Interesting facts about Japan related to anime. Interesting facts about anime and manga that you didn't know. Useful and interesting information about anime

There is probably no person who has not heard the word “anime”, and some people are devoted fans Japanese art, since anime is gaining more and more fans every year and is becoming more in demand and popular.

For those who are still not in the know: anime is Japanese animation that arouses interest not only among children, but also among adults, and is even divided into several genres.

Useful and interesting information about anime

  1. Anime as a species separate art, originated back in 1814, when a Japanese painter drew a couple of funny pictures (translated as “manga”), which literally gave rise to a wave of plagiarism. Ordinary Japanese really liked these drawings, and they began to actively copy them, passing off the “replicated” images of others as their own. This is how comic book films gradually appeared.
  2. “Anime” is a “cut” English word for animation, and this term entered the lexicon not so long ago, since previously a purely Japanese phrase was used - manga-eiga. It is noteworthy that representatives of the older generation still call anime this way.
  3. In 1917, another revolution happened (in addition to the two most famous ones): anime cartoons appeared.
  4. The number of frames is small, but the characters and background are worked out perfectly.
  5. It's clean Japanese genre animations, and these animated cartoons are intended for an adult audience, but some animated series are a pleasant exception.
  6. Half-face eyes, beautiful figures, interesting hairstyles and inexpressive facial features - these are all distinctive features of characters who are difficult to confuse with someone else. Although, in Disney cartoons all the characters also have big eyes.
  7. In comics, anime is read from right to left, like Arabic script and hieroglyphs. There is nothing surprising here if we remember where this genre of animation came from to the world.
  8. American, Korean and European directors also do not shy away from anime, but the most titled is the Japanese director Hayao Miyadaki, who was awarded both the Golden Lion and the Oscar.
  9. "Seiyuu" is a term used to describe voice actors. Often these specialists are pop singers, and this profession is quite popular and in demand.
  10. All anime are divided not only into genres, but also classified both by age and gender. Standard genres include: action, fantasy, drama, comedy, detective, martial arts, historical events. In addition to them, there are also “highly specialized” ones: business, erotica, etc.
  11. Anime cannot be confused with any other cartoon, for which it is enough to watch it just once.

Good morning, afternoon or any other time, dear totoriki!

In the vastness of the great and mighty RuNet, any avid anime fan can find gigabytes of anime. But what do we know about this amazingly colorful and eventful (including fillers) world?
Let's start with a portion of six of the most delicious facts about anime. Bend the fingers of your right hand if you knew about the fact, with your left - if you didn’t know. If you don’t have enough fingers of your own right or left hand, involve your friends, younger brothers/sisters and other helpers, because finding out your anime skill is a big challenge. the main task this evening (or whatever it is you have now?). Well, let's start!

1. The word " Anime" is Japanese animation. The word itself is a Japaneseized abbreviation of the English word “Animation” (reproduction of a cartoon, inspiration, liveliness). English word old, but the term “anime”, derived from it, appeared quite recently. Before this, the phrase "manga-eiga" ("movie-comic") was used, which is still used by old-school anime fans to this day.

2. The word " Manga" invented famous artist Katsushika Hokusai already in 1814 for a series of his prints. This artist was one of the most famous Japanese engravers in the West, a true master of Japanese woodcuts (what a word, but these are just drawings on wood). The word "mango" means "strange (or funny) pictures" and is used only to name Japanese comics.

3. And who? Tell me, who doesn't know a great anime director? Hayao Miyadaki? Find this person and send his photo! We'll figure out where... ahem ahem... Miyazaki is the only anime director to win an Oscar. At the 62nd Venice Film Festival, he even received the Golden Lion for his contribution to world cinema.

4. Another great animator of all time left his mark on the world of anime. You won't believe it - this is Walt Disney! The author of Mickey Mouse, Bambi and the most beautiful princesses has played almost the most important role in anime culture. The Japanese figured out how to draw the hair and bodies of their heroes themselves, and the style of the eyes was copied from the characters of Walt Disney. By the way, none of the residents of the island of Japan hides this fact. At the same time, I propose to shake the old days and guess the Disney princesses by their eyes.

5. " Pokemon"was originally a game for the GameBoy (something like prehistoric Tetris. Well, you know Tetris?). Even more interesting is the fact that “Pokemon” became the second most popular game in the world. computer game after Mario. Only later, manga and anime were made from the virtual adventure. Hmm... Which game would you make an anime out of?

