Creation of a museum at school war project. Goal, objectives, prerequisites for creating a school museum. School Museum Project


1. Goals and objectives of school museums

A school museum, like any other, has a number of characteristics and functions. Its traditional functions include: acquisition, study, accounting and storage of collections, as well as their use for educational purposes. The school museum must have a fund of museum objects sufficient to implement these functions and an appropriate exhibition space.

But the specificity of a school museum is that it should least of all resemble a traditional museum institution. This is a museum of a special type, it is, firstly, an educational museum, where the tasks of training and education, including outside school hours, are of decisive importance, and, secondly, a targeted museum, for which the priority is the children's audience. Only in a school museum can the idea of ​​co-creation between students, teachers and parents be most consistently embodied. Involving students in search and research activities makes it possible to make children interested participants in the process, i.e. subjects, not objects of education. It is the school museum that is able to fully implement the principle of “Museums for children and by children”, shifting the main center of gravity from the process of perceiving collections to the process of creation, doing, which, in essence, is constant and should not have an end.

The work of school museums inevitably goes beyond school life. In rural areas where there are no state museums, the school museum is one of the most important factors in expanding education and educating young people; today it is acquiring a new face, a new quality - the quality of a cultural center.

2. Profiles of school museums

The profile of the school museum is determined scientific discipline, on the basis of which his exhibition is based.

Museums of the following profiles can be organized in educational institutions:

a) HISTORICAL - (military historical, history of regions, settlements, educational institutions);

b) LOCAL HISTORY - these are museums of a complex profile, which contain collections of monuments not only of history, but also of nature;

c) ETHNOGRAPHIC - engaged in the study and preservation of monuments of folk culture;

d) ARTISTIC - (literary, art history) are based on original works painting, sculpture, graphics and other forms of art

e) NATURAL SCIENTIFIC - (geological, biological, zoological, environmental) are created for the purpose of a more in-depth study of the nature of their region.

f) TECHNICAL - museums dedicated to the history of the development of technology, associated with outstanding events or figures in the field of science and technology.


The school, as a social institution, with its main purpose of teaching and educating, is designed to ensure that various museum-type formations (local history corners, halls, exhibitions and museums) in their own way could revive the educational process, introduce children to the history of their small homeland, and therefore, and the Fatherland, instill skills research work.

It is necessary to highlight three main directions of the local history work of the school: family, school, native land.


Regardless of the profile of the museum, the theme of family should become the main one in the local history work of the school, given that for many years this area of ​​local history activity was, if not completely forgotten, then thoroughly neglected. For various reasons, many families have practically no preserved archives of their ancestors (letters, documents, personal files, awards, etc.). Today it is extremely important to introduce elements of museum culture into family life, to provide assistance in the formation of family collections and home archives, thanks to which love for one’s home (in the broad sense of this concept) could be fostered.

The main areas of research activity can be:

Family tree

Drawing up a simple diagram of a kind in the form of a family tree is a feasible task for any schoolchild. The simplest techniques allow you to teach research techniques with genealogical sources. Cooperative activity in this area will allow us to save many valuable relics from home archives and unite people of different generations.

The fate of the family in the fate of the country

Many schoolchildren do not know where their parents and grandparents work, they have never been to the places of their childhood, to family cemeteries, this is another factor that separates people. But getting to know the streets of the city where their loved ones spent years of their lives, young residents get to know their native land more deeply, more soulfully, and become closer to their relatives. Taking photographs together and sketching the places where loved ones live will further enhance these good feelings.

Family archive

Identifying objects that are interesting from the point of view of a local historian, young researchers, together with older family members, begin to form a family archive: they create and sign envelopes, thematic folders, fill small boxes with things, and create “legends.” The basis for a small home museum is gradually being created. It would be good if the first museum for every person would be a home museum.

The school museum could select the most interesting materials for exhibitions (with subsequent return to the family). Approximate themes of the exhibitions: “Our family heirlooms", "Order in my house", " Old photo”, “Photos tell the story”, “Professions of our parents”, etc. As a result local history work will help increase the prestige of the family, strengthen family ties, and help foster a sense of pride in one’s ancestors.


Every person goes through a school, which could become a repository of memories of the people who studied there. The collected materials about the school will eventually become an invaluable asset of a bygone era. To some extent, the school can serve as an archive. Here it is appropriate, first of all, to talk about the creation of the history of the school itself. And here no one, except teachers and students, will compile its full chronicle. In this regard, it is recommended to collect the following materials:

School images different years its existence (drawings, photographs, plans, models);

Evidence of school life as a process (a kind of chronicle of education);

Attributes of school life at different times (textbooks, notebooks, diaries, pens, etc.);

Children's essays, creative works.

This form has not lost its relevance literary creativity, as a literary almanac (handwritten or typed on a computer). It may contain the following sections: “Day after day”, “The most important”, “From the history of our school”, “News from the classes”, “Teacher’s Tribune”, “In my family”, “Please speak!”, “ Laughter from under the desk,” etc. The editor of such an almanac can be the most active local historian of the school, a member of the museum activists.


When developing a plan for collecting activities on the history of your native land, you should not strive for “omnivorousness.” It is necessary to develop a real concept for the museum for the next few years. It is desirable that the museum has a comprehensive character (reflecting the history, nature and culture of its region), can be used as much as possible by teachers in the educational process, and helps students to reveal their creative potential during museum activities.

At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the circle of possible informants. This can be done through students, with the help of bright leaflets-appeals for help to the museum. After some time, the first finds will appear. However, it can be difficult to determine the degree of their value. In this regard, primary fixation and the correct description of the document are of great importance. It is not always advisable to tear out a separate item from someone's collection, remembering the principle of indivisibility of personal funds.

When organizing the local history work of a school museum, one should be guided by the following principles:

Complex nature of research;

Variety of research methods.

Complex nature of research

The complex nature of collecting material (which does not mean collecting everything in a row without any selection, but the diverse nature of the research) and, as a consequence, the local history profile of the museum suggest its widest possible inclusion in the educational process. In this case, the museum will not become a foreign body in the school’s body. This will be the key to its long existence. It is advisable to designate the territorial boundaries within which the museum intends to conduct research and collecting work. The closer to school, the deeper the study. At the same time, one should not confine oneself only to one’s own, purely local material, but try to reach a broader territorial background (city region, Russia as a whole). Comparison of the particular and the general, presentation of the particular against the background of the general - important point museum activities. Subject teachers can provide all possible assistance in collecting materials. A geographer, for example, will help design a section related to nature and the economy of the region, select the necessary illustrative material, and prepare diagrams and charts together with the children.

The chronological framework of the exhibition may vary.

Variety of research methods

Main forms and directions of research:

· Excursions and walks around the native land. They awaken children’s interest in various parts of their region and help them identify an interesting and promising research topic for the future.

· Work in libraries, archives and scientific institutions. This creates a solid basis, without which it is impossible to competently organize local history activities.

