The most popular and effective diet. Effective diets for weight loss - ranking of the best

Lose weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 750 Kcal.

There are a huge variety of different methods for transforming the figure. But, alas, many of them, after losing weight, provoke weight gain back. It turns out to be a vicious circle. It seems that all you are doing is losing weight (or rather, trying to do it). Especially strict diets are generally hazardous to human health. It is also worth emphasizing that special weight loss techniques do not always take into account individual characteristics body. What helps one person lose extra pounds may not work for another.

It is much more correct, as many nutritionists and doctors note, instead of looking for another miracle way to pay attention to a diet for proper weight loss.

Diet requirements for proper weight loss

To eat healthy and rationally, while getting rid of excess weight(if necessary), the following principles must be taken into account.

Diversify your diet with a large number of vegetables and fruits, focusing on non-starchy ones (and there should be an order of magnitude more vegetable products). Pamper your dishes by adding various greens. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, useful not only for weight loss, but also for overall health.

We all know that it is necessary to drink enough water. This is true, but you shouldn’t get too carried away. Two liters of water per day is usually enough. More fluid can lead to swelling. This condition is harmful to both appearance, and for the body. Water in the right amount will help improve digestive processes and have a positive effect on your appearance. It will be very the right decision limit as much as possible in your diet drinks that contain unnatural sugar, caffeine and various chemical additives.

Of course, it is worth reducing contact with high-calorie foods such as buns, cakes, cookies, sweets and their other relatives. But a diet for proper weight loss does not call for a complete abstinence from sweets. This, with long-term use, can cause a decrease in mental and physical abilities, especially if sweets were previously on your menu in considerable quantities. Allow yourself your favorite foods, but in moderation and in right time(in the morning). By the way, not all sweets are equally harmful to the figure and contain high calorie content. Instead of high-fat, high-nutrition cakes, try eating some marmalade, marshmallows, or marshmallows. Natural honey, dried fruits, and jam also perfectly discourage cravings for harmful sugars. Eat them instead of another portion of cake and it is likely that the next time you want to eat something sweet, you will gladly prefer them.

Have porridge for breakfast more often. Some believe that cereals contribute to the acquisition of extra pounds. But why gain weight if the porridge is boiled in water and consumed in moderation? For example, a portion of oatmeal with pieces of bananas or your favorite dried fruits, on the contrary, will help, by saturating the body well, to get closer to the desired figure. Don't like oatmeal? No problem. A great start to the day could be rice with natural honey or buckwheat with a small amount of carrot and onion fried. If you want, you can charge yourself with a protein component. A good choice would be an omelette with vegetables or just boiled eggs.

At lunch you can eat protein and carbohydrate products together. For example, eat buckwheat porridge or boiled rice accompanied by fish or chicken, cooked without adding oil. Also be sure to include non-starchy vegetables in your lunch. You should often eat liquid dishes for lunch, for example, low-fat vegetable-based soup. This is good for the stomach and helps you avoid absorbing more food during your next snack, ensuring quick satiety.

Try not to eat after 18:00 (or at least 17:00). This practice will certainly help you lose excess weight faster, and going to bed with a full stomach will not lead to anything good. If lunch was a long time ago, and you didn’t manage to have a snack in the evening on time, you shouldn’t starve yourself. Having a later dinner from time to time is perfectly acceptable. But when moving towards the night time, it should acquire even greater lightness and, accordingly, lose calorie content. A good choice would be a vegetable salad, steamed or stewed vegetables or a little low-fat (optionally, low-fat) cottage cheese. If acute feeling There is no hunger, limit yourself to a glass of kefir. In general, at a normal dinner time, try to make it protein-vegetable. For the first component, an excellent solution would be meat, fish, seafood, eggs (if you didn’t eat them for breakfast), cooked without adding oil, or cottage cheese and other low-fat fermented milk products.

It's no secret that physical activity also helps you lose weight. This provision is especially significant for people with sedentary work and those who, due to constant employment, cannot find time for full-time work. sports training. Try to be active at least on weekends. Go to the pool, ride a bike, dance (even in a nightclub, combining business with pleasure). It is known that muscle weighs more than fat. Make them work and grow in the right way.

It is very important to eat mindfully. While eating, you need to focus on the food you are consuming. Watching TV, reading, talking at the table very often lead to the fact that the human brain does not have time to catch the signal of saturation in time, and you overeat again and again.

Learn to substitute products. Many high-calorie foods can be found with analogues that have much lower nutritional value, while at the same time being significantly more beneficial to health. For example, it is quite possible to replace fatty pork with chicken or beef, heavy cream or mayonnaise with natural yogurt or kefir, sunflower oil- olive fruit products, sugar - honey or at least a sweetener (but it’s better not to abuse it).

It is worth minimizing the amount of alcohol you drink. Naturally, we can say unequivocally that this type of product is not available. modern world It’s difficult, and many people simply don’t want to do it. In this case, when you want to drink some alcoholic beverages, make it a rule to choose the least energetically significant options. For example, dry wine. And don’t consume more than a glass or two at a time. Would you like a beer? Allow yourself it, but in the amount of one jar. Moderation is important. But what is better to abstain from altogether in terms of alcohol is liqueurs, which contain plenty of sugar and are very high in calories. Does it make sense to save calories in your diet and then immediately make up for them with a small amount of some kind of liqueur or sweet champagne?

