Chiron in the horoscope. Chiron in the horoscope - positive and negative influence

The material contains excerpts from publications: Absalom the Underwater - General Astrology. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac, Pavel Globa - Planets in the signs of the Zodiac, Semira and V. Vetash - The art of forecasting.

Chiron was discovered by astronomer Charles Koval on October 18, 1977. In 1978, Koval suggested that Chiron might be a comet. At the same time, the astronomer proposed naming the asteroid the name Chiron. In ancient Greek mythology, Chiron is a centaur (half man, half horse). This is quite consistent with the dual nature of the asteroid/comet object. He revolves around the Sun with a period of about 50 years, its orbit is located between Saturn and Uranus. The status of Chiron is completely uncertain, astronomers are in thought: either it is a small planet, or a planetoid, or the nucleus of a comet.

Chiron in Greek mythology was an enlightened teacher and healer, descended from a line of centaurs.Mythical centaurs lived in the lap of nature, on the slopes of Mount Pelion in Northern Greece.Centaurs were a strange mixture of animal and human, and due to their animal energy, they generally had a reputation for being "hot guys." Chiron, their leader and sage, rose above the rest. He was the son of the ancient god-king Kronos (Saturn).Chiron combines the instincts of an animal and the rational, logical thinking of a person.

He lived in a cave like primitive, but his philosophical thoughts, mystical revelations that were born in this solitude, and the teachings that he preached were far from primitive. Chiron was wise, and it was wisdom of a practical kind and practical application. He was a renowned herbalist and was trusted with the training and education of the great warrior heroes of the classical era, including Achilles. However, Chiron was best known as one of the greatest healers of his time; he was the teacher of Aesculapius, who later became a demigod - the patron of healing.

Astrologers believe that the discovery of a planet occurs when humanity is ready to perceive its radiation, and at the same time it becomes more active. Since the discovery of the celestial body named after Chiron in 1977, signs of the presence of his archetype began to manifest themselves in the most noticeable way in our culture and public life. For example, the field of alternative medicine, including acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, chiropractic and many other disciplines, has grown into a huge industry since Chiron took its place in the night sky. His skill in herbal medicine is especially noted in ancient Greek literary sources, and although he has no mythological connection with the Chinese practice of acupuncture, it must be remembered that in a sense he can be considered the patron saint of all traditional healing methods, and acupuncture therapy is just such a method. Not all astrologers recognize Chiron; but the others study him closely. In any case, it has already been presented in (California, San Diego, 1980). According to the author, an astrologer who began to study his science after the discovery of Chiron should take into account its influence in any chart, even if it belongs to the last century. The discovery of a planet changes not only the destiny of mankind, but also the characteristics of the signs in which it dominates and culminates; in this case, these are Taurus and Pisces, respectively.

Located on the border of several astronomical definitions, it is located in the middle between two planets that embody opposing forces.Depending on the aspects and circumstances, Chiron can symbolize a jester, an incomprehensible impasse, or a way out of it. Chiron establishes a connection between a person’s higher and lower selves, expands his consciousness in a form accessible to a person, without leading him to a madhouse (at least for a long time). To put it aphoristically, Chiron's action is evolutionary in form, but revolutionary in content. Chiron develops occult abilities in a person, but outwardly it looks quite materialistic or close to it, mental shock does not occur. Chiron will provide access to higher spheres (energy, spiritual) not through a trance state (like Neptune), not through transcendental mental insight (like Uranus), apparently being firmly based on the usual picture of the human world or not contradicting it too much. The usual reaction of a person is something like this: “Well, how come I haven’t seen this before?”

The Chiron person is completely fascinated by occult subjects with a materialistic or quasi-materialistic lining: treatment with passes and telepathy as the use of a physical or almost physical “biofield”, acupuncture and meridians of active points as physiological manifestations, the study of esoteric religions on a practical basis, meditation as auto-training, experiences after a clinical death, etc., including communication with alien civilizations and astrology, which also has a quasi-physical justification (in any case, the influence of solar radiation and lunar phases on the human body is scientifically recognized). Chiron opens dead ends in spiritual development; there is hope that he will open the main dead end into which humanity has fallen, having fallen into naive materialism and ignoring the subtle world and the laws of karma.

Chiron is a dense and definite planet (he rules Taurus), and if he undertakes to show you something, he will do it, and in the most unambiguous way, your sensations will be physical and quite clear, and the information will not allow for discrepancies. If your Chiron is active and you go to a psychic, he will not only cure you, but also teach you how to treat and diagnose others, and maybe even see internal organs. After this, it is difficult to “not believe” in the biofield, although you are no closer to understanding its nature. However, Chiron not only opens dead ends in development, he also creates them in the wrong directions, and also the most unambiguous ones. But if Saturn’s obstacles are recognized by their heavy, suffocating, slowing down style, then Chiron’s obstacles, although often also insurmountable, are more cheerful and non-trivial; often completely incomprehensible in terms of the logic of their origin and occurrence on your life path. They are not connected with your sins and failure to fulfill your debts, but with an insufficiently broad consciousness, and the purpose of these obstacles is its expansion. The Absolute seems to want to say: as long as you look at the world with your usual eyes, you will not understand anything and will see only chaos (and, perhaps suffering: if you have an affected Chiron in Virgo or in the 6th house (health and illness), then it is very likely that you should reject classical medicine and be treated with naturopathic remedies, herbs, massage, yoga, hardening, etc. but by the time you understand this, a lot of time may pass, filled with unsuccessful visits to doctors).


Chiron is partial to accelerated and effective teaching methods, especially group ones, and psychoanalysis. It also relates to literature and is meant to demonstrate the true magical power of a precisely spoken word and teach people to listen to each other; It is through speech that the spiritual principle in a person is most easily expressed and perceived, but first you need to learn not to litter it.

Chiron shows how spread out a person is on the evolutionary ladder.Defeat of Chironmeans that a person has many evolutionary “tails”, that is, unobsolete programs of a much lower evolutionary level than the rest. This means that in his life (when Chiron is active) there will be a lot of chaos, ups and downs, a person will strive upward, underestimating the power of the lower principle, then fall down, give up on himself, then rise again, etc. However, in a horoscope that is harmonious as a whole, all this is strongly said. In this case, the manifestation of the lower principle in a person is repressed into the subconscious, he perceives himself as “good enough”, he can (and should, of course) strive to become better, but even as he is, it’s not bad... Here it is very difficult to realize one’s inner dishonesty . The affected Chiron requires an active struggle between his higher self and his lower self, and here it is difficult (and not at all desirable) to distinguish between them. On the contrary, in an overall afflicted chart, afflicted Chiron gives a very acute sense of inner imperfection. In general, people with affected cards often have internal happier people with harmonious cards. They quickly realize that their life is not strewn with roses, and begin to work through their tense, and at the same time, their few harmonious aspects, guided by the opinion that “good must be made from evil, since there is nothing else to make it from.” However, Chiron, even when struck, does not like a person to attack his inner shortcomings like a fierce tiger and completely deny his lower beginning. Still, it is alive.

