Chernozems of the southern forest-steppe and steppe zone. Soils, land and forest resources of Russia

The sum of active air temperatures varies from 4000 to 8000 °C, the growing season ranges from 200 to 365 days. Thermal resources allow growing two full crops per year. The energy arriving at the land surface is the main, but not the only factor in soil formation. Equally important is the degree of atmospheric moisture in the area. Different combinations of solar energy and precipitation determine the distribution of soil types across the earth's surface. Within one thermal zone, zonal soils are represented by several types in accordance with the moisture content of the territory and the nature of the vegetation. The change in landscapes and soils in the subtropics is mainly due to moisture, which decreases with distance from the ocean coasts.

Agricultural development of the subtropical zone is 17%. The most plowed soils are in arid and humid areas - brown soils, red soils and yellow soils, black drainage and floodplain soils. In semi-desert and desert regions, the main agricultural areas are confined to gray soils and floodplain soils. The most ancient centers of agricultural culture arose in the valleys of the Nile, Tigris, and Indus. The subtropical zone has a wide range of agricultural plants: wheat, cotton, grapes, citrus fruits, fruits, nuts and other crops.

Subtropical moist forest areas are areas that receive between 1000 and 2500 mm of rainfall per year. The most significant areas are the North American and East Asian regions. The soil cover is dominated by yellow soils and red soils. In the southern hemisphere, the area of ​​humid subtropics is much smaller; two regions are distinguished - South American and Australian. The soil cover of the South American region is dominated by red soils under coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests and reddish-black soils - rubrozems under tall-grass subtropical prairies. In rubrosems, weak ferrallitization is combined with intense humus accumulation; the water regime is leaching and there are no carbonates in the profile. Reddish-black soils are also found in the North American subtropical region, in its western, less humid part, on the border with the dry subtropics. The Australian wet forest region is characterized by mountainous terrain and the dominance of yellow soils and yellow-brown soils. Hydromorphic soils of humid-forest subtropical regions are yellow earth-gley, meadow, swamp and alluvial.

The largest tracts of these soils are confined to the eastern oceanic sectors of the continents. In Eurasia, red soils and yellow soils are common in the south of Korea and Japan, in Central and Southeast China. In North America, they occupy the southern Appalachians and adjacent plains, as well as the most well-drained areas of the Florida peninsula. In the southern hemisphere, yellow soils and red soils are common in the mountainous belt of Eastern Australia, north-eastern Tasmania, the North Island of New Zealand and the extreme south-eastern coast of Africa. In the subtropical zone of the western sectors of the continents, red soils and yellow soils occur locally, in special orographic conditions and a fairly humid climate; in Southern Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Adjara and Abkhazia, in the Lankaran lowland.

There is a lot of precipitation (1000-3000 mm), mild winters, moderately hot summers. Biomass of forests consisting of oak, beech, hornbeam, maple, chestnut, lianas, wild grapes, ferns - more than 400 t/ha, litter - 21 t/ha, up to 0.7 t/ha of ash elements.

These films, like the color, are inherited by red soils from soil-forming rocks.

Intense weathering leads to the decomposition of almost all primary minerals with the formation of predominantly kaolinite and halloysite. Two soil-forming processes dominate: humus-accumulative and eluvial (podzolic type).

Under the layer of slightly decomposed forest litter lies a humus horizon (up to 12% humus), 10-15 cm, gray-brown with a reddish tint and a lumpy structure. Next is Mt. B is brownish-red in color, dense, with streaks of clay, 50-60 cm thick. Horizon C is red in color with whitish spots and ferromanganese nodules.

These soils are low in calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, leached from weathering products, and high in iron. The reaction of the medium is acidic throughout the profile, humus - up to 8%. Fulvic acids predominate over humic acids. The removal of elements down the profile is partially compensated by significant litter and the entry of ash elements during its decomposition. The physical properties are favorable due to high water permeability and moisture capacity with a well-defined water-resistant structure.

Yellow soils are formed on clayey shales and clays with poor water permeability; therefore, processes of surface gleying and the formation of oxide-iron nodules take place. Usually found in the foothills and lower parts of the slopes of low mountains. Lessivage is often observed. The profile has good differentiation according to the Ao-A1-A2-B-C type. In horizon B and below, yellow color and high clay content dominate. The absorption capacity is relatively small for such conditions - 5-10 and up to 20 cmol/kg, although calcium predominates. Very high acidity throughout the profile, significant accumulation of ferruginous nodules in the lower part of the profile. The content of humus, mainly fulvate, is from 5-6% in A1 with a sharp drop down. Due to the smaller amount of sesquioxides, the physical properties are worse than in red soils.

The soils of the humid subtropics are poor in nitrogen and ash elements; to increase their fertility, the use of organic and mineral fertilizers, especially phosphate ones, is very important. After deforestation, erosion develops rapidly, so anti-erosion measures are extremely important. Red soils and yellow soils are the most valuable soils for tea, tobacco, essential oil and citrus crops. A lot is applied to citrus fruits - up to 350 kg/ha a.i. phosphorus fertilizers, up to 250 kg/ha a.i. nitrogen, up to

150 kg/ha of potash fertilizers, lime. On tea plantations, an acidic reaction is optimal.

Brown soils. Brunizems

Subtropical arid xerophytic forest and shrub-steppe areas are common on all continents. Almost all of them have complex terrain: mountain ranges, plateaus, plateaus and intermountain depressions alternate. Horizontal soil zones are mostly not expressed, and mountain zoning dominates. The soil cover is dominated by brown, red-brown and gray-brown soils.

Brown and red-brown soils are widespread in the dry subtropics of the Mediterranean in Southern Europe and North-West Africa, Mexico, California, Central Chile, South Africa, South and South-East Australia. Small areas of brown soils are found in the subtropical mountainous regions of eastern Asia, in the Western Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai, in the Kopet Dag, Crimea and in the dry subtropics of Transcaucasia.

They are formed predominantly on siallitic-carbonate weathering crusts, with brown soils common under low-growing sparse xerophytic forests, and gray-brown soils under shrubby subtropical steppes. They are characterized by a non-flushing water regime in a variable-humid Mediterranean type of climate, which is characterized by dry, hot summers and wet, warm winters with very short snow cover or no snow cover at all. With a significant amount of precipitation - 600-700 mm, a wet winter season with temperatures from +10 to -3 ° C and a dry summer season are clearly distinguished. The soils are usually non-freezing, formed under dry forests of oak, laurel, maritime pine, tree-like juniper, shiblyak, maquis, that is, high-ash vegetation. These soils are influenced by dramatically different hydrothermal regimes throughout the year.

During the winter, humid and relatively warm period, intensive weathering of primary and formation of secondary clay minerals of hydromica-montmorillonite-illite composition occurs. During the humid winter period, mobile weathering products are washed out from the upper parts of the soil column to a greater or lesser depth (depending on the amount of precipitation). Typically, easily soluble salts (chlorides, sulfates) are completely removed from the soil profile, and less soluble calcium carbonates are deposited at a depth of 30-50 cm or more and form a carbonate illuvial horizon. The processes of humification and, to a large extent, mineralization of plant residues take place under conditions of a neutral or slightly alkaline environment rich in bases.

During hot and rainless summers, weathering processes slow down significantly, especially in the upper, driest horizon. At a certain depth, where the soil is less dry, these processes continue throughout the summer, so it is not the uppermost soil horizon that is most clayey, but the horizon at a depth of 30-80 cm.

Drying of the soil surface causes the pull-up of film moisture and dissolved substances from deeper layers. As moisture evaporates, dissolved substances and, in particular, calcium carbonates crystallize, filling the capillary gaps in the soil above the carbonate nodule horizon. New formations of calcium carbonates take the form of fine white mold or pseudomycelium. During the winter rainy period, when the soil is washed with water significantly saturated with carbon dioxide, carbonate mold dissolves again and is pushed into the deeper parts of the profile.

During dry and hot summers, the processes of mineralization of dry substances slow down, which contributes to the polymerization and preservation of humic substances in soils, therefore the humus content in brown soils is usually 4-7, less often up to 10%, and in gray-brown soils it is 2.5- 4% with a significant predominance of the group of humic acids (Cr/Cf -1.5-2.0). Iron oxides released during weathering dehydrate during the dry period. This gives the soil a reddish brown tint, especially bright in the horizon of maximum claying.

There are no thick glacial rocks of the boreal zone, or accumulations of loess and loess-like rocks of the subboreal zone. Pleistocene rocks of low thickness are the main soil-forming rocks. Limestones are common, where the A 1 soil layer directly overlies the limestone layer. There are eroded and redeposited red-colored weathering crusts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Dusty materials enter through the atmosphere. The rocks are usually heavily karst and fissured, which promotes good drainage and aggravates aridity. Groundwater lies far away and does not affect soil formation processes.

