The rise of the hippies. Hippie subculture. Modern stage. How do hippies become

In the 60s last century, a simply “stunning” cultural movement appeared, which carried away millions of people sympathizing with the suffering planet - the hippie youth movement. This subculture could not pass without a trace, and, undoubtedly, remained forever in the memory of mankind. Further in the article you will learn the history of the hippie movement and other nuances accompanying these events.

The emergence of the hippies

The first wave of the hippie movement in the United States appeared between 1964 and 1972, while America was fighting the Vietnam War. This was the first war in the entire history of the country that the Americans themselves hated. This situation led to the spread of pacifist sentiments, which served as the beginning of the hippie movement. The subculture included young people who were distinguished by strong personal beliefs in injustice social rules. Wealth and satiety, the lack of spirituality of philistine life, bourgeois boredom - all this became the reason that the hippie movement arose among the rebellious youth.

The first use of the word "hippie" was dated April 22, 1964. It was the text of a program from one of the New York television channels. This word was used to describe a group of young people with long hair in T-shirts and jeans who protested against the Vietnam War. At that time, a slang expression was considered popular among young people, which meant the Russian “to be in the know, to cut a trick” - to be hip.

TV crews used the word hippie in a derogatory manner, alluding to the claims of sloppily dressed suburban demonstrators to be hips.

We can say that from the mid-60s the time of the birth of the hippie movement began.

Hippies - flower children

The main slogan of the subculture was pacifism. Values hippie movements included the following: peace and non-violence, protest against military action, refusal military service. Initially, pacifism was aimed at fighting the war in Vietnam, only later it spread to all spheres of human life.

Hippies are characterized by a protest against the “rules” imposed by “people in ties”, against the orderliness and gray boredom of everyday life, and a departure from the formal institutions of society. Reminds me of a kind of peaceful anarchy.

Supporters of the hippie movement refused to be part of the established system and created their own alternative system, which would not be based on social hierarchy.

Representatives of this subculture are characterized by apoliticality. The general desire of supporters is aimed at changing the world through creativity, rather than military coups. In their opinion, the revolution should take place, first of all, in consciousness, and not in society.

Instead of material values, the hippie movement promoted spiritual values, and instead of building a career, self-improvement and creativity.

Main "postulates"

The hippie movement welcomed naturalness in everything. The call to return to the origins of humanity seemed to tell people that civilization had reached a dead end, and the only salvation for people would be to remember their roots and merge with nature.

The symbol of the hippie movement - the flower - expresses protest against military action and various inequalities; in addition, it personified youth and naturalness.

The beauty of the world, joy, and abundance of sensuality came to the fore of the subculture. However, there were also negative consequences: excessive promiscuity led to drunkenness, drug addiction and promiscuous sexual relations. The “sexual revolution,” as some believe, is the brainchild of this subculture.

"Flower Children" deny time frames. The calendar and clock are elements of civilization that are alien to them, imposing their order on the real “living” world.

As the famous journalist of that era, Hunter Thompson, wrote at one time, there was a feeling that everything around was striving for good, that the internal energy of the good-natured guys from the hippie movement was able to stop the atrocities that surrounded them everywhere.

Distinctive characteristics of hippies

Girls and boys from this movement called their long hair“Hayer” and were fond of rock and roll, meditation, hitchhiking, oriental mysticism, lived mainly in communes and loved to weave flowers into their curls - a symbol of peace. It is this way of life that characterizes “flower children.”

Representatives of the subculture refuse any things, conditions that the world of “unfreedom” offers them, namely: hired work, social dogma and morality, rules and structure. After all, freedom and independence are main criterion quality life for real hippies. The hippie movement in the USSR was on a smaller scale and had difficulty breaking through ossified views Soviet people. Hippies were considered street children and worthless representatives of society.

As mentioned earlier, flower children live in communes that allow like-minded people to come together and share ideas, and also provide a wide field for creative activity. Many communes had strict codes prohibiting smoking, drinking, and drug use. In such “monasteries” the ideas of brotherhood and universal love were promoted.

The main rules of interaction with others were expressed as follows: “mind your own business,” “don’t fuss,” “don’t interfere with others’ lives,” “share with others.”

In such a team, each person is full-fledged and has the right to self-improvement, his own opinion and interests. It is the law for any hippie to honor the interests of others as their own, to consider their property as the property of the whole team, to share everything that they have.


According to hippies, the spiritual unity of people is created as a result of a common truth revealed to each member of the team, which sooner or later is achieved on the path of anyone who seeks it.

