Features of livestock farming in Russia. Livestock farming is a key branch of agriculture, its main directions and types

Livestock farming refers to the agricultural sector main task and whose purpose is to breed domestic animals and poultry. The main purpose of animal husbandry is food products of animal origin, such as the production of meat, milk, eggs, animal fats, etc. In addition, livestock farming provides raw materials in the form of hides or wool for a number of industries, and can also satisfy other needs of society, for example, in horse-drawn transport, sports, etc.

It is no coincidence that in countries with highly developed economies and agricultural complexes, livestock farming is given almost the main place. The share of animal products in the human diet is approximately 60 percent. Therefore, the demand for them increases in proportion to the increase in population and the growth of cities.

Development of livestock farming in the USSR

After October Revolution During the years of Soviet power, it was possible to significantly improve the productive and breeding qualities of agricultural livestock, due to which the production of milk, meat and other agricultural products sharply increased. Breeding state farms and a whole network of state breeding nurseries for the main breeds were created throughout the country. An important role in improving the breeding qualities of livestock was played by state planning of livestock production, breed zoning and the practice of mass crossing of low-productive cows with producers of highly productive domestic and foreign breeds.

Having set itself the task of qualitatively improving cattle breeding, the Soviet government understood that its own breeding resources available in the country were not enough for this. Therefore, in the period from 1925 to 1933, the country purchased abroad over 50 thousand heads of pedigree cattle, both dairy and combined breeds, in particular Black-and-White, Simmental, and Swiss. At the same time, dairy breeds were imported from Germany, Switzerland and Holland, and meat breeds, for example, Hereford, Shorthorn, Aberdeen Angus from Great Britain and Uruguay. To cross newly acquired animals with domestic breeding stock, breeding farms were intensively created, which later became the main suppliers of breeding animals. Since the beginning of the 30s, the method of artificial insemination began to be successfully used in domestic livestock farming, due to which it became possible to use purebred animals even more widely in order to improve the breeding performance of large tracts of cattle. As a result, in the period from 1932 to 1939, the number of livestock on the country's collective farms increased to 4.5 million (from 10 to 29 percent).

Great Patriotic War caused enormous damage to livestock production in our country. However, some of the breeding cattle were saved by evacuating them to the east and continuing systematic breeding work, despite wartime conditions. After the war, thanks to measures taken by the government, livestock farming was restored.

In 1965 -1980 it was developed comprehensive program aimed at its development. This period was marked by the rapid growth of livestock farming and the development of new forms of its management. Domestic livestock farming reached its maximum development in 1987, after which, due to unfavorable changes in the country, the number of cattle and production volumes began to decline.

Livestock farming in Russia

Being part of the USSR, Russia had a fairly developed livestock industry. So, in the mid-80s, the cattle population was 60 million heads, pigs 40 million, goats and sheep about 65 million heads. In the 90s, due to a lack of feed, the livestock dropped to 28.5 million heads (cattle), 17.5 million (pigs), 15.5 million heads (sheep and goats). Livestock productivity remains quite low.

However, livestock farming is still one of the most important sectors of the economy. Livestock breeding base in Russian Federation is cattle breeding. In the north and central regions, dairy cattle are bred; in most of the country, dairy and meat breeds are raised, and in the steppe zone, meat and dairy breeds are raised. Since the second half of the nineties, measures have been taken in Russia aimed at increasing livestock farming, but their implementation will take a lot of time.

Livestock industries

Cattle breeding is the country's largest livestock industry. Although cattle are bred almost everywhere in Russia, there are areas that breed only dairy and milk-meat cattle, or only meat, dairy and beef cattle. As a rule, dairy cattle are more often bred in forest and forest-steppe regions, in the North and North-West (Vologda region), as well as in the Center, Volga-Vyatka and Ural regions. Dairy breeds are represented by Yaroslavl, Kholmogory and others. In the steppe and adjacent areas, cattle breeding for meat, dairy and meat production is especially developed.

Sheep farming is widespread in the Caucasus, as well as in the steppes and semi-steppe regions of the Lower Volga region, in the Urals (in the Orenburg region). Sheep farming is a specialty here. In the European part of the country, breeding of sheepskin sheep of the Romanov breed is common, while in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia and the Volga region, fine-fleece sheep breeding is more common. In the Stavropol region, Dagestan and Kalmykia, sheep breeding is represented by meat-fat fat-tailed breeds.