At the beginning of the Pleistocene, vigorous erosion of red-colored weathering products occurred, finely pulverized accumulations of which were deposited on the surface of limestones. These deposits were called "terra rossa" (red earth). They are especially common on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula. Later accumulations of brown clays called terra fusca arose similarly.

The humus horizon of brown soils has a brown color, a lumpy structure, and a thickness of 20-30 cm. Deeper is a compacted horizon, often carbonate B. Even lower lies C, often rock. In particular, on the southern coast of Crimea, soils with a thickness of 20-30 cm are overlain by Mesozoic shales, often involved in the soil due to planting. A typical soil profile looks like: A 1 -Bm-Bca-C.

Brown soils are characterized by a slow decrease in humus down the profile, a slightly acidic and neutral (often alkaline in the lower horizons) reaction of the environment, a high cation exchange capacity (25-40 cmol/kg) with a predominance of calcium and magnesium. There is no differentiation of the profile by chemical composition. They are distinguished by high biological activity, especially in spring and autumn, up to 40 million microorganisms per gram of soil. The hydrothermal regime promotes deep weathering of primary minerals. Water-physical properties are relatively favorable.

Brown soils have a high total nitrogen and phosphorus content, but they do not have enough mobile forms of phosphorus. In the legend to the soil map of the world, brown soils are classified as cambisols. In general, the soils of the arid subtropics are highly fertile and are widely used for agriculture (wheat, corn), vineyards, citrus and other orchards, and olive plantations. The destruction of natural vegetation provoked severe soil erosion - many granaries of the Roman Empire (Syria, Algeria) became deserted steppes. In Spain, Portugal, and Greece, up to 90% of brown soils are affected by erosion. Many areas need irrigation.

Wider use of these soils is hampered by a dry summer period during which many crops require watering, mountainous terrain where farming is often impossible, and gardening and viticulture causing severe soil erosion. Gray-brown soils in flat terrain are used in agriculture and gardening. In areas where winters are frost-free, they usually grow two crops per year: in winter, without irrigation, grain crops (for example, wheat), and in summer, with watering, more heat-loving crops (rice, cotton, tobacco, melons). Gray-brown soils are often used for orchards and vineyards.

Brunizems are high-humus chernozem-like soils, leached in the upper part of the profile, with a textural horizon Bt and signs of gleying in the lower part, with a groundwater level of 1.5-5 m. These are prairie and pampeste soils. They are formed in a moderately cold subtropical climate with 600-1000 mm of precipitation, average January temperatures from -8 to +4 °C, July - 20-26 °C. More than 75% of precipitation falls in summer in the form of showers. The moisture coefficient is more than 1. There is a periodic leaching water regime that maintains a relatively high groundwater level in the watersheds. In South America, rubrizems are distinguished, which differ from brunizems in their reddish color, but are very close to them in morphology and soil properties.

Brunizems are formed with flat or slightly hilly terrain on loess and carbonate moraine loams and clays. Natural vegetation is perennial tall (up to 1.5 m) grasses with a deep root system. Aboveground phytomass is 5-6 t/ha, underground - 18 t/ha. Brunizems are similar in properties to chernozems, but are more leached, often acidic on top, and do not have salt horizons. Among the exchangeable cations, calcium always predominates, but the proportion of hydrogen can also be quite large. In the northeastern United States, they have up to 10% humus, and in the southwest of the range - 3%.

Brunizems are characterized by intense clay formation due to the weathering of primary minerals; montmorillonite and illite predominate. The age is usually 16-18 thousand years, that is, significantly older than chernozems. The soil-forming process is characterized by humus accumulation, removal of easily soluble compounds and silt; the introduction of elements with the capillary fringe of soil and groundwater. Brunizems are the most fertile soils in the United States. Almost all of them are plowed and used for corn and soybeans (“Corn Belt”). With prolonged use, they lose humus, structure, porosity, and are susceptible to erosion.

The distribution of the main types of soils on the Earth's surface is subject to the law of geographic zonation, as V.V. Dokuchaev established about 100 years ago.

In Russia, latitudinal zoning is more pronounced than in other countries due to the large extent of our country from north to south and the predominance of flat terrain.

On the vast plains of Russia, the following zonal soil types successively replace each other: tundra, gley, podzolic and sod-podzolic, gray and brown forest soils, chernozems, chestnut soils, brown soils of semi-deserts, gray-brown and gray soils. In the humid subtropics, yellow soils and red soils are common.

A characteristic feature of soil change in the mountains is altitudinal zonation.

Soil types are distinguished based on their fertility, structure, mechanical composition, etc.

In the north, tundra-gley soils are common. They are low-power, waterlogged, and contain little oxygen.

Different types of soils are common in the forest zone. In the taiga subzone, podzolic soils form under coniferous forests. As a result of the decomposition of pine litter, acids are formed, which, under conditions of excess moisture, contribute to the decomposition of mineral and organic soil particles. Heavy precipitation washes the soil and carries dissolved substances from the upper humus layer to the lower soil horizons. As a result, the upper part of the soil acquires the whitish color of ash (hence the name “podzols”). In areas where deciduous trees grow along with conifers, soddy-podzolic soils are formed. Their upper horizon is enriched with humus and ash elements.

In the larch forests of Eastern Siberia, permafrost is common with low precipitation. This makes it difficult to wash the soil. Therefore, weakly podzolized permafrost-taiga soils are developed here.

All taiga soils have a thin humus horizon, low content of many minerals, and an acidic reaction. However, soil fertility can be easily restored with the help of fertilizers.

Podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils occupy more than half of the area of ​​Russia.

More fertile gray forest and brown forest soils are formed under deciduous forests. Here the layer of litter (litter) rich in ash elements increases. They neutralize organic acids, resulting in the formation of soils with a high humus content.

Gray forest soils are formed under oak forests, and brown forest soils are formed under beech-hornbeam forests.

To the south, in the forest-steppe zone and in the northern part of the steppe, the most fertile soils are formed - chernozems. There is practically no leaching regime here, and steppe plants provide a large amount of organic matter annually. Therefore, a thick - up to 100 cm - layer of humus is formed.

In the arid parts of the steppe zone, chestnut soils are found, which differ from chernozems primarily in their lower humus content.

As you move south, the climate becomes drier and warmer, and the vegetation cover becomes more and more sparse. Due to this, less humus accumulates in the soil.

Chestnut, brown semi-desert soils, gray-brown and gray soils are formed here.

They are often saline, and when groundwater is close to each other, salt marshes are formed: The diversity of soils in our country is reflected on soil maps of Russia.

Russia is one of the countries most endowed with land resources.

Land resources mean the surface of the Earth on which various economic objects, cities and villages can be located. These are to a large extent the resources of the territory. Land resources are characterized by soil quality, climate, topography, etc.

Despite the enormous size of the territory, our country has a relatively small amount of land favorable for the life and economic activities of people. More than 10% of the country's area is occupied by unproductive tundra lands, about 13% by swamps and wetlands. Only 13% of Russia's land area is used in agriculture (arable lands, gardens, hayfields, pastures).

The share of the most valuable land - arable land - is only about 7.7% of the country's area. More than half (52%) of all arable land is located on black soil. About 80% of all agricultural products in Russia are produced here.

Gray and brown forest soils also play a significant role in agricultural production.

Podzolic and chestnut soils are used mainly for pastures and hayfields.

The main types of reclamation work are different for different natural zones.

In the forest zone, wetlands and waterlogged lands are drained, acid soils are sensed, and mineral fertilizers are applied.

In the forest-steppe and steppe, the main types of reclamation are irrigation of dry lands, retention of snow in fields, organization of the fight against soil erosion and soil blowing. In the zone of deserts and semi-deserts, irrigated agriculture predominates, the fight against salinization of fields is carried out, and special work is carried out to consolidate shifting sands. Each region of our country has its own soil types. Their formation was influenced not only by climate and relief, but also by vegetation and

animal world

. Today we will talk about the types of soils and what crops can be grown on them. What is soil? The first who began to study the issue of studying soil was the Soviet scientist V.V. Dokuchaev. He found out that each region has its own soil types. After much research, the scientist came to a conclusion about how the terrain, vegetation, animals, and groundwater affect the fertility of the land in a particular region. And, based on this, he proposed his own classification. They were given

full characteristics


Of course, each country is guided by an international or its own local table of differentiation of the top layer of the earth. But today we will look at Dokuchaev’s classification.

Types of soils and plants suitable for them

Characteristics of sandy loam soils

Sandy loam soils are another type of soil that is favorable for growing cultivated plants. What are the characteristics of this type of land?

Due to its light structure, such soil perfectly allows air and water to pass through it. It is also worth noting that it retains moisture and some minerals well. Thus, sandy loam soils can enrich all plants growing in them.

