Summary of the lesson “Finger theater. DIY finger theater

Rukan Natalya Valerievna,


second qualification category

MADO kindergarten No. 73 in Tyumen

Finger Theater - this is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. It could just be individual dolls, animals, some objects for staging a fairy tale, or everything famous characters our favorite Russian folk tales. The Finger Theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child’s hand, in which he can take the role of any hero. A child can put any character on his finger and play. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. Theater is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop mobility of the fingers of both hands, help master the speech of characters, help develop lexicon and activate speech functions.

The finger theater is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Target: develop fine motor skills in combination with speech; development of children's communication abilities preschool age in the process of finger theater.

Tasks: Teach children to act out small plays, skits, fairy tales using a finger theater;

Develop: speech, thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination; enrich vocabulary;

Call positive emotions; instill a sustainable interest in the theater;

Description: knitted, sewn finger puppets, decorations.

Preparation: Set up the scenery, assign roles.

Variability of use:

Learning nursery rhymes;

Dolls can be used for acquaintance and learning to count (for example, in the fairy tale “Teremok” a mouse, a frog, and a hare began to live together, then a fox came and there were four of them); to get acquainted with the characters and plot of a fairy tale, to get acquainted with the concepts of “right - left”, “next to each other”;

Acting out fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”...;

Make up your own fairy tale;

Guess the hero;

- “Who says what” (onomatopoeia);

- “The world of emotions” (sadness, joy, anger, surprise);

- “Name what color is the hero?” (gingerbread man - yellow, fox - orange, mouse - gray).

Finger theater and games with fingers develop the child’s brain, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, and imagination of the baby. Simple moves help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. The better the fingers and the entire hand work, the better baby speaks.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!

On June 2, 2015, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional methodological exhibition “Modern educational environment of kindergarten and family” took place at the information and exhibition complex of the Tyumen Regional Duma.

Yulia Kalenik

Finger Theater- this is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. These could just be individual dolls, animals, some objects for dramatizing a fairy tale, or well-known characters from our favorite Russian folk tales.

1. Finger Theater– this is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child’s hand, in which he can play the role of any hero.

2. Theater- This is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop mobility fingers of both hands, help to master the speech of characters, helps develop vocabulary and activates speech functions.

How to play finger theater

Game options finger theater depend on the age of the child.

One-year-olds and two-year-olds are ready for the simplest scenarios, which are best played with one hand.

From the age of three you can introduce the second hand and complicate the scenario.

At 4-5 years old, children are able to perform several actions that successively replace each other.

At first, you can simply introduce the baby to the dolls, let the child touch and examine all the heroes of the fairy tale. Then put the characters on your clothes one by one. fingers and communicate with the child on their behalf. Then invite your child to put the doll on finger and try to communicate with each other. Next, you can act out a fairy tale in front of your child. Children perceive well-known Russian folk songs better fairy tales: "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok". Moreover, it is better to read a fairy tale before this, look at the pictures, discuss the characters and the development of the plot with the child.

At first finger theater classes are held purely as theatrical performances.

As soon as the baby learns how to play with dolls, you can start performing together. To begin with, teach your child to play with one hand; as he grows up, you need to choose more complex fairy tales, poems and songs, consisting of several actions, with a large number of characters.

During theatrical actions, be sure to focus on the intonation of speech of each character (the mouse speaks in a squeaky voice, the bear speaks in a bass voice, etc.). Develop your child's voice intonation and onomatopoeic skills.

From story game you need to move on to any addition to the plot. This promotes the development of imagination, speech becomes figurative and expressive.

Kinds finger theater

Another option finger puppets, cardboard doll. Cut out a figure from cardboard, in the lower part of which, use scissors, make two round holes for fingers(index and middle). Fingers will be the legs of the pupa. Moving fingers, you will create the feeling that your doll is alive.

To play finger theater You can use parts from toothbrushes. These are the heads of different animals that cover the brush

Cut out a square of paper with sides of 5 cm, bend it in half diagonally (Fig. 1, turn the square so that the fold line is at the bottom - you get a triangle. Bend the upper corner of the triangle to the base, bending in half first the left and then the right corners and straighten back (Fig. 2,3). Mark points 1 and 2 (the intersections of the bisectors of the lower corners with the sides of the triangle. Take the left corner and bend it to right side triangle to point 1 (Fig. 4). Take the right corner and bend it to the right side of the triangle, to point 2 (Fig. 5). Bend the outer layer of the upper corner of the resulting figure towards you, inserting it between the layers of paper. (Fig. 6). Bend the inner layer of the corner inside the resulting cap (Fig. 7). Glue beads instead of eyes, draw a smile, make hair from threads. The doll is ready!

