How much area is needed to produce sunflower oil? Technology and equipment for the production of sunflower oil. Calculating the costs of setting up a business and estimated income

Do you know that Russia is one of the world leaders not only in oil production, but also in the production of sunflower oil? I also learned about this with surprise. To find out how such a necessary culinary product is obtained from seeds, I went to Voronezh, to one of the largest factories in Russia for the production of sunflower oil.

Today at special report for a story about how sunflower gold is squeezed out of sunflower seeds.

Before the main story, we learn about the history of sunflower oil.
According to Wikipedia, the evolution of sunflower as cultivated plant happened in Russian Empire, and industrial production is associated with the name of Daniil Bokarev. In 1829, he invented a method for extracting oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in 1833, in the settlement of Alekseevka, Voronezh province (now Belgorod region), the merchant Papushin, with the assistance of Bokarev, built the first oil mill in Russia. In 1834, Bokarev opened his own oil mill. In 1835, the export of oil abroad began. By 1860, there were about 160 oil mills in Alekseevka.

Factories for the production of sunflower oil are built in close proximity to the place where sunflowers grow, that is, mainly in the black earth or southern regions of Russia. This is done not only to make it convenient to transport the seeds to the plant, but also for economic reasons - sunflower seeds weigh very little compared to the final product, and transporting them to long distances inappropriate.

The plant, which produces the well-known brand of sunflower oil "Oleina" in Russia, was built not so long ago, in 2008. However, in a short period of time the company took a leading position among sunflower oil producers.

Perhaps we’ll go to production and find out how sunflower oil is made.

It all starts here. In front of the entrance to the plant there is such a house with a canopy. This is a laboratory where a truck with seeds arrives. Here the quality of the seeds arriving at the plant is determined (weediness, moisture content, oil content, pest infestation, etc.). If the seeds do not meet the requirements, they are taken back to the manufacturer. There are dozens of these trucks with trailers parked in front of the entrance to the plant.

Then the truck with the seeds is weighed.

Then you need to unload the seeds. This happens as follows - the truck drives onto a special lift, where it is secured with chains, then it rises at an angle, and the seeds are unloaded into a special container. From there they are sent along transport belts to be cleaned of debris and, if necessary, to a dryer for drying. And the seeds can already be transferred for storage to silos (storages).

The huge cylindrical containers in the photo are those same storage facilities. Here the seeds are stored at a certain temperature. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield.

There are many different containers on the territory of the plant. Some are for storing seeds, others are for storing processed raw materials - cake, meal. I will tell you what this is further.

By the way, the meal looks like this.

Go ahead. Traffic on the territory of the plant is organized more strictly than in the traffic regulations: there are prohibitory signs everywhere, and pedestrians are allowed to walk on the territory of the plant only in a designated lane.

The plant has its own railway line. From here, processed raw materials (oil, meal) go to various regions.

But let's get back to production. Seeds ready for processing are transported via transport belts to the first stage of production.

In the seed processing workshop, the seeds are dehulled (destroyed) and separated from the kernel.

Collapse occurs in these devices. With the help of centrifugal force, the seeds are broken against the whips, resulting in a rushanka (kernel and husk). Then the kernels are separated from the husks and each part goes its own way for further processing.


The kernel is sent for moisture-heat treatment in a fryer, where it is heated to 90C and is prepared for squeezing the oil in presses. At this stage, press oil is obtained, which, after filtration, is sent for temporary storage, and the resulting solid and still oily cake is transferred to the next stage.

The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to oxidation products that are formed during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy, goes rancid and becomes hazardous to health.

The cake remaining after pressing the oil is transferred to extraction for deeper extraction of oil. or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called pressed oil, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

In the photo I am holding a piece of cake.

No Hipsters Allowed!

This building houses equipment for refining (purifying) oil from accompanying organic impurities. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. The cleaning process consists of several stages.

At the first stage, phosphatides are removed or hydrated - treated with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, phospholipids become insoluble in oil and precipitate, after which they are separated in centrifugal separators. , Phospholipids are useful substances, but are not stable in oil. During storage, they form a sediment in the oil and the oil begins to go rancid, and when frying in a frying pan, they burn.