Pig farming is more widely represented in the Central Black Earth Region, Volga-Vyatka and North Caucasus regions, and the Volga region. Pigs of the tallow, meat, ham and bacon varieties are bred here.

The basis of feed for the development of poultry farming is feed grain. Therefore, poultry breeding is developed in the most grain-producing regions (North Caucasus, Black Earth Region, Volga region) and in the most populated (Central, Northwestern) regions, near large cities.

Among the areas in which horse breeding is developed, mention should be made of the North Caucasus, the southern parts of the Urals and Siberia, as well as Altai with its mountain-steppe regions, Buryatia and Yakutia.

Camel farming operates in arid steppes and semi-deserts (in Kalmykia, Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, Orenburg region). Camels are exploited as draft power, as a source of milk and warm wool.

Reindeer husbandry is developed in the tundra and northern taiga (Magadan and Arkhangelsk regions, the Komi Republic, Tyumen, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Reindeer are also bred in Kamchatka and the Far East. At the same time, the food supply for them is pastures overgrown with mosses and lichens.

Livestock farming in countries around the world

Livestock farming is the second largest agricultural industry in the world. It is interesting that in terms of quantitative indicators, the top ten countries included both economically developed and developing countries. The largest numbers of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, as well as buffaloes, mules and donkeys are found in Asian countries. Behind them are the countries of Latin America and the African continent. Countries close the list Western Europe, North America and Australia. However, these indicators do not reflect marketability, profitability and efficiency. If, along with quantitative indicators, we also take into account qualitative indicators, then the situation will be somewhat different.

The types of business in these countries also have their differences. Thus, livestock farming for dairy and meat and dairy production is most developed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone, which includes European countries (in particular France) and the United States. These countries are mainly characterized by confinement and pasture-based livestock farming. Breeding beef cattle is common in arid areas in the temperate and subtropical zones, with a predominance of transhumance (in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico).

In a number of regions of the USA, as well as in Argentina and Australia, there are quite a lot of large commercial farms(ranches), which are real meat factories. As for India, despite the largest cattle population, livestock here is mostly unproductive. Within the temperate zone, which includes the countries of Europe and North America, sheep breeding for meat and wool has become particularly widespread. In drier areas in the countries of South-West and Central Asia, as well as in the steppe and semi-desert regions of Argentina and Australia, sheep breeding is of a fine-fleece and semi-fine-fleece nature.

It is Australia that leads the world championship in the number of sheep (140 million heads). About two-fifths of all meat production in the world comes from pig farming. Moreover, more than half of the total livestock is in Asian countries, primarily China (400 million heads). Next, by a very significant margin, are the United States, Brazil, Germany and Spain.

, - This cattle breeding. The ancestor of domestic bulls and cows was the wild bull aurochs.

Cow breeds are divided into dairy, beef and meat-and-dairy. Among the dairy breeds there is a native Russian - Yaroslavl. It was developed in the 19th century. in the Yaroslavl province. In addition to Yaroslavl, in Russia they have long been bred Kholmogory breed. It was bred back under Peter I by crossing Russian breeds with imported Dutch ones. Today, throughout the world, the Kholmogory breed is considered the best of the dairy breeds. Among the meat and dairy breeds in Russia, the first place is Simmen-tal. Kalmytskaya And Kazakh white-headed- one of the best meat breeds.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, the most valuable domestic animals are buffalos. They plow, carry luggage, and are used to drive mills, threshers and other economic mechanisms. Buffalo milk is healthier than cow's milk.

Sheep breeding- direction of livestock farming, engaged in breeding goats and sheep. The ancestors of the goat are considered to be the horned goat and the bezoar goat. Goats provide humans with milk, meat, wool, and fluff. Their leather is used to produce husky, chrome, and chevro leather. Mohair is made from the wool of Angora goats. Wool, skins, milk, and meat are obtained from sheep. The ancestors of these useful animals were wild argali and mouflon sheep. Sheep Karakul breed They produce very valuable furs - karakulcha and astrakhan fur. Cheese and other cheeses are made from sheep's milk.

Pig farming is the raising of domestic pigs. Meat, lard, skin and bristles are obtained from pigs. The ancestor of the domestic pig was the wild boar.

The most prolific and fastest-growing of agricultural mammals are rabbits. They are raised to produce tasty dietary meat and good fur. Of the domestic breeds of rabbits, the most common are the gray giant, white giant, chinchilla, and Russian ermine.

The branch of livestock farming involved in the breeding of wild mammals is fur farming. On fur farms, silver-black and platinum foxes, blue foxes, minks and nutria of various colors are bred.