Unaspected Chiron gives a person for whom the separation of the higher and lower “I” in his psyche, the expansion of consciousness and the burning of evolutionary “tails” are not particularly relevant. He (karmically) must do a lot at his level of consciousness and self-awareness, and spiritual growth in the narrow sense of the word is optional for him. He is not too spread out on the evolutionary ladder, and this is not his main obstacle.

Harmonious Chiron gives a person in whom both higher and lower principles are quite strongly represented, but he manages to live as if they do not interfere, but help each other. His lower self gives him protection, as well as physiological and emotional joy, and at this time the higher seems to be silent; then the higher “I” turns on, and the person, forgetting about himself, actually does something for evolution. Good occult abilities with practical output (effective treatment with the biofield, reading the necessary thoughts of superiors, abilities in palmistry and astrology). If this person seriously engages in his spiritual development, he can, over time (Chiron is in no hurry in his positive actions) achieve a high level of penetration both in himself and in others. His higher and lower principles, holding hands, march together along the evolutionary ladder (though, in the absence of sufficiently hard work on themselves, they will go down).

Chiron is the first ruler of Taurus(the second ruler of Taurus is Venus). Chiron gives Taurus a new sound. It turns out that Taurus is very intuitive. He has the ability to perceive astral and mental forms (i.e., what we register as emotions and thoughts) as material. Here are some examples. The future, envisioned by the developed Taurus, is conceived by him as a material substance that has not yet fully formed. Reserves nuclear bombs- this is a heavy disharmonious astral-mental form that wants to finally materialize into a nuclear war. High Taurus considers all material manifestations in their connection with the subtle world; for him the higher and lower principles materialize, and spiritual work becomes almost physical. Therefore, Taurus faces the danger of primitive analogies and a somewhat straightforward perception of spiritual life; he needs to learn to sense the boundaries of his intuition, which in any case is quite acute.Chiron in Taurus gives excellent intuition in general and a sense of form in particular. Chironic Taurus understands that thoughtless spending of money means a hole in the energy of the family, and financial discipline is a sign of harmony on higher planes. Good abilities for massage, especially oriental massage, treatment with passes and acupuncture.

Chiron in Scorpio is in captivity. The new and sustainable subconscious programs that Chiron creates are tested by the distrustful Scorpio. If a person is able to protect the constructively new things that come to him as a result of difficult internal work, he can change a lot for the better, become deeper and more insightful. But speculation is also possible, since this position gives great magical and occult abilities, a tendency to hypnosis. Upon development, good ability to work with groups.

Chiron culminates in Pisces. Chiron gives Pisces the possibility of behavior intermediate between a repentant prostitute (Sonya Marmeladova) and the Virgin Mary. Such a Pisces of the middle octave can give a person a new energetic and spiritual channel, without completely dissolving in him, appealing to the best in him, but without accepting his lower manifestations.

Chiron is in decline in Virgo. Chiron is generally associated with a change in perspective on things; What is typical for him is instability, a new twist on the theme, as a result of which it suddenly flares up with unexpected sparkles and inner fire. Virgo, for her part, always tries to take details in numbers; she can wait a long time for quantity to turn into quality. But if she doesn’t strangle Chiron with her tediousness, she will see the depth in the cliche and the non-obvious in the trivial details that set everyone’s teeth on edge. The unprocessed chronic Virgo drowns in chaos of thoughts and disorder.

Chiron in Cancer, and in general water signs, gives periodic emotional and spiritual restructuring and revelations, when a person with horror discovers lower desires in himself, which, frankly speaking, are much more intimate and less pleasant than lower thoughts, their appearance in consciousness is more difficult to survive. This position means great psychological abilities and the need to understand your subconscious, to separate the emotional wheat from the chaff.

Chiron in fire signs, especially amazed - energy surges in all directions at once, a person passionately states one thing, then another, then a third, is subjected to energetic influences from different sides, and his thoughts are greatly confused. The desire to comprehend and master energy, control one’s psyche, treatment with passes, biofield, etc. Here is the problem of realizing the source and addressee of your enthusiasm, energy and aggression. Who am I really fighting with? For the strong fiery Chiron, this is an essential question; astral wars for him are not a fairy tale, but an everyday reality.

Retrograde Chiron gives more internal problems than direct (direct), there are more dead ends and chaos in internal life, but the results of working out here are higher, which will immediately affect external life - people instinctively reach out to learn how to live.

Aspect with Chiron gives an emphasis on the problem of evolutionary growth, expansion of consciousness (and the difficulties that encourage this) in connection with the Planet in aspect.

Conjunction with Chiron gives too much interaction force, it is difficult to maintain a reasonable level; for Chiron the conjunction is a difficult aspect, with the possible exception of Venus and the Moon.

Conjunction of Chironwith Venusgives specific problems in love and art, a person does not do everything like people do, but has great intuitive abilities of perception, especially works of art and a loved one. If the connection is in an air sign, the person telepathically catches the thoughts of his beloved, in a water sign - empathic perception, etc. With this connection, it is very important to work out the internal ethics of behavior, seek constructive cooperation with society and form your own aesthetics, which will be very original.

Trine Chiron- the possibility of harmonious evolutionary development, excellent intuition, spiritual subtlety, good vision of the spheres of life governed by the Planet in trine. A person is sometimes capable of performing actions on the verge of a miracle (this aspect is often stronger than the trine of Jupiter, when one is very lucky, but a miracle still does not happen). Chiron trine to Mars - excellent energy, the ability to heal with passes, creative abilities, with the development of which a person creates works of art that awaken in people conscience and the desire for self-realization.

Chiron opposition- the tendency to spiritually develop and expand the consciousness of others, but not of oneself; sometimes, on the contrary, violent self-abasement. One must learn to cooperate spiritually with others and establish a balance between one's higher and lower selves. Chiron puts a lot of pressure on the Planet in opposition - it must sometimes fight back, defending its principle. For example, with the Venus-Chiron opposition, one cannot devote one’s art exclusively to moral and spiritual goals - it also requires service to oneself as such: here is the problem of balancing higher ethics and aesthetics.

Chiron Square- karmic obstacles in the form of uneradicated evolutionary “tails” that need to be dealt with, but cannot be cut off - they are still alive (unlike the trine, when they have already dried up, they have turned into unimportant habits that are easy to get rid of). A person feels that the lower “I” is literally fused with him, but in some places it is so unpleasant that one wants to turn to a surgeon or generally repress the problem of inner life, which is possible only with a harmonic map, and not always at the cost of great sacrifices. At first, the square of Chiron gives the energy of the trine, but when you try to use it constructively, everything goes to hell, and it seems that the matter is hopeless: you can’t do anything with yourself, you won’t help others, but you will only aggravate the general chaos. The Square of Chiron thus forms a complex of its own hopelessness (in matters related to the Planet, and in the actual chironic problems described above; and, as luck would have it, both often go together), however, if, in spite of everything, lose heart, and do not give up hopes and efforts, then at one fine moment Chiron opens dead ends, which he himself organizes, and if you find yourself able to understand the dazzling new and completely incomprehensible picture of the world that suddenly opens before you, you will for some time time to become happy; nevertheless, Chiron is not at all evil, a witty and cheerful planet, and the author is inclined to consider it more beneficial than malefic - although if the reader forms a square with Saturn, the latter may be of the opposite opinion.