Refined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some of the phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it is stored longer. This processing makes vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

In the second stage, the oil is bleached. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of natural origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the oil is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, the oil becomes light yellow in color.

Tools for maintaining oil filtration devices in working order.

After bleaching, the oil is sent to the freezing section. Freezing is the removal of wax from oil. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Wax makes the oil cloudy and thereby spoils its presentation. The purification process in this case occurs by cooling the oil to a temperature of 8-10 C and adding cellulose (natural origin), after keeping the oil at this temperature and subsequent filtration, the oil turns out transparent.

Deodorization is the removal of free fatty acids and aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot, intense steam at high temperatures under high vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances and free fatty acids, which characterize the quality of the oil, are removed. In addition, deodorization removes odorants that give the oil its taste and smell, as well as pesticides.

Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil. Having gone through all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal - without color, taste, smell. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking fats are made from this product, and are used for canning and frying.


After all the circles of cleaning hell, the oil ends up in these huge containers. Sorry that in Once again I use the word “huge”, but the scale of production is such that everything here is huge).

The oil will be delivered to individual customers in a tank.

We learned about the process of oil production and its purification, now let's go to the final stage - to the bottling shop.

Seeing this slogan, another sphere of human activity came to mind, which I will not voice now. What associations do you have?

But before visiting the workshop, you must put on gowns, a cap, shoe covers and wash your hands. Almost all food production facilities have such rules.

Remember these rules.

The bottles into which the oil will be poured are made like all plastic bottles from such preforms. There are different preforms for bottles of different capacities.

They are loaded into this container, it moves the preforms into a blow molding machine, which blows the bottle out of it at the right temperature.

It goes like this:


This is such simple magic.

And it goes into the next device, where oil is poured. By the way, the oil comes here through pipes from those same containers of 500 and 800 cubic meters.

The bottle is screwed on with a cap and continues on its way.


At the next stage, the bottle is covered with a label.


Along the way, the devices detect bottles that are incorrectly covered or do not meet the requirements - without a cap, etc. They are rejected.


Saw interesting sign I don't know what it means. Can anyone tell me?

The bottles are then piled up so that the suction cup machine can fill the box in one go.

For transportation, they are folded in several rows and wrapped in polyethylene.

After that, the electric cars place the pallet with boxes on the rack, waiting for the oil to travel to the stores.
The plant's capacity allows it to process 540,000 tons of raw materials and produce over 200 million bottles of sunflower oil per year.

Finally, I will clearly show all the stages of oil production in three pictures.




Now you know how sunflower oil is obtained. I hope you had the strength to read to the end)

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Choosing the right equipment necessary for the production of sunflower oil is not an easy task. Especially for a person far from the technology of processing agricultural products and oilseed crops, in particular. A mistake made at this fundamental stage of production can call into question the success of the entire enterprise, which can be very profitable if organized correctly.

Benefits of vegetable oil production

More than 40% of the total production of sunflower oil in the territory Russian Federation falls on medium and small businesses. The cost of entering the market is relatively low, which makes it possible to establish the manufacturing process even for successful farms. Despite high competition, the demand for vegetable oil is quite high, and the situation is developing towards increasing market demand for these products.

Even if there is no possibility of sales on the domestic market, it can always be sold abroad (Europe, Turkey), where there are no difficulties with sales. The options for using vegetable oil are quite varied and are not limited only to cooking. It is used in industries such as:

  • paint and varnish industry (solvents, oil paints);
  • production of cosmetics and medicine (creams, ointments);
  • soap making;
  • canning industry.

Another one of positive qualities– this is waste-free production. Sunflower seed husks, obtained by hulling (cleaning), are used for the manufacture of building materials and as raw materials for heating briquettes and. After processing, cake and meal can be used as a valuable feed additive in livestock farming.

In addition, the costs of processing all waste (loading, transportation, storage) in the financial statements are included in the cost of the final product, that is, they are carried out as an expense part, and not as a profitable one. This allows for some tax optimization.

