Livestock family farms. Family farm projects. What equipment to choose. Preparing for construction

Today, all over the world, such a branch of the national economy as farming is developing at a rapid pace. In almost any city or town there is a person involved in this business. Until recently, farming was declining significantly, but in last years it is again actively thriving and bringing huge profits to its owners.

It should be noted that farming allows you to sell such valuable products on the market as, for example, meat (pork, beef, poultry), milk and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream), eggs, offal (liver, kidneys), animal wool, fluff. Meat and milk are essential components of food, and therefore they will always be in demand, and this, in turn, guarantees profit for private entrepreneurs.

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Required documents and permits

Before you start work, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you need to do and what is most profitable. Currently, there are several types of farms: livestock, poultry, dairy, crop, bee farms and others. Each of them is profitable in some way. So, the first step towards opening a farm is choosing a location. This could be a large farming settlement or a small house with a designated area.

It is not profitable to build a farm from scratch, since there is a lot of abandoned land that is not used by anyone. The easiest way would be to buy them back with the land. It will cost much less.

Secondly, you need to decide on the type, that is, what or who you will support. Thirdly, it is important to clearly define the scale of the farm. If this is crop production, here you need to correctly calculate the required area for planting plants. If this is livestock farming, then the number of possible livestock is calculated, necessary equipment and room sizes. If you plan to sell products to various retail chains in the future, then you need to collect a whole list important documents, such as a lease or purchase agreement for land, permission from Rospotrebnadzor authorities, fire inspection for housekeeping. Among other things, you need to register as individual entrepreneur. All products must have quality and safety certificates, and veterinary examination of meat products is also required.

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Planning and purchasing of equipment

One of the most expensive, along with the purchase of feed (if it is a livestock farm), will be the purchase of equipment. If this is a large farm, then costs can reach 2-3 million rubles. Equipment can be found by asking neighboring farmers for information. The fact that this can take several months is also very important, because after purchasing it you also need to rationally arrange and install it. Next important point- This is the layout of the room itself. As mentioned above, the areas can be very different. If this is livestock or poultry farming, then the organization of stalls for livestock or cages for poultry will be mandatory. Individual feeders and devices for removing manure and garbage are also installed here.

The room should be warm both in winter and summer. The temperature during the cold period should not be lower than 17 degrees. For this purpose, a gas heating system is used; other options are possible. In addition, humidity must be maintained at a constant level. The presence of drafts reduces the productivity of animals, especially egg production. But, nevertheless, the room must be constantly ventilated. Lighting should be uniform.

Let's take a closer look at how to organize some types of farms.

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Pig farming

Pig farming is one of the most common and profitable areas of farming. An interesting fact is that pork is the second most popular meat after poultry, since it is cheaper than beef and has good taste qualities. Its consumption accounts for 30% of all meat products. Pig farms are divided into 3 groups based on size. The first of them is large pig-breeding complexes, where the number of livestock is more than 12,000. The second ranges from 100 to 12,000 and the third is private land with less than 100 animals.

The advantage of raising pigs is that they grow very quickly, about 10 times faster than cattle. This makes them irreplaceable and very valuable in the market. In addition, they also gain weight quickly. By the age of 6 months, pigs with good feeding can weigh 100 kg and are ready for slaughter. Another advantage is that these animals are in full use and assimilate everything nutrients from feed. Pigs are unpretentious in food and maintenance. They reproduce well. If there are 300-350 head of sows, there should be 15-10 boars, the rest are fattened for slaughter.

Equipment for this type of premises must be special. In most cases, pigs are fed dry food, so you need to purchase equipment for feeding it. The equipment includes: bunker, feed lines, dispensers. If individual nutrition takes place, then feeders are provided. It is very important to purchase drinking bowls for pigs, feed loaders, and machine equipment.

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Purchasing animals and necessary feed

You can buy piglets or pigs at the nearest livestock market. It is worth starting with 300-350 individuals, and purchasing queens and boars from different buyers in order to avoid inbreeding and reducing livestock productivity. Such a number of pigs will require a huge amount of feed. Over the course of a year, up to 35 tons of feed will be required, as well as approximately 300 kg of special additives. The latter is mandatory, since supplementary feeding contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the pig’s body, which may not be enough in the daily diet. Correct balanced diet will contribute to the rapid growth and proper development of young animals and adults. You should also take feed purchasing points seriously. It is important that the supplier sells quality products, otherwise the profit may be zero.

As for the cost, the purchase of equipment will cost approximately 2-3 million rubles. Every month it will take 10-15 thousand for pig farmers and 20-25 veterinarians to pay salaries to staff. But the most expensive will, of course, be food. After all, to purchase, for example, 15 kg of feed, you need to spend 120 rubles. The project's profitability will be about 25%. Payback periods vary widely, on average 2-3 years.

