Awarding the Badge and the “Warm Heart” Symbol. Badge “Warm Heart” What does a warm heart mean?

Among the recipients was Daler Kidyba. The 15-year-old boy became known to Orenburg residents after he helped the police detain two robbers. Last October, the teenager was returning home from the clinic. Suddenly he heard screams: a woman called for help, pointing to two fleeing men who snatched her purse with documents and a wallet. Without hesitation, Daler rushed after them. Literally while running, he called the police on his mobile phone. Thus, the 15-year-old boy helped detain two criminals.

An act worthy of respect did not go unnoticed. In January of this year, in a solemn ceremony, Evgeny Arapov presented Daler with an award watch. And today he, along with other young heroes, was honored in the capital: the brave young man was awarded the “Warm Heart” badge.

Vitya Bragin, a 14-year-old resident of Belyaevka, saved the most precious thing - human life. While swimming in the Ural River, he heard a woman on the shore shouting: “A child is drowning!” Without hesitation, the boy swam to the rescue. When he picked up the child, he realized that he was in the middle of the river and the current was rapidly carrying them down. The drowning boy clutched tightly to his savior. Together they swam to the shore. Even on the shore, the frightened boy was barely torn away from Vitya.

14-year-old Artyom Knigin from Nezhenka also saved a drowning man. little child stumbled and fell into the water. He couldn't get out. Artyom Knigin passed by and threw himself into the river in his clothes. Swimming up to the boy, he picked him up and began to push him towards the shore. With great difficulty, he not only pulled the boy out of the water, but provided him with the necessary medical care.

Alexander Gorochkin from the village of Sagarchin. This is one of the border villages. Nearby there is a checkpoint to the territory of Kazakhstan. An alert student from the ninth grade once noticed a state border violator, which he reported to the border guards. Thanks to this, the offender was detained. Sasha was rewarded for his vigilance by the leadership of the border outpost.

Elena Osipova, a second-year student at the Buzuluk Construction College, a man from a burning house. The emergency occurred in March 2017. Returning home, the girl smelled burning. This bothered her greatly and she decided to find the source of the smell. Suddenly she saw thick black smoke pouring out from under the roof of one of the houses. The silhouette of a man was visible in the window, who for some reason was in no hurry to go out. Lena rushed to help. Climbing into the house through the window, she saw an elderly man with sore legs who could not get out. Elena put him on her back and pushed him out the window, thereby saving the man’s life.

The names of five Orenburg residents and another 159 brave girls and boys will be included in the “Warm Heart - 2018” Book of Honor.

Extracurricular event “Warm Heart”


    Expand the concept of “warm heart”;

    show the importance of a person in good deeds for society;

    introduce the state initiative “Warm Heart”;

    nurturing in children humanity, mercy, the ability to come to the aid of those in need, the desire to be noble in life.

Progress of the event

How do you understand the expression “warm heart”?

Is the word “hot” the same as the word “kind”?

And what kind is it?

What are your associations with the word kind?

Warm heart– this is the topic of our today's event. Many will immediately have a question: “What is this” or “who is this” warm heart?!

Warm heart - This is an example of heroic and courageous actions, a willingness to selflessly come to the aid of those in need, an example of overcoming courageous and difficult life situations, an example of socially significant volunteer initiatives and projects.

It is difficult to imagine a society in which people are not ready, at least occasionally, to do good deeds - to help others, including strangers, strangers. Of course, in different times and in different countries the concept of “good deed” was filled with different content. But one thing, perhaps, always remains unchanged: a “good deed” is a deed that no one is obliged to do, but which, according to public morality, is right to do.

What actions are recognized as a “good deed” in our country today?

Among specific examples“good deeds” - helping the poor, sick, hungry, elderly people, caring for children, helping those in trouble. Moreover, this includes not only everyday actions - bringing water, crossing the road, giving alms, but also very serious actions like adopting a child, helping an orphanage, or raising funds for the treatment of the sick.

If we look around and carefully look around, we will notice that among us there are people who are ready to selflessly help, who have such qualities as: human attention, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, and the ability to communicate with others. The sprouts of mercy, charity, and kindness are embedded in us from birth. The Bible also said: “Hasten to do good.”

