Large ethnic groups. Peoples of Russia: list and number. Non-indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation

National composition population– distribution of people based on ethnicity. An ethnos (or people) is a historically established stable community of people, united by the unity of language, territory, economic life and culture, national identity. The forms of ethnic community change and become more complex in the process of development of human society - from clan and tribal associations under the primitive system, nationalities under early class societies to independent nations - in the context of the merging of local markets into a single national market. If, for example, the formation of nations has long been completed, then in some underdeveloped countries, and (, etc.) tribal associations are widely represented.

Today there are 2200 – 2400 ethnic groups in the world. Their numbers vary greatly - from several dozen people to hundreds of millions. The largest nations include (in million people):

  • Chinese – 11 70,
  • Hindustani (the main people of India) – 265,
  • Bengalis (in India and) – 225,
  • Americans - 200,
  • – 175,
  • Russians – 150,
  • Japanese – 130,
  • Punjabis (main people) – 115,
  • – 115,
  • Biharis - 105.

Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, 10 ethnic groups account for about 45% of all humanity.

In many countries and regions of the world, different ethnic groups are represented unequally. Therefore, they usually distinguish between the main peoples, i.e., the ethnic groups that make up the bulk of the population, and national minorities.

According to their origin and social status, national minorities are usually divided into two types:
autochthonous, i.e. indigenous peoples, ethnic groups born of immigration.

Thus, the following proportions are characteristic of the modern national composition. The main ethnic group - the British - make up 77% of the total population; autochthonous ethnic groups, including Scots, etc. - 14% and immigrants from different countries – 9 %.

IN last years In countries with a complex national composition, interethnic contradictions have intensified.

>> Largest nations of the world

§ 5. The largest nations of the world

In total, there are 5-5.5 thousand peoples, or ethnic groups, that is, established stable communities of people in the world. The vast majority of peoples are extremely small in number.

There are 330 peoples in the world numbering more than 1 million people, but they cover 96% of the total population of the Earth. There are only 11 peoples in the world with more than 100 million people each (Table 20), but they cover almost 45% of everything population Earth.

Table 20

Largest nations and most widely spoken languages

Largest nations of the world Million people Most common languages Million people
1. Chinese 1170
1. Chinese 1200
2. Hindustani 265 2. English 520
3. Bengalis 225 3. Spanish 400
4. Americans USA 200
4. Hindi 360
5. Brazilians 175 5. Arabic 250
6. Russians 140 6. Bengali 225
7. Japanese 125 7. Portuguese 210
8. Punjabis 115 8. Russian 200
9. Biharis 115 9. Indonesian 190
10. Mexicans 105 10. Japanese
11. Javanese 105 11. French 120

12. German 100
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IN modern world Russia is the largest country, occupying a vast area - more than seventeen thousand square kilometers. Two continents divide it into parts - European and Asian. Each of them is larger in territory than many not-so-small states of the Earth.

In terms of population, however, our country is only in ninth place. The number of Russians today does not reach one hundred and fifty million people. The problem is that most of the country's territory lies under deserted steppes and taiga, for example, these are the most remote regions of Siberia.

However, this is compensated by the number of peoples living here. This was predetermined by the past. Historically, Russia is a multinational state, which it became by absorbing neighboring peoples, attracting outsiders with large territories and wealth. According to official data, almost two hundred peoples now live in the Russian state, differing sharply in numbers: from Russians (more than one hundred and ten million people) to Kerek (less than ten representatives).

How many of us are there?

How many peoples live in Russia? How to find out? Leading sources useful information Statistical censuses regularly conducted in recent years serve as information about the population of our country. At the same time, according to modern techniques and according to democratic approaches, data on the nationality of Russian residents by origin is not noted in documents, which is why digital material for the census appeared on the basis of self-determination of Russians.

In total, in recent years, a little more than 80% of the country’s citizens declared themselves Russian by nationality, leaving only 19.1% as representatives of other nations. Almost six million census participants were unable to identify their nationality at all or defined it as a fantastic people (elves, for example).

Summing up the final calculations, it should be noted that the total number of peoples of the country who do not consider themselves Russian population did not exceed twenty-five million citizens.

