Information about social partnership. Social partnership in education: examples

a concept most often used to denote labor relations characterized by common positions and coordinated actions of employees, employers and the state.

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Social partnership

civilized form of social relations existing between government bodies and various groups(organizations) of people to solve social problems by concluding agreements on a voluntary basis in order to reconcile opposing interests.

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Social partnership

a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities, local governments, aimed at ensuring coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them.

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a system of measures that ensure cooperation of employees, usually represented by trade unions, with employers, united, as a rule, in associations of entrepreneurs, mainly in the form of collective bargaining at the level of individual enterprises (organizations) and sectors of the economy, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements. A specific form of social partnership is tripartism (composed of three parts), in which permanent partners representing workers and employers are joined by representatives of state authorities and local governments in order to regulate social and labor relations.

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Social partnership

a system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), state authorities, local governments, aimed at ensuring coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them. State authorities and local governments are parties to social partnership in cases where they act as employers or their representatives authorized by law or employers, as well as in other cases provided for by federal laws.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the basic principles of S.p. as follows: equality of the parties; respect and consideration of the interests of the parties; interest of the parties in participating in contractual relations; state assistance in strengthening and developing social partnership on a democratic basis; compliance by the parties and their representatives with laws and other regulations; authority of representatives of the parties; freedom of choice when discussing issues related to the world of work; voluntariness of the parties' assumption of obligations; the reality of the obligations assumed by the parties; mandatory implementation of collective agreements and agreements; control over the implementation of adopted collective agreements and agreements; responsibility of the parties and their representatives for failure to comply with collective agreements through their fault. Parties S.p. are employees and employers represented by those authorized in in the prescribed manner representatives. S.p. is one of the main mechanisms for implementing the principles, goals and objectives of the social state.

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this is a special system of relations that arise between employees and employers with the intermediary role of the state in coordinating economic interests in social labor sphere and resolution of social and labor conflicts. The system of social partnership is called “tripartism”, since three parties participate in the regulation of social and labor relations: organizations representing the interests of employees; employers' associations; and the state. As a mechanism for regulating social and labor relations, the social partnership system developed after the Second World War, finally becoming established only in the 60s and 70s. twentieth century, and even then not in all countries. The establishment of a new system for regulating social and labor relations in industry developed countries ah also contributed greatly to the development of civil society institutions in the post-war period, the formation and development of democratic procedures, etc. The regulation of social and labor relations is the result of long-term economic and socio-political development: it became possible thanks to a number of objective and subjective conditions. Among them: increased concentration and centralization of capital and, as a consequence, a change in the forms of labor organization and the nature of the relationship between employees and employers in the production process; growing cohesion of the labor and trade union movement; active social policy of the state; development of democratic procedures for managing society. Social partnership is the most attractive form of regulation of social and labor relations, a method that ensures the peaceful evolution of capitalist society to a state where class conflict turns into a conflict between organizations - trade unions and employers' associations. The conclusion of collective agreements and agreements is an important element of social partnership. But social partnership is not limited to this. Social partnership is a more complex concept, it is a certain ideology that reveals the type and nature of the relationship between two classes in society - the class of owners and the class of workers who do not have this property; a special idea of ​​the nature of interaction between classes in a market capitalist economy, which was formed within the framework of social democratic society; a method of civilized resolution of social and labor conflicts, which is designed to guarantee the peaceful evolution of capitalist society. Social partnership is the ideology of cooperation between the working class and the owner class, when the working class does not encroach on the foundations of the existing system, but tries to significantly improve its position through reforms and negotiations; the social partnership system can function effectively only under certain conditions: when the economy is booming; when the state is open, does not support any social group or class, but pursues an active social policy in the interests of the majority of the population; coordination of the interests of employees and employers in the field of social and labor relations is carried out through negotiations and ends with the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements. Any collective agreement fixes the agreement of the parties on the following issues: the amount of wages and other monetary payments; system of monetary compensation for night work or holidays; employment and retraining; working hours and working week; duration of paid leave; working conditions and labor protection; main responsibilities of the parties (administration and employees); control over the implementation of the collective agreement. Social partnership can become a reality when the economy is on the rise or at least there are prerequisites for its growth in the near future.

Social partnership is the civilized interaction between organizations that protect the interests of workers (trade unions), employers and government agencies. Through cooperation, the regulation of labor relations is achieved, based on contracts and legislation. Due to the functioning of social partnership, the level of guarantees for employees increases.

The shortest definition of social partnership is this. This is a system of interaction in the labor market between the main agents. We will consider the concept and principles of social partnership in this article. The study of this market category of society should begin with interpretation.

Read more about different interpretations of the concept

There are two interpretations of social partnership. The global version, based on historical patterns, states that the class struggle has been transformed into a system of partnerships between workers and employers. In developed countries, civilized social and labor interactions contributed to the development of the economy and the erasure of class contradictions. Conflicts in the modern world arise not between classes, but between organizations. Disputes are resolved in a civilized way. Thus, social partnership according to this interpretation is one of the methods for achieving consistency of interests.

According to another aspect of understanding, social partnership ensures the solution of socio-economic problems and the settlement of controversial issues between employees and employers. These two points of view do not contradict each other, therefore, for the breadth of understanding of the system, it is possible to take into account the global and specific interpretation. Social partnership cannot completely eliminate fluctuations in the labor sphere due to class differences. It only softens the confrontation.

The importance of social partnership

The formation of social partnership was difficult and is still happening. In the Russian Federation, legislation in this niche developed from scratch. At first, the security of the working population fell as a result of rapid reforms, but this led to an impetus for the development of the social system. There was a weakening of government control.

Currently, it is clear to any specialist that the system and principles of social partnership are an effective way to optimize the balance of interests of employers and employees. This concept is described in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 23). Its types are also indicated there.

Principles of social partnership

Social partnership regulates the interests of the state, business and employees in the sphere of labor. Its direct function is to stabilize relationships in society, which helps maintain balance and peace. The system influences the development of civil society and democracy in the economy, ensures socio-economic security and justice in resolving contradictions in the labor niche.

The main principles of social partnership are the following:

  1. Either party can initiate negotiations (equality).
  2. The interests of all participants are taken into account.
  3. Legislation provides the opportunity to negotiate independently on many issues.
  4. The state strengthens the democratic component of social partnership through the creation of special assistance bodies.
  5. Signing an agreement requires the parties to comply with clauses drawn up taking into account the norms of labor law and prescribed in legislation, as well as other legal acts.
  6. The appointment of representatives of the parties occurs through a meeting of employees and drawing up a protocol (trade union delegation) or an order (participants from the employer). As a result, those elected acquire the authority to defend interests.
  7. The choice of issues discussed depends on the participants. The principle of social partnership is freedom of choice.
  8. The parties accept obligations voluntarily, without pressure; they must be real, that is, within their capabilities.
  9. Collective agreements require inevitable implementation. This is monitored by supervisory authorities.
  10. If obligations are not fulfilled, administrative liability arises, which is established at the conclusion of the contract.


The processes taking place in the social and labor sphere ensure the stability of the economy and politics of society and contribute to the development of democratic institutions. The principles of social partnership in the world of work are focused on eliminating the radical approach to solving problems. World practice and the activities of the ILO (International Labor Organization) are aimed at this. The goal is to conduct a constructive dialogue that takes into account the interests of all participants.

Coordination of various social group interests, resolution of contradictions, conflicts and their prevention through social partnership methods contribute to peace, economic development and public order.

History of origin

The development of social partnership began with the emergence of the ILO. In Russia this system consolidated after the appearance of Decree No. 212 of November 15, 1991. It is the basis for resolving labor disputes, discussing and drawing up agreements.

Forms of social partnership

  1. Collective negotiations in the preparation of general agreements.
  2. Drawing up collective agreements.
  3. Mutual consultations, for example in case of disagreement between the trade union and the employer.
  4. Management of the organization by employees and trade union.
  5. Pre-trial proceedings between representatives of employees and employers.

Examples of social partnership action

The dialogue between employers and employees or their representatives is of a two-way type. The interests of workers include stability of the temporary regime and payments, decent wages or an optimal ratio of the complexity of duties and material rewards, social benefits. The employer strives to obtain maximum profits and dividends, optimize production in order to reduce costs. Instability of relations is caused by ignoring the interests of the opposite party. As a result, problems begin: a decrease in profits and investments, strong fluctuations in working conditions.