In this huge world in which you and I live,
There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
Let's learn together to take care of each other and love each other,
Together we will learn to shine on each other like stars.

Let us not be graded at school for the generosity of our Souls,
Just take it one day and do Good,
And then in the bitter cold it will smell like spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on Earth!

Hundreds of roads await us, but everyone will have their own,
And, of course, Friends will help you get to your goal.
So that our long-time dreams come true soon,
Let the lesson of Kindness always be the main lesson!

Now I would like you to listen to the parable “About the Torn Heart.” Listen carefully, and try to stand out, something instructive.

The Parable of the Torn Heart

One sunny day, a handsome young man stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was truly perfect - not a dent or scratch. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of this and simply beamed with happiness.

Suddenly an old man came forward from the crowd and said, turning to the guy:

Your heart was not even close to mine in beauty.

Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was dented, all covered in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and in their places others were inserted that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. Moreover, there were clearly missing pieces in some places in the old man's heart. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart was more beautiful?

The guy looked at the old man’s heart and laughed:

You might be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And yours! Yours is a jumble of scars and tears!

Yes,” the old man replied, “your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts.” Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I tore out many pieces from my heart and gave them to people. And they often gave me their love in return - their pieces of heart that filled the empty space in mine... But since the pieces of different hearts do not exactly fit together, I have ragged edges in my heart... They remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes people did not return theirs to me - and then empty holes appeared in my heart. These holes bring pain, but they also remind me of the love I shared... I hope that one day these pieces of my heart will return to me. And if not... well, at least I have something to remember. These memories do not burden me - without them life would not be so complete... Now you see what it means true beauty hearts?

The crowd froze. The young man stood silently, stunned. Tears flowed from his eyes.

He approached the old man, took out his heart and tore a piece from it. With trembling hands, he extended a piece of his heart to the old man... The old man gratefully took his gift. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his beaten heart and inserted it into the space formed in his heart young man. The piece fit, but not perfectly, and some of the edges stuck out and some were torn.

The young man looked at his heart and saw that it was now not entirely perfect, but it had become much more beautiful than before...

So, judging by this parable, is it easy to live for people with warm hearts?

And why?

(It’s difficult for people with warm hearts to live. By doing good, a person seems to be giving away his heart bit by bit to other people... And goodness is not always returned to a person in good time on time, which definitely creates scars and holes in the heart...)

Have you guys ever met people with “hot” hearts in your young lives? Who are these people?

(“Warm” hearts are the hearts of our parents, who love us and care about us; ... our teachers, because they teach us and worry about us if sometimes something doesn’t work out for us; ... our friends and girlfriends, our classmates who make the world brighter and more joyful; doctors who treat us...)

Especially to highlight such people, to emphasize the importance and heroism of their actionsin 2014, the annual All-Russian public and state initiative “Warm Heart” was established. The initiative is aimed at identifying examples of heroic and courageous deeds, caring attitude towards people in need of help and support, courageous overcoming of difficult life situations, the ability and willingness to selflessly come to the rescue.

Let's get acquainted with this initiative, pay attention to the slides.

The awards are held annually at ceremonies in Moscow, as well as in the regions of the Russian Federation with the support of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts and governors of the constituent entities Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the initiative, the Honor Book “Warm Heart” is published annually with stories about the actions of the awarded children and the activities of public organizations and associations. The book is also available on the initiative’s website and is an important component for educational work with the younger generation in the family and in educational organizations countries. (Look at this book)

Among the recipients are guys who gave their lives helping the victims. This is an irreparable loss for parents and all of us. However, these guys showed an example of true courage and bravery, fortitude, moral and spiritual core. They will forever remain in our memory and in the hearts of the people they saved.

This initiative provides an opportunity for society to express recognition and gratitude to children, adolescents and young people who have shown examples of caring attitude, selfless help to people and courageous overcoming of difficult life situations. It's not just about heroic deeds who saved someone’s life, but also about the manifestation of social activity among young people.

I would like to emphasize once again that people with “warm hearts” who are ready to help and support you in a critical situation are next to you. We don't always notice this. I'm sure you can remember huge amount stories that relate to our topic today.

For in simple words, the extraordinary story hides a deep meaning. This is a simple example of the manifestation of readiness for a feat, for a courageous act.