Finger Theater- these are small figures that are put on fingers hands of adults and children and are used to stage fairy tales and stories.

When playing it is important to work differently fingers, in pairs fingers, one and two hands, several fingers at the same time. All this helps with the development of coordination of movements and the brain.

Advantages finger theater

Finger Theater is a type of puppet theater and has the following advantages over the rest of it species:

Finger Theater promotes the development of fine motor skills. Thanks to actions with dolls, subtle differentiated movements are formed fingers;

Usage finger theater does not imply that the child has special technical skills that may be needed when using glove puppets, puppets, etc.

Finger Theater is familiar to children from early preschool age, as educators widely use it in various classes during the learning process;

In dramatizations finger theater allows the child to show several characters at once;

Dolls finger theater take up little space and do not require large material costs. There are various types finger theater

IN finger theater director's acting is used as a form theatrical games. In it, the child does not play the role of any character himself, but controls the artists - the dolls. In this form child theatrical play"voices" his characters and comments on the plot like an author, thereby developing his monologue.

There are various types finger theater, manufactured using various technologies that take into account the physiological capabilities of children.

IN work program types of integration are defined educational areas and targets preschool education. Theater activities help develop the child's interests and abilities; contribute to overall development; manifestation of curiosity, desire to learn new things, assimilation new information and new ways of acting, the development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles.



Working programm

theatrical activity circle


(on the development of social and communicative

qualities of preschool children

through theatrical activities)

I - junior group

Explanatory note

The program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle for children in accordance with the definition of the Federal State Educational Standard is comprehensive program formation of their knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, as one of the value components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child.

As one of the means to help maintain the emotional well-being of a child in kindergarten interesting and accessible to him theatrical and play activities can serve.

Development of the child’s creative activity, his emotions and feelings, emancipation of the preschooler’s behavior, creation of the most comfortable situation for children to communicate with each other and the teacher - actual problems modern pedagogical science and practice.

Children's creativity is especially manifested in games - dramatizations, which are based on folklore: these are fairy tales, nursery rhymes. As a rule, the plot and play actions here are determined by the content of the work itself, and by playing out the plot, the child consolidates, clarifies and expands knowledge about the environment. But in order for children to be able to convey the appropriate image, they need to develop their imagination, teach them to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, to be imbued with their feelings and experiences. P. Blonsky believed that all types of games are essentially the art of a child, his creativity, which means that games - dramatization can be called creative play.

Children's creativity in these games is aimed at creating a game situation, at a more emotional embodiment of the role they have taken on.

Such games arise if the child has mastered a fairy tale or nursery rhyme as piece of art, and the adult ensured the creative, improvisational nature of this development. To preserve the playful essence of the nursery rhyme, it is important to ensure active position child in this development. A partnership style of communication allows children to express creativity not under the guidance of the teacher, but together with him. The result of pedagogical influence is the emergence of creative activity in preschoolers, motives for creative activity, and the need for self-expression.


  • Creating conditions for the emotional well-being of children of primary preschool age through theatrical activities.
  • Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities.
  • Development of creative activity of young children.
  • Fostering a love for theater and theatrical activities.


1. Create the necessary conditions for conducting theatrical and play activities. Organize an appropriate developmental subject-spatial environment in the group.

2. Consolidate ideas about surrounding objects; ability to name pieces of theatrical play equipment. Develop children's interest and careful attitude to toys, theatrical dolls.

3. To develop the ability to follow the development of action in dramatizations and puppet shows.

4. Develop children's speech with the help of puppet theater: enriching vocabulary, developing the ability to construct sentences, achieving correct and clear pronunciation of words.

5. To develop the ability to convey basic emotions through facial expressions, posture, gestures, and movements.

6. Introduce children to the techniques of puppeteering tabletop dolls.

7. To develop the ability to concentrate attention on a toy or theatrical puppet.

8. Encourage the desire to participate in dance improvisations.

9. Develop children’s initiative and independence in games with theater dolls.

11. Develop a desire to speak to parents and kindergarten staff.

The work program is intended for children 2-3 years old (first junior group) and lasts 14 weeks.