It is very important to reduce portions. It is recommended to eat small meals and not eat more than 200-250 g of food at a time. The ideal diet for proper weight loss is 3 main meals and 2 light snacks between them. This will prevent sudden changes in blood sugar levels, which in turn provoke acute hunger, and often overeating. A little psychological trick: take a smaller plate than you are used to (for example, a dessert plate). If you put the recommended amount of food in it, it will seem full, and thus psychologically it will be much easier for you to get used to smaller portions.

Snack on vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.

Don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. Otherwise, there is a high probability of buying products that you do not need at all and that you did not intend to purchase. Try to at least roughly plan your menu in advance (especially if you have just switched to proper nutrition) and go shopping, writing a list of the necessary products to avoid unnecessary food temptations.

To evaluate the menu, calculate the calorie content of your diet. If you are far from the recommended figures, at least in the beginning it is still advisable to weigh how much and what you eat. Later, you will probably be able to determine your caloric intake almost by eye, understanding how much and what products you can eat, and what it is better to abstain from. Of course, it is better to calculate the caloric content of your diet, taking into account your lifestyle, age and physical activity. There are now a great many calculators on the Internet that allow you to do this. In short, to lose weight, the average woman needs to consume 1,200 calories per day. Men can increase this figure to 1500 units. When you reach your desired weight, simply increase your caloric intake slightly (controlling the movements of the weight needle so as not to overdo it) and try to eat, remembering the basic principles of a diet for proper weight loss. She is the road to health, beauty and longevity.

Diet menu

Sample diet for proper weight loss for a week

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water, sprinkled with 1 tsp. honey
Snack: banana.
Lunch: boiled chicken breast and a serving of raw vegetable salad with plenty of greens.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
Dinner: cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% and an orange or several tangerines.

Breakfast: buckwheat stewed with your favorite vegetables.
Snack: 2 medium-sized apples.
Lunch: boiled or baked beef and a salad of white cabbage and fresh cucumbers.
Afternoon snack: a little low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: stewed fish with herbs; grapefruit for dessert.

Breakfast: boiled rice and vegetable salad.
Snack: 50 g of walnuts, which can be seasoned with a small amount of natural honey.
Lunch: boiled veal and vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat natural yogurt.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and fresh tomatoes.

Breakfast: wholemeal pasta mixed with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese.
Snack: salad of medium-sized apple and banana.
Lunch: boiled or stewed beef plus any non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a glass of milk in its pure form or tea with milk; a handful of dried fruits of your choice.
Dinner: boiled shrimp (or other seafood that you like).

Breakfast: boiled rice (preferably brown) and a piece of baked fish.
Snack: 2 tbsp. l. honey and unsweetened tea.
Lunch: stewed vegetables (possibly with potatoes).
Afternoon snack: 1-2 boiled eggs.
Dinner: chicken fillet boiled and fresh cucumbers.

Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water or low-fat milk; favorite dried fruits.
Snack: salad of non-starchy fruits, seasoned with honey.
Lunch: low-fat meat broth plus a piece of meat with vegetable salad and herbs.
Afternoon snack: a few slices of low-fat cheese and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: a serving of low-fat cottage cheese.

Breakfast: boiled or baked potatoes and other fresh non-starchy vegetables in the form of salad.
Snack: large apple.
Lunch: boiled beef and any citrus for dessert.
Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

Diet contraindications

The only contraindications for following a diet for proper weight loss are pregnancy and lactation (when you should not reduce the calorie intake so much), and diseases that require special nutrition.

Advantages of a diet for proper weight loss

A diet for proper weight loss has many benefits.

  1. Develop healthy eating habits that will certainly help you maintain your new weight in the future. After all, you don’t just eat a few foods, strictly limiting yourself in order to get rid of those hated pounds, but learn to eat wisely.
  2. This food is good for health.
  3. The choice of products is wide. Use your imagination, cook, and you probably won’t get bored with the diet.
  4. The products recommended for consumption are rich in substances necessary for the body.
  5. A diet for proper weight loss also has a positive effect on your appearance. Remember: we are what we eat. Surely, you will notice pleasant changes in the condition of your skin, hair, etc.
  6. You will not encounter weakness and apathy, which are often associated with many other weight loss methods.
  7. You will be able to conduct a full active life, exercise.

Disadvantages of the diet

  • Probably, almost the only drawback is the speed of weight loss.
  • Kilograms, as a rule, do not run away at lightning speed, but go away gradually, surely and reliably. But such a rate of weight loss may not be suitable for those who need a quick body transformation.

Repeated diet for proper weight loss

If you feel well, you can repeat the diet with these principles again whenever you wish and when your body needs changes again. After all, in general, this is a healthy diet, and not a strict reduction in diet.

Excess weight - current problem for many women and men. The best diets for weight loss, the most popular and effective, help solve it. There are many nutritional systems for weight loss, so each person will be able to choose an option for themselves, taking into account their personal characteristics. Get acquainted with the most famous weight loss methods, which are time-tested and have the most positive reviews.

What diets are there?

