Professions that have a high degree of risk. Rating of the most dangerous professions: the military has supplanted the miners

They can think as much as they want that their life has not worked out and that they are taking a terrible risk when the microwave does not heat dinner well. But everything is learned by comparison. ELLE has chosen several professions whose representatives will not even understand what office workers are complaining about.

The risk in this matter is associated not only with fire, burns, the threat of being buried under a fallen ceiling, etc. No matter how protective the uniform, masks and helmets are, poisoning by all kinds cannot be ruled out. chemicals and, of course, the effects of stress. At the same time, the firefighting profession is one of the most dynastic: there are families where five or even more generations in a row choose this occupation.

We’re not sure if this is a reason to be proud, but the work of a trainer is included in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most risky. One wrong move, one wrong tone of voice is fraught with serious consequences. The handler is at the same time a boss, a psychologist, a friend of the animal with whom he is working, and must always be on the alert. Relaxing is too great a luxury, unaffordable for professionals.

Once upon a time, when descending underground, these brave people took with them a bird in a cage. Canaries, it turns out, sense methane and its presence in the air. If the methane was too noticeable, the bird fell silent, which meant danger. Since then, the canaries have been replaced by gas analyzers, but the work has not become any less risky. You cannot take anything with you that could cause an unexpected flash, not even a camera. Men work (until 1966 in Russia, women also held a jackhammer in their hands) for six hours, and eat there, in the face. All this is not only dangerous, but also harmful to health, which is why they retire early.

President George Washington called the lumberjacks the nation's shield. He meant that the labor of these people gives America the opportunity to build ships and houses. Two centuries later, the Wall Street Journal lists lumberjacks in the TOP 5 thankless professions. Nothing much has changed in two hundred years: the high risk remains, and so do the tools. A real pro must make do with a rope, a saw and a device to determine the direction of the wind. And be careful. A tree can not only crush you - there are many ways to be maimed. A sawn trunk, falling, when the top hits the ground, jumps 2-3 meters with the opposite end. Before you have time to move away, you receive a powerful blow (the workers themselves call it an “uppercut”), from which, if anything, you won’t even get up. A trunk cut down on rough, uneven terrain can roll, knocking down everything in its path. Dead branches falling from above are also dangerous. And there are also saws, which, if you stumble, turn into a terrible weapon.

A rope, a board, a set of tools - everything that a person working at height has. In order to force yourself to get off the ground every time, you need to not be afraid of heights, be confident in the quality of your insurance, and be aware of the vagaries of the weather. However, in this craft there are those who are less fortunate than others. In Dubai, window cleaning, in addition to men with insurance, is done by daredevils who go out onto the window sills of high-rise buildings, as they say, at random. These are, as a rule, migrants who have no choice. Tenacity of fingers, a mop and the hope that everything will work out - this is how these people work.


Those who guard order risk themselves, that’s their business. No one has canceled the concern for security, however, in stalemate situations, both the military and the police do not have the right to withdraw: their duty is to solve the problem. A high level of stress, by the way, affects the well-being of representatives of these crafts no less strongly than possible injuries.

Millions of people on Earth have to go to work every day. Often, this is the only way to provide food for yourself and your family. Work takes up hours of your life, affects your health and causes stress. There are not too many lucky people who enjoy their work. And for most, work is a boring and long-tired activity that is performed only when necessary.

Majority office workers They take risks only by turning on the coffee maker or the light. But there are so many professions in the world where there is constant risk and danger, where people die.

And these are not the police or rescuers you first thought of. For many, it will be a discovery that the risks for an electrician are several times higher, and miners die more often than military personnel. However, this circumstance stops few people. And every day someone risks their life again.

Why does someone choose a dangerous profession?

As a rule, when making such a choice, a person certainly pays attention to how dangerous his future work is for health, even for life. And often, despite real threats, the desire to do what you love takes over. But for some people, danger simply attracts them.

It happens that the decisive argument becomes wage , or even the lack of other work. And some people simply don’t know how to do anything else.