· Population survey, questionnaire. In every locality there are old-timers, local experts on the history of the region, whose memories should be recorded. Even if they contradict historical facts, they can be treated as “legends” or evidence of how an event was imprinted in people’s memory. The survey will help the system to collect extensive information on various issues of local history, to obtain a kind of cross-section at a certain historical stage.

· Meetings with interesting people. This will help expand the circle of communication and include in the sphere of interests of the museum larger number people who can gradually become friends of the museum.

· Watching TV, listening to radio. Sometimes it flashes in the most unexpected way interesting information, told about your area, for example, by a famous historian. Or a young poet will read poems about a neighboring river. So familiar means mass media become sources of the most unexpected information.

· The main methods of forming a school museum fund are expeditionary collection of material (expeditions, hikes, excursions), as well as receiving gifts.

· Expeditionary collection of material. Local history expeditions are carried out in the course of research on a specific topic. The formulation and order of topics put forward for study (later - for acquisition) should be of a planned nature and dictated by local history tasks, exhibition requirements and the need to create systematic collections. It is advisable to coordinate expeditions with state museums, specialized scientific institutions. It is possible to conduct joint expeditions in accordance with the developed museological methodology, which ensures the necessary scientific character of the search, selection of material, and its documentation.

Sources for completing monuments can be very diverse. First of all, these are the family collections mentioned above. In addition, you should use antique and second-hand book stores, attics, barns (with the permission of the owners), and recycling points. The search can be carried out on industrial enterprises, in government agencies, in creative unions.

When conducting an expedition, the group prepares the following field documents:

Field diary. It records the progress of the search work, its main stages, analyzes the first results and outlines the prospects for further research.

Field inventory. This primary document, in which basic information about the finds is entered (later they will be transferred to the Fixed Fund Accounting Book). The entries are placed horizontally along the spread of the notebook. The field inventory has the following columns:

1. Serial number of receipt.

2. Date and place of discovery.

3. Name of the historical and cultural monument.

4. Quantity.

5. Material and method of manufacture.

6. Designation of a historical and cultural monument.

7, Method of use and preservation.

8. Brief description indicating features. Size.

9. Owner or source of receipt.

10. Item legend.

11. Note.

A notebook for recording memories and stories. Here the stories of eyewitnesses of the event, old-timers, local historians are recorded, indicating their personal data (it is advisable to later have the narrator sign a printed or handwritten text. In this case, the material takes the form of documentary evidence.

Notebook of photographic recordings. Young photographers record information about each shot taken (Date and location of shooting. Contents of the shot. Shooting conditions. Author of the shot). This will help to avoid mistakes in the future when including photographs in funds or exhibitions.


1. School museum funds

All materials exhibited and stored in the school museum constitute the fund of the school museum. The school museum fund consists of the main museum and scientific auxiliary funds.

The main fund includes all types of original materials suitable for long-term storage, which are primary sources for the study of history, culture, nature and serve to create an exhibition (in accordance with the profile of the museum) and their use in the educational process.

The main fund includes:

a) material monuments: tools, household items, agricultural implements, handicrafts, samples of factory products, weapons, numismatic materials, clothing, rock samples, archaeological finds;

b) visual: works of fine art, cartographic materials, cartoons, posters, photographs;

c) written: newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets, government documents, official documents, memoirs, letters, diaries, notebooks.

The scientific and auxiliary fund includes materials made for the needs of the exhibition: diagrams, dioramas, dummies, models, texts, reproductions works of art, photographs of mass production, samples of perishable crops and other exhibits that are subject to damage and require quick replacement.

2. Main groups of museum accounting documentation

To properly organize research work, local historians must use three groups of documents.

Scientific and accounting documentation

This includes:

a) acts of acceptance and delivery of documents;

b) fixed asset accounting book;

c) book of accounting of scientific and auxiliary funds.
The reference apparatus consists of a system of cards (possibly in a computer version) that make it possible to quickly detect the existence of a monument in the collections and its location.

Main types of auxiliary filing cabinets:

inventory (with basic information corresponding to the inventory book, indicating codes and storage location).

thematic (based on the theme of the collections).

nominal (with characteristics of specific individuals).

chronological (according to the chronology of events).

geographical (with place names).

The reference card usually contains the following information:

name of the item (with a brief description), account number, storage location.

The system for recording museum objects includes field documents, acts of acceptance of museum objects for storage at the museum, expedition diaries, reports on museum materials, and creative works.

Accounting in a school museum should pursue two goals:

ensuring the safety of the item itself;

ensuring the safety of information available about the subject.

The main document for recording and protecting museum items is the Fixed Fund Accounting Book (inventory book). Filled out in the form of a table into which the following data is entered:

1. Serial inventory number. Simultaneously with putting down a serial number in the book, the same number is put on the registered item;

2.Date of recording, i.e. entering an item into the Inventory Book. The date must be complete, without abbreviations;

Z. Time, source and method of receipt. The full date (year, month, day) is indicated, where the item came from and from whom. The full names and patronymics of the donors, the names of the institutions (address, telephone number, etc.) that donated the item to the museum are recorded;

4.Name and brief description of the item. It is written in generally accepted literary expression, indicating variants of local dialect names. The authorship, place of origin, and the material from which it is made are indicated. For photography, you need to give a brief description of the plot or event. You should include the last name, first name, patronymic of the people depicted, the year the photo was taken, and the author of the photo. In written sources, including magazines, newspapers, diaries, albums, etc., the number of pages or sheets is indicated. The number of photographs is indicated in photo albums. All inscriptions, stamps, signatures are recorded;

5. Number of items. Usually it is written “1 copy,” but if two or more identical museum objects are registered, then the corresponding number is entered;

6. Material and manufacturing technique. The type of material is indicated: stone, metal, wood, fabric, cardboard, paper, cotton wool, etc. The manufacturing method is recorded: casting, embossing, stamping, engraving, manuscript, typescript, knitting, weaving, appliqué, etc.

7. Size. Indicated only in centimeters: height, width (thickness for voluminous objects). For round objects - diameter;

8.Safety. All damage to the item is recorded: stains, dirt, rust, punctures, tears, abrasions, chips, bruises, bends, loss of parts;

E.Cost. Fixed in case of purchase of items in prices at the time of purchase in rubles;

10.Note. Location (written down in pencil). Acts of transfer, withdrawal, write-off, etc.;

Only genuine items or those with the significance of originals (a copy with the author’s autograph, an author’s layout, a rare photograph, etc.) are entered into the Inventory Book.

The inventory book is numbered (in the upper right corner of each sheet), stitched, signed and sealed. When the book is completely filled, a final entry is made at the end:

“This inventory book contains items (in numbers and in words) from No. to No.”

In the next Inventory book, the numbering continues; the inventory book is kept at the school. It is included in the range of files for permanent storage.

H. Encryption and marking of museum objects

Each item is marked with its code. The code consists of an abbreviation of the name of the museum and the corresponding number in the inventory book.

On three-dimensional objects, the code is affixed in ink or oil paint from the invisible side and so as not to damage the object.

In drawings, photographs, documents, codes are written in the lower left corner with a simple soft pencil.