Depending on the options for the development of negative phenomena, various forms of social partnership are used, described in detail in the Labor Code (Article 27). The system operates at the organizational level in a two-way manner. If coordination of a problem at the state level is required, then this type is called tripartite. It is allowed to coordinate problems with local (territorial, regional), sectoral and/or national authorities.

In Russia, a commission has been organized, which includes representatives of trade unions, employers and the government. The structure performs the functions of regulating social and labor relations. In the constituent entities of the state there are also opportunities to organize commissions at various levels, operating on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation and special instructions approved by local governments.

Role of the State

The state plays a special role in regulating social partnership:

  1. Controls legislation.
  2. Adopts new legal acts.
  3. Determines the features of organizing associations of workers and employers.
  4. Establishes forms and methods of interaction between partners, the legal framework of their activities and legislative regulations.
  5. Acts as a mediator in resolving conflict situations.
  6. He is a social partner in the preparation of collective agreements of a special level.
  7. Creates conditions for the creation of associations between employees and/or employers.

The main task of the state

Basically, the task of government agencies is not to assume obligations, but to coordinate and stimulate the negotiation process and maintain the uniformity of established rules. Achieving compromises between the parties contributes to the success of economic and social development.

In what case do government agencies assume certain obligations other than legal regulation? If they act as employers (in relation to state or government enterprises). The owner of the property may be local or state authorities. The Directorate of Enterprises performs the functions of economic management.

Social partnership: principles, levels

The Labor Code (Article 26) distinguishes 5 levels of social partnership:

  1. Federal (basics of settlement of relations).
  2. Regional (the order of regulation in the subjects).
  3. Industry (management in a specific industry).
  4. Territorial (for a specific locality or its zone).
  5. Local (within a specific organization).

The current principles of social partnership must function in accordance with legislation at any level.


Thus, if we describe the forms and principles of social partnership, we can derive the following key features of the correct operation of the structure:

  1. This is a strong ideology of partnership in the classes of workers and owners, where employees do not seek to destroy the existing system, but stimulate the creation of new reforms and agreements to improve their situation.
  2. The principles of social partnership and their system function exclusively in a developed economy, when the state not only supports a certain class, but carries out a policy that takes into account the interests of many representatives of the population. The main principle of social partnership is the principle of equality of parties.
  3. What is needed is the interest of communities from the working class (parties, trade unions) and their sufficient strength and authority so that employers and government agencies take into account the opinions of organizations. Therefore, some experts consider respect and consideration of the interests of the parties to be the main principle of social partnership.
  4. Economic problems, loss of capital and instability in society are the main reasons forcing the state and owners to listen to workers' organizations.

Education as a social institution does not play last role in the process of human socialization. It is responsible for the timely and adequate preparation of the individual for full functioning in society. Understanding the essence and specifics of the education system is not easy. The state regulates a unified educational space, but in addition to this, there are many practices that complement the process. One of these phenomena is social partnership in education. Let’s try to understand what it is, what its methods are and what its system is with the help of examples.

Partnership as an element of social interaction

“You - to me, I - to you” - this is how one can characterize the meaning of the word “partnership”. Initially, this concept was used only in social and economic sciences. They characterized the process of coordination of actions by the participants. In a broader sense, “social partnership” should be considered as a system of solvation (interactions), as a result of which subjects satisfy their needs.

Over the past few years, social partnership has begun to be interpreted as a multi-layered process, where the functioning of elements is clearly regulated and aimed at achieving positive changes. That is, it can be understood as a unique type of relationship between subjects that are united by common interests and jointly solve problems that arise. The main task of the partnership is to overcome possible differences in the actions of the participants, coordinate work and level out conflicts.

Educational process

Based on the foregoing, social partnership in the field of education can be defined as the common actions of subjects related to the educational process. It is typical for such actions to have the same goals and bear mutual responsibility for the results obtained.

The system of social partnership in education is considered at three levels:

  1. Relationships between social groups of professionals within the system.
  2. Partnership of education system workers with representatives of other organizations and social institutions.
  3. The relationship between the educational institution itself and the public.

The development of social partnership in education dates back to the 80-90s of the last century. At this time, educational institutions become autonomous, and the demand for highly qualified personnel increases in the labor market. The Institute of Education begins to play a key role in the development of the state. An important element in social partnership in the educational sphere is the relationship between educational institutions, trade unions, employers and government agencies. Their main goal is to: identify the needs of the labor market to increase human resources potential; to form an educated personality with an active life position; increase the economic and spiritual potential of society as a whole.

Translated into human language, this means that dynamic changes are taking place in the country. Partnership schemes similar to the USA are beginning to be introduced, and against the backdrop of this evolutionary chaos, the need for “other people” arises. That is, society needs personnel who are already trained in new standards. And here the institute of education comes to the fore, because who, if not him, is responsible for teaching the younger generation new methods. This, in fact, is the main essence of the concept of “social partnership in the field of education”.

But over time, leading figures in the country begin to understand that in general it is not very logical to consider the interaction of educational institutions, economics and politics. Many important points that are at lower levels of the institutional gradation are overlooked. Therefore, social partnership in education begins to “grow with new shoots,” each of which is responsible for its own area.


Now partnership can be considered in the development environment of various educational institutions. The first place to start is the municipality. It refers to the general educational process, which is carried out in a certain territory and solves problems unique to it. To make it a little clearer, we can give a small example. Let's say there is a small educational process in institutions carried out in accordance with current legislation, but in addition to this, special elements are included that are unique to this area. Thematic fairs and memorial days can be held as part of education famous personalities who previously lived in this territory or craft circles are created that are popular in a particular region.

Municipalities are divided into 5 types:

  • Rural settlements. This includes villages (towns, hamlets, etc.) that are located in a certain territory.
  • Urban settlements. Can be classified as cities or urban-type settlements.
  • Municipal areas. These include several cities or villages where local government resolves general issues.
  • Urban districts. That is, cities that are not included in the municipal districts directive.
  • Autonomous urban areas. Parts of the city with their own organizational structure. For example, the Indian quarter in Singapore: on the one hand, part of the city, on the other, a separate element of it.

Social partnership in a municipality is carried out between the bodies that manage educational processes locally and the authorities of the country. The main specificity of such interactions is financing. For example, the state has long established that the municipal education system is responsible for providing benefits. Educational subsidies are also provided, which the local government system divides among all educational institutions depending on their needs and status. The state can also provide information about the need in the labor market for specialists who are trained at an institution located in the territory of the municipal district. The authorities take this into account and can increase funding for the institution, the number of budget places, etc.

Teacher Education

For those who do not know what teacher education is: it is the process of preparing highly qualified specialists to work in educational institutions. That is, the training of educators, teachers and professors.

Social partnership in teacher education directly depends on public expectations. Recently, the requirements for the quality of school education have increased significantly, because of this there has been a need to change the methods and technologies of teacher training. The development of teacher education depends on the following factors:

  • Policy innovations in education.
  • Availability of a concept that allows the involvement of state and municipal authorities to support research.
  • Creation of a public control service that, focusing on state requests, could direct the teacher education system in the right direction.

If the “municipal partnership” was focused mainly on the financial side of the issue, then teacher education is based on public demands to improve the quality of education in accordance with modern standards.

For example, several years ago there was a need for the emergence of out-of-school educational institutions. Initially, this was wanted by the parents, who decided that the child should develop more fully. Demand for such institutions is gradually beginning to arise, and the state is already getting involved, requesting teachers who would be specially trained to provide this type of service.

In general, the essence is clear: since every person attends educational institutions, the task of teachers is to form a personality that is in demand in society. And if any changes occur, then the training of teachers also changes, because only they can painlessly introduce innovative programs into society.

Professional education

Now society demands that specialized educational institutions graduate specialists who are ready to immediately begin work. Also, the economic institute requests a certain number of specialists in a particular field. Social partnership in vocational education consists of providing the labor market with in-demand personnel in the required quantity.