This suggests that the ethnic composition of the Russian population is very complex and requires constant special attention. On the other hand, there is one large ethnic group, serving as a kind of core of the entire system.

Ethnic composition

The basis of the national composition of Russia is, of course, Russians. This people comes from their own historical roots from Eastern Slavs who lived on the territory of Rus' since ancient times. A significant part of Russians exist, of course, in Russia, but there are large layers in a number of former Soviet republics and in the USA. This is the most significant European ethnic group. Today there are more than one hundred thirty-three million Russians living in the world.

Russians are the titular people of our country; their representatives dominate in a significant number of regions of modern Russian state. Of course, this led to side effects. The spread of this nation over several centuries over a vast territory during historical development led to the formation of dialects, as well as separate ethnic groups. For example, on the coast White Sea Pomors live, making up a subethnic group of local Karelians and Russians who arrived in the past.

Among the more complex ethnic associations, groups of peoples can be noted. The largest group of peoples are the Slavs, mainly from the eastern subgroup.

In total, representatives of nine large language families live in Russia, differing greatly in language, culture, and way of life. With the exception of the Indo-European family, they are mainly of Asian origin.

This is the approximate ethnic composition of the Russian population today according to official data. What can be said definitely is that our country is distinguished by a significant diversity of nationalities.

The largest nations of Russia

The nationalities living in Russia are quite clearly divided into numerous and small. The first ones, in particular, include:

  • The Russian inhabitants of the country number (according to the latest census) more than one hundred and ten million people.
  • Tatars of several groups, reaching 5.4 million people.
  • Ukrainians number two million. The bulk of the Ukrainian people live on the territory of Ukraine; in Russia, representatives of this people appeared in the course of historical development in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods.
  • Bashkirs, another nomadic people in the past. Their number is 1.6 million people.
  • Chuvash, residents of the Volga region - 1.4 million.
  • Chechens, one of the peoples of the Caucasus, - 1.4 million, etc.

There are other peoples of similar numbers who played an important role in the past and, possibly, the future of the country.

Small nations of Russia

How many small nations live on the territory of Russia? There are many such ethnic groups in the country, but they are poorly represented in the total population because they are very few in number. To these national groups belong to the peoples of the Finno-Ugric, Samoyed, Turkic, Sino-Tibetan groups. Particularly small are the Kereks (a tiny people - only four people), the Vod people (sixty-four people), the Enets (two hundred and seventy-seven), the Ults (almost three hundred people), the Chulyms (a little more than three and a half hundred), the Aleuts (almost half a thousand) , Negidals (just over five hundred), Orochi (almost six hundred). For all of them, the problem of survival is a pressing and everyday issue.

Map of the peoples of Russia

In addition to the strong dispersion in the size of the national composition of Russia and the inability of many ethnic groups in modern times to maintain their numbers independently, there is also the problem of distribution within the country. The population of Russia is distributed very heterogeneously, which is caused primarily by economic incentives both in the historical past and in the present.

The bulk is in the area between Baltic St. Petersburg, Siberian Krasnoyarsk, Black Sea Novorossiysk and the Far Eastern Primorsky Territory, where all the big cities lie. The reasons for this are the good climate and favorable economic background. To the north of this territory there is permafrost caused by eternal cold, and to the south there are vast expanses of lifeless desert.

In terms of population density, one of the last places in the modern world received Siberia. Its vast territory is home to less than 30 million inhabitants. This represents only 20% of the country's total population. While in its vast area Siberia reaches three-quarters of the expanses of Russia. The most densely populated areas are the directions Derbent - Sochi and Ufa - Moscow.

In the Far East, a significant population density runs along the entire length of the Trans-Siberian Highway. Increased standards of population density are also observed in the Kuznechny coal basin region. All these areas attract Russians with their economic and natural wealth.

The most big nations countries: Russians, to a lesser extent Tatars and Ukrainians - mainly located in the southwest of the state. Ukrainians today are mostly located on the territory of the Chukotka Peninsula and in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, in the distant Magadan region.

Other small peoples of the Slavic ethnic group, such as the Poles and Bulgarians, do not create large compact groups and are scattered throughout the country. The Polish population is found in a fairly compact group only in the Omsk region.


