Sunflower oil production is a profitable, waste-free production. The largest sunflower oil producers are uniting

Main goal entrepreneurial activity– making a profit with relatively small investments. The production of vegetable oils as a business idea is perfectly suitable for a businessman who wants to open his own business in a sought-after area.

Vegetable oil production as a business strategy

In Russia, about 50% of oil is produced in medium-sized or even small (home) enterprises and factories. This statistics is due to the small costs of the entrepreneur in the early stages of running a business producing oils of vegetable origin and quick payback. Volumes can be limited only by the amount of initial raw materials that the company is able to purchase.

How profitable is it today to invest your capital in the production of vegetable oil? What equipment will be needed for initial stage production and how much will it cost?

About the production of vegetable oil

Nowadays, without exaggeration, vegetable oil can be considered an essential product. Almost no dish can be prepared without using a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. But cooking is far from the only area consuming vegetable oils. They are indispensable in production:

  • canned food (from vegetables and fruit to fish and meat),
  • soap,
  • paints for repairs,
  • medications (creams, ointments),
  • cosmetics (creams, lotions, powders, lipsticks).

Vegetable oil is called because it is made from leaves, seeds, nuts or fruits of various types of plants: olives, corn, sunflower or flax seeds, cedar or macadamia nuts. There is also animal fat, obtained from the organs of any animal or fish: goat, goose, cow, bear, badger, fish, whale.

Depending on the raw material, vegetable oil is divided into:

  • flaxseed,
  • mustard,
  • corn,
  • olive,
  • sunflower, etc.

Oil can be solid or liquid.

Varieties of vegetable oils depend on the raw materials from which they are made

Based on the purification method, the following types of vegetable oils are distinguished:

  • unrefined (mechanically purified) have a characteristic natural smell and taste, as well as a light yellow tint;
  • refined (mechanically purified, hydrated and neutralized) have the same characteristic natural smell and taste, but less pronounced color;
  • refined deodorized (fully purified, odorless and tasteless).

The chemical and physical characteristics of the oil will depend on what type of cleaning was chosen.

On appearance The degree of refining also affects the final product. There are 6 degrees in total: the higher the degree, the purer the result and, accordingly, lighter.

Sunflower is a well-known source of vegetable oil. The most popular market in Russia has always been and still is the production and sale of sunflower oil. It can be obtained by cold or hot pressing. Hot pressing leaves the taste of raw materials (in in this case fried sunflower seeds), and cold - more levels out such indicators.

Vegetable oil production process

Technology for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds - A rather complex process that is divided into several main stages:

  1. Purification of raw materials (sunflower seeds) from impurities (husks, sand, soil, leaves, stems). A separator is used (cost up to 45 thousand rubles).
  2. Winnowing to remove minor debris and dry the seeds. Crushing-fan equipment is used (up to 75 thousand rubles).
  3. Cleaning of its own husk (black shell), further grinding to an oily pulp. A roller machine is used (from 430 thousand rubles).
  4. Heating in steam or fire braziers up to 1100°C. Fire (up to 83 thousand rubles) and steam (up to 350 thousand rubles) braziers are used.
  5. Squeezing the raw materials and separating the cake (mint) from the oily liquid. The cake is sent for repeated spinning. A screw press is used (from 650 thousand rubles).
  6. Primary filtration of oily liquid from cake residues. Specialized filtering equipment is used (about 95 thousand rubles).
  7. At an additional stage, the composition can be subjected to several stages of filtration, as well as making it refined, bleached and deodorized (remove odors). At the final stage of pressing, the actual oil and cake remain, which still contains about 10% oil of its entire mass. At further additional stages, the manufacturer strives to extract the maximum possible remaining oil composition from the cake.
  8. Extraction (another additional step) is soaking the residues (cake) in solvents (acetone, gasoline, hexane), which allows you to get at least 7% oil from 10%. An extractor is used (from 520 thousand rubles). It is considered a less environmentally friendly, but more economical way to obtain raw materials.
  9. The finished product is poured into containers. They use a bottling device (from 400 thousand rubles).

Brief diagram of vegetable oil production technology

Companies specializing in oilseed production can use only one of the methods (pressing or extraction) or use both alternately.

