Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games. DIY finger theater

finger theater is an exciting didactic game that:

stimulates development fine motor skills;

introduces the child to such concepts as shape, color, size;

helps develop spatial perception (concepts: right, left, next to each other, etc.);

develops imagination, memory, thinking and attention;

helps develop lexicon and activates speech functions;

develops creative abilities and artistic skills;

introduces basic mathematical concepts;

Finger Theater- this is a magical world in which a child rejoices while playing, and while playing, he learns about the world around him.

From the first months of life, along with lullabies, nursery rhymes and jokes, the child gets acquainted with magical world fairy tales From fairy tales, children gain ideas about time and space, the connection between man and nature, good and evil, courage, perseverance, and cunning. Finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero.

Finger theaters are very good for theatrical activities. Theatrical games create an emotional uplift and increase the child’s vitality; by participating in a home performance, the child feels relaxed and free.

Finger theater is an excellent material for developing children's imagination, thinking and speech. Finger theater promotes the development of fine motor skills. During games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. With the help of this, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

The finger theater is indispensable for working with children with developmental disabilities: RDA, DS, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and various speech disorders. Games with little characters allow you to stimulate speech activity, since all the warmth, originality, brightness put into the figure by the author involves the child in fairy world, helping to remove various blocks. Play is a natural means of self-expression for a child, and the use of symbolic materials helps him distance himself from problematic (difficult) situations.

Finger theater is a great helper in communicating with a child! Finger puppets “coming to life” on your finger will not let you get bored, and will keep you company during a walk, visiting a clinic or on the road. Finger puppets won't take up much space in mom's purse and will help entertain the baby.

The uniqueness of the finger theater lies in the fact that these are original creations self made. Finger puppets are made with soul and carry creative energy that can be transferred to the one who holds them in their hands

Svetlana Cheremnykh

This is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. It could just be individual dolls, animals, some objects for staging a fairy tale, or everything famous characters our favorite Russian folk tales. - this is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child’s hand, in which he can take the role of any hero. A child can dress any character on his or her finger, and play. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. Theater- This is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop mobility fingers of both hands, help to master the speech of characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Designed for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands in combination with speech; development of communicative abilities of preschool children in the process finger theater.

Tasks: Teach children to act out small plays, skits, fairy tales using finger theater;

Develop: speech, thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination; enrich vocabulary;

Call positive emotions; instill a sustainable interest in theater;

Description: knitted, sewn hero dolls on fingers, Scenery.

Variability of use:

Learning nursery rhymes;

Dolls can be used to introduce and learn counting (for example, in the fairy tale "Teremok" a mouse, a frog, and a hare began to live together, then a fox came - there were four of them); to get to know the characters and plot of a fairy tale, to get acquainted with the concepts "right left", "near", "one after another";

-Playing out fairy tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba"…;

Make up your own fairy tale;

Guess the hero;

-“Who says what?” (onomatopoeia);

-"World of Emotions" (sadness, joy, anger, surprise);

-“What color is the hero?” (gingerbread man - yellow, fox - orange, mouse - gray).

Finger theater and finger games develop the child’s brain, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, and imagination of the baby. Simple moves help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. The better they work fingers and whole hand, those better baby speaks.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for educators “Finger theater, tactile theater and hand shadow theater for the development of speech in preschoolers” It is known that in the last 5-10 years the level of speech development of children has noticeably decreased. Why? Parents talk less to their children, as many...

Theatrical and gaming activities in kindergarten- this is one of the interesting forms of activities with children and is effective means for comprehensive.

MASTER CLASS “FINGER THEATER”. To work, you and I will need: 1). Plywood – thickness 3 and 7 mm, 2). Electric jigsaw, 3). Colorless.

"Finger theater made of felt" My group of children really likes to play and show theater, both girls and boys. Present in the group.

Finger puppet theater is a fun educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination and strengthens fine motor skills.

The finger theater is intended for theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home; it can also be used as a surprise moment.

Finger theater is a multifunctional game, it can be used in different directions child development: fine motor skills, onomatopoeia, development.

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Slide captions:

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 24” NMR RT Passport “Finger Theater - walking finger puppets” Compiled by: Solovyova S.M. Galimova A. V. Nizhnekamsk 2016

Finger theater - walking finger puppets Relevance: Finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero. A child can put any character on his finger and play. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. Theater is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop the mobility of the fingers of both hands, help master the speech of characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Age group: used with group early age and before preparatory, with more complex tasks for each age. Goal: To promote the development of fine and gross motor skills, speech in young children, to broaden their horizons. Objectives: form a phonetic-phonemic base; develop phrasal and coherent speech; fine motor skills of fingers; promote sensory development; activates the development of cognitive abilities; learn to play with toys; form the process of social adaptation in children.