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Poultry farming

Poultry has been the main product of the meat industry in recent years. The reasons for this are the low cost of meat on the market, high demand, and the ease of breeding poultry. Poultry, and mainly chicken, ranks first in terms of consumption, leaving behind pork and beef. Let's look at how to open a poultry farm from scratch. Unlike pig farming, such a business will not require expensive equipment and large premises. The business of raising chickens from scratch is considered very profitable, the profitability is 100%. Chickens are the main supplier of eggs and meat. The living conditions for them are especially simple: they require constant care and observation, which takes from 2 to 4 hours a day.

The birds are kept in chicken coops with individual or collective feeders, and a certain rule must be observed: all birds are fed at approximately the same time. Dry coma, chopped grass, cereal crops, bread and so on. Chickens should be fed until they are full. Finely chopped shells or gravel must be poured into the feeders so that the birds can replenish calcium deficiency. It is very important that the room where animals are kept is well heated and ventilated, but without drafts. You can buy chickens at the market, they are inexpensive. To complete a transaction, you will need documents on vaccinations, information about age, previous diseases, name of the breed, that is, a so-called passport.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs consider organizing a mini dairy farm as an excellent prospect for starting their own business. The popularity of this idea is easily explained:

Ready-made small mini farm project

  1. A mini-farm requires a small production area.
  2. Family farms require smart investments.
  3. Maintenance of a mini-farm requires minimal costs.

The project of a modern farm for 50 or 100 heads will provide all family members with permanent work and stable good income.

Any investment Money must be justified. Therefore, you should start by creating a project or writing a detailed business plan. Becoming a competitor to large livestock operations requires some thought.

No one is required to immediately erect huge complexes. You can start working with a small herd.

What is a mini-farm?

Mini-farms include farms that keep cattle. Livestock breeders receive and sell dairy, meat and other products.

Interior arrangement of a private mini-farm

In livestock farms where they are already making a profit, the average number of livestock ranges from 50 to 100 units. The project allows us to increase production volumes and increase productivity in the future. At the same time, anyone can open their own business. Russian family, since you don’t need fabulous funds to buy cattle, erect outbuildings, or open an individual entrepreneur.

Mini-farm project: step-by-step creation

  1. Select a plot of land.
  2. Provide all necessary communications.
  3. Determine the number of livestock.
  4. Decide what type of industry you will be involved in - dairy, meat or combined.
  5. Choose a method of keeping cattle - with or without walking.
  6. Calculate how many technical premises equipped with modern equipment need to be built.

Fence for animals on a farm

If it is not possible to bring communications to the site, you should carefully consider your decision: this is an unprofitable purchase when you will have to spend a lot on bringing water or generating electricity.

Nuances of choosing land

For livestock farms, the following rules must be followed. The area of ​​the plot must be at least 1000 square meters. m. Depending on which method of keeping you prefer, you may need pastures for walking, a hangar, fields to grow forage crops and make hay.

If you don’t have your own food supply, then keeping cattle is unprofitable. Almost all the profit received from the farm will be spent on feed procurement.

Location of the mini-farm on the layout of a summer cottage

When an entrepreneur does not have enough money from the district administration, he can rent it.

Connecting communications to the land plot

It is important that the ground is in convenient location. If travel is difficult, the site is low-lying or the soil is depleted, additional investment will be required. The remoteness of the farm from communications and settlements cannot be considered an advantage.

It is better to start construction on former land state farm, where cowsheds, production premises can already be built and water supply, gas, electricity, and sewerage installed.

Number of animals and definition of activity. For a dairy farm, it is recommended to keep at least 25-50 animals at a minimum. Since cows give birth, the number of cattle on family farms can constantly increase.

Owners of a mini-farm will also need to maintain breeding bulls. Over time, the total number of cattle may reach 100 head.

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Projects of multi-storey residential buildings

Entrepreneurs have to choose one of two options:

  • Keeping animals in stalls;
  • Free range of cows, bulls and young animals within the facility.

The first option is considered less expensive. Animals are constantly in their stalls. Here they are fed and milked. Construction of utility and administrative premises is required. We need workshops to process products.
Choosing the second method will require a large investment from the business owner. It is necessary to build special places where animals will be fed, milked, and walked. It is important to separately equip the premises where the calves will be kept. Properly selected automatic equipment must be installed on livestock farms.

Equipment for calf cages on a mini-farm

You can build rooms cheaper if you use a wooden structure. To build metal structures you need money. However, in terms of durability last option more preferable.

Construction of a mini-farm: possible alternatives

Today there is a demand for the construction of dairy farms. This can be done in various ways:

  • Restore an old facility and modernize it;
  • Build a completely new complex.

Let's take a closer look at each method separately. The first of them involves the construction of livestock farms on areas where there is a building that was previously used as a cowshed. Do major renovation premises, perform necessary work on insulation. The interior space is being modernized. Install partitions.