The production of sunflower oil is a waste-free procedure, because the residues formed throughout the extraction process can be reused for other purposes. After extraction, almost completely defatted cake (meal) and residual oil in solvents (miscella) remain. For example, the meal is collected and sent to farms for breeding large and small livestock: where the marc is added as a nutritional supplement to animal feed. And miscella becomes the basis for paints and varnishes (drying oils) for repairs. In addition, the cake can be squeezed out again to obtain fuzz - biofuel for boiler systems.

Is it necessary to refine the finished product? In general, after primary filtration (stage VI), the oil is ready for bottling into packaging containers. However, such a product is called “raw”, since it still contains unnecessary protein compounds, fatty acids, coloring matter, phospholipids and wax, therefore, to improve the quality of the final result, secondary filtration or refining can and even should be carried out. The following refining methods are distinguished:

  • physical (centrifugation, settling),
  • chemical (alkaline refining, hydration),
  • physico-chemical (deodorization, bleaching).

Conditions for the production of vegetable oil

Sunflower oil production is a very profitable enterprise. At the same time, the niche is quite densely occupied by already competitive manufacturers who have been able to stay afloat for several years now. If a businessman still wants to invest in this kind of enterprise, then he should carefully weigh all the pros and cons so that his business does not become unprofitable even at the formation stage.

Vegetable oil can be produced: in factories, mini-workshops, small oil mills and at home.

Requirements for the manufacturer

A future entrepreneur committing himself to the sunflower oil production business must meet certain requirements:

  • have a legal status (best of all is the founder of an LLC and an agricultural producer, who receive tax advantages and benefits from the state),
  • have experience in selling products for retail,
  • have connections with suppliers and the sales market.

In the case where an entrepreneur does not yet meet these minimum conditions, it makes sense to start producing rare types of oil (coconut, avocado) and sell it to friends or small stores.

Vegetable oil filtration equipment

Premises requirements

Basic requirements for the premises depend on production volumes. If a businessman wants to establish a serious production of oil from vegetable raw materials, he will need appropriate premises. It should be:

  • area from 1500 sq m,
  • divided into several sections (production, warehouse for storing imported raw materials, warehouse for storing finished products),
  • equipped with communication networks (electricity, water supply, sewerage),
  • safe (protected from spontaneous combustion, with fire extinguishing means),
  • comply with sanitary standards.

If the oil is produced not on an industrial scale, but in an oil mill, then the premises can be rented with an area of ​​up to 150 sq. m.

For home spinning, it is permissible to use a room.

Hardware requirements

Today, almost every production process is automated. The production of vegetable oil will be no exception. The subtitle describing the technologies for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds has already described in more detail necessary equipment and its approximate cost for setting up large-scale production. To summarize, we can add that the whole process from the point of view of the hardware component will look like this:

  1. Equipment for production (from 2 million rubles).
  2. Devices for refining (from 2100 thousand rubles).
  3. Equipment for packaging (from 2200 thousand rubles).

Thus, the cost of equipping a mini-workshop for the production of vegetable-pressed products will be about 6,300 thousand rubles.

For an oil mill, it will be enough to purchase a screw oil press and a packaging machine.

Personnel requirements

A serious creamery plant is often fully automated. Still workers are needed who will monitor production technology and make timely adjustments. What kind of personnel is needed for the production of vegetable oils?

  • employees with specialized technological and chemical education (masters, technologists, engineers, chemists),
  • civilian workers without bad habits(loaders, cleaners).

For large production, a workshop requires up to 50 people; for an oil mill, it will be enough to hire 7 people.

In conclusion

Vegetable oil production is a relatively inexpensive and profitable enterprise. But the instability of the final result and the lack of a quality certificate greatly narrow the sales markets in large retail chains and stores. Still, a home oil mill or mini-workshop would be a good start for starting a business with further expansion to a factory.

Sunflower is the most common type of vegetable oil in Russia, used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and other fields. 85% of Russians regularly consume vegetable oil. Demand for it is consistently high and continues to grow.

It is produced from sunflower seeds - a profitable idea that can generate high income. In this article we will tell you in more detail how to properly organize your business and get maximum profit. The reader will also familiarize himself with calculations of the payback of the business.