With this, our “Warm Heart” event, dedicated to the kindness and responsiveness of your senior comrades, comes to an end. This book of honor will be replenished every year, and perhaps someday we will see your names in it. I want to end with these words:

Guys, your heart is huge,
There is no envy, anger, resentment in him,
You rush to help anyone,
To save a person rather,
You are all wonderful people
Help, no matter what,
Your kindness is limitless,
You will be rewarded for your goodness!

Warm heart from whom. Razg. Express About someone who is capable of strong feelings and experiences; ardent, passionate. - I went to see him five times. I almost knelt in front of him. I pressed my pride. He knew that he was a selfless communist. He only looks calm, but his heart is warm!(Salutsky. Director from Svetly).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Warm Heart” is in other dictionaries:

    Warm heart- Genre: comedy Author: Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Original language: Russian Year of writing: 1868 Publication ... Wikipedia

    WARM HEART- WARM HEART, USSR, Lenfilm, 1953, b/w, 179 min. Film performance, drama. Based on the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky. Performance by the Leningrad State academic theater dramas by A.S. Pushkin. The directors of the play are Vladimir Kozhich and Antonin... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    WARM HEART- 1953, 179 min., b/w. genre: comedy. dir. Gennady Kazansky, opera. Alexander Ksenofontov, art. Victor Volin, Bella Manevich, sound. Grigory Elbert. Cast: Gennady Michurin, Anna Belousova, Tamara Aleshina, Alexander Borisov, Konstantin... ... Lenfilm. Annotated Film Catalog (1918-2003)

    Cold hands and a warm heart- The Outer Limits: Cold Hands, Warm Heart ... Wikipedia

    A security officer must have a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands- As researchers suggest, this phrase first appeared in the book by N.I. Zubov (chapter 6) “Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky: Brief biography"(1941). In the book, this is the direct speech of F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1877 1926): “Only a person with... ... can be a Chekist. Dictionary winged words and expressions

    The heart is not a stone- Genre: play Author: Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Original language: Russian Year of writing: 1879 Publication: 1880 ... Wikipedia

    heart- aloe (Gorodetsky); tireless (Fet); restless (Corinthian); sleepless (Remizov); fearless (Fet); stormy (Lermontov, K.R.); generous (Grigorovich); thing (Almazov); deep (P.Y.); deaf (Gorodetsky); proud (Polonsky); hot... ... Dictionary of epithets

    heart- noun, p., used max. often Morphology: (no) what? hearts, what? heart, (see) what? heart, what? heart, about what? about the heart; pl. What? hearts, (no) what? hearts, what? hearts, (see) what? hearts, what? hearts, about what? about hearts organ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    heart- A; pl. hearts, children, children; Wed 1. The central circulatory organ in the form of a muscular sac, located in a person on the left side of the chest cavity. Healthy, sick p. who has L. Molodoe village Increased heart rate. Sore throat gives a complication on p. In s... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    heart- A; pl. hearts/, de/c, dca/m; Wed see also by the heart, little heart, heart, heart 1) a) The central circulatory organ in the form of a muscular sac, located in a person on the left side of the chest cavity... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Warm Heart, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is to this day the most popular Russian playwright. He is being filmed and performances based on his plays are staged. It seems that only when the plays were born...

The lesson tells about the All-Russian public and state initiative "Warm Heart" The main goal of which is to honor and express gratitude to children and youth under the age of 23 who have shown concern and active life position who committed heroic and courageous deeds, unselfishly came to the aid of people, and also overcame difficult life situations.



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“Warm Heart” Lesson of Courage Prepared by: teacher-librarian of the state educational institution “Novomoskovsk boarding school for orphans Bychkova K.A. 2015

Many will immediately have a question: “What is this” or “who is this” warm heart?! A warm heart is an example of heroic and brave deeds, a willingness to unselfishly come to the aid of those in need, an example of overcoming courageous and difficult life situations, an example of socially significant volunteer and voluntary initiatives and projects.

A good deed It is difficult to imagine a society in which people are not ready, at least occasionally, to do good deeds - to help others, including strangers. Of course, at different times and in different countries the concept of a “good deed” was filled with different content. But one thing, perhaps, always remains unchanged: a “good deed” is a deed that no one is obliged to do, but which, according to public morality, should be done correctly.