The most dangerous professions in the world:

The undisputed leader on this list. Working underground, when there is not enough air, the space is cramped, tons of rock overhead, a heavy jackhammer in your hands to chop the rock. Hundreds of human lives are claimed by accidents in mines, especially coal mines. The slightest spark is enough to explode the methane gas released from rocks. There is no salvation in such a fire.

This profession has other names. But that doesn't make it any safer. How many injuries, including fatal ones, are caused by falling trees weighing several tons? Harsh conditions, remote areas from populated areas, dangerous logging equipment. There can be a threat anywhere.

Any work at high altitudes is risky. Builders and roofers, all those who service high-rise buildings, even window cleaners. It’s not enough to have steel cables and insurance; being at a great height, you need truly nerves of steel.

People who have to deal with enormous voltage, work at heights and in any weather. It's very high level mortality.

Due to their duty, they have to engage in combat with a criminal, become involved in a chase, shootout, and put their lives at mortal risk. This job is stressful. And what about possible injuries and injuries?

Fishing in elements so alien to humans has been claiming human lives for many years. And let the majority of those who call themselves fishermen do their favorite thing on quiet rivers or in forest lakes with friends. But for many who go to sea, equipped with bulky and very dangerous equipment, and often fight the elements, this profession, and any other related to the sea, carries an increased risk.

People involved in oil and gas production, forced to deal with complex and traumatic equipment and hot substances, put their lives at great risk every day. Especially considering that, in remote areas or on the open ocean, it is difficult to count on the help of a qualified medical professional.

Everyone knows the main thing about people in this profession from childhood - they can only make a mistake once. And this is a reality, because they have to deal with objects specifically designed to kill effectively.

Anyone who comes face to face with such a dangerous element as fire is at risk every hour, even despite careful preparation and special equipment.

Much in this matter depends on the person himself. Own investigations, often more effective than those of law enforcement, hot spots and battlefields have classified this profession as one of the most dangerous.

Other dangerous professions

But the “hot ten” is far from the most full list dangerous professions. These, for example, can also safely include circus performers, for whom serious injuries are not uncommon:

  • A trainer whose pets are not small house cats.
  • A performance target at which knives, darts or arrows are thrown.
  • Aerialists performing somersaults at great heights under the circus big top.
  • Strongmen, especially when their weights or other tools are as heavy as they are said to be.

There is such a profession as crocodile fighters. Not every daredevil dares to put his head between the jaws of a crocodile. Besides, you can never be sure that they will not close. And this list can go on for a long time.

Profession and life expectancy

Work is often considered dangerous, but it does not pose a risk to life. But she can make her feel worse, contribute to the development of chronic diseases, and even shorten her life.

Electricians and plumbers, mechanical engineers and pipe layers are at risk. Asbestos is especially dangerous for them. It causes lung cancer. It was very popular in construction in the seventies. Pulmonary diseases can shorten the lives of workers in workshops producing marble coatings and cement, as well as ceramics.

Stressful situations that accompany the work of firefighters often provoke heart attacks. Pilots who spend a lot of time at high altitudes, exposed to radiation, cosmic and solar, in conditions of reduced protective properties of the atmosphere, should be wary of skin cancer.

Back pain from sitting for a long time accompanies the work of a bus, tram, or trolleybus driver. And their stress level and the constant risk of an accident are quite high, and this is a sure cause of heart disease.

Those who are forced to frequently interact with carcinogens that carry the threat of leukemia and brain tumors expose themselves to enormous risks. And these are pathologists, workers funeral homes and morgues.

What is your job?

Although, sitting at a computer all day can probably be considered one of the most dangerous professions, given that it completely destroys the cardiovascular and skeletal system, and is also a very boring way to shorten your life. That's why we've collected here the 20 most dangerous professions in the world...

1. Street cleaners.

If you've ever been to Kiva, Rwanda, you probably know why windshield wipers are on this list. Many women work here at all hours of the night, during heavy traffic and in unfriendly and crime-ridden areas.

