Theatrical activities in the senior group are a long-term plan. Long-term plan for the development of management of a theatrical play based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Forward planning By theatrical activities in group No. 5 “Polyanka”.


Children greet each other using any invented or fairy-tale name.

character (fox, hare, wolf), put on (optional) costumes and tell

who they became like. The teacher helps them portray the selected characters through

Study "Consolation".

The boy accidentally broke the girl’s toy, she is crying, the rest of the guys must calm the girl down, console her. The actress playing the girl is “crying.” Children surround her, and each offers his own version of consolation (gives new toy, tries to repair the broken one, etc.).

(Theater on the hand - glove) Game "Little Red Riding Hood". (C. Perrault)

Develop the ability to analyze actions fairy-tale heroes. Improve figurative performing skills

Fairy tale dramatization.

Game "Rain"

Teaching children the ability to coordinate their actions with other children; development of imagination.

Children are given the opportunity to imagine and depict how raindrops are knocking on the roof or road. Show how children splash in puddles, clap their hands and have fun after the rain. The teacher further explains that in the game, instead of rain, there will be music reminiscent of the murmur of water and the sound of droplets. When the music plays, all the children splash in puddles (made of cardboard or imaginary ones). As soon as the music ends, it means that a “thunderstorm” is approaching - everyone gathers together under the roof (umbrella). Children are invited to portray a “thunderstorm” (tapping movements with fists, clapping their hands). At the moment when the children pretend to be a thunderstorm, the teacher says:

Thunder is everywhere, thunder is thundering,

Lightning flashes in the sky!

The storm is over, and we are again,

Let's have fun playing!


Game "Puss in Boots"

(Theater on the hand - finger)

Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children.

Fairy tale dramatization.

Sketch "Baba Yaga"

Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

Baba Yaga caught Alyonushka, told her to light the stove so that she could then eat Alyonushka, and she herself

fell asleep. I woke up, but Alyonushka was not there - she ran away. Baba Yaga was angry that she was left without dinner,

runs around the hut, stomping his feet, waving his fists.

Funny essays

Encourage children to write fairy tales; learn to enter into a role; develop children's creativity and imagination; learn to work together, together, amicably.

Mini-dramatization of I. A. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike” (the fable is learned with children in advance)

Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children. Improve figurative performing skills

Children choose their own equipment at will. Those who chose the masks of the heroes are the artists, those who have tickets to the performance are the spectators. Children role-play the fable.


“Say a kind word about a friend”

Formation of a friendly attitude towards each other in children.

The teacher gathers the children in a round dance with the words:

In a round dance. In a round dance

People have gathered here!

One-two-three - you start!

Following this, the teacher picks up an inflatable heart and affectionately addresses the person next to him. standing child. For example: - Sonechka, Good morning!

The teacher clarifies how affectionate and good words we can pronounce

addressing their friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what beautiful hair you have; you have a smart shirt, etc.) After this, the children again go in a circle with a song. The teacher gives a heart

to the next child, who should, in turn, gently turn to the baby standing next to him.

Study "Focus"

Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it.

him, and when I opened the suitcase, the cat was not there... A dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Fairy tale dramatization.

Musical carousel.

Improve the ability to move expressively to music, feeling its rhythm or smoothness of sound

Children come up with movements and dance to the music.


“We won’t say where we were”

Promoting the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; training in coordinated actions.

The children choose a driver who goes out the door, and the remaining children, together with the teacher, agree on who or what they will portray. Then they invite the driver, who enters with the words: “Tell me where you were, what you did.” The children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did!” (if action). We’ll show you who we saw (if it’s an animal), etc. During the game, the teacher helps to find the most characteristics animals or objects and convey them expressively.

Sketch "New doll"

Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

The girl was given a new doll. She is happy, jumps merrily, spins, plays with her doll.

(Theater on the hand - mittens) Game "Snow Bun". (Tale on new way)

Teach children to act expressively in accordance with musical accompaniment. Expand your vocabulary and develop memory.

Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher

Outdoor game “Brave Mice”

Development of expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions.

First, the children listen to the poem:

One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One two three four -

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard...

The mice ran away.

The teacher invites the children to turn into mice and expressively portray them using gestures and facial expressions.


Sketch "Bear Cubs"

Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

The cubs are lying in the den. Blown strong wind, made his way into the den. The cubs are frozen.

They are curled up in balls, warming themselves. It got hot, the cubs turned around and growled

Fairy tale "Mitten"

Teach children to recognize heroes by their characteristic features.

Improve children's ability to convey images of fairy tale characters.

Form friendly relationships.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

In the clearing

Practice the expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures, voices and movements with individual fairy tale characters; Encourage children to act in an imaginary situation.

Scene in the clearing. New Year's ball.



Development of attention and observation.

One child describes one of the children, the rest guess by signs.

The game is repeated several times. The drivers change.

Sketch "Home Alone"

Develop the ability to convey emotional states using facial expressions and gestures.

The mother raccoon went to get food, the baby raccoon was left alone in the hole. It's dark all around, you can hear

different rustles. Baby raccoon

scary - what if someone attacks him, and his mother doesn’t have time to come to the rescue?

Fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Improve children's ability to convey images of fairy tale characters.

Fairy tale dramatization.

Fun transformations

Learn to skillfully use facial expressions and pantomime.

Draw different animals.


"Play the Hero"

Development of expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions, voice.

The presenter offers to depict fairy tale characters, recalling that each of them has its own characteristics, by which they are easy to recognize:

Fox, little fox,

The fur coat is very good!

Red tail, cunning eyes,

I love chickens - yes, yes!

Petya, Petya the Cockerel!

Gilded comb!

When you see the dawn,

You will shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The bunnies went out for a walk,

They started jumping and playing.

Clumsy, clubfooted

A bear walks through the forest.

If they ask. What does he like,

He will say: “I wish I could eat some honey!”

Children portray different characters.

“Imagine the taste of an apple”

The teacher invites the children to imitate how they bite an apple, depicting

facial expressions of what they think it tastes like. Moreover, the adult starts first, and the children guess (sour, sweet, bitter, tasty, etc.). The teacher points out to the children that an apple may taste different to everyone, and facial expressions will depend on this.


Learn to show and reflect signs of spring using facial expressions and pantomimes.

Children show and reflect the signs of spring using facial expressions and pantomimes, after being divided into pairs. One child in a pair shows the movements, the second repeats the movements, as in the mirror.

Natural world

Encourage motor improvisation; improve the ability to convey an image through music and dance moves.

Learning the Water Lily Dance


"Tricky Little Animal"

Development of attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are all different animals and are sitting in

cages at the zoo. One of the children is chosen to be a zoo visitor. He will stand in the center and do various movements and gestures. "Animals"

imitate the visitor, accurately repeating his gestures and movements. The “visitor” is selected using a counting rhyme:

Above the rays, above the water

A torrential rain poured down.

And then a yoke hung in the sky.

The children are delighted with the golden rainbow.

“Visitors change several times during the game.

Sketch “Deaf Grandma”

The child talks to a deaf grandmother (the role of the grandmother is played by a teacher), who, it turns out, is looking for him. He already understood that he had to talk to his grandmother using his hands, since she couldn’t hear anything. Grandma asks: “Where is Sasha?” (says the name of any child), “Whose books are these?”, “Whose toys?”, “Where is mommy?” and so on. the child responds with gestures.

"Birches" (pantomime)

Learn to show and reflect a birch tree using pantomime different time of the year.

Children depict trees at different times of the year, following the words of the teacher:

Summer: “Birch trees talk to each other, rustling leaves, waving twigs.”

Autumn: “The leaves fly away, a strong, gusty wind blows more often, which shakes the trees from side to side.”

Winter: “The branches tremble from the cold, the snow bends them to the ground.”

Spring: “The snow is melting, the branches are rising up. The swollen buds burst and tender leaves appear from them.