To obtain vegetable oil, peeled and ground sunflower seeds, the so-called mint, are used. The most inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendly way to extract oil is pressing. A more modern, technologically advanced and cost-effective method is extraction.

Production methods:

  • hot pressing;
  • cold pressing;
  • extraction.

The prepared mass of sunflower seeds is heated to the required temperature, then squeezed with a special oil press.

Cold pressing. The difference from the first method is the absence of the stage of heating the raw material mass. The result is an oil in which greatest number substances useful to humans.

However, this method allows you to obtain no more than 70% of the finished product by weight of the seeds. In addition, cold-pressed vegetable oil cannot be stored for a long time without additional processing. It quickly turns bitter, becomes cloudy, sediment appears in it, and when frying, such oil foams and smokes.

The method involves processing the pulp on oil extraction lines. During the processing process, special substances are introduced into the raw materials - extractors (extraction gasoline, acetone, hexane and some others), they come into contact with oil particles and are easily separated from the total mass, after which the extractors are evaporated and a pure product remains. The method is attractive because it allows you to extract up to 97% of the oil.

The quantity and quality of oil depends directly on the raw materials received for processing. The seeds must be ripe, fairly dry (humidity no more than 6%), and have a high oil content. The production of sunflower oil involves a number of production stages.

Preparation for pressing

Before starting any work with sunflower seeds, they must be cleaned of contaminants. The amount of foreign content should not exceed 1%. Separators are used to separate seeds from impurities. The process involves sifting the raw materials through several sieves:

  • Magnetic traps are used to remove metal foreign objects;
  • after separating the seeds from contaminants, they must be dried;
  • Most often, drying is carried out in three stages. In the first two stages, the raw material is dried to the required humidity, and in the third stage it is cooled.

The dry seed is fed to a crushing machine, where it undergoes initial hulling (hulling). This process is carried out using disc mills, and the output is an incompletely purified seed. Final cleaning is carried out on aspiration winnowers.

The seeds are subjected to blowing with a powerful air stream, as a result of which the remaining husks and other foreign impurities are removed. The peeled seeds are sent for grinding (rolling). As a result of grinding the seeds on a five-roller machine, a homogeneous mass, mint, is obtained. When producing sunflower oil by hot pressing, before pressing, the mint is heated to the required temperature in special roasting pans.

Pressing and extraction

The heated (or in the case of cold pressing, unheated) mass, also called pulp, is sent to a screw press for extraction. The pressed vegetable oil is cooled and filtered to remove mechanical impurities. After pressing, “raw” oil and cake are obtained. The cake after hot pressing contains 10–15% oil, after cold pressing up to 30%. It can be used as a valuable raw material or further processed:

  • The cake is first crushed using crushing equipment, then using a roller machine;
  • after that, special substances are added to it - extractors (gasoline, hexane, acetone, dichloroethane);
  • then the resulting mass is squeezed out;
  • dry residue from the second pressing – meal contains 2–5% oil and can be used as a feed additive for animals;
  • From the squeezed mixture – micelles, the oil is extracted by evaporating the extraction additives.

After all the above-described manipulations, unrefined vegetable oil is obtained, ready for sale as a food product. It is also the basis for the production of all known varieties of vegetable oil, obtained by additional purification of the unrefined product. These are methods such as:

  • settling;
  • filtration;
  • centrifuge cleaning;
  • alkaline refining;
  • freezing;
  • whitening;
  • hydration;
  • sulfuric acid refining;
  • deodorization.

Bottling and packaging

The finished product is poured into containers and, if necessary, packaged. 200–250 liter barrels or 0.5–6 liter plastic bottles are used as containers. Products in bottles are in greater demand than in barrels, unless, of course, the company is engaged in the production of technical grades of oil.