What actions are recognized as a “good deed” in our country today? an act dictated by care, concern for others (When someone feels better from these things), when people respect each other and behave with dignity - this is kind heart, the main thing is to love people.” good deeds are deeds done “in good conscience.” helping the poor, sick, hungry, elderly people, caring for children, helping those in trouble

If you look around and carefully look around, it’s hard not to notice that among us there are people who are ready to unselfishly help, who have such qualities as: human attention, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, and the ability to communicate with others.

All-Russian public and state initiative "Warm Heart" The main goal of the initiative is to honor and express gratitude to children and youth under the age of 23 who have shown concern and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly come to the aid of people, and also overcome difficult life situations .

The “Warm Heart” badge was established

Stories that touch the soul, these are kind hearts.

Brittle ice In early spring, first-grader Artyom and his 5-year-old friend Arsen, having slipped away from the supervision of their parents, went into the ravine for adventure. On this day, the surface of the water became covered with thin ice, which caused special delight among the children. Not understanding the danger, the children decided to skate on the ice. The fidgety Arsen was the first to jump onto the ice. The fragile ice crust immediately broke apart with a crash under his feet, and the boy instantly sank headlong into the water. As soon as he surfaced, he screamed in fear. Not afraid less than a friend, Artyom, calling for help, ran towards the houses. The screams of the children were heard by Fadis Akhmetov, an 11th grade student high school Tukaevo village. At this time he helped his parents with housework. Hearing the screams, Fadis ran towards the ravine and saw the drowning baby. The young man dived into the water without hesitation. The icy cold scalded the body like boiling water. My heart pounded in alarm, my lungs seemed to shrink, not allowing me to breathe. The high school student reached the baby with a couple of strong strokes and, throwing him on his shoulder, reached the shore. Hugging the boy tightly to warm him up a little, he hurried to the warm shelter.

Not everyone is able to commit an act worthy of respect at the age of 7. But Nikita Baranov, a small resident of the Bashkir village of Tashkinovo, at only 7 years old, managed to show childish courage and heroism! For the second year now, in the village of Tashkinovo, builders have been carrying out endless work on gasification. Because of this, all the streets were dug up, and there was no street lighting in the village. Residents were looking forward to when the builders would finally complete their work. At the beginning of April 2012, while walking along one of the streets, 7-year-old Nikita Baranov heard cries for help coming from somewhere. He listened: it was clearly a child screaming. He screamed terribly, seemingly choking...

There were no adults around, and Nikita, without a moment’s hesitation, rushed to the trench, which more closely resembled a one and a half meter hole filled with water. At the bottom he saw the neighbor's boy Dima Toyguzin. The three-year-old boy tried in vain to get to the surface. It was clear that he was tired and his strength was running out, besides cold water pulled the heavy clothes to the bottom. From unsuccessful attempts to get out, the boy began to choke... Nikita understood that there was nowhere to wait for help. Straining all his strength, he began to pull Dima out of the hole. It was very difficult, but he still managed to pull the baby to the surface. Both the rescuer and the saved were happy. Little Dima was very lucky that Nikita was next to the ill-fated pit, who with his courage and determination prevented terrible tragedy.

On the recommendation of the award commission, the organizing committee decided to award the “Warm Heart 215” badge to 127 people and 8 public organizations. Thus, 17-year-old Maxim Reshetnev from Krasnoyarsk, with his brave and competent actions, saved five people during a fire in an apartment. Maxim managed to “hold back” the fire until the federal fire service arrived. 12-year-old Boris Bushkov from Kirov saved a drowning boy from the river, risking his life in the process. 19-year-old Ilya Ilyashenko from Kursk saved two boys who fell through the ice. 16-year-old Vadim Ostapov from the Krasnodar region saved his godmother and her two children in a fire.

This year, the “Warm Heart” badge was also awarded to five people who gave their lives helping the victims. “This is an irreparable loss for the parents and all of us. However, these guys showed an example of true courage and bravery, fortitude, moral and spiritual core. They will forever remain in our memory and in the hearts of the rescued people,” the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement. The names of those awarded the badge are included in the 2015 Warm Heart Book of Honor, which has already been published electronically on the website of the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives.