The life of “flower children” is quite unpretentious: they consider the temporary lack of shelter and food as a common nuisance that is not worth attention. Such people live by “happy chance.”

There is another rather interesting concept among hippies: “just existing.”

This expression refers to the time when a person does nothing, that is, contemplates the world, enjoys sunlight, closing his eyes, and simply being in careless solitude.


Gatherings of hippie representatives are called happenings (sessions). Such events take place in some hot spot where hippies can gather in large numbers to listen together musical works, dancing or talking. Distinctive feature parties or so-called sessions are the simultaneous actions of various people, creating an atmosphere of relaxed chaos.

This confusion is clearly visible during the dances - crowds of supporters of the movement enter and leave the room, dance in colorful or simple costumes under musical accompaniment or without it, in pairs or alone, often not in time with the music, under loud conversations, all in their own way. Half of the people don’t dance at all, but just sit on the floor near the stage. Children rush past them, squealing. This kind of meeting is called a happening.

Hippie look

This part of life is also important in the life of any hippie. Various decorations, long hair, worn jeans - all this is part of this subculture. A hippie would rather spend money on another bauble than on food.

In search of ideals, representatives of the movement turned to the East. This culture significantly influenced the appearance of hippies. Since then, their clothes have been full of ethnic motifs: multi-colored kaftans, Afghan robes, beads with threads in several rows, homemade things made from scraps of fabric.

Blue jeans, which were not particularly popular among society, were decorated with fringes, pictures, leather and beads. “Hipparies” preferred to walk around with bare feet and headbands for long, flowing hair. As the legend says, the bandages served as a kind of amulet for them against “roof-blood.”

Hippie fashion borrowed many aspects of the “gypsy style”: colorful skirts, dresses with exquisitely embroidered bodices, jewelry in the form of coins. Fresh flowers and natural materials were also considered quite popular.

“Ksivnik” - a small chest bag for documents - is still found among youth wardrobe accessories, although its purpose has changed a long time ago.

Braids made from macrame threads in the form of “baubles” were considered quite popular. They had their own symbolism: a wish for a good hitchhiker could be conveyed with a black and yellow striped bracelet, a declaration of love was expressed in the gift of a red and yellow accessory.


An important part of the life of hippies is the use of narcotic substances, through the use of which they confirm their renunciation of the principles of life of ordinary people, and also achieve “expansion of consciousness.”

Many supporters of the movement believe that drugs help to achieve spiritual liberation and open up a huge field for creative activity. But this is just one point of view. Other hippies may tolerate drug use, but do not consider it something sublime. In certain communes of a “monastic” nature, the use and distribution of drugs was prohibited.


Like any subculture, hippies are distinguished by their characteristic music. A revolutionary discovery - rock and roll shocked not only the “philistines”, but also adherents of the subculture in question.

In 1967, hippie anthems (unofficial) were released: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair), performed by Scott McKenzie, and famous song The Beatles under called All You Need Is Love.

The "hippies" also triggered the invention of psychedelic rock. Among the pioneers of psychedelic culture of that time are the Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, etc.

This kind of music is like drugs - it helps expand consciousness. The psychedelic sound is achieved through the use of live instruments and the constantly changing intonation of the solo voice. This effect is said to be achieved through the use of a spectrum of forbidden frequencies that supposedly affect the human brain.

It's time for wonderful days...

Hippies, like most subcultures, have their pros and cons.

This movement should not be idealized or, conversely, reduced to psychedelia and drug addiction. One can only hope that modern generation a hippie will inherit from his ancestors peacefulness, love of life, positivity and brightness.

How to spot a hippie in a crowd?

Hippie symbolism

Hippie style environment

Hippie outside - hippie inside

This subculture arose in the West in the middle of the last century and swept across the world in a bright wave, leaving its traces in all existing styles. According to one version, the word “hippie” arose from the colloquial hip or hep, which translates as “knowing, understanding.” Life in the hippie style presupposes harmony with the outside world, rejection of violence in all its forms and the possession of developed intuition that allows you to feel people and the whole world.

Fans of style are easy-going

Music of peace, love, sun and freedom

The modern face of the hippie subculture

Today the hippie movement is experiencing a new flowering. But modern hippies very different from their ancestors. They do not have such a negative attitude towards the achievements of civilization; they live in cities, but still strive for balance and unity with nature.

Modern hippies on the city streets

The modern hippie eats organic foods and chooses natural materials that do not harm environment. And comprehension of the secrets of existence and merging with the Universe occurs with the help of meditation and yoga, and not under the influence of substances that alter consciousness. Otherwise, the hippie of our time is as friendly, happy and open as his ancestor of the sixties era.