Brief market analysis

Sunflower oil is one of the popular products on the Russian market of oil and fat products. Among other oils, it occupies the maximum share - 86.8%.

Entrepreneurs who want to start producing and selling sunflower oil need to know about the main trends in the industry, which is highly competitive, capacious and saturated.

Enterprises operating on the market are the leaders of the country's agro-industrial complex. More than a dozen large manufacturers and wholesale companies dominate the market. The current situation can be called oligopolistic. To take market share and get your customers, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Vegetable oil consumption in the country

There is some potential for market growth. The buyer in the country is satisfied, for the most part, with the Russian product, the share of which is 83.5%.

Table 1. How much vegetable oil was consumed in 2015-2018?

A noticeable increase occurred in 2017 due to the large harvest of oilseed crops in 2016.

According to the base forecast scenario, consumption will continue to grow by 2% every year and reach 7,782 thousand tons in 2025.

The market has not exhausted its potential, and this provides excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs to start a new plant.

Methods for producing different types of oil

The production process is divided into several technological stages:

  1. Cleaning and processing of seed mass. Separators and aspirators are used. Depending on the processing method, the following processes are performed:
    • sifting through a sieve;
    • blowing the mass with an air flow;
    • ferromagnetic separation.
  2. Preparing the mass for extraction. Raw materials can be extracted only after seed processing. Using vegetable oil production equipment, they are conditioned and hulled/husked. Valuable kernels are separated from the shell and crushed.
  3. Oil is extracted from the prepared mass. Use one of 3 methods: pressing, centrifugation, extraction. Extraction is the most economical way to obtain a product high quality.
  4. If necessary, the oil is refined (cleansed from impurities).
  5. The product is bottled, packaged and labeled.

Scope of application

The oil is widely used in cooking. It is also needed:

  • for food preservation (meat, vegetables, fruits);
  • for creating paints and varnishes (drying oils, paints);
  • When does soap making take place?
  • creation of medical and cosmetic products (creams, ointments, lotions, lipsticks).

In these cases, you cannot do without refined oil - that is, purified from the pronounced aromas of sunflower. Therefore, it is better to purchase equipment for refining. The likelihood of purchasing refined sunflower oil is higher, since the scope of application is wider.

The production of refined sunflower oil itself is waste-free, because sunflower processed products can also be sold. The cake is required for livestock farms as biofuel. Miscella is needed to create paints and varnishes, husks are needed to create fuel briquettes.

What is needed to open a business

In this business plan for oil production, we have selected the equipment that is optimal in price and quality, which will allow a small enterprise to be loaded with work and create a high-quality product. The purchase of equipment is the largest expense item. Every month, most of the money is spent on the purchase of raw materials.

Table 2. The amount of initial costs for a vegetable oil production business.

Expense item

Cost, rub.

Registration, certification

Premises for rent, 600 sq. m

Equipment (plus costs for delivery, start-up, setup)

Raw materials (per month)


Additional costs


15.34 million

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of about 1 million people. Additional expenses include the costs of utilities, advertising, and cosmetic repairs.


An entrepreneur can organize a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity(OOO). It all depends on the volume of production and sales of goods. It is better to choose an LLC - this form will allow you to cooperate with large wholesale and retail companies and stores.

It is not necessary to obtain a mandatory certificate of conformity for the production of oil. Go through the verification process and issue a voluntary certificate - this will simplify your work with buyers and intermediaries.

Table 3. Regulatory documents.

Vegetable oil production technologies

You can make refined and unrefined oil. The difference is in the degree of purification from smell and taste. Refining allows you to obtain a pure product suitable for both culinary and other industries.

The technology for producing vegetable oil is as follows:

  1. On the separator, the mass is cleared of husks, leaves, stems, and other impurities.
  2. The seeds are dried and collapsed on a crushing machine.
  3. On a roller machine, the raw material is cleared of husks and crushed into a mushy state.
  4. In the roasting pan, the seeds are heated and easily fried.
  5. On a screw press, the press cake (pulp) is pressed and separated.
  6. Using special equipment, cake residues are removed during primary filtration. Filtration can be carried out several times.
  7. The product is refined and deodorized. Refining methods:
    • physical (defending);
    • chemical (hydration);
    • physico-chemical (bleaching).
  8. At the bottling device, the goods are poured into containers.