What equipment will be required for production

To set up the production of vegetable oil, you need the following equipment:

  • Scales. In order to correctly load each of the processing units, it is necessary to comply with the dosage.
  • Separators and magnetic traps. They are used to clean seeds from foreign impurities and metal objects.
  • Distribution bins. After cleaning in the separator, the seeds are loaded into bunkers for subsequent delivery to drying units.
  • Dryer. In this equipment, the moisture content of the peeled seeds is reduced and then cooled.
  • Disc mill. For initial peeling (crushing).
  • Aspiration fan. Final cleaning.
  • Rolling unit for grinding sunflower seeds.
  • Brazier. Hot pressing involves heating the ground seeds. There are two types of roasters: fire and steam.
  • Fryer for heat treatment. Does not expose mint to high temperatures. It is used for cold pressing of mint.
  • Screw oil press. Extracts the prepared mass of sunflower seeds.
  • Oil extraction line. A set of equipment for obtaining vegetable oil by extraction.
  • Filter for removing mechanical impurities. After passing through this filter, raw unrefined oil is obtained.
  • Refining line (additional purification).

Approximate prices for equipment

For production you will need the following set:

  • The cost of a separator that can process approximately 1 ton of raw materials per hour is $1,400.
  • The fan-washing machine will cost $3,000. Capacity is the same as the separator (ton per hour).
  • Roller machine. Equipment capable of accepting products processed by a separator and a crusher-fan machine, $14,000.
  • Fire brazier. To provide a line with the processing of 1 ton of raw materials per hour, 3 fryers costing $3,000 each are required.
  • Steam fryer. $12,000. Productivity is 0.8 tons of raw materials per hour, which corresponds to a line with an initial mass of raw materials of 1 ton.
  • Fryer for producing cold-pressed vegetable oil (capacity 1 ton per hour) – $14,000.
  • A press for squeezing raw materials capable of processing the above-described volumes. Capacity: 20 tons of oil per day. The price is about $24,000.
  • The primary filter costs $3000.
  • Equipment for refining – more than $15,000.
  • Extraction equipment – ​​$17,000 (productivity 0.5 tons of oil per hour).
  • Line for bottling plastic bottles – $13,000 (capacity 10,000 liters per day).

One of the best purchases to start with own business is a mini-factory for the production of oil, since the demand for products is constant. When considering diversity plant species, then the most popular is sunflower oil. Therefore, it is important to consider the features of its production.

The essence of the production process

Thinking through all the details production cycle it is necessary to decide what type of sunflower oil – unrefined, refined – will be produced. They differ in the degree of purification.

The cycle for the production of refined oil is more labor-intensive, since it includes chemical-technological methods of purification, which allows removing unnecessary odors and foreign tastes. If the goal is the unrefined form, then the process stops at the mechanical filtration phase, and the product retains the specific taste and rather expressive smell of natural vegetable oil.

How is sunflower oil produced?

A novice businessman should take into account that, despite lower costs, profits from the sale of unrefined oil are reduced, since its cost is lower and demand is less.

The technological chain for producing vegetable oil is quite branched; on average, it consists of the following steps:

If sunflower oil is produced from a line of unrefined varieties, then there will be no refining operation in the cycle. Sometimes the heat treatment stage is eliminated in order to save on the purchase of equipment.

Heat treatment in the presence of a full cycle before pressing involves heating the raw materials in braziers. The optimal temperature for this operation is set in the range from 100 to 110°C.

The completeness of subsequent extraction in presses depends on a number of indicators - viscosity, pressure, density. The next stage involves filtration (settling, centrifugation), the purpose of which is to remove mechanical impurities. After this operation, unrefined oil is obtained, which can be sold.

Refining involves going through several stages:

  1. To remove phosphatides and make the oil transparent, it is treated with hot (65-70°C) water (hydration process).
  1. A neutralization procedure may be carried out, in which preheated oil is exposed to alkali. The reaction removes free fatty acids.

Classic continuous refining process The oil after these stages is called refined, not deodorized. Deodorization completely removes pigments and volatile compounds, giving the resulting deodorized refined oil a light straw color.

Differences between a mini-factory and large enterprises

When planning your own production of high-quality vegetable oil, you should pay attention to ready-made mini-plants, which have a number of advantages in contrast to large enterprises.