To make your land more fertile, it is recommended to add peat to it. It will help improve the structure of this soil. As for nutrients, to enrich the land with them it is necessary to add compost or manure to it. This needs to be done often. As a rule, summer residents pour prepared and diluted humus with water onto the roots of plants, which ensures rapid growth and enrichment with minerals and nutrients.

How can you determine soil fertility?

We have already figured out that all types of soil differ from each other not only in composition, but also in their suitability for growing certain plants in them. But is it possible to determine the fertility of the soil in your dacha yourself? Yes, it's possible.

First of all, you must understand that the amount of nutrient minerals in the soil depends on acidity. Therefore, in order to decide whether it is necessary to improve its composition or not by adding fertilizers, it is necessary to know its acidity. The norm for all soils is pH 7. Such soil perfectly absorbs the necessary nutrients and enriches all the plants growing in it with them.

So, in order to determine the pH of the soil, you need to use a special indicator. But, as practice shows, sometimes this method is not reliable, since the result is not always true. Therefore, experts recommend collecting a small amount of soil from different places in the dacha and taking it to the laboratory for analysis.

SOIL TYPES Natural zones that change from the poles to the equator differ in soil types.Polar zone (area of ​​arctic deserts). Arctic land these are islands and narrow sections of the mainland coasts of Asia and North America.

The Arctic zone is characterized by the harsh climatic conditions of the Arctic climate zone, short cold summers and long winters with very low air temperatures. The average monthly temperature in January is 16…32° C; July below +8° C. This is a permafrost zone, the soil thaws to a depth of 1530 cm. There is little precipitation from 40 to 400 mm per year, however, due to low temperatures, precipitation exceeds evaporation, so the plant communities of the Arctic tundra (mainly mosses and lichens with the addition of some flowering plants) are in conditions of balanced and sometimes even excessive moisture. The phytomass of the Arctic tundra ranges from 30 to 70 c/ha, of polar deserts - 12 c/ha.

The most common type of automorphic soils in the Arctic are arctic-tundra soils. The thickness of the soil profile of these soils is determined by the depth of seasonal thawing of the soil-ground layer, which rarely exceeds 30 cm. The differentiation of the soil profile due to cryogenic processes is weakly expressed. In soils formed under the most favorable conditions, only the plant-peaty horizon (A 0) is well defined and the thin humus horizon (A 1) is much worse ( cm. SOIL MORPHOLOGY).

In arctic-tundra soils, due to excess atmospheric moisture and the high permafrost surface, high humidity is maintained throughout the short season of positive temperatures. Such soils have a weak acidic or neutral reaction (pH 5.5 to 6.6) and contain 2.5-3% humus. In relatively quickly drying areas with a large number of flowering plants, soils with a neutral reaction and a high humus content (46%) are formed.

The landscapes of Arctic deserts are characterized by salt accumulation. Salt efflorescence is common on the soil surface, and in summer small brackish lakes can form as a result of salt migration.

Tundra (subarctic) zone. On the territory of Eurasia, this zone occupies a wide strip in the north of the continent, most of it is located beyond the Arctic Circle (66° 33ў With. latitude), however, in the northeast of the continent, tundra landscapes extend much further south, reaching the northeastern part of the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (approximately 60° N). In the Western Hemisphere, the tundra zone occupies almost all of Alaska and a large area of ​​northern Canada. Tundra landscapes are also common on the southern coast of Greenland, in Iceland, and on some islands Barents Sea. In some places, tundra landscapes are found in the mountains above the forest line.

The tundra zone belongs predominantly to the subarctic climate zone. The climatic conditions of the tundra are characterized by a negative average annual temperature: from 2 to 12° C. The average temperature in July does not rise above +10° C, and the average temperature in January drops to 30° C. The duration of the frost-free period is about three months. Summer time is characterized by high relative air humidity (8090%) and continuous sunlight. Annual precipitation is low (from 150 to 450 mm), but due to low temperatures it exceeds evaporation.

Somewhere on the islands, and somewhere everywhere there is permafrost, the soil thaws to a depth of 0.2-1.6 m. The location of dense frozen soil close to the surface and excess atmospheric moisture causes waterlogging of the soil in the frost-free period and, as a consequence, its waterlogging. The proximity of frozen soils greatly cools the soil layer, which hinders the development of the soil-forming process.

Tundra vegetation is dominated by shrubs, shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses and lichens. There are no tree forms in the tundra. Soil microflora is quite diverse (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes). There are more bacteria in tundra soils than in arctic soils - from 300 to 3800 thousand per 1 g of soil.

The soil-forming rocks are dominated by various types of glacial deposits.

Tundra-gley soils are common above the surface of permafrost; they are formed under conditions of difficult drainage of soil-groundwater and oxygen deficiency. They, like other types of tundra soils, are characterized by the accumulation of weakly decomposed plant residues, due to which a well-defined peaty horizon (At), consisting mainly of organic matter, is located in the upper part of the profile. Below the peaty horizon there is a thin (1.52 cm) humus horizon (A 1) of brown-brown color. The humus content in this horizon is about 13%, the reaction is close to neutral. Under the humus horizon lies a gley soil horizon of a specific bluish color. gray, which is formed as a result of restoration processes under conditions of water saturation of the soil mass. The gley horizon continues to the upper surface of the permafrost. Sometimes, between the humus and gley horizons, a thin spotted horizon with alternating gray and rusty spots appears. The thickness of the soil profile corresponds to the depth of seasonal soil thawing.

Agriculture is possible in some areas of the tundra. Vegetables are grown around large industrial centers: potatoes, cabbage, onions, and many other crops in greenhouses.

Now, in connection with the active development of the mineral wealth of the North, the problem of protecting the nature of the tundra, and, first of all, its soil cover, has arisen. The upper peaty horizon of tundra soils is easily disturbed and takes decades to restore. Traces of transport, drilling and construction machines cover the surface of the tundra, contributing to the development of erosion processes. Violation of the soil cover causes irreparable damage to the entire unique nature of the tundra. Strict control of economic activity in the tundra is a difficult but extremely necessary task.

Taiga zone. Taiga-forest landscapes form a vast belt in the northern hemisphere, stretching from west to east in Eurasia and North America.

Taiga forests are located in the temperate climate zone. The climatic conditions of the vast territory of the taiga belt are different, but, in general, the climate is characterized by fairly large seasonal temperature fluctuations, moderately cold or cold winters (with an average January temperature of 10 ... 30 ° C), relatively cool summers (with an average monthly temperature close to +14…+16° C) and the predominance of the amount of precipitation over evaporation. In the coldest areas of the taiga zone (east of the Yenisei in Eurasia, northern Canada and Alaska in North America) there is permafrost, but the soil thaws in summer to a depth of 50 to 250 cm, so permafrost does not interfere with the growth of trees with a shallow root system. These climatic conditions determine the leaching type of water regime in areas not constrained by permafrost. In areas with permafrost, the leaching regime is disrupted.

The predominant type of vegetation in the zone is coniferous forests, sometimes with an admixture of deciduous trees. In the very south of the taiga zone, pure deciduous forests are widespread in some places. About 20% of the total area of ​​the taiga zone is occupied by swamp vegetation; the areas under meadows are small. The biomass of coniferous forests is significant (1000-3000 c/ha), but litter makes up only a few percent of the biomass (30-70 c/ha).

A significant part of the forests of Europe and North America has been destroyed, so the soils formed under the influence of forest vegetation have been in treeless, human-altered landscapes for a long time.

The taiga zone is heterogeneous: forest landscapes of different regions differ significantly in soil formation conditions.

In the absence of permafrost, different types of podzolic soils are formed on highly permeable sandy and sandy loam soil-forming rocks. The structure of the profile of these soils:

A 0 forest litter, consisting of pine needle litter, remains of trees, shrubs and mosses at various stages of decomposition. Below this horizon gradually turns into a loose mass of coarse humus, at the very bottom partially mixed with detrital minerals. The thickness of this horizon is from 24 to 68 cm. The reaction of the forest litter is strongly acidic (pH = 3.54.0). Lower down the profile the reaction becomes less acidic (pH increases to 5.56.0).

A 2 eluvial horizon (washout horizon), from which all more or less mobile compounds are carried into the lower horizons. In these soils this horizon is called podzolic . Sandy, easily crumbling, due to leaching of a pale gray, almost white color. Despite its small thickness (from 24 cm in the north and center to 1015 cm in the south of the taiga zone), this horizon stands out sharply in the soil profile due to its color.

B bright brown, coffee or rusty-brown illuvial horizon, in which inwashing predominates, i.e. precipitation of compounds of those chemical elements and small particles that were washed out from the upper part of the soil layer (mainly from the podzolic horizon). With depth in this horizon, the rusty-brown tint decreases and gradually turns into soil-forming rock. Thickness 3050 cm.