Currently, there are many nutritional systems for weight loss and their list is constantly updated. All of them are aimed at weight loss, but they differ in diet, duration, and expected results. The most effective diets for weight loss can be divided into several categories:

  1. Mono-diets. The diet consists of one or two products, always low-calorie. Mono-diets are difficult to tolerate, but they give a good boost.
  2. Protein. Based on the exclusion of carbohydrates. Effective and relatively safe methods, although the diet is not completely balanced. Protein weight loss is difficult for some people.
  3. Low calorie. They suggest a strict caloric intake, but a varied diet.
  4. Low carb. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is kept to a minimum.
  5. Low fat. Limit fat intake.
  6. Cleansing. Eating foods that help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  7. By blood type. Take into account the physiological needs of a person. They are balanced and safe, but they are not suitable for everyone, because, in addition to the blood type, each of us has a lot of other characteristics.
  8. Soup. Based on the consumption of hot and cold first courses.
  9. Express diets. They expect to lose weight in a few days. Weight returns quickly after express methods. They are effective, but can cause harm to the body.
  10. Drinkable. Drinking water, juices, tea, and other drinks.
  11. Interval. Eating different foods at regular intervals. There are no restrictions on calories or number of meals. An interval nutrition system will not be effective without physical activity.

Rating of diets by effectiveness

There are many nutritional systems in each category, but not all of them are equally effective. So that you understand what effect to expect from one or another of them, check out the top, compiled taking into account numerous reviews of those losing weight:

Diet group


Expected weight loss result (kg)


7 per Attack period, 1 per week during Alternation


For 14 days

Low calorie


7-10 in 21 days

Two-week salt-free

Traffic light

2 every 7 days

Swedish "6 petals"

5-6 in 6 days


from 6 in 2 weeks

Low carb


0.7-1 per 7 days

100 g per day

1 in 7 days

up to 10 in 14 days

Low fat

4 in 10 days

Fruit and vegetable

4 per week


18-25 in 3 months

5 per week

By blood type

3-5 in 2 months




700-800 g per day

2-3 per week

3 in 7 days


Up to 5 per week

On soup with asparagus and spinach


On broccoli soup with arugula



20 or more





5 per week


1 per day



1 per day

0.5 per day

For weight loss

Any nutritional system for reducing body weight involves changing your diet and lifestyle for a given period of time. The task of every person trying to lose weight is to choose one that will bring him the expected result and will not harm the body. You need to approach this very responsibly, study the rules, the list of contraindications. The best diet should not cause even the slightest discomfort.


This category includes the best methods, the diet of which is as balanced as possible. The menu should be composed of products that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the excretion of useful substances from the body. As a rule, the diet includes recipes with vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. List of healthy and safe diets for the body:

  • vegetable;
  • oatmeal;
  • on porridge;
  • chemical;
  • paleo;
  • gluten-free;
  • Osama Hamdiy;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dr. Kovalkov;
  • vitamin and protein;
  • Montignac;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation.


The methods from this list are usually chosen by those people who need real results. They are well known, time-tested and many have lost weight. List of the most popular nutrition systems for weight loss:

  1. Kremlevskaya. Each product is assigned a certain number of points. You are allowed to “eat” a maximum of 40 points per day. In 7 days, the “Kremlevka” removes up to 5 kg. Preference is given to tasty fish and meat dishes. The technique is effective, but has a number of contraindications and will not appeal to people who value variety in their diet.
  2. Japanese. Salt-free nutrition with a large list prohibited products. Good for health, but the blandness of the food makes it difficult to follow.
  3. Separate meals. It is based on the fact that foods can be eaten in any quantity, but carbohydrates cannot be mixed with proteins. Some foods are strictly prohibited. It is easier to adhere to the weight loss method using special product compatibility tables. The method is effective, but it is difficult to get used to eating according to it.


The list of power systems is replenished almost every day, some of them are forgotten, and new ones reach the peak of popularity. Several types of such weight loss techniques:

  1. Fractional meals. This technique is followed by many Hollywood beauties, including Charlize Theron. The bottom line is to eat food every 2.5-3 hours, and the last three meals are only raw vegetables and proteins. The serving size is no larger than the palm of your hand. A very safe method for losing weight, with virtually no disadvantages.
  2. Dr. Horvath's nutritional system. This scheme is very non-standard; it allows you to eat legumes and combine meat with potatoes. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg in 7 days. You need to eat protein foods with minimal fat content, green vegetables, and unsweetened fruits.
  3. Grapefruit. An excellent option for those who want not only to lose weight, but also immediately tighten their body. Grapefruits, eaten throughout the week, are good for the body. Salt, sugar, fast food, ready-made semi-finished products, and other harmful foods should be excluded. The grapefruit system is very effective, but it has many contraindications.


It is worth noting that now an increasing number of diets are being developed in such a way as to have a gentle effect on the body. If earlier express options were more popular, now preference is given to those nutrition systems that are aimed at long-term but sustainable results. Here are some examples:

  1. 5 tablespoons. A balanced system that limits the maximum daily amount of food. 5 tablespoons is the ideal amount of food to satisfy hunger and replenish energy reserves. The minimum time interval between meals is 3 hours. There are few prohibited products. There are almost no contraindications.
  2. Shuffling. Designed for one and a half months. The diet is designed in such a way that a person will not feel hungry, although there are a lot of forbidden foods. The nutritional system helps improve digestion and is balanced in terms of BJU ratio.
  3. For the belly and thighs. A system based on the consumption of foods that burn subcutaneous fat. You need to count calories (1200-1300 kcal per day maximum) and create a daily menu so that the amount of fat consumed does not exceed 20%. For sustainable results, it is recommended to follow this diet plan for at least a month.