If it is impossible to write a code on an object, you should attach a cardboard tag with a code applied using a thread (to medals, orders, stuffed animals). Pieces of fabric with a code are sewn onto fabrics and clothes.

Storage of museum objects is carried out according to the type of materials. Objects made of metal, wood, fabric, paper, etc. are stored separately. Combining items by type is not allowed. You cannot store paper and metal, metal and fabric, etc. together in the same storage facilities (cabinets, folders, boxes, envelopes), as this leads to damage to museum objects (corrosion, rust).

The premises of the school museum must maintain stable temperature and humidity, because... Temperature fluctuations and humidity changes lead to damage to museum objects.

Museum objects should not be exposed to direct light. Light sources should not be located near museum objects. Paper, cardboard, and fabric are most exposed to light. Therefore, objects made from these materials are placed in boxes, folders, envelopes, each copy placed with clean paper.

The museum must maintain a biological regime: prevent the appearance of moths, wood-boring beetles, cockroaches, mice and other pests. Specialists from state museums should be hired to carry out sanitary and disinfection work.

In the school museum, any type of gluing of museum objects is not permitted. Restoration work can only be carried out by specialist restorers of state museums.

Mounting of museum objects during installation of the exhibition is carried out without any deformation or damage. They cannot be glued, cut, folded, pierced, laminated, painted over, or cleaned up. All types of conservation work are carried out with the participation of specialists from state museums.


If we consider the museum as the center of museum-pedagogical work, which takes on the task of “museumizing” education, then we must, firstly, recognize its responsibility for creating an aesthetically significant and aesthetically educational environment at school. A school museum can display its exhibitions in any space, including school corridors, classrooms, and workshops.

Secondly, the task of a school museum can be to collect and make available to subject teachers or pedagogues additional education fund visual aids(items of museum value, copies, dummies, illustrated materials, etc.), organized according to the “museum in a suitcase” type.

Several genres of school museum exhibitions can be distinguished.

· Museum-exposition (exhibition) The museum's exposition represents more or m e there is an established complex of objects that is inaccessible for interactive use (closed display cases and cabinets, rigid hanging). The exhibition space is strictly localized and is used primarily for conducting excursions on a specific, fairly limited topic. Museum material is involved in the educational process, mainly as an illustration. This school museum genre needs a number of features added. With the initiative of the leader and school activists, he undoubtedly has great prospects.

· Museum-workshop

· The exhibition space in this museum is built in such a way that it necessarily contains work areas for creative activity students. Sometimes such a museum is located in classrooms where classes are held, or in art workshops. Exhibits can also be distributed in separate rooms. All this contributes to the organic inclusion of the museum in the educational process, as well as in the field of additional education.

· Museum-laboratory

· This genre is very close to the museum-workshop. The difference lies in the nature of the collection on the basis of which museums operate. These are natural science and technical collections. Some of them are located in subject rooms. The exhibition space includes research laboratories and equipment.

· Museum-game library

· This could be a museum of games and toys, some of which were brought from home, but most of which were made by children. Museum activists and teachers can conduct theatrical activities with schoolchildren based on these collections junior classes, after-school groups, as well as traveling performances to kindergartens and nearby schools. A necessary component of the activity of such a museum is the study of the history of the production and existence of toys. An important role is also given to the scenario and production aspect, i.e. creating special scenarios for conducting thematic classes.

Text on display at the school museum

A necessary part of preparing displays and school museum exhibitions is the selection and compilation of texts. The correct use of texts enriches the content of the exhibition and increases its impact.

The texts in the exhibition represent a holistic and systematically organized set of headings for sections and topics, annotations, labels, and indexes.

A system of texts is created during the design of the exhibition, taking into account the fact that they must be clear, unambiguous and accessible to everyone. The text must contain all the necessary information, be understandable, and sometimes have an emotional impact. One of the most important requirements that determine the approach to the text is laconicism. Overloading the exposition with textual material only reduces its educational value.

Texts in the exhibition are usually divided into the following types:

Table of Contents (capital);




Table of contents (header) texts help to navigate the exhibition. Their task is to provide a “guiding thread” for viewing the exhibition and to identify its thematic structure. Table of contents include the names of all departments and halls of the museum, exhibition themes, sections or complexes.

The explanatory text is a commentary on the hall, topic, complex. It contains information that complements and enriches the visual range,promotes a holistic perception of the exhibition image.

The leading text can be compared to the epigraph to literary work. Its meaning is to express in a bright, clear and concentrated form the main idea of ​​the exhibition, to reveal the meaning and content of some of its sections, themes or complexes. Excerpts from memoirs, letters, diaries, and recordings made by the heroes of the exhibition are widely used as leading texts, i.e. materials that have a pronounced personal character.

The etiquette in a museum is the totality of all the labels of a given exhibition. Each label is an annotation for a specific exhibit. Its content depends on the profile of the museum, the objectives of the exhibition and the nature of the museum object itself.

In museum practice, a certain form of placing information on a label has developed. Each label typically includes three main components:

Item name;

Attribution data (information about material, size, manufacturing method, author's affiliation, social and ethnic environment, historical and material significance);

Date of.

Label examples


Used for arable work in peasant farms of the Kama region at the end XIX - early XX centuries.

The plant was founded in 1868. Equipped with English machines. In 1890 the number of workers exceeded 5,000.

Pupils of the 5th grade in Zyukaika In the last row (far right) Andrey Mokhov. Perm region, 1934

Hero Soviet Union A.V. Ivanov (1907-1943).

January 1942

Photo by B. Petrov.

On the back is the inscription: “Dear, beloved mother. We are driving the enemy away from Moscow"

Design and placement of labels

The font, color, size, and location of annotations for exhibits are determined during the work on the exhibition. The entire text commentary, including labels, should become an organic part of it. Therefore, the authors of the exhibition, while developing the content of any text, simultaneously solve artistic problems.

Texts must be consistent stylistically, with each other and with other exhibition materials, designed and placed so that they best fulfill their functions. There are also rules arising from the external features of exhibits of various types and label requirements. For example, you should not put labels on exhibits. They are placed next to the physical exhibits on a stand, on a shelf, or on the wall of a display case. To the edged material - on the mat under the exhibit, to the framed material - they are attached to the frame. If the exhibits are located high above the exhibition belt, then below, at eye level, you can place a diagram of their location with all the necessary data. Small exhibits attached to the tablet or located in the display case are numbered, and under the corresponding numbers their list and description are given in the general annotation.

You should avoid intrusiveness and variegation of labels, highlight them sharply against the general background of the exhibition, but you also cannot level them out, making them completely invisible. We must not forget about the texture and color of the labels. They are tinted in accordance with the background of the mat of the stand or display case. They are written or printed on good paper, and for exhibits located on stands, podiums, on dense material (cardboard, plexiglass, etc.).

In a school museum, where the priority is the idea of ​​creating, “making” a museum, where it is especially important to activate the attention of visitors, the so-called “intriguing” label is appropriate; along with traditional information, it can contain questions or tasks like: “Find...”, “ Compare...”, “Choose...”, “Guess...”, “Think why...”, etc. Thanks to this etiquette, viewing the exhibition turns into an exciting and at the same time serious game, which will be interesting and adults and children.