The first domestic birds are considered to be geese, domesticated approximately 5 thousand years BC. Next were chickens, descended from bank chickens, then domestic ducks, the ancestor of which is the mallard. Today, in poultry farming, various breeds of poultry are bred to produce meat and eggs. Second place after chickens is occupied by domestic ducks and geese. Ducks are raised in places where there are ponds, lakes, and rivers. Poultry also includes turkeys and guinea fowl.

Livestock farming is the second most important industry (after crop production) agriculture Russia. The well-being of the country as a whole largely depends on how well it is developed. Until recently, livestock farming in Russia was considered unprofitable. Today, thanks to the introduction of new technologies into production, the situation has changed significantly for the better. Livestock farming is divided into several important branches and types. We will talk about them in the article.

A little history

It is believed that people first began to domesticate and breed wild animals and, accordingly, obtain animal products back in the Mesolithic, that is, in the 12th millennium BC. e. This type of activity received its greatest development somewhat later - in the Neolithic. Archaeologists have found evidence of the presence of livestock farming in those days in the Nile region, as well as the Tigris and Euphrates. City residents Ancient Egypt They were engaged in breeding large and small cattle, pigs and camels. Geese, ducks and even cranes were also partially domesticated. A little later in this ancient state horses also appeared.

The development of livestock farming in the Tigris and Euphrates region followed almost the same pattern as in Egypt. Somewhat later this type economic activity developed in India, China and the Iranian plateau. Currently, about 40 species of animals have been domesticated by humans.


There are many agricultural breeds. Almost each of them has its own livestock sector. The most significant in our country are:

  • Pig farming. The main products of this livestock industry are meat and lard.
  • Horse breeding. Both breeding of horses, as well as productive and sports breeding, are of great importance for the national economy.
  • Cattle breeding. Cattle breeding at the moment- the main branch of livestock farming. After all, the degree to which the population will be provided with basic food products, such as milk and meat, depends on how developed this area is. Raising small livestock is also very important. Such areas of the national economy as food (meat, milk) and light (woolen clothing and household items) industries are directly dependent on this area of ​​animal husbandry.
  • Poultry farming. This industry is responsible for providing the population with such important food products as eggs, meat, down and feathers.
  • Fur farming. Breeding nutria, minks, arctic foxes, etc. makes it possible to obtain skins for sewing outerwear, hats, accessories, and other things.
  • Beekeeping. Honey, wax, royal jelly are also more than necessary products.

These are the main livestock sectors. In addition to them, our country also has developed reindeer husbandry, fish farming, and camel breeding.

Main types of livestock products

No country in the world can do without cattle breeding as part of the national economy. The products of this livestock industry can be divided into two main types:

  • Obtained actually during the breeding process. These include eggs, milk, wool.
  • Obtained when raised for slaughter (meat, liver, etc.).

Cattle breeding technology

The profitability of an industry such as livestock farming in Russia and in any other country depends on several factors:

  • Feeding efficiency. Required condition is the diversity of the diet and its completeness in terms of a set of amino acids, protein and vitamins. If there is a shortage of microelements, it becomes necessary to use various types of supplements.
  • Conditions of detention. This factor also has significant influence for dairy and meat farming. Cattle must be provided good conditions for development and growth.
  • Competent breeding work. At the moment, one of the main conditions for its success is the import of purebred animals from abroad.
  • Constant veterinary control. It is important to carry out preventive measures aimed at reducing livestock mortality due to various types of diseases. Animal vaccinations required by regulations must be done in a timely manner.

Cattle feeding

Such branches of agriculture as dairy and meat and dairy livestock farming are directly dependent on crop production in terms of profitability. Basic premise successful development farms in this area is the availability of a high-quality feed supply. Special diets are developed for each age and sex group of animals:

  • When feeding dry cows and heifers, it is important first of all to prepare them for subsequent lactation. Therefore, the diet of such animals includes high-quality feed - hay, silage, root crops. In summer they are provided with good pastures and feeding.
  • For dairy cows, it is important to develop optimal feeding standards that take into account the animals’ needs for proteins, vitamins, metabolic energy, etc.
  • The diet of producers must ensure the preservation of health and reproductive abilities. Such animals are fed especially densely.