Construction of cattle pens on the farm

If the building is well preserved and you intend to use it in the future, then the territory is developed according to the existing project. The second method for building a mini-farm involves starting from scratch. When opting for metal barns, you must remember that the cost of the project can increase significantly. There are modern building materials that are cheaper than iron. As an option, you can consider purchasing a turnkey mini-farm.

In this case, a professional company handles the construction work, and in the meantime, the entrepreneur can devote more time to developing the optimal strategy for his business. Conveniently, the offer is from construction companies The construction of a turnkey farm practically does not require the participation of the customer in construction work.

The process of constructing a mini-farm for cattle

You can try to find a suitable project in the catalog of the company you contacted.
The presence of the business owner is necessary when the farm has already been built. He inspects the object and accepts the work. Entrepreneurs can order the creation of individual projects family farms. Then, during the construction of the facility, all the wishes of the customer are taken into account. can be designed for a different number of cows: 25; 50; 100; 150.

A modern mini-farm is built in such a way that it can be expanded in the future. If at first you took 50 units of livestock, then you can then complete the necessary premises when the livestock increases to 100.

Farming is undoubtedly considered one of the most profitable sectors of the national economy today. Knowing how to open his own farm, an entrepreneur can make great money and at the same time become famous for selling products that are in demand on the market. And in order to make a profit through Agriculture, you need to know not only what equipment to buy for the farm, but also how to develop this type of business competently.

What does it take to open a farm?

The main thing that a future farmer must learn is the strategy and tactics of farming. It is important to know:

  • basic principles of planning a farm complex
  • rules for constructing various premises for a farm
  • principles of farming
  • features of the production of certain products, breeding of certain species of animals
  • points of sale of various goods

As for the production itself, you can sell meat (pork, poultry, beef), offal (kidneys and liver), eggs, as well as milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cream). Moreover, even animal fluff and fur will be in demand! Crop growing and beekeeping will also be popular.
Having decided on a work strategy, you can look for suitable equipment for the farm and prepare for opening. To do this, you need to obtain a number of permits and approvals. Among them:

  • lease (purchase) agreement for land
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor for farming
  • coordination of work with the fire inspectorate
  • safety and quality certificates for each type of product
  • veterinary certificate for meat products, if any

And, of course, it will be possible to engage in farming only after the farmer registers an individual entrepreneur.

How to open your own farm: from scratch or following the footsteps of an existing farm?

It is immediately worth noting that building from scratch will not be profitable. In any settlement and near it there is a lot of land that was used previously, but is now of no use to anyone. It is enough to simply buy them together with the land plot, and this will require a minimum of investment. the main task– correctly calculate the area of ​​land, and it should be taken into account that more land is needed for crop production than for livestock farming.
It is also worth considering the number and area of ​​premises that will be used for work. These will include animal housing, livestock stalls and poultry cages, individual feeders and storage areas for garbage and manure removal devices. Premises for animals must be warm - both in summer and winter (the temperature cannot be lower than 17 degrees): the presence of drafts and excessive cold reduce the productivity of animals. In this case, the businessman will have to spend money both on the construction of the premises themselves and on engineering communications for them: he will need a gas heating system, as well as good air humidification.
The next stage is the purchase of the necessary equipment, and if the businessman is a beginner, then you can ask neighboring farmers about what equipment is needed for the farm. In total you will need:

  • equipment for feeding animals
  • feed lines
  • bunkers
  • dispensers
  • feed loaders
  • milling equipment
  • drinking bowls

Investments and income from the farm

Investments in this type of business are quite large, and farm equipment alone may require 2-3 million rubles. In addition, there will be other costs:

  • up to 1 million will be spent on the purchase of a land plot with land (renting will cost less - 500-700 thousand rubles)
  • 4-5 million will be required for the purchase of livestock (for a private farm, not so much may be needed - for example, 200-300 pigs or cattle: one calf, for example, can cost 20-25 thousand rubles, and for a herd of 200 calves will need 4-5 million rubles, piglets may cost more, but poultry will cost much less)
  • 500 thousand per month will be needed to maintain the farm - heating, cooling, air humidification, cleaning, etc.
  • 50 thousand per month will need to be spent on purchasing animal feed
  • 25-30 thousand will need to be paid monthly to a veterinarian who will examine the animals
  • 15 thousand will be spent on wages one farm employee

Average farm income depends on what is sold and how much it is sold. The sale of chicks or young animals can bring from 200 thousand to 2 million rubles a year: it all depends on the productivity of the individuals, the working conditions of the farm, and the strategy of the businessman. Products can be sold in local markets or in large retail networks, for which contracts will be needed. On average, the costs of this type of activity pay off in 2-3 years, if the farmer does not stop there and is constantly developing. And if he not only knows what it takes to open a farm, but also tries to improve its working conditions, over time he will not only receive optimal profits, but will also become truly famous in the market.

