greens to taste and desire;
  • Protasovo mayonnaise.

Cheese and carrot salad

  • package of yogurt 125 g;
  • 2 medium-sized carrots - on a coarse grater;
  • boiled egg;
  • low-fat cheese - grate;
  • garlic - squeeze into yogurt.

Salad "Yellow-green"

  • 2 cucumbers - finely chopped or grated. If there is a lot of juice, squeeze it out and drink it;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • boiled egg;
  • 70 g yogurt;
  • 1/2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • pepper.

Salad "European"

  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes slightly larger than medium;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 70 g unsalted and low-fat cheese;
  • 1 onion.

Puff Apple Salad

  • cut onion, sprinkle with a small amount of lemon or lime juice;
  • egg;
  • 1/3 part yogurt;
  • coarsely grated or thinly sliced ​​apple;
  • 1/3 part yogurt;
  • coarsely grated raw beets;
  • 1/3 part yogurt;
  • grated or crumbled cheese.

Cheese and tomato puff salad

Lay out in layers in the following sequence:

  • crush a clove of garlic and rub it on the bottom of a serving plate and distribute it over the entire area;
  • cut a large, fleshy tomato crosswise into thick slices and place on a plate;
  • grate feta cheese (cheese);
  • boiled egg on a fine grater;
  • chopped herbs and black pepper.

Take the above recipes as a basis, change the permitted ingredients and dressings - you’ll get a lot of options!

Cottage cheese casserole

  • 200 g cottage cheese. Ideally, mix equal parts crumbly and pressed;
  • a raw egg;
  • apple;
  • 1/2 small package of yogurt. Adjust the quantity depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese;
  • cinnamon for sprinkling on top - to taste.

Mix and bake.

Omelet with cheese

  • low-fat hard cheese - cut into slices or small pieces;
  • mix raw egg with 4 tbsp. kefir (some of it can be replaced with mineral water), add a little salt;
  • pour the egg mixture over the cheese and pour into a Teflon frying pan;
  • cover with a lid and bake over low heat until the eggs are fully cooked;
  • sprinkle with herbs.

Recipes for weeks 3, 4 and 5

Here you will find recipes that will complement Kim Protasov’s diet menu, starting from the 15th day of weight loss.

Rosy veal roll

  • 300 g veal, cut into thin slices;
  • 100 g cottage cheese or cheese;
  • any greens, Provençal herbs, etc.;
  • 1 tbsp. Varentsa or ryazhenka.

Preparation: Beat the meat as thin as possible, being careful not to tear it. Pepper and lightly salt. Chop the greens finely and mix with cheese or cottage cheese. Wrap the rolls, pin them together with toothpicks if necessary, and sprinkle with dried spices. Quickly fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Cool the pan slightly, pour in fermented baked milk or Varents and simmer over low heat until the meat is completely cooked. The dish can be prepared for two days by increasing the portion.

Turkey meatballs

Turkey can be replaced with white chicken meat.

  • 300g turkey meat - minced;
  • 1/3 tbsp. kefir, yogurt, Varents or fermented baked milk;
  • cilantro, pepper, pinch of salt.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients very well, form into a bun and refrigerate for half an hour. After removing, roll into small balls. You can bake in the oven, microwave or quickly fry without oil.

Turkey schnitzel rolls

  • 300 g white meat turkey schnitzels;
  • boiled egg;
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard or homemade table mustard without sugar;
  • half an onion;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • basil greens;
  • clove of garlic;
  • paprika, black pepper, a little salt.

Preparation: Pound the schnitzel thinly without tearing it. Season with salt and pepper and coat one side with mustard. Mix chopped egg and basil and add as filling. Roll up as tightly as possible, pin with a toothpick, quickly brown on both sides in a dry frying pan, pour in kefir, reduce heat to low and simmer a little until done.

Protasov style rolls

  • egg;
  • homemade cheese;
  • kefir;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • several boiled shrimps;
  • nori

Preparation: beat the egg, adding a little salt. Fry in a frying pan as thinly as possible. Finely grate the cheese, add dill, garlic and a little kefir to it for a soft consistency and stickiness. Place the pancake on the nori, trim its edges. Place the filling on top and a strip of shrimp on top. Roll up the roll and cut into pieces like rolls. Can be served with wasabi. Pickled ginger is not allowed!

Quitting the diet

A competent exit from the period of abstinence is no less important than the active stages of the Protasov diet. Return to the world " big meal"should be gradual and careful. Your body, accustomed to a qualitatively new diet, will be your best ally in this, and you will not have a physical desire to attack dumplings with potatoes. Over the past time, there has been a complete restructuring of food habits and needs.

And yet, a purely psychological factor can play a negative role, which can lead to an epic breakdown. Failure to complete the diet correctly can ruin all your efforts.

  1. Start adding little by little to the menu. useful species vegetable oils. Bring their quantity to 3 tsp. per day - and that's enough for now.
  2. At the same time as adding vegetable oil to your diet, reduce the fat content of dairy products. Thus, part of the animal fats will be replaced by vegetable ones.
  3. Start your morning with porridge on water. Gradually add nuts to it. Please note that nuts also contain vegetable oil. For one serving of porridge, take 1-2 tbsp. dry cereal. You can add vegetable salads and low-fat cottage cheese to your diet.
  4. Keep eating apples. But gradually replace two out of three with other fruits, in the same volume and weight. Except grapes, dates and bananas.
  5. Some fermented milk products should be gradually replaced with lean meat. It is advisable that it is not pork.

All of the above should not be done immediately, but alternately during the sixth and seventh weeks.

  1. We continue to replace fermented milk products with fish and meat, and also introduce them additionally into the diet.
  2. We replace the low-fat fermented milk diet with the usual one.
  3. We begin, little by little, to eat meat and vegetable broths. They should be light and not strong.

We also do all this gradually, on different days!

Potatoes, pasta, any baked goods and other products made from white flour remain banned for another two months!

Diet exit option

This option is provided as an example. You can change the steps for enabling permitted products.

  • Week 6: add porridge to your breakfast and at the same time reduce the fat content of fermented milk foods.
  • 7th: we remove first one and then the second apple, and instead eat other unsweetened fruits. Add vegetable oil.
  • 8th: include more meat and some dried fruits in the menu. It is better to consume them in the morning, with porridge.
  • 9th: we exchange even more dairy products for meat and fish, eat boiled vegetables.
  • 10th: introduce light broths into the diet first, and then soups.


  • Individual allergic lactose intolerance.
  • Heart failure, especially accompanied by edema.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Metabolic disorders (consultation required).
  • High blood pressure (may worsen due to large amounts of water consumed).
  • At breastfeeding.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Is it possible to follow the Kim Protasov diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding place a high burden on a woman's body. Switching to a low-carb diet is stressful in itself, and double the load cannot in any way be desirable during such a difficult period.

However, in some cases, when a pregnant woman begins to quickly and even catastrophically gain weight, which is dangerous for the fetus, a vegetable diet may be recommended to her. In this case, Kim Protasov’s nutrition system can be recommended, but with some exceptions. The doctor will indicate what exactly they should be. It is necessary not to forget about vitamin complexes. In this case, they should be designed specifically for expectant mothers.

After giving birth while breastfeeding, the condition of the mother's body no longer plays an important role for the child. And what comes first is what she eats, not how much she weighs. Therefore, this period is included in the list of contraindications.