Everything here is extremely simple: the market is a cyclical system in which something is constantly changing. One year there are not enough economists, another year it is impossible to find a lawyer. And, having heard that there is a shortage of representatives of certain professions in the labor market, applicants en masse begin to apply for this particular specialty. As a result, supply begins to exceed demand and the unemployment rate rises. To prevent this from happening, there is social partnership in education, which allows for the most efficient use of human resources.

Preschool education

Modern things cannot fully develop without interaction with society, so partnership is especially relevant here. Social partnership in preschool education consists of creating connections between a preschool institution and cultural, educational and other development centers. This practice causes a higher level of perception in the child, he develops faster and learns to build his partnerships, according to the “you - to me, I - to you” type.

Working in a social partnership helps expand the child’s cultural and educational environment, and accordingly, it will be easier for him to adapt in the future. In this segment of interaction, the focus comes to the fore. He is shown what is interesting and educational, and taught what is necessary. They also work with families who are also participants in the social partnership.

Additional education

Social partnership in education plays a significant role even in an environment that provides additional knowledge. These could be language schools, courses, seminars or master classes. That is, the view educational activities, which implies the comprehensive development of a person, is additional education. Social partnership in this environment is about providing all kinds of knowledge and opportunities. To describe it in theses, the partnership does the following:

  • Retains the basic ideas of organizing work in the field of additional education.
  • Maintains relationships with government agencies, the business environment, society and parents.
  • Takes an active part in its development. Responsible for the socially oriented segment of additional education, which includes talent search programs, supporting children from disadvantaged families, or providing additional education services to children with disabilities.
  • Distribution of budget funds in accordance with the requests of organizations.

Additional education can be divided into three main groups: cultural, humanitarian and technical. Each of these groups provides general knowledge bases as well as current innovative ideas. Since knowledge is now the most valuable currency, in the environment of additional education they are trying to provide the necessary basis on which comprehensive individual development will subsequently be formed.

How is the partnership organized?

The organization of social partnership in education is based on the following:

  1. Legislative acts. Laws created by the state are the main source of formation and development of social partnership. They regulate the field of action and the limits of the participants’ capabilities.
  2. Local management. Each municipal district has its own rules and laws, some of which relate to social cooperation. If we take, for example, the municipal education system. Let's say this organization received a certain amount for the development of the educational system in its area. She could divide everyone equally, but that doesn’t happen.
  3. Society and economics. The education system is closely linked to public demands and economic changes. And if something new comes into people’s lives that is not related to education either directly or indirectly, then the curriculum still changes so that in the future pupils and students meet market expectations.

Is social partnership necessary in education?

Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to compare the concepts of “social partnership” / “quality of education”. Although they have made some progress, there are still many unresolved issues.

Initially, social partnership was introduced along the lines of America and Europe, but the peculiarities of our state, its culture and mentality were not taken into account. In this regard, many important points were missed. However, despite all this, the partnership is bringing positive changes to the development of education even today.

Social partnership in education (priorities and opportunities):

  • The main priority goal of interaction is to satisfy the common interests of all participants in the commonwealth. Not only social institutions and the processes that occur within them are taken into account, but also the subjects of interaction (teachers, students, parents).
  • The social partnership program helps make learning more effective. Participants in the educational process become in demand in the social environment.
  • The correct approach and regulation of partnerships give impetus to the full development of society, eliminating unemployment and filling it with in-demand specialists.

Bottom line

There are many examples of social partnership in education. This includes a system of rewarding students for good grades (scholarship), and an agreement between an educational institution and an employer who is ready to hire a former student, and even a dialogue between a parent and a teacher. But the main component of this process is high-quality knowledge, the bearer of which is so in demand and expected by society.

1. Social partnership theory

.1 Social partnership: concept, essence, functions

Social partnership is a special type of social relations that realizes the balance of the most important socio-economic interests of the main groups of society.

The social partnership system operates on the basis of the principle of tripartite representation, which in world practice is called “tripartism”. In practice, tripartism means that the state, employers, and trade unions are independent and equal partners, each of which performs specific functions and bears its own responsibilities.

As is known, interests represent an object of interest, desire and act as incentives for the actions of economic entities. Economic interests are objective incentives for economic activity associated with people’s desire to satisfy growing material and spiritual needs. Economic interests are the main driving force behind economic progress. Coordination of personal, collective, and public economic interests is the basis for building an effective economic mechanism that stimulates intensive economic development.

Economic interests underlie the system of economic stimulation of production. This system must be structured in such a way as to encourage people to work more efficiently and more fully satisfy social needs. This problem can be solved through the active use of socially oriented market relations in combination with government regulation of the economy.

Socially oriented market relations imply the existence of a socially oriented economy. A social market economy is a model of the economic structure of society, characterized by the social redistribution and social protective role of the state, the economy of which is based on market principles and is regulated by the market mechanism, which ensures high efficiency of its functioning and implementation by the state of its social functions. Social policy in market conditions is aimed at creating conditions for productive and high-quality work based on the disclosure of human creative potential, the manifestation of initiative and creative entrepreneurship.

The interests of hired workers, or, in other words, personal interests, imply the possibility of full reproduction of the labor force, the highest possible wages, safe working conditions, fixed working hours, reliable job security, and social protection. The main interest of the entrepreneur (employer) is that the capital invested by him as quickly as possible brings the greatest possible profit at the lowest possible cost.

Thus, the interests of employees and entrepreneurs have, at first glance, an insurmountable contradiction, since the wages of employees are an element of the entrepreneur’s costs. However, both parties are involved in a single production process, interact and cannot exist without each other. Both the employee and the employer are interested in making a profit, the first - in the form of income, the second - in the form of wages, which to a certain extent forces their interests to intersect.

In addition, the main goal of an entrepreneur - to get maximum profit as quickly as possible - can only be achieved with a stable, sustainable state of the team, region, industry and society as a whole. Therefore, entrepreneurs are objectively interested in pursuing, together with trade unions, an agreed policy on issues of wages and working conditions, employment, social guarantees, in the use of social partnership as an instrument of social peace, protection from acute social conflicts, political confrontations. The third party in the social partnership system is the state. It is the state that unites all citizens of the country and, for this reason, is able to represent their common needs, interests and goals, express the general will of the people, consolidate it through legislation and other forms of lawmaking, and ensure its implementation.

State interests include economic and political stability, economic growth, a high standard of living, and respect for the social interests of all segments of the population.

Thus, we see the need to reconcile the interests of employers, employees and the state in order to satisfy their main goals.

Social responsibility of the state in socially oriented market economy should be manifested in the performance of a number of important social functions, such as:

-correcting spontaneous processes of wealth polarization, preventing social differentiation in society from exceeding acceptable limits;

-determination of the living wage, implemented through established laws on minimum wages, pensions, unemployment benefits;

-providing citizens with a certain set of free services in the field of education, healthcare, environmental safety, and access to cultural goods;

-creation of minimum necessary conditions for social insurance.

In the social partnership system, the state performs the following functions:

-guarantor civil rights;

-regulator of the system of social and labor relations;

-participant in negotiations and consultations within the framework of tripartite social and labor relations;

-owner, large employer, shaping the policy of social and labor relations in the public sector;

-resolving collective conflicts through reconciliation, mediation and labor arbitration;

-legislative consolidation of agreements reached by social partners, as well as the development of appropriate labor and social legislation;

-coordinator in the process of development and implementation of regional agreements;

-arbitration, conciliation and mediation within the framework of social
partnerships. The essence of social partnership implies the following content:

-joint consideration and agreement by workers and employers of social and labor policy at all levels of social production based on increasing labor efficiency;

-development of criteria for social justice and establishment of guaranteed measures to protect effective labor by subjects of social partnership;

-predominantly the negotiated and contractual nature of the relationship between representatives of workers and employers in the preparation of relevant agreements, as well as in resolving arising disagreements.

The social partnership system includes the following elements:

-permanently and temporarily operating bi- and tripartite bodies formed by representatives of workers, employers, executive power and interacting between them at various levels of regulation of social, labor and related relations;

-a set of various joint documents (agreements, collective agreements, decisions, etc.) adopted by these bodies on the basis of mutual consultations and negotiations between the parties aimed at regulating social and labor relations;

-the appropriate order, forms of interaction, relationships and sequence in the development, timing of adoption, priority of the above bodies and documents.