The business of breeding farm animals in most cases becomes very profitable. Today, family farms of almost any specialization can bring quite a significant income. But, of course, making a profit from breeding animals or poultry is possible only with the right approach of the entrepreneur to the matter.

First stage

The specialization of the future farm is, of course, what a novice farmer must first decide on. Family livestock farms are organized in Russia usually for the purpose of raising traditional cattle, pigs or chickens. All these types of agricultural animals are kept using fairly simple technologies developed over decades, and sometimes centuries.

Standard family farms specializing in breeding traditional types farm animals, of course, usually bring in a good income. However, the owners of such a farm will most likely have to face strong competition in the course of their activities. After all, we already have quite a lot of farms of this specialization in our country. Therefore, perhaps entrepreneurs should think about breeding some other, rarer agricultural animals.

Some ideas for the beginning farmer

IN Lately In our country there is an increased demand for this type of meat such as lamb. Previously, such a product was not particularly popular in Russia. Many consumers simply didn't like the smell. However, recently breeders have developed many breeds of sheep, the meat of which is completely devoid of such a defect. So today, organizing a small cattle breeding farm can also become quite a profitable activity.

Agriculture in Russia, after all sorts of economic shocks, is, in fact, still developing. Some niches in this area of ​​the country's economy are still practically unoccupied. Therefore, the business of breeding some very unusual animals can also become quite profitable. For example, an entrepreneur might want to think about starting a farm:

  • trout;
  • rabbit;
  • nutria.

Business plan

Of course, first of all, future entrepreneurs should develop a detailed project for a family farm. Organizing a livestock farm of any specialization is always quite expensive. Own funds Most likely, there simply won’t be enough for a family to start such a business from scratch.

The best solution in this situation may be, of course, a bank loan. In Russia, in our time, programs are periodically implemented aimed at maintaining and developing precisely such a sector of the national economy as livestock farming. A family farm can be organized, including with money borrowed from a bank at very low interest. But, of course, in order to convince a potential creditor of the prospects of the newly organized economy, he needs to be provided detailed business plan. If necessary, you can draw up such a document yourself.

Whatever specialization family farms are created, their business plan should include:

  • Description of the final product. In this paragraph, you need to indicate the type of product that will be supplied to the market from the farm and its expected volume. You should also provide the bank with information about exactly how meat, milk, eggs, etc. will be sold.
  • Production plan. This item should include information about where exactly the money received on credit will be sent (for the construction of premises, the purchase of young animals, feed, etc.).
  • Financial plan. This includes all expected expenses of the farm in the process of its operation and development - wages to workers, public utilities, prevention of animal or poultry diseases, transportation of feed and carcasses.
  • Variable expenses. At this point, farm owners usually indicate the expected expenses for feed (for one animal per year and for the entire herd).
  • Income. The estimated profit is indicated here, along with the necessary calculations.

Cattle breeding farm: organizational features

Most often, these are the types of family farms that have been registered in Russia lately. In our country, cattle are traditionally bred to produce milk. Farm owners rarely keep such animals for meat. This product is most often considered secondary in relation to milk. Therefore, the profitability of almost any such farm depends on the amount of milk yield. Therefore, entrepreneurs first of all need to take care of choosing a high-milk breed of cattle. This could be, for example, a red steppe cow, black-and-white, Holstein, Kholmogory or Yaroslavl. In addition to productivity, when choosing a breed, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as whimsicality in terms of care. For example, Holstein cows produce the most milk. However, a less experienced farmer should still choose red steppe or black-and-white to begin with. Such cows are much more unpretentious, and there will most likely be no losses in the herd during their breeding, even if any technology is violated.

The construction of family farms for breeding cows is usually carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • the ceiling height in the room should not be less than 2.5 m;
  • the farm should have good natural lighting;
  • windows in the premises are located at a height inaccessible to cows;
  • Ventilation should be installed in the barn.

The most convenient are barns with stalls on the sides and a passage in the middle. In addition to the barn itself, staff quarters and outbuildings (for storing feed, equipment, medicines and protective clothing) will need to be built on the farm.

Of course, entrepreneurs will also have to organize the supply of feed to the farm. The better the quality of the animal's diet, the more milk can be obtained from them. Cows are required to be given all three types of feed intended for agricultural animals:

  • juicy (root vegetables);
  • rough (grass, hay);
  • concentrated (grain, bran, mixed feed).

Animals will also need to receive mineral and vitamin supplements. In summer, cattle are usually turned out to pasture all day.