The number of Tatars living in Russia, as noted above, exceeded the level of three percent of the total Russian population. About a third of them live compactly in the region of the Russian Federation called the Republic of Tatarstan. Group settlements exist in the Volga regions, in the far north, etc.

A significant part of the Tatars are supporters of Sunni Islam. Certain groups of Tatars have differences in language, culture and way of life. Mutual language located within the Turkic group of languages ​​of the Altaic language family, it has three dialects: Mishar (western), the more widespread Kazan (middle), and the slightly distant Siberian-Tatar (eastern). In Tatarstan, this language appears as an official one.


One of the many East Slavic peoples is the Ukrainians. More than forty million Ukrainians live in their historical homeland. In addition, significant diasporas exist not only in Russia, but also in European and American countries.

Ukrainians living in Russia, including labor migrants, number about five million people. A significant number of them are located in cities. Particularly large groups of this ethnic group are located in the capital, in oil- and gas-bearing regions of Siberia, the Far North, etc.


IN modern Russia Belarusians, taking into account their total number in the world, constitute a large number of. As the 2010 census of the Russian population shows, there are a little more than half a million Belarusians living in Russia. A significant proportion of white people are located in the capitals, as well as in a number of regions, for example in Karelia and the Kaliningrad region.

IN pre-revolutionary years a large number of Belarusians moved to Siberia and Far East, later there were national administrative units. By the end of the eighties, there were more than one million Belarusians on the territory of the RSFSR. Nowadays, their number has been halved, but it is obvious that the Belarusian stratum in Russia will be preserved.


There are quite a lot of Armenians living in Russia, although different sources, their number differs. Thus, according to the 2010 census, there were slightly more than one million people in Russia, that is, less than one percent of the total population. According to the assumptions of the Armenians public organizations, the number of the Armenian stratum in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century exceeded two and a half million people. And Russian President V.V. Putin, speaking about the number of Armenians in Russia, voiced the figure of three million people.

In any case, Armenians play a serious role in social and cultural life Russia. Thus, Armenians work in the Russian government (Chilingarov, Bagdasarov, etc.), in show business (I. Allegrova, V. Dobrynin, etc.), and in other fields of activity. In sixty-three regions of Russia there are regional organizations Union of Armenians of Russia.


The Germans living in Russia are representatives of an ethnic group that has experienced a contradictory and, in some ways, even tragic story. Migrating en masse in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at the invitation of the Russian government, they mainly settled in the Volga region, western and southern provinces Russian Empire. Life on good lands was free, but in the twentieth century historical events hit the Germans hard. First the First World War, then the Great Patriotic War led to mass repression. In the fifties and eighties of the last century, the history of this ethnic group was hushed up. It is not for nothing that the mass migration of Germans began in the nineties, the number of which, according to some sources, barely exceeds half a million.

True, in recent years, episodic re-evacuations from Europe to Russia have begun, but so far they have not reached large proportions.


It is difficult to say how many Jews currently live in Russia due to their active migration both to Israel and back to the Russian state. In the historical past there were many Jews in our country - in Soviet era several million. But with the collapse of the USSR and significant migration to their historical homeland, their number decreased. Now, according to public Jewish organizations, there are approximately one million Jews in Russia, half of them are residents of the capital.


They are a fairly numerous Turkic-speaking people, an indigenous population of the region adapted to local conditions.

How many Yakuts are there in Russia? According to the 2010 All-Russian Census of the Domestic Population, there were slightly less than half a million people, mainly in Yakutia and surrounding regions. The Yakuts are the largest (about half the population) people and the most significant of the indigenous peoples of Russian Siberia.

In the traditional economy and material culture of this people there are many close, similarities with pastoralists south asia. On the territory of the Middle Lena, a version of the Yakut economy was formed, combining nomadic cattle breeding and the most important extensive types of fisheries (meat and fish production), similar to the local one. In the north of the region there is also a distinctive form of harness reindeer herding.

Reasons for resettlement

Story ethnic composition population of Russia in the course of its development is extremely ambiguous. The accelerated settlement of the Russian state by Ukrainians occurred back in the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, according to instructions government agencies settlers from the southern lands headed east to develop new territories. After some time, representatives began to be sent there social strata from different regions.