2. Mountain guides

So many dangers await representatives of this profession: slippery ice, dangerous steep rocks, jagged rocks, wind, low air pressure, and many other dangerous things, which is why hiking in the mountains is not always a safe activity.

3. Carpenters

A broken hip while falling from the second floor, a crushed finger, splinters, cuts, or a dislocated collarbone after falling down the stairs are just a few of the many ways you can get injured on this job.

4. Stuntmen

Dangerous stunts associated with extreme driving, explosions, falls from cliffs, and much more - in this profession there is scope for both death and injury.

5. Couriers.

Couriers engaged in either pizza or newspaper delivery. This job is actually quite dangerous in most countries. Couriers are often victims of armed robberies and other violent crimes.

6. Alligator hunters.

7. Farmers and herders

Working with large animals and tractors in the field, from dawn to dusk, is not entirely pleasant. Their work can also be quite dangerous.

8. Firefighters

Putting out burning buildings, rushing into a roaring building to save a child, or finding yourself in a burning forest while putting out a forest fire can be very dangerous.

9. Roofers

Here, representatives of this profession can expect falls, threatening situations, heat stroke and other weather-related situations.

10. Police

Unfortunately, they are probably not the most popular civil servants in many parts of the world, and there is corruption on top of that... However, this is a real profession where its members can lay down their lives for the well-being of other people.

11. Cosmonauts and astronauts

Since the beginning of the Russian and American space programs, about 430 astronauts and cosmonauts have traveled to space. Despite this a large number of people who have already been in space, this profession continues to be dangerous. During this time, 34 astronauts died, representing a 7.5% mortality rate, which is significantly higher than in many other professions.

12. Bodyguards and armored car drivers

Depending on where in the world who or what is actually being protected, representatives of this profession find themselves on the front line in an attempt to assassinate the object.

13. Meat processing plant workers

In fact, the injury rate in this job is quite high. These injuries are often the result of the high speed of the assembly line, where there is a lot of cutting work required to slaughter up to 50 cattle per hour.

14. Mechanics

Gases, chemicals and dangerous tools are all very dangerous for mechanics who work on everything from Mini Coopers to fighter jets.

15. Search and rescue personnel.

Working in the coast guard or in a mountain rescue team are all quite dangerous professions.

16. Sappers.

In some parts of the world there are many areas where military operations have recently taken place. Therefore, there are many mines left here that need to be searched for and destroyed. Sappers cope with this operation, sometimes risking their own lives.

17. Taxi drivers

While bus and train drivers are also sometimes at risk, taxi drivers are in a completely different situation. Besides the obvious dangers on the roads, they are also exposed to constant dangers of robbery or violence. Maybe that's why there are so many advertisements for taxi drivers in newspapers and the media?

18. Miners

In the work of miners, there is a constant risk of mine collapses, gas explosions and other potentially life-threatening situations.

19. Deep sea fishing.

It is indeed the most dangerous job on most lists, especially Alaska crab harvesting. Open sea, long dark nights, frost and a lot of moving parts - there is almost nothing more dangerous.

20. Lumberjacks

Along with deep sea fishing, working in the logging industry is a long-known dangerous profession. Big trees, sharp saws, and a tight work schedule are not a good combination.

Many people complain about their work. This sounds especially funny coming from office employees who sit in a warm office all day and sort through papers! No, of course we understand that any work is work, and mental work is no less difficult, but let’s stop crying for a minute and look at the people who risk their lives, carry out vile, dangerous and truly scary tasks! The most dangerous and harmful work in the world and photos of the people who do it. Useful for many to watch!

The most dangerous professions in the world

All professions are important, all professions are needed! Let's look at the most dangerous professions in the world, where you definitely don't want to get a job.

Do you close the window because you are afraid that you will be blown away in the office? Then look at these electricians who are not afraid of anything!

Tired of paperwork? Then you can work as a loader and carry boxes like this guy.

Well, who if not him? Surely this tow truck driver has a heart of iron and balls of steel!

The guys are just doing their job. They have everything under control, despite the terrible cold weather and high humidity...

Do you think animals are so easy and fun to work with? Ask this woman what she saw.