Program implementation period: 2015-2016

Forms and mode of circle work:

Working with children includes creative activity children, both joint and independent:

  • gaming creativity
  • song creativity
  • writing fairy tales, modifying fairy tales,
  • accompaniment of the movements of the dolls with words, songs,
  • improvisation,
  • summarizing,
  • information processing, diagnostics.

The work program defines types of integration of educational areas and targets for preschool education.

Circle work is carried out 2 times a month for 8-10 minutes, 14 times a year.

One of the main tasks modern teacher– teach children a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of physical defects and diseases. Emotional sphere can be considered as one of the main factors determining the child’s mental health and the development of his initially prosperous psyche. The emotional well-being of a child in kindergarten is his positive emotions, a sense of emotional comfort, security and trust, important condition maintaining his mental health.

Theater activities help develop the child's interests and abilities; contribute to overall development; manifestation of curiosity, desire to learn new things, assimilation of new information and new ways of action, development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. In addition, theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, and hardworking, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, and the ability to improvise.

Theatrical activities and frequent performances on stage in front of spectators contribute to the realization of the child’s creative powers and spiritual needs, emancipation and increased self-esteem. Alternating the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly takes on, helps him demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and imagination.

Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the child’s speech apparatus. Completing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master your body and understand the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, and teach them to notice and evaluate their own and others’ mistakes. Children become more relaxed and sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and understand the world around them more subtly.

Conditions favorable for the development of theatrical games:

  • WITH early age teach children to listen to artistic word, respond emotionally to it.
  • Cultivate interest in dramatization and theatrical activities.
  • Take care of the equipment of the games.
  • Pay serious attention to the selection of literary works for dramatization games.
  • Pedagogical guidance. The main goal of pedagogical guidance is to awaken the child’s imagination, to create conditions for the children themselves to show as much creativity and ingenuity as possible.
  • This is a creation theater corner in a group that includes:
  1. Tabletop theater
  2. Theater "Varezhka"
  3. Finger Theater
  4. Scenery.
  5. Theater on iron lids
  6. Theater on flannelgraph

Calendar – thematic planning




Work with children

Working with parents




Introduce children to the techniques of puppeteering a table toy.

Create a joyful mood from communicating with her, create a desire to hold the toy in your hands, and examine it carefully.

The teacher shows the children a soft dog. This is followed by song improvisation while simultaneously performing actions according to the text.

You stroke it and it caresses you. Teacher petting a dog

You tease and it bites. He shakes his finger.

Sitting on a chain Pointing to the chain

The house is guarding

“I won’t let a stranger into my house. He rocks the dog; its face is turned to the children.

I’m sad without my owner.”

Children repeat these actions 3-4 times
Puppet show “Toys”

Imitation sketches:




4. Musical and rhythmic exercises “We are going” with toys.

Material: Soft toy Dog. Toys Bear, Goat, Cat.

from the working program - mine.

N. Sorokina, L. Milanovich “Puppet theater for the little ones.” pp. 36-37


"Ryaba Chicken"

Stimulate children's emotional perception of theatrical play and active participation in it;

develop motor activity of children.

Sketches for the expression of basic emotions. “Mouse, mouse, why aren’t you sleeping?”

Game "Bunnies and Bears".

Vosp puts on bunny hats and masks for girls, and bear hats for boys. Offers to listen to music suitable for bunnies or bears. Depicts the jumping of a bunny and the heavy gait of a bear.

Puppet show (wooden) “The Ryaba Hen”.

Drawing:Rock hens (handprint)


parents to make masks.



Make children want to sing along to certain words of the song by watching the teacher’s actions with the toy.

Encourage them to carefully follow the development of action in the fairy tale and answer the teacher’s questions

Imitation exercises to music (Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear)

Puppet show (flannelograph) “Teremok”

Game "Gray Cat"

Russian storytelling folk tale"Teremok" by children with the help of a teacher.


Glove theater "Teremok", hats - cat masks, mice (according to the number of children)

N. Sorokina, L. Milanovich “Puppet theater for the little ones”

Page 201-203.


"Zayushkina's hut"

Support children's desire to collectively tell familiar fairy tales; provide further development diverse ideas about types of theater.

Help to find means of expressing the image in movements, facial expressions, gestures.

Sketches for the expressiveness of movements and basic emotions. "Guests"

Pantomime game "Guess who I'll show you."

(Hare, Bear, Fox, Rooster, Dog)

Toy theater "Zayushkina hut".