Film, television and pop stars also use various effective diets (sometimes even very unusual and interesting ones) to maintain their health. perfect shape. If you want to follow the example of your idols, try these weight loss techniques:

  1. Nicole Kidman's three-day diet. To quickly get in shape, the celebrity recommends giving up solid foods and drinking broths, fat-burning smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and water. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than once every two to three months. It helps to get rid of 2-3 kg, cleanse the body, and improve skin condition.
  2. The best diet from Sophia Loren. This woman has managed to have an ideal figure for many years. She always adheres to proper nutrition, counting calories. Once a month, Sophie goes on a three-day diet. She eats three small meals a day. The diet these days includes juices, eggs, vegetable salads, turkey, shrimp, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
  3. Julia Roberts method. This actress prefers to lose weight on fish and vegetable salads. Fried foods are excluded. Julia excludes eggs, sugar, pasta, meat, rice and potatoes during the period of weight loss.

The best diets for women

Due to certain characteristics of the body, hormonal imbalances, it is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to control their weight. Nutritionists identify a number of nutritional techniques that will be very effective for women:

  • Japanese;
  • Hollywood fortnight;
  • Dukan protein system;
  • separate meals for 90 days;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • kefir;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruity.

Option for a two-week menu of the Japanese method by day:

  1. Days 1 and 8. Breakfast - coffee and a slice of cheese. Lunch - glass tomato juice, 150 g steamed cauliflower, 2 boiled eggs. Dinner – 200 g of lean fish.
  2. 2 and 9. In the morning, a slice of black bread and coffee. In the afternoon, 200 g of lean fish, 100 g of boiled cabbage. In the evening, 100 g of beef with a glass of kefir.
  3. 3 and 10. Breakfast - coffee with crackers, lunch - any amount of stewed zucchini, dinner - 200 g of beef, 100 g of raw cabbage with vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs.
  4. 4 and 11. Morning - coffee. Day – 50 g of unsalted cheese, boiled egg, 3 raw carrots. Evening – 200 g of fruit salad.
  5. 5 and 12. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, grated, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner – 200 g of fruit.
  6. 6 and 13. A cup of coffee in the morning. In the afternoon, 200 g of boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad. In the evening, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot.
  7. 7 and 14. Breakfast – green tea and a slice of black bread. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, boiled cabbage. Dinner – 100 g of beef, a glass of kefir.

For fast weight loss

Nutrition systems for weight loss in as soon as possible are extremely popular, because situations often arise when you need lightning-fast results. It is worth considering that such eating and fasting patterns have a number of side effects: they cause extreme stress to the body and can cause health problems. In addition, the result is unstable, and the weight quickly returns after them. If you don't mind these dangerous consequences, study some examples.


  1. Breakfast. A cup of unsweetened coffee, 2 rye crackers.
  2. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 4 tomatoes, 2 crackers.
  3. Dinner. 50 g hard cheese, 1 slice rye bread, 1 tomato, a cup of green tea.

Not hard

By following the following method for three days, you will be able to get rid of 1.5-3 kilograms. Daily ration:

  1. Breakfast. Green tea.
  2. Lunch. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. 150 g of lean steamed meat, tomato, 1 boiled egg, a piece of unsalted cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack. Unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner. 150 g boiled chicken, cucumber, herbal tea.

Lightweight and effective

The following nutrition system will ensure you lose up to 5 kg of weight in just three days. Daily ration:

  1. Immediately after waking up. A glass of warm water.
  2. Breakfast. 200 ml of warm low-fat milk with honey.
  3. Dinner. Grapefruit. After 20-30 minutes, 200 g of boiled meat and 150 g of vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack and dinner. A glass of chicken broth.


The best example there will be a paleo diet. Its principle is to bring the diet as close as possible to the one that primitive people had. You are allowed to follow it for 7 days; it will not cause harm to the body. Description of the one-day menu option:

  1. Breakfast. Two boiled eggs, 150 g of fresh fruit salad.
  2. Lunch. 10 almonds, 1 apple.
  3. Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken breast, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.
  4. Dinner. 200 g shrimp, 150 g vegetable salad.

The best diet in the world

Every person who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life will agree that it is easier to prevent this problem than to solve it. The best way to do this is to stick to the right thing balanced nutrition, develop proper eating habits, stay away from unhealthy foods and control portion sizes. What is the benefit of this approach:

  1. Cholesterol and unhealthy fat levels are reduced.
  2. All internal organs and systems, bone and muscle tissue are strengthened.
  3. Energy balance is restored.
  4. Toxins are removed.
  5. All metabolic processes are normalized.
  6. The body receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements.
  7. The psycho-emotional state improves.
  8. Weight always remains within normal limits.


Reading time: 14 min.

Getting rid of extra pounds is extremely difficult without an appropriate diet. There are hundreds of different diets, but not all of them are effective or even safe. When choosing a diet, you should consider the following factors: individual characteristics of the body; the impact of diet on health and dietary diversity. An incorrectly selected or formulated diet can lead to exhaustion, metabolic disorders, and even disable some body systems. So which of the existing popular diets can you follow? Magazine Great Rating brings to your attention the most effective diets for weight loss .

"Mediterranean" diet

A balanced and varied dietary complex for lovers of Mediterranean cuisine. To follow the diet, you must completely avoid foods containing starch and limit the consumption of honey and butter. This helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The diet is based on the principles of healthy eating, which allows you to lose up to 5 kg per week. The diet is so varied that it does not require additional effort in preparing dishes, does not require additional multivitamins and does not cause discomfort while following the diet. The menu also allows for the consumption of a glass of red wine per day. Making a menu for the day is easy and simple, and you can stick to this diet for years. Many foreign stars adhere to the “Mediterranean” diet all their lives.