Artyom Govorunov Born in 1996 Artyom Govorunov’s childhood in Novy Urengoy began quite well. When Artyom was 4 years old, his brother Sasha was born - a child with disabilities. Sasha grew up smart and inquisitive, but could not move independently. Four years later, the children lost their mother. The father, previously an exemplary family man, could not cope with grief, became addicted to alcohol and was soon deprived of parental rights. The grandmother took custody of the children, old man with poor health. Artyom had to grow up quickly. He became for Sasha both a nurse, and a closest friend, and an interlocutor, and even “legs”. If it weren’t for Artyom, the whole world for Sasha would have been limited only to his room. It would seem that the daily care of a child deprived of the ability to move is an unbearable burden for a young man. But Artyom does not understand how it could be otherwise, although, unlike his peers, he is forced to limit himself in many ways.

Tatarinova Ekaterina Born in 2000, 13-year-old Katya Tatarinova from the village of Leninskoye, Shabalinsky district, Kirov region, may not have dreamed of long northern travels, but she was just the one who, as the poet Nikolai Nekrasov wrote, “will stop a galloping horse, in he will enter the burning hut.” And fires in the Shabalinsky district, especially in the height of summer, unfortunately, happen often and sometimes do not occur without loss of life. On July 9, 2013, in the village of Leninskoye, outbuildings in a residential two-apartment building caught fire. As the investigation later established, the cause of the fire was faulty electrical wiring. The fiery emergency brought together all the neighbors. However, only Katya, who was among them, noticed a frightened 5-year-old boy standing almost in the very fiery heat - the son of the owner of this house. Without thinking about mortal danger, the schoolgirl rushed to save him. Running up to the baby, she grabbed him in her arms and carried him out of the fire.

EOR http://www.

The All-Russian public and state initiative "Warm Heart" is new project Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. Implemented since November 2013. The main goal of the initiative is to honor and express gratitude to children and youth under the age of 23 who have shown concern and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly come to the aid of people, and also overcome difficult life situations. The initiative was organized jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense, the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Paralympic Committee, as well as public organizations and funds. Approval and support received from the Federation Council and State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts. The organizing committee of the initiative annually receives more than a thousand submissions for awarding the “Warm Heart” badge from all nine Federal Districts and more than 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The awards are held annually at ceremonies in Moscow, as well as in the regions of the Russian Federation, with the support of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts and governors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Anthem of “Ardent Hearts” Music by F. Stepanov, lyrics by A. Mikhailichenko If only all the young hearts of Russia, blazing with one hot fire, suddenly united their efforts, All the ice floes of evil would melt in it! I am a Russian, I am responsible for everything! My homeland is dearer to me than existence! For everything that happens on the planet, I am responsible with a warm heart! I am next to those who are in trouble, I am ready to go through fire and water! Hot hearts should not hesitate to save the baby from the flames! I am a Russian, I am responsible for everything! My homeland is dearer to me than existence! For everything that happens on the planet, I am responsible with a warm heart!

The youth Arctic expedition has achieved its goal! Seven Russian teenagers conquered the North Pole: Ksenia German, Nikolai Zaitsev, Alena Karpenko, Karina Kausova, Ahuramazad Muminjanov, Nikita Nekrasov and Alexander Petrov. The team includes the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Astakhov.