Chiron in the signs of the Zodiac

Chiron in Aries(1918-1926, 1968-1976)

Progressive Aries.Warlike Chiron.
Here Chiron is in exile, in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun, in the sign. You may be characterized by sudden changes in activity and disguise as a strong personality. Sometimes your activity is smoothed out by sobriety and caution. Sometimes you can behave like a March hare, that is, the more cautious you are, the more you become Satanic and become capable of heroism through cowardice. This generation can feign great cheerfulness and cheerfulness. You are probably torn between the desire to be active and the desire to hide. Sometimes you want to be on time everywhere, you grab onto several things at once and don’t bring anything to the end. IN best case scenario you can turn your activities in the desired direction without inertia. You carry out a variety of tactical techniques in the form of leaps. This is a kind of “rabbit loop”. It is difficult for you to maintain a sense of proportion, and being inspired by something new, you can disrupt the existing harmony. In relationships with people, you tend to focus on your personal preferences and do not understand enough the desires of others.

The developed aspect means that for a person the energy flow is already almost material; he treats it as an instrument, opening, closing and changing its direction at his own discretion (within the framework of implementing power). Ability and interest in healing with passes, bioenergy, accelerated training methods, and a strong version - telekinesis. From a psychological point of view, the ability to actively intervene in the programs of one’s own and others’ subconscious, changing them, in particular, burning out already used and outdated ones (the lower “I”) and activating the higher ones. With a strong position, general psychological and hypnotic abilities, the ability to practically work on slightly higher energy flows than seems possible to the previous and subsequent generations with Chiron in non-fire signs (Chiron from the previous Capricorn to the subsequent Cancer). If Aries is defeated, there is a danger of switching to exploitation of energy flows for material purposes and a subsequent decrease in their level.

Chiron in Taurus (1926-1933, 1977-1983)

Chiron draws Taurus's attention to those forms that from time immemorial were considered the domain of poets, thinkers and mystics. For him, thought forms and astrosomes (astral entities, for example, something that sometimes evokes in us completely atypical emotions) become tangibly real. When Chiron walked through Taurus in the 70s, a generation was born that would see auras and consistently read the simplest thoughts (i.e., register heavy thought forms as material objects). Psychologically, chironical Taurus perceives the programs of his own and others’ subconscious not as a model, that is, a way of speaking, but as reality, and can practically work with them. In an undeveloped version, this aspect gives rich imagination and (often deceiving intuition), and constant chaotic rushing from reality to the illusory world and back (the Chiron principle is not implemented, i.e. the principle of connecting the material plane with a more subtle one on the basis of the first).

Here Chiron faces very big tasks, but Taurus also gives him the opportunity to solve them, materializing and formalizing literally everything that Chiron touches, at least the developed one. At a low level, Chiron gives strong and constant pressure from external circumstances, which clearly requires a person to reconsider his views on the world; in particular, Taurus Chiron strengthens the purely material effect of the law of karma in a person’s life, clearly demonstrating to him return blows in response to his incorrect external behavior and even his internal attitude towards what is happening around him (in which areas this operates to the greatest extent, the position of Chiron in the house will show and its aspects). Elaboration gives amazing abilities that are on the verge of human understanding, since chironic Taurus can turn into form what was previously only intuitively felt. If there is an aspect of Chiron to Venus, then abilities for extraordinary art are manifested, which contemporaries will consider to be related to the future. At the same time, without elaboration, especially if the map as a whole is damaged, a person, when Chiron is turned on, may find himself literally crushed by his own imperfection and internal hopeless clumsiness; he will feel like a cart that they want to force to participate in high-speed car races and have already installed the appropriate engine. Here, the problems of discrepancy between the inner and outer world, the lower and higher “I” are felt physically and must be solved accordingly, slowly and thoroughly, because the subconscious and the evolutionary position are very stable in general, and in Taurus Chiron in particular.
Chiron in Gemini (1934-1937, 1984-1988)

Connecting Chiron. Advanced Gemini.

Here Chiron is in the house of Mercury, in . Chiron is the highest hypostasis of Mercury, and therefore the position of Chiron here is aligned with the abode of Mercury. This kind of standing gives greater variability, greater adaptability. You are usually characterized by “brokerage”, that is, you introduce everyone, unite and connect, but you yourself remain lonely. You are a purely civilian person who does not recognize discipline. You always try to keep abreast of events, know about everything, at least a little, and you can develop technical means of language translation. At best, you have excellent literary and editorial skills. You are characterized by an objective assessment of information, while you may not give away your true opinion. You are also able to captivate others with a story, although sometimes you yourself are bored, you can participate in a conversation and think about other things. In the worst case, false activity manifests itself in you, you are passionate about what you do not believe. You cannot be trusted at your word. You have a shallow, chameleon-like quality and superficiality.When interacting with people, you are overly inclined to compare and compete with them, which can deprive you of true partnership. Try to see behind the bustle of life a harmony of a more sublime order than the specifics of the moment.
Chiron is the planet of materialization of subtle plans. Its influence on Gemini is reflected primarily in a certain materialization of their mental and information flows - thoughts become more intense, information more meaningful. When developed, this aspect makes it possible to communicate directly with the egregor directly in words. Subjectively, this can be experienced in different ways: direct communication in the astral plane with a high spiritual teacher (anthropomorphic version), an invisible “voice”, conversation with an icon, etc. In the area of ​​inner life, this aspect makes it possible to correct the mental picture of the world, establishing its relationships with the (subconscious) essential picture of the world and to a large extent harmonize them, eliminating contradictions in the meantime. what is actually, internally, important to a person, with what he thinks is important to him. In an undeveloped form, this aspect provides an abundance of chaotic information and contacts on all levels - from gross to subtle, which at first completely confuse a person, so that he overcomes certain cliches of a banal view of the world and deepens his worldview. Possible are constantly changing superficial fascinations with fashionable occult movements, considered on the verge of the material: the biofield as a physical object, treatment with passes as a thermal effect, psychoanalysis and group psychoanalysis as branches of psychology, astrology as a science on the verge of physics and astronomy, etc. In a strong position, possible contacts with other civilizations.Chiron in Gemini helps developed Gemini solve their main problem of superficiality and the lack of a common systematic view of the world. He deepens them and gives them the key in the form of an internal spiritual core. Chiron drives undeveloped Geminis into a mental dead end, gives a lot of contradictions and is very interesting information, which at their initial level they cannot digest and somehow assimilate. Here (as in other air signs) the karmic task is to learn to feel your higher self as being above the mental flow (external and internal).