Menu: meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products.

Pros: variety of products; normalization of pressure; reducing cholesterol levels in the body; develops the habit of eating rationally.

Cons: difficulty in giving up some foods.

"Soup" diet

A tasty and effective diet based on a special fat-burning soup. The uniqueness of the diet lies in the use of a special, tasty, aromatic and satisfying soup as a main dish at every meal. It is allowed to supplement the soup with: fruits, vegetables, dairy products and lean meat. It is not necessary to break up your meals into breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can eat soup at any time of the day, in unlimited quantities, as soon as you feel hungry. The diet also requires adherence to a food regimen, which allows you to reduce the volume of soup portions consumed. And vegetables and fruits will provide the body with necessary vitamins. For 7 days of the diet, you must exclude bread and all other foods not included in the main menu. Alcohol and soda are also prohibited. A week of proper dieting is equal to 5 kilograms of excess weight lost.

Menu: soup made from onions, white cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, celery and tomatoes; lean meat, vegetables and fruits.

Pros: the ability to eat soup in unlimited quantities; variety of diet; the ability to use salt and spices in cooking.

Cons: purchasing soup ingredients in winter.

"Kefir" diet

A variety of kefir diets have been very popular at all times. After all, kefir has many advantages: it is dietary product, accelerates the process of digesting food, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, contains calcium, satisfies hunger and helps burn fat. You can stick to one day kefir diet, consuming exclusively this product, or choose a more extended diet by adding fruits or vegetables to kefir. In any case, this will help remove waste and toxins from the body, improve overall health and allow you to lose extra pounds. When dieting, you must follow drinking regime and exclude from the diet: flour, sweet, fried and smoked foods.

Menu: kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish.

Pros: high effectiveness of the diet; easy tolerability; lack of hunger.

Cons: long-term compliance leads to disturbances in the digestive system (indigestion, rumbling, flatulence); diuretic effect.

"Brazilian" diet

A two- to four-week effective diet with a fairly strict and limited menu. If you want to be slim and fit like Brazilian beauties, you will have to drink plenty of fluids, be patient, and devote at least half an hour a day to physical exercise. Just two weeks of following a diet allows you to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight without the slightest harm to your health. This dietary complex is low-carbohydrate and allows you to lose weight in the shortest possible period of time. The diet does not require large investments and does not contain rare ingredients. The essence of the dietary program is to reduce the carbohydrate intake, which leads to the process of “extracting” them from reserve fat reserves by the body. Preference is given to protein products that saturate the body and promote growth muscle mass. The diet does not allow breakdowns and prohibits: flour and confectionery, fatty, fried, sugar and alcohol.

Menu: fresh beef, chicken, eggs, vegetables.

Pros: well tolerated; the result lasts for a long time.

Cons: exclusively contraindications in the form of pregnancy and serious chronic diseases.

"Japanese" diet

An economical two-week diet with excellent results. Nutritionists say that the lost weight will not return, since this diet has a beneficial effect on normalizing metabolism. This technique is a medical development: it helps to rebuild the metabolism and maintain the achieved weight loss results for 2-3 years, subject to a rational diet after leaving the diet. The keys to losing weight quickly lie in monitoring your diet and eating clearly labeled foods. The sequence of days is also not allowed to be changed. The diet requires compliance with the drinking regime and exclusion from the diet: sugar, salt, alcohol and flour products. Dinner after 19.00 is not permitted.

Menu: lean meat, fish, eggs, seafood, vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil, dry bread and cheese are also allowed, but in limited quantities. It is preferable to drink coffee without sugar and milk.

Pros: performance and significant weight loss.

Cons: not balanced; requires additional multivitamins; oversaturated with proteins.

"Hollywood" diet

Popular weight loss system lasting 14 days. It is followed by such actresses as Renee Zellweger and Nicole Kidman. The essence of the Hollywood diet method is to limit the amount of carbohydrates, fats and calories consumed in food. The diet is dominated by foods with a high content of plant fiber and protein. The diet excludes bread, confectionery, fruits and vegetables high in starch, alcohol, salt and sugar. Food is steamed without oil or fat. Low calorie content and lack of salt promote excretion from the body excess liquid, allowing you to lose weight up to 1.5 kg per day. By strictly following a diet, you can lose up to 8-10 kg in weight in two weeks.

Menu: cucumbers, tomatoes, lean meat or poultry, grapefruit, chicken or quail eggs.

Pros: rapid weight loss; removal of toxins and waste from the body; normalization of metabolism.

Cons: not balanced; requires additional intake vitamin complexes; removes exclusively water without affecting fat cells; occasionally causes nausea and dizziness.

Diet "Maggi"

Not very strict, but very effective diet, designed for four weeks. This mode food has nothing in common with the well-known bouillon cubes and is named after the name of its creator. By following the Maggi diet, you can eat nourishingly and tasty, while losing 10-20 kg per month. The peculiarity of the diet is that it activates chemical processes in the body, allowing it to independently break down fatty tissue and remove toxins. There is no need to count calories, and the dishes included in it are extremely simple and understandable. Based on the initial menu, you can create approximate diet per day and just try not to overeat. To quickly achieve results, it is recommended to follow the diet rules: do not violate the diet; do not replace products; observe drinking regime; cook vegetables without adding meat broths, oils and fats. If you fail, start over. Additional physical activity will also speed up rapid weight loss.