  • Compactness. Mini-factories do not require large areas, so a novice entrepreneur does not need to spend significant funds if the premises are rented or specially built.
  • Mobility. If necessary, there are no difficulties when moving a mini-plant focused on the production of sunflower oil to another location.
  • Economical. Significant savings are observed in various moments - the purchase of equipment, wage, since there are a small number of people servicing the production lines.
  • Efficiency. In a small enterprise, you can quickly make changes to technological process in accordance with modern requirements.

Necessary equipment

If the decision about what type of vegetable oil will be produced has already been made, then you should analyze the range of equipment offered by different manufacturers. This can be a low-power household unit or a high-performance mini-factory. The choice depends on the predicted performance.

If you plan to produce 30 tons or more per day, you need to purchase a fully equipped production line, including both extraction and refining of sunflower oil. Having decided to receive no more than 10 tons per day, it is advisable to buy necessary equipment separately:

  • a separator designed for seed cleaning;
  • crusher-fan unit;
  • roller machine;
  • spinning machine;
  • fryer;
  • filters - 2-3 pieces, needed for squeezing oil;
  • refining apparatus;
  • filling machine.

On initial stage formation, you can avoid purchasing a roasting pan by including it in long-term plan to expand production.

The main and important action in preparing for the start of activity is obtaining all permitting documents, since to food production serious demands are made. The premises are equipped in accordance with sanitary standards with water supply and sewerage. Regulatory indications for illumination must be observed, and the necessary fire safety measures must be taken.

The area of ​​the room where the mini-plant will be installed is calculated based on the need to provide about 40 square meters. meters per ton of raw materials that are planned to be processed within 24 hours. Spacious warehouses must be provided, aimed at storing production reserves of raw materials, which should be enough for at least a month of operation of the mini-factory. Considering that during storage sunflower seeds scatter in a low layer, then warehouses must be quite spacious, almost doubling the area of ​​the production workshop.

You will need a place to store meal and husks - production waste remaining during the production of vegetable oil. On warm days they can be under a canopy. For year-round operation, a separate room will be required for these purposes. Quantity service personnel depends on the degree of automation of the mini-factory. If productivity is low, and all operations are performed according to a given program, then one or two people are enough.

Business plan

When starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to first carry out serious marketing activities in order to identify regular consumers of a certain type of sunflower oil. It is used not only as food product and is sold by retail outlets, but also serves as a raw material in various fields - cosmetics, paint and varnish, soap making, and medical industries.

One of the advantages of obtaining vegetable oil is that it is waste-free. During seed shedding, the husk is separated. If the oil is obtained by extraction, then meal is formed, and when using the pressing method, cake remains. All these types of waste find their consumers. Meal and cake serve as valuable feed. Husk - seed husk serves as an organic fertilizer and is a raw material for the production of heat and sound insulating boards, as well as granulated fuel.

Cost, payback

An important section of the business plan is the calculation of projected profits, for which the upcoming costs of producing vegetable oil on a mini-plant line designed for 5 tons/day and possible profits are calculated.

Approximate capital costs (thousand rubles):

  • equipment – ​​2000;
  • carrying out preparatory work indoors – 300;
  • paperwork – 50.

Total: 2350 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly operating expenses (thousand rubles):

  • rental of premises (at least 500 sq. meters) – 100;
  • salary (based on three people) – 60;
  • taxes – 70;
  • purchase of raw materials for the production of sunflower oil – 708;
  • advertising, payment of utilities, fare – 100.

Total: cost finished products will amount to 1038 thousand rubles.

Income is determined based on the operation of equipment one shift daily. Output per month will be:

5 tons/day: 3 shifts ∙ 30 days = 50 tons.

Sunflower oil is sold for an average of 40 rubles per kilogram. This means the income will be:

40 ∙ 50000 = 2000000 = 2000 thousand rubles.

The profit will be equal to:

2000 – 1038 = 962 thousand rubles.

Payback capital costs is:

2350 / 962 ≈ 2.5 months.

Video: Why cold-pressed oil is better

A business idea for the production of sunflower oil is based on an oil mill. From an investment perspective among professionals, the idea has not lost its popularity and is still in demand and profitable.