When worked through, this is a very promising aspect, since a person can use the power of reason and extraordinary combinatorial abilities to solve evolutionary and specifically internal problems. At a low level, Gemini Chiron is drowned out by the flickering and energy of the surrounding life to such an extent that all colors and sounds merge into one, and the orienting instinct fails. Gemini (and other air signs) pose a difficult task for Chiron: he must learn to think differently, that is, to comprehend the world around him, find connections in it of a fundamentally new nature and, in addition, see connections between processes in the internal and external world and express them in words or mental constructions. In some respects, this is a complex aspect, since Chiron is the planet of essential knowledge, and the construction of mental models is always profanation, and in the absence of proper internal honesty and disinterest, strong distortions are possible, that is, self-deception, internal and external, when a person, under the guise of self-knowledge and internal self-improvement, cognizes and improves not himself at all, but a phantom - a mental surrogate of the essence, helpfully built by the subconscious specifically for such an occasion. However, distinguishing false internal work from true is not difficult for an attentive observer, especially an external and disinterested one - its results are unambiguously visible in any external manifestation of a person.
Chiron in Cancer (1938-1941, 1988-1991)

Materialized Cancer. Deep Chiron.

In Cancer, Chiron is in the house of the Moon, in the sign of exaltation of Jupiter, in the sign. In this position it appears quite harmoniously. The main contradiction is between the domestic character of the sign and the wandering character of the planet. From a representative of a plastic water sign, Chiron can make a hysterical type, masking complexes. You may well be capricious and changeable. The air planet here gives rise to wandering, gives birth to a prodigal son. The better you live, the more you strive to get out of the house. Often you think that you are not settled in your family life; you are characterized by unsettledness - you may have two families and different houses. Sometimes you are drawn to wandering and home at the same time: this is how the duality of Chiron manifests itself. At best, very plastic, subtle internal changes occur in you. You can fully experience the spirit of your ancestors and ancient traditions. Often these are archaeologists reviving ancient authorities. In the worst case, you may be characterized by cunning and deceit, subtle deception (and the more you lie, the more you believe yourself).You feel harmony in the synthesis and diversity of life forms, finding in each phenomenon a connection with another. You tend to Attentive attitude to people, the ability to understand and accept other people’s opinions, which can lead to compromise.

Chiron gives Cancer a ladder along which he can descend into his own depths without losing the ground under his feet. Chiron materializes many programs of Cancer's subconscious and brings them into his consciousness - if Cancer is ready to accept them. Chiron also (in a developed version of the aspect) gives Cancer the opportunity to understand the depths of his subconscious and understand which programs have already become obsolete, which belong to the lower self, and which have just been created by the higher one. Chiron facilitates Cancer’s program of self-expression, offering him unexpected ways to do this, when deep essential and emotional experiences are hidden behind the outwardly material form. Everything seems to be as usual, but the effect is a miracle. In the undeveloped version, Chiron seems to be knocking on the consciousness of Cancer, creating for him a variety of unthinkable situations (communications and others), which should (as in Zen Buddhism) overturn his cliched programs of perception, especially emotional and essential, and show it to him from the inside and in a completely different way. Chiron, at least, is confusing, and how constructive it will be depends on the person. In the highest octave of this aspect, a person gets the opportunity to build his essence, deep programs of the subconscious with the participation of his mind and will, i.e. directly influence your spiritual growth (and, of course, on the spiritual development of other people).

This position presupposes fundamental work on oneself, mastering emotional life and the ability to direct internal transformations - one's own and others' - along the spiritual path. At a low level of elaboration, Chiron puts on a buffoon performance, playing on emotions and, from a person’s point of view, his most intimate feelings, so that if a person takes his chironic situations completely seriously, he will quickly die of grief. Fortunately, Chiron gives such an impossible shade to experiences that at some point one inevitably becomes funny and there is a shift in one’s view of the external situation and, most importantly, one’s emotional attitude towards it. In case of defeat, all this can be deep and painful, and you will not at all want to crawl out of the shell of your egoism and reconsider your views on anything, and especially on the justice of your emotional grievances, but Chiron will make it even more painful to be offended and, most importantly, it's obviously funny and stupid. From the outside, all this may look very funny... but look at the position and aspects of your own Chiron. Here, working through makes it possible to eliminate large karmic problems through purely internal efforts, but this will require the development of great internal honesty, which is needed, in particular, in order to rise above the barrage of emotions that protect the most vulnerable places of the subconscious (it is impossible to resist these emotions, they will lead you astray feet of anyone who fails to become transparent to them, that is, to watch indifferently as they come and go, with almost no effect on external behavior and deep inner balance, supported by spiritual aspiration and the right attitude to the evolution of the manifested world: the gunas rotate, says Bhagavad- Gita, and the sage watches them dispassionately).
Chiron in Leo (1941-1943. 1991-1993)

Advanced Leo. Ideological Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the house of the Sun, in the sign of exaltation of Pluto, in the sign. With this position of Chiron, self-affirmation, illusions, and seduction by victories may be very characteristic of you. At the same time, you may have complacency from uncertainty, and the greater the uncertainty, the more harshly you impose your life position on others. But you are characterized by constant creative reorientation, changing your life program. Usually you play the role of a person to whom everything is allowed, but this is a mask that hides your complexes. At best, you can get used to any creative image. You are not constrained by dogma, you have a free lifestyle, you are successfully struggling with your own shortcomings, you are able to look at yourself from the outside. Flattery and praise have no effect on you. Moreover, you will be disgusted by obvious flattery. In the worst case, you will be characterized by eclecticism in your creativity. There may be a lot of play and posturing in your behavior. At the same time, praise causes you to develop even greater insecurities and complexes.You see harmony in classical forms and a holistic view of the world, finding the sublime in life’s creativity and skillfully creating your own style. You tend to maintain positive relationships with people by devoting great attention ethical and aesthetic side of partnership.

The developed aspect gives Leo an awareness of the nature of the energy flow, its true purpose and the meaning of the corresponding practical activity, as well as an idea of ​​the source of energy (i.e. egregor). With a strong Chiron, the practical use of biological and mental energy: telekinesis, treatment with the biofield and at a distance, effective psychotherapy by suggestion, etc. The ability to consciously control the group biofield, which can be approximately in group psychotherapy, group accelerated training and similar problems. For the average person, this aspect gives various experiences and experiences, prompting him to expand his ideas about the types and possibilities of energy flows and the strength and possibilities of energy programs of the subconscious (for example, self-healing through auto-training, reading mantras, etc.]. If defeated, there is chaos in consciousness on the described issues (and interests in them), attempts to use the abilities of suggestion (direct and at a distance) for the purpose of manipulating people and groups, in extreme cases, acute mental disorders and obsession (i.e., intense influence of strong astral entities).