The next generation of hippies will reshape the world in a new way

Bijouterie self made for style lovers

Festivals “for our own” are held in many countries

Dressing in the New Hippie style is very easy. Take your favorite clothes from the closet and ignore classic rules, stating that sports and evening styles cannot be combined under any circumstances. If you are a hippie, you can do anything.

Hippie style decoration - wreath and necklace

Comfortable bright shoes with recognizable symbols

How to spot a hippie in a crowd?

Usually attracted creative people, self-confident. They are not afraid to choose comfortable clothes that reflect their wealth inner world. What specific features are characteristic of the hippie style?

  1. Bright colors are an essential attribute of style. These do not necessarily have to be eye-catching shades, but a variety of prints, designs and floral patterns are very welcome.
  2. The desire for freedom is shown by the loose cut of trousers, skirts and blouses. When you wear clothes in this style, movements are easy and nothing stops you from going on an adventure, dancing until you drop or indulging in art.
  3. We're talking about freedom of expression, right? The hippie style does not limit you in the choice of ensembles, combinations of clothing and accessories. Let your inner artist create whatever comes to mind.
  4. The hippie style loves accessories of all kinds, so only with a colorful flock of bracelets, bright earrings or unusual pendants will the hippie look be complete.
  5. The light and casual hippie style does not welcome shoes with heels. Much closer in spirit to him are others - weightless sandals with many straps, soft ethnic moccasins and cozy suede boots in the cold season.
  6. Otherwise, the style does not limit its adherents. You can safely combine light tunics with massive bracelets and heavy boots, wear ribbons in your hair, or wear a leather vest with a romantic dress. Hippie style is not just, but a real philosophy of life.

It's easy to dance in these bright, comfortable clothes

The fashion for overalls and rompers came from the hippies

Agree, this is your style

Hippie symbolism

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about hippies is pacificism. The sign, similar to a bird's foot, is recognizable in all corners of the globe. It is a symbol of world peace and a sign that its owner does not accept violence.

A modern hippie can be recognized by the covers on the seats of his car.

“Make love, not war” - this slogan spread among hippies during protests against the American-Vietnamese War and became as recognizable a symbol as peace.

Archival photo from the time of anti-war protests

Make love, not war

They are not called “flower children” for nothing. After all, flowers, especially wildflowers, found widespread use in hippie culture. They decorate hair and clothes, paint on fabric and body, collect in bouquets and give to others.

More flowers, more positivity, more love

Tie-dye, which translates to "tie-dye" in English, is that colorful, abstract-patterned tee that's considered a classic '60s hippie staple.

A bright, stylish T-shirt is easy to make yourself

An old Volkswagen T1 or T2 minibus, painted with bright patterns, slogans and, of course, flowers is another characteristic symbol of the hippie era. An entire commune could travel in this way, thus reducing harm to the atmosphere and protesting against a consumer society in which each person has a separate car.

Volkswagen - hippiemobile

Mandala is a sacred Buddhist sign, symbolizing a model of the universe where everything is interconnected. Traditionally, the mandala is round in shape and contains large number details.

Handmade mandala carpet

Hippie style environment

Clothes and accessories alone may not be enough to make you feel like a true pacifist. Look at your home and imagine it decorated in this extraordinary style.

And there is no need to guess - a free, peace-loving person lives here

Representatives of this subculture were adherents of Eastern religions and spiritual practices, and meditation was an integral part of such practices. Therefore, your interior must have ottomans, a comfortable sofa or sofa and plenty of soft pillows. By the way, the more pillows, blankets and decorative elements made by hand, the more soulful and cozy the interior will be.

Almost all the decor can be made with your own hands

Don't plan on too bright white lighting. Natural sunlight and many small lamps with warm yellow light, dispersed throughout the room, will help you relax after have a hard day and create the right mood for meditation.

Indian bedspreads in a cozy hippie bedroom

The color scheme of a hippie-style interior is not much different from the palette of a wardrobe. Ethnic print motifs, bright colors, fringe, beads and floral patterns are the most striking distinctive features hippie. When changing the look of your home, don’t hold back your creative impulses.

Idea for a small apartment with high ceilings

Curtains made of beads in the doorway will jingle melodiously, reminiscent of the gentle summer rain. A lampshade made from a piece of silk lying around in the closet will create relaxing, subdued lighting. And if it is colored fabric, then the light from the lamp will also acquire a light tint, which opens up a huge space for playing with light.

