Basic life positions. Human life positions

An active life position is manifested in various aspects of a person’s life - in study, work, attitude to work, honesty and integrity. Taking an active position in life is not easy. It is not enough to consider yourself an internally principled and honest person and conceal this honesty and integrity within yourself, resorting to it only in cases that are convenient and safe for yourself. Some believe that: “I will be active only as much as it is beneficial and safe for me. And if it is unprofitable and unsafe, stay away from such activity.”

An active life position does not begin on such and such a date, such and such a month; it accompanies a person throughout his entire life for the sake of the society in which he lives and works. His principle: to benefit people.

One of our cosmonauts said that “every person is faced with an alternative: simply ensure his existence or consider that you are created for something more.”

Why have people at all times valued daring, nobility, the priority of business over well-fed contentment, even over their own lives? To understand why strong men rescue children and women from a sinking ship first of all, and not themselves, we must return again and again to the fact that human life and human happiness are human life and human happiness. This is what sets man apart from the animal world with his level of biological well-being.

Only those who are able to give more than they take can be truly happy as a human being. Every person should understand as early as possible, and having understood, make it his life rule that nothing serious in life can be achieved without hard work. A person who is dissatisfied with himself, with his work, with his position - this is a person who will simply eat himself and his neighbors, or even try to find solace in vodka, in binge drinking, in self-affirmation through rudeness.

Social activity is the desire to act among many people like you, and not to watch from the outside how others act and fuss. Social activity is promoted by an open character and need for people, and a favorable attitude towards them, communication, social responsibility and social needs. Social activity makes a person socially enterprising and socially confident.

With the correct determination of his career path in life, the person himself will be happy and will bring much more benefit to the state than if the choice is wrong. A person must have a job he loves, something that is useful to people.

Taking care of your health is not a private matter

One should not think that taking care of health is a purely private matter. For our Motherland, it is far from indifferent whether we pass away at the age of 40, when we are still gaining experience and have only partially given it to others. Or we will be able to pass on our knowledge and experience in full to the next generation. Essentially, early wear and tear is the stolen years of the most intensive and full-fledged labor that creates wealth for the people. Those who create something valuable are the ones who work to the point of oblivion, regardless of health. Everyone can and should be healthy. This does not require anything, only taking care of your body, which is a necessary requirement of every cultured person.

The more carelessly a machine is treated, the sooner it breaks down. And the man?! For the smooth functioning of human organs, a regime is necessary, i.e. sequence of work and rest.

The regime is of great importance for people of mental work, where overwork leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. To prevent it, a change in impressions and relaxation is necessary.

Communicating with nature and being in the fresh air provides a good release. You can go to the cinema, theater, walk briskly down the street. In maintaining health and long active life great value has sleep as the most valuable and necessary rest;

The most beneficial is a night's sleep of 7–8 hours. It is important to combine mental work with physical work.

In addition to the work and rest regime, diet is also of great importance to maintain a person’s working capacity.

We must cultivate restraint in food. Excess weight indicates that there is no proper care for body culture.

The physical wealth of a person is the real task of the state. Physical culture is a counterbalance to nervous shocks, modern comfortable, physically tireless life.

The state of health is determined by reserves that can only be drawn from physical education and sports. There is no more difficult opponent for a person than himself. Or rather, than his laziness. There is no sport that does not teach a person endurance, willpower, and the ability to mobilize in the most difficult moments. Sport is a person’s self-affirmation. Sport is a means to realize one’s potential, and isn’t this exactly what a person strives for when wanting to be happy?

Complete, high-quality nutrition, limited in quantity and calorie content. Efficiency, labor productivity, endurance, and general activity depend on the content of vitamins and microelements in food. A culture of nutrition is required along with daily physical activity.

Family life, its inner world is a very important part of our lifestyle. Society is interested in a strong, spiritual and morally healthy family. The issue of marriage, relationships between men and women, and children is a social, national problem. Maintaining integrity, purity, and high moral principles in this matter is what every person should strive for.

The lack of sexual culture and the crisis state of intimate life can be explained by people’s disrespect for each other, rudeness, hysterical screaming as a method of proving one’s own rightness, conflicts at home and at work, eternal conflict with oneself, the changing nature of sexual life poses moral problems not only for a person, but also before society.

Inability to use contraception is one of the main reasons for the catastrophic increase in unwanted pregnancies and abortions among adolescents.

Every conscious person should cultivate in himself a feeling of the greatest respect for the sacraments of love and not treat a loved one only as a source of physical pleasure.

What does a person need to be happy?

The guarantee of one’s own happiness and the happiness of loved ones lies in a person’s moral principles, in his ability to relate own desires and needs with the desires and needs of those around him, with the needs of society.