6. Ask your moms and dads about a simple Soviet cartoon " The Adventures of Little Penguin Lolo", full of kindness and cuteness. Little did they know that the Soviet adventures of the little penguins were filmed jointly with Japanese animation studios (at the very beginning you can even see which ones). Of course, the cartoon is Russian, and everyone speaks Russian, and there are no Japanese words at all, but this wonderful cartoon can be considered one of the first Russian anime.

How many fingers were bent right hand"I knew"?

1. 60 percent of all animation that exists on our planet is Japanese anime.

2. The first anime to become famous outside of Japan was the 1963 Astro Boy series.

3. The first anime that was shown in the USSR was “Flying Ghost Ship”.

4. The Japanese invented hair and body drawing in anime, and the eye style was copied from Walt Disney, which the Japanese, by the way, do not deny.

5. According to the unspoken law of anime, the more important the hero, the more detailed his eyes are drawn.

6. In Japan, comic book printing costs more paper than for the production of toilet rolls.

7. Unlike American and European comics, which are read mainly by teenagers and nerds, manga is created for people of all ages.

8. In Japan, the term "otaku" is used negatively to describe people who are obsessed with something. Not only anime, as is customary in Russia.

9. There is a rule to which there have been no exceptions: if an anime is released based on a manga, sales of the former increase by at least 10 percent. On average - by 30-40, and in the case of "Attack on Titan" even by 70. That is, you can release a crappy manga, make a crappy series based on it and - profit! - swim in gold.

10. Hair color in anime is not chosen randomly. Everything here is cunning and thoughtful: hair color indicates certain personality traits of the hero. There is even a certain conspiracy theory.

Red - love adventure, passionate;
Green - tolerant, quiet, soft, sometimes envious, but not aggressive;
White is the most iconic, embodies the connection with the cosmos, maturity, the character exists as if outside the world of people;
Purple - often means a threat; basically they are secretive, withdrawn, often suffer from narcissism, and are stingy in showing emotions;
Blue - intellectually developed, reason dominates feelings, polite, calm, shy;
Pink - they always stand out from the crowd in some way, are ardent in battle, have not heard about the rules and conventions;
Red - cunning, temperamental, possessed;
Brown - soft, touching, not capable of offending, often with a tragic past;
Blue - iron-disciplined, persistent, calm, restraining feelings.

11. Ghost in the Shell had a huge impact on cinema. He inspired the Wachowskis to create The Matrix, gave a great push to the development of sci-fi, and Cameron and Spielberg do not hide the fact that they are not childish fans of the film and would rather watch it again than waste time on some expected blockbuster.

12. "Pokemon" was originally a GameBoy game (if you don't know what that is, don't forget to pack your schoolbag and do your homework for tomorrow). Only then did manga and anime catch up.

13. Evangelion was created to test what was acceptable in anime and what was not. And everything would be ok - but the ending...

14. The longest anime series is Sazae-san, which has been running since 1969 to this day. It has more than 7 thousand episodes. The vaunted "Santa Barbara", for comparison, is almost 3.5 times shorter.

15. The Soviet “The Adventures of Little Penguin Lolo” was filmed jointly with Japanese animation studios. That is, technically this cartoon can be considered Russian anime.

16. Death Note was banned in China because local fans of the anime started buying notebooks in droves and writing down the names of everyone they hated in hopes that they would die.

18. Publisher " Big jackpot“I was afraid that the series would not survive even 5 years. Meanwhile, outside the window is 2016 - the 19th year of the manga’s existence.

19. The highest-grossing anime ever is “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki. The film grossed $275 million worldwide.

Japan is a country of great contrasts.
Nowhere else in the world can you find the fusion of many cultures into one; the Japanese honor their roots and traditions, but at the same time keep pace with progress.

Japan is famous for its newest inventions and ancient rituals that have been preserved since ancient times.

Of course, you know that Japan is the holy of all saints, that is, it is the mother of such art as ANIME!
And from a site that was created specifically for fans of the Fairy Tail anime, we want to tell you a little about their culture, and generally tell you interesting facts about Japan! - will tell you about the most interesting things!

If you watch anime, then you have repeatedly wanted to say something in Japanese, well, of course it will be difficult, but if you practice... you will definitely succeed! So, the Japanese greatly respect those who are able to say a few phrases (or words) in their native language, because they are sure that learning Japanese is incredibly difficult!

1. Here are some more interesting things about Japan. Gaijin is a foreigner (that is, a stranger), and if you add Baka to it, you get Baka - Gaijin, that’s what Americans are called in Japan!

2. The Japanese really love to chat at the table, they can say a dozen times that they like this or that dish, Oishi (delicious), this lifts the mood of both the guests and the one who prepared the treats.