Game description: The house is made of a folder, figures of cardboard heroes and viscose napkins. Methods and techniques: special corrective exercises for the development of fine motor skills; staging and dramatization. (familiarization with literary work, distribution of roles, demonstration by the teacher of the method of action, etc., so) (preparing and conducting finger puppet shows, improvisation games, dramatization of familiar fairy tales). teacher's story and reading, children's story, conversation, learning oral works folk art. All methods and techniques should be used in combination, alternating and complementing each other, which will allow the teacher to give children knowledge, help them master skills and abilities, develop memory, perception, and creative imagination.

Variability of use There are three options for playing: put it on your fingers, apply it to the flannel (fiscose adheres very well to flannel in vertical position) and show from behind the screen.

Finger Theater Fairy tale “Turnip” Goal: To create conditions for activating the creative thinking of children. Objectives: teach children to act out fairy tales using a finger theater; develop fine motor skills of the hands; develop teamwork skills.

Finger Theater Fairy tale “Teremok” Purpose: To create conditions for the development of activity and curiosity of young children in the process of finger play, to achieve free movement of the hand while telling a fairy tale. Objectives: Educational: Develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale, understand the content and correlate words with the actions of the fingers. Form sensory abilities. Developmental: Develop speech, thinking, memory, attention, continue to develop fine motor skills in children; develop and improve communication skills.

Objectives: Educational: To cultivate a positive interest in theatrical and gaming activities, to develop communication skills in a group. Developmental environment: finger puppets for the Russian folk tale “Teremok” A very important part of the work on developing fine motor skills is “finger games”. First, the baby examines his hands, then learns to control them, takes objects with the whole palm, then with only two fingers.

Finger Theater Fairy tale “Kolobok” Goal: To create conditions for involving children in the world of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, to create a desire to help fairy tale character. Objectives: 1. Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Strengthen children's sensory abilities, the ability to recognize and name the color of an object.

Objectives: 2. Developmental: Develop a sense of rhythm, emotional responsiveness to music through movement, and respond to the nature of the music. Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking. 3. Educational. Develop communication skills with adults and peers. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the fairy-tale character. Cultivate love for fiction. Cultivate accuracy and independence in working with dolls.


Finger theater is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. These could just be individual dolls, animals, some objects for dramatizing a fairy tale, or well-known characters from our favorite Russian folk tales.

Nowadays, every parent knows about the benefits of finger puppets.
First of all, such dolls contribute to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
In addition, in the process of manipulating with figures, the child becomes familiar with and “practices” the concepts of “right-left, up-down, next, previous, etc. (spatial perception develops).
When improvising, rather than playing according to a rigid script, imagination and fantasy develop.
In essence, theater is role-playing game, in which even the most shy child feels relaxed and free. Children, playing together in a play, learn to communicate with each other, their speech is actively developing, and the ability to control the plot of the game.
Finger puppets can be your assistant in raising a child. Morality expressed in relation not to a child, but to a doll, is perceived by children without negativity (which often arises in response to the teachings of parents).
With the help of dolls, you can solve and play out problematic situations: difficulties in communication, conflicts, fears and anxieties of the child.
For example, play out an improvisation fairy tale: The little fox did not obey his mother and ran away from her, ending up in an unfamiliar place. Give it to the child main role little fox, let the child develop the plot, just ask leading questions (What animals does the little fox meet, good or evil? Is the little fox scared in an unfamiliar place or is he not afraid of anything? Does the little fox return home?). The behavior of a child hero will help you better understand your baby.
Finger playsets can be purchased at a toy store or online. Here are some options for such theaters:

You can make figures yourself from a special material (plastic), the consistency of plasticine, which is then baked in the oven, like dough, and becomes hard.

A regular old child's glove can be used to make various characters, such as a butterfly. Cut off a finger from the glove - this will be the body of the butterfly. Cut out the wings from colored paper and glue or sew them to the future body. Select eyes and antennae (these can be beads, sequins, threads, ribbons). The butterfly is ready!

To play finger theater, you can use parts from toothbrushes. These are the heads of different animals that cover the brush:

Another option for finger puppets, a cardboard doll. Cut out a figure from cardboard, in the lower part of which, use scissors, make two round holes for the fingers (index and middle). The toes will be the legs of the pupa. By moving your fingers, you will create the feeling that your doll is alive. All that remains is to decorate the doll, glue on eyes, hair or paint. Let the child do this at his own discretion.