"Fear has big eyes"

Develop creative independence in conveying images. Develop skills independent organization theatrical activities

Fairy tale dramatization.


Word intonation game

Development of attention, observation, imagination of children.

Children are asked to speak with different intonations familiar words: “hello” - joyfully, affably, casually, gloomily; “goodbye” - with regret, with grief or hope for a quick meeting; “thank you” - confidently, tenderly, impatiently, offended; “Sorry” - reluctantly, with remorse.

Sketch “Delicious candy”

Development of expressive facial expressions and imagination.

The teacher is holding an imaginary bag of candy. He hands it to the children one by one. They take one candy at a time, thank you with a gesture, unwrap the wrapper and put the candy in their mouth, showing with facial expressions and gestures what they taste like.

« Funny clowns»

Development of expressiveness of gestures, movements, facial expressions

Portray different clowns, happy and sad.


Learn to show and reflect the signs of summer using facial expressions and pantomimes.

Children show and reflect the signs of summer using facial expressions and pantomimes, after being divided into pairs. One child in a pair shows the movements, the second repeats the movements, as in the mirror.

Long-term planning for theatrical activities "Teremok". Preparatory group.

Developed by teacher Nizamova Leysan Madekhatovna

MBDOU DS KV "Zhuravushka", Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, New Urengoy



Topic name





Hello theater!

Provide an opportunity to plunge into the world of fantasy and imagination; introduce you to the theater studio

Introductory conversation.

"What did I do" games

"find the object."

Leaf fall

Encourage active participation in theatrical games; induce a positive emotional attitude in children; develop creative imagination; develop intonation expressiveness of speech

The game is improvisation,

Mini-scene “leaf fall”

Fun transformations

Encourage children to dramatize familiar works; develop fine motor skills fingers; develop intonation expressiveness of speech; develop pantomime skills

Finger gymnastics, dramatization of the poem “Merry Transformations”

Funny pantomime

Develop pantomime skills and creative imagination; develop communication skills and improvisation skills; teach children to pronounce given phrases intonationally and expressively; develop fantasy and imagination

Breathing exercises, game - pantomime “flies”,

Game "talk on the phone"

Draw and tell game

Funny dialogue

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech; develop the articulatory apparatus; improve dialogical and develop monologue coherent speech; develop pantomime skills, imagination; cultivate communication skills

Working on pure language

Game “come up with a funny dialogue”

Game - pantomime based on the poem “Turtle” by K.I. Chukovsky

Exercises to develop facial expressions

Hello pussy, how are you?

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech; foster respectful partnerships; develop imagination, pantomime skills; encourage improvisation

Role-playing I. Zhukov’s poem “pussy”

Game - imitation “tell poems with your hands”

Fun account

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, monologue speech; develop improvisation skills; encourage participation in theatrical games; involve parents in active participation in the preparation of the games.

Game "let's laugh"

Role-playing the poem “Who thinks what?”

My imagination

Develop improvisation skills, pantomime; develop creative initiative and imagination; develop communication skills

Role-playing mini-scenes

Gymnastics for the tongue

Whisper and rustle

Work on intonation expressiveness of speech and develop the ability to clearly pronounce tongue twister words; develop pantomime skills, creative imagination; to cultivate in children a sense of collectivism and communication skills

Working on a tongue twister

Game - pantomime

Working with flannelgraph

Theater professions

To introduce the theatrical professions of make-up artist and costume designer; learn to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness; develop pantomime skills and articulation; encourage creative initiative. Encourage active communication through play.