The production technology is presented in the following video:


Sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oil are specified in SanPiN 1197-74. Studying and taking into account the requirements will allow you to obtain permits and positive conclusions from the sanitary-epidemiological, fire, gas, electricity and water utilities without unnecessary difficulties.

To organize production and place machines, you will need about 250 square meters. m of space. About 300 sq. m will occupy warehouses where raw materials, finished products, as well as processed products - cake/meal and peel (husk) will be stored.

We need space for administrative premises and rooms for workers. You will need to equip a bathroom. It is also necessary to create convenient transport access to the workshop and organize a place for loading and unloading operations.

To accommodate a small plant, a minimum of 600 square meters will be required. m area.

Raw materials

To make sunflower oil you need sunflower seeds. Finding raw materials in Russia is not a problem. More than 80 varieties and hybrids of the plant are cultivated in the country.

Almost all sunflower varieties are suitable for extraction, except white and gray ones. It is recommended to buy seeds of Maslenitsa varieties (such as “Gourmet”, “Orange Miracle”). Do not buy hybrids - varietal seeds produce a tastier product.

By cold pressing, 1 ton can be obtained from 4.5 tons of raw seeds. If you squeeze roasted seeds, you will need approximately 2.5 tons of seeds to obtain 1 ton of product .

Equipment for the production of vegetable oil

You can buy equipment individually or the entire creamery (line). The second case is relevant for entrepreneurs who plan to produce more than 30-35 tons per day. For smaller volumes of oil production, it is advisable to purchase equipment separately. You will need:

  • oil production line;
  • refining line;
  • filling device / filling machine.

The equipment selected for our business plan will allow us to produce 7 tons per standard shift (8 hours). The refining line has the same productivity; the packaging machine packs up to 1 thousand liter bottles per hour. This set is perfect for a small business.

The oil machine roasts the seeds, increasing the percentage of liquid that can be obtained during extraction.


For a small plant you will need the following personnel:

  • 6 workers - in the direct pressing workshop;
  • 4 workers - in the refining shop;
  • 2 workers - in the packaging workshop;
  • 3 workers - for unloading and loading operations, in warehouses.

It is important to find a competent technologist with experience. He will monitor the production process and the quality of the finished product.

Director, accountant and driver required. At first, the function of director can be assumed by the businessman himself. An accountant is required if the form of legal entity is chosen for work. To begin with, you can hire him part-time or outsource. It is better to hire a driver with your own car. It will ensure delivery of goods to retail chains and private customers.

The workforce is 19 people.

Marketing and sales

Focus on wholesale buyers. You can sell goods through your own store. Open a retail outlet in a favorable location and with a company logo - then people will quickly learn about the new product.

Sell ​​your goods in markets retail stores, supply it to bakeries and HORECA segment enterprises (cafes, restaurants, canteens).

Sunflower processed products can be sold wholesale to farmers and solid fuel producers.

To increase sales and improve competitive positions reduce selling prices, conduct BTL promotions (promotions, discounts). Place advertisements in specialized publications, send mailings and send commercial offers by mail. It is not necessary to hire a sales manager to conduct negotiations - an entrepreneur can do this himself.

Sunflower oil production as a business: profitability and payback

The amount of initial investment is 15.14 million rubles.

The main monthly costs are raw materials. To produce sunflower oil, you will need 385 tons of sunflower seeds. The minimum price for 1 ton of raw materials is 16 thousand rubles. Together with other expenses, the amount of monthly costs will be 6.56 million rubles.

The selected equipment allows you to produce 154 tons of sunflower oil in a month (22 working days).

The average wholesale price of 1 ton of product is 50 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the monthly turnover is 7.7 million rubles.

After deducting monthly expenses, there remains a net profit of 1.14 million rubles.

So the business can pay for itself in 13.5 months.

Table 4. Economic justification for the idea of ​​​​producing sunflower oil.

Sunflower oil production, upon reaching the break-even point, will bring a solid income to its owner.

The specified period - 13.5 months - is achievable only if all products produced per month are sold. This is difficult to achieve at the start-up stage of a business, but later sales volume will likely increase significantly.