3. Japan is very strict with overweight, so you don't see it often full man, especially a girl.

4. The Japanese never leave a tip, this is considered bad form, that is, sometimes it can be seen as a ride to show that you are able to pay more money, and so you remain on an equal footing with the waiter.

5. According to statistics, 90% of all lost things can be found in the Lost and Found, this suggests that the majority of Japanese are not prone to theft.

6. If you have committed a crime (depending on the degree of the violation), you may be sent to a pre-trial detention center, without the right to a lawyer!

7. If you compare all the megacities in the world, then Tokyo is the safest! Six-year-old children can use public transport themselves, without any fear!

8. The Japanese are very sensitive to alcoholic drinks. They may already turn red after one serving of alcohol (the most popular is the traditional alcohol - Sake). In some anime episodes you can see how someone is already drunk after one drink.

9. Japanese youth, and even the adult population, are very shy in terms of expressing their feelings towards another person. For some, saying the phrase “I love you!” - comparable to a feat.

10. 30% of weddings held in Japan are the result of matchmaking and viewings organized by parents!

11. The Japanese consider it normal that siblings may not communicate with each other at all, even without knowing their mobile phone number. Interesting facts about Japan

12. The Japanese are very hardworking, they can work 16 hours a day, without a lunch break!

13. Punctuality is not encouraged here; you need to arrive at least half an hour earlier than the appointed time, whether it’s work or just a date!

14. In big cities, all sidewalks are heated, this has a very positive effect on public life, because more than 10 thousand people can walk along one street per day in Japan.

15. People who work in government agencies always show respect for other people. Well, for example, a conductor on a train, upon entering the carriage, will first take off his headdress, bow to show respect, and only then check the tickets!

16. During rush hour, Japanese trains have a special carriage for women. This is done so that they are not groped in the common carriage. This is a popular pastime among the Japanese.

17. Every Japanese sings and sings well, this is all a method of education and development of creative thinking. First, in childhood they are taught the basics of these arts and then they are taught to write and speak.

18. Academic year The Japanese start on the first of April! And they also don’t have names of months, they are simply designated by numbers!

19. Even when during earthquakes there is no looting in Japan, but rather mutual aid!

20. The Japanese have several swear words, but the most offensive, or sometimes just embarrassing word, is Fool! This can sound different in different intonations, for example, if they are just teasing you, they will say Bakaaaa (they lengthen the word), but if they just say Baka, then this is already ugly. So it all depends on the intonation. interesting facts about japan

Well, here are our 20 interesting facts about life in Japan! If you know something else interesting, or want to correct the information written, then write about it below, in the comments! What interesting facts about Japan do you know?!

Below are 15 incredible facts that you definitely didn't know about anime. They are not only about famous episodes of series such as Naruto or Death Note, but also about the Japanese anime industry in general.

Are you ready to think? Well then, because these 15 facts about anime will probably surprise you a lot. Which of these facts was the most unpredictable for you? Vote for the fact that turned out to be the most unexpected.

In Code Geass, all the characters love pizza because Code Geass was sponsored by Pizza Hut.

If you're still surprised that British Empire characters are constantly munching on pizza, it's because all the anime series in Japan were sponsored by Pizza Hut. However, when the version with English subtitles was released, the company logo was removed and yet Cheese-kun, the Japanese mascot for Pizza Hut, remained in the series.

The titans in Attack on Titan were based on a drunkard.

How did Hajime Isayama find the image of such a terrible creature as the Titan in his manga "Attack on Titan"? In one of television shows Isayama revealed a secret: one of the most terrifying monsters in the history of anime is based on the image of a drunk customer in an Internet cafe. Isayama was unable to communicate with him and this fact inspired him to create the famous manga about the most common and at the same time the most terrible animal in the world - man.

Spirited Away is the only anime to win an Academy Award.

Film Academy Award in the category "Best animated film" usually doesn't leave Disney or Pixar, but in 2003, the anime Spirited Away was awarded the Oscar for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards. However, to the confusion of the public, Haao Miyazaki, director The film did not attend the ceremony due to the fact that he was opposed to the war in Iraq.

Death Note inspired Chinese schoolchildren to write down the names of their teachers

When it comes to banning material that is inappropriate and, in the opinion of the authorities, provocative, China does not stand aside and does not hesitate to ban many anime from viewing. The authorities of this country have imposed a ban on such popular anime series as “School of the Dead”, “Attack on Titan”, “Psycho-Pass”. As for Death Note, it was banned not because of the excessive amount of scenes of violence, but because schoolchildren kept special notebooks, like the Death Note, where they began to write down the names of those teachers whom they hated most.