Menu: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish.

Pros: do not adhere to strict diets; has a lasting result.

Cons: requirement of strict adherence to the menu; not recommended if you are allergic to eggs.

Diet "Minus 60"

The author's diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova is simple and effective, but contains several recommendations. You can eat everything, without any restrictions, until 12 o’clock in the afternoon, and from 12 to 14 o’clock you should exclude fatty foods, fried foods, and combining simple carbohydrates with proteins (for example, potatoes with meat). One tablespoon of sour cream (butter) is allowed per day. Afternoon snack and dinner are light. Drinks and alcohol are strictly limited. The popularity of the diet is due to the permission not to deny yourself your favorite treats, while losing weight up to 3-7 kg per month. This approach eliminates the nervous tension and stress that are so characteristic of other more strict diets. At its core, the “Minus 60” diet is a system of organization correct attitude to food and helps to completely change a person’s lifestyle. This is not the fastest-acting method, but it is long-term and effective.

Menu: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, meat, fish.

Pros: in the absence of contraindications, suitable at any age; does not require calorie counting; does not make you feel worse and does not cause stress.

Cons: long-term compliance is fraught with weakening of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems; sometimes causes deterioration of the skin, bile stagnation, and diabetes mellitus.

Diet "6 petals"

The diet consists of six stages, called petals, lasting one day each. A separate day means eating one food item. That is, such a combination separate power supply and mono-diets. As a result: the body receives everything it needs nutrients, and the diet itself is not difficult to follow. Alternating foods daily prevents imbalance of the necessary elements for the body's functioning. To obtain results, it is important to strictly adhere to the sequence of days. It is strictly prohibited to replace the products of the day. The developer of the diet, Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, promises to lose up to five kilograms of weight per week, subject to strict adherence to the diet rules. The secret ingredient of the diet is flower motivation, where each petal can be equipped with affirmations, and can also be torn off at the end of the day, having fulfilled the conditions of the diet.

Menu: fish, vegetables, chicken, cereals, cottage cheese, fruits.

Pros: colorful and efficient.

Cons: Not everyone finds it equally easy to stick to a mono-diet.

"Kremlin" diet

The diet is widely popular among celebrities, in part because of its effectiveness. Despite rather contradictory reviews, thousands of women who want to lose weight without compromising their health resort to such a diet. The essence of the diet: limiting carbohydrates entering the body with food. Directly for correct calculation, a special table has been developed indicating the amount of carbohydrates in a particular product. The product has a so-called cost, measured in conventional units. The diet is divided into several stages with different contents of cu. carbohydrates per day. This helps you lose weight quickly and avoid gaining it back. There is no need to monitor the caloric content of food. An important point Diet requires the consumption of fluids in large quantities.

Menu: meat, fish, cheese, eggs, vegetables.

Pros: do not adhere to strict and strict diets; does not require calorie counting.

Cons: presence in the menu of fatty and fried foods, as well as foods high in cholesterol.

When choosing a diet, do not forget about your chronic diseases. We also recommend that you consult your doctor first. We wish you great results! Good luck!

If you are interested in this article, you can also familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 rating of the most best exercises for weight loss at home.

There are situations in life when you need to very urgently, well, simply, very urgently, to lose weight as quickly as possible. And there’s not much time to spend looking for practical advice.

Hm?! - As they say in advertising, you are incredibly lucky! - Actually it is so. We have compiled a list of the most popular, practice-tested diets for quick weight loss, based on discussions on various forums dedicated to the topic of quick weight loss.

There can be many reasons for losing weight quickly: preparing for the beach season, some important event, or in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. (relevant for both women and men), and your favorite dress reveals some figure flaws, or the business suit is too tight, the jeans don’t fit, in a word, the whole wardrobe is to hell. In general and in particular, there can be many reasons for going on a diet for weight loss, but each person has their own, so we will not find out the reasons, but rather find out whether there are really effective diets for quick weight loss?

Definitely yes! But most women question the existence of effective diets for quick weight loss. And in vain, there are such diets, but unfortunately, after such diets it is not possible to consolidate the achieved result, perhaps that is why they cause distrust. But by using a diet for quick weight loss, you achieve desired result, you quickly lose weight and acquire those body shapes that you consider ideal for yourself, or at least acceptable.

What is gratifying is that in our time, diets delight us with their variety, among which a significant part is occupied by effective diets for quick weight loss. And although effective diets for quick weight loss require iron willpower and motivation, the reward is not long in coming, in the form of a slimmer waist and getting rid of saggy sides.

In fact, there are more than a hundred truly effective diets for quick weight loss; in this article, you will learn about the most effective diets for quick weight loss in the form of a rating TOP 10. The duration of such diets is from two to seven days. (rarely happens 2 weeks), and they allow lose from 2 to 10 kilograms.

About the advisability of rapid weight loss and how to choose the right diet for rapid weight loss

Of course, it would be right to contact a nutritionist, but if you do not have such a desire or financial opportunity, then you should know that all nutritionists agree that rapid weight loss can result in undesirable health consequences. Therefore, take your medical card, look at what diseases you have suffered from, perhaps some chronic disease that you have already forgotten about is still occurring in a latent form. If this is the case, then the diet you choose must be agreed upon with a nutritionist or at least your attending physician.