Pig breeding: features

Such a family farm is also a business that is usually quite profitable. When organizing a farm specializing in raising piglets, it is important to choose the right place to build a barn. The smell from a pig farm can be very strong, even when the animals are well cared for. According to the regulations, the construction of premises intended for raising piglets is allowed only outside the populated area, no closer than 50-500 m from its border (depending on the number of heads in the herd).

To the choice of animal breeds in this case you also need to approach it as responsibly as possible. All varieties of pigs existing today can be divided into three large groups: meat, tallow and meat-greasy. Breeding the first type of piglets is more difficult than the last two. But at the same time, leaner pork costs more. A novice farmer should still choose a tallow or meat-fat breed of piglets for breeding. It will be much easier to raise such pigs.

The room for piglets should be built from sufficiently durable materials (these animals love to chew walls and floors). Most often, pigsties are built from foam blocks. Indoor floors should be smooth, waterproof, non-slip and easy to clean. Most often in pigsties they are made of concrete. For insulation, such a floor is covered with boards. A drainage chute must be installed in the middle of the passage in the pigsty. The floors themselves are poured with a slight slope towards it. Near the piglet farm, it is worth, among other things, installing several septic tanks.

There are different technologies for fattening pigs. The choice of a specific one depends, first of all, on the breed of piglets. Fat and meat-greasy pigs are usually fed foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. This could be, for example, potatoes, corn, beets, barley. Of course, such piglets are also given food waste.

How to organize a rabbit breeding farm

There are breeds of such animals, both meat and skin or fur. Most often today in Russia, novice entrepreneurs organize a mini-farm for rabbits of the first variety. The best meat breeds of these animals are considered to be Rizen, white and gray giants, and Flanders. Also, very often, beginning farmers breed the unpretentious “Soviet” chinchilla.

Fur-bearing animals, including rabbits, in most cases are not at all afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, on farms they are sometimes kept in shads. This is the name of special structures that are a long single- or double-sloped canopy, inside of which cages are installed in several tiers. Keeping animals outdoors in winter allows the farm owner to obtain better quality skins. But, if a mini-farm for rabbits is organized to sell only meat, the premises, of course, should be made closed. In this case, the animals will feel more comfortable (and, therefore, will begin to gain weight faster).

Today, rabbit cages can be purchased ready-made. Farmers will have to buy three varieties of them - intended for queens with offspring, for young animals and for producers. Cages are installed in sheds or sheds, usually in 2-3 tiers. In large farms of this specialization, individual feeders are more often used, mounted on the door. The drinking bowls are installed at the top of the last tier. Hoses are led from them to each cage.

The diet of rabbits, like cattle, usually consists of three types of feed. The main emphasis in this case, just as when keeping cows, is on roughage. Rabbits should receive dried grass or hay in very large quantities. Of the concentrates, the menu of these animals usually includes only barley. Farmers also sometimes use oats. Of the root vegetables, rabbits are most often given only carrots and beets (in limited quantities).

Nutria farms: how to create

The organization of a farm of such specialization also has a number of its own characteristics. It is better for beginning farmers to purchase breeders, as well as young nutria, from special nurseries. You can also, of course, buy animals from private owners. However, in this case, entrepreneurs should first visit the seller’s farm and make sure that the animals are kept in compliance with all required technologies.

Farmers who decide to start breeding nutria will have, among other things, to drill several wells on the site. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place for such a farm, including taking into account the depth of water underground. Family farms for breeding nutria are almost never established on the shores of natural ponds and lakes. The fact is that such reservoirs usually contain a lot of different kinds of pathogenic bacteria.

They contain nutria, like rabbits, most often in cages. However, the design of such housing for animals is slightly different. In this case, one male and several females are placed in each cage. Distinctive feature nutria is that they do not have a hunting period. The mating of these animals, and therefore the appearance of their offspring, can occur at absolutely any time.

The basis of the nutria diet is green food. At the same time, farmers should give preference to those plants that can be mowed on the banks of rivers and lakes. Of course, nutria should also receive succulent food. This can be carrots, beets, zucchini and almost any other vegetables and root vegetables. They also give nutria concentrates, but only in limited quantities.

Trout farming

Unfortunately, such farms in our country are still extremely few in number. Therefore, family farms specializing in trout breeding are usually profitable. However, organizing such a farm is, of course, a little more difficult than any other.

Rainbow trout is most often raised on farms. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in terms of water parameters and high productivity. Farmers also sometimes breed speckled brook trout. This variety is not particularly productive, but its meat is much tastier than that of rainbow fish.

A trout farm is usually organized on the shore of an artificial reservoir. The difficulty in keeping this fish lies, first of all, in the fact that in captivity it does not reproduce naturally. Young trout are simply short time eats eggs laid by adults. Therefore, a farmer who decides to organize such a farm will have to include the periodic purchase of fry in a separate expense item.