The social partnership system is practically expressed in the implementation of such tasks as ensuring the development and implementation of an agreed socially oriented policy of economic market transformations, facilitating solutions to social and labor conflicts, improving the legislative framework for regulating social and labor relations, overcoming the crisis of the economy and society, and on this basis - increasing the well-being of the people, achieving social stability in society. In general, social partnership is implemented through a system of negotiations and concluded agreements at the federal, territorial, industry and professional levels and collective agreements at enterprises.

Thus, social partnership acts as the ideology of a civilized society of a market economy, a tool for building a socially oriented market economy.

1.2 General concept of social partnership

Historically, the slogan of social partnership arose as an antithesis to class conflicts and revolutions, as a way to resolve the contradiction between labor and capital. But at the end of the 20th century. this term was filled with a new meaning. The crisis of three leading concepts - socialism, the welfare state and modernization in the countries of the so-called third world - required a search for other approaches. The focus of public and political attention today is the initiatives of citizens who unite in a community of non-profit organizations and social movements. The meaning of social partnership is constructive interaction between government agencies, local governments, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations. The term “partnership” presupposes a very specific form of relationships that arise in the process of activities of social actors to achieve common goals. If the goals of these subjects do not coincide, the question of compromise and reaching consensus is raised. The basis of these relationships, undoubtedly, is social interaction.

Social interaction performs various functions in society: stabilizing, consolidating, destructive. It is the stabilizing function that is the mechanism that ensures the development of a democratic society as a whole and its individual spheres. This function can be successfully performed by social partnership as one of the forms of manifestation of social interaction. Although social interaction at a certain stage of development of a democratic state gives rise to social partnership, the latter can be carried out not only through this mechanism, but also form its own. Social partnership is already social interaction as one of the forms of existence of the latter, embodying its stabilizing and harmonizing functions. THEM. Model, B.S. The model proposes to consider “social partnership as a way of cooperation in the sphere of federal relations, a form of organic interaction between the diverse subjects of these relations, which allow them to freely express their interests in the context of the search for so-called civilized means of their harmonization.”

The key element around which or on the basis of which social partnership is formed is a social problem. Such interaction is necessary in order to jointly resolve significant negative social phenomena(poverty, homelessness, orphanhood, domestic violence, pollution environment and etc.). The establishment of partnerships helps reduce social tension, eliminates elements of confrontation and conflict and lays the foundations for stability, public order.

Representatives of different sectors tend to have different perceptions of their own responsibility for solving these social problems. But despite differences and contradictions, cooperation is necessary. What exactly can each partner offer, what are their interests? What are the characteristics of the resources they have?

The state can act as a catalyst for changes in socio-economic life and financially and institutionally support public initiatives on which the partnership is based. The state creates legislative and regulatory conditions for the implementation of innovations, the development of local government, the non-profit sector, and charitable activities. It formulates target programs for the development of the social sphere and combines various resources for their implementation. Using various organizational and financial mechanisms, including social procurement, to implement targeted programs, the state attracts local government, non-profit organizations (NPOs) and business.

Local government is a phenomenon public life, not state power. It operates on an equal basis with other forms of public and private self-organization, public self-government, public associations, corporations, etc. By representing the interests of the local community, local government, within the framework of its powers, provides the opportunity to most effectively solve social problems through the implementation of specific projects. It operates together with public associations and business representatives interested in the development of the local community.

The non-profit sector is currently analyzed by scientists as an important component of civil society, on the one hand, and as a system for creating and delivering public goods to consumers, on the other. Particular attention is paid to the democratic, voluntary nature of the non-profit sector, based on the non-coercive nature of conscious civil initiative. This is what distinguishes the third sector from the state and brings it closer to the structures of a market economy.

In relation to NPOs, the following definition has appeared: “a business with a public mission.” NGOs, professional associations, independent think tanks offer new ideas, solutions, social technologies, provide civilian control over government actions, and involve volunteers in their work. Public associations express the interests of certain groups of the population and put forward new value guidelines. Businesses and entrepreneurial associations provide charitable donations, as well as the opportunity to use the experience and professionalism of competent managers in solving socially significant problems.

Of course, the opportunities and roles of the parties within the framework of social partnership are not the same. If the role of commercial organizations lies mainly in financing opportunities, and the role of government agencies also in the use of power levers, then public associations form and organize a unique resource: social initiatives of citizens. In their activities they embody new (alternative) values ​​and priorities. First of all, these are the values ​​and priorities of groups with unequal opportunities that lack access to power and information. Public organizations “voice” the needs of these people, usually the first to formulate a social problem.

Social partnership is built on clearly defined rules. This social action, based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for the problem. We can say that social partnership arises when representatives of the three sectors begin to work together, realizing that this is beneficial to each of them and society as a whole.

Social partnership is based on: the interest of each of the interacting parties in finding ways to solve social problems; combining the efforts and capabilities of each partner for their implementation; constructive cooperation between the parties in resolving controversial issues; the desire to find realistic solutions to social problems, and not to imitate such a search; decentralization of decisions, absence of state paternalism; mutually acceptable control and consideration of the interests of each partner; the legal validity of “cooperation”, which provides conditions for interaction that are beneficial to each party and society as a whole. The decisive factors here are mutual usefulness, mutual interest of the parties, self-restraint, respect and consideration of the interests of partners. They have equal rights in choosing ways and means to achieve a common goal, while maintaining independence and following the principle of non-interference in the affairs of the other party. These relationships are built on the principles of trust, respect, goodwill, equality, freedom of choice, and the obligation to fulfill the agreements reached. Formal aspects in these relationships clearly outweigh informal ones, which to a certain extent facilitates interaction, leveling out personal sympathies.

Another principle of building and successful functioning of social partnership is compliance with federal and regional legislation.

It is possible to identify objective and subjective conditions for establishing social partnership. Objective ones include: democracy and civil society, the need for social partnership, the formation and institutionalization of group interests, organizational, legal and political regulations of the state in terms of regulating the interests of the participants in the relations under consideration. But all these conditions will remain potential in the absence of a subjective factor. What is needed is the will and awareness of the common goals of the participants in social partnership, their willingness to follow the norms recorded in the relevant documents, the presence of a system of effective sanctions for violating the norms of social partnership, and the development of traditions of civil participation. The successful development of each sector is impossible without interaction with other sectors. In this regard, it is customary to talk about intersectoral interaction as a necessary element of national management efficiency.

1.3 Features of the development of social partnership in Russia

The emergence of social partnership in Russia was associated with social movements and local self-government (zemstvo movement). With the support of zemstvos (and in some cases, state authorities), the first experience of solving socially significant problems arose “by a creative union of various kinds of intellectual trends with the wide scope of young, philanthropic capital.”

In Russia, for the first time, new forces emerged that turned to the solution social issues. This is local elected self-government, social movements(scientific and cultural societies, labor aid movement), charity of industrialists and financiers.

The development of social partnership in Russia was very limited, and its successes were not commensurate with the scale of existing social conflicts. Charity could not eliminate poverty and smooth out the sharp contradictions between entrepreneurs and workers, landowners and peasants. Social conflict led to the revolution of 1917.

Historical experience shows that the interaction of various forces in the public arena is a condition for the success of reforms.

As for the specifics of the formation of sectors in modern Russia, by now the private business sector, based on business and civil initiative, has emerged anew, and the public sector has undergone significant changes associated with the reduction of monopoly influence on the production and social spheres. At the same time, a non-governmental non-profit sector began to form, based on civil initiatives in the non-productive sphere. In recent years, Russia has accumulated significant experience in intersectoral interaction, summarizing which we can identify several models of cooperation: information exchange; holding joint charity events and other events of various types; systematic support for social initiatives, including through the provision of premises, provision of consulting services, payment of expenses, etc.; development of state-public forms of management, including through the creation of permanent round tables, uniting representatives of the three sectors, at the level of municipalities or constituent entities of the Russian Federation; financing of the social sphere on a competitive basis.

However, there is whole line problems associated with intersectoral cooperation. EAT. Osipov divides them into two blocks: core intra-sector problems and problems of inter-sector interaction itself. The first block includes the following: insufficient professionalism of participants, information hunger and lack of a common information space, weak associative ties and closedness of non-governmental organizations, lack of understanding by one or another sector of the problems of partners. Problems of the second block: insufficient legal support for interaction, lack of interaction mechanisms based not only on personal contacts.