Once you are convinced that you do not have chronic diseases and are confident in your abilities, you can begin choosing a diet. To choose the right diet, first of all decide in what time frame and for what purpose you need to lose weight. That is, if you need to quickly lose a few kilograms before some important event, this is one time period and a load on the body with a short-term effect (because the weight will very soon return to the levels that were before you went on a diet), preparing for the beach season is another, or you can slowly but surely lose weight on a gentle, “balanced” diet, the effect of which will last for a long time without much harm to your health.

If you still need to lose weight very quickly, then try to choose an effective diet for quick weight loss, but one that is more or less gentle. And remember that diets for quick weight loss are really effective and give quick results. You will lose a few kilograms and easily “fit into” your favorite dress or jeans, but no matter how quickly you get rid of those extra pounds, they will return just as quickly. But still, diets for quick weight loss are very often exactly the lifesaver that saves you at the right moments!

1. When choosing a diet for quick weight loss, you need to choose a diet that is based on a product available to you, because the vast majority of diets for quick weight loss are mono-diets, consuming one product;

2. The food products in a diet for quick weight loss should be to your liking, to your taste, as has already been said, most of these diets are mono-diets and if you don’t like the product, it will be difficult to maintain such a diet;

3. To make the time you are on a diet more comfortable, choose a diet in which dishes are prepared quickly and easily in order to spend less time in the kitchen and not be tempted by other foods;

4. And of course physical activity. Increasing physical activity - prerequisite in the fight against overweight. It could be 20-30 minutes of doing simple physical exercise in the morning, recreational jogging, swimming, cycling, gym, or at least long walks.

Only a properly selected diet, with strict adherence to the rules and recommendations, will help achieve the desired result. Therefore, this article offers diets to choose from the TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss.

Among the variety of diets for quick weight loss, there are the most effective and fastest express diets that were specially designed specifically for quick weight loss. The most effective diets for rapid weight loss are, as a rule, mono-diets and low-carbohydrate diets.

The most effective diets for quick weight loss are mono-diets

On a mono-diet you can lose from 2 to 10 kg in 7 days. It all depends on your initial weight, if your weight is slightly higher than normal, you will lose 2-3 kg, and if it’s significant, you can get rid of 10 kg. excess weight.

The essence of the mono-diet is to eat the same type of product for 7 days - this is one of the most effective diets for quick weight loss. But such a diet has one significant drawback: for 7 days, eat only one type of product, which is extremely difficult to sustain. But fortunately, there is a proven diet, the results of which will be identical, but in order to endure it you will not need to make any special moral efforts or test your willpower.

This diet has a name "7 petals", this diet lasts 7 days and consists of 7 different mono-diets. The essence of the “7 petals” diet is to alternate protein and carbohydrate days, due to which the body begins to consume fat reserves to obtain the necessary energy.

The order of alternating protein days with carbohydrate days

The “7 petals” diet method is based on alternating protein days with carbohydrate days, due to which fat reserves are burned faster, and accordingly the weight loss process occurs faster. One of the important conditions of the “7 petals” diet is adherence to a certain sequence of days (each day is assigned certain type product), during the day you can eat only permitted foods and it is strictly forbidden to transfer the type of product from one day to another, or change places.

The sequence of alternating protein-carbohydrate days:

  1. Fish day;
  2. Vegetable;
  3. Chicken;
  4. Cereal;
  5. Curd;
  6. Fruit;
  7. Drinking.

Rules of the 7 Petals Diet

For the “7 Petals” diet to be effective, you must follow several rules:

  1. It is imperative to adhere to the sequence of alternating protein-carbohydrate days;
  2. Completely eliminate alcohol from your diet, flour products, sugar, various sweets;
  3. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  4. It is forbidden to drink liquid while eating; you can drink water or other drinks half an hour before meals or an hour after; it is better to avoid coffee altogether;
  5. Products prescribed by the diet can be consumed both thermally processed and raw. It is prohibited to fry foods; you can steam, boil or bake them.

No-carbohydrate diet for very fast weight loss - “no-carbohydrate diet for fashion models”

It is believed that the most effective diet for rapid weight loss is a carbohydrate-free diet; for example, consider the “carbohydrate-free diet of fashion models.” This diet is used when you need to lose weight very quickly, for example, before going on the catwalk, hence the name “carbohydrate-free diet for fashion models.” The diet in question cannot be called easy, despite the fact that it lasts only 3 days, but the effect of its implementation is very significant; in three days of this diet you can lose up to 5 kilograms, depending on weight and metabolism.

All products that are not included in the menu are prohibited during three days. Based on the menu that this diet allows, you can make a simple calculation of your food intake by the hour, let’s say you had breakfast at 9:00 in the morning, then your last meal will be at 15:00, and the rest of the time before going to bed you will need to drink only clean water , the more the better, but not less than 1.5 liters per day.

Example of a “no-carbohydrate diet for fashion models” menu

  • In the morning: an egg cooked “in a bag” or soft-boiled;
  • After 3 hours - a cup of tea without sugar and 170 g of cottage cheese;
  • After another 3 hours, repeat the intake of tea and cottage cheese (170 g);
  • Skip dinner;
  • Drink as much water as possible.

TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss

Below is a list of the TOP 10 most effective diets for quick weight loss with the duration of their implementation, the result in the form of extra pounds lost and the products that form the basis of each of the proposed diets.

Low-carb diet for fashion models duration 3 days, lose weight by 2-3 or 5 kilograms, depending on metabolism, age and initial weight. The diet is considered heavy because... Only 350 g of cottage cheese and one egg per day are allowed, you skip dinner and drink only clean water for the rest of the day.