The diet for trout is developed in such a way that for 100 kg of fish there is exactly 3 kg of feed per day. You cannot give less or more. Trout are usually fed with beef offal - liver, spleen, stomachs, etc. The purchased products are first washed, boiled and ground.

Registering a family farm: main stages

Of course, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding farm animals, poultry or fish will definitely need to formalize his farm. To do this you will have to go to tax office and hand over the following documents to its employees:

  • agreement on organizing a peasant farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • an application for farm registration certified by a notary.

You will also need to write an application for the transition to special taxation. Most often, owners of family farms choose the form of payment according to the simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax. The usual tax system in this case is very unprofitable.

Governmental support

As already mentioned, our country has adopted many laws aimed at developing agriculture. Small and medium-sized farmers, among other things, can receive assistance from the state. For example, the employment service issues subsidies in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles to aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to organize a business such as a family farm. Also, in some cases, peasant farm owners are provided with a loan from the bank for favorable conditions according to the agricultural development program.

Sales markets

Of course, raising farm animals, fish or poultry is only half the battle. Entrepreneurs who organized a farm will also need to sell their products. Owners of family mini-farms often sell their products at the market or sell them to small shops. Owners of trout and rabbit breeding businesses can cooperate, including with restaurants. Medium-sized entrepreneurs usually open their own retail outlets in cities. Large farmers also supply products to enterprises Food Industry, in the workshop for the production of semi-finished products.

In the current difficult socio-economic conditions, creating your own farm is of interest to many. Although everyone has different goals - business, hobbies or the meaning of life - nevertheless, everyone wants to have environmentally friendly food on the table. clean products and so that the subsidiary farming also brings profit. There is nothing impossible about this. Today there is such a variety of building materials that you can easily build and equip a barn yourself in any region of the country, despite difficult climatic conditions.

Typical design device

First of all, remember one rule: the comfort of the cows comes first. This is the only way you will receive meat and dairy products good quality and recoup your costs. Regardless of the livestock, a convenient barn consists of the following sectors:

  • stalls with feeding trough, drinking bowl and waste disposal;
  • food storage room (kitchen);
  • maternity area for newborn calves;
  • area for walking animals;
  • utility room for storing equipment;
  • manure collection area;
  • compartment for storing milk, as well as containing milk containers;
  • boiler room for heating all rooms.

The stalls are arranged in rows depending on the number of heads. In individual farming, there are mainly single-row, two-row or three-row buildings.

There should be enough free space between stalls

The animals should not be crowded, so the passage between the rows is made moderately wide.

Types of barns

From the right choice barn depends on how productive it will be farming. Many factors are taken into account here: separate keeping of different-sex animals, the proportion of young animals, the number of heads, etc.

For small farms with a maximum capacity of 50 heads, as a rule, mini-barns are built - prefabricated frame hangars, well-lit and ventilated, which can be warm or cold. The latter are more suitable for cattle, since cows, calves and steers feel better in cool buildings (with outside temperatures). In such conditions, they get sick less, develop better and produce more milk.

It is more appropriate to build frame hangars in regions with year-round warm weather conditions

Unfortunately, in most regions of our country, harsh weather conditions do not allow keeping animals in cold barns. It is necessary to build insulated barns with a large number of windows, which are constantly kept open, which provides a suitable microclimate for the animals. However, when keeping more than 30 cows, you already need to take care of additional ventilation - install fans or polyurethane ventilation curtains, light aeration ridges or a Frivent DRW ventilation unit (if finances allow).

Additional ventilation helps to avoid excess moisture and regulate temperature conditions

Although there are many types of barns, any of them should be cool, light and cozy.

According to the materials used in the construction of barns, there are:

  • in the form of buildings made of metal profiles, with indoor temperatures close to street temperatures;
  • like buildings made of thermal insulating building materials;
  • type of hangars made of sandwich panels.

According to basic design:

  • 2+2-row cattle shed for free housing of animals (free-stall) with a high trapezoidal roof made of metal profiles with minimum quantity beams, which will ensure good air exchange;
  • 3+3-row for the combined housing of dairy cows with calves and a separate milking parlor;
  • 3-row barn, where the calf section and milking area are in the same room;
  • A 4-row barn makes it possible to fully mechanize all work - milking, water and feed distribution, manure removal.

Video: supply and exhaust ventilation of a barn for 200 heads in the Irkutsk region

Preparing to build a barn

At the preparatory stage of construction of a barn, it is necessary to solve a number of most important tasks so that your efforts are crowned with success.

  1. Choose the direction of farming - do you plan to deal only with milk or meat, will you process the resulting products yourself, or sell the milk to dairies and hand over the cows by live weight. Will the young stock be purchased or produced locally? What is the size of the herd, how automated will labor be?
  2. Deciding on a site for construction is important not only for the terrain, but also for the groundwater level. The predominant direction of winds, their intensity. Availability of convenient access roads and is it possible to organize pasture nearby.
  3. Choose a suitable barn design. Or, based on the standard one, do it yourself, taking into account all your desires and capabilities.