However, for many, the issue of income in this area is quite controversial, which is in vain. Let's take a closer look so as not to rely on the opinions of the majority, but to base our own conclusions on specific numbers and facts.

IN this business You won’t be satisfied with just butter. The profit from its sale is hardly enough to reach the cost level. But we must not forget about the additional products obtained from the creamery, which bring a significant net profit.

Equipment for the production of vegetable oil

The production of vegetable oil at home is limited by financial resources. This type business is attractive for its flexibility of rapid development. You can start with a minimum set of production workshops, and then expand with additional equipment for the production of by-products. Thus, the range expands, and profits grow progressively. A full-fledged plant for the production of vegetable oil must be WASTE-FREE!

The minimum configuration of the line consists of the following equipment:

By and large, these two components are already quite enough to produce and sell two products: good sunflower oil and meal. By the way, meal from oilseeds is widely used to feed animals and birds in agriculture. Therefore, it sells much faster than the main product. In addition, there is much more of it at the output of processed raw materials - 65%.

But if you plan to earn more, then you should think about expanding production. Additional technological equipment for the production of vegetable oils allows us to obtain several products from one oil mill at once:

  1. Sunflower oil, raw.
  2. Fried sunflower oil.
  3. Technical drying oil.
  4. Circles of the crown.
  5. Shrot.
  6. Biochar from fuz.
  7. Biofuel briquettes made from husks.

A creamery, even at home, can produce 7 types of products if available necessary equipment. It is worth paying attention to other advantages of business.

Storing vegetable oil in production does not require special conditions. A dry room, protected from sunlight, with an air temperature ranging from +5 to +15 degrees, can store unrefined products for 5 months.

You can use different raw materials to produce vegetable oils. For example, seeds: sunflower, soybean, flax, pumpkin and many other oilseeds. This advantage also has a positive effect on expanding the range and increasing sales. You can repurpose your business for other products without upgrading the line.

Technology for the production of vegetable oils by pressing

Production flow diagram:

The technological line for the production of vegetable oil is equipped with:

  • Separator for coarse and fine cleaning of grain and seeds.
  • Hulling machine for sunflower seeds and other oilseeds.
  • Twin-screw oil press extruder with heating elements for mint up to +50C (for a quick start).
  • Filter for purifying vegetable oils from fuses (food grade).
  • Press for squeezing fuses (fusodka).
  • Press for forming crown circles.
  • Press for briquetting sunflower husks and other seeds.
  • Auxiliary equipment, structures and devices: bunker; pneumatic loader; weight; buckets, shovels, etc.

We will conduct a simple training workshop on the technology of production of vegetable oils.

Waste-free production using the cold pressing method during squeezing occurs in several successive stages:

  1. Rough cleaning of oilseeds (raw materials). From coarse impurities that can damage technological equipment (stones, wire, etc.).
  2. Fine cleaning of raw materials. From small premiums that may affect product quality (dust, weed seeds, etc.).
  3. Peeling of the seed coat. This process is carried out immediately before cold pressing. IN waste-free production vegetable oil husks for biofuel, and kernels for oil and corn. The shell of oilseeds can be removed using various types of equipment in different way: rubbing the shell on a specially corrugated surface; splitting the shell by impact; compression under pressure.
  4. Pressing kernels through a screw oil press to obtain oil and flour. At this stage we get 2 semi-finished products.
  5. Filtration. The process of filtration of the crude product obtained only from the press occurs using filters based on filter fabrics. For example - lavsan. Under air pressure, the liquid hits the surface of the fabric and passes through it, leaving fuses on the surface.
  6. Fuzz extraction. The fuzz itself, obtained after filtration with lavsan, contains 80% fat content. It is rational to squeeze it out in the same way. The production of vegetable oils by pressing ends at this stage. Then by-products are produced.
  7. Hot pressing of the top. It is better to press the flour immediately upon exiting the oil press, while it still retains the temperature from the pressure.
  8. Briquetting. In order to profitably and quickly sell seed husks, you need to produce a popular product from them - biofuel. Naturally, this process will require special equipment.