Representatives of the intelligentsia voluntarily moved to St. Petersburg in an era when this city had the status of the capital of the state. Nowadays, Ukrainians constitute the largest ethnic group in Russia in terms of number of people after, of course, the Russians.

At the other pole are representatives of small nations. The Kereks, who have the smallest numbers, are in particular danger. According to the latest census, there are only four representatives left, although fifty years ago there were only one hundred Kerek people. The leading languages ​​for these people are Chukchi and generally accepted Russian; their native Kerek is found only in the form of an ordinary passive language. The Kereks, in terms of their level of culture and ordinary daily activities, are very close to the Chukchi people, which is why they were in constant assimilation with them.

Problems and future

The ethnic composition of the Russian population will undoubtedly develop in the future. IN modern conditions The revival of ethnographic traditions and the culture of peoples is clearly visible. However, the development of ethnic groups experiences a number of problems:

  • poor fertility and gradual decline of most peoples;
  • globalization, and at the same time the influence of the culture and life of large nations (Russian and Anglo-Saxon);
  • general economic problems that undermine the economic base of peoples, and so on.

Much in such a situation depends on the national governments themselves, including the Russian one, and on global opinion.

But I want to believe that the small peoples of Russia will further develop and grow in size in the coming centuries.

Russia is famous for how multinational state, more than 190 peoples live in the country. Most of them ended up in the Russian Federation peacefully, thanks to the annexation of new territories. Each nation has its own history, culture and heritage. Let us examine in more detail the national composition of Russia, considering each ethnic group separately.

Large nationalities of Russia

Russians are the largest indigenous ethnic group living in Russia. The number of Russian people in the world is equal to 133 million people, but some sources indicate a figure of up to 150 million. IN Russian Federation More than 110 (almost 79% of the total population of the country) million Russians live; most Russians also live in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. If we look at the map of Russia, the Russian people are distributed in large numbers throughout the entire territory of the state, living in every region of the country...

Tatars, compared to Russians, make up only 3.7% of the country's total population. Tatar people has a population of 5.3 million people. This ethnic group lives throughout the country, the most densely populated city of Tatars is Tatarstan, more than 2 million people live there, and the most sparsely populated region is Ingushetia, where there are not even a thousand people from the Tatar people...

Bashkirs are the indigenous people of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The number of Bashkirs is about 1.5 million people - this is 1.1% of total number all residents of the Russian Federation. Of the one and a half million people, the majority (approximately 1 million) live on the territory of Bashkortostan. The rest of the Bashkirs live throughout Russia, as well as in the CIS countries...

Chuvash are indigenous people Chuvash Republic. Their number is 1.4 million people, which is 1.01% of the total national composition of Russians. If you believe the population census, then about 880 thousand Chuvash live on the territory of the republic, the rest live in all regions of Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan and Ukraine...

Chechens are a people settled in the North Caucasus; Chechnya is considered their homeland. In Russia the number Chechen people was 1.3 million people, but according to statistics, since 2015 the number of Chechens in the Russian Federation has increased to 1.4 million. These people make up 1.01% of the total population of Russia...

The Mordovian people have a population of about 800 thousand people (approximately 750 thousand), this is 0.54% of the total population. Most of the people live in Mordovia - about 350 thousand people, followed by the regions: Samara, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk. This ethnic group lives least in the Ivanovo and Omsk regions; not even 5 thousand belonging to the Mordovian people gather there...

The Udmurt people number 550 thousand people - this is 0.40% of the total population of our vast Motherland. Most of the ethnic group lives in Udmurt Republic, and the rest dispersed across neighboring regions - Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Sverdlovsk region, Perm region, Kirov region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. A small part of the Udmurt people migrated to Kazakhstan and Ukraine...

Yakuts represent indigenous people Yakutia. Their number is 480 thousand people - this is about 0.35% of the total national composition in the Russian Federation. Yakuts make up the majority of the inhabitants of Yakutia and Siberia. They also live in other regions of Russia, the most densely populated regions of Yakuts are the Irkutsk and Magadan regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk and Primorsky District...