Building relations between the state and civil society organizations and business is carried out not within the framework of trilateral cooperation, but through separate, unrelated channels. In relation to business, such a channel is the Council on Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the government, and in relation to NPOs - public chambers (federal and regional). The approval of such a model of interaction places civil society organizations outside the field of public policy, and, without the opportunity to participate on an equal basis in the mechanisms of direct and feedback with the state, they are deprived of incentives to increase activity.

The current system of relationships between society, the state and business must either be broken down and created in its place modern system tripartite partnership, or radically restructure it so that it is able to make this kind of partnership a fact. You need to move towards such a system gradually, so that, reaching new frontiers and mastering them, you can move on.

The most suitable participants in the updated system on the part of civil society could be public chambers, or rather, authorized representatives delegated by them. The chambers are widely represented by representatives from completely different fields of activity, who are aware of both specific and more general socio-economic problems, the solution of which determines our immediate and more distant future. These people could contribute not only their knowledge and experience to the existing system, but also make it truly efficient and effective. An initiative either from authoritative circles of political power, or from the Public Chamber and its committees, or from both at the same time, can mark the beginning of improving the system of social partnership in Russia. Other options are possible, taking into account the potential of the expert community.

The dialogue type of relations between society and the authorities is a guarantor of achieving civil consent. The principles of social partnership - provided they are understood and accepted by the political and economic elites of the Federal Center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - can become an effective tool for the humanitarian reconstruction of the main spheres of life in Russia.

2. Development of social partnership

2.1 Social partnership in the system of social and labor relations

Social partnership is a way of organizing social relations based on the principle of social justice, which presupposes complete harmonization of the interests of all members of society. Due to the fact that the concept of social justice is an ideal concept, social partnership also presupposes an ideal type social relations. It is characterized by: “mutually respectful attitude of the subjects, understanding of the significance of emerging problems, following the principle of compromise in the negotiation process, solidarity in defending their positions in relations of other types and with other subjects.”

In Russian labor law, the regulation of social partnership was first legalized by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership and resolution of labor disputes” dated November 15, 1991. It was subsequently developed in a number of laws and legal acts.

With the entry into force of the new Labor Code the concept of “social partnership in the sphere of labor” is interpreted as the basis of relationships between employees, trade unions, employers and their associations, state authorities and local governments for the purpose of discussion, development of decisions, organization of joint activities on social, labor and economic issues, ensuring social stability and social development. Social partnership in this period of time is in its infancy and is not able to fully resolve the problem of equality and social justice between employees and employers for objective and subjective reasons.

The situation in the labor market in modern Russia has a negative impact on the development of social and labor relations. It is characterized as follows:

-a discrepancy between the demand and supply of labor (along with labor-abundant regions, there are labor-deficient regions; with growing unemployment, there is a shortage of workers and specialists in some “unprestigious” professions, etc.);

-the prevalence of ineffective employment, resulting in the loss of qualified personnel;

-lack of a proper system for staff development;

-low level of official wages; Most of the unofficial one falls on the shadow side of the economy (the so-called wages in envelopes, non-indexed wages, etc.).

The most effective form of implementing social partnership in this period of time is the conclusion of collective agreements in organizations that regulate social and labor relations and help improve social partnership in the world of work between employees and employers. As statistics show, the maximum number of collective agreements (97%) is concluded in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership. And in the sphere of material production, collective agreements take place in organizations where there are trade union bodies representing the interests of employees. The main reason for not concluding a collective agreement is the lack of trade union organizations. The absence of a collective contractual form of relationship between employees and employers in such organizations most often occurs due to the lack of initiative of the parties and the passivity of the employees themselves.

Local regulation of labor relations in the non-state sector of the economy, as a result of the weak activity of trade unions and the absence of other employee representatives, is completely under the control of employers. It is at these enterprises that the majority of violations occur in the field of labor protection, in matters of hiring, dismissal, remuneration, leave, and payment of state social insurance benefits. As a consequence, everything important decisions in the sphere of labor are adopted by the employer unilaterally, without consultation and taking into account the opinions of employees (their representatives).

The Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations” established the legal basis for regulating relations of trade unions with state authorities, local governments, employers, public associations, legal entities and citizens. The organizational and legal regulation of the activities of trade unions is facilitated by the federal laws “On Public Associations”, “On Non-Profit Organizations”, and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Parts 1, 2). The implementation of the protective function of trade unions and the protection of trade union rights is ensured by civil procedural, administrative and criminal legislation.

As a result of legislative reforms, trade unions took their place in the socio-political system of society; now in their actions they depend only on the law. In recent years, thanks to the adoption of these and other legislative acts, significant changes have occurred in the legal status of Russian trade unions and, accordingly, in their practical activities.

And so, social partnership as a special type of public, in particular, social and labor relations, ensures a balance in the implementation of the socio-economic interests of all the main social groups of society and forms the basis of their social relations characteristic of a social state.

2.2 Social partnership in the labor sector of the Altai Territory

Currently, there is a trend towards a decrease in the number of labor resources in the region and an increase in the average age of workers. For example, in such areas as chemical, light, industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, housing and communal services, education, healthcare, transport - every second worker is over 50 years old. In rural areas, every fifth worker is near retirement age. Therefore, one of the tasks is to create conditions for the influx of young personnel into the manufacturing sectors and the social sphere.

In addition, in the regional labor market there is a discrepancy between the structure of supply and demand: vacancies are mainly in cities, while 70 percent of citizens looking for work live in rural areas. Two-thirds of the unemployed have higher and secondary specialized education, but 80 percent of employers' offers are blue-collar jobs.

In terms of growth rates of registered unemployment, the Altai Territory ranks first among the regions of the Siberian Federal District and second in Russia.

Another negative trend is the annual reduction in the share of labor costs in production costs. Thus, in industry it decreased from 12 to 10 percent; a similar situation has developed in construction and agriculture.

In this regard, the head of the regional administration, Alexander Karlin, gave instructions to study the effectiveness of social support for low-income groups of the population. He also noted that the issue of using labor resources is key in the development of the region. This is the main thing that determines the economy and social sphere of the Altai Territory.

Regarding the issue of population migration in the Altai Territory. Now in our region the outflow of the most talented youth to megacities continues. This phenomenon does not have a negative impact on national interests. The country does not lose specialists, and they, in turn, get the opportunity to work more efficiently. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand what is happening in the region from which the workforce is leaving. Labor migration changes the structure of the population. Therefore, there are more pensioners in Altai than in other territories. And our social sphere is overloaded compared to other regions. From this situation it follows that Altai has been a generator of labor resources for other regions for many years.

According to the optimistic scenario for the development of the demographic situation, the population in the Altai Territory in 2025 compared to 2006 will increase slightly and amount to about 2,700-2,800 thousand people.

This scenario is based on the hypothesis that Russian Federation in general, and in the Altai Territory in particular, the prerequisites for demographic growth will be realized through many sources, including through successful measures to improve the health of the population, improve their quality of life, increase life expectancy, stimulate the birth rate, strengthen the institution of the family, and intensify migration policies, etc. According to this scenario, the Altai Territory provides for a significant reduction in mortality rates (especially in younger groups of the working age population), an increase in age-specific birth rates, and an overcoming of negative migration trends. By 2020, the total fertility rate will be 1.75 births per woman, life expectancy for men - 65.5 years, and for women - 77.4 years, migration growth will exceed 5 thousand people.

At the same time, the working age population will be about 1,500 thousand people. (in 2006, the working age population in the Altai Territory was 1617.2 thousand people), i.e. The working age population will decrease slightly due to the general aging of the population. However, the difference in the size of the working-age population will not have a significant impact on the supply of labor resources to the economy, since it will be offset by a decrease in the unemployment rate (in 2006, the number of unemployed according to Altaicomstat data amounted to 115.9 thousand people, i.e. about 9 % of the economically active population) and a decrease in the share of the working-age population not employed in the economy (pupils and students of working age, military personnel, housewives, etc. - in 2006 their number was 396.8 thousand people).