During a fan study of refined deodorized sunflower oil, the quality and safety characteristics of 57 products under the following trademarks were studied: Kuban, Maslenitsa, Zolotaya Leika, Znatnoye, Zlatozhar, Zlato, Zateya, Donskaya Sloboda, Domashnee, Dobavkin, D (Dixie), Gornitsa, Volshebny region, Benefit, Anninskoye, Alei KONAKO, Avedov, Sunny Gold, Rainbow, IDEAL, Green Ray, Globus (Globe), Clever, Bunge Pro, BILLA, ARO, 365 Days, Solar Line, Razdolie, Podvorye, Miladora, Pearl of the Don, Alyonushka, Southern Sun, South of Rus', Generous Summer, My Sun, Sloboda, Svetlitsa, Russian Woman, First of all, Oleina, Milora, Lyra, Ribbon, Kuban Favorite, Kubanochka, Red Price, Carolina, Every Day, Empire of the Sun, Gold Standard, Golden seed, Verkino oil, Sunny paradise, Altai Amber, Crown of abundance. These are the most popular local and federal brands of refined deodorized sunflower oil of the first, highest and premium grades among Russians. This study also included nine products under private labels (private labels) of retail chains. The cost of the presented samples ranged from 70 to 150 rubles as of March 2016.

Russian quality system standard

Standard Russian system quality for sunflower oil, in comparison with the current GOST, sets higher requirements for color, anisidine, acid, peroxide numbers, which affect the quality, taste and color of the product. The increased standard of Roskachestvo also more strictly considers the parameter of the mass fraction of toxic benzopyrene in the product. The required level of production localization for awarding the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of the product.

Oil without carcinogen

One of the most important requirements for product safety, which Roskachestvo sets in its standard, is the content of benzopyrene in refined sunflower oil. Benzopyrene is a carcinogenic substance of the first hazard class, which provokes the occurrence of cancer. In the case of sunflower oil, the presence of benzopyrene is doubly dangerous. Firstly, the carcinogen is fat-soluble - up to 95% of the substance can pass into the final product from sunflower seeds. Secondly, this substance can accumulate in the body. At the same time, get into sunflower oil benzopyrene can occur quite easily: through car exhaust, which is deposited in fields along highways, or, for example, when drying seeds with flue gases. The requirements for benzopyrene content have been significantly tightened in the Russian Quality System standard. During tests of the oil in independent laboratories, it was discovered that the benzopyrene content was in such an extremely small amount (less than ten thousandth of a milligram) that it could not harm human life and health. That is, from this point of view, the Russian sunflower oil market can be called safe.


Each of the samples presented in the sunflower oil study was also studied for the content of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, iron, copper), pesticides and radionuclides. In all the products studied, the content of hazardous substances does not exceed the standards.

Transparent purchase

Most buyers, when choosing refined deodorized sunflower oil, are guided by a simple and understandable guideline - its color. The color number indicates the degree of purification of the oil from natural coloring substances. It is believed that the lighter the oil, the better refined it is. The GOST standards in force in the country establish fairly strict requirements for this parameter: the color number for refined oil of the first grade should not exceed ten, and for the highest - six units. The Roskachestvo standard for this indicator is even stricter: regardless of the type of product, its color number for such a product to receive the Russian Quality Mark cannot exceed six units. The surprising thing is that, despite the variety indicated in the product labeling, all samples without exception met the strict requirements for the color number. Branded products turned out to be “lighter” than others Solar line, Compound And Miladora. In them, the color number indicator was 0.5 units, which is 12 times less than the most stringent requirements of the Russian quality system. It is important to note that despite the successful completion of tests to determine the color number in a number of samples, a number of problems were later discovered. This means that the color of the oil does not always guarantee its quality.

Numeric expression of freshness

The acid number parameter, the requirements for which were increased in the Russian quality system standard, determines the content of free fatty acids in the product. On the one hand, these acids are used by the body to obtain energy and synthesize necessary substances, on the other hand, an increased content of fatty acids may indicate insufficient purification of the product (refining) during production. As laboratory tests have shown, in all 57 submitted samples, the acid number parameter met the most stringent requirements of the Russian quality system standard.

In addition to determining the acid number in samples, during laboratory tests special attention was given detailed analysis fatty acid composition of each oil. As part of this study, experts examined the content of the 12 most important acids for human health in the presented products.