Telling the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” by children with the help of a teacher.

Drawing a Fox (paint).

Parents' participation in the ice building "Izbushka"

N. F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater” p. 67


"Bragging Hare"

Maintain interest in theatrical and play activities.

To improve the motor activity of children in games with poetic accompaniment to create a desire to transform into the depicted image.

Reading poems about a hare.

Folk game "Jump and Jump".

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Bunny”.

Picture theater performance.

N. Sorokina, L. Milanovich “Puppet theater for the little ones pp. 179-183



Develop fine motor skills in combination with speech; develop a sustainable interest in various theatrical activities; introduce the theater of hands; foster partnerships between children; teach children to expressively reproduce a given phrase with intonation

Finger games: “Sunny bunnies”, “Like yesterday at grandma’s”.

Sketches for the reproduction of individual character traits “Shadow-Shadow”.

Finger theater "Kolobok"

Telling the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” by children with the help of a teacher.

Application: “Kolobok”.

Parents' meeting "Theatrical activities as a means of developing speech and emotional development of a child."

“Finger games for children” Ermakova O. E pp: 152-153, 184-185.

N. F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater” pp. 67-68


"Under the mushroom"

Develop children's speech through puppet theater. Expand vocabulary, form articulation. develop the ability to monitor the development of action; continue to teach how to convey the emotional state of characters

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”, conversation about them.

Imitation game “Guess who asked for a fungus”

Theater on clothespins "Under the mushroom"

Telling the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”. “Mushroom” applique made from waste material.


conversations about the social and psychological characteristics of children.


"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, in combination with speech;

Develop a sustainable interest in various theatrical activities;

Arouse a desire to participate in games - dramatizations;

Lead children to create an image of a hero using facial expressions, gestures, and movements

A study on the expressiveness of emotions “Mouse, mouse, why aren’t you sleeping? »

Finger games

Improvisation on children's music. instruments.

Free dance of goats and kids."

Tabletop wooden theater: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Making attributes for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

N. F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater” p. 67

Ermakova S. O. “Finger games for children” p. 188


"Excursion to the spring forest"

Instill a love for theatrical art.

Encourage children to want to speak in front of their parents and kindergarten staff.

Encourage children's desire to participate in games - dramatizations.

Performing the song “Merry Travellers”.

Dance improvisation “Waltz of the Flowers”, “Butterflies”.

Game "Hares and wolves".

Game "Starlings and Cat".

Dramatization "Under the Mushroom".

Performing the song "Merry Travelers".

Involving parents in a joint excursion.

N. F. Sorokina “Playing puppet theater” pp. 81-84

Pedagogical diagnostics

List of children

The ability to follow the development of action in dramatization games

Imitation of characteristic actions of characters

Techniques for driving tabletop dolls

Desire to act with costume elements

Improvisation on simple song plots

Summing up forms


Participation in matinees,

Showing fairy tales to other kindergarten groups.


  1. Exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva
  2. T.I.Petrova, E.Ya.Sergeeva, E.S.Petrova “Theatrical games in kindergarten” Moscow “School press” 2000
  3. M.D. Makhaneva “Theatrical classes in kindergarten” Moscow, Creative Center “Sfera”, 2003
  4. T.N. Karamanenko, Yu.G. Karamanenko “Puppet theater for preschoolers” Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1982
  5. I.V. Shtanko “Education through art in kindergarten” Moscow, Creative Center “Sphere”, 2007
  6. N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milavanovich “Program Theater - creativity - children” Moscow, 1995

Development of fine motor skills of fingers, learning to consciously control the organs of the articulatory apparatus, producing an air stream, distinguishing sounds by ear - the main methods of formation correct speech child both in kindergarten and at home.

Stiffness in finger movements in poorly speaking children indicates an underdeveloped fine motor skills. Research results by N.S. Zhukova, M.M. Koltsova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva confirms that training fine movements of the fingers stimulates speech development.

The visual-figurative nature of the thinking of preschool children makes it possible to turn learning into a game. For this purpose, you can use such a traditional form of work as finger theater, especially with children who have severe speech disorders (SSD, stuttering), pronounced general, fine and articulatory insufficiency.

Children's palchikov theater:

  • develops attention, thinking, memory, has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech, i.e. stimulates speech development;
  • helps remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieves mental fatigue;
  • develops the hands, they become more mobile and flexible, which will help in the future to master writing skills. First of all, we should recommend that parents take their child to a real theater for various children's performances or organize viewing of children's performances in a home cinema.