According to statistics available after the population census, 460 thousand Buryats live in Russia. This represents 0.32% of the total number of Russians. The majority (about 280 thousand people) of the Buryats live in Buryatia, being the indigenous population of this republic. The rest of the people of Buryatia live in other regions of Russia. The most densely populated territory by Buryats is Irkutsk region(77 thousand) and the Trans-Baikal Territory (73 thousand), and the less populated Kamchatka Territory and the Kemerovo region, you cannot find even 2000 thousand Buryats there...

The number of Komi people living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 230 thousand people. This figure is 0.16% of the total population in Russia. For living, these people have chosen not only the Komi Republic, which is their immediate homeland, but also other regions of our vast country. The Komi people are found in the Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Omsk regions, as well as in the Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs...

The people of Kalmykia are indigenous to the Republic of Kalmykia. Their number is 190 thousand people, if compared as a percentage, then 0.13% of the total population living in Russia. Most of these people, not counting Kalmykia, live in Astrakhan and Volgograd regions- about 7 thousand people. And the least number of Kalmyks live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Stavropol Territory - less than a thousand people...

Altaians are the indigenous people of Altai, therefore they live mainly in this republic. Although some of the population left historical territory habitat, now they live in the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. The total number of the Altai people is 79 thousand people, a percentage of 0.06 of the total number of Russians...

Chukchi belong to small people from the northeastern part of Asia. In Russia, the Chukchi people have a small number - about 16 thousand people, their people make up 0.01% of our total population multinational country. These people are scattered throughout Russia, but most of them settled in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, Kamchatka Territory and Magadan Region...

These are the most common peoples that you can meet in the vastness of Mother Russia. However, the list is far from complete, because in our state there are also peoples of other countries. For example, Germans, Vietnamese, Arabs, Serbs, Romanians, Czechs, Americans, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, French, Italians, Slovaks, Croats, Tuvans, Uzbeks, Spaniards, British, Japanese, Pakistanis, etc. Most of the listed ethnic groups make up 0.01% of the total population, but there are peoples with more than 0.5%.

We can continue endlessly, because the vast territory of the Russian Federation is capable of accommodating many peoples, both indigenous and those arriving from other countries and even continents, under one roof.

The concept of “ethnicity” includes a historically established stable group of people who have a certain number of common subjective or objective characteristics. Ethnographic scientists include these characteristics as origin, language, cultural and economic characteristics, mentality and self-awareness, phenotypic and genotypic data, as well as the territory of long-term residence.

The word "ethnicity" has Greek roots and is literally translated as “people”. The word “nationality” can be considered a synonym for this definition in Russian. The term “ethnos” was introduced into scientific terminology in 1923 by the Russian scientist S.M. Shirokogorov. He gave the first definition of this word.

How does the formation of an ethnic group occur?

The ancient Greeks adopted the word “ethnos” designate other peoples who were not Greeks. Long time in Russian the word “people” was used as an analogue. Definition of S.M. Shirokogorova made it possible to emphasize the commonality of culture, relationships, traditions, way of life and language.

Modern science allows us to interpret this concept from 2 points of view:

The origin and formation of any ethnic group implies great length of time. Most often this formation occurs around specific language or religious beliefs. Based on this, we often pronounce phrases such as “ Christian culture", "Islamic world", "Romance group of languages".

The main conditions for the emergence of an ethnic group are the presence common territory and language. These same factors subsequently become supporting factors and the main distinguishing features of a particular ethnic group.

From additional factors that influence the formation of an ethnic group can be noted:

  1. General religious beliefs.
  2. Intimacy from a racial perspective.
  3. The presence of transitional interracial groups (mestizo).

Factors that unite an ethnic group include:

  1. Specific features of material and spiritual culture.
  2. Community of life.
  3. Group psychological characteristics.
  4. General awareness of oneself and the idea of ​​a common origin.
  5. The presence of an ethnonym - a self-name.

Ethnicity is essentially a complex dynamic system that is constantly undergoing processes of transformation and at the same time maintains its stability.

The culture of each ethnic group maintains a certain constancy and at the same time changes over time from one era to another. Peculiarities national culture and self-knowledge, religious and spiritual-moral values ​​leave an imprint on the nature of the biological self-reproduction of the ethnic group.