The authors of "Sailor Moon" and "Spirit Riot Report" are married

Celebrity marriages rarely last. In this they are unlike manga creators. Naoko Takeuchi, author of Sailor Moon, and Yoshihiro Togashi, author of Spirit Runaway Report and Hunter Hunter, were married on January 6, 1999. The wedding ceremony was attended not only by fellow manga creators, but also by actors who voiced roles from the anime series “Sailor Moon” and “Report on Spirit Violence.”

Bleach might not have happened

In 2016, the anime series "Bleach" came to an end, but initially "Bleach" as a manga was not accepted even into the famous Shonen Jump anthology, published weekly in Japan. Series creator Tite Kubo sent Bleach to the publisher, but the series was rejected because the release schedule of other publications was full and there was simply no room for a new manga. However, Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama wrote a letter to Kubo to continue working on Bleach. So Toriyama was involved in the future success of Bleach.

Studio Ghibli is named after a World War II aircraft

There's much more to Hayao Miyazaki's love of airplanes than the creation of the 2013 anime series The Wind Rises. The name of the legendary Japanese animation studio Ghibli comes from a model of an Italian aircraft from World War II, which was called the Ca.309 Ghibli. Studio Ghibli even immortalized this fact by mentioning the name of the plane's creator, Giovanni Battista Caproni, in The Wind Rises itself.

Anime character with 22 voices

As noted in The Simpsons, the magic of animation is that if creators change a character's voice simply by at will, no one will notice the slightest difference. For the anime "Isn't This a Zombie?" The difference, however, is quite noticeable especially for the necromancer character, Eucliwood Halsite, who was voiced by as many as 22 actors over the course of just two seasons.

The heroine herself is mute in most cases, but her lines are “selfishly imagined by weak-willed heroes,” which as a result also affected Yu’s voice.

50 new colors were created for Akira

Akira wasn't just a turning point for the West in 1989. The acclaimed anime also became a milestone in the technological path of the Japanese anime industry. This anime consists of 2212 frames and 160,000 individual pictures - this is 2-3 times larger than a regular anime. Akira not only broke the record for the use of different colors, with a total of 327, but also 50 new, unique colors were created specifically for this anime.

But what was the reason for such records? Most of Akira's scenes take place at night. This is a time that anime creators usually try to avoid due to the increasing demands on colors.

Your Name is the highest-grossing anime film worldwide

The critical and commercial success of Makoto Shinkai's Your Name cannot be overstated. This anime brought the creators not only a lot of dollars, but also generally exceeded the income of even Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away. Before the release of Your Name, Spirited Away held the box office record at $289 million, but Your name"raised even more than $355 million.

Naruto characters were inspired by the Japanese film industry

In the Naruto anime series, Naruto summons the giant ninja toad Gamabunta to help him. The name Gamabunta comes from the name of the famous Japanese actor Bunta Sugawara, who played the role of a member of the Yakuza in the films "Battles Without Honor and Pity". The director of these films about the yakuza group, Kinji Fukasaku, was also not forgotten by the creators of Naruto. The eldest ninja toad, Fukasaku, is named after him.

Sazae-san is the longest running anime series that is still running to this day.

When Europeans think of the longest-running anime series, names like "The Simpsons" or "SpongeBob" come to mind. square Pants"And in Japan, none of them similar shows can't compete with Sazae-san with its 2,500+ episodes that will make you really wonder if you're watching the right series.

This series began airing back in 1969 and is still ongoing. The Guinness Book of World Records has named Sazae-san the longest-running animated television series in the world.

The first anime about a magical girl came out in the 60s

Sailor Moon may be considered synonymous with the magical girl anime genre, but it was hardly the first example of the genre. The first show about a magical girl was Sally the Witch, which aired in 1966-1967 in Japan. Some elements of this anime can also be considered to belong to the shojo anime genre.

Japanese astronaut recorded his cameo while in space

In space, no one can hear you scream....unless it's an anime. For Episode 31 of the Space Brothers anime series, real Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide recorded his audio while aboard the International Space Station. Hoshide thus became the first voice actor whose voice was recorded in outer space. Here's what he thought about it: "It was quite difficult, but I did everything possible. I'm very interested in what will come of it and what kind of episode it will turn out to be."

Secret origin of the name "Gundam"

Have you ever wondered where the name Gundam came from? According to Bandai South Asia, the original name for the military robots was Gundom, a portmanteau of the words "gun" and "freedom". However, the creator of the series, Yoshiyuki Tomino, changed the name to Gundam, which changed the meaning itself, because now it used the word “dam”, meaning “dam”, “dam”, which gave a second meaning to robots, as mechanized creatures capable of holding back the enemy.