Leo Chiron is not as impulsive as Aries, but he demands the elimination of evolutionary “tails” much more persistently and, most importantly, constantly (when he turns on, he turns on for a long time). Here a person is confused by energetic ideas that often take possession of him against his will, but which can be realized without revision life positions and views on one’s inner life fail. In case of defeat, you can fall under the complete power of an energetic black teacher, who, preaching high (and deep) truths, will seize the student’s energy channel and completely subjugate him to his will, imprisoning him in energetic slavery (subjectively, it can be experienced as love and devotion, albeit somewhat artificial , forced, because induced, sense). Coming out of such subordination, a person can completely lose faith in the highest ideals and the meaning of internal work, but use the acquired knowledge (if the energy returns) for selfish purposes, repeating the path of his teacher, but on the contrary, through an effort of will, he can take the blame upon himself (which is unusual for Leo difficult) and rethink the experience gained as a difficult but necessary school. Then he is able to reach the next evolutionary level and constructively use the energy of his Chiron, for example, burning karmic knots with the fire of his sermons, religious or worldly, dedicated to the practical development of spirituality; his inspiration can work almost miracles if he learns to accurately engage in situations, overcoming the lion's egocentrism and focus on the energy of his flow, and not the state of the listeners. If done poorly, the first to be exposed are problems of inflated self-esteem, which needs to be brought into line with actual rather than potential capabilities.

Chiron in Virgo (1943-1945, 1993-1995)

Self-improving Virgo. Confused Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the abode of Mercury, in the sign of exaltation of Mercury, in the sign.Chiron gives Virgo a subconscious desire to see the inner, hidden from her, but really existing meaning of the forms that surround her, and her work with them. However, this subconscious desire hardly penetrates into her rigid essential consciousness and takes shape there with distortions: it seems to the chironical Virgo that she “simply” strives to do everything as best as possible, to take into account the most advanced and sometimes even almost fantastic methods and emerging opportunities (as in the plan the outside world, and in terms of improving one’s psyche, developing subconscious programs, etc.). In the undeveloped version, all this turns out badly, hopes arise and are crushed, Virgo begins to fuss and rush around, and most often becomes completely disappointed in all her ideas, since in fact they do not promise as much as she initially thinks, and require not only work, but also a certain expansion of consciousness, which is not easy for Virgo. However, when working on this aspect, Virgo is given the opportunity to access her subconscious, and she turns out to be capable of any change in the programs of the subconscious in the direction she desires, and in particular the skills and abilities of working with forms, including subtle ones: astral entities, thought forms, etc. . p. For example, abilities for treatment with acupuncture and acupressure taking into account bioenergy, herbal treatment, and fine diagnostics are revealed. Success in criticism (and awareness) of original scientific concepts, and, in particular, those modeling living objects (biology, economics).You see harmony in a dynamic order, absolutely corresponding to each specific moment, finding the beauty of what is necessary. In relationships with people, you tend to adhere to a clear hierarchy, obeying some and criticizing others.
Chiron means qualitative changes in a person’s view of things, and Virgo is inclined to gathering, accumulating and collecting, so here the developed aspect gives the transition of a large number of often heterogeneous phenomena into a single harmonious system based on qualitatively new principles, very unusual and strange, but nevertheless, explaining and sorting the whole bunch of available concrete facts. It is impossible to understand this, you can only get used to it, just as people got used to the principle of uncertainty and electronic “clouds” in the mid-twentieth century. The motto of the developed maiden Chiron is this: knowledge is an effective and accurate intuition about objects that are known to us only insofar as habit has dulled the fear of them.The undeveloped virgin Chiron, turning on, gives a person such an abundance of phenomena and facts that are not linked to each other that he literally loses his head and does not know what to grab first in order to defend his (it seems!) thought-out system of views on the world. He is clearly told to look at his inner nature, and he begins to analyze himself like a virgin, in detail and carefully, but, alas, he soon discovers that he often gets hung up, cannot penetrate deep enough to do something real, and most importantly - he is not left with a vague feeling of something wrong, which he really doesn’t want to admit to himself, namely: that his subconscious is cleverly leading him by the nose, slipping in small, insignificant details so as to lead him along the wrong way, bypassing really weak points and frankly selfish programs of the subconscious. Here the development of inner honesty is difficult and very relevant; but the elaboration of the aspect gives good results, perhaps in some ways even better than in Taurus, since the materialization is carried out very clearly and in detail, although with a less aesthetic bias.

You may well have objective information and evaluate every detail quite objectively. However, often this is just a “monkey” instinct of imitation and efficiency (according to the Chinese calendar, the sign of Virgo corresponds to the Monkey). You tend to get caught up in the little things, but you don't have a big picture approach. Here a contradiction arises between the earthiness of the sign and the elevation of the planet. The everyday plan confuses your orientation towards the higher function of the conductor. However, the highest Chironians manage to fulfill their connecting function on Earth due to the earthly nature of the sign. Here Chiron can rely on the evolutionary function of exalted Mercury, whose highest hypostasis he is. In the best case, you will be subject to magic, which you use for good, contacts in the professional sphere, in the field of health. You may have a heightened sense of duty, and you will fulfill your duty very punctually. You will never get carried away by the game, although you are a good player and a sober critic. You can be a good scientist, a business scientist, a technical discoverer, an interpreter. At worst, you may turn out to be a cold broker, a dark seducer, a subtle behind-the-scenes intriguer. You may often get tired of life, because, seeing little things, you don’t see much meaning in it. The more zealously you fulfill your duty, the more protest grows in you. If you are well-off financially, you may not want to work (the so-called antisocial type of behavior).

Chiron in Libra (1945-1946, 1995-1997)

Socializing Chiron. Chaotic Libra.

Here Chiron is in the daytime abode along with Venus, in the sign of exaltation of Saturn, in. Chiron is the key planet of Libra. You have been given the knowledge of opposites in their unity, solidarity with the masses. You are characterized by rigor and extraordinary demands on yourself: you evaluate yourself from the position of the majority. Your professions: lawyer, lawyer, journalist, communications worker. You are very sociable, you get along well with everyone, you find your own approach to everyone perfectly. You have the best diplomatic abilities, excellent arbitration, alternative thinking, peacemaking, and the ability to keep the whole world in balance. You have a thirst for justice, and with good Saturn and Mars, you have the ability to implement it. At worst, your character may become unbalanced and hesitant, indecisive and uncertain. In this case, you may lack inner core and discipline. Due to the lack of a unifying goal, you yourself do not know what you want. The more peaceful a period you live in, the more stronger desire destroy everything out of a sense of protest. Such a person can develop into a bitchy nature with dislocations in behavior. Sometimes you may have a tendency to sit on two chairs. Duality in you will lead to betrayal of both your own and others. In adulthood, you should develop the functions of stabilizing planets, for example, Venus and the evolutionary Saturn, which gives Libra the core. After this, whenever possible, such as with the ability to transform, you need to develop the best traits of Chiron.You perceive the world in a sublime and refined way, forming a culture of relationships based on a balance between feeling and reason. When interacting with people, you easily find harmony and agreement, understand your partner well and are able to resolve other people’s conflicts.