Various countries annually publish lists of the most dangerous professions. Each country has its own list. Every year workers die or become disabled or suffer from occupational diseases.

What professions do people live the least?

We will use statistics for 2014 as a basis. It should be noted that a dangerous profession is not always associated with daily risk to life. It is also a mistake to believe that the more dangerous the profession, the higher the opportunity to earn as much as possible. more money. No human life should be measured in monetary terms. And even more so, no profession should become the cause of chronic diseases, or those diseases that significantly reduce human life. However, we have included in this list precisely those professions that, by many criteria, are considered both dangerous and noble, one of the most courageous... Taken together, we have the following:

1. Soldier, military personnel

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

If all over the world the first place of “the most dangerous professions” is occupied by fishermen and their fishing itself, then in Russia the situation is more clear. Over the past 5 years, the military profession has risen to the top ranks. A sharp jump up - from 5% in 2010 to 15% today. Experts explain this by saying that last years The situation in the world (and not only in Russia) is very tense. In conditions of severe disagreements between countries, as well as powerful propaganda from outside, many issues have ceased to be resolved at the diplomatic level. The prospect of the development of military conflicts is only increasing. We remember: the supposedly annexed Crimea, the war in Donbass, today also Syria...

2. Shakhtar

Not space, meters of soil above me,
And there’s no time for festive processions in the mine,
But we also own extraterrestrial
And the most mundane of professions...

Vladimir Vysotsky: “March of the Miners”

The word “miner” came to us from Germany, as the workers of the enterprise where mining was carried out were called - “schacht” (from German language"mine"). People began mining ore in the 15th century, but the mining business itself had not yet been formed by that time.

Mining in Russia began in the second half of the 15th century under the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. The first expedition to search for minerals went to the Pechora region back in 1491. However, mining received a powerful impetus only during the reign of Peter the Great.

By the beginning of the 20th century, coal production increased from 121 thousand tons in 1860 to 12 million tons in 1900, and in 1913 it reached almost 36 million tons.

The miner's profession is one of the most dangerous, and not only in Russia. The danger lies in the working conditions - at great depths, often at very high temperatures, explosions, mine collapses, methane and carbon monoxide poisoning are possible.

Mining is a priority, the most important task states. But in pursuit of profit, serious, acute problem safety issues arise in the difficult work of workers who are exposed to daily risk.

Negligence on the part of officials and government agencies leads to terrible tragedies. Just remember the methane explosions at the Ulyanovskaya and Yubileinaya mines, in the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region, the reasons for which were the thirst for profit. Let me remind you that at the Ulyanovskaya mine March 19, 2007 After a methane explosion, 110 people were killed.

On the night of May 8-9, 2010, two explosions occurred at the Kuzbass Raspadskaya mine. The accident ended the lives of 71 miners and 20 mine rescuers. Direct material damage from the accident alone is estimated at more than $320 million.


December 2, 1997 As a result of a methane explosion at the Zyryanovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region, 67 people were killed. It was reported that the accident occurred during a shift change at the mining face. The human factor was named as the main reason: the combine operator crushed the miner's self-rescuer (means personal protection from toxic combustion products), which provoked an explosion of methane gas that suddenly appeared in the face, followed by an explosion of coal dust.

A week before the explosion, a gas outbreak occurred at the mine, resulting in burns to five workers. However, the operation of the mine was not stopped. Experts note that none of the mine’s management was punished as a result of the investigation.

Miner's Day celebrated on the last Sunday of August

3. Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters

What makes a person a Legend? What did he do during his lifetime? Or memories of him? from the movie "Rescuer"

– specialist in rescuing victims in extreme situations, employee of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This profession is not easy, but it is very in demand and highly paid.

It includes several specialties: driver, fireman, steeplejack, diver, medic, etc.

Rescuers always have a lot of work: natural disasters, man-made disasters or terrorist attacks, natural disasters, domestic incidents - rescue service employees are obliged to as soon as possible come to the rescue. “...Too many unpredictable risks” accompanies rescuers every day. A risk bordering on the feats that people who choose this profession perform every day.