Details: fatty acids

Linoleic acid– a fatty acid from the category of “essential” (that is, those that the human body is not able to synthesize on its own), required by a person to ensure normal life functions. This acid has a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer, but this positive effect is achieved only with a balanced supply of acid to the body. Increased content of linoleic acid for sunflower oil was found in the samples Kuban, Green Ray.

Gondoic acid refers to monounsaturated fatty acids. Like all such compounds, it also helps maintain blood glucose levels and strengthen the immune system. Of course, this effect will be achieved with a balanced supply of acid to the body. In samples Kuban, Green Ray an increased content of such acid was found.

Content of other acids (myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, arachidic, behenic, lignoceric) in all samples presented in the study, with the exception of goods Kuban and Green Ray, was within normal limits. A deviation from the established fatty acid composition in these products may indicate that in the production of these products the addition of third-party oil not made from sunflower seeds was used.


Let us remind you that this study involved oils of the first, highest and premium grades. For each of these categories, standards are established individual requirements. During laboratory tests, a very interesting fact was revealed: first-class goods of 17 brands - Znatnoye, Zlatozhar, Zlato, Anninskoye, Avedov, ARO, Razdolye, Miladora, Southern Solntse, Generous Summer, Svetlitsa, Oleina, Lira, Kubanskoye Favorite, Red Price, Every day, Verkino oil - in all studied parameters, met the requirements for the highest grade of oils. In fact, when purchasing these goods, consumers will pay for the first grade and receive a higher quality product. Manufacturers may need to think about upgrading the “class” of their product.

Oxidative process

Peroxide value is one of the determining chemical parameters of product quality. This characteristic can tell a lot about the product as a whole - its freshness, purity and taste. The fact is that fat oxidation processes occur in any oil; they are most active when the product is stored improperly, for example in the light. That's why high content"peroxide" may form in oil on shelves trading network or even at the consumer's home. It is important to understand that the peroxide value is a dynamic characteristic, that is, this number inevitably increases as the expiration date of the oil approaches. That is why Roskachestvo experts measured the peroxide value in products that were produced not so long ago. And the requirements of the Roskachestvo standard for any refined sunflower oil were established at the level of GOST requirements for premium oils. As a result, in the samples Kuban, Blago, Alei KONAKO, Green Ray, Kubanochka, Empire of the Sun, Gold Standard the peroxide value did not meet the GOST requirements for the highest grade of oil. The problem is that these seven oils are positioned by the manufacturer as premium and premium products that comply with GOST. This fact may be regarded as a violation of consumer rights to reliable information indicated on the label.

Important: After completing the comprehensive study, the production of those goods that were awarded the Russian Quality Mark underwent an assessment of the level of their localization. During these inspections, Roskachestvo experts further studied the peroxide value of the oil before bottling it into containers. Some manufacturers lost the right to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark at this stage: the peroxide value in the shipped product turned out to be higher than the requirements of the Russian quality system standard.

IMPORTANT! Read about how to choose high-quality sunflower oil in a store in this short reference guide. article

INTERESTING: Which oil is best suited for frying, and which one will decorate the dish with a special aroma, read this

In this article:

Since the time when Peter 1 brought an unknown overseas flower to the territory of Russia, sunflower oil has occupied a leading position among essential goods. The volume of the Russian sunflower oil market is growing rapidly every year, the annual increase is about 3%, and in value terms - 82 billion rubles. Finished products are manufactured not only by large corporations and companies, but also by farms.

The demand for sunflower oil is stable and not subject to seasonality, therefore, with competent marketing, pricing policy production of sunflower oil in Russia – profitable business, the organization of which requires investment. A special advantage of this type of business is the opportunity to obtain an additional source of funds when selling production waste.

Features of sunflower oil production

Before you start organizing a private enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its production.

Based on technological characteristics, the entire process of sunflower oil production can be divided into the following main stages:

1. Storing and cleaning oil seeds– includes the processing of seed mass from organic, mineral and oilseed impurities.

Seed cleaning is carried out using special equipment: separators, destoners, aspirators.

Seed mass can be processed using the following methods:

  • by sifting through a sieve with holes of various shapes and sizes;
  • by blowing the seeds with air;
  • due to the separation of seeds according to ferromagnetic properties.