C soil-forming rock, represented by gray sand, crushed stone and boulders.

The profile thickness of these soils gradually increases from north to south. The soils of the southern taiga have the same structure as the soils of the northern and middle taiga, but the thickness of all horizons is greater.

In Eurasia, podzolic soils are common only in part of the taiga zone west of the Yenisei. In North America, podzolic soils are common in the southern part of the taiga zone. The territory east of the Yenisei in Eurasia (Central and Eastern Siberia) and the northern part of the taiga zone in North America (northern Canada and Alaska) are characterized by continuous permafrost, as well as characteristics of the vegetation cover. Acid brown taiga soils (podburs), sometimes called permafrost-taiga ferruginous soils, are formed here.

These soils are characterized by a profile with an upper horizon composed of coarse humus and the absence of a lightened leaching horizon characteristic of podzolic soils. The thickness of the profile is small (60100 cm), it is poorly differentiated. Like podzolic soils, brown taiga soils are formed under conditions of slow biological turnover and a small mass of annual plant litter, which almost completely reaches the surface. As a result of the slow transformation of plant residues and the leaching regime, a peaty dark brown litter is formed on the surface, from the organic matter of which easily soluble humus compounds are washed out. These substances are deposited throughout the soil profile in the form of humus-iron oxide compounds, as a result of which the soil acquires a brown, sometimes ocher-brown color. The humus content decreases gradually down the profile (under the litter there is 810% humus; at a depth of 50 cm about 5%, at a depth of 1 m 23%).

Agricultural use of soils in the taiga zone is associated with great difficulties. In the Eastern European and Western Siberian taiga, arable lands occupy 0.12% of the total area. The development of agriculture is hampered by unfavorable climatic conditions, severe soil logging, widespread swampiness of the territory, and permafrost east of the Yenisei. Agriculture is developing more actively in the southern regions of the Eastern European taiga and in the meadow-steppe regions of Yakutia.

Effective use of taiga soils requires large doses of mineral and organic fertilizers, neutralization of high soil acidity, and, in some places, removal of boulders.

In medical-geographical terms, the taiga forest zone is unfavorable, since as a result of intensive leaching of the soil, many chemical elements are lost, including those necessary for the normal development of humans and animals, therefore, in this zone, conditions are created for a partial deficiency of a number of chemical elements (iodine, copper , calcium, etc.)

Mixed forest zone. To the south of the taiga forest zone there are mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. In North America, these forests are common in the east of the continent in the Great Lakes region. in Eurasia on the territory of the East European Plain, where they form a wide zone. Beyond the Urals they continue far to the east, right up to the Amur region, although they do not form a continuous zone.

Climate mixed forests characterized by warmer and longer summers (average July temperature from 16 to 24 ° C) and warmer winters (average January temperature from 0 to 16 ° C) compared to the taiga forest zone. Annual precipitation from 500 to 1000 mm. The amount of precipitation everywhere exceeds evaporation, which causes a well-defined flushing water mode. Vegetation mixed forests of coniferous (spruce, fir, pine), small-leaved (birch, aspen, alder, etc.) and broad-leaved (oak, maple, etc.) species. A characteristic feature of mixed forests is a more or less developed grass cover. The biomass of mixed forests is greater than in the taiga and amounts to 20003000 c/ha. The mass of litter also exceeds the biomass of taiga forests, but due to more intense microbiological activity, the processes of destruction of dead organic matter proceed more vigorously, therefore in mixed forests the litter has less thickness than in the taiga and is more decomposed.

The mixed forest zone has a rather variegated soil cover. The most characteristic type of automorphic soils of mixed forests of the East European Plain are soddy-podzolic soils – southern variety of podzolic soils. Soils are formed only on loamy soil-forming rocks. Soddy-podzolic soils have the same soil profile structure as podzolic soils. They differ from podzolic ones by the smaller thickness of the forest litter (25 cm), the greater thickness of all horizons and a more clearly defined humus horizon A1, lying under the forest litter. The appearance of the humus horizon in soddy-podzolic soils also differs from the horizon in podzolic soils; in the upper part it contains numerous grass roots, which often form a well-defined turf. Color gray in various shades, loose build. The thickness of the humus horizon is from 5 to 20 cm, the humus content is 24%.

In the upper part of the profile, these soils are characterized by an acidic reaction (pH = 4), with depth the reaction gradually becomes less acidic.

The use of mixed forest soils in agriculture is higher than that of taiga forest soils. In the southern regions of the European part of Russia, 30-45% of the area is plowed; to the north, the share of plowed lands is much less. Farming is difficult due to the acidic reaction of these soils, their strong leaching, and in places they are swampy and filled with rocks. To neutralize excess acidity, the soil is limed. To obtain high yields, large doses of organic and mineral fertilizers are needed.

Broad-leaved forest zone. In the temperate zone, in warmer conditions (compared to taiga and subtaiga mixed forests), broad-leaved forests with rich grass cover are common. In North America zone deciduous forests extends in the east of the continent south of the mixed forest zone. In Eurasia, these forests do not form a continuous zone, but stretch in intermittent stripes from Western Europe to the Primorsky Territory of Russia.

Landscapes of broad-leaved forests, favorable for humans, have been exposed to human influence for a long time, so they are greatly modified: forest vegetation is either completely destroyed (in most of Western Europe and the USA) or replaced by secondary vegetation.

Among the soils formed in these landscapes, two types are distinguished:

1. Gray forest soils formed in inland areas (central regions of Eurasia and North America). In Eurasia, these soils stretch in islands from the western borders of Belarus to Transbaikalia. Gray forest soils are formed under continental climatic conditions. In Eurasia, the severity of the climate increases from west to east, average January temperatures vary from 6° C in the west of the zone to 28° C in the east, the duration of the frost-free period is from 250 to 180 days. Summer conditions are relatively the same - the average July temperature ranges from 19 to 20 ° C. Annual precipitation varies from 500-600 mm in the west to 300 mm in the east. The soils are soaked by precipitation to great depths, but since the groundwater in this zone lies deep, the leaching water regime is not typical here; only in the most humidified areas does the soil layer become completely wetted down to the groundwater.

The vegetation under which gray forest soils formed is represented mainly by broad-leaved forests with rich grass cover. To the west of the Dnieper there are hornbeam-oak forests, between the Dnieper and the Urals there are linden-oak forests, to the east of the Urals, within the West Siberian Lowland, birch and aspen forests predominate, and larch appears even further east.

The mass of litter from these forests significantly exceeds the mass of litter from taiga forests and amounts to 70-90 c/ha. The litter is rich in ash elements, especially calcium.

The soil-forming materials are predominantly cover loess-like loams.

Favorable climatic conditions determine the development of soil fauna and microbial populations. As a result of their activity, a more energetic transformation of plant residues occurs than in soddy-podzolic soils. This causes a more powerful humus horizon. However, part of the litter is still not destroyed, but accumulates in the forest litter, the thickness of which is less than the thickness of the litter in soddy-podzolic soils.

Structure of the gray forest soil profile ( cm. SOIL MORPHOLOGY):

A 0 forest litter from tree and grass litter, usually of small thickness (12 cm);

A 1 humus horizon of gray or dark gray color, fine- or medium-clumpy structure, containing a large number of grass roots. In the lower part of the horizon there is often a coating of siliceous powder. The thickness of this horizon is 20 × 30 cm.

A 2 washout horizon, gray in color, with an unclear leaf-plate structure and a thickness of about 20 cm. Small ferromanganese nodules are found in it.

In , the inwash horizon is brownish-brown in color, with a clearly defined nutty structure. Structural units and pore surfaces are covered with dark brown films, and small ferromanganese nodules are found. The thickness of this horizon is 80 100 cm.

C soil-forming rock (cover loess-like loam of a yellowish-brown color with a well-defined prismatic structure, often containing carbonate formations).

The type of gray forest soils is divided into three subtypes: light gray, gray and dark gray, the names of which are associated with the intensity of the color of the humus horizon. With the darkening of the humus horizon, the thickness of the humus horizon slightly increases and the severity of leaching of these soils decreases. The eluvial horizon A 2 is present only in light gray and gray forest soils; dark gray soils do not have it, although the lower part of the humus horizon A 1 has a whitish tint. The formation of subtypes of gray forest soils is determined by bioclimatic conditions, therefore light gray forest soils gravitate to the northern regions of the strip of gray soils, gray ones to the middle ones, and dark gray ones to the southern ones.

Gray forest soils are much more fertile than soddy-podzolic soils; they are favorable for growing grain, fodder, horticultural and some industrial crops. The main disadvantage is greatly reduced fertility as a result of centuries of use and significant destruction as a result of erosion.