The content of cultural and educational activities is expressed in the forms of work with the audience. The main ones include: lessons in the museum, lessons in the classroom using museum objects, thematic lectures, conversations, excursions (theatrical), exhibitions, scientific readings (conferences), consultations, seminars, methodological associations, clubs (club, studio), themed evenings, lessons courage, days of mercy, professions, open doors, historical, folklore holidays, museum Olympiads, competitions, historical games.

All events held by the school museum should be taken into account in a special notebook (mass event book), which is filled out according to the following scheme:

All correspondence of the museum must be subject to accounting, for which a special notebook is allocated, in which the date the letter was written, the serial number, the address where it is sent, and its brief content are noted.

For letters accepted into museums, another notebook is allocated, which is also divided into columns: date of receipt of the letter, date of departure, address, author, summary letters.


The status of “school museum” is assigned by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for an exhibition claiming to be a “school museum”:

Availability of a fund of original materials registered in the main fund accounting book (inventory book);

The presence of a designed exposition that reveals the content of the chosen topic with sufficient completeness and depth;

Ensuring conditions for the safety of collected material;

The presence of a permanent asset of students conducting systematic search-gathering and research work under the guidance of a teacher;

Protection and promotion of historical and cultural monuments, nature of the native land;

Cultural and educational activities of the museum.

Museum documentation:

· Order of the director of an educational institution on the opening of a museum and the appointment of the head of a school museum

· Current and future plans for the museum

· Fixed asset accounting book (inventory book)

· Scientific and auxiliary fund accounting book

· Thematic and exhibition plan

· Card index

· Public Events Book

· Guest book

· Texts of excursions, lectures, conversations, scenarios of public events.

The work plan of the school museum consists of the following sections:

1. General tasks and directions in the upcoming work of the museum in the new educational waters.

2 Work with the museum’s school assets.

Organization and procedure for teaching activists the basics of museology. Participation of activists in museum work on the scale of a district (city), region, Russia. Planned tasks for each activist within the assigned area of ​​work.

3. Research work.

What topics and by whom will be studied and developed in the current academic year. For example: on the history of an educational institution, a street, a neighborhood, or about a specific person - the director of an educational institution, a teacher, a former student; about the combat operations of a unit, unit or individual hero. Topics can be varied depending on the profile of the museum.

4.Search and collection work.

A specific plan for the participation of schoolchildren and teachers in tourist and local history expeditions to search and collect museum materials during the autumn-winter and spring-summer holidays; what museum objects are expected to be found in the city, region, where or from whom; with whom correspondence will be established regarding the search for materials, work in archives or in specialized museums, etc.

5. Scientific exhibition work

What exhibits will be introduced into the exhibition or replaced, what temporary or permanent exhibitions will be prepared, etc.

6. Work with funds

Drawing up scientific documentation, filling out an inventory book, rules for maintaining field documentation, drawing up cards for museum items, studying, researching and describing each item; creation of conditions for storing museum collections, procedure for processing incoming historical monuments etc.

7. Methodological work

Compiling or supplementing review and thematic lectures. Education and training of museum activists for conducting excursions, etc.

8. Publishing activities

Compiling a booklet for the school museum. List of proposed information for publication in periodicals and others information sources about events held at the museum, etc.

9. Excursion-mass work

Schedule for students visiting the museum. List of events. Using museum objects in lessons and during extracurricular activities. Development of excursion themes, selection and systematization of excursion materials.

In cities where there is state museums, district (city) commissions are created for the inspection and certification of school museums, which include representatives of educational authorities, specialists from state museums, additional education institutions, public organizations, associations of local historians. The district (city) commission gets acquainted with the activities of the school museum, fills out the relevant documents (inspection report, registration card) and sends them to the regional center for children and youth tourism

Every five years, the museum must confirm the title of “school museum,” about which the commission makes appropriate entries in the passport and registration card.

"Organization of the school museum" // Guidelines. / Compiled by O.V. Starkova. /Regional Center for Children and Youth Tourism. - Perm, 2002.

A museum in an educational institution is created “for the purpose of education, training and socialization of students.” The school museum is designed to create a sustainable interest in acquiring new knowledge on the history of the native land, to cultivate a desire and readiness for self-study history of the native land, develop skills in research work with local history literature, archival materials, written and oral sources. Only a museum has an emotional, informational impact and can introduce students to the material, cultural, spiritual values ​​of their native land, carry out patriotic education using examples of heroic struggle, exploits, and service to the country.

Only in a museum can historical knowledge be transformed into beliefs. This is facilitated by the presence in the museum of the original history and culture, in which the phenomenon of unity of information-logical and emotional-figurative impact on the mind and feelings is manifested. In a museum, information acquires clarity, imagery and activates visual thinking, which becomes an effective means of cultural continuity.

The museum of an educational institution is a unique point of reflection of culture and education. The objectives of the school museum are:

To cultivate a sense of patriotism - such a “social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, the desire to defend the interests of the homeland.”

To promote the introduction of museum material into the educational process.

Transform a museum object into a means of informational and emotional perception of past eras.

To promote the inclusion of students in sociocultural creativity, search- research activities to study and restore the history of the small Motherland.

Contribute to the formation of spiritual values.

To create a school museum, a number of conditions are required:

collected and registered museum objects;

museum asset;

premises and equipment for storing and exhibiting museum objects;

museum exhibition;

The charter (regulations) of the museum, approved by the self-government body and the head of the educational institution.

Functions of the school museum

In combination "school museum" is the word museum. Like any other museum, it has functions inherent to this social institution. The Regulations on the Museum of an educational institution define educational and documenting functions. The essence of the documenting function is the purposeful reflection in the museum collection, with the help of museum objects, of those historical, social or natural phenomena that the museum studies in accordance with its profile.

The documenting function is carried out in three forms:

Collection of funds;

Fund work;

Creation of a museum exhibition;

A museum object is a historical and cultural monument that has been removed from its environment, gone through all stages of scientific processing and included in the museum collection3. The main thing for a museum object is its semantic meaning, artistic value or information potential. All museum objects have a number of properties. These are informative, attractive, expressive.

Information content of a museum object- consideration of a museum object as a source of information.

Attractiveness- the ability of an object to attract attention with its external features or its artistic and historical value.

Expressiveness- the expressiveness of the subject, its ability to have an emotional impact.

Representativeness (representativeness) - the uniqueness of an object in relation to similar objects.

All museum objects are divided into three groups:

material (clothing, household items, personal belongings);

fine arts (paintings, sculpture, graphics);

written (documents on all media) 5.13.

The totality of museum objects constitutes the museum's funds. Collection acquisition is one of the main activities of a museum in an educational institution.

The process of acquiring the collections of a school museum can be divided into 4 main stages:

Acquisition planning.

Search and collection work.

Identification and collection of historical and cultural monuments.

Inclusion of historical and cultural monuments in the museum collection.