Chiron in Libra is the problem of the ethical position in general and the elitist position in particular. You need to learn to distinguish the ethics of your social class from your personal one and behave accordingly. The question "Where do my thoughts come from?" far from idle and always has a definite answer - this is the lesson of Chiron in air signs.Chiron strives to expand Libra's consciousness, and therefore they often find themselves in situations where their standard assessments and ways of behaving no longer work; and Libra needs to understand something new, to look at things outside the box, not in the way that is customary, in order to balance the situation, preventing it from turning into complete chaos, when the threads holding the scales of Libra are torn, and moral, ethical and even sometimes aesthetic criteria. It is especially difficult for Libra when the ethics and aesthetics of their social circle changes (and Chiron is capable of provoking this too), then the ground literally disappears from under their feet. Chiron’s lessons are quite material, but he requires conclusions and expansion of consciousness to be made on the edge of Libra’s capabilities. The study of this aspect provides the key to understanding the law of karma as a real law that truly governs the evolution of the world, including the material world, as well as the opportunity to comprehend the interaction of the material and subtle worlds, as well as study the boundaries and expand the possibilities of the human world to influence the Cosmos and karma ( construction of new structures in the egregor). But still, Chiron, being in many ways the opposite of Saturn, makes Libra too frivolous: the expansion of consciousness must be accompanied by a careful search for a new balance, seeing the situation through different eyes.

In general, in air signs, Chiron requires a change in the way of thinking, and in Libra, ethical and aesthetic aspects are especially emphasized. Chiron puts a person in situations where standard social ethical norms unexpectedly not only stop working, but also clearly reveal their inconsistency and inconsistency, and the person is forced to search within himself, overcoming strong resistance and conflicts, for new, truly inherent principles of behavior in difficult situations . At the same time, the discrepancy between his aesthetic ideals and social ones is revealed; more precisely, his feelings of beauty and harmony (in the broadest sense), predominantly consistent with the social subconscious, under the influence of external and internal circumstances reveal their insufficiency, unsatisfactory and even perversion; for example, what was previously perceived naturally and did not cause any protest (certain social norms, the order of things, etc.) is seen in a sharply disharmonious light and requires decisive changes. This is a very difficult moment, because those layers of the subconscious that are in charge aesthetic sense, are very deep and closely related to the social aesthetic sensation, and what is needed here is not an ax, but a microsurgeon’s scalpel, if (which is unlikely) it is generally permissible to speak in such terms. The expression: “my aesthetics”, “my sense of beauty” should always be understood not absolutely, but only as a certain increase in emphasis, since aesthetics means the development of personal, original aesthetics and personal ethics, together with their coordination with social ones, that is, a person tells himself something like this : in this and that I submit to the will of the people, but here, excuse me, I am subject only to my karmic egregor; and a similar position is adopted in aesthetic terms, and only then will the paintings of an original and gifted, although not entirely understandable, artist bewill cause a reaction different from the standard one: “Eck!”

Chiron in Scorpio (1947-1948, 1997-1998)

Magic Scorpio.

Here Chiron is in exile, in the house of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of Uranus, in the sign of . This is a difficult standing: because if Mars is war and passion, then Chiron is peace and tranquility. If Chiron is balance, then Uranus is destruction and rebellion. As a result of these contradictions, you most likely have internal conflicts and spiritual duality. Self-deception and deception of others leads you to betrayal and fight against imaginary enemies. At best, you are not associated with property and material goods, you renounce property and rush into practical occult activity (Pluto gives the strength for this activity). By completely transforming yourself, you seem to die and be reborn in this life. You most likely have great psychological gifts. You can understand other people and explore the world through yourself. In the worst case, this situation, with a strong Chiron and the inability to overcome duality, can stimulate mental illness in you. Then the desire to change places will appear. The more you have, the more you spend, or vice versa, you use nothing. Neither one nor the other resolves the conflict.The harmony of the existing world often does not satisfy you, and you try to find beauty beyond the limits of visible reality, neglecting the beauty of the natural. When interacting with people, you tend to come into close emotional contact, which can be overly destructive for contact.

Chiron deepens internal contradictions, and also strengthens his desire for emotional self-expression. It gives Scorpio a subconscious feeling of the materiality of the latter’s actions and the desire to understand the programs of his own and others’ subconscious. The developed aspect produces a brilliant practical psychologist, for whom the processes and structures of the subconscious seem to be completely materialized. However, the elaboration here is complicated by the imprisonment of Chiron, who initially creates too chaotic situations in the external and internal world (higher and lower planes mixed together) for them to be easy to understand. To do this, with this aspect, you need to accept not only the objective and independent of your will existence of subconscious programs, but also their ability to control the external world around you; in other words, to recognize that any person, regardless of level of development, is a practical magician. Then a vision of the subtle world (especially the astral plane) and specific magical abilities (i.e. manipulation with astral entities) opens. When defeated, there is a tendency to black magic of the classical sense.

Scorpio Chiron requires a qualitatively different formulation of the issue of transformation of reality - external and internal. At a low level, this aspect gives such an emotional overflow that a person will inevitably want to understand himself more deeply, so as not to destroy himself (and others) so destructively. In his heart there will appear... well, not yet pity, but at least regret for what he is doing in the houses where Chiron stands and aspects. It is not easy for him to figure it out, however, since the lower Scorpio is characterized by (overcompensated) self-confidence, especially in cases of righteous anger and revenge. The latter, however, will give such unexpected consequences that the tarantula may think - and turn into a gray lizard. At a higher level, Scorpio Chiron knows how to subtly play on a subconscious level (with himself and others), causing emotional states similar to electric shock, sometimes with strong aftereffects and great effect, although not always able to predict whether it will be positive or negative. Here, elaboration is difficult - the personal-emotional background in the subconscious is too strong, but the results will be very high, since along the way of developing the aspect, a person will be forced to find in himself the means to control gross emotions, and not to suppress them mentally (in this case this is very difficult), but their weakening and sublimation, as well as the constructive use of released energy, for example, in psychoanalysis.

Chiron in Sagittarius (1949-1950, 1999-2000)

Temperamental Chiron. Fantastic Sagittarius.

Here Chiron is in exaltation, in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign. This position gives you an excellent opportunity to combine caution and wild adventurism. You are reminiscent of ice6erg - you fascinate with your charm, hiding your essence in the depths. You will be characterized by a philosophical mindset, you will not impose your views on anyone and you will easily learn the law of the unity of opposites. You are a very mature person, you easily acquire and easily consolidate knowledge. You subtly sense the ideas of the century, as if floating in the air, and make discoveries that are already ripe. Chiron is a very creative planet, and fire is a creative sign, and Neptune, the co-ruler of Sagittarius, makes it possible to “read” the universal information field. The lord of Sagittarius - Jupiter gives you the possibility of consolidation and the status of legitimacy. In the worst case, you will be characterized by a bifurcation of your life program, a desire to both row for yourself and squander. Like a boar (Sagittarius is a pig according to the Chinese calendar), you quickly crush the weak under you, first acting with cunning. In this case, you usually achieve your goal by committing a lot of offenses that are surprising in their ease and meaninglessness.In relationships with people, you have an inherent understanding of completely different views and the need to combine many things within yourself, finding general harmony and a higher plan for organizing the world. You can reveal the meaning of the sublime and convey it to others.