Meat and dairy, meat and dairy farming are sub-sectors whose profitability largely depends on the right choice animal keeping technologies. There are currently several methods of raising cattle:

  • On tethered content. In this case, during the stall period, each animal is provided with its own pen. The leash limits its movement, but at the same time it can freely lie, stand, and eat food. Milking in this case is carried out directly in the stall.
  • Free-kept. This technology is more often used in dairy farming. Free-ranging animals have access to drinking bowls and feeders, as well as rest areas, at any time of the day.
  • In summer, grazing is practiced. Usually animals are driven to fields rich in forbs, located near watering places: streams, lakes and rivers.

New breeds

Livestock farming sectors can develop successfully only if breeding work is carried out competently. IN lately A lot of producers of highly productive breeds from Europe were brought to our country. This became possible primarily due to the increase in subsidies provided by the state. Thanks to this state of affairs, there is currently a steady upward trend in the number of cattle in the country. In 2014 alone, the all-Russian herd increased by more than 18%.

Veterinary requirements

The absence of losses associated with the death of cattle in the livestock sector has a huge impact in terms of profitability. The health of animals, and therefore the growth of livestock, directly depends on compliance with the following rules:

  • Farms should be located on elevated, non-flooded areas.
  • In those premises where cattle are kept, an optimal microclimate must be created.
  • The premises of the livestock complex must be kept clean. They are sanitized at least once a week.
  • A set of veterinary preventive measures should be developed aimed at reducing the risk and eliminating the occurrence of infectious diseases. All animals on the farm should receive the required vaccinations in a timely manner. Each complex must have a quarantine pen.

Features of raising small ruminants

The livestock industries for breeding large and small ruminants are largely similar in terms of animal husbandry technology. Growing small individuals has only the peculiarity that in in this case The main products of production, in addition to meat, are wool and down.

Grooming of small livestock is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • This procedure is carried out only in dry weather.
  • After shearing, animals should be kept in warm pens for at least 15-20 days.
  • The room in which this procedure is performed must comply with all sanitary standards.
  • When using electric clippers, the required safety precautions must be followed.
  • After removing the hair, animals are examined for cuts and, if necessary, disinfected.

Pig farming as a livestock industry

This area of ​​agriculture is currently considered quite profitable. Pig farming as a business in our country is quite well developed. Piglets are raised both on private farms and on farms and large production complexes. Currently considered the most profitable technological scheme pig farming with a complete cycle. This is the name of the process in which the production of piglets, their raising and slaughter are carried out in one farm. In this case, only two ways of keeping animals can be practiced:

  • Walking. This technology is most often used in regions with warm climates. At the same time, farms can use free-range and free-range methods. In the first case, pigs are kept in pens and released for exercise in specially designated areas. When kept free-range, animals can enter and exit pens on their own initiative.
  • Without a walk. In this case, animals are constantly kept in individual pens or in small groups in specially designated rooms.

Like cattle breeding, in addition to optimal housing conditions, pig farming as a business depends, among other things, on the efficiency of feeding, as well as on how competently the breeding work is carried out. It is also important to carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing the death of animals as a result of infection.

Features of poultry farming

The livestock farming industry for poultry breeding is currently also developing dynamically. The main goal in this case, of course, is to obtain dietary meat and eggs. Down and feathers are considered by-products. At the moment, the following types of poultry can be bred on such farms:

  • Chickens. Their cultivation is the most popular area of ​​poultry farming. Breeding work in this case is carried out mainly in terms of obtaining highly productive crosses. There are only two main areas of chicken farming - egg and meat. This bird is bred both on personal farmsteads and on small farms and large poultry farms.
  • Geese. Their cultivation is also considered a very profitable business. Developing a diet for geese does not require the use or implementation of any special technologies, just like the living conditions. The main food for this bird is grass, and it can be kept in small rooms. Of course, when growing in this case, certain sanitary standards must also be observed. Geese, like chickens, are bred both on private plots and in large poultry farms.
  • Turkeys. In our country, this bird is bred mainly on personal plots. Technologies for its cultivation remain traditional and unchanged for more than one century.

In addition to these most common types of poultry, guinea fowl, quails, songbirds, ornamental birds and even ostriches are bred in Russia. However, only a few enthusiasts who find it interesting and profitable are engaged in such activities. These bird species are not bred on an industrial scale in our country.