7 petals diet lasts 7 days, you can lose weight from 2 to 10 kg. The diet is considered more or less easily tolerated, unlike other mono-diets.

Kefir diet lasts 7 days, you can lose 4-5 kilograms. The diet involves daily consumption of kefir in a volume of 1.5 liters.

Fresh juice diet lasts 3 days and guarantees fast weight loss, but it is difficult to maintain, but it is difficult to maintain such a diet; you can lose weight by an average of 3 kg. Freshly squeezed juice from grapefruits, oranges and lemons should be drunk three times a day. In between, drink only water.

Hollywood Diet more or less gentle, lasts two weeks, during which you can lose an average of 7 kg. In this diet, you need to completely exclude flour products, monitor the amount of salt, sugar and fat consumed.

Cabbage diet It is considered very effective: in 7 days you can lose up to 5 kilograms. The dishes on the menu are quite tasty, with virtually no fat.

Buckwheat diet duration is 1-2 weeks, you can lose weight by 4 or 8 kg. During the entire diet, you eat buckwheat porridge, which is prepared by pouring boiling water and bringing it to a swollen state.

Soup diet lasts 7 days, you can lose weight by 5 kg. Soups can be prepared from everything except: meat, seafood, potatoes, legumes. It is also forbidden to add spices and butter; only a little salt is allowed. Bread and flour products cannot be eaten.

Japanese diet duration 2 weeks, you can lose up to 8 kilograms. It is based on seafood, but there is one condition: all dishes must be prepared without salt.

Brazilian diet duration 7 days, you can lose 4 kg. It is based on fruits, vegetables and vegetable soups.

This is the one that loses a large number of kilograms in a short period of time, but without harm to health. Don't believe this happens? In vain! After analyzing all the available information and reading an incredible number of reviews, experts concluded that the best diet can be safely called the English one.

How did it appear?

After long and thorough experiments and research, British experts identified the best diet in the world, taking into account all the mistakes and shortcomings of other methods of losing weight. It should be especially noted that at first nutritionists had doubts about the effectiveness of this method, but the theory was quickly confirmed in practice and became one of the most popular in the world. By the way, that's enough large number Doctors recommend using this particular diet to restore the body after illnesses. As for figure correction, the best diet promotes rapid weight loss without the slightest harm to health.

Main principles

To understand why the presented diet has earned such popularity, you should consider all its basic principles. These include:

1. Alternation of consumed foods (fiber - proteins). In this case, the days should change according to the principle of 2 after 2.

3. Eat food 4 times a day, but in small portions.

4. Don't use sugar. It is best to replace it with honey.

5. You should sit down at the table only at a strictly designated time, and do not have any snacks.

Among other things, the best diet is based on the following rules:

  • the lack of consumed fats should be compensated by your own reserves;
  • fiber significantly speeds up and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The diet should last at least 20 days, during which you can lose up to 8 kilograms of excess weight.


As mentioned above, the best diet in the world requires strict adherence to the diet. After all, this is how you can lose excess weight without harming your own health. Thus, you should eat at the same time every day, namely:

  • how you woke up, that is, at 8-00, 9-00 or 10-00 (depending on the circumstances);
  • at 13-00 (lunch);
  • at 16-00 (afternoon snack);
  • at 19-00 (dinner).

Taking into account the indicated hours, the specialists who identified the best and fast diet, amounted detailed menu. You can see it just below.

Sample menu for quick and effective weight loss

Above we said that the English diet is based on the principle of separate nutrition. Thus, for two days you should eat mainly protein foods, two days - carbohydrate foods, etc. But not everyone knows which foods belong to which category. In this regard, we will present to your attention a step-by-step menu of the best and most effective diet.

First and second day

The diet should start at this time and should be based only on kefir or milk. However, for breakfast and afternoon tea you are allowed not only to drink a glass of milk drink, but also to eat a small piece. As for lunch and dinner, it is better to make do with milk or kefir only.

Third and fourth days

These days are protein days. Let's present their detailed menu:

Fifth and sixth days

These 48 hours are vegetable and fruit. Let's look at their detailed menu:

  1. Breakfast should consist of only two oranges or apples.
  2. For lunch, you should prepare a bowl of vegetable soup, which should not include potatoes. In addition, you should eat a vegetable salad (for example, vinaigrette) and a piece of black bread. For dessert, you can make mousse with the addition of fruit.
  3. In the afternoon you can snack on any fruit, except grapes and bananas.
  4. For dinner, you should make a vegetable salad, and also eat a dessert spoon of honey and drink a cup of green tea.

Next, you should return to the first fasting day and repeat the entire cycle again. If it’s hard for you to limit yourself to only milk and kefir, then you can immediately start a protein or vegetable diet. The result will remain virtually unchanged.

Let's sum it up

Perhaps the question of what is the best diet can be considered closed. This method of eating allows you to lose as much as 8 kilograms of excess weight in less than a month. It is worth noting that the presented menu is only approximate. In this regard, it can be modified at your own discretion. For example, instead of vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to use water-based cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. This will diversify your diet and make it much easier for you to stick to your diet.

As you know, the considered method of losing weight is used by huge amount modern women. And, it’s worth noting, they are quite happy, because they manage to get rid of it quite quickly excess fat on the stomach, thighs and sides. But in order to consolidate the results after this diet, you should definitely change your usual diet in the future. In addition, you need to exercise more often or simply lead an active lifestyle.