A finger puppet can be made from a square of paper.
Cut out a square of paper with sides of 5 cm, bend it in half diagonally (Fig. 1), turn the square so that the fold line is at the bottom - you get a triangle. Bend the upper corner of the triangle to the base, bending in half first the left and then the right corners and bend it back (Fig. 2,3). Mark points 1 and 2 (the intersections of the bisectors of the lower corners with the sides of the triangle. Take the left corner and bend it to right side triangle to point 1 (Fig. 4). Take the right corner and bend it to the right side of the triangle, to point 2 (Fig. 5). Bend the outer layer of the upper corner of the resulting figure towards you, inserting it between the layers of paper (Fig. 6). Bend the inner layer of the corner inside the resulting cap (Fig. 7). Glue beads instead of eyes, draw a smile, make hair from threads. The doll is ready!

For those who like to paint themselves, you can buy wooden thimbles for painting and draw the desired characters yourself:

Ideally, it’s good to have a set of 10 or more standard characters - family, animals, to play famous Russians folk tales. You can buy such a set consisting of 24 wooden thimbles.

Options for playing finger theater for children depend on the age of the child. One-year-olds and two-year-olds are ready for the simplest scenarios, which are best played with one hand. From the age of three you can introduce the second hand and complicate the scenario. At 4-5 years old, children are able to perform several actions that successively replace each other.
At first, you can simply introduce the kids to the dolls, let the child touch and examine all the heroes of the fairy tale. Then put the characters on your fingers one by one and communicate with the child on their behalf. Then invite your child to put the doll on his finger and try to communicate with each other. Next, you can act out a fairy tale in front of your child. Children better perceive well-known Russian folk tales: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”. Moreover, it is better to read a fairy tale before this, look at the pictures, discuss the characters and the development of the plot with the child. At first, finger theater classes are held purely as theatrical performances.

As soon as the baby learns how to play with dolls, you can start performing together. To begin with, teach your child to play with one hand; as he grows up, you need to choose more complex fairy tales, poems and songs, consisting of several actions, with a large number of characters.
During theatrical actions, be sure to focus on the intonation of speech of each character (the mouse speaks in a squeaky voice, the bear speaks in a bass voice, etc.). Develop your child's voice intonation and onomatopoeic skills.
From story game we need to move on to the director's section. Fantasize with your child, come up with new stories, encourage your child for any addition to the plot. This promotes the development of imagination, speech becomes more figurative and expressive.
Therefore, if you don’t yet have your own finger puppet theater, it’s time to think about purchasing one!

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1 Finger theater as a means of sensory development for preschool children SLIDE 1 Currently, the problem of raising preschool children with disorders of speech development is becoming increasingly relevant. Therefore, it is very important to identify and eliminate these violations as early as possible, so that at school the child does not experience difficulties both in learning and in communicating with peers. Research has shown that there is a relationship between the coordination of small hand movements and speech. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking is slow, since thinking is closely related to speech and depends on it. Educators and psychologists dealing with early childhood problems believe that hand movements associated with the inclusion of fingers in action are necessary for the development of the child. They not only contribute to speech development, but also have a noticeable impact on general psychophysical development, acquire skills nonverbal communication, sharpen tactile abilities, train muscle memory. In the 20th century, researchers such as L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, M.M. Koltsova, A.R. Luria, M.N. Shchelovanov, came to the conclusion that sensorimotor development forms the foundation mental development. They note that “the child’s mental abilities begin to form very early and not by themselves, but as his activities expand, including general, motor and manual activities.” However, despite the fact that children's teachers and psychologists note the effectiveness of finger theater in the development of fine motor skills, only a few of them are used in kindergartens. An analysis of the programs “Origins”, “Childhood”, “Program of education and training in kindergarten” showed that work on the development of fine motor skills is not a priority and is not given due attention. 1

2 SLIDE 2 Therefore, work in in this direction will be effective only if a teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, music director, instructor physical education, parents. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be higher than normal. It has been proven that finger movements stimulate the development of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child’s speech. That's why constant development and strengthening fine motor skills is necessary in constant work. To one of effective ways Correction of children's speech can be attributed to finger theater. Finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any character. Also, finger theater is an excellent material for developing children's imagination, thinking and speech, developing fine motor skills: during games, children develop dexterity , the ability to control one’s movements, concentrate attention on one type of activity, which is a natural means of self-expression for a child, and the use of symbolic materials helps him distance himself from problematic situations. Finger theater is an effective means of developing fine motor skills of the hand in children of primary preschool age. SLIDE 3-5 Finger theaters are, first of all: knitted figures that are put on the fingers; from paper pulp; from the balls on which the faces of the characters are drawn; finger puppets made from various types fabrics; a small screen and decorations. Characters are created from paper, small boxes in which holes are made for fingers. These are miniature figures made of cones and cylinders that are worn on the fingers. Figures or just heads are drawn, glued to cardboard rings and put on fingers. 2