Taking into account the fact that the unemployment rate is projected to decrease to 2% (i.e., the number of unemployed in the region will be no more than 30 thousand people), and about 300 thousand people. will account for the working-age population not employed in the economy (a reduction in the share of working-age pupils, students, and military personnel is predicted due to changes in the age structure of the population by 2025), the number of people employed in the economy in 2025 will not decrease and will amount to at least 1100 thousand people At the same time, the structure of employment by type of economic activity will change approximately in accordance with the change in the share of individual types of activity in GRP. The change in the structure of employment by type of activity is shown in Table 2.1 (Appendix A)

Overcoming negative trends in the demographic situation of the Altai Territory creates a base of labor resources with the help of which economic growth will be achieved. Here lies one of the significant risks of implementing the strategy - if negative trends in demography are not overcome, then there will be no basis on which the development of the region should rest.

In this regard, the scenario for changes in the population of the Altai Territory, calculated by Altai Kraistat as the “average” option, assumes a reduction in the population to 2,224 thousand people. in 2025, which means a reduction in the working-age population to approximately 1,200 and the number of “working” population to 900 thousand people. Such a reduction in the number of people involved in the economy suggests that the growth of labor productivity should be faster than the growth rate of GRP, which means that it should grow 4.3-4.5 times relative to labor productivity in 2006.

Thus, the task of the Administration of the Altai Territory is to contribute as much as possible to overcoming negative demographic trends, strengthening the health of the population, and improving the quality of their life.

3. Social partnership in the Altai Territory

.1 Analysis of the development of social partnership in the Altai Territory

As part of the project “Altai Territory - Territory of Social Partnership”, the Altai regional public organization “Support for Public Initiatives” conducted a social study “Social Partnership. Realities. Prospects." We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the 1st stage of the study, conducted in the first quarter of 2009 in the Altai Territory. Results of the 1st stage of the sociological research “Social partnership. Realities. Prospects”, conducted by the JSC “Support for Public Initiatives” in the first quarter of 2009 in the Altai Territory.

101 people took part in this study.

Characteristics of respondents:

-37 people are representatives of public organizations;

-36 people - representatives of government bodies, administration of municipal and regional levels;

-15 people - representatives of TOS bodies;

-13 people are representatives of state and municipal institutions.

Among them:

-30% men and 70% women,

-56% people aged 31 to 55 years,

-23.5% people under 30 years of age,

-21.5% are over 55 years old.

Education of respondents:

-84% have higher education, including 10.5% academic degree;

-6.9% - incomplete higher education;

-5.9% - secondary specialized education,

-1% - general secondary education.

Field of activity of respondents:

-30.4% - social protection;

-26.5% - education;

-24.5% - youth policy;

17.6% - culture;

10.8% - housing and communal services;

-6.9% - healthcare.

-11.8% of respondents are representatives of such fields of activity as: agriculture, ecology, construction and architecture, municipal administration, media, planning and control, finance.

% of respondents note that social partnership is a system of civilized social relations that ensures the coordination and protection of the interests of workers, employers, entrepreneurs, various social groups, layers, their public associations, and government bodies. 24.5% understand social partnership as the productive cooperation of all subjects of the territory’s development for its sustainable socio-economic development and concomitant improvement in the quality of life of the population. 18.6% understand social partnership as the interaction of “two sectors” of society (state - NPOs) for the joint implementation of socially significant problems and issues existing in society.

The majority of respondents believe that in the Altai Territory there is such a mechanism as social partnership, among them 61.8% of respondents note the prevalence of competitive financing of socially significant projects, 41.2% - the functioning of public councils and 20.6% - the holding of public hearings. 10.8% of respondents believe that the mechanism of social partnership “does not work” in the Altai Territory, due to the fact that this mechanism is in the initial stage of its development, which is characterized by spontaneity, formality, a high factor of personal relationships between individual representatives of NGOs, government agencies and business.

According to respondents, participants in social partnership should be: public organizations - 93%, governing bodies, municipal and regional administrations - 88.2%; business structures - 81.4% and state and municipal institutions - 73.5%. Another option (10.8%) was that respondents suggested involving the population of the region in social partnership.

Thus, respondents believe that NPOs, government agencies and business structures should be equally represented in the social partnership mechanism. This situation changes when assessing the real involvement of all sectors of society in the social partnership mechanism: public organizations - 88.2%, governing bodies, municipal and regional administrations - 74.5%, state and municipal institutions - 65.7% and business structures - 47%.

The vast majority of respondents (98%) are involved in the work of the social partnership mechanism through public hearings (32.4%), formation and implementation of social orders (31.4%), holding competitions for socially significant projects (29%), creation and coordination of the activities of the public council, participation in the public council - 27.5% each, development and implementation of socially significant projects (12.7%). Among the reasons for the lack of involvement of their organization (2%), respondents identify internal problems of the organization.

On a 5-point scale, respondents rated the degree of interest of their own organization in the development of social partnership. Their answers were distributed as follows: 72.5% rated their interest as “5”, 14.7% - as “4”, which indicates a high degree of interest among representatives of different sectors of society in the development of social partnership in the region. In addition, respondents noted high degree involvement of their organization in the process of social partnership - “5” - 31.4%, “4” - 29.4%. At the same time, it is paradoxical that only 8.8% of respondents rated the degree of effectiveness of the social partnership mechanism as “5”, and 38.2% of respondents as “3” and “4”.

Analyzing the changes that have occurred with the social partnership mechanism over the past three years, 76.1% of respondents indicate an improvement in the situation.

Combining the respondents’ answers to this question, we can highlight the following changes:

Systematic holding of competitions for socially significant projects, increasing the amount of funding for socially significant projects;

Adoption of a targeted departmental program that ensures an increase in the level of efficiency of the social partnership mechanism, increased interest on the part of government agencies, and the establishment of equal partnerships between government, business and NGOs;

Increasing the number of public organizations aimed at developing the social sphere, increasing the authority of NPOs, increasing public awareness of the activities of NPOs;

Creation of new forms of social partnership, for example, a public chamber,

Increasing attention to the problems of youth and society as a whole;

Improving methodological support for ongoing activities, replenishing the material and technical base.

9% of respondents pointed to negative trends in the development of the social partnership mechanism, among which the following can be noted:

The legislative framework is outdated, and changes made to it worsen the situation in the field of development of social partnership.

Negative trends in decreasing amounts of funding for programs implemented in partnership.

Negative information in the media.

Lack of analysis of the reasons for the slowdown in the development of the social partnership mechanism.

The presence of different opinions of respondents indicates the heterogeneity and non-systematic nature of the development process of the social partnership mechanism in the Altai Territory.

Respondents also noted the difficulties they encounter in the field of social partnership.

Representatives of government authorities speak, first of all, about the low level of development of the third sector, the mismatch of positions and competition of NPOs; about the reluctance of business to participate in the social life of the city and region. Representatives of government agencies also note that many managers lack an understanding of the importance of the organization. partnership work due to insufficient social maturity of structures, civic immaturity, lack of a clear mechanism for financing projects. Insufficient awareness of all participants in the social partnership about this system, failure to fully implement the agreements reached, and heavy workload of partnership members with their daily activities. All of the above negatively affects the effectiveness of the development of social partnership.

Representatives of public organizations identified the following difficulties in the field of social partnership:

Internal problems of NPOs;

Lack of population activity;

Complex process of interaction with authorities (difficult to find common ground), lack of a clear strategy for interaction as equal partners;

Low awareness of social partnership opportunities.

Thus, we can say that both representatives of government agencies and representatives of the third sector face difficulties in the field of social partnership. All this indicates a lack of mutual understanding between government officials and NGOs in the field of social partnership development.

So, social partnership involves the interaction of government bodies, public organizations and business to resolve issues of socio-economic and political development of a certain territory. The development of the social partnership mechanism in the Altai Territory has its own characteristics against the backdrop of high interest and involvement of various entities in the development of social partnership; the low efficiency of the mechanism is noted. This is caused by the lack of a systematic approach, an insufficient range of mechanisms for interaction of all sectors of society as equal and equal participants in social partnership and low awareness of both the subjects of the partnership about the work of these mechanisms and the beneficiaries of the partnership about the results of intersectoral interaction.

3.2 Development of the social sphere in the Altai Territory: problems and prospects

The development of the region's economy and the implementation of strategic directions will become the basis for achieving new standards of living standards and quality of life for the population and transformations in the social sphere. Increasing the standard of living is seen as a fundamental element of improving its quality.