2. Brown forest soils formed in areas with a mild and humid oceanic climate, in Eurasia these are Western Europe, the Carpathians, Mountain Crimea, warm and humid regions of the Caucasus and the Primorsky Territory of Russia, in North America the Atlantic part of the continent.

The annual precipitation is significant (600650 mm), but most of it falls in the summer, so the flushing regime operates for short periods of time. At the same time, mild climatic conditions and significant atmospheric moisture activate the processes of transformation of organic matter. A significant mass of litter is processed and mixed by numerous invertebrates, contributing to the formation of a humus horizon. When humic substances are destroyed, clay particles begin to slowly move into the leaching horizon.

The profile of brown forest soils is characterized by a poorly differentiated and thin, not very dark humus horizon.

Profile structure:

And 1 the humus horizon is gray-brown in color, the humus shade gradually decreases at the bottom, the structure is lumpy. Thickness 2025 cm.

B washout horizon. At the top it is a bright brown-brown, clayey, at the bottom the brown tint will decrease, and the color approaches the color of the parent rock. Horizon thickness 5060 cm.

C soil-forming rock (fawn-colored loess-like loam, sometimes with carbonate formations).

With a large amount of applied fertilizers and rational agricultural technology, these soils produce very high yields of various agricultural crops, in particular, the highest yields of grain crops are obtained on these soils. In the southern regions of Germany and France, brown soils are used mainly for vineyards.

Zone of meadow steppes, forest-steppes and meadow-forb steppes. In Eurasia, to the south of the zone of broad-leaved forests there is a zone of forest-steppes, which is replaced even further south by a zone of steppes. Automorphic soils of landscapes of meadow steppes in the forest-steppe zone and meadow-forb steppes in the steppe zone are called chernozems .

In Eurasia, chernozems extend in a continuous strip across the East European Plain, Southern Urals and Western Siberia to Altai, east of Altai they form separate massifs. The easternmost massif is located in Transbaikalia.

In North America there are also zones of forest-steppe and steppe, to the west of the zones of mixed and deciduous forests. Submeridional strike from the north they border on the taiga zone (about 53° N) and in the south they reach the coast of the Gulf of Mexico (24° N), however, the strip of chernozem soils is located only in the inland region and does not reach the sea coast comes out.

In Eurasia, the climatic conditions of the chernozem distribution zone are characterized by increasing continentality from west to east. In the Western regions, winter is warm and mild (average January temperature 2...4° C), and in the eastern regions it is harsh and with little snow (average January temperature 25...28 ° C). From west to east, the number of frost-free days decreases (from 300 in the west to 110 in the east) and the annual amount of precipitation (from 500600 in the west to 250350 in the east). During the warm period, differences in climate are smoothed out. In the west of the zone, the average July temperature is +19...+24° C, in the east +17...+20° C.

In North America, the severity of the climate in the zone of chernozem soils increases from north to south: the average January temperature varies from 0 ° C in the south to 16 ° C in the north, summer temperatures are the same: the average July temperature is +16 +24 ° C. The annual precipitation also does not change - from 250 to 500 mm per year.

For the entire area of ​​distribution of chernozem soils, evaporation is equal to the annual amount of precipitation or less. Most of the precipitation falls in the summer, often in the form of showers, this contributes to the fact that a significant part of the precipitation is not absorbed into the soil, but is removed in the form of surface runoff, therefore, chernozems are characterized by a non-percolative water regime. The exception is forest-steppe areas, where the soils are periodically washed.

The soil-forming rocks of the chernozem territory are represented mainly by loess-like deposits (loess is a fine-grained sedimentary rock of light yellow or fawn color).

Chernozems were formed under herbaceous vegetation, which was dominated by perennial grasses, but now most of the chernozem steppes have been plowed and the natural vegetation has been destroyed.

Biomass in natural steppe communities reaches 100300 c/ha, of which half dies annually; as a result, much more organic matter enters the soil in the chernozem zone than in the temperate forest zone, although forest biomass is more than 10 times higher than the biomass of steppes . There are significantly more microorganisms in steppe soils than in forest soils (34 billion per 1 g, and for some areas even more). The intensive activity of microorganisms aimed at processing plant litter ceases only during periods of winter freezing and summer drying of the soil. A significant amount of annually supplied plant residues ensures the accumulation of large amounts of humus in chernozem soils. The humus content in chernozems ranges from 34 to 1416%, and sometimes more. Distinctive feature Chernozems is the humus content in the entire soil profile, and down the profile it decreases very gradually. The reaction of the soil solution in the upper part of the profile in these soils is neutral; in the lower part of the profile, starting from the illuvial horizon (B), the reaction becomes slightly alkaline.

The most characteristic feature of these soils, which determined their name, is a powerful, well-developed humus horizon of intense black color.

Profile structure of typical chernozems:

A 0 steppe felt. This horizon, 13 cm thick, consists of the remains of herbaceous vegetation and is found only on virgin lands.

A 1 humus horizon. Its color when wet is intensely black, its thickness is 40 × 60 cm. The horizon is saturated with plant roots.

In , the transition horizon has a blackish-brown uneven color, gradually turning into the color of the soil-forming rock. Humus streaks come here from the humus horizon. The lower part of the horizon contains a significant amount of calcium carbonate. The thickness of this horizon is 40 60 cm.

C soil-forming rock (loess-like deposits).

In Eurasia, to the south of typical chernozems, common , and even further south there are southern chernozems. To the south, the annual amount of precipitation, the total biomass and, accordingly, the mass of annual plant litter decrease. This causes a decrease in the thickness of the humus horizon (in ordinary chernozems its thickness is about 40 cm, in southern ones it is 25 cm). The properties of chernozem soils also change as the climate becomes more continental, i.e. from west to east (in Eurasia).

Chernozems are famous for their fertility; their areas of distribution are the main production base for many grains, primarily wheat, as well as a number of valuable industrial crops (sugar beets, sunflowers, corn). The yield on chernozems depends mainly on the water content in a form accessible to the plant. In our country, the black soil regions were characterized by crop failures caused by droughts.

The second no less important problem of chernozems is soil destruction caused by erosion. On chernozem soils used for agriculture, special anti-erosion measures are required.

The medical and geographical characteristics of chernozems are favorable. Chernozems are the standard for the optimal ratio of chemical elements necessary for humans. Endemic diseases associated with a deficiency of chemical elements are not characteristic of the areas where these soils are distributed.

Zone of dry steppes and semi-deserts of the temperate zone. To the south of the steppe zone stretches a semi-desert zone. The southern steppes (they are called dry steppes), bordering semi-deserts, differ significantly in vegetation cover and soils from the northern steppes. In terms of their vegetation cover and soils, the southern steppes are closer to semi-deserts than to steppes.

In arid and extracontinental conditions of dry steppes and semi-deserts, chestnut and brown desert-steppe soils are formed, respectively.

In Eurasia, chestnut soils occupy a small area in Romania and are more widespread in the arid central regions of Spain. They stretch in a narrow strip along the coast of the Black and Azov Seas. To the east (in the Lower Volga region, Western Caspian region) the area of ​​these soils increases. Chestnut soils are very widespread in Kazakhstan, from where a continuous strip of these soils goes to Mongolia, and then to Eastern China, occupying most of the territory of Mongolia and the central provinces of China. In Central and Eastern Siberia, chestnut soils are found only in islands. The easternmost region of distribution of chestnut soils is the steppe of South-Eastern Transbaikalia.

The distribution of brown desert-steppe soils is more limited; these are predominantly semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan.

In North America, chestnut and brown soils are located in the central part of the continent, bordering the chernozem zone to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west. In the south, the distribution area of ​​these soils is limited to the Mexican Plateau.

The climate of the dry and desert steppes is sharply continental; continentality intensifies as one moves from west to east (in Eurasia). The average annual temperature varies from 59°C in the west to 34°C in the east. Annual precipitation decreases from north to south (in Eurasia) from 300350 to 200 mm. Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. Evaporation (a conditional value characterizing the maximum possible evaporation in a given area with an unlimited supply of water) significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation, so a non-flush water regime prevails here (soils are soaked to a depth of 10 to 180 cm). Strong winds further dry out the soil and promote erosion.

The vegetation of this area is dominated by steppe grasses and wormwood, the content of which increases from north to south. The biomass of dry steppe vegetation is about 100 c/ha, with the bulk of it (80% or more) coming from underground plant organs. The annual litter is 40 c/ha.

The soil-forming rocks are loess-like loams overlying rocks of different composition, age and origin.

Profile structure of chestnut and brown soils:

A humus horizon. In chestnut soils it is grayish-chestnut in color, saturated with plant roots, has a lumpy structure and has a thickness of 1525 cm. In brown soils it is brown in color, a lumpy fragile structure, about 1015 cm in thickness. The humus content in this horizon is from 2 to 5 % in chestnut soils and about 2% in brown soils.