Horse breeding in Russia

The importance of this livestock sector is also difficult to overestimate. It can be classified into two main areas:

  • Pedigree horse breeding. Its development in Russia is now receiving maximum attention. Currently, there are about 70 breeding farms in the country, where more than 30 breeds of horses are bred. Livestock breeding today is generally one of the priority areas of agriculture.
  • Herd meat horse breeding. This branch of livestock farming has developed mainly in those regions where it is traditional.
  • Dairy horse breeding. Often combined with meat. The high profitability of dairy horse breeding is associated primarily with the high cost of kumys.
  • Sports horse breeding. In this case, animals are bred to participate in competitions.

Pedigree horse breeding in Russia is currently not developing very dynamically, mainly due to the lack of a domestic market for breeding animals, the obsolescence of the technical equipment of factories and the low level of organization of farming.

Horse breeding technology

In modern farms there are only three main methods of keeping horses:

  • Year-round pasture. This is the most promising and productive method. In this case, caring for animals comes down mainly to changing pastures, veterinary treatment and protection.
  • Barn-basic. This method usually used when breeding performance horses. In this case, the animals are kept on a leash and driven out to pasture only in the summer.
  • Cultural-herd. This technology is usually used when keeping breeding animals.

Fur farming

The technology of breeding animals for skins also has a lot of its own nuances. In this case, the priority task is to provide the animals with healthy and comfortable living conditions. Fur animal husbandry in Russia is currently very well developed. Farms use three main technologies for keeping animals:

  • External cellular. This method is usually used on small farms when breeding animals such as arctic foxes, foxes, ferrets, muskrats and nutria.
  • Contents in sheds. This is the name for special sheds with a gable roof and a wide aisle.
  • In enclosed spaces in cages. This method has recently become more and more widespread in our country.


Livestock farming sectors such as fur farming, pig farming and cattle breeding, of course, play a more than significant role in the development of the Russian economy. However, one cannot underestimate the importance of smaller areas, such as beekeeping, fish farming, reindeer husbandry, etc. As for the first, the negative processes that affected society during the perestroika period, fortunately, had virtually no impact on it. The early 1990s actually saw a significant decline in the number of bee colonies. However, the decline soon slowed, and then this figure completely stabilized and remained unchanged (3 million families) for several years. At the moment, more than 5 thousand farms and about 300 thousand hobbyists are engaged in beekeeping in Russia.

In conclusion

The types of livestock farming discussed above are the most important branches of agriculture in our country. The degree of food supply for the population depends on how successfully they develop. Increasing the profitability of livestock, beekeeping, poultry and pig farms directly depends on the dynamics of the introduction of new technologies for growing, breeding and keeping animals.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Livestock farming is one of the most important agricultural sectors of the Russian economy, as it allows satisfying the needs of the country's citizens for food and clothing.

It is worth noting that livestock production during the economic crisis decreased noticeably less than the livestock population itself. This is due to a noticeable increase in the productivity of the agricultural processing industry due to its transition to market principles. However, it is unfortunately impossible to say that at the moment the productivity of Russian livestock farming is at the level of the leading world powers. It is even lower than the productivity of many developing countries.

If we take the feed supply, then in our country there is a rather absurd situation: preparing more feed (based on the number of calories / unit of production) than many developed countries, nevertheless, their acute shortage is constantly felt. This paradox is explained as follows:

  1. very poor preservation of feed, especially in the spring;
  2. the structure of the food supply is built ineffectively (the share of concentrated feed is low, the diet is monotonous, there are not enough vitamins);
  3. constant interruptions in the supply of feed to livestock farms;
  4. poor use of scientific recommendations regarding the housing and feeding system;
  5. The share of elite animal breeds in the total population is extremely low.

General characteristics of the livestock industry in Russia

The share of livestock products is approximately 65 percent of the total production of Russian agriculture. and this figure is growing.

Russian livestock farming is divided into the following sectors:

  • cattle breeding (including horse and reindeer breeding);
  • pig farming;
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • beekeeping.

Cattle breeding produces a significant amount of production (2/5 of all meat). It comes in meat, dairy and combined (meat and dairy). This is the largest, most productive and versatile branch of livestock farming. Dairy cattle breeding is developed in all areas suitable for it, which are located close to large cities and centers of industrial production.

It is also possible to develop dairy farming in areas remote from large cities, if there is the necessary feed supply there. In such cases, the milk is sent for processing in order to obtain products suitable for transportation (milk powder, cheese, butter, etc.). Beef cattle breeding, due to the inherent transportability of its products, develops wherever there are suitable conditions.

Pig production can be meat, fat, semi-fat and bacon. In terms of the volume of meat produced, this industry ranks second after cattle breeding. Its localization depends on the proximity of agricultural feed supplies and centers of consumption of its products.