Theatrical game “cheerful old man - forest boy”

Movement imitation game

Riddles without words

Learn to clearly pronounce pure words by changing intonations; learn to combine movements and speech; develop imagination; develop pantomime skills; involve in playing mini skits

Work on pure tongues

Theatrical game “riddles without words”

Role-playing mini-scenes of the “mouse”

Tell poems with your hands

Learn to clearly pronounce spoken words with different intonations; learn to use gestures as a means of expressiveness; develop creative initiative and imagination

Working on a clean tongue

Game “tell poems with your hands”

Playing with movements

Shadow theater "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

Playing game

Develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop memory of physical sensations and pantomimic abilities; develop a friendly attitude towards others

Finger gymnastics

Movement imitation game

Game - pantomime

Three moms

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical games; involve parents in preparing performances

Dramatization of “three mothers”


Call positive emotions and help strengthen communicative relationships between children; develop emotional and expressive speech skills; develop monologue speech

Pronouncing a simple phrase

Game - pantomime

Role-playing V. Berestov’s poem “Sparrows”

Spring, spring is red!

Give ideas about Russian folklore, instill a love for folk art; develop imagination and memory; develop the ability to communicate emotionally and expressively; develop the ability to work with imaginary objects

Performance in Russian folk costumes

Performance of ditties

Movement imitation game

Sketches for the expression of basic emotions

Develop emotionality and expressiveness of movements; develop rhythmic abilities and coordination of movements

Acting out sketches

Our guest is the Fairy of the Puppet Theater

Summarizing. Consolidation of what has been covered

Finger gymnastics with text pronunciation. Theatrical game with musical accompaniment.


Explanatory note.

Relevance of the circle:

Expressive speech develops throughout preschool age: from involuntary emotional in children to intonation speech in children middle group and to the linguistic expressiveness of speech in children of senior preschool age.

To develop the expressive side of speech, it is necessary to create conditions in which every child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, not only in ordinary conversation, but also in public without being embarrassed by the presence of outside listeners. Theatrical games can be of great help with this.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions force them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of lines, characters, and one’s own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated and improved. sound culture his speech, its intonation structure.

Theatrical games develop the emotional sphere of the child and allow the formation of a social and moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.).

Thus, theatrical games help to develop the child comprehensively.

Classes are designed for children of senior preschool age (5-7), in a group of 10 people.

Target: develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Develop the ability to perceive artistic image literary work and creatively reproduce it in skits and theatrical performances.


1. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech in children.

2. Develop the ability to sense the character of a literary work.

3. Develop expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions in children.

4. Develop the ability to distinguish between genres: nursery rhyme, fairy tale, story, highlight positive and negative qualities characters.

5. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of characters, situations, and a sense of humor.

6. Develop children’s ability to take part in dramatizations based on the plots of familiar works of art.

7. Encourage initiative and creativity.

8. Develop the ability to pronounce all sounds cleanly and clearly; coordinate words in sentences.

9. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.


Conducted: one lesson every other week on Thursday afternoons, 18 lessons per year.

Duration – 30 minutes

Evsina Elena Nikolaevna
Planning for theatrical activities in senior group


Talk about the variety of theatrical activities


Showing illustrations with various types theaters, their structure, actions with various puppets, group theater, curtain

Puppets: table theater, puppet.

Showing scenes with various dolls.

Reasoning game “Who is the boss in the theater?”

Week 2 “Tales on the table”

Tell us about the features of the tabletop theater

Demonstration of methods of acting with tabletop theater puppets.

Introducing tabletop theater puppets: Pinocchio, Alice the fox, Basilio the cat, Artemon the dog, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina

Children's choice of roles in a fairy tale

3. Reading the fairy tale “Pinocchio”

Develop attention, observation, imagination. Consolidating knowledge about methods of acting with a tabletop theater puppet.

Table theater puppets.

Game “Where we were, we won’t tell.”

4. Reading a fairy tale


Introduce children to the art of theater, cultivate interest in theatrical performances, teach them to interact with a dialogue partner. Consolidating knowledge about methods of acting with a tabletop theater puppet.

Table theater puppets.

Showing an excerpt from the fairy tale “Pinocchio”.

Game improvisations based on a fairy tale.

1. Dramatization of Ukrainian. adv. fairy tales "Spikelet"

Develop acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech Reading the fairy tale “Spikelet” Masks-pictures of fairy tale characters; ear of wheat (natural)

2. First reading of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Telephone” with elements of dramatization - excerpts of characters most familiar to children (elephant, bunnies, monkeys)

Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone” (excerpts best known to children)

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Telephone”, attributes for dramatization: two telephones, masks, pictures of selected characters.