In , the transitional horizon is brownish-brown in color, compacted, and carbonate formations are found below. Thickness 2030 cm.

C soil-forming rock, represented by loess-like loam of yellowish-brown color in chestnut soils and brownish-fawn in brown ones. Carbonate formations are found in the upper part. Below 50 cm in brown soils and 1 m in chestnut soils, new gypsum formations occur.

The change in the amount of humus down the profile occurs gradually, as in chernozems. The reaction of the soil solution in the upper part of the profile is slightly alkaline (pH = 7.5), lower the reaction becomes more alkaline.

Among chestnut soils, three subtypes are distinguished, replacing each other from north to south:

Dark chestnut , having a humus horizon thickness of about 25 cm or more, chestnut trees with a humus horizon thickness of about 20 cm and light chestnut trees with a humus horizon thickness of about 15 cm.

A characteristic feature of the soil cover of dry steppes is its extreme diversity, this is due to the redistribution of heat and especially moisture, and with it water-soluble compounds, across the forms of meso- and microrelief. Lack of moisture causes a very sensitive response of vegetation and soil formation to even slight changes in moisture. Zonal automorphic soils (i.e., chestnut and brown desert-steppe soils) occupy only 70% of the territory, the rest is accounted for by saline hydromorphic soils (solonetzes, solonchaks, etc.).

The difficulty of using dry steppe soils for agriculture is explained by both the low humus content and the unfavorable physical properties of the soils themselves. In agriculture, dark chestnut soils are mainly used in the most humidified areas and which have a fairly high degree of fertility. With proper agricultural technology and the necessary reclamation, these soils can produce sustainable yields. Since the main cause of crop failure is a lack of water, the problem of irrigation becomes especially acute.

In medical-geographical terms, chestnut and especially brown soils are in some places overloaded with easily soluble compounds and have an increased content of some trace chemical elements, primarily fluorine, which can have negative consequences for humans.

Desert zone. In Eurasia, to the south of the semi-desert zone there is a desert zone. It is located in the inland part of the continent on the vast plains of Kazakhstan, Central and Central Asia. Zonal automorphic soils of deserts are gray-brown desert soils.

The desert climate of Eurasia is characterized by hot summers (average July temperature 2630° C) and cold winters (average January temperature varies from 0 16° C in the north of the zone to 0 +16° C in the south of the zone). The average annual temperature varies from +16°C in the northern part to +20°C in the southern part of the zone. The amount of precipitation is usually no more than 100200 mm per year. The distribution of precipitation across months is uneven: the maximum occurs in winter and spring. Water mode non-washing soils are soaked to a depth of about 50 cm.

The vegetation cover of deserts is mainly hodgepodge and shrubs with ephemeral plants (annual herbaceous plants, the entire development of which takes place in a very short term, usually in early spring). Desert soils contain a lot of algae, especially on takyrs (a type of hydromorphic desert soil). Desert vegetation vigorously grows in the spring with the lush development of ephemerals. During the dry season, life in the desert comes to a standstill. The biomass of semi-shrub deserts is very small - about 43 c/ha. The small mass of annual litter (1020 c/ha) and the vigorous activity of microorganisms contribute to the rapid destruction of organic residues (there is no undecomposed litter on the surface) and a low humus content in gray-brown soils (up to 1%).

Among the soil-forming rocks, loess-like and ancient alluvial deposits, reworked by the wind, predominate.

Gray-brown soils are formed on elevated, flat terrain. A characteristic feature of these soils is the accumulation of carbonates in the upper part of the soil profile, which has the appearance of a surface porous crust.

Profile structure of gray-brown soils:

And the carbonate horizon is a surface crust with characteristic round pores, cracked into polygonal elements. Thickness 36 cm.

And a weakly defined humus horizon of a gray-brown color, weakly held together by roots in the upper part, loose at the bottom, easily blown by the wind. Thickness 1015 cm.

B is a transitional compacted horizon of brown color, prismatic-blocky structure, containing rare and poorly defined carbonate formations. Thickness from 10 to 15 cm.

C soil-forming rock loose loess-like loam, overflowing with small gypsum crystals. At a depth of 1.5 m and below, a peculiar gypsum horizon often lies, represented by clusters of vertically located needle-shaped gypsum crystals. The thickness of the gypsum horizon is from 10 cm to 2 m.

The characteristic hydromorphic soils of deserts are solonchaks , those. soils containing 1% or more readily soluble salts in water in the upper horizon. The bulk of salt marshes are distributed in the desert zone, where they occupy about 10% of the area. In addition to the desert zone, salt marshes are quite widespread in the zone of semi-deserts and steppes; they are formed when groundwater is close to each other and the effluent water regime is present. Salt-containing groundwater reaches the soil surface and evaporates; as a result, salts are deposited in the upper soil horizon, and salinization occurs.

Soil salinization can occur in any zone under sufficiently arid conditions and close proximity to groundwater; this is confirmed by salt marshes in the arid regions of the taiga, tundra and arctic zones.

The vegetation of salt marshes is unique, highly specialized in relation to the conditions of significant salt content in the soil.

The use of desert soils in the national economy is associated with difficulties. Due to the lack of water, farming in desert landscapes is selective; the bulk of the deserts are used for transhumance livestock farming. Cotton and rice are cultivated in irrigated gray soil areas. The oases of Central Asia have been famous for their fruit and vegetable crops for many centuries.

The increased content of some trace chemical elements (fluorine, strontium, boron) in the soils of certain areas can cause endemic diseases, for example, tooth decay as a result of exposure to high concentrations of fluoride.

Subtropical zone. In this climatic zone, the following main groups of soils are distinguished: soils of moist forests, dry forests and shrubs, dry subtropical steppes and low-grass semi-savannas, as well as subtropical deserts.

1. Red soils and yellow soils of humid subtropical forest landscapes

These soils are widespread in subtropical East Asia (China and Japan) and the southeastern United States (Florida and neighboring southern states). They are also found in the Caucasus on the coast of the Black (Adjara) and Caspian (Lankaran) seas.

The climatic conditions of the humid subtropics are characterized by high precipitation (13 thousand mm per year), mild winters and moderately hot summers. Precipitation is distributed unevenly throughout the year: in some areas the bulk of precipitation falls in the summer, in others - in the autumn-winter period. The rinsing water regime predominates.

The composition of forests in the humid subtropics varies depending on the floristic region to which a particular area belongs. The biomass of subtropical forests exceeds 4000 c/ha, the mass of litter is about 210 c/ha.

A characteristic type of soil in the humid subtropics is red soil, which received its name due to its color due to the composition of the soil-forming rocks. The main soil-forming rock on which red soils develop is a layer of redeposited weathering products of a specific brick-red or orange color. This color is due to the presence of tightly bound hydroxides

Fe(III ) on the surface of clay particles. Red soils inherited from the parent rocks not only color, but also many other properties.

Soil profile structure:

A 0 weakly decomposed forest litter, consisting of leaf litter and thin branches. Thickness 12 cm.

A 1 humus horizon is gray-brown in color with a reddish tint, with a large number of roots, a lumpy structure and a thickness of 1015 cm. The humus content in this horizon is up to 8%. Down the profile, the humus content quickly decreases.

In , the transition horizon is brownish-red in color, the red tint intensifies downward. Dense, lumpy structure, streaks of clay are visible along the passages of dead roots. Thickness 5060 cm.

C The soil-forming rock is red with whitish spots, there are clay pellets, and there are small ferromanganese nodules. Films and streaks of clay are noticeable in the upper part.

Red soils are characterized by an acidic reaction of the entire soil profile (pH = 4.74.9).

Yellow soils are formed on clayey shales and clays with poor water permeability, as a result of which gleying processes develop in the surface part of the profile of these soils, which cause the formation of oxide-iron nodules in the soils.

The soils of humid subtropical forests are poor in nitrogen and some ash elements. To increase fertility, organic and mineral fertilizers are needed, primarily phosphates. The development of soils in the humid subtropics is complicated by severe erosion that develops after deforestation, so the agricultural use of these soils requires anti-erosion measures.

2. Brown soils of landscapes of dry subtropical forests and shrubs

Soils called brown, formed under dry forests and shrubs, are widespread in southern Europe and northwest Africa (Mediterranean region), southern Africa, the Middle East, and several areas of Central Asia. Such soils are found in warm and relatively dry regions of the Caucasus, on the southern coast of Crimea, and in the Tien Shan mountains. In North America, soils of this type are common in Mexico; under dry eucalyptus forests they are known in Australia.