As for the organization of labor in production on such a line, everything depends on the workload of the workshop with raw materials for processing and the timing. If the load is minimal (for example, 1 ton per day), then even 1 employee is enough. As soon as the sales market for all types of goods produced at the oil mill is established, additional labor will be needed in order to invest on time with good production volumes.

Vegetable oil production waste and its use

A homemade butter churn for sunflower oil production pays for itself faster if all its advantages are rationally used. Don't underestimate the importance of waste management.

At the exit from the oil press we obtain vegetable oil that is unrefined and black in color. It should either be settled or filtered from the fuses in a special way.

Fuzz is small particles of husk and dust with a large content of residues of the produced product, which remains after filtration. The best method for removing waste is considered to be a fabric filter. Don't skimp on the filter Money, and then he will qualitatively clean the product and prepare it for presentation. When the oil is cleared, the collected fuses can be pressed on a fusodushka. From it we can still get 20% bio-coal + 80% vegetable oil. The processed fuses are further turned into stone, which in turn is used as fuel for boilers.

Don't skip the fusodka operation, as careless businessmen do! After all, some companies buy waste from vegetable oil production enterprises very cheaply in order to then squeeze out all the profit from them.

Thus, a business idea can become an almost waste-free process. You will receive not only a high-quality product that will not be in demand at any time of the year, but also unique fuel and good corn.

Creamery profitability

So, the raw materials for production (sunflower seeds) cost about 500 dollars (about 480), if we talk about a ton. After the raw materials are processed, approximately 350 kg of sunflower oil can be obtained from this amount (yield 35%). One liter can easily be sold for one and a half dollars. Thus, for 350 kg the total cost will be $525. 525 – 480 = $45 profit. Of course, $45 per ton is a small amount. But do not forget that during production, you can also earn money on another product - makukha (meal).

Macukha, by the way, is no less a popular commodity than butter itself. Upon receipt of 350 kg of the main product, the meal will be 650 kg. Most often, meal is bought in whole bags, and not by the kilogram, so it will sell much faster. Makukha is sold out at $0.4 per 1 kg. So, if you multiply 650 kg. by $0.4, the amount will be $260. Considering these numbers, the business idea becomes much more interesting.

Description of the stages of vegetable oil production.

Very often the question arises - what is the difference between unrefined cold-pressed oil and the refined oil that many are accustomed to, sold on store shelves. To answer this question, Let us consider in detail the production process and its varieties.

Seed processing. The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the timing and conditions of storing the seeds before pressing. The main qualitative characteristics of sunflower seeds are oil content, moisture content, and ripening period. Oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer was. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content for sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet are stored poorly and are heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions- Very important factor, which indirectly affects the price of sunflower oil. Peak production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October – December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier the raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the debris content should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, collapsing (destruction) of the seed skin and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed to form mint or pulp.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. Vegetable oil from sunflower seed mint is obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield, of course, is much less and does not exceed 30%. As a rule, before squeezing, the mint is heated at 100-110 °C in a roasting pan, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Then the fried mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the decomposition products that are formed during heating. A cold pressed sunflower oil obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid. The cake remaining after oil extraction can be extracted or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called raw, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The production of sunflower oil by extraction involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. During extraction, miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled from the miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method for extracting oils is more economical, as it allows you to extract fat from raw materials as much as possible - up to 99%.

Sunflower oil refining. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the minimal presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities is by settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as a commercial unrefined oil.

Second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, protein and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the action of a base (lye) on the heated oil. This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke during frying. The neutralization stage also removes heavy metals and pesticides. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it can be stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

Third stage of refining. Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of these acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Vegetable oil that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refining. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored.

Fifth stage of refining. Deodorization is the removal of aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

Sixth stage of refining. Freezing – removing waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. Having gone through all the stages, the vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking fats are made from this product, and used for canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

Sunflower oil reaches the shelves as the following products: Refined, non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic odor and color. Refined deodorized oil is transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless. Unrefined oil- darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it went through filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.