3.Second reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

Bring to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text

Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone”

Improvising other fragments of the poem, inventing your own characters,

who call the hero of the work.

4. Third reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Telephone”, attributes for dramatization: two telephones, hats, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone”;

Game: “Sinking Hippopotamus”

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1.Improvisation, dramatization using puppets(bibao, glove puppets, character toys, etc.)

Playing out the nursery rhyme “The little gray bunny is sitting”

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 9/28

Introduce children to nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems,

which will be dramatized by them in the process of theatrical activity.

Game: “Cold - Hot”

Reading nursery rhyme: “The gray bunny is sitting”

Playing out nursery rhymes with children

Dolls - characters famous fairy tales: bunny, wolf, bear, fox, etc. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

2. Improvisation, dramatization of poetic texts

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 10/28

Teach children to evaluate their own actions and the actions of their comrades, comparing them with the actions of the characters literary heroes works; Encourage children to get rid of bad habits and imitate goodies

Reading of the poem “New Girl” by N. Naydenova

Playing out a poem with children

Game for the development of expressive plastic movements “Shadow-shadow-shadow”

Cultivate interest in theatrical activities, instill a love for the theater. Making houses for fox and hare,

Dolls - fairy tale heroes: rooster, dog, bear, fox, hare); scenery – a house of a fox and a hare; text of the work – Russian folk tale"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

Game: "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

4. Improvisation, dramatization using puppets (bibao, glove puppets, character toys, etc.)

Game: "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play.

Develop communication skills and independence.

Cultivate interest in theatrical activities, instill a love for the theater. Games

1. “Show how good children behave in the theater”

2. “Show how the actors would feel if”

3. Game: “Fox, Hare and Rooster”

Dolls - fairy tale heroes: rooster, dog, bear, fox, hare); scenery - a house of a fox and a hare. Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

5. Dramatization of poetic works

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 11/28

Teach children to evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades, comparing them with the actions of characters in literary works; encourage children's desire to get rid of bad habits and imitate positive heroes 1. Reading and dramatizing a poem

M. Evensen “Who will help?”

2. Game: “Chair of pleasant wishes to each other”

Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Christmas holidays

2. Finger Theater: fairy tale by V. Oseeva “Who is stupider?”

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 27

Develop the ability to play finger theater; fine motor skills of hands; communication skills and independence

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play.

1. Game "Palms"

2. Game "Magic Flower"

3. “Fairytale task”

4. Finger game

"My family"

5. Dramatization of V. Oseeva’s fairy tale “Who is stupider?”

Staging a fairy tale using finger puppets.

2. Game “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”

Promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying the image of your hero.

Improve the ability to dramatize with the help of bibabo dolls.

1. Exercise for the development of expressive plasticity of movements “Shadow-shadow-shade”

2. Staged fairy tales

Dolls are the heroes of the fairy tale: Snow Maiden, grandfather, woman, bear, wolf and fox.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”

3. Getting to know emotions. Joy.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 40

Introducing children to some basic emotions.

1. Game "Palms"

2. “Fairytale task”

3. Finger game “Rain”

4. Watching a cartoon episode

“It’s just like that.” Discussion.

5. Looking at pictures of people experiencing different feelings.

6. Drawing “Emotions” TV, cartoon

“Just like that” on a flash drive, pictures with images of people experiencing different feelings: joy, resentment, interest, anger, shame, fear.

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Behavior correction. Traffic light.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 53

Use a fairy-tale situation to reinforce traffic rules

Development of creative thinking and imagination

Game "Palms"

Finger game

"To the garden for plums"

Game "Sparks"

Reading a fairy tale in verse “Advice from Nikitochkin and Vvverkhtormashkin.” Discussion of the behavior of fairy tale characters.