To organize a finger theater in a group, you first need to make a stage and a curtain from any waste material together with the children and explain to them that your unusual theater is a finger theater: “The fingers are actors, and you and I are directors.” Decorations and hats for fingers can be made from paper, fabric or other safe material, including parents in this work.

As in a real theater, preparations for the performance are carried out: the stage is set up, roles are assigned, costumes are made, and rehearsals are held. When everything is ready, you can start learning - playing. Try to pay more attention to your children, do not forget to praise them, and they will please you with their achievements. I wish you success!

Finger theater in the system of correction of speech defects in preschool children

Actor training. Development of movements

On the table there is a table theater - a screen.

Speech therapist. What is this? (Theater.)

Who plays in the theater? (Actors.)

Guess the riddle and name who will be an actor in our theater.

Five brothers

Equal for years

They are different in height.

The actors in our theater will be the fingers, and we, the directors, will teach them to move correctly. Let's start preparing them.

The speech therapist stands behind a screen and demonstrates the movements to the child, who repeats them. The number of games offered to a child depends on his individual characteristics and opportunities.

Fingers stood together in a row.

Children place their hands in front of their faces, turning their palms back.

We bent down and again

They clench and unclench their fingers.

Stretched up, stretched,

They move their fingertips.

They remained standing straight.

We have a lot of fun playing

We exercise our fingers.

They touch with the pads of the fingers of the same name.

Every finger is like a hook

Got caught on a side.

Grab each finger, starting with the right little finger, with the little finger of the left hand, like a hook. right hand, then the same movements with the little finger of the right hand.

We will continue training

We walk very smartly.

A firm step means success in everything,

We are walking very briskly.

They walk with all their fingers.

We rode on the swings

Fingers were flying up and down.

They clench their hands into a “lock”; press the fingers of the right hand to back side left palm, straighten the fingers of the left hand; alternately change the position of the fingers of both hands.

What an attraction!

He was very funny!

The fingers are sitting in the house,

They want to look out.

Squeeze right palm left palm.

We will help them a little -

And you will get a window.

Connect and round large and index fingers both hands, then large and medium, etc.

Children, look into every window.

Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, creates conditions for maintaining normal speech volume, strictly observing pauses, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness.

Such imperfections in speech breathing, such as the inability to rationally use exhalation, speech while inhaling, incomplete renewal of the air supply, which negatively affect speech development, can be caused by improper upbringing and insufficient attention of adults to children’s speech.

Children who have weakened inhalation and exhalation tend to speak quietly and have difficulty pronouncing long phrases. When air is used irrationally, the fluency of speech is disrupted due to the addition of air in the middle of a phrase. Often such children do not finish the words and often pronounce them in a whisper at the end of the phrase. Sometimes, in order to finish a long phrase, they are forced to speak while inhaling, causing speech to become unclear, convulsive, and choking. A shortened exhalation forces you to speak phrases at an accelerated pace, without observing logical pauses.

The main tasks in working on the development of speech breathing include:

  • development of free, smooth, extended exhalation with special game exercises;
  • developing the ability to pronounce small phrases

or meaningful segments in one exhalation by imitating the speech of an adult. The following funny skit games can help you develop proper speech breathing. To use them, you need to prepare the scenery together with the children, the characters that they dress up on, introduce the children to the text, assign roles, and conduct rehearsals. You can take several skits in which different children participate. The children enjoy watching the mini-performances and are even more willing to participate in them.

A beautiful large flower bloomed in a sunny forest clearing. He pulled his stem and leaves towards the sun. The wind gently ruffled its petals. But he was very lonely. One day a flower heard in the distance: w-w-w... The sound kept getting stronger: w-w-w... It was a huge bumblebee. He had been flying for a long time and was tired. The flower invited him to rest and treated him to delicious flower juice. Bumblebee was very grateful to him and offered his friendship. The flower was no longer bored. The bumblebee often flew to visit him and entertained him with his favorite song.

There lived a hare and a little hare in the forest. Every morning the mother bunny went in search of food, and the little bunny remained at home alone. To prevent him from getting lost, his mother put a ringing bell around his neck. Wherever the little bunny jumped, the cheerful sound of a bell was heard: ding-ding-ding... The bunny gallops along the path: ding-ding-ding... Got entangled in the tall grass: ding ding-ding... Stuck in the thick bushes: ding-ding-ding... Mom Returning home, he easily finds his son by the ringing of the bell.