3 SLIDE 6-9 For three years, the “Theater for Everyone!” project has been implemented in our garden. Its participants were children, their parents and teachers. Implementation of this project started in the school year. Working as a teacher during the school year preparatory group, together with the children we staged the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, took part in the show carnival masks, and also, while participating in the “Fairytale Tours” in kindergarten, they demonstrated the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” on an umbrella. During the school year, my students were children of the first junior group. And during the theater week, they took part in fabulous tours with the finger theater “Kurochka Ryaba”, and in the entertainment “Amusing Folklore” (they performed sketches, nursery rhymes and mini-scenes). Finger theater is carried out both during classes according to the teacher’s plan, and in free time from classes and routine moments. In particular, I conduct finger theater as a way of playing for children. All children in the group take part in theatrical finger games. I organize my work in this direction as follows. SLIDE For example, when acting out the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, children first get acquainted with the fairy tale. Directly while performing the finger theater, children remember the characters of the fairy tale, the course of events in it, diligently answer the questions posed about the content, learn the movements of the puppets, thereby promoting the development of fine motor skills. Then they themselves free time from activities they play without the help of a teacher. SLIDE The children act out the fairy tale “Kolobok” with great pleasure, and even remembered the songs based on this fairy tale: “I am a bun, a bun, sweeping the barn.” 3

4 sang together with the teacher. After the finger theater, the children made a successful attempt to act out this fairy tale during play activities. SLIDE 14 The finger theater "Turnip" arouses interest among children. Remembering moments from the fairy tale, children answer the questions posed by the teacher and act out this fairy tale themselves in play activities without the help of the teacher. SLIDE In the kindergarten, exhibitions “Such different theater" and "Unusual transformations of ordinary things." SLIDE I, together with children and their parents, took part in the creation of this exhibition, which included exhibits of my theater corner. Finger theater is one of the most successful means of developing fine motor skills with a well-developed theoretical base and rich historical background. This is especially important due to the fact that currently most modern children have a general motor retardation. Consequence underdevelopment motor skills, and in particular the hands, is a general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. However, even if the child’s speech is normal, this does not mean that the child is good at using his hands. Thus, finger theater can be spoken of as an excellent universal, didactic and developmental material. The method and meaning of it is that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child’s brain and brain activity is activated. For school learning, it is very important that the child has well-developed fine motor muscles. Finger Theater good helper in order to prepare the child’s hand for writing and develop coordination. Scientists have proven that the development of hands is closely related to the state of speech and thinking of the child. SLIDE 19 4

5 Thank you for your attention! 5


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CATALOG OF CONTROL SCHEMES. 1.Protecting the life and health of children 1.1 Creating conditions in the group to protect the life and health of children 1.2 Condition of the site 1.3 Organization of children’s activities during the day 1.4 Organization

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SU-JOK THERAPY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING FINE MOTOR SKILLS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Teacher-speech therapist: Dobryakova I. A. Educator: Sharypova A. A. MBDOU “Kindergarten 64” Currently a development problem

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Beloyarsk district “Child development center kindergarten “Skazka”, Beloyarsk “Family and preschool educational institutions, as a sociocultural environment for the formation of spiritual and moral

Approved by the Head, Prinya Teachers Date: 09/26/2013 Plan of group work “Theater workshop” Age group: preparatory teacher: Jordan Tatyana Alekseevna Academic year: 2013 - 2014

BSU SO OO "Bolkhovsky orphanage-boarding school for children with physical disabilities." Analysis of the methodology for using a set of games and exercises for the development of visual-motor coordination with students from

Project for the development of fine motor skills in the second group of early age 1 MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type 1 in Shebekino, Belgorod region” “Skillful fingers” Prepared by: teachers Yakusheva S.A.

Development musical abilities for older preschoolers through the use of design technology, music director of the first qualification category of MADOU "DS 28 of Blagoveshchensk" Rybchenko

FORMS AND METHODS OF WORK FOR INVOLVING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN TO FICTION MBDOU d/s 87 “Rassvet”, Bryansk Message prepared by: teacher Yatskova Larisa Vasilievna 1. Reading fiction