Game "Traffic Light" Circles different colors for each child (5 flowers,

a picture with several color placement options;

photo “Traffic light”, “City street”.

1. Overcoming shyness by children at the stage of the “Palms” game, strengthening friendly relationships between children in the group.

2. Reinforcement of traffic rules by children.

Week 2 Getting to know emotions. Joy.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 41

Continue to introduce children to some basic emotions (joy)

1. Game "Palms"

2. “Fairytale task”

3. Finger game “Family”

4. D/i “Joy”

5. Game “Tender Name”

6. Drawing “Joy” Pictures with images of people experiencing this feeling: joy,

Pencils and sheets of paper for each child. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 3 First reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

(K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”)

O. A. Skorolupova, L. V. Loginova ARE WE PLAYING? LET'S PLAY! Pedagogical guidance of games for preschool children,” p. 78

Develop play actions in an imaginary way, developing creativity when creating a play environment.

Bring to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Doctor Aibolit”, attributes for dramatization: two phones, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Improvising other fragments of the poem, inventing your own characters,

who call the hero of the work.

Week 4 Second reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

To convey to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text.

Develop acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech.

Week 5 Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”;

Game: “The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes”

V. M. Bukatova, p. 100

Text of the work, attributes for dramatization: two phones, hats, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Collective dramatization of the work

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1 week Show of sketches:

“What you can ride”;

"Tearing an imaginary thread from a spool"

"Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 53, 133

Contribute complex training imagination, attention, speed of attention, skill of coordinated work.

Activation of the emotional, mental, and communicative mood of children. 1. Game “Stand up on your fingers”

“What you can ride”;

"Tearing an imaginary thread from a spool."

3. Game “Transformed by myself” Background music.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 2 Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

(creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”) development of skills of intonation, speech and emotional expressiveness

1. Breathing exercise:

"Let's warm our hands"

2. Exercise “Snowflake”

3. Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

4. Sketch “Snowball fight”.

5. Outdoor game “Bear”.

TV, classical music

A. Vivaldi “Winter”, pieces of cotton wool for games. exercises.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

Week 3 Games and game exercises on the development of expressive facial expressions on the topic of emotions.

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 104,151, 171

Introducing children to some basic emotions

1. Exercise to develop expressive facial expressions


2. Game for coordination of memory and movements “Arms and feet”

3. Chorus. game "Zainka"

Rus. adv. song (at the teacher's choice, TV Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 4 Games and play exercises to develop the expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures and articulation.

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures, attribution.

1. Game to develop articulation

"Silent Dialogue"

2. A game to develop the expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures “Riddles without words”

Attributes for the role of “mother” (handbag, scarf, dress, etc. at the request of the children);

illustrations for riddles without words.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Voice-over of illustrations, pictures, frames from cartoons

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 128

Develop expressive speech, imagination, fantasy, ability to work in a group (team)

1. Children watch an episode of the cartoon “Mother for a Baby Mammoth” with sound.

2. Discussion of the characters’ phrases, intonation.

3. Voice-over of an episode by children from a cartoon (with the sound turned off).

TV, episode of the cartoon “Mother for Baby Mammoth.” Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

Voice-over of an episode by children from a cartoon.

2. Finger Theater: fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

Develop the ability to play finger theater; fine motor skills of hands; communication skills and independence.

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play

1. Watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

2. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

3. Finger Theater: fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

3. Pantomime game “The hare had a garden” (V. Stepanov.)

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop pantomime skills, facial expressions and plastic abilities of children;

Creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.

1. Pantomime game “The hare had a garden”

2. “Game with a handkerchief”

Shawl, text of a work for a pantomime game.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

4. Games to develop plastic expressiveness

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 104

Game “We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you”

Game "Who's in the picture?"

Pictures depicting various living creatures (insects, fish, animals, birds) To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills

Acting out the situation

“I don’t want semolina porridge!”

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Learn to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness

Acting out the situation “I don’t want semolina!”