Chiron supplies Sagittarius with ideas on the edge of reality; however, this line is achievable with appropriate work; Chiron is trying to knock Sagittarius off his standard vision of the world picture and show him in practice that it needs a change in fundamental principles. Initially, this aggravates the chaos of ideas and energy of Sagittarius, who tries to ignore, by moving to a broad plane of vision, what still does not fit into the framework known to him. When working through the aspect, Sagittarius learns to look for intermediate levels to realize their almost fantastic ideas and really bring them to life. A typical interest is in UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations, human spiritual development, mastery of higher energies and mental capabilities (telekinesis, telepathy, etc.); at a high level, breakthroughs are possible to construct a synthetic picture of the world, which is not always understood by contemporaries, and ideas of social organization of a fundamentally new type. However, this is a difficult aspect to work through, and without it there will be chaotic tossing and turning of the described ideas on the surface layer, a love of science fiction.

At some point in development, fiery Chiron poses the following problem to a person, and quite acutely: what are the sources of my enthusiasm? Where, in fact, do the ideas that I so energetically serve come from? And why are the results of this ministry so fantastically inconsistent with the genius of the plan? In the moving cross, Chiron knows how to increase the speed of movement of circumstances, ideas, opinions, etc. to the point of unimaginable absurdity; when he is in Sagittarius, a person can be overwhelmed by 6 magnificent ideas at the same time that require joint implementation, and one can (but in fact cannot) imagine what this turns into as a result - everything goes out. Sagittarius Chiron (karmically) needs to learn to understand from which area of ​​his (or public) subconscious the idea that he is currently burning with came from, and to realize that he is responsible not only for its expression and popularization, but also for its embodiment and subsequent profanation in society, which he naturally doesn’t want to think about. What poet, when writing poetry, thinks about what parodies of him will look like? And Streltsovsky Chiron should think about this too. At a high level, this aspect produces existential philosophers and preachers who speak a truly new word and make God much more real to their flock (especially in the energetic aspect). In general, a developed Chiron gives a person practical religiosity, that is, the ability to hear the voices of very high egregors, without confusing them either with one’s ego or with social broadcasts; the method of communication is largely determined by the position of Chiron in the sign (in the fire sign these are quiet impulses of deep enthusiasm, in the earthly sign - actions of creation, in the air sign - the subtlest thoughts heard in complete mental calm, in the water sign - deep-essential emotional movements).

Chiron in Capricorn (1901-1904, 1951-1954)

Subtle Capricorn. Forward looking Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the day house of Saturn and Uranus, in the sign of exaltation of Mars, in the sign opposite in element to the planet.Chiron tries to focus Capricorn's attention on the subtle plan of the projects embodied by Capricorn. The aspect gives interest in group psychology and psychoanalysis, especially in the context of creating effective ways to manage work teams, initially, perhaps, motivated by conflicts and deadlock situations, which arose in the course of Capricorn’s life and work, which clearly have some kind of their own, but incomprehensible logic, which, if unraveled, could be resolved. The developed aspect gives Capricorn the opportunity to see the karmic goals of the projects he is implementing and the true meaning of the activities of all participants, which allows him to most effectively place them in their places and properly motivate them, as a result of which energy flows, enthusiasm, labor productivity and income of the team sharply increase. However, for this, Capricorn needs to significantly expand his consciousness and include subtle plans and motivations, which for him, however, in the presence of Chiron, is easier than it might seem at first glance, since Chiron feels good in Capricorn. At the highest level of development of the aspect chironical Capricorn can carry out very specific material work so that, in parallel, new objects will be created in the subtle world (this is perceived by contemporaries as a miracle); abilities in the areas of work organization and accelerated group training; practical use of collective meditation, including for constructive activity in the subtle world, conscious work with the egregor of the group.Chiron in Capricorn (when worked through) gives spiritual path development, externally similar to ordinary life, but internally filled with completely different content. There is a difference in emphasis, somewhat less emphasis on the lower “I” and a deeper understanding of the path of life; this is a good position for Chiron, here is the spiritual and life path close. In the lower octave there is a parody of spirituality or speculation on spiritual values, the theme of expanding consciousness as a side dish to the tough bloody steak of a career or frankly selfish goals.

This position gives you excellent tactical talent. You start your own business secretly, you can change your goals and methods of achieving it. Capricorn, like any earth sign, must dig up a lot of ground in order to bring everything into system and achieve something. Strong Chiron allows you to do this with apparent ease. In everything you will demonstrate professional excellence and skill. You achieve everything through enormous work capacity. You usually have an interesting ability to maintain your balance before the decisive leap. You achieve your goal with apparent ease - a wonderful combination of caution (Chiron) and pressure (Mars) plays a role here. You may have a combination of being adaptable and hungry for new things. You probably often objectively strive for something new and, like a good Capricorn, you achieve something new, although you yourself may not have wanted it. You can do sober and cold analysis and strive for paradoxes. As a rule, you are able to refuse everything, but if you hit, it will be unexpected and sharp, like a guillotine. At the same time, there is no fanaticism or blind faith in you. In the worst case, the end justifies the means for you. You can act in a way that no one expects from you, but having achieved the goal, you begin to suffer from dissatisfaction (it turns out that you have achieved the wrong thing).Harmony for you is conciseness and refinement of forms and manners. You clearly assess people's capabilities and are able to identify those areas that may be useful for a joint reality.

Capricorn Chiron makes high demands on a person, since the practicality of both is combined together, and Capricorn always involves long and complex programs of action. Therefore, in the developed version of the aspect, this person will achieve a lot on the path of knowledge and coordination of his lower and higher principles, and materialize for himself many processes and programs of the subconscious, to a large extent learn to classify them, recognize and manage their development within himself. In his external life, he will set himself serious goals, often socially acceptable, but having, if you look closely, a completely different meaning (both for him and for society) than at first glance - and it will often not be easy to understand this meaning. Capricorn Chiron looks for the beaten path whenever possible, but his aspirations go far beyond the boundaries of social ideas and ideals. In the undeveloped version, especially with the defeat of Chiron, this is a very unhappy person, because unknown forces constantly set him seemingly understandable and, albeit difficult, achievable goals, and having achieved them (or halfway), he discovers that ( due to an internal feeling or external circumstances) he has come to the wrong place and needs to reorient himself, and where, it is not clear, and whether he will need the acquired experience - too. Here it is important for a person not to lose faith in his destiny and the (albeit still unclear) meaning of any of his conscientious work, and most importantly - not to look at his life and the world with stereotyped social eyes, but to see in the chaos of his disappointments chironic hints at the hidden meaning of the changes in his fate and goals - external and internal. Chiron develops Capricorn's imagination and sense of humor, although using inappropriate and incorrect, from the latter's point of view, methods, but quite effectively.