Thus, we can conclude: for a person’s happiness, the unity of public and personal, the presence of a big, interesting business that benefits people (“a person for people” is a necessary component), and everything that is commonly called personal happiness is very important (friendship, love, good family, children, good health, well-being, etc.). “Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home from work.”

It is important, however, that a person does not isolate himself in the narrow world of his family, his little well-being, so that he knows how, if necessary, to subordinate the personal to the public.

In L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” there are the following words: “People demand from fate happiness, success, wealth, and the richest of people are not those who received a lot, but those who gave themselves to people more generously than anyone else.” Of course, there are people (and unfortunately there are many of them) who choose what they believe is the shortest path to happiness, ignore the interests of society and those around them, and reduce the role of moral principles in their lives to a minimum. Only life sooner or later punishes them for this, leads to the collapse of life, shows that they lived wrong, chose a ghostly path, moving along which it is impossible to find real happiness,

Modern man needs a lot to be happy: he needs health and material wealth, friendship and love, family and team, science and art, physical education and sports, the joy of creativity and peace on Earth, and much more.

From the first days a person becomes a member of society. He soon comprehends the truth: only he can be called a man who lives for others - lives not only among people, but also for people.

Abstract three


ped. Faculty, III year

“Two people looked from behind prison bars: one saw dirt, the other saw stars.”

Good afternoon, dear reader!

Today on the site we will consider such a concept as "a person's life position" which is presented in book John Maxwell "I am the Winner!" Thanks to Maxwell’s book, we will try to understand and answer the questions: “What is a position and why is it important for a person?”, “What are life positions and how are they developed?”, as well as “How to change your life position?”

A person's life position

In his book “I am a Winner!” J. Maxwell gives the following definition of position. A person's life position– this is his internal state, which is expressed through behavior. Thus, if a person feels, for example, dissatisfaction or determination, then this is manifested in his gestures, facial expressions, voice, intonation. Our facial expression usually reflects our state of mind. However, sometimes a person’s life position can be outwardly veiled for some reason, and then others will be misled about its essence. But sooner or later, true feelings will manifest themselves, since a person cannot remain in tension for a long time and wage an internal struggle.

Why is life position important for a person?

  1. It determines our approach to life and what we expect from it. If we have a positive attitude towards the world around us, we receive confirmation of our attitude, we feel success and understanding. If it seems to us that the world is not friendly to us, then we will experience anxiety and trouble.
  2. Your life position depends on your relationships with other people. Research from the Stanford Institute shows that a person achieves success in 12.5% ​​of cases only thanks to his knowledge. The remaining 87.5% of success comes from the ability to interact with other people.
  3. Often a person’s life position becomes the link between success and failure. People differ little from each other in their beliefs, but some of them difficult situation can benefit, while others see only disadvantages.

Think about something that you would like to receive, that you desire. Now decide what life position can help you achieve what you want?

Active life position of a person

Our thoughts, capabilities, and actions are largely determined by the environment. We acquire character traits, mannerisms and qualities of those people with whom we interact. In childhood, our positions are determined by the conditions that surround us. At birth, a person does not choose either the environment or the conditions in which he will grow. However, as they grow older, each person develops the right to choose. And it will depend only on each of us whether it will manifest itself active life position of a person, to what extent he will be proactive, capable of change, or remain influenced environment, at the mercy of accepted beliefs and attitudes.

Each person can remember circumstances, situations that had a positive or negative influence on the formation of his life position. But it will depend only on our attitude whether we find ourselves in these situations. positive or negative experience. Thus, a person’s active life position will depend on the strength of his desire, faith in his capabilities and existing knowledge or experience.

Developing a life position takes place throughout life

A person develops his position throughout his life. First he forms it, then strengthens or changes it. A life position cannot remain unchanged throughout life. Not every person will be able to radically change their previous beliefs and develop a new active life position, but they will certainly begin to support or strengthen the existing one, either positive or negative.

It is important to remember that there is no such thing as an “ideal” or “perfect” life position. The position must be adjusted with every change that occurs in our lives. After all, on the path of each of us there are various situations that “unsettle” and only through our own efforts, flexibility in approach to understanding what is happening, we will be able to achieve a successful solution, find a way out and cope with the situation.

Why are some people rich and successful while others are poor and unhappy? We often ask ourselves this question. Like, he was lucky, he found his path, or he is the heir of rich parents, or a thief, whatever the pessimist will say. But he himself does nothing to get even a little closer to their success. We will talk about this and much more in the article.

What is the secret of happiness?

Life position is what influences our subconscious, thoughts, actions, perception of the world. The environment, model of behavior, field of activity, sincerity will depend on it. From the first minute of communication with a person, it is clear what his position in life is and whether he has one at all.