Attributes for dramatization: the role of “mom”, the role of “dad”: scarves, handbags, hats, caps Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Transformation suit

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 117

To develop children’s ability to independently select attributes for dressing up to play a role. Develop creative thinking and imagination; bring up careful attitude to things for the dressing up corner Looking at things in the dressing up corner.

Conversation “What things would you choose for the heroes?”

Request from parents of children regarding the enrichment of the dressing up corner with new attributes. Dressing corner, things for dressing corner. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Movement imitation game

“How the soup was made”

2. Game to develop a sense of rhyme - “Pick a rhyme”

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop imagination and pantomime skills;

sense of rhyme

Tape recorder or TV, audio recording of “Russian folk dance” Active participation of children in theatrical activities

“How the soup was made”;

Game "Pick a Rhyme".

Children's poems by role

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 102

3. Acting out the poem by B. Zakhoder “The pussy is crying...”

Develop pantomimic abilities, love for animals

Reading a work with some changes: changing the ending of the work, adding characters in the work.

Text of the work, Acting out the poem

B. Zakhodera “The pussy is crying...”

"Cheerful Old Man - Lesovichok"

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Learn to use different intonations

Develop pantomime skills, facial expressions and plastic abilities of children. 1. The teacher reads a poem, Old Lesovichok pronounces his words according to the text with different intonations, the children repeat.

2. Pantomime game “Bear Cubs”

Text of the work, background music “Sounds of the Forest”, tape recorder or TV Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Game "Jolly Old Man - Lesovichok"

1Voice over illustrations.

Fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower» Aksakova

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 128 Develop expressive speech, imagination, fantasy, ability to work in a group (team);

improve figurative performing skills.

Develop creative independence in conveying images.

1. Pre-reading of Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”.

2. Discussion.

3. Vocalization of photo illustrations by children.

4. Transformation game

“Flower” Photo illustrations for Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”

Voice-over of illustrations. Fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by Aksakov.

To form an idea of ​​the significance of the Victory Parade for all Russians; develop interest in the history of Russia, its past; cultivate patriotic feelings: pride, love for one’s country. To show that military bands play a significant role in the parade. 1. View episodes of the parade.

2. Conversation about the parade.

3. Conversation about the military band,

4. D/game “Musical Instruments”

TV, Internet resources “Victory Parade 2018”

To evoke an emotional response in children from what they saw, a desire to do good for their country in the future.

3.Game - transformation, a game for the development of expressiveness and imagination; game - poetry

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Teach children to control their body, to freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs.

Form the simplest figurative and expressive skills; teach children to play with a literary text, support the desire to search independently means of expression to create an image using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.

1. Transformation game

“Shake the water off the tissues”

2. Game to develop expressiveness and imagination “After the Rain”

3. Game - poems “We wash ourselves”

Background music “The Sound of Water”: ocean, sea, stream.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

4. Playing with an imaginary object

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop skills in working with imaginary objects; to cultivate a friendly attitude towards all living things, including the smallest - young children.

Playing with an imaginary object.

Games for muscle tension and relaxation

"Wooden and rag dolls"

Evoke an emotional response, a desire to care for small children.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

Role-playing a poem

“Grasshopper” by A. Apukhtin.

Encourage active participation in the dramatization,

teach expressive speech.

1. Articulation game “Gymnastics for the tongue”

2. Role-playing a poem

“Grasshopper” by A. Apukhtin

One of the points of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education talks about the need to involve children in activities that promote development creative potential, speech, thinking and social-communication skills, artistic and aesthetic education of children. One of these types is theatrical activities in preparatory group kindergarten.

The importance of theatrical activities in the development of a preschooler

Theatrical games are especially popular among children in the preparatory group. This is the age when a child begins to realize his role in society and strives to understand how to behave in society, learns to take responsibility for actions, and fulfill responsibilities.

Important! One of the teacher’s tasks when organizing activities is to provide scientifically based and systems approach.

For this purpose, a thematic planning of theatrical activities is drawn up. To plan lesson topics, the teacher must consider:

  • requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education;
  • age characteristics of children;
  • educational and developmental opportunities for this type of activity;
  • features of the introduction of theatrical games into the educational process.