The dacha plot can also be decorated stylishly

Most often, meditation is practiced sitting on the floor in comfortable clothes. Therefore, it is worth getting a nice carpet, or better yet several. Today you can find hundreds of delightful small rugs in oriental ethnic style, the soft pile of which will give the most comfortable sensations to the feet and eyes.

Street art in hippie style

Hippie outside - hippie inside

Hippies of the past dressed in the original. And not at all because they wanted to stand out, but because it was a natural reflection of their freedom-loving and love-filled souls.

Symbol of hippie culture

If you feel that the hippie style touches the deepest strings of your soul, go for it. These clothes, accessories and cute trinkets, as if they came from a fairy tale about elves, can radically change not only a person’s worldview, but also their destiny.

USA, 1960s, long hair, jeans, jewelry, bright colors, world peace - looking at these words, you immediately understand what we are talking about. Hippies are a subculture that upended the usual way of life at the time of its emergence.

The development of the hippie subculture occurred in so-called “waves”: the “first wave” dates back to the late 60s and early 70s, the “second” to the 80s. Since about 1989, there has been a sharp decline, due to a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. The “third wave” of hippies declared itself.

The origins of the hippie movement occurred in the 1960s in the United States. The reason, according to many sources, was the Vietnam War (1964-1972). This war was the first in American history that aroused the hatred and hostility of the Americans themselves. Not wanting war, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. So, on November 22, 1964, in a program on one of the New York channels, the word “hippie” was used for the first time. Then, this word was used to describe a group of young people protesting against the Vietnam War.

The meaning of the word "hippie" comes from English « hip» - understanding or « to be hip» - be aware. The interesting thing is that the hippies themselves never called themselves that. They preferred to be called " wonderful people"or "children of flowers." However, the means mass media played on the term "hippie" and used it everywhere to describe the masses of young people growing their hair long, listening to rock and roll, doing drugs, practicing free love, going to various festivals and concerts, demonstrating and rejecting popular culture early 60s.

Hippie Beliefs:

The most important thing for hippies was to follow the principle ahimsa. In other words, pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war and love of peace. Hippies did not recognize social foundations, but created their own alternative systems of life, denying any hierarchy. To carry out revolutions, according to their teaching, war is not needed, it is enough to use creativity. And so not only with the war: they preferred self-improvement to a career, spiritual values ​​to material values, and freedom of speech and self-expression to generally accepted orders and norms. All this was followed by the emergence of 7 truths of the subculture:

  • a person must be free;
  • freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect his freedom as the greatest treasure;
  • beauty and freedom are identical to each other and the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • all who share the above form a spiritual community;
  • spiritual community - perfect shape dormitories;
  • everyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.

Hippie symbolism:

Hippies are a culture whose adherents are immediately recognizable by their appearance and behavior. The attributes of a hippie include many things. Firstly, this minibus, which hippies painted in incredible colors, calling it “Flower power.” Secondly, an important symbol is pacific(“paw”) is a symbol of peace. Logo of the Organization for Nuclear Disarmament, also used for anti-war demonstrations. This also includes the symbol of Taoist philosophy Yin and Yang .

As for the appearance, everything here is very interesting. Undoubtedly, long hair, both women and men; jeans, which, by the time the culture flourished, became the “signature clothing” of hippies; "baubles"(handmade bracelets made of beads, leather, laces, ribbons or threads), which, by the way, were of great importance to hippies. Depending on the color, thickness, patterns, etc. used in weaving “baubles”, it was possible to determine: life position, musical preferences and even the age of its owner.

Rainbow also plays a significant role in the life of a hippie. On July 4, 1972, a thousand young people climbed Table Mountain in Colorado (USA), held hands and stood there for an hour without saying a word. They decided to achieve peace on Earth neither by strikes nor by demonstrations, but by silence and meditation. At first glance, this event has no connection with the rainbow. However, it so happened that the hippie culture gained a lot of knowledge from the ancient Indians. So the name “Rainbow Gathering” arose from a prophecy of the Mine Indians: “At the end of time, when the Earth is devastated, a new tribe will appear. These people will not be like us either in skin color or habits, and they will speak a different language. But what they will do will help the Earth become green again. They will be called “Warriors of the Rainbow” 10

Can't help but mention flowers, as an attribute of a hippie. It is not for nothing that the second name of the culture is “flower children”. They wove flowers into their hair, gave them to random passers-by, and depicted them on minibuses. Incredibly, they inserted it into the barrel firearms, proclaiming its main slogan “Make love not war”.