Sheep farming is of great importance for the national economy, since wool is a valuable raw material for the textile industry. It can be fur coat, semi-fine fleece and fine fleece. The main direction is fine wool.

Poultry farming is meat, egg and general use. Poultry farms are usually located close to grain production sites and close to consumers of their products.

The geography of livestock farming depends on the following main factors:

  1. proximity to food supply;
  2. proximity to the consumer.

The urbanization of Russian society has brought the second factor to the fore. geographical location livestock enterprises. Near large cities and in areas with high population levels, they are actively localized livestock farms and complexes, as well as farms specializing in poultry and pig farming. Their goal is to provide city residents with perishable types of agricultural products (eggs, milk, fresh meat, etc.), which increases the azonality of this industry (reducing dependence on the first factor).

However, even under these conditions, the zonal factor, or focus on the food supply, significantly influences the geography of livestock production. For example, pastures with mixed grass are best suited for dairy farming, and the feed should include succulent (silage) and coarse (hay or straw) components in combination with compound feed. Therefore, dairy cattle breeding is mainly localized in the North-Western and Northern regions, as well as in some areas of the Non-Black Earth Region, Far East and the Urals.

For successful fattening of beef cattle, pastures of a drier nature are also suitable, and the use of succulent feed is not at all necessary. Therefore, beef cattle breeding is usually localized in areas with a small number of natural grazing zones. Meat cattle breeding is well developed in the south of the country: in the North Caucasus (Stavropol and Rostov regions), in the Volga region (Volgograd, Saratov and Astrakhan regions), as well as in the Southern Urals(Orenburg region). Livestock farming in the south of Russia is also focused on the supply of leather raw materials.

The dairy and meat sector is based mainly in the Krasnodar Territory, in the regions of the Central Black Earth Region, in some areas of the Volga region, the Urals and Western Siberia.

Pig farming, which uses feed and root crops (so-called field feed), gravitates towards areas where the production of sugar beets, corn and sunflowers is developed. The structure of feed includes waste from sugar production (the so-called pulp) and production vegetable oil(the cake is perfect for fattening pigs).

In this regard, pig farming in the Russian Federation is especially developed in the Volga, North Caucasus and Central Black Earth economic regions. It is in these three zones that almost thirty percent of the country’s total pig population is concentrated). There is good production potential in this industry in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory.

Sheep farming, due to its focus on dry-steppe pasture forage and steppe zone, located mainly in the driest eastern part North Caucasus, as well as in the Southern Volga region and in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia.

Livestock farming is the second most important (after crop production) sector of Russian agriculture. The well-being of the country as a whole largely depends on how well it is developed. Until recently, livestock farming in Russia was considered unprofitable. Today, thanks to the introduction of new technologies into production, the situation has changed significantly for the better. Livestock farming is divided into several important branches and types. We will talk about them in the article.

A little history

It is believed that people first began to domesticate and breed wild animals and, accordingly, obtain animal products back in the Mesolithic, that is, in the 12th millennium BC. e. This type of activity received its greatest development somewhat later - in the Neolithic. Archaeologists have found evidence of the presence of livestock farming in those days in the Nile region, as well as the Tigris and Euphrates. Residents of the cities of Ancient Egypt were engaged in breeding large and small cattle, pigs and camels. Geese, ducks and even cranes were also partially domesticated. A little later, horses also appeared in this ancient state.

The development of livestock farming in the Tigris and Euphrates region followed almost the same pattern as in Egypt. Somewhat later, this type of economic activity developed in India, China and the Iranian plateau. Currently, about 40 species of animals have been domesticated by humans.


There are many agricultural breeds. Almost each of them has its own livestock sector. The most significant in our country are:

  • Pig farming. The main products of this livestock industry are meat and lard.
  • Horse breeding. Both breeding of horses, as well as productive and sports breeding, are of great importance for the national economy.
  • Cattle breeding. Cattle breeding is currently the main branch of livestock farming. After all, the degree to which the population will be provided with basic food products, such as milk and meat, depends on how developed this area is. Raising small livestock is also very important. Such areas of the national economy as food (meat, milk) and light (woolen clothing and household items) industries are directly dependent on this area of ​​animal husbandry.
  • Poultry farming. This industry is responsible for providing the population with such important food products as eggs, meat, down and feathers.
  • Fur farming. Breeding nutria, minks, arctic foxes, etc. makes it possible to obtain skins for sewing outerwear, hats, accessories, and other things.
  • Beekeeping. Honey, wax, royal jelly are also more than necessary products.