Functions of theatrical activities

The possibilities of theatricalization in a child’s development are quite wide:

  • acquaintance with surrounding reality through sound, color, artistic images;
  • development of analytical and logical thinking;
  • improving speech skills;
  • replenishment of vocabulary;
  • development emotional sphere child;
  • development of acting skills.

Features of organizing theatrical activities in the preparatory group

Preschoolers in the older group are interested in theater not only as a game, but also as an art form. Thematic planning of theatrical activities for this group should be done taking into account the following features:

  1. Children of the preparatory group are already familiar with the rules of conduct in public places, so they can freely be taken on excursions to the theater and stage performances.
  2. Children are interested in theory theatrical arts. Lessons can include stories about the history of theater, famous actors, about theatrical traditions and professions.
  3. Preschoolers will cope not only with the acting role, but also with the responsibilities of the director. In this case, the actors will be the dolls. Moreover, dolls can be made together with children in the classroom, as shown in this video: Theatrical activities in kindergarten
  4. It will not always be interesting for children to work on ready-made stories, which means we need to help them master the profession of screenwriter. Preschoolers will be happy to come up with their own stories and give their dolls roles and characters.

Important! The main character of theatricalization in the preparatory group should be aimed at giving children more freedom, the opportunity to show initiative and creative imagination.

Features of planning theatrical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Theatricalization as creativity can be included in:

  • educational activities;
  • in the content of the variable and optional part of education;
  • in independent and joint activities with parents.

Based on the educational and developmental potential of theatrical activities, the following goals are identified in working with children:

  • development of creative thinking;
  • activation cognitive interest;
  • development of general knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • developing the ability to role-play and act out skits;
  • involving parents in theatrical performances.

Program content in thematic planning lessons should roughly correspond to the following example:

DeadlinesSubjectsProgram content
SeptemberIntroductory lessonIntroduction to theater as an art form
Theater professionsAcquaintance with theatrical professions, replenishment of vocabulary.
Role-playing gamesAcquaintance with the culture of behavior in the theater.
Dramatization of familiar fairy tales (to the teacher’s choice)Development of cognitive interest, acting skills.
OctoberTypes of theaterReplenishing your vocabulary, getting to know the types of theater
RhythmicsDeveloping the ability to stay on stage and move around the stage.
Reading fairy tales by role (to the choice of the teacher)Development of speech skills, diction, and the ability to imitate animals.
Preparing for the performancePreparing children's details, expanding their vocabulary.
DecemberSpeech techniqueWork on speech and diction.
Work on facial expressions, gestures, conveying the character of the hero.
Fairy tale dramatization (teacher's choice)
New Year's re-enactmentAwakening a keen interest in theatrical performance
JanuaryChristmas dramatizationGetting to know the holiday, developing creative skills through playing on stage.
EmotionsWork on expressing different emotions. Conveying the emotional state of a character in a scene.
PetsIntroduction to fairy tales about animals. Work on conveying the image and character of the hero of the fairy tale.
FebruaryForest animals
FriendshipWork on the concepts of “friendship”, “mutual support”, development of the emotional sphere.
Staged according to planParticipation in the staging of the work. Demonstration of acting and declamation abilities,
MarchMarch 8Participation in a concert for mothers. Demonstration of skills to perform on stage, play, read expressively.
Puppet showGetting to know puppet theater. Working with the ability to control puppets.
Puppet charactersGiving each doll a name and character. Work on vocabulary, emotional background and diction.
Preparing for the productionLearning words, working on speech, intonation, diction.
April MayPuppet showDemonstration performance with dolls acting as actors.
Fairy tale dramatizationsDemonstration of acquired skills throughout the year, development of cognitive interest and creative potential.

Long-term planning of theatrical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard should be carried out taking into account the didactic and developmental capabilities of this type of activity. Details about the preparation of educational documents can be obtained from the employees of the Arbor Prime company, which is engaged in the development of such projects.