Parrot Gosha loves coconuts very much. One day, while walking along a sunny island, he noticed coconuts on a tall palm tree. Since Gosha did not know how to fly high, he came up and began to knock on the trunk of the palm tree with his beak: t-t-t... The coconuts hung motionless. He started drumming again: t-t-t... The coconuts weren’t even going to fall. What to do? A long-necked giraffe walked by. He got the coconuts without difficulty. Gosha split them with his strong beak: d-d-d... and the friends enjoyed the coconut pulp together.

Warm day. There is a bright radiant sun in the sky. It decided to have fun and sent sunbeams to the ground. One sunbeam jumped onto a flower: hop... - the flower became brighter. Another bunny jumped: hop-hop... onto the puddle - and sun splashes flew across the water. The third bunny jumped on the kitten, who was sleeping on the grass near the house. It was nice to the sunny bunny jump on the soft fluffy fur: skok-skok-skok... The kitten woke up and wanted to catch him, but failed. The bunny quickly jumped onto the grass, from the grass to a bush, to a tree. They only saw him: skok-skok-skok...

Raindrops lived in a cloud. Together with her they traveled all over the world. They sailed over seas, forests, gardens, houses, rivers. The droplets never left their little house - the clouds - and watched all this beauty from the window. But one day the cloud said: “It’s time for you, little droplet daughters, to come to the ground and give life-giving moisture to the flowers, trees, plants and all living things. It’s very bad for everyone without water.” The bravest droplets were the first to jump from the cloud: drip, drip... Then everyone else hurried to bring joy and goodness to the earth: drip, drip, drip...

Worked for railway funny little train. It transported passengers from one point to another. Everyone loved him very much and waited for him. If somewhere in the distance it starts to be heard: tu-oo, tu-oo... (Children take a breath through their nose and exhale through their mouths and say it quietly.) This means that our friend the little train is already on its way. Soon he will appear and notify us of his arrival with a ringing beep: tu-tu-tu... (They say it in a loud voice as they exhale.) Everyone greets him joyfully. Passengers are seated in the carriages, and the locomotive continues on its way: tu-tu-tu... (As you exhale, with a decrease in the volume of the voice.) It’s a little sad, but he will definitely return and delight you with a ringing song: tu-tu-tu... (They say it loudly.)

The wind blows on the waves. They hit the shore and make noise: sh-sh-sh... Small pebbles rub against each other: sh-sh-sh... Small grains of sand try to get to the shore, but the waves return them to the sea: sh-sh-sh... But the sea threw them out beautiful shells on the shore. If you put them to your ear, you can hear the sound of waves: shhhh...

Above the sea, white seagulls flap their huge wings, resisting strong wind: sh-sh-sh... And all these sounds merge into magical music seas.

Sasha and Masha have a cuckoo clock hanging on the wall in their house. The cuckoo tells what time it is with its song. When children come home from school, the cuckoo calls them once: peek-a-boo (1 o'clock in the afternoon); when children have lunch: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo (2 p.m.); when lessons are taught: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo (3 p.m.); when they go for a walk: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo (4 p.m.). The guys always know the time and are on time everywhere.

Development of dialogic speech

Dialogue is the first stage in the development of coherent monologue speech. On modern stage development of psychology and pedagogy in general methodological works, certain experimental and research material has been accumulated, allowing us to approach the creation of a scientifically based basis for formation of dialogical speech in normally developing children.

Works by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyeva, Yu.N. Lotman, S.L. Rubinshteina, O.M. Sokolova, L.P. Yakubinsky are devoted to the study of mental mechanisms and patterns of dialogic speech, its interaction with thinking. Dialogue as a contact of subjects carrying out not only linguistic communication, but also the interaction of their inherent semantic positions, was studied by B.G. Ananyev, N.I. Zhinkin, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Leontyev, E.I. Passov, L.V. Shcherboy and others. Dialogical speech as the primary natural form of verbal communication was considered in their studies by L.I. Aryupina, A.S. Zimuldinova, A.P. Koval, S.A. Leonov, M.R. Lviv. In the works of I.A. Lyashkevich, M.I. Pentilyuk, N.F. Skripchenko developed a system of tasks aimed at developing in children various types and forms of dialogic speech, criteria for assessing the skills of primary school students.