The climate of these landscapes is characterized by positive average annual temperatures. Winters are warm (temperatures above 0° C) and humid, summers are hot and dry. The annual amount of precipitation is significant about 600700 mm, but its distribution throughout the year is uneven most of the precipitation falls from November to March, and in the hot summer months there is little precipitation. As a result, soil formation occurs under conditions of two alternating periods: wet and warm, dry and hot.

Brown soils formed under dry forests of various species composition. In the Mediterranean, for example, these are forests of evergreen oak, laurel, seaside pine, tree-like juniper, as well as dry shrubs such as shiblyak and maquis, hawthorn, dwarf tree, downy oak, etc.

Profile structure of brown soils:

A 1 is a humus horizon of brown or dark brown color, lumpy structure, with a thickness of 20-30 cm. The humus content in this horizon is 2.0-2.4%. Down the profile its content gradually decreases.

In , the compacted transition horizon is bright brown, sometimes with a reddish tint. This horizon often contains new carbonate formations; in relatively humid areas they are located at a depth of 11.5 m; in arid areas they can already be found in the humus horizon.

C soil-forming rock.

D with a small thickness of the soil-forming rock, the underlying soil rock (limestone, shale, etc.) is located below the transition horizon.

The soil reaction in the upper part of the profile is close to neutral (pH = 6.3), in the lower part it becomes slightly alkaline.

The soils of subtropical dry forests and shrubs are highly fertile and have been used for a long time for agriculture, including viticulture, olive and fruit trees. Deforestation to expand the area of ​​cultivated land, combined with mountainous terrain, contributed to soil erosion. Thus, in many Mediterranean countries, the soil cover was destroyed and many areas that once served as granaries of the Roman Empire are now covered with desert steppes (Syria, Algeria, etc.).

3. Gray soils of dry subtropics

In arid landscapes of semi-deserts of the subtropical zone, gray soils are formed , they are widely represented in the foothills of the Central Asian ranges. They are distributed in northern Africa, in the continental part of the south of North and South America.

The climatic conditions of the gray soil zone are characterized by warm winters (the average monthly temperature in January is about 2°C) and hot summers (the average monthly temperature in July is 2728°C). Annual precipitation ranges from 300 mm in the low foothills to 600 mm in the foothills above 500 m above sea level. During the year, precipitation is distributed very unevenly throughout the year; most of it falls in winter and spring; very little falls in summer.

The vegetation of gray soils is defined as subtropical steppes or low-grass semi-savannas. The vegetation cover is dominated by grasses, with giant umbellifers being typical. During the period of spring moisture, ephemerals and ephemeroids - bluegrass, tulips, poppies, etc. - grow vigorously.

The soil-forming rocks are predominantly loess.

Serozem profile structure:

And the humus horizon is light gray in color, noticeably turfed, with an unclear lumpy structure, 15-20 cm thick. The amount of humus in this horizon is about 1.5-3%, down the profile the humus content decreases gradually.

A/B intermediate horizon between humus and transition horizons. More friable than humus, thickness 10 15 cm.

In , the transition horizon is brownish-fawn in color, weakly compacted, and contains new carbonate formations. At a depth of 6090 cm, new formations of gypsum begin. It gradually transitions to the soil-forming rock. Thickness is about 80 cm.

С soil-forming rock

The entire profile of sierozems bears traces of intense activity of diggers - worms, insects, lizards.

Gray soils of semi-deserts of the subtropical zone border on gray-brown soils of deserts of the temperate zone and are connected with them by gradual transitions. However, typical gray soils differ from gray-brown soils in the absence of a surface porous crust, a lower content of carbonates in the upper part of the profile, a significantly higher content of humus and a lower location of gypsum formations.

Gray soils contain a sufficient amount of chemical elements necessary for plant nutrition, with the exception of nitrogen. The main difficulty in their agricultural use is related to the lack of water, so irrigation is important for the development of these soils. Thus, rice and cotton are cultivated on irrigated gray soils in Central Asia. Agriculture without special irrigation is possible mainly in elevated areas of the foothills.

Tropical zone zone. The tropics here means the area between the northern and southern tropics, i.e. parallels with latitudes 23° 07ў northern and southern latitude. This territory includes tropical, subequatorial and equatorial climate zones. see also CLIMATE.

Tropical soils occupy more than 1/4 of the world's land surface. The conditions of soil formation in the tropics and high latitude countries are sharply different. The most noticeable distinctive features of tropical landscapes are climate, flora and fauna, but the differences are not limited to these. Most of the tropical territory (South America, Africa, the Hindustan Peninsula, Australia) represents the remains of the oldest land (Gondwana), on which weathering processes took place over a long period of time, starting from the Lower Paleozoic, and in some places even from the Precambrian. Therefore, some important properties of modern tropical soils are inherited from ancient weathering products, and individual processes of modern soil formation are complexly related to the processes of ancient stages of hypergenesis (weathering).

Traces of the most ancient stage of hypergenesis, the formations of which are widespread in many areas of ancient land, are represented by a thick weathering crust with a differentiated profile. These ancient crusts of tropical territory, as a rule, do not serve as soil-forming rocks; they are usually buried under more recent formations. In areas of deep faults that dissected sections of ancient land in the Cenozoic and were accompanied by powerful volcanic eruptions, these crusts are covered by thick covers of lavas. However, over an immeasurably larger area, the surface of ancient weathering crusts is covered with peculiar red mantle deposits. These red-colored deposits, cloak-like covering a vast area of ​​tropical land, represent a completely special supergene formation that arose under different conditions and at a significantly later time than the ancient weathering crusts underlying them.

The red deposits have a sandy-loamy composition, their thickness varies from several decimeters to 10 m or more. These deposits were formed under fairly humid conditions that favored high geochemical activity of iron. These deposits contain iron oxide, which is what gives the deposits their red color.

These red-colored deposits are the most typical soil-forming rocks of the tropics, which is why many tropical soils have a red or similar color, as reflected in their names. These colors are inherited from soils, the formation of which can occur in various modern bioclimatic conditions. Along with red-colored sediments, gray lacustrine loams, light yellow sandy loam alluvial deposits, brown volcanic ashes, etc. can act as soil-forming rocks; therefore, soils formed under the same bioclimatic conditions are not always the same color.

The most important feature of the tropical zone is stable high air temperature, so the nature of atmospheric humidification is of particular importance. Since evaporation in the tropics is high, the annual amount of precipitation does not give an idea of ​​​​the degree of atmospheric moisture. Even with a significant annual precipitation in tropical soils, throughout the year there is an alternation between a dry period (with a precipitation amount of less than 60 mm per month) and a wet period (with a precipitation amount of more than 100 mm per month). In accordance with soil moisture, there is a change in non-leaching and leaching regimes.

1. Soils of landscapes of rain (constantly wet) tropical forests

Permanently humid tropical forests are distributed over a large area in South America, Africa, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea and Australia. Under these forests, soils are formed for which different time Various names have been proposed red-yellow lateritic, ferrallite and etc.

The climate of these forests is hot and humid, average monthly temperatures are more than 20° C. The annual precipitation is 1800–2000 mm, although in some places it reaches 5000–8000 mm. The duration of the dry period does not exceed 1

– 2 months Significant moisture is not accompanied by oversaturation of the soil with water and there is no waterlogging.

The abundance of heat and moisture determines the largest biomass among the world's biocenoses - about 5000 c/ha and the mass of annual litter - 250 c/ha. There is almost no forest litter, since almost all litter is destroyed throughout the year due to the intensive activity of soil animals and microorganisms. Most of the elements released as a result of the decomposition of litter are immediately captured by the complex root system of the rain forest and are again drawn into the biological cycle.

As a result of these processes, there is almost no humus accumulation in these soils. The humus horizon of rain forest soil is gray, very thin (57 cm) and contains only a few percent of humus. It is replaced by a transitional horizon A/B (1020 cm), during which the humus tint completely disappears.

The peculiarity of these biocenoses is that almost the entire mass of chemical elements necessary for plant nutrition is contained in the plants themselves and only because of this is not washed out by heavy precipitation. When a tropical rainforest is cut down, precipitation very quickly erodes the top thin fertile soil layer and barren lands remain under the cleared forest.

2. Soils of tropical landscapes with seasonal atmospheric moisture

Within the tropical landmass, the largest area is occupied not by permanently wet forests, but by diverse landscapes, where atmospheric moisture is uneven throughout the year and temperature conditions vary slightly (average monthly temperatures are close to 20°C).

With a dry period lasting from 3 to 6 months a year and an annual precipitation amount of 900 to 1500 mm, landscapes of seasonally wet light tropical forests and tall grass savannas develop.