Evgeniy Alexandrov Born in 1996, Saratov region In pursuit of a robber In January 2013, Evgeniy Alexandrov, first-year student at the Balashov Technical School of Mechanization agriculture, was returning home from class. 17-year-old Zhenya’s path lay past one of the private houses. Zhenya, an avid football fan, recalled the last game, replaying particularly poignant moments in his head. On weekends, he usually participated in amateur matches with friends. He was distracted from pleasant thoughts by a plaintive female scream. It was possible to pass by - and most probably would have done so - but Evgeniy immediately rushed into the yard, from which they were calling for help. At that same moment, a frightened woman ran away from the door of the house. Grabbing Zhenya by the hands, choking with tears, terrified with fear, she said that a thief had broken into her house. Returning from the store and entering the door, she suddenly saw that someone was rummaging through her things, opening cabinets and pulling out drawers. And running out into the street, she saw Zhenya. Vn Suddenly a man appeared from the open door. Looking around, he held in his hands a large bag of loot. He probably put in there everything that was at hand and had at least some value. Evgeniy, without hesitation, moved towards the robber. The thief, seeing the tall one, sporty look guy, threw the prey and ran away. Frequent football training with the ball was not in vain. Zhenya easily overtook the 43-year-old attacker and knocked him to the ground. The criminal resisted, lying on the ground, to which the student pressed him. Evgeniy did not let him get up, waiting for the police to arrive, who had already been called by neighbors who heard the noise of the struggle. Soon a police squad arrived and the thief was detained. Later, Evgeniy recalled that he ran after the criminal, not thinking about the danger. If Evgeni had not had good athletic training, he could have suffered in this fight. The detainee turned out to be an experienced criminal, who was also wanted. For his civil courage, Evgeniy received a well-deserved reward and the respect of the victim and his comrades.

Baranov Nikita Born in 2004 Tashkinovo village, Republic of Bashkortostan Despite the long-standing statement sounded in one of the old songs “March of Enthusiasts”: “With us, anyone becomes a hero!”, “being a hero” is still more appropriate for adults than for little ones children!.. However, it depends on which children and in what situation... Not everyone is given the opportunity to commit an act worthy of respect at the age of 7. But Nikita Baranov, a small resident of the Bashkir village of Tashkinovo, at only 7 years old, managed to show childish courage and heroism! For the second year now, in the village of Tashkinovo, builders have been carrying out endless work on gasification. Because of this, all the streets were dug up, and there was no street lighting in the village. Residents were looking forward to when the builders would finally complete their work. At the beginning of April 2012, while walking along one of the streets, 7-year-old Nikita Baranov heard cries for help coming from somewhere. He listened: it was clearly a child screaming. He screamed terribly, seemingly choking... None of the adults were around, and Nikita, without a moment’s hesitation, rushed to the trench, which more closely resembled a one and a half meter hole filled with water. At the bottom he saw the neighbor's boy Dima Toyguzin. The three-year-old boy tried in vain to get to the surface. It was clear that he was tired and his strength was running out, and besides, the cold water pulled his heavy clothes to the bottom. From unsuccessful attempts to get out, the boy began to choke... Nikita understood that there was nowhere to wait for help. Straining all his strength, he began to pull Dima out of the hole. It was very difficult, but he still managed to pull the baby to the surface. Both the rescuer and the saved were happy. Little Dima was very lucky that Nikita was next to the ill-fated pit, who with his courage and determination prevented a terrible tragedy. To the young hero Nikita Baranov was awarded a Certificate for displaying courage, bravery, dedication and heroism in saving a drowning 3-year-old child.

Bogdanov Stanislav g. Bezdolny Mikhail born 1998 The delay of death is like the assertion that we have the best youth in the world, someone will grin, someone will mutter skeptically: “We know these youth,” but there will also be those who will support: “True, they are the best.” The boys from the Baranikovskaya school 43 Stanislav Bogdan and Mikhail Bezdolny are exactly those about whom they say: “There is no translation for the Cossack family.” They grow in their large families real men, Cossacks, knowing the value of both labor and real male friendship, and helping my mother and taking my studies seriously. At the same time, they are the most ordinary guys: they love sports, they love to communicate with peers, they love to swim in the river. On a June evening in 2013, Stanislav and Mikhail were walking along the banks of the Protoka River, which flowed through the entire village. As usual, some were relaxing on the shore, others were immediately herding geese and ducks. There were two people in the water - father and son. They had fun, played and, apparently, completely forgot that the Channel, although it has a smooth flow, is fast-moving. An instant - and the swimmers were carried away. The father tried to cope with the current, but to no avail. The boys looked at each other and immediately understood: “We can’t hesitate.” Without saying a word, they jumped into the water, overtook the drowning people and began to pull them to the shore - first the boy, then the father. The child came to his senses immediately, but the man was dragged ashore already dead. There, in the water, the boys made a man’s decision: “Let’s save everyone!”, although they understood that they did not have enough strength and that the man was already dead. The school did not learn about what happened on the river right away and by chance, from people living not far from the site of the tragedy. Stanislav and Mikhail do not consider themselves heroes; they were raised that way by their native land, their families, fellow countrymen, where they know the value of words and deeds.