Unfortunately, in special pedagogy and psychology, the methods and content of work on the formation of dialogical speech in preschool children with disabilities have not yet been sufficiently developed and scientifically substantiated. speech development. Speech therapists turn to general didactic recommendations and sometimes rely on techniques designed for normally developing children.

This is not always effective. The insufficient development of this problem has necessitated the creation of a manual that promotes the formation of dialogical speech in children with severe speech disorders.

The main tasks for teaching preschoolers dialogical speech include:

  • Enriching children's speech experience various types dialogical remarks.
  • Learning to understand a variety of proactive requests (messages, questions, incentives) and respond correctly to them.
  • Entry into verbal communication using simple forms of dialogue: questions and answers.
  • Developing the ability to use appropriate intonation, gestures and facial expressions.

The imitative abilities of preschool children help them master speech patterns of dialogical remarks: the speech of others, literary works, various theatrical performances, performances, conversations after viewing them.

In the work, it is advisable to use games with dialogic content, designed to teach children dialogical cues and functions, entering into a dialogue one by one, adhering to the topic of conversation and other rules of dialogue and speech etiquette.

Teaching Dialogue Cues

An adult introduces children to the characters Masha and Sasha. Offers to make friends and play out various situations that happen to them. Reports the content of the skit, distributes roles, makes scenery together with the children, and rehearses. Draws attention to the clarity of pronouncing lines, taking into account the appropriate intonations. Scenes can be shown separately or several at once. During preparation for another skit, various games can be played for the audience.

Scene 1. Hare and pig

The hare picked a carrot in the garden.

I met a piglet.

Piglet. Hello, bunny.

Hare. Hello, piggy.

Piglet. Give me a carrot, bunny.

Hare. I have only one.

Piglet. Give it, please.

Hare. Okay, I'll share.

The hare chewed the carrot in half, kept one part for himself, and gave the other to the pig.

Scene 2. Telephone conversation

The phone rings. Sasha calls Masha.

Masha. Hello.

Sasha. Hello! It's me.

Masha. Hello. What did you want?

Sasha. Let's go shopping.

Masha. For what?

Sasha. Let's buy a cake and go have tea.

The children met and went to the store to buy a cake. Then they drank tea and told each other funny stories.

Scene 3. Building a city

Sasha is building a house out of blocks.

Masha. What are you doing?

Sasha. I'm building a house.

Masha. You can build a city.

Sasha. Come to me, we will build together.

Masha. I will build a store and a kindergarten.

Sasha. And I'm a few more houses away.

The children built a wonderful city out of cubes. They filled it with toys and began to play together

Scene 4. Mom's helpers

Mom is at work. Masha and Sasha decided to cook dinner.

Masha. Take a saucepan and fill up with water, please.

Sasha. Fine. What will we cook?

Masha. Borsch. Bring some vegetables.

Sasha. Look, did I bring everything?

Masha. No, I forgot the cabbage.

Sasha. I quickly. Here, Masha, cabbage.

The children peeled and cut the vegetables. put them in a saucepan. The water boiled and the borscht was cooked. The tired mother returned from work, and the children fed her a delicious lunch. Mom praised the children.

Scene 5. Big wash

Masha decided to play with her dolls, but saw that their clothes were dirty. She took it off and started washing it.

Sasha. Masha, what are you doing?

Masha. I'm doing the laundry.

Sasha. And I stained my shirt. Can you wash it?

Masha. Well, what can you do with you? Take it off.

Masha washed Sasha’s shirt, and he helped her pour out the water and hang up the laundry.

Scene 6. Gift for mom

Mom's birthday is coming soon. Sasha and Masha decided to draw a picture for her. Have taken large leaf paper and began to draw.

Masha. What will you draw?

Sasha. Sun. What about you?

Masha. And I am the clouds.

Sasha. What else should we draw?

Masha. Forest, flowers and river.

Sasha. And I will draw a steamboat on the river.

Mom really liked the picture. She framed it and hung it in the living room.

Scene 7. A friend does not leave you in trouble

Masha sat on the shore of the lake and cried.

Sasha. Masha, what happened?

Masha. My ball rolled into the lake.

Sasha. Where is he?

Masha. Over there, far away.

Sasha. Don't cry, I'll take the boat and get your ball.

The boy got to the ball on the boat, took it and returned it to Masha. The girl was very grateful to him.

Scene 8. For mushrooms

Masha and Sasha went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Sasha. Masha, do you see mushrooms? Masha. Not yet.