The consequences of improving the quality of life should be the formation of a powerful middle class and a reversal of the negative demographic situation, ensuring the consolidation of a stable trend towards growth in the region's population.

The average salary in the region will reach a level of at least 35 thousand rubles in 2006 prices. Its purchasing power in relation to the consumer minimum will increase to no less than 530% (subject to an increase in the cost of living to 6 thousand rubles in 2006 prices).

The share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level will fall to 3-4%. The low-income population will be 20-25%. The share of the population with average incomes will be at least 50-55%.

Thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies in construction, production, including those based on local raw materials, new economical building materials, The situation with the provision of housing for the region's population will be significantly improved. During 2008-2025, 8-10 square meters will be built per inhabitant. meters of new housing, which will achieve a housing supply level of an average of 28 square meters. meters per 1 resident. An increase in investment in the construction complex and an increase in construction volumes will ensure a balanced development of the construction market, in which growing demand is ensured by supply and a sharp rise in prices is impossible. With rapid growth in incomes of the region's population, this will make housing truly affordable.

The achieved level of spending on healthcare and social protection of the population, calculated as a share of the added value produced, will significantly (up to 60-65%) approach the level of developed countries.

At least 50-55% of the economically active adult population will have higher education.

As a result, the region will be able to realize the potential for industrial development, Agriculture, innovative economy, overcoming the barriers of infrastructural restrictions.

To develop certain areas of the social sphere The following strategic goals and objectives are to be implemented:

The strategic goal of developing social support for the population is the formation in the Altai Territory of a system in which support is provided to citizens who find themselves not only below the subsistence level, but also in difficult life situations: job loss, disability, long-term illness, old age, loneliness, orphanhood , lack of a specific place of residence, etc.

One of the priority tasks of the region's demographic policy and its development strategy is to increase the life expectancy of the region's population. The value of this integral indicator characterizes the level and quality of life in the region and is determined by them. At the same time, one of the key factors in reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy is the level of healthcare development.

The solution to the problems of healthcare development in the Altai Territory will be carried out, among other things, in the format of implementing the priority national project “Health”, designed for the medium term.

The strategic goal of implementing this project in the region, as well as in the country as a whole, is to improve the quality and availability of medical care and ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being.

Main priorities of the project:

· development of primary health care;

· development of preventive areas;

· providing the population with high-tech medical care.

The contribution of the education system to improving the quality of life of the region’s population will be achieved through the implementation of strategic actions in the following main areas:

· ensuring accessibility and equal opportunities for full-fledged quality education for all residents of the region (including actions aimed at preserving the network of preschool and general education institutions; construction of kindergartens in urban areas, restoration of destroyed ones in rural areas; development of the educational and material base of educational institutions);

· providing the education system of the Altai Territory with highly qualified personnel;

· improving economic mechanisms in the field of education;

· increasing the efficiency and quality of vocational education, creating a vocational education system that meets the needs of key areas of the regional economy.

Special meaning The priority national project “Education” has a priority in supporting the main directions of development of the general education system.

The strategic goal of implementing the priority national project “Education” in the region, as well as in the country as a whole, is the modernization of Russian education and the achievement of modern quality of education that is adequate to the changing demands of society and socio-economic conditions.

The real contribution of housing construction to improving the quality of life of the region’s population will be achieved through the implementation of the priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens.”

The strategic goal in the field of housing construction is to create conditions that ensure affordable housing for different categories of citizens.

To comprehensively solve the problem of housing affordability, it is planned to diversify financial mechanisms for the construction and purchase of housing for citizens with sufficient solvency; governmental support improving the living conditions of socially vulnerable categories of the population within the established state standards; development of mortgage housing lending.

To ensure an improvement in the quality of life and the development of human potential, strategic actions will also be implemented in areas such as culture and sports.

In the field of culture and sports, it is necessary to solve the following strategic tasks:

-preservation of a single cultural and information space; improving conditions of access to cultural values ​​for the majority of the population;

-radical improvement of the material and technical base of cultural and sports institutions, for which it is planned to widely attract extra-budgetary sources of funding and activate public-private partnership mechanisms; equipping cultural and sports institutions modern equipment, fire safety equipment;

-preservation of historical and cultural heritage;

-supporting professional and amateur creativity in the region, creating conditions for its development, maintaining the participation of the population in Russian and regional art festivals and sports competitions;

-development and popularization of the culture of different nationalities living in the region;

-development and implementation of mechanisms that restrain the increase in the cost of services in the cultural, sports and recreational spheres (including in private institutions) to an acceptable level. Ensuring on this basis that the needs of the population, especially children and adolescents, are met in increasing cultural level and physical education and sports.

The most important area of ​​ensuring the level and quality of life is also ensuring public safety and preventing threats of social instability.


And so on course work We have come to the conclusion that social partnership is a type of social relations, interaction between diverse social groups and government institutions, which allows them to freely express their interests and find civilized ways to harmonize and implement them in the process of achieving a common goal.

At the same time, it becomes obvious that there is a need for further scientific development of the theory of social partnership, the ultimate goal of which could be specific recommendations for the creation of its mechanism and its inclusion in the federal and regional legal space.

We also found out when analyzing social partnership in the Altai Territory that the development of the social partnership mechanism in the region has its own characteristics against the backdrop of high interest and involvement of various entities in the development of social partnership, and the low efficiency of the mechanism is noted. This is caused by the lack of a systematic approach, an insufficient range of mechanisms for interaction of all sectors of society as equal and equal participants in social partnership and low awareness of both the subjects of the partnership about the work of these mechanisms and the beneficiaries of the partnership about the results of intersectoral interaction.

However, it is difficult to imagine that only legislation, only legal norms could significantly help or ensure social partnership and close cooperation. What is needed, we believe, is not only legal regulations, a deep understanding of expediency, but also the active desire of the parties, the presence of not only desire, but also a strong will to achieve a compromise and agreement. Therefore, it is necessary to actively assist the state and authorities in creating conditions conducive to this understanding and the formation of attitudes towards finding ways for fruitful cooperation between the interacting parties. This means that further scientific work and research is required on this relatively new phenomenon for Russian reality - social partnership, especially since in our country the subjects of social interaction with the state are still very poorly organized. This applies to interacting parties in almost all spheres of Russian society.

In conclusion, we note that our appeal to the problem of social partnership is a consequence of thinking about ways and means for both Russian and regional communities to overcome the systemic crisis. We are deeply convinced that an attempt to overcome crises of this kind, including structural ones, can only be successful if we understand the systematic nature of their nature. Moreover, it is necessary to form such systemic social technologies, which is the technology of social partnership.


social partnership demographic labor

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One of the global trends in interaction between the state and private business is currently acquiring particular relevance - interaction aimed at combining forms of state and non-state social regulation - social partnership between an individual and the state, employee and employer, producer and consumer.

Social partnership: essence, objectives, principles

Social partnership is becoming an integral part of the world of work. At the same time, we are not talking about a merger of interests, but about achieving an optimal balance between employees, employers (entrepreneurs), government bodies, local self-government by reaching consensus, developing and implementing a single, agreed position, about creating a situation in which any owner could to ensure a stable profit, and the employee - decent conditions of existence that correspond to a certain level of quality of life. This is a civilized form of public relations in the social and labor sphere and is called social partnership.

In scientific literature and practice, social partnership is characterized in an ambiguous and multidimensional manner. Some understand it as a specific type of social relations between social groups, strata, classes, communities and power structures; others - as a mechanism of relationships between government bodies, representatives of workers and employers, others - as a special type of social and labor relations inherent in a market economy, ensuring, on the basis of equal cooperation between employees and employers, an optimal balance and the realization of their basic interests. It is possible to cite, despite their similarity, other points of view that characterize and clarify this concept from the other side.

Subjects social partnership, as international experience shows, are employees, employers and the state. Institutes(organizations) representing their interests are trade unions, associations of employers, the government, as well as state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments. Object social partnership are social and labor relations between its subjects (relations regarding wages, employment, management and expansion of social guarantees, security, conditions, labor organization, various types of labor disputes, etc.).