Some aspects of the hippie lifestyle generate much more controversy and mixed assessments. Thanks to the "flower children" popularized drugs, which, in their opinion, expanded consciousness; happened sexual revolution, proclaiming tolerance towards non-traditional sexual orientations and same-sex marriage, and also became popular nudism.

In any case, the importance of hippies to society cannot be underestimated. Along with the negative aspects, they gave the world new philosophy, based on freedom, respect, self-discovery and self-expression. But the most important thing for them is love all over the world. Therefore, I would like to end the article with the famous hippie slogan, taken from the song “The Beatles” (The author of the song, John Lennon, was a hippie), « All you need is love "(All you need is love")...

Sources of information:

Initially directed against the Vietnam War. Then pacifism spread to other areas of life. Pacifism implies renunciation of violence and condemnation of military actions.

Representatives of this subculture denied the imposed social institutions, various kinds of formalities and hierarchy.
Hippies were of the opinion that, first of all, changes should occur in the consciousness of man, and not in the structure of society. They extolled spirituality and self-development.

The symbol of hippies is, hence their name “flower children”. They believed that they had reached a dead end in their development. The only option may be to reconnect with nature, enjoying the beauty of the natural world.

This view ultimately led to a number of negative consequences. Hippies abused substances and alcohol and were sexually promiscuous. Mass distribution hippie culture provoked a sexual revolution in the world.

Appearance hippies had their own characteristics. Representatives of both sexes wore long hair, which was woven into it. They preferred loose-fitting clothes, colorful colors, and lots of baubles and jewelry.

Hippie Hobbies

The desire for freedom led to the fact that hippies did not have a permanent place of residence, work, and were not registered in educational institutions. They often spent time meditating and traveling. Much attention and time was devoted to creativity and self-realization, while each person's individual way of self-expression was valued and respected.

Representatives of this subculture often gathered together and spent time in an atmosphere of relaxed chaos. At the same time, individuals or groups of people could indulge in different activities. We listened to music, danced, talked.

Of course, such gatherings were not complete without the use of drugs. In an effort to understand the world better, young people artificially expanded the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. There were also hippie communes where drug use was prohibited.

The hippies preferred rock and roll, which was just emerging at the same time as the subculture. Under the influence of hippies, a new direction appeared - psychedelic rock. This was intended to introduce the listener into a state of altered consciousness.

Although the heyday of hippie culture is a thing of the past, some of its consequences are firmly ingrained in society. For example, tolerance for racial differences, pacifism, promotion of healthy food, environmental movements, the emergence of feminism. On the other hand, this movement provoked increased interest in psychedelics, tolerance of homosexual orientation and sexual permissiveness.

The hippie subculture arose in America in the 60s of the 20th century and, contrary to the widespread stereotype, its heart was not drugs and promiscuity, but pacifism, love of nature and the motto “Make love, not war!” Many social movements, engaged in protecting nature, peacemaking, and protecting endangered animals, appeared precisely on the basis of the hippie subculture.

have always opposed wars, nuclear weapons, eating animals, organized rallies and threw themselves into the embrasure. There were also harmful influences in the hippie subculture, since part of it was a passion for meditation and Taoism. Many of its adherents used drugs to ease their way into trance. Also, some hippies used the subculture slogan “Make love, not war!” as an excuse for promiscuous sex.

The subculture flourished in the 1965-1970s with the Monterey (USA, 1967) and Woodstock (USA, 1969) festivals. The popularity of the flower children movement swept the whole world, promoting their views, musical taste and clothing style. She also had a huge influence on art, cinema, and painting. The icons of the hippie movement in music were jazz and rock musicians: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead. Many films about hippie culture appeared: “Hippies”, “Hippiniad, or the Continent of Love”, “Zabriskie Point”, “Hair”, as well as the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar”. The appearance of hippies has always been recognizable - long hair (why cut off what nature gives), loose clothing with psychedelic patterns, torn jeans, flowers, a lot of hand-made accessories (baubles, belts, knitted bags).

The popularity of the hippie subculture reached the USSR by the end of the 80s, when it had already subsided throughout the world. Soviet youth completely imitated their Western brothers, but under totalitarian rule, freedom-loving hippies had to endure discrimination and arrests. In every big city The USSR had its own small hippie community, which is shown, for example, in the film “House of the Sun.”

Now there are active hippie communes scattered all over the world in Ibiza, Goa, Bali, Morocco, and in Copenhagen there is even a district of Christania, practically a state within a state. In historically established communes, hippies still live, only now older and with children, although the popularity of the subculture does not fade. Characteristic feature The hippie lifestyle can be called hitchhiking, a passion for oriental practices, vegetarianism, and a protest against puritanism.