These are the main livestock sectors. In addition to them, our country also has developed reindeer husbandry, fish farming, and camel breeding.

Main types of livestock products

No country in the world can do without cattle breeding as part of the national economy. The products of this livestock industry can be divided into two main types:

  • Obtained actually during the breeding process. These include eggs, milk, wool.
  • Obtained when raised for slaughter (meat, liver, etc.).

Cattle breeding technology

The profitability of an industry such as livestock farming in Russia and in any other country depends on several factors:

  • Feeding efficiency. A prerequisite is the diversity of the diet and its completeness in terms of a set of amino acids, protein and vitamins. If there is a shortage of microelements, it becomes necessary to use various types of supplements.
  • Conditions of detention. This factor also has a significant impact on dairy and beef farming. Cattle must be provided with good conditions for development and growth.
  • Competent breeding work. At the moment, one of the main conditions for its success is the import of purebred animals from abroad.
  • Constant veterinary control. It is important to carry out preventive measures aimed at reducing livestock mortality due to various types of diseases. Animal vaccinations required by regulations must be done in a timely manner.

Cattle feeding

Such branches of agriculture as dairy and meat and dairy livestock farming are directly dependent on crop production in terms of profitability. The main prerequisite for the successful development of farms in this area is the availability of a high-quality feed supply. Special diets are developed for each age and sex group of animals:

  • When feeding dry cows and heifers, it is important first of all to prepare them for subsequent lactation. Therefore, the diet of such animals includes high-quality feed - hay, silage, root crops. In summer they are provided with good pastures and feeding.
  • For dairy cows, it is important to develop optimal feeding standards that take into account the animals’ needs for proteins, vitamins, metabolic energy, etc.
  • The diet of producers must ensure the preservation of health and reproductive abilities. Such animals are fed especially densely.

Meat and dairy, meat and dairy farming are sub-sectors whose profitability largely depends on the correct choice of animal husbandry technology. There are currently several methods of raising cattle:

  • On tethered content. In this case, during the stall period, each animal is provided with its own pen. The leash limits its movement, but at the same time it can freely lie, stand, and eat food. Milking in this case is carried out directly in the stall.
  • Free-kept. This technology is more often used in dairy farming. Free-ranging animals have access to drinking bowls and feeders, as well as rest areas, at any time of the day.
  • In summer, grazing is practiced. Usually animals are driven to fields rich in forbs, located near watering places: streams, lakes and rivers.

New breeds

Livestock farming sectors can develop successfully only if breeding work is carried out competently. Recently, many producers of highly productive breeds from Europe have been brought to our country. This became possible primarily due to the increase in subsidies provided by the state. Thanks to this state of affairs, there is currently a steady upward trend in the number of cattle in the country. In 2014 alone, the all-Russian herd increased by more than 18%.

Veterinary requirements

The absence of losses associated with the death of cattle in the livestock sector has a huge impact in terms of profitability. The health of animals, and therefore the growth of livestock, directly depends on compliance with the following rules:

  • Farms should be located on elevated, non-flooded areas.
  • In those premises where cattle are kept, an optimal microclimate must be created.
  • The premises of the livestock complex must be kept clean. They are sanitized at least once a week.
  • A set of veterinary preventive measures should be developed aimed at reducing the risk and eliminating the occurrence of infectious diseases. All animals on the farm should receive the required vaccinations in a timely manner. Each complex must have a quarantine pen.

Features of raising small ruminants

The livestock industries for breeding large and small ruminants are largely similar in terms of animal husbandry technology. The only peculiarity of raising small animals is that in this case the main products of production, in addition to meat, are wool and fluff.

Grooming of small livestock is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • This procedure is carried out only in dry weather.
  • After shearing, animals should be kept in warm pens for at least 15-20 days.
  • The room in which this procedure is performed must comply with all sanitary standards.
  • When using electric clippers, the required safety precautions must be followed.
  • After removing the hair, animals are examined for cuts and, if necessary, disinfected.

Pig farming as a livestock industry

This area of ​​agriculture is currently considered quite profitable. Pig farming as a business in our country is quite well developed. Piglets are raised both on private farms and on farms and large production complexes. The technological scheme of pig breeding with a complete cycle is considered to be the most profitable at the moment. This is the name of the process in which the production of piglets, their raising and slaughter are carried out in one farm. In this case, only two ways of keeping animals can be practiced:

  • Walking. This technology is most often used in regions with warm climates. At the same time, farms can use free-range and free-range methods. In the first case, pigs are kept in pens and released for exercise in specially designated areas. When kept free-range, animals can enter and exit pens on their own initiative.
  • Without a walk. In this case, animals are constantly kept in individual pens or in small groups in specially designated rooms.