In other words, this is the attitude of the individual to the world around him, which is reflected in his thoughts and actions. There are two main types:

  1. Passive life position.
  2. And active.

The first, also called conformist, is aimed at subordination to external circumstances and the surrounding world. Such people, as a rule, are inert and do not show any interest in life. They do not improve themselves, do not make decisions in a difficult situation, it is easier for them to avoid the problem. They don't keep their word, they deceive.

The second helps to transform the factors influencing the individual and situations in his favor. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Features of an active life position

May be:

  • Negative.
  • And positive.

In the first case, people direct negative energy to accomplish bad deeds. They deliberately cause harm to others, imposing their opinions and goals on everyone, which bring harm rather than benefit.

A positive life position is characterized by high morality and spirituality of a person. The individual leads a positive lifestyle and rejects evil. An active life position is a guideline that directs a person in the right direction, so that he works for the good of society and strives to benefit people throughout his entire journey.

The truly happy person is the one who gives more than he receives. It is important to understand that nothing in life comes easy, you need to work hard. And for this you need to choose the right one life path, think positively, don’t waste time on work you don’t like, develop.

When and how is it formed?

The foundation of a life position is laid in early childhood. And as the child grows up, its walls either strengthen or weaken. The construction of this framework will depend on the parents and close environment in which the individual grew up. Namely: from heredity, upbringing, family traditions and other things.

But that doesn't mean if it was received bad life experience, the personality will not have any or a passive life position, not at all, it can be consciously changed, just like character. So, let’s be clear: the formation of a life position begins from birth. Look at yourself from the outside, if you are not satisfied with life, rethink it, perhaps you are doing something wrong. Try to change yourself.

Let's talk about morality

A person’s moral life positions characterize his internal spiritual baggage and are based on the values ​​that guide him in life. Morally, an individual develops in the process of life in society, expressed in the ability to consciously build relationships with people, himself, society, and the state.

The formation of moral life positions, of course, will depend on many factors, such as environment, personality, habits, upbringing, family traditions. To form them, you need to develop several qualities:

  • You need to learn to live in harmony with yourself.
  • Build relationships with adults and peers.

A person’s moral positions form a model of behavior that guides the achievement of success and well-being.

How to decide on the best life position?

You need to analyze your life. Start with habits, reconsider values ​​and priorities. Change your thinking. Here are examples of life positions:

  • Helping people. By helping, a person benefits not only others, but also himself, because he will definitely be thanked kind words, will be rewarded with a blessing. And this is the highest reward.
  • Self-improvement. Also, one of the best positions in life will bring stunning success, lead to achieving your goal, and the result of your work will be appreciated by others. Don’t be idle, read books, articles, attend trainings, development courses, play sports, go to the theater and exhibitions. It is necessary to constantly develop.
  • Family and children. If you have chosen this life position for yourself, then you are wise and smart. After all, this is our main reassignment in life. Work hard, surround your children with love and care, help them realize themselves, make family members happy. This is the highest achievement.

Only you can decide your best position in life. The main thing is to never give up, move forward, and don’t lose heart. Understand that worries, depression, fears and Bad mood will not correct the situation, but will only worsen it. Spread your wings, take off, dream and strive to achieve your goals.

How to do this?

So, let’s figure out where to start in order to develop an active life position:

  1. As mentioned above, learn to set goals. Do not set impossible tasks; the goal must be specific, realistically achievable and short terms. It’s better to move towards your big dream in small steps.
  2. Need to get rid of bad habits. This is not only smoking and alcohol, this can include aimless pastime. Don't sit for hours computer games, V social networks and so on. Spend your weekend usefully, visit museums and exhibitions.
  3. Read more useful information.
  4. Learn time management. Technology will help you organize your time correctly and use it more efficiently.
  5. Don't close yourself off outside world. Get to know it, open up to new things. Change your image, travel. Show interest in unknown forms of art, for example.
  6. Don't be afraid to take risks. Never doubt the implementation of ideas. Don't stop halfway.
  7. Leave negative memories behind, learn from experience and don’t look back at the past.
  8. Surround yourself only with positive people, adopt their knowledge.

To change your life for the better, you need to take action. You say, it’s easy to talk. But again, sitting back, discussing unnecessary things, simply doing nothing is not an option, nothing will happen. Start small, learn to think positively, and, slowly overcoming small obstacles, you will move towards your goal, your dream.

The word “position” itself has many meanings. This is a certain posture; and the location of an animate or inanimate object; a place prepared for combat; finally, this is the name for a point of view, an opinion on which a person’s behavior depends.

The combination “life position”, often used in psychology, is very close to the last definition. The life position of an individual is his understanding of the meaning of life, his attitude to circumstances and realities, which lays the foundation for behavior and determines the motives for activity.. It finds expression in various forms: beliefs, values, ideals, principles...

The life position begins to form in childhood and depends on a number of factors: heredity, upbringing, family traditions, experienced events, prevailing norms in a given society... This is not a frozen formation: one’s life position can be adjusted and changed at any age, if there is a desire.