At the first stage, the choice of theme and acquisition objects is carried out depending on the profile and capabilities of the museum. There are several packaging methods:

Thematic acquisition is a acquisition method associated with the study of any historical process, event, person, natural phenomenon and the collection of sources of information about them;

Systematic acquisition is a method used to create and replenish collections of similar museum items: dishes, furniture, clothing;

Acquisition “hot on the heels of events” - taking collecting work on site at the time of an event or immediately after it;

Current acquisition - receiving individual museum items from the donor, purchasing, random finds 4.28.

Second stage: search and collection work. There are methods of search and research activities:

collection of oral evidence (population survey, questionnaires, interviews);

correspondence with people;

meeting interesting people;

receiving gifts from family collections;

work in libraries, archives;


One of the basic principles of any search and research work is the principle of complexity. Following this principle, young local historians should try to comprehensively explore the topic, strive to connect the events being studied with general historical processes, and see them character traits, establish the reliability of the information received, understand the role of individuals in these events. Every local historian must remember the responsibility for the safety of identified and collected historical and cultural monuments: it is important to preserve not only the monument itself, but also the identified information about it and its history. Also, schoolchildren must comply with legal requirements related to the collection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments, i.e., it is inappropriate to take from the owners those items that the museum does not have the right to store: jewelry, orders, firearms and bladed weapons. It is very important to be able to collect and record the necessary information about those processes that are the topic of search and collection work.

Acquisition of museum funds is one of the functions of the museum, the purpose of which is to accumulate social information and document the development of any phenomenon or event.

For accounting and scientific description of collected historical and cultural monuments, as well as versatile information about them, field documentation and accounting documents are used. These include: “Act of Reception”, “Field Diary”, “Field Inventory”, “Notebook for recording memories and stories”, books of accounting of museum objects (“Inventory book”) 3, 12. The inventory book is the main document of accounting, scientific description and protection of historical and cultural monuments of the school museum. It can be made by the schoolchildren themselves from a large thick notebook or a book with a strong binding. The book is graphite, stitched along the spine with strong threads, the sheets are numbered in the upper right corner of the front side of each corner. At the end of the book, a certification is made about the number of sheets in it. The recording and binding of the book are sealed with the seal of the educational institution under which the museum operates.

In the header information on the front cover on title page In addition to the name of the document itself, it is necessary to reflect the name of the school museum, its affiliation with a specific educational institution, address information, and the start date of making entries in the book. Once the book is filled with entries, the volume number and accession numbers of the museum items recorded in it are indicated on the cover or title page. Every new volume The inventory book must begin with the next number following the one under which the last museum item was registered in the previous volume.

All entries in the inventory book are made carefully, in black or purple ink; corrections, which are allowed only as a last resort, are made in red ink and certified by the entry “corrected to believe” - and the signature of the head of the museum (Appendix 2).

The phenomenon of a school museum is that its educational influence on children and adolescents appears most effectively in the implementation of areas of museum activity. Their participation in search and research work, studying descriptions of museum objects, creating an exhibition, conducting excursions, evenings, conferences helps fill their leisure time, mastering various techniques and skills of local history and museum work, helps students learn the history and problems of their native land “from the inside”, understand how much effort and soul their ancestors invested in the economy and culture of the region. This fosters respect for the memory of past generations of fellow countrymen, careful attitude to cultural and natural heritage their rights, without which it is impossible to cultivate patriotism and love for one’s Fatherland."

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation considers the museum of an educational institution as effective remedy spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic education of children and youth. The educational function is based on the informative and expressive properties of a museum object and is carried out in various forms of cultural and educational work of the museum. Museum experts distinguish the following museum forms:



Scientific readings;

Historical and literary evenings;

Meetings with interesting people;



Competitions, quizzes;

Historical games, etc. .

In the Regulations on the Museum of an Educational Institution, traditional functions include:

acquisition, study, accounting, storage of museum objects;

the use of museum objects, museum forms of communication as a means of historical, patriotic, moral and aesthetic education. Museums of educational institutions, like state museums of the Russian Federation, are required to comply with the rules and regulations for recording, storing and scientific description of museum objects.

1. Introduction

This project is of enormous importance in the education and formation of the personality of students, the education of a Citizen and a Patriot. The project will be carried out by Tatar Gymnasium No. 1.

The project is necessary for our society as a whole. The school museum of the history of the native land is designed for children. Children are the future of our society. If we want to raise worthy citizens, patriots of the fatherland, we must cultivate a spiritual and moral core in our children. Today it is clearer than ever that without instilling patriotism in the younger generation, neither in the economy, nor in culture, nor in education, we will not be able to confidently move forward. WITH early age a person begins to realize that he is a part of his family, his nation, his homeland. The school museum makes a worthy contribution to the education of patriotism in students and helps to instill in our children a sense of dignity and pride, responsibility and hope, and reveals the true values ​​of the family, nation and Motherland.

A child or teenager who knows the history of his village, city, the life of his ancestors, architectural monuments, will never commit an act of vandalism either in relation to this object or in relation to others. He will simply know their value.

2. Main goals of the project:

1. Preservation historical memory and heritage;

    Developing interest in history, deepening knowledge of history and the formation of civic and patriotic feelings and beliefs based on specific historical material, affirming the significance of such values ​​as: a) love and respect for one’s hometown, for one’s native settlement; b) careful attitude towards the fruits of labor and the experience of previous generations; c) increase the historical heritage, preserve historical memory.

    Citizen education.

2. Using heritage material and traditions in working with difficult teenagers, involving them in the active activities of the museum.

3. Organizing the exchange of experience with representatives of other regions in order to unite people, despite administrative boundaries and social barriers.

4. New understanding historical heritage and returning it to cultural circulation.

5. Instilling in students a desire to acquire deep knowledge and high moral qualities in the process of studying the history and culture of their native land.

3. Main objectives of the project program:

1. Through local history material, studied with students, to establish a connection with the environment, fostering a patriotic feeling, love for the Motherland, for the hometown, for their region.

2. Using specific material that is close to schoolchildren, develop in them:

    interest in historical knowledge;

    interest in studying and preserving one’s own culture and language, as well as the people living nearby;

    a feeling of respect, tolerance towards other people, the formation of clear ideas about the inseparable nature of the historical destinies of the people of their native land with the history of their country.

    Introduce students to social useful work, develop the activities of children in the protection of memorable places, historical and cultural monuments of their native land. And also organize patronage over the graves of respected fellow countrymen, heroes of war and labor.

    In order to cultivate respect for the feat of elders and veterans, keep a “Chronicle of the Events of Our Days”; collect memories and information; write the history of your native land, gymnasium, your class.

    To stimulate interest in the history of their region, reading local history literature, organize competitions, quizzes, Olympiads, hikes, and excursions. Conduct ceremonial events on the basis of the school museum dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day and other memorable events in the history of our Motherland.

The outcome of the project must be positive for everyone. Preserving the heritage and using it in the education and formation of the personality of the younger generation will lead to an improvement in the quality of the social environment. Knowledge of history, the past of the people, the native land will increase the vitality and competitiveness of the individual. The project serves to unite, unite people around a high noble goal - to preserve the past and present for future descendants, plays a huge role in the formation of peace and harmony among people of different nationalities, and strengthens friendship between peoples.