Features of the existence of ethnic groups and their patterns

The historically formed ethnos acts as an integral social organism and has the following ethnic relations:

  1. Self-reproduction occurs through repeated homogeneous marriages and the transmission from generation to generation of traditions, identity, cultural values, language and religious characteristics.
  2. In the course of their existence, all ethnic groups undergo a number of processes within themselves - assimilation, consolidation, etc.
  3. In order to strengthen their existence, most ethnic groups strive to create their own state, which allows them to regulate relations both within themselves and with other groups of peoples.

The laws of peoples can be considered behavioral models of relationships, which are typical for individual representatives. This also includes behavioral models that characterize individual social groups, emerging within the nation.

Ethnicity can simultaneously be considered as a natural-territorial and sociocultural phenomenon. Some researchers propose to consider the hereditary factor and endogamy as a kind of connecting link that supports the existence of a particular ethnic group. However, it cannot be denied that the quality of a nation’s gene pool is significantly influenced by conquests, living standards, and historical and cultural traditions.

The hereditary factor is tracked primarily in anthropometric and phenotypic data. However, anthropometric indicators do not always completely coincide with ethnicity. According to another group of researchers, the constancy of an ethnic group is due to national identity. However, such self-awareness can simultaneously act as an indicator of collective activity.

The unique self-awareness and perception of the world of a particular ethnic group may directly depend on what its activities in developing environment. The same type of activity can be perceived and evaluated differently in the minds of different ethnic groups.

The most stable mechanism that allows preserving the uniqueness, integrity and stability of an ethnic group is its culture and common historical destiny.

Ethnicity and its types

Traditionally, ethnicity is considered primarily as a generic concept. Based on this idea, it is customary to distinguish three types of ethnic groups:

  1. Clan-tribe (species characteristic of primitive society).
  2. Nationality ( characteristic type in the slave and feudal centuries).
  3. Capitalist society is characterized by the concept of nation.

There are basic factors that unite representatives of one people:

Clans and tribes historically were the very first types of ethnic groups. Their existence lasted several tens of thousands of years. As the way of life and the structure of mankind developed and became more complex, the concept of nationality appeared. Their appearance is associated with the formation of tribal unions in the common territory of residence.

Factors in the development of nations

Today in the world there are several thousand ethnic groups. They all differ in level of development, mentality, numbers, culture and language. There may be significant differences based on race and physical appearance.

For example, the number of ethnic groups such as Chinese, Russians, and Brazilians exceeds 100 million people. Along with such gigantic peoples, there are varieties in the world whose number does not always reach ten people. State of the art different groups can also vary from the most highly developed to those living according to primitive communal principles. Every nation has own language However, there are also ethnic groups that simultaneously use several languages.

In the process of interethnic interactions, processes of assimilation and consolidation are launched, as a result of which a new ethnic group can gradually form. The socialization of an ethnic group occurs thanks to the development of such social institutions like family, religion, school, etc.

The unfavorable factors for the development of a nation include the following:

  1. High mortality rate among the population, especially in childhood.
  2. High prevalence of respiratory infections.
  3. Alcohol and drug addiction.
  4. Destruction of the family institution - a high number of single-parent families, divorces, abortions, and parental abandonment of children.
  5. Low quality of life.
  6. High unemployment rate.
  7. High crime rate.
  8. Social passivity of the population.

Classification and examples of ethnicity

Classification is carried out according to a variety of parameters, the simplest of which is number. This indicator not only characterizes the state of the ethnic group at the current moment, but also reflects the nature of its historical development. Usually, formation of large and small ethnic groups proceeds along completely different paths. The level and nature of interethnic interactions depends on the size of a particular ethnic group.

Examples of the largest ethnic groups include the following (according to 1993 data):

The total number of these peoples is 40% of the total population of the globe. There is also a group of ethnic groups with a population of 1 to 5 million people. They make up about 8% of the total population.

Most small ethnic groups may number several hundred people. Examples include the Yukaghir, an ethnic group living in Yakutia, and the Izhorians, a Finnish ethnic group inhabiting territories in the Leningrad region.

Another classification criterion is the population dynamics in ethnic groups. Minimal population growth is observed in Western European ethnic groups. The maximum growth is observed in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.