The elite of domestic rescuers is the Central Airmobile Rescue Squad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (Tsentrospas), whose fighters fly out on alert to the sites of all the world's major disasters.

For the gradation of professionals there are badges EMERCOM of Russia "Rescuer" international, first, second and third classes.

Firefighter. When extinguishing a fire, there is a high risk of physical injury from collapsing structures, overheating of the body, and poisoning by chemicals. One of the most dangerous professions in the world.

IN Russian Federation Every year, 130,000 fires are recorded, resulting in the deaths of about 19,000 people, including 30 firefighters involved in extinguishing the fire.

Firefighter dynasties. The tradition of continuity in the Russian fire service today is continued by about 50 professional dynasties. It is not uncommon for two to five generations of firefighters, from grandfathers to grandchildren, as well as their relatives and their families, to serve in one fire department. The oldest dynasties of firefighters have a total service record of more than 100 years.

Professional holiday of fire brigade workers celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on April 30.

4. Journalists

Evgeny Poddubny, Russian military journalist

Mr. President, Russian journalists are flying with us. I promised that you would tell them about life in the White House.
- There is no life in the White House. From the film "The President's Airplane"

According to statistics, two journalists die a week in the world today. This information made available for public viewing in Geneva.

Every year, more than a hundred journalists die around the world for various reasons. After this, someone will have a question about why there are so many occupational deaths in seemingly ordinary activities?

Even in Peaceful time these statistics are not decreasing, this is because journalism is a dangerous profession that involves entering into constant debates with different people who react differently to a particular question and information.

A journalist is present where passions are always heated, where military operations are taking place, where rallies and debates are held. A journalist, sometimes, even reluctantly, can find himself in a hotbed of hostilities and conflicts, thereby walking a fine line between life and death. He is always there where the situation is unstable and passions are intense.

Journalism is a very dangerous profession associated with the death of innocent professionals who die in hot spots and unstable states. Yes, undoubtedly, soldiers die more often than journalists, but journalists, unlike soldiers, are completely unprotected, and their main weapon is a notepad and pen, the word...

According to statistics, more than 400 journalists were killed / killed in Russia from 1993 to 2009 alone.

The international organization Committee to Protect Journalists presented its annual ranking of the most dangerous countries for journalists, in which Russia was in ninth place.

The rating is published on the organization’s website, it determines percentage the number of unsolved murders of journalists in relation to the country's population.

The ranking took into account crimes committed from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012. According to the organization, 14 murders of media workers remain unsolved in Russia since 2003, and journalists in the North Caucasus have been the least protected in recent years.

In total, there are 12 countries on the list. The most dangerous countries for journalists, Iraq, Somalia and the Philippines are named. In addition, it is worth recalling the hottest spots:

1. Ukraine.

Over the past year, Ukraine has become the most dangerous country for journalists. Here is a list of journalists who died in this country in 2014:

February 18 - Vyacheslav Veremiy, reporter for the Vesti newspaper. February 20 - Igor Kostenko, Ukrainian journalist from the Sportanalytic newspaper.

May 24 - Andrea Rocchelli, an Italian photojournalist, died under unclear circumstances while covering the siege of Slavyansk. His translator Andrei Mironov died along with him.

June 17 - Igor Kornelyuk, VGTRK correspondent. His sound engineer Anton Voloshin was killed along with him.

August 6 - Andrey Stenin, photojournalist for MIA Rossiya Segodnya. Along with him, employees of the DPR information unit “IKORPUS” Sergei Korenchenkov and Andrei Vyachalo died.

November 29 - Alexander Kuchinsky, journalist, Chief Editor Donetsk newspaper "Criminal Express", author of the books "Chronicle of Donetsk Banditry" and "Anthology of Contract Murder".

In addition, Ukraine has become the leader among countries in the world in the number of kidnapped and arrested journalists. Reporters Without Borders reports this in its report. According to the report, 33 journalists were kidnapped in 2014, the highest number in the world. The journalists were mostly kidnapped on Maidan, in eastern Ukraine.