4. Experience and network project capabilities.

The gymnasium has extensive experience in this area. A circle of young historians has been working at the gymnasium for more than twenty years. Over the years, contact has been established with museums, archives, and scientific institutions.

In particular, the scientific honeycombs of the state-su-darst-ven-no-go museum of the re-public ki, Ins-ti-tu-ta languages, li-te-ra-tu-ry and is-to-rii them. G. Ib-ra-gi-mo-va, fi-li-a-la research institute national. schools, were there pro-ve-de-ny ex-kur-sies in is-to-rich places cities and re-pub-li-ki, org-ga-ni- zo-va-ny those-ma-ti-ches-kie-s-re-chi with the participation of the October Revolution, ve-te-ra-na-mi howl -we and work. On-la-di-li pe-re-pis-ku with the mu-ze-ya-mi of other cities, for example, Moscow, Ki-e-va, Ul-ya- novs-ka, Che-la-bins-ka, Le-ning-ra-da, Tash-ken-ta, in re-zul-ta-te such a raz-nos-to-ron-ney work-bo- you drank a lot of ma-te-ri-al, among whom you taught about the first school V. Bah-ti-ya-ro-ve, (he was a co-re-men-nik of G. Tu-kai, participated in the publication “Yel is-lah”, before-ku- ment-you about graduation-n-schools now-not pro-fes-so-ra Uni-ver-si-te-ta Friendship-on-ro-dov G.S.Ga-liul-li -not (he studied with us in elementary school), about G.Gi-ma-dut-di-no-ve, about whom the film “Re-born” was created -naya le-gen-da”, about the poet-te-front-to-vi-ke M. Sad-ri and other notable issues.

On the basis of the gymnasium, seminars are annually held for representatives of the region and city of the republic on the topics: “Moral education of students in the process of teaching the history of their native land”, “Patriotic education of the younger generation”. An open lesson for students of the Tatar National Gymnasium in Saratov, given by the director of the Tatar Gymnasium No. 1 in Kazan, G. G. Shamseeva, in March 2002, served as the beginning of a positive experience in the exchange of educational and educational technologies. The huge role of studying the history of the native land in the education and formation of personality was emphasized at the VI Moscow International Exhibition and Forum “School - 2002”. For holding the seminar “Education and formation of a comprehensively developed personality capable of creativity, self-determination, and self-realization” the gymnasium received a diploma. VI-Moscow International Exhibition and Forum “School – 2002”.

All the above facts indicate the presence of experience in the work of the gymnasium and the possibility of a network project, namely a project aimed at preserving the historical heritage and the formation and education of a moral personality - the Citizen.

There are regions with which a network project is possible: Saratov, Samara, Bashkortostan, Perm

5. Justification of the need for the project.

The project is necessary for the education of spiritual, moral, civic and ideological qualities of the individual, which are manifested in love for the Motherland, for one’s home, in the desire and ability to preserve and enhance the best traditions, values ​​of one’s people, one’s national culture, one’s land. The project is necessary to preserve the historical heritage for posterity, to involve representatives from the so-called category of “difficult teenagers” in active search (research) activities in order to return them to normal, is necessary for the development creative beginnings individuals, for the exchange of experience, contacts between regions where ethnic communities live, is necessary for a new understanding of the historical heritage and return to cultural circulation.

    Project goals and objectives.

The main goal of the project is to educate and shape the personality of students with the help of a museum of the history of their native land.

The main tasks solved during the project implementation:

1. Preservation of historical memory and heritage.

2. Creation of a museum.

3. Determining the direction of the museum.

4. Replenishment and updating of museum exhibits.

5. Development of students’ interest in history, research, and scientific and educational activities.

6. Development of self-government during the project.

7. Establishing contact with archives, museums, scientific centers, involving scientists, parents of students, and the public in the project.

8. Access to the regional level: organization of experience exchange, seminars.

9. Involving the media in covering the project.

        Project description: strategy and mechanism for achieving goals.

Basic strategies:

1. Create or update a museum search group.

2. Study of local history literature.

3. Collection of materials and restoration of exhibits.

4. Creation of exhibitions and sections of the museum.

5. Interior design of the museum.

6. Creation of a council and museum assets.

7. Organization of search, research, excursion, and propaganda work.

8. Organization of a group of guides.

9. Opening of the “Young Historian” circle.

10. Introduction of Operation Search, Veteran, Best Find.

11. Issue of the newspaper “Nakhodka”.

12. Conducting the competition “Inexhaustible Spring”

13. Creation of a film chronicle of the project.

14. Conducting seminars, conferences, promotions, competitions.

To implement the project “Museum of the History of the Native Land” in the education and formation of the personality of students, firstly, the presence of an object is necessary. In this case, the object is the local history school museum (available in the Tatar Gymnasium No. 1 in Kazan and the Saratov Tatars Museum of History and Ethnography in Saratov). If there is no museum in the region, you need to start creating one. This requires studying local history literature, establishing contacts with museums, archives, and scientific institutions. It is necessary to create a search group from among students and organize excursions around their native land. Creating a museum is a long historical process that requires systematic scientific approach. For more than 20 years, a circle of young artists has been working in the Tatar Gymnasium No. 1. In the days of the preparation of the 50th anniversary of the school, work began on the basis of the is-to-ry circle. ku ma-te-ri-a-lov according to the history of the school. The emergence and development of the school is closely connected with the past and our present New Tatarsian place -dy, that's why, one-new-re-men-but the study of the is-to-rii of micro-ra-yo-na was going on. Work on the study of the kra-e-ved-chest li-te-ra-tu-ry, including me-mu-ar-noy. Then contact was established with mu-ze-ya-mi, ar-hi-va-mi, scientific-re-de-ni-ya-mi.

Secondly, there must be people who could lead this matter. In Kazan, the head of the museum is a teacher of the highest category, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Gulchira Khafizovna Shamsutdinova, the scientific consultant is Dr. historical sciences, Professor R.G. Fakhrutdinov. The project also involves subject teachers, class teachers, students and parents, and a psychologist. Thus, there is both an object and a subject of the project.

Thirdly, it is necessary to arouse interest in the object. This can be achieved in various ways: it can be a lesson in a school museum, or a visit to any other museum, getting acquainted with some interesting exhibit (household item, photograph, book, etc.). Brief story about him. In history lessons and during class hours, work is carried out to study the past of the native people, to familiarize students with national culture and traditions, formation national identity. You can start getting acquainted with the history of your native land on September 1 in the school museum; you can conduct a “Citizen Lesson” with the aim of instilling patriotism.

Next, search work is organized to collect material for the museum. The search group consists of representatives of all classes. Based on the materials found, the director, coordinator and scientific consultant of the museum outline the main directions of the museum’s activities. For the purpose of management, scientific planning of the museum’s work, activation of students’ creative abilities, delegation of powers between members of the search group, the Museum Council is created or updated. The Museum Council includes two representatives from each class, the Chairman of the Museum Council and his deputies are elected, the Museum Council plans all the work of the museum: search, research, excursion, propaganda. A meeting of the Council is held once a month. The council is divided into sections: search, exposition, mass work, accounting and storage sections.