2. Preparation and processing of oil seeds for oil extraction– includes separating seeds by size, conditioning the seeds, dehulling the seeds, separating the kernel from the shell and crushing the kernels.

Peeling of the oil seed shell can be carried out in the following ways:

  • due to shell splitting by impact;
  • compression of the shell;
  • cutting the seed shell;
  • as a result of peeling the shell on a rough surface. Therefore, equipment for the production of sunflower oil at enterprises can be varied, depending on the method of hulling the shells of oil seeds.

3. Direct oil extraction– can be carried out by pressing or extraction. But based on these two methods, the following production process schemes can be developed at sunflower oil production enterprises:

  • single pressing;
  • double pressing followed by squeezing;
  • cold pressing;
  • extraction;
  • direct extraction.

4. Sunflower oil refining a – the process of purifying oil from accompanying impurities. The following refining methods exist:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • physico-chemical.

5. Bottling– carried out in transport containers. In modern enterprises, sunflower oil bottling is carried out on automatic lines, which include a molding, filling, sealing, and labeling machine.

6. Packaging and labeling of finished products– oil in polymer bottles is hermetically sealed and labeled.

The technological flow diagram for the production of sunflower oil is shown in the diagram below.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of enterprises producing sunflower oil

In order to open a sunflower oil production plant, you must familiarize yourself with the following regulatory documents governing activities:

  • SanPiN 1197-74 – sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oils;
  • GOST 22391-77 – standards regulating the quality of sunflower seeds supplied to the plant;
  • GOST 1129-73* - document regulating the quality of sunflower oil;
  • GOST 22391-89 – storage standards for oilseed raw materials (“Sunflower. Requirements for procurement and supply”).

Sunflower oil production technology

On the Russian market, the greatest demand is for refined sunflower oil, which is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Therefore, many sunflower oil production enterprises produce this type[ product. The process of manufacturing refined sunflower oil includes the following steps:

1. Oil extraction– carried out in presses under high pressure. The raw materials are pre-heated in special fryers at a temperature of about 110° C. If the company produces oil as a result of cold pressing, then the raw materials are not previously subjected to heat treatment. The cake obtained during the oil extraction process is used in animal husbandry. Therefore, by selling the cake, enterprises receive an additional source of income.

2. Oil refining– occurs during the following stages:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities as a result of settling, centrifugation or filtration. At this stage of refining, unrefined sunflower oil is obtained;
  • processing vegetable oil with hot water eliminates phosphatides;
  • the removal of fatty acids makes it possible to obtain refined, non-deodorized sunflower oil;
  • deodorization allows you to remove pigments, volatile compounds, odor and makes the vegetable oil light in color;
  • freezing – during this process the waxes are removed.

3. Packaging and labeling of finished goods.

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil

The purchase of a set of equipment or lines for the production of sunflower oil depends on the capacity of the plant, so it is advisable to make the following conclusions:

  • If the plant must produce about 30 tons of finished products per day, then it is necessary to purchase an oil extraction and refining line. A sunflower oil production line costs an average of 1.5 million euros, excluding installation costs.
  • If the enterprise’s productivity is 5-10 tons of sunflower oil per day, then it is advisable to purchase each type of equipment separately. On average, the total cost of equipment will be about 7,000,000 rubles.

Business plan for sunflower oil production

This business plan includes the organization of a workshop with a productivity of 5-10 tons daily.

Equipment costs assume:

  • Purchase of an oil production line – 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a refining line – 2,100,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a packaging line – 2,200,000 rubles.

Total total costs for a set of equipment are: 6,300,000 rubles.

The cost of installation and delivery of equipment to the workshop will be: 2,150,000 rubles.

Working capital, including the purchase of raw materials, monthly expenses and other costs are: 3,600,000 rubles.

General capital costs for organizing a workshop for the production of sunflower oil is: 12,050,000 rubles. Next, it is necessary to establish the area of ​​​​the premises for the placement of production equipment, storage of raw materials and a warehouse for finished products.

To install a sunflower oil extraction line, you need a room with an area of ​​at least 55 square meters. m.

To install a refining line, a workshop with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters is required. m.

Installation of a line for packaging finished products requires a room of 60 square meters. m.