Standard standards for animal housing

Premises for keeping animals must meet certain standards:

Table: sizes of stalls and stall equipment depending on the weight and dimensions of the livestock

Size of cows Stall dimensions Restrictor height Height of the front wall of the feeder, cm
live weight, kg oblique body length, cm length, cm width, cm front, cm lateral, cm
up to 450 139–143 140 105 118 75 16
451–500 142–147 145 105 122 75 18
501–550 146–152 150 110 125 80 20
551–600 152–160 155 110 127 85 22
601–650 157–163 160 120 130 90 24
651–700 160–168 165 120 133 90 26

Typical barn designs

A mini-farm involves keeping from 2 to 10 cows. For such a quantity, it is not difficult to draw up a barn plan yourself. The main thing is to adhere to the area standards for keeping animals.

The main principle of mini farming is to make the most efficient use of available resources.

The average farm includes from 20 to 50 heads of cattle. The barn layout looks quite simple.

It is advisable to entrust the construction of a farm with 100 or more head of cattle to professionals.

If you are just starting to raise cows, it is better to start with keeping fewer heads.

Well, only a team of experienced craftsmen can handle the construction of large farms. It is impossible to do this on your own according to the rules and regulations.

Drawing up a project is not everything. We now need to obtain approval from the relevant authorities. This procedure is troublesome. If possible, consult a lawyer. Perhaps after such a consultation you will change the concept of your farm or select a different site for construction.

Selecting materials for building a barn

To build a farm with your own hands you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • baked brick or durable concrete for the foundation;
  • waterproofing material (roofing felt is most often used);
  • wooden boards for flooring;
  • covering material for the roof - slate, for example, or tiles;
  • building material for the construction of walls.

The walls and floors have great importance when building a barn, since heating of the barn, as a rule, is not provided even in harsh climatic regions. Well-insulated walls and floors will be sufficient.

Wooden structures have performed well in terms of thermal conductivity, but they are short-lived. Brick barns are widespread, but in the northwestern regions it is recommended to make a two-layer structure, laying insulation between the layers. And this increases the cost of construction. Therefore, barns made of foam blocks and sandwich panels deserve more and more attention - they are easy to assemble, durable and well maintain the required temperature in the room.

But adobe is considered the best building material. It retains heat in the barn, ensures sufficient dryness in the room and is relatively inexpensive. Lay adobe in 1.5 bricks (hollow in one) on a good cement mortar, and line the bottom with ordinary brick. Inside, the walls are plastered, leveled and whitewashed.

The farm floor must be warm, dry, level and waterproof. Custom-fitted timber flooring is ideal for all these requirements. However, due to some properties of wood, it will have to be repaired every 3-4 years. Therefore, fired hollow bricks are more often chosen for the device, laid on edge on top of roofing felt or slag. Such a floor will last at least 14 years in an aggressive environment without repair. True, it is not too warm, which is why in the winter the floor in the barn is covered with a thick layer of bedding or rubber mats are used.

The floor in the barn should help maintain the health of animals and increase their productivity; for this purpose, rubber flooring is used

Video: cow stall equipment

Calculation of materials

The amount of material depends on the area of ​​the barn, which, in turn, is directly related to the number of animals kept. We will show the calculation principle using the example of constructing walls from adobe, since this option is the most profitable. Moreover, it is quite possible to make adobe yourself from the straw of any cereals, clay and sand.

Adobe for the barn - convenient, cheap construction material, which our ancestors used for centuries

Calculation of wall A: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, one doorway measuring 1x1.8 m, total area 13.2 m², doorway area 1.8 m², wall area without doorway 11.4 m².

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 5 window openings with dimensions (0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.4 m, 0. 6x0.4 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1.68 m², wall area without window openings 11.52 m².

In the barn it would be more practical to install PVC windows, which will be lift-and-section or hinged with colorless polycarbonate filling

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 4 window openings with dimensions (0.6x0.6 m, 0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1.56 m², wall area without window openings 11.64 m².

Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, inflatable or roller blinds, as well as lift-and-section windows can be installed on the windows

Calculation of wall D: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, blank wall (without door and window openings), total wall area 13.2 m².

A blank wall without windows will protect cows from strong winds

Determine the amount of adobe to build a barn:

  1. Let's derive a single formula for calculation. The area of ​​any wall is equal to the total area of ​​the wall (height x length) minus the total area of ​​all openings (windows, doors). The area of ​​each opening is also equal to height x length. So: S total. = (S A + S B + S B + S D) – (S openings A + S openings B + S openings B + S openings D) = (13.2 + 13.2 +13.2 + 13.2) - (1.8 + 1.68 + 1.56) = 47.76 m².
  2. Find out the area of ​​one adobe brick. S sk = W sk x H sk (usually 0.08 m²). If you make adobe brick yourself, its area may be different, depending on the size of the mold for production.
  3. We determine the amount of adobe that will be needed to build a barn. K c = S total. : S ck = 47.76: 0.08 = 597 pcs. Round up to 600 pcs.