It should be noted that at all stages of the creation and renovation of the museum of the native land, the education and formation of the personality of students occurs. Inspired by the common idea of ​​exploring our native land, a children's team is created and united on the basis of the development of student self-government (search group, Museum Council, Museum Active). The museum stimulates positive behavior among students and guides them toward leading a normal lifestyle. There is a constant rethinking of values ​​and determination of one’s place, one’s “I”, the place of one’s family in the chain historical events. The museum brings students closer to their parents and strengthens families. The museum creates conditions for the creative self-realization of each student. Active, interesting search work serves as an obstacle to students' involvement in street gangs.

Materials are being collected, exhibits are being restored, and a strict record of what is found is being kept. Along with search work, research, excursion, and propaganda work are organized. Students are active participants in all these processes. They become spiritually enriched, develop creatively – they go through the stage of personality formation. Scientific coordinators (museum director and scientific consultant) together with teachers and class teachers monitor students’ work, help with advice, and guide them in the right direction.

    Project implementation work plan.

Create or update a museum search group. Study of local history literature. Establishing contact with museums, archives, collecting materials and restoring exhibits. Creation of a council and museum assets. Conducting an interactive seminar online for teachers, class teachers, parents in Kazan and Saratov on the topic “The role of the museum of the native land in the education and formation of personality.”

Opening of the “Young Historian” circle. Introduction of the “Search” operation,

Museum interior design. Creation of exhibitions and sections of the museum.

    “Our land in the distant past”

    “Bul-gars-kiy pe-ri-od is-to-rii of the native land”

    “The emergence of Ta-tars-koy village”

    “In-ter-er of the merchant’s house of the village”

    “In-ter-er do-ma re-mes-len-ni-ka Ta-tars-koy slo-bo-dy”

    “U-chas-tie ta-tar in the peasant-yans-coy war-not under the pre-in-di-telst-vom of E. Pu-ga-che-va.”

    "E. Pugachev in Kazan"

    “O-bu-che-nie de-tei to re-vo-lu-tsi-i”

    “There are no sciences and cultures in the No-Ta-Tars-coy layer”

    "G. Tukay and Novo-Tatarskaya Sloboda”, “K. Nasyri and Novo-Tatarskaya Sloboda”

    “Re-vo-lu-tsi-o-ne-ry No-vo-Ta-tars-koy slo-bo-dy”

    “Youth movement of Novo-Tatar settlement”

    “From the history of the Tatars school”

    "Development of industry in Novo-Tatarskaya Sloboda"

    “Na-shi-let-ki-participate in the Great Father-honest war”

    "From school to gym-na-zi-i"

    “Our pride - you-don’t-let-go”

    "It all starts with the teacher..."

    "Cooperation between science and school"

    "Our graduates are medal winners"

Conducting search, research, excursion, and propaganda work. Organization of a group of guides. Courses for tour guides. Excursions. Conducting a brain-ring “The best expert on the history of his native land”

Introduction of Operation Veteran. Conducting the “Best Find” competition. Issue of the newspaper "Nakhodka".

Conducting the “Inexhaustible Spring” competition.

Meeting of the pedagogical council “Education by memory”. Essay competition “My Roots”, drawing competition “Tree of Life”.

Conducting seminars, conferences, promotions, competitions. Parent meeting“Commonwealth of the gymnasium and family in the education and formation of the Citizen.”

Creation of a film chronicle of the project.

Specific expected results. The outcome of the project must be positive for everyone. Preserving the heritage and using it in the education and formation of the personality of the younger generation will lead to an improvement in the quality of the social environment. Knowledge of history, the past of the people, the native land will increase the vitality and competitiveness of the individual. The project serves to unite, unite people around a high noble goal - to preserve the past and present for future descendants, plays a huge role in the formation of peace and harmony among people of different nationalities, and strengthens friendship between peoples.

The Gymnasium has achieved positive results in the education and formation of the personality of students with the help of the museum of the history of their native land. There will be a preservation of historical memory and heritage, the creation of a museum, the replenishment and updating of museum exhibits, the development of students’ interest in history, research, scientific and educational activities, the development of self-government in the process of the project, the establishment of contacts with archives, museums, scientific centers, attraction to project of scientists, parents of students, the public, strengthening the close relationship between the gymnasium and parents.

    Mechanism for evaluating results.

The results of the project will be monitored by class teachers, teachers, psychologist, supervisors, coordinators, parents, and project manager. Data on the work done, the level of activity of students, changes in personal qualities, attitudes to the surrounding reality, to history, etc. will be recorded and entered into the computer. The results of the project will be discussed at meetings of the pedagogical council and at parent meetings.

    Further development of the project

The project will continue and reach more and more students. The initiator of the project will become the basic coordinating museum, working to involve new regions in the education and formation of personality on the basis of the museum of their native land.


stretching through centuries"

THEM. Sechenov

You can talk endlessly about spiritual and moral education, about patriotism, awakening them in the souls of our fellow citizens, but if the words are not supported by concrete deeds, then all this will look like nothing more than hot air.

In order to make the life of each of us and the whole country better,

we need to start with ourselves: stop being indifferent to what is happening around us; change your attitude towards the world around you...



« In the life of mankind there is a continuity of thought,

stretching through centuries"

THEM. Sechenov

Justification of the need for the project.

You can talk endlessly about spiritual and moral education, about patriotism, awakening them in the souls of our fellow citizens, but if the words are not supported by concrete deeds, then all this will look like nothing more than hot air.

At the moment, no one doubts the fact that familiarization with culture should begin from the very beginning. early childhood. In our opinion, this is current problem today's society: the revival and development of spiritual and moral values, the need to form high moral and ethical principles among the younger generation.

The school history museum is designed for children. Children are the future of our society. If we want to raise worthy citizens, patriots of the Fatherland, we must cultivate a spiritual and moral core in our children.

2016 has been announced in YakutiaA year of additional educationHaving studied the history of the school, in preparation for the opening of the year, we conducted a questionnaire, the monitoring results showed the need to develop additional education. A lot of material was collected on the history of the school’s creation, as well as interesting information about the school’s graduates. All this was the impetus for the idea of ​​creating a museum of the history of the school, and the accumulated materials required placement.

Project name:"School Museum"

Theme of the school museum: « History of an educational institution."

Project Manager: Grishina E.A., Makarova E.A., Fedo T.A., Zabelina E.G.

Project participants:students in grades 8-11

Description of the problem.

Firstly, as a result of political and social transformations that have occurred over the past decades in our country, the guidelines of patriotism have changed, therefore one of the key mechanismseducational work V modern school is the problem of patriotic education. Patriotic education should become one of the main, leading links in working with children and youth. Today, many spiritual traditions have been lost, and if you do not turn to the past of the country, its history, origins, holidays, rituals, customs, then the connection between times may be interrupted. Familiarizing the younger generation with historical and modern information about people who, with their high achievements in sports, science, culture, labor and military exploits, glorified the name of their native country and school, will contribute to the formation and development of young people’s sense of pride in their compatriots and the state as a whole.