Like cattle breeding, in addition to optimal housing conditions, pig farming as a business depends, among other things, on the efficiency of feeding, as well as on how competently the breeding work is carried out. It is also important to carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing the death of animals as a result of infection.

Features of poultry farming

The livestock farming industry for poultry breeding is currently also developing dynamically. The main goal in this case, of course, is to obtain dietary meat and eggs. Down and feathers are considered by-products. At the moment, the following types of poultry can be bred on such farms:

  • Chickens. Their cultivation is the most popular area of ​​poultry farming. Breeding work in this case is carried out mainly in terms of obtaining highly productive crosses. There are only two main areas of chicken farming - egg and meat. This bird is bred both on personal farmsteads and on small farms and large poultry farms.
  • Geese. Their cultivation is also considered a very profitable business. Developing a diet for geese does not require the use or implementation of any special technologies, just like the living conditions. The main food for this bird is grass, and it can be kept in small rooms. Of course, when growing in this case, certain sanitary standards must also be observed. Geese, like chickens, are bred both on private plots and in large poultry farms.
  • Turkeys. In our country, this bird is bred mainly on personal plots. Technologies for its cultivation remain traditional and unchanged for more than one century.

In addition to these most common types of poultry, guinea fowl, quails, songbirds, ornamental birds and even ostriches are bred in Russia. However, only a few enthusiasts who find it interesting and profitable are engaged in such activities. These bird species are not bred on an industrial scale in our country.

Horse breeding in Russia

The importance of this livestock sector is also difficult to overestimate. It can be classified into two main areas:

  • Pedigree horse breeding. Its development in Russia is now receiving maximum attention. Currently, there are about 70 breeding farms in the country, where more than 30 breeds of horses are bred. Livestock breeding today is generally one of the priority areas of agriculture.
  • Herd meat horse breeding. This branch of livestock farming has developed mainly in those regions where it is traditional.
  • Dairy horse breeding. Often combined with meat. The high profitability of dairy horse breeding is associated primarily with the high cost of kumys.
  • Sports horse breeding. In this case, animals are bred to participate in competitions.

Pedigree horse breeding in Russia is currently not developing very dynamically, mainly due to the lack of a domestic market for breeding animals, the obsolescence of the technical equipment of factories and the low level of organization of farming.

Horse breeding technology

In modern farms there are only three main methods of keeping horses:

  • Year-round pasture. This is the most promising and productive method. In this case, caring for animals comes down mainly to changing pastures, veterinary treatment and protection.
  • Barn-basic. This method is usually used when breeding commercial horses. In this case, the animals are kept on a leash and driven out to pasture only in the summer.
  • Cultural-herd. This technology is usually used when keeping breeding animals.

Fur farming

The technology of breeding animals for skins also has a lot of its own nuances. In this case, the priority task is to provide the animals with healthy and comfortable living conditions. Fur animal husbandry in Russia is currently very well developed. Farms use three main technologies for keeping animals:

  • External cellular. This method is usually used on small farms when breeding animals such as arctic foxes, foxes, ferrets, muskrats and nutria.
  • Contents in sheds. This is the name for special sheds with a gable roof and a wide aisle.
  • In enclosed spaces in cages. This method has recently become more and more widespread in our country.


Livestock farming sectors such as fur farming, pig farming and cattle breeding, of course, play a more than significant role in the development of the Russian economy. However, one cannot underestimate the importance of smaller areas, such as beekeeping, fish farming, reindeer husbandry, etc. As for the first, the negative processes that affected society during the perestroika period, fortunately, had virtually no impact on it. The early 1990s actually saw a significant decline in the number of bee colonies. However, the decline soon slowed, and then this figure completely stabilized and remained unchanged (3 million families) for several years. At the moment, more than 5 thousand farms and about 300 thousand hobbyists are engaged in beekeeping in Russia.

In conclusion

The types of livestock farming discussed above are the most important branches of agriculture in our country. The degree of food supply for the population depends on how successfully they develop. Increasing the profitability of livestock, beekeeping, poultry and pig farms directly depends on the dynamics of the introduction of new technologies for growing, breeding and keeping animals.