Sasha. And you look under the bushes, under the leaves.

Masha. Hooray! I found!

Sasha. Is the mushroom not poisonous?

Masha. No. He has a large hat and a thick leg.

The children picked up baskets full of mushrooms and returned home. And mom baked them pies with mushrooms.

Learning and dramatizing ready-made dialogues

To form this aspect of speech, dialogue scenes have been developed for finger theater on lexical topics. They can be shown separately or included in the structure of the lesson. The desire of preschoolers to participate in dramatization games increases if children are invited to performances junior groups, organize theater festivals.

Compiled poetic dialogues teach children the ability to communicate, conduct a conversation, answer questions, use different intonations in speech, select the right tempo, change the strength of the voice, and practice correct speech breathing.

Before the show skits-dialogues the same preparatory work, as in the section " Formation of speech breathing" The author's words are spoken by an adult, children - the words of the characters in the dialogues.

Dialogues in the garden

Sweet pepper met

Gorky little brother:

- Something has become very thin,

You've lost too much weight.

Hot pepper replied:

- That’s why I became thin,

That I followed a diet

I didn’t eat sweets at all

That's why I lost weight.

Cabbage and onions

Cabbage says to onion:

“Undressing is not a pain for me,

I have a hundred clothes

And they are all without fasteners.”

The onion answered the cabbage:

“I am, of course, your friend.

Well, who will undress me?

He will regret this."

Carrots and beets

In the garden, in the dungeon,

Two sisters are sitting.

They braid their hair.

Conversations are started.

Harvest Festival

He will come to us soon.

And the outfit is orange

It suits me very well.

Beetroot I'll open it for you

Your big secret:

I have burgundy

Knitted vest.

Dialogues on berry bushes

Red and black currants

Bushes grow in the garden,

The berries live on them:

On currant branches

Red and black kids.

Black berries

We are on top of the Black Maziki,

We are black inside too.

Healthy black juice

Full to the brim.

red berries

Ruby beads

They burn in the sun.

Currant berries -

Vitamin treasure.

Raspberries and grapes

Summer. Noon. Sun.

Here are raspberries and grapes.


I like to treat my friends

Its delicious berries.

I am a sweet raspberry.

Very fragrant.

There are different types of berries -

Black, green, red,

Small and big

And so useful.

Here are the currants - small,

Well, the melon is great.

And watermelon and melon -

Berries from now on.

You, watermelon, look like a ball:

Round, striped.

Just hide your tail

Very long.

It rained for a very long time

And he gave me water to drink.

My sides were heard,

And now I'm so round.

Don't be angry, I'm not out of malice.

You are very sweet to me.

We'll make friends with you

Let's be brother and sister.

Victoria Zdvizhkova

"A child's mind is at his fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The children in our group, especially the girls, love the finger theater. It's no secret that in addition to the aesthetic pleasure of playing with a finger puppet theater They develop a child’s imagination, curiosity, sociability, interest in creativity, promote the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, perseverance, broaden their horizons, help cope with shyness and much more.

In this regard, on one of parent meetings we decided to fill our theater with characters made by ourselves.

The parents tried their best and sewed the fairy tale "Teremok"

It turned out that everything was not so difficult.

Some parents are hooked for the first time. And it turned out pretty good, in our opinion.

One family presented a nursery rhyme called "Magpie Crow" made from felt.

We made some of the animals ourselves with the children from plasticine.

Thanks to the finger theater, the child has the opportunity to fantasize, invent his own fairy tales and stories. Parents thanks a lot for active participation in the life of the kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

I sewed all the toys from hard Korean felt. They are bright and attract children's attention. The finger puppet theater helps the teacher.

You can create a finger theater with your own hands. This requires a little creativity and imagination. Children love to play with their fingers.

The finger theater “Ryaba Hen” is made of felt, taking into account the size of a child’s hand. The simple text and plot of the tale allow you to play even with...

Take 200 grams of flour and 150 grams of salt, add 1/3 cup of water, mix. add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue or wallpaper glue.

Dear Maam members, we all know what a huge role it plays in the lives of children. theatrical activity- Children love to listen, watch, and listen to fairy tales.

Play is the most natural activity of a child. It is precisely this that makes it possible to acquire new knowledge about the world around us and expand it.

All academic year The guys and I worked on the “Pets” project. The guys learned a lot: how and where they live, what they eat, what kind of food they eat.