Light tropical forests are characterized by a free arrangement of trees, an abundance of light and, as a result, a lush cover of cereal grasses. Tall grass savannas are various combinations herbaceous vegetation with islands of forest or individual trees. The soils that form under these landscapes are called red or ferrallitic soils of seasonally wet tropical forests and tall grass savannas

The structure of the profile of these soils:

At the top there is a humus horizon (A), more or less sodded in the upper part, 1015 cm thick, dark gray in color. Below is a transition horizon (B), during which the gray tint gradually disappears and the red color of the soil-forming rock intensifies. The thickness of this horizon is 30

– 50 cm. The total humus content in the soil is from 1 to 4%, sometimes more. The soil reaction is slightly acidic, often almost neutral.

These soils are widely used in tropical agriculture. The main problem with their use is the easy destruction of soils due to erosion.

With a dry period lasting from 7 to 10 months a year and an annual precipitation of 400-600 mm, xerophytic biocenoses develop, which are a combination of dry trees and shrubs and low grasses. The soils that form under these landscapes are called red-brown dry savanna soils.

The structure of these soils:

Under the humus horizon A, about 10 cm thick, of a slightly gray tint, there is a transition horizon B, 25 cm thick.

– 35 cm. In the lower part of this horizon there are sometimes carbonate nodules. Next comes the soil-forming rock. The humus content in these soils is usually low. Soil reaction is slightly alkaline (pH= 7.0 7,5).

These soils are widespread in the central and western regions of Australia and in some areas of tropical Africa. They are of little use for agriculture and are used mainly for pastures.

With an annual precipitation of less than 300 mm, soils of arid tropical (semi-desert and desert) landscapes are formed , having common features with gray-brown soils and gray soils. They have a thin and poorly differentiated carbonate profile. Since the soil-forming rocks in many areas are red-colored products of [Neogene] weathering, these soils have a reddish color.

Tropical island zone. A special group is formed by the soils of the oceanic islands of the tropical zone of the World Ocean, among which the most peculiar are the soils of the coral islands and atolls.

The soil-forming material on such islands is snow-white coral sands and reef limestones. The vegetation consists of shrub thickets and coconut palm forests with intermittent cover of low grasses. The most common here are atoll humus-carbonate sandy soils with a thin humus horizon (510 cm), characterized by a humus content of 12% and a pH of about 7.5.

Often important factor soil formation on the islands is avifauna. Colonies of birds deposit huge amounts of droppings, which enrich the soil with organic matter and promote the appearance of special woody vegetation, thickets of tall grasses and ferns. A thick peat-humus horizon with an acidic reaction is formed in the soil profile. Such soils are called atoll melano-humus-carbonate.

Humus-carbonate soils are an important natural resource of numerous island countries of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, being the main plantation for the coconut palm.

Mountain zone. Mountain soils occupy more than 20% of the total land surface. In mountainous countries, basically the same combination of soil-forming factors is repeated as on the plains, therefore, many soils such as automorphic soils of lowland areas are common in the mountains: podzolic, chernozems, etc. However, the formation of soils in mountainous and lowland areas has certain differences, therefore the same type the soils formed in lowland and mountainous areas are clearly different. There are mountain-podzolic soils, mountain chernozems, etc. In addition, in mountainous areas conditions arise in which specific mountain soils are formed that have no analogues on the plains (for example, mountain meadow soils).

One of the distinctive features of the structure of mountain soils is the thinness of genetic horizons and the entire soil profile. The profile thickness of a mountain soil can be 10 or more times less than the profile thickness of a similar flat soil, while maintaining the structure of the profile of the flat soil and its features.

Mountain areas are characterized by vertical zoning (or zonality) soil cover, which refers to the natural replacement of some soils by others as one rises from the foot to the tops of high mountains. This phenomenon is due to the natural change in hydrothermal conditions and vegetation composition with height. The lower belt of mountain soils belongs to the natural zone in which the mountains are located. For example, if a mountain system is located in a desert zone, then gray-brown desert soils will form on its lower belt, but as they rise up the slope, they will alternately be replaced by mountain chestnut, mountain chernozem, mountain forest and mountain meadow soils . However, under the influence of local bioclimatic features, some natural areas may fall out of the vertical zonation structure of the soil cover. An inversion of soil zones can also be observed, when one zone turns out to be higher than it should be by analogy with the horizontal ones.

Natalia Novoselova

LITERATURE Soils of the USSR. M., Mysl, 1979
Glazovskaya M.A., Gennadiev A.N. . M., Moscow State University, 1995
Maksakovsky V.P. Geographical picture of the world. Part I. General characteristics of the world. Yaroslavl, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, 1995
Workshop on general soil science., M., Moscow State University Publishing House 1995
Dobrovolsky V.V. Geography of soils with basics of soil science. M., Vlados, 2001
Zavarzin G.A. Lectures on natural history microbiology. M., Nauka, 2003
Eastern European forests. History in the Holocene and modern times. Book 1. Moscow, Science, 2004

– the most important resource of the biosphere, actively used by humans. Being the main means of agricultural production, soil will remain the main source of human food in the foreseeable future. The soil cover serves as the basis for industrial, transport, urban and rural construction. Recently, significant areas of soil have been used for recreational purposes, to create nature reserves and protected areas.

The problem of rational use and protection of land resources is very relevant; any reduction in the area of ​​agricultural land seriously aggravates the already difficult question providing the world's population with food.

It is estimated that currently 0.3–0.5 hectares of arable land are required to fully provide food per person; for the Non-Chernozem Zone the threshold figure is 0.8 hectares. In the 21st century, the population of our planet is about 6.5 billion, and the share of arable land accordingly decreases to 0.2–0.3 hectares per person.

Land resources(land) occupy about 1/3 of the planet's surface, or almost 14.9 billion hectares, including 1.5 billion hectares occupied by Antarctica and Greenland. The structure of the land in this territory is as follows: 10% is occupied by glaciers; 15.5% – deserts, rocks, coastal sands; 75% – tundra and swamps; 2% – cities, mines, roads. According to FAO (1989), there are about 1.5 billion hectares of soil suitable for agriculture on the globe. This represents only 11% of the world's land cover. At the same time, there is a tendency to reduce the area of ​​this category of land. At the same time, the availability (in terms of one person) of arable land and forest land is decreasing.

The area of ​​arable land per person is: in the world - 0.3 hectares; Russia – 0.88 hectares; Belarus – 0.6 ha; USA - 1.4 hectares, Japan - 0.05 hectares.

When determining the availability of land resources, it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of population density in different parts of the world. The most densely populated countries are the countries of Western Europe and Southeast Asia (more than 100 people/km2).

A serious reason for the decrease in land areas used for agriculture is desertification. It is estimated that the area of ​​desertified lands is increasing annually by 21 million hectares. This process threatens the entire landmass and 20% of the population in 100 countries.

It is estimated that urbanization consumes over 300 thousand hectares of agricultural land per year.

Solving the problem of land use, and therefore the problem of food supply, involves two ways. The first way is to improve agricultural production technologies, improve soil conditions, and increase crop yields. The second way is the way to expand agricultural areas.

According to some scientists, in the future the area of ​​arable land can be increased to 3.0–3.4 billion hectares, that is, the total area of ​​land that can be developed in the future is 1.5–1.9 billion hectares. These areas can produce products sufficient to supply 0.5–0.65 billion people (the annual increase on Earth is about 70 million people).

Currently, approximately half of the area suitable for agriculture is cultivated. The limit of agricultural soil use reached in some developed countries is 7% of the total area. In developing countries in Africa and South America, the cultivable portion of the land is approximately 36% of the cultivable area.

An assessment of the agricultural use of soil cover indicates great unevenness in the coverage of agricultural production in the soils of different continents and bioclimatic zones.

The subtropical zone has been significantly developed - its soils are plowed to 20–25% of the total area. The small area of ​​arable land in the tropical zone is 7–12%.

The agricultural development of the boreal zone is very small, which is limited to the use of sod-podzolic soils and partly to 8% of the total area of ​​these soils. The largest tracts of cultivated land fall on the soils of the subboreal zone - 32%.

The main reserves for expanding the area of ​​arable land are concentrated in the subtropical and tropical zones. There are also considerable potential opportunities for expanding arable land in the temperate zone. The objects of development are, first of all, sod-podzolic swampy soils occupied by unproductive hayfields, pastures, shrubs, and small forests. Swamps are a reserve for the expansion of arable land.

The main ones limiting the development of land for arable land are, first of all, geomorphological (steepness of slopes, rugged terrain) and climatic ones. The northern border of sustainable agriculture lies in the range of 1400–1600° of active temperature sums. In Europe, this border runs along the 60th parallel, in the western and central parts of Asia - along 58° north latitude, in the Far East - south of 53° north latitude.

The development and use of land in unfavorable climatic conditions requires considerable material costs and is not always economically justified.

Expansion of arable land areas should take into account environmental and conservation aspects.