Main goals social partnership is the coordination and protection of the interests of various social strata, groups and classes; assistance in solving current economic and political problems; strengthening democracy and stability; formation of a social legal state, civil society.

The partnership represents process of reconciliation of interests, the process of creating a single sociocultural space, in which different subjects live, but agree, despite the difference in interests, to abide by the general “rules of the game”, partnership norms, mutual agreements. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the policy of social partnership is not limited only to the sphere of economic or social-labor relations. Its implementation is associated with the participation in such a process of public associations representing the interests of various social groups, strata, government bodies, and local self-government; with the adoption and implementation of contracts and agreements, economic and political decisions. Large groups of people, work collectives (organizations), representatives of settlements and territories participate in the development and processes of their adoption. The organizers of the negotiation or conciliation process are most often power structures or individuals, groups of people with property and power.

The general strategy of social partnership in Russia today is to, based on respect for the positions and taking into account the interests of different parties, using the advantages of the negotiation process, to develop a unified agreed policy in the field of social, labor and political relations at different levels: federal, sectoral, regional and enterprises.

In recent years, a lot has been done in our country to create a legal framework for the development of partnerships. A number of legislative acts and regulations have been adopted regulating the types, forms of organization and the procedure for regulating social and labor relations. However, it should be noted that the legal support for social partnership is in its infancy.

From a legal point of view, social partnership is the coordination of the actions of all parties on a certain legislative platform that reflects its essence, content and regulatory instruments.

The principles of social partnership are proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which defines the main directions of cooperation in the field of culture, education and information (Articles 29, 43, 44), labor relations (Articles 7, 37, 72), social development and social protection(Articles 7, 39, 40, 71, 72), health and environmental protection (Articles 41, 42, 114).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains section. II “Social partnership in the sphere of labor” (Articles 23-55). It considers social partnership as a system of relationships between employees, employers, state authorities and local self-government, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of employees on the regulation of labor relations and other economic relations directly related to them. IN Federal law dated January 12, 1996 No. 10 (as amended on December 30, 2008) “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity”, Federal Law dated November 27, 2002 No. 156 (as amended on December 1, 2007) “On employers’ associations”, Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2490 (as amended on June 29, 2004) “On collective agreements and agreements” - outlines the forms, methods and mechanisms of legal regulation of social partnership on a contractual basis.

Collective agreements and social partnership relations in Russia appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but legal regulation was first received in the Labor Code of 1918 and the Regulations on the procedure for approving collective agreements of 1918.

In the Russian Federation, social partnership is more high level than an organization, it was first regulated in 1992 by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Collective Bargains and Agreements”. It is the first time in Russian legislation that the terms “social partnership” and “collective bargaining” are used, although they appeared in the world during the First World War of 1914-1918, and were enshrined in international acts of the ILO after the Second World War.

Before the adoption of the Law “On Collective Bargains and Agreements,” this term was first used in the now invalid Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Social Partnership and Resolution of Labor Disputes (Conflicts)” dated November 15, 1991. In order to create a system of social partnership in the field of social and labor relations, the decree introduced into practice the annual conclusion of general and sectoral agreements between three social partners: the corresponding associations of trade unions, employers and executive authorities.

All of the above legal acts lay down basic principles partnerships: equality, voluntariness, priority, social justice, coordination of interests.

Equality - as equal economic, social, political and personal rights of citizens guaranteed by the constitution, officially recognized equality of citizens, in our case workers, as one of the key points of democracy. This principle is of great importance for the implementation of partnerships and contractual relations, when, regardless of one’s status, financial situation and power, a normal, equal negotiation process takes place.

Priority - as primacy in time: the first in importance in a certain set of issues, social, economic and other problems. For example, the priorities in the activities of the trade union are issues of protecting the morals and interests of workers. And in market conditions, these issues are resolved through the conclusion of collective agreements and tariff agreements, contracts that must stipulate the conditions for the sale of their labor by employees, guarantees of providing employees with certain working conditions and other social benefits. Thus, if these issues are successfully resolved by trade unions, they will take the place that belongs to them throughout the civilized world.

The concept " social justice" contains certain historically specific ideas about the inalienable rights and freedoms of man. This is, first of all, a requirement for correspondence between the role of certain individuals, social groups in the life of society and their social position; between their rights and responsibilities; labor and reward, public recognition. The discrepancy in these relations is assessed as social injustice. This principle in partnerships is implemented in the forms of coordination and distribution of labor, its results, regulation of labor and social processes in accordance with the law. At the same time, this principle cannot be understood as egalitarianism. Social justice is also manifested in the fact that members of society receive their means of living only through their labor, and those who are just preparing for work or are disabled are provided for at the expense of society. In accordance with the principle of social justice, various systems of wages and income distribution are based on the principle of compliance with the quantity and quality of labor. Social justice of social and labor relations also means actual, regardless of relations of property and power, equality (equality of character and responsibilities) of all participants in the negotiation process.

The principle of social justice contains a component of material provision of social guarantees, creation of equal opportunities for equal access to the benefits necessary for the development of human abilities and a dignified existence. This principle combines, on the one hand, factors that provide conditions for personal development, and on the other, the most natural connection between the measure of participation in the production process and the measure of consumption. It allows, on a state scale, to regulate the process of human self-sufficiency through personal initiative and social assistance to those in need.

The principle of social justice also presupposes that the state regulates spontaneous processes of wealth polarization, with the main goal fighting poverty, not wealth. In this case, the problem should be solved not by issuing benefits to those in need and introducing dependency, but by implementing programs designed to expand employment, promote employment, provide guarantees of equality of opportunity, income taxation, support public funds, develop and expand the system of free healthcare and education, free enterprise, etc.

Another important principle of social partnership can be considered maximum taking into account the interests of each partner, and especially economic ones, their coordination and, if possible, more complete implementation. At the same time, the laws of social development indicate that there cannot be a unity of economic interests in society. Various social groups occupy their own special position, place in the structure of society, including in the economic subsystem. Society can develop harmoniously and without conflict only in conditions of coordination of the economic interests of the state, enterprise, firm and citizens.

Workers and entrepreneurs, employers (owners) and employees, and the state are interested in making a profit, developing production, preserving jobs, improving working conditions, increasing the competitiveness of products, and paying taxes on time. Therefore, agreement, mutual consideration of interests, their coordination are precisely the most difficult task and at the same time the most important principle for the viability of partnership relations.

Coordination of the interests of workers, employers, government structures contributes to the active involvement of workers in the management process, and a new type of property relations - formation of the middle class, smoothing polarization in society, mass involvement of various social groups and layers in market relations. Unfortunately, the majority of Russian entrepreneurs clearly demonstrate the psychology of short-term gains, achieved due to hopelessness and forced trust of employees in employers and government structures.

Social partnership means granting various social communities the right to participate in political and economic processes, in the formation of public opinion, and decision-making processes. This, in our opinion, is what the main task social partnership - not to level out various interests, but to take into account their differences in carrying out agreed decisions without regard to the attitude towards property, agreed upon socio-economic policy.

In world practice, taking into account the presence of different forms of ownership, different shapes social partnership: bipartisanism And tripartism. These types of partnerships are possible at several levels: national, sectoral, intersectoral, regional, local, territorial and at the enterprise level. The system of agreements, accordingly, can be represented by the General Agreement; industry (tariff) agreements; special agreements relating to specific socio-economic problems, and collective agreements (contracts) that are concluded at enterprises, organizations, institutions to regulate labor relations. Such agreements are mainly bilateral - between employees and employers, but can also be trilateral with the participation of individual representatives of industry structures and associations, and local governments.

The most significant problems of partnership relations at the enterprise level are the regulation of wages and working conditions for workers, the development and creation of a coherent system of labor incentives. An analysis of these and some other problems existing at the enterprise shows that social partnership in this area is uneven, contradictory and carried out with considerable difficulties. Research conducted in recent years in labor organizations shows that interaction between trade unions and employers is not always effective. It is also necessary to take into account that in many enterprises there are no trade unions at all.

It should also be noted that the system of social partnership in Russia, especially in practice, has not yet received serious development. This is the mechanism of a developed, stable democratic society. The level of development of social partnership can be considered an indicator of the economic, social, political and moral maturity of a society. In the progressive development of such a society, the necessary conditions for the implementation of partnerships are formed.