Table: calculation of adobe blocks for the construction of a barn measuring (6x6x2.2) meters

Wall S walls, m² Doorway, m² Window opening, m² Doors for manure removal, m² Walking doors, m² S calculated, m² Adobe brick, pcs.
A 13,2 1,8 - - - 11,4 142,5
B 13,2 - 0,72 0,48 0,48 11,52 144
IN 13,2 - 0,72 0,84 - 11,64 145,5
G 13,2 - - - - 13,2 165
Total 597

To make 600 pieces of adobe blocks you will need:

  • clay ≈ 4600 kg (2.8 m³);
  • sand ≈ 1500 kg (1 m³);
  • straw ≈ 230 kg (4 m³).

Any material is calculated in the same way - brick, sawdust concrete blocks, panels, wooden beams, flooring according to the floor area, roofing material according to the size of the roof, etc.

Set of tools

The necessary tools depend on the building materials used, but in any case you will have to use:

  • crowbar and shovel;
  • building level;
  • trowel, spatula and screws;
  • rope;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer.

Building a barn with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Cowsheds are built using two technologies - frame and frameless. The frame method is considered more promising. Its main advantage is the speed of construction and ease of laying communications - ventilation, water supply, manure removal, etc. The construction of a small utility block consists of several stages:

Cowsheds for a large number of livestock are built in a similar way, equipping each stall with a feeder 1 m long and 0.65 m high.

Barn ventilation

The most simple circuit ventilation system of the barn: an exhaust pipe made of boards is installed on the roof of the building. One or more, depending on the length of the room, equipped with a fan and a damper in case of bad weather. Fresh air enters the barn through window openings. If there are none, then intake openings with dampers are created to allow air to enter at the bottom of the walls almost at the very foundation. Stale air is removed through an exhaust pipe.

Air exchange occurs by itself: warm air exits through exhaust shafts on the roof of the building, and cold air enters the room through special openings in the walls of the barn

To reduce the penetration of infections from the street, a box of sawdust is placed in front of the entrance, which is periodically moistened with creolin. In barns housing 200 or more animals, additional ventilation is provided in the form of a canopy on the roof.

Manure removal system

  • hydraulic wash or self-alloy;
  • delta scraper or belt conveyor.

More often, farmers use a self-fusing system for cleaning the premises. To do this, pipes wrapped in slippery material with plugs are laid at an angle across the entire area of ​​the barn, and when opened, manure flows into special tanks.

Self-alloying manure removal system is made of PVC pipes Ø 250 mm

Lighting in the barn

There are certain requirements for barn lighting that must be adhered to:

  • lighting standards - in the stalls 50 lux, in the feeding area - 75, in the entire barn - 200 lux and no more, otherwise production rates will decrease;
  • It is necessary to use LED lamps, since fluorescent lamps emit low-intensity light when the standard temperature drops to 20–25 °C;
  • When arranging lighting in the barn, it is important to correctly calculate the duration of daylight hours and gradually change the lighting during this period - from 4.00–4.30 to 8.00–8.30 the illumination is increased, and from 16.00–16.30 to 20.00–20.30 it is gradually reduced.

For the normal development of animals in the barn, it is necessary to provide high-quality lighting - in daylight, cows give more milk, and calves eat better and grow faster

Absolute darkness in the barn is unacceptable to avoid injury to animals. For night lighting, red spectrum lamps with a power of 10 W are used.

A selection of videos: life on the farm - building a barn with your own hands

Start of construction. Preparing and laying out the area for a barn. Welding of frame elements.

Video: building a barn - the beginning

Laying the foundation and erecting the frame. The foundation is made of strip form, formwork is installed, into which previously made frame elements are installed level and secured. The trench is then concreted.

Video: foundation and frame for a barn

Continued construction. Another video report in real time - what we did during the week.

Video: we continue to build a barn

Roof arrangement. The barn design determines the materials that will be used to cover the roof. Inexpensive options are slate and tiles.

Video: barn roof

Laying water pipes. The water supply in the barn begins with a Ø 32 mm riser, to which is connected the main ring main made of Ø 25 mm pipes. Automatic drinking bowls, watering and water taps are installed in the premises.

Video: water supply for a barn

The final stage of setting up the water supply and septic tank. It is necessary to adhere to sanitary standards - when laying water and sewer pipes with a diameter of up to 200 mm in parallel, the distance between them must be at least 1.5 m. It is advisable to lay water pipes in a protective case.