Objective of the project:

Creation of a school museum dedicated to our school. Students will learn to form museum collections and exhibitions and present the results of their own research activities.

Project objectives:

In accordance with this stated goal, we have formulated specific tasks , revealing the content of the work to solve the problem:

  1. Preserving the historical memory of the school
  2. Organization of search and research work
  3. Determining the direction of the museum
  4. Competent exhibition design

5. Replenishment and updating of museum exhibitions

6. Developing students’ interest in the history of the school

7. Development of school self-government during the project

8. Establishing contact with archives, museums, involving students, parents of students, and the public in the project

9. Inclusion in the educational plan of the school of events that will be held in the museum.

Expected results:

The implementation of the project will make it possible to create a school museum and begin systematic work to educate school students:

  1. Increasing students' interest in studying the history of their institution, region, city, country, demonstrating a sense of patriotism for their country, through a system of creative participation in the activities of the museum.
  2. Organization of interaction between educational institutions and museums in order to create a unifiededucational andeducational space.
  3. Mastering by students the techniques of museum, design and ICT activities.
  4. Expanding the information space for the activities of the school museum through cooperation with educational institutions, Department of Education and Culture.
  5. Creation of an electronic database about the most valuable exhibits school museum.
  6. Presentation of the final materials of the project on the Internet and in the media.


  1. Increasing student interest in studying the history of their institution, region, city, country, and demonstrating a sense of patriotism for their country.
  2. An increase in the number of teachers using the museum’s capabilities to conduct lessons on the school subject curriculum, cool hours, other educational activities.
  3. Students’ achievement of personal success in museum work.

Project implementation period: 3 years

Project implementation:

To implement the project, it is planned to create a project for the design of a school museum, search and raise funds for the creation of a museum, form an asset for organizing the permanent work of a school museum, deploy systematic work on the training and education of students based on the work of creating exhibitions and collecting materials from the main fund.

The school has begun work to involve the capabilities of the school museum in educational work.

Preparation of project proposals.

Search for business partners.

Carrying out planned events.

Adjusting the progress of the project.

Studying public opinion, we developed a questionnaire and conducted a survey among high school students, teachers, and parents. The majority of respondents supported the initiative to create a school museum. believe that the creation of a museum of the history of the school is necessary and timely.

Proposals for the implementation of the project were discussed at a joint meeting of the Council of High School Students. The following proposals were made:

  • Contact the school director about creating a school museum and allocating space for the museum.
  • Contact your local museum for help.
  • Museum interior design.
  • Creation of exhibitions and sections of the museum.
  • Create a museum council and plan the design of stands and display cases.
  • Continue work on collecting materials, studying and storing museum objects.
  1. Our business partners: school administration, regional museum,, department of education and culture.

We discussed our project with the school director Lyudmila Yakovlevna Sokolovskaya, who supported us and promised her help in implementing the project.

The project was supported by employees of the regional museum. They gave us advice on organizing the museum.

Project implementation work plan

about the history of the school

Start collecting information on topics:

School history,

They ran the school

Labor veterans,

The school is proud of them

History of children's school organizations (about pioneer and Komsomol organizations)


The outcome of the project must be positive for everyone.

The school museum makes a worthy contribution to spiritual and moral education.Everyone can become a custodian of cultural heritage.

A child or teenager who knows the history of the school, the city, the life of his ancestors, architectural monuments, will never commit an act of vandalism either in relation to this object or in relation to others. He will simply know their value.


  1. Current issues in the activities of public museums. \Proceedings of the State Historical Museum. Issue 52; under general ed. A.B. Zaks and L.E. Yanbykh.-M.: 1980.
  2. Boguslavsky S.R. School museum-club: Book for teachers: From work experience. M.: Education, 1989.
  3. Borisov N.S., Dranishnikov V.V., Ivanov P.V., Katsyuba D.V. Methodology of historical and local history work at school / Ed. N. S. Borisova. – M., 1982.
  4. Zenov A.Z. Forms and methods of work of the local history museum //Pedagogical information and reference bulletin of the Orenburg region. – Orenburg, 1995. – No. 25.
  5. Krylova N.B. Culture as a condition for personal self-development // New values ​​of education. – M., 1995.
  6. Novoselova A.S. Zobacheva R.D. Museum pedagogy as a means of personal self-development. – Perm, 2000.
  7. New methods and technologies in school additional additionaleducation. -M., 1998.
  8. Reshetnikov N.I. School museum and local history work // Bulletin of children and youth tourism in Russia, 1993. – No. 5-6.
  9. Stolyarov B.A. Museum pedagogy: history, theory, practice. – M., 2003.
  10. Tumanov V.E. "School Museum". Toolkit. M.: TsDYuTiK, 2003, ed. second, corrected.
  11. Internet support for the website of the All-Russian Association of School Museums on the Internet “Stoik”

Project “School Museum” Composition of the creative group for the project: 1. Mayorova O.A. – history teacher 2. Blokhina Svetlana – 6th grade student. 3. Elena Knyazeva - 6th grade student. 4. Igor Konkov - 6th grade student. 5. Elena Pashkina - 6th grade student. 6. Svetlana Puchkova - 6th grade student. 7. Ivan Ruchkin - 6th grade student. Creative Group

Project “School Museum” Organize a meeting. Introduction to the concept of “project”, “project activity”. Determining the topic of the project Drawing up a group work plan. Identifying the problem, setting goals and objectives of the project. Collecting information on the topic Primary processing of the information received Visiting the Voznesensky Museum of History and Local Lore Interim results of the project. Determining the structure of the school museum organization Collecting materials of historical value for the school local history museum. Description of the history of the collected materials Design of a presentation on the project. Summing up the results of the work Drawing up cost estimates for the creation of a school local history museum. Museum layout Main activities

Project “School Museum” The main goal of the school museum: To form in students a feeling of love for their native land and its past; The objectives of the museum are: to study the history and culture of the native land; introduce Russian national traditions and customs, and the interesting destinies of fellow villagers. The museum's areas of work include: Local history and search: search, processing, preservation of materials and information on the history and culture of the native land; Research: preparation and conduct of search expeditions in the environs of the native land; Excursion and educational: the use of collected data and exhibits in the educational work of the school; Information and publishing: development of lectures, scripts, methods; Methodological: creation of lecture groups according to sections, exhibitions and themes of the museum; Editorial work

Project “School Museum” Questionnaire Dear survey participant! Our creative team is working on the theme “School Museum”. We are very interested in your opinion on the following questions: Full name.__________________________________________ 1. Does the school need a museum? 2. What direction should a school museum take: a). local history; b). Museum of Education; V). historical Museum; G). other ______________. 3. Would you like information about you to be kept in the school museum? 4. Are you ready to help find museum exhibits for the school museum? Please indicate what your specific assistance will be: a). photographs, photo albums; b). documentation; V). materials on the history of education; G). household items; d). other_________________. Thank you for your cooperation! Sociological survey