Activity or passivity

The whole variety of life positions is usually reduced to two opposite types: active and passive. What is an active life position? This is the desire to change the social situation in which a person finds himself, to achieve better position in life. A passive (or, which means “adaptive”) position presupposes non-interference in the course of events, agreement with the existing, even not very satisfactory state of affairs.

An active life position is characteristic of energetic and active people who are able to lead others. But their activities are not always aimed at good. There are two types of active attitude towards the world.

1. Negative - energy is directed towards actions that are negative from the point of view of generally accepted norms; a person is in conflict with society, undermining its foundations through his activities. An example of a person with such a position would be the leader of a gang of criminals.

2. Positive appearance implies initiative in smoothing social contradictions, orientation towards strengthening moral standards; People who lead such a lifestyle, as a rule, are distinguished by purposefulness, responsibility, consciousness, and a willingness to act immediately even in difficult conditions. It is believed that this is the kind of behavior one should strive for to the best of one’s ability and ability.

The manifestation of the conformist position is also heterogeneous. It can include four forms of behavior:

  • Submission is strict adherence to prescribed norms without a critical attitude towards them.
  • Absolute inaction - the name speaks for itself: best way To solve the problem - wait until it goes away.
  • A destructive strategy - a person redirects all accumulated dissatisfaction to third parties, making them guilty, instead of analyzing the situation and outlining ways to change it.
  • Excitement is an intense, but extremely unconstructive, chaotic activity that replaces attempts to find a solution to the problem.

Although only the first two types can be called passive in the literal sense of the word, the activity that a person exhibits in the third and fourth forms - due to the wrong direction - also does not lead to any changes in solving the problem situation. Author: Evgenia Bessonova

LIFE POSITION - the direction of a person’s life activity, its regarding their place and role in public life(unlike social status, provisions). In moral terms, life is a system of behavior of an individual, determined by his beliefs, ideology, and conscience. A person’s position on any socially significant issue is a social position insofar as it corresponds to the objective logic of the development of social reality and reflects the alignment of real social forces influencing this development. The criterion for the truth and correctness of a particular housing item is its compliance with the progressive trends in the development of society and the interests of advanced social forces. To determine the lifestyle of people, it is necessary, in the words of V.I. Lenin, to find out “what social situation and how exactly their actions are determined” (vol. 1, p. 430). F. p. is one of the most important signs personal development individual, determining his place in historical process. The formation of personality is at the same time a person’s conscious choice of one or another lifestyle (moral choice). The content of the personal choice of a certain lifestyle is ultimately determined by the ideals and values ​​of the society, class or social group, to the Crimea this one belongs. But this does not detract from the role of the subject himself, the individual, in determining his attitude to the world. The life of V.I. Lenin is also an example of a consciously made choice and consistent implementation of an active lifestyle, personality. Lifestyle is an expression of such social activity of a person, which is based on ideological certainty and adherence to principles, and presupposes social consciousness. The activity of women's society is expressed both ideologically - in an interested, biased, party attitude towards the ideals, goals, theoretical guidelines of the society, class, and behaviorally, characterizing consistency, and masculinity in a person's upholding of his views, beliefs, in realizing them in practice . Therefore, housing should be clearly distinguished from businessmanship, “grasp,” and cunning opportunism (choosing someone’s side or the other for reasons of selfish interest, calculation, and benefit). Moral basis active life is the principle of unity of word and deed, expressed in a person’s desire to realize social, including moral, in practice. Correspondence, merging of theory and practice, unity of thought and action, when people can be vouched for, V.I. Lenin said that “they will not take a word on faith, not a word will they say against their conscience” (vol. 45, p. 391), is the most important condition for the effectiveness of the lifestyle chosen by the masses or the individual. The active lifestyle is opposed to a passive position, when a person stands on the point of view. an outside contemplator, a neutral observer, guided by the principle “my house is on the edge.” In a moral sense, such passivity is identical to indifference, which often feeds renegadery. A special case of departure from active life rights is a discrepancy between word and deed, indicating the declarative, formal nature of a person’s conviction, and sometimes moral hypocrisy. Social and personal passivity in all its forms is alien to communist morality; the only exceptions are those special cases when passivity acts as a unique form of activity (for example, in the conditions of bourgeois democracy, deliberate avoidance of voting in elections that do not provide an alternative, etc.). Huge moral significance has a struggle against moral infantilism, lack of initiative and inactivity, against social complacency, intoxication with success, lack of self-criticism, against ideological vacillations, concessions on fundamental issues.

Dictionary of ethics. - M.: Politizdat. Ed. I. Kona. 1981.

See what “LIFE POSITION” is in other dictionaries:

    life position- noun, number of synonyms: 1 life attitude (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

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