In total, to organize an enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, the following is required:

  • More than 220 sq. m for industrial premises;
  • More than 200 sq. m for storage space.

To ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise, only 25 workers are needed, the general fund wages which will amount to 417,000 rubles monthly.

Number of shifts per month for workers: 30.

Total monthly expenses for the enterprise are: 760,000 rubles.

Monthly revenue– 5,900,000 rubles.

Cost – 4,700,000 rubles.

The profitability of the enterprise is 8%.

Payback period – 2 years and 1 month.

The high profitability of the enterprise indicates that the production of sunflower oil is a profitable business, the payback period of which is only 2 years.

Organization of a mini-churn for the production of sunflower oil

Setting up a mini-churn to produce sunflower oil requires minimal capital investment.

After all, the cost of an oil churn with a capacity of 10 - 17 l/hour can vary in the price range: $200-400, an oil purification filter costs about $100-200, purchase costs additional tools and the products will cost only $100. Therefore, many agricultural producers organize the activities of private mini-churns.

The main equipment for a mini-enterprise is a butter churn

A modern butter churn is a press extruder that looks like a meat grinder. The design of the extruder press includes three parts:

  • Seed supply hopper;
  • Screw part, grinding oil seeds;
  • Nozzle for squeezing oil.

The resulting sunflower oil from the churn must be filtered. If production volumes are small, then canvas bags can be used for filtration. After the oil has been filtered, it is necessary to settle it and after some time drain it into a container. The remaining sediment can be filtered again. If the churn has a higher productivity, then it is necessary to purchase special filters for purifying sunflower oil.

It is advisable to open a mini-enterprise when its owner grows sunflowers on his own. Thanks to this, there will be no costs for the purchase of raw materials and their transportation.

Presents a rating of vegetable oil producers, which can rightfully be considered “No. 1” in domestic exports of agricultural products. After all, Ukraine supplies oil to more than 100 countries located on five continents.

The success of Ukrainian companies exporting sunflower oil is supported by the growth of domestic production. Thus, in 2016, the area sown with sunflower amounted to 6 million hectares compared to 5.1 million hectares in 2015. Sunflower seed production in 2016 exceeded 13.6 million tons, which is 21.6% more than last year.

During 2016, the production of sunflower oil and animal fats increased by 41.8%, and in January-July 2017 compared to the same period last year - by 33.1%.

According to data Civil service statistics, revenue from the sale of sunflower oil and animal fats in January-July 2017 in Ukraine as a whole amounted to UAH 69.2 billion, including part from foreign supplies - 63.8%.

The three leaders in the production of vegetable oil in 2016/17 MY are the Nikolaev Oil Extraction Plant, Zaporozhye and Vinnytsia Fat and Oil Plants, owned, respectively, by the companies, And . For these three combined manufacturing enterprises accounts for almost a fifth of sunflower oil production, and the entire ten enterprises account for 50.0%.

Nikolaev oil extraction plant

Zaporozhye oil and fat plant

Vinnytsia oil and fat plant

MEZ "Hellas"

Production volume, thousand tons: 252

Market share, %: 4,8

Until 2016, the Ellada plant was part of the agricultural group " In February last year, the agricultural holding bought the rights to claim this plant from Ukrgasbank. The transaction amount was about $100 million. Production capacity The plant allows processing 560 thousand tons of sunflower seeds per year.

Kernel is one of the largest agricultural holdings in Ukraine, organized on the principle of vertical integration. The company has undeniable leadership in the production and export of sunflower oil in the Black Sea region. Behind the huge volumes of external supplies lies the company’s powerful agricultural production. In addition to the Nikolaev and Bandura oil extraction plants, Kernel owns factories for processing sunflower seeds in the Poltava, Kirovograd and Odessa regions.

The land bank of the Kernel agricultural holding is 602.5 thousand hectares. In mid-summer the holding completed the takeover of companies And .

For 3 quarters of 2017 financial year Kernel sold 92.2 thousand tons of bottled oil in the amount of $98.5 million and 802.1 thousand tons of crude oil in bulk in the amount of $783.7 million. EBITDA from the company’s sunflower oil segment for this period was $77.9 million, which is 26.20% less than last year’s figure and accounts for 27.5% of Kernel’s total EBITDA.