A brave fourth-grader, 10-year-old Svetlana Vasilkovskaya, was walking with two friends on May 4, 2013. One of the girls was pushing her 2-year-old brother in a stroller. The day was hot, and the girls went to the fire pond. There they began splashing water. Then they ran into the sun to dry, but Sveta didn’t run, she stayed next to the stroller. Suddenly she heard a strange noise: the stroller with the child took off and rolled straight into the pond! The wheels of the fast-moving stroller bounced on uneven surfaces and eventually got stuck in the mud. The baby flew out of the stroller and plopped into the depths of the pond. Sveta, afraid for the baby, began to call her friends for help, but they were far away and did not hear her. The boy, floundering, began to dive under the water. The girl became scared, and without hesitation she rushed into the pond to save the baby. The water was still cold, the bottom was viscous. The light began to suck in. With great difficulty, she went into the water up to her chest and, reaching out to the baby, tried to grab him, but he kept slipping out of her hands. And then Sveta remembered how they were taught at school: a drowning person must be pulled out of the water while standing sideways. Finally she was able to grab the baby, but the muddy bottom began to suck her in again. Fortunately, Sveta felt something hard under her feet - a brick, on which she stood. Breaking out of last bit of strength, she was able to get to land with the rescued boy. The girl carried the chilled boy to her home. Seeing her granddaughter in wet clothes with a sobbing neighbor’s child in her arms on the threshold, the grandmother was horrified. Sveta was shaking all over, not so much from the cold as from the fear she had experienced. But the grandmother was especially frightened: after all, her granddaughter did not know how to swim! It turns out that at that terrible moment the girl completely forgot about it and rushed to save the baby. For her courageous actions, Svetlana Vasilkovskaya received thank you letter from the Office for the Protection of the Population from Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the Novgorod Region, she was given a tablet.

Petr Morgorov from Buryatia A ninth-grader saved the life of a girl falling from a fifth-floor balcony. Having calculated the trajectory of the fall in a few seconds, he caught the child near the ground. In addition to the badge of honor, Peter was awarded for this act the Russian state award “For saving the dead.”

To make life easier Anton Mikheev Born in 1992, Cheboksary city, Chuvash Republic 22-year-old Anton Mikheev, a student at the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, invented a device that makes life much easier for people with disabilities.

Stories of “Warning Hearts” Brittle ice The small Tatar village of Abdrakhmanovo, lost in the vastness of the Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, is unremarkable except for the fact that people of broad souls and courageous hearts live there, always ready to help or share trouble. The village lives as if it were one family. The population has barely exceeded 100 people, and everyone knows each other well. Therefore, the courageous act of high school student Fadis Akhmetov was discussed by the whole world..... Little hero Despite the long-standing statement, sounded in one of the old songs “March of Enthusiasts”: “With us, anyone becomes a hero!”, “being a hero” is still more appropriate for adults, and not for small children!.. However, this depends on which children and depending on the situation... Guardian Angel Zhenya Bevzak, a student of the 6th cadet class in the city of Troitsk, stood at the entrance on an April day in 2013 multi-storey building chatting with a friend. The warmth of spring could already be felt outside... The naval cadets took up the fight. Three 9th graders, students of the naval cadet classes of the school No. 18. A. S. Sergeev (city of Kursk) was expected class teacher N. N. Osetrova at the gates of his school. Ivan Baronin, Alexander Petrenko and Norman Miroshnikov were scheduled to perform at an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A. A. Kharitanovsky. At that moment, an elderly woman, covered in blood, climbed out onto the balcony of a nearby house, barely able to stand on her feet... thin ice The winter of 2012 in the Stavropol Territory was frosty. Temperatures dropped so low that water pipes burst in the village of Raguli. The water utility workers did not fill up the 2-meter hole created during the repairs; they decided to wait until spring. The surface of the water that filled the hole was covered with ice. A tiny lake formed, and the village children had an improvised skating rink. Children gladly went on the ice, despite the prohibitions of their parents... Today the Initiative has its own website - where you can find out latest news, watch photos and videos, and tell your story of courage.