Chiron in Aquarius (1905-1909, 1955-1960)

Promising Aquarius. Inventive Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the night house of Uranus and Saturn, in a related sign.Chiron's stability hardly resists the pressure of Aquarius's fantastic ideas, and with a strong defeat, especially if there is opposition of Uranus (dispositor) to Chiron, mental illness is possible. When worked through, this is a person who came to us directly from the future. This could be a brilliant engineer, or a psychoanalyst who directly reads the subconscious of his patients, or a scientist whose scientific discoveries also solve the most pressing practical problems of our time; many of the Aquarius Chiron generation, born in 1955-1960, will learn astrology and successfully apply it in practice. But the focus of the well-developed Aquarius Chiron is his own subconscious, which he will be able to understand, find some very unique language of communication with it and go to such depths where he can find a solution (or a hint of it) to any problem that interests him. Here, a method of thinking known as “brilliant insight” is used as a method, which requires, of course, some preparation, but the developed Aquarian Chiron somehow knows how it should be carried out. In the undeveloped version, a person has a lot of fantastic ideas, glimpses of strange revelations, etc., but all this is very confusing, and it is necessary not so much to develop original thinking (this is enough in the first case), but to deepen it, penetrating into the essence of any current practical problem that disciplines the mind and subconscious. You need to understand that a brilliant idea is entertaining, but requires elaboration, and discover that the lower “I” is interested in the first, but not necessarily the second, and that the truth about oneself is often heard in the most ordinary, albeit unpleasant, words.In your interactions with people you are friendly, but perhaps too eccentric and somewhat distracted from the specific needs of your partner. You are able to see the beauty of ideas and harmony in abstract and fantastic forms, losing touch with the criteria of reality.

The developed aspect makes the connection between the egregor and Aquarius almost material. He learns to distinguish information from the higher layers of the subtle world, which is always intuitive and difficult to interpret in any formal language, from information coming from lower layers, which can be accurately interpreted in a suitable language, which is an extension of what is already known, and further tested for applicability in current situations. living conditions of chironic Aquarius. He is essentially a practitioner; But for him, practical problems are those that before him were considered not only unsolvable, but even sometimes taboo in society. The last generation of chironical Aquarians treats the laws of karma and the life of the subconscious as something very real, specifically regulating our lives and absolutely as accessible to study and practical use as the already discovered laws of inert nature (laws of physics, chemistry, geology, etc.) . P.). There is hope that this generation will significantly advance epistemology, establish the dependence of the potential boundaries of human knowledge and humanity on their evolutionary level, and be able to discover new principles of teaching that would take into account the actual abilities and capabilities of students. The result of such training should be the real opening of channels into the subtle world, and not mental surrogates of knowledge. A developed aspect gives extraordinary mental abilities; a person learns to regularly work with the egregor, that is, he systematically solves problems using the method of “brilliant insight,” which only needs minor purely mental refinement. At the same time, the undeveloped aspect gives constant ersatz “revelations”, that is, thoughts that are unexpected enough for a person to consider them not “his own”, but to come from somewhere above, and be confused by them, but not sufficiently developed in order to practically use them, although it seems that it is missing a little. Working through this aspect requires a significant expansion of mental consciousness, and Chiron gives impulse and hint, but this alone is not enough. It requires a lot of dedicated personal work. However, overall this is a very promising aspect.

You will be characterized by an organic need for freedom, including for others (Aquarius is friendship), a real split and paradox. Surely you want to have an alternative to everything and combine opposites. Most likely, you are a highly spiritual person (thanks to the exaltation of Uranus here), and you may well get closer to the knowledge of the Absolute. But at the everyday level, you may experience, for example, an inability to make a decision. And also buffoonery, foolishness, unpredictability of behavior are possible, instead of true originality. At best, you live simultaneously in the present, future and past, without losing ground under your feet. You are a carrier of the new, moving towards the future through constant choice, a traveler in space and time. At worst, freedom is realized in your life in the form of ugliness. Then complete uncontrollability, scatteredness, duality and unpredictability may appear. You commit vile acts out of boredom and become even more bored when you are having fun. There may be a lot of absurd and meaningless things in you (for example, two wives, two houses, two jobs, or even all at once).

Chiron in Pisces (1910-1917, 1961-1968)

Practical Pisces. Misty Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the night house of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of exaltation of Venus, in the sign of the mysterious.
If Chiron is in Pisces, a person will find himself in such social currents and emotional situations that plunge him into internal chaos and external impasse; from him, at an average level of development, he is required to understand what level of service people need from him, and what level of selfishness and internal dishonesty is acceptable for him. Chironic Pisces feels less evasive and slippery, but on the other hand, it has very great opportunities for realizing itself in practical psychology (for which a psychology degree is not required). However, Chiron is a very practical planet, and it requires that superficial fishy sympathy and empathy be followed by effective assistance to a person, otherwise you risk ending up in a tense characteristic chironic situation, where the usual cause-and-effect relationships between good and evil are violated, and unmotivated rudeness and black ingratitude is just pale flowers that precede the juicy poisonous fruit of the complete destruction of the picture of the world and disappointment in people in general and in oneself in particular.

In the lower octave, Chiron raises a lot of turbidity around Pisces; she is thrown from side to side, now into the occult, now into extreme materialism, now into inner experiences, but nowhere can she find a sufficiently reliable beginning, a core that will give her stability. However, the meaning of the flow, events and experiences that Chiron gives to Pisces is that she must reconsider her views on the world and herself, learn to respect both her external and internal realities and see a direct connection between them. External problems are consequences of internal ones: and as they are solved last first resolve or fall away on their own - this is the most important lesson Chiron teaches Pisces. But in order to learn this principle, Pisces needs to learn to understand their subconscious and its problems; Chiron also gives this opportunity, but in return demands a restructuring of Pisces’ ethics: in this case, it turns out that not only some actions are unethical, but also intense thoughts and desires. Chiron gives Pisces a practical orientation and at the same time a non-standard view of things: it becomes inclined to use its psychological and mystical abilities in practice, in working with people. The developed aspect gives the ability to see one’s own and other people’s subconscious programs as almost material objects, the ability to navigate energy flows and karmic programs of various egregors, clear clairvoyance in many matters, etc., but for this, Pisces should develop for itself a very clear ethics, which alone can only save her from chaotic tossing and muddy water egocentrism. Working through the aspect gives Pisces the opportunity for practical and sometimes quite active actions (in cases where the situation has been well reviewed and requires it), very effective and constructive, which is extremely rare for lower Pisces; however, no Pisces should get carried away with active actions, due to the subtlety of its karmic tasks, which can only be carried out directly by the egregor (then events develop as if on their own).

This is the most mysterious position of Chiron.It can give you great sensitivity and awareness of subtle cosmic vibrations.You can see harmony where others do not see it, and find a place for the phenomenon in the spontaneous flow of life, without drawing a line between the base and the sublime. You are able to identify with any person and know how to sympathize with everyone.Pisces Chiron (karmically) requires a person to understand his most subtle and elusive feelings and emotions and to find and carefully close all the loopholes for internal dishonesty and self-deception. An unprocessed aspect gives a chaos of feelings and impressions, exciting and completely unbearable, and at some point a person feels that what is happening to him does not fit into any framework and he needs to reconsider his internal attitudes. If this does not work out, bad company, alcoholism, drugs, or various other attempts to escape into an illusory reality are possible. Here the psyche is very sensitive, and subtle defenses are developed, fencing off a person not only from the outside world, but also from his own soul, which feels very uncomfortable among the dirty emotions floating on the surface of the subconscious. Working through the aspect frees a person from the power of emotions and makes it possible to remove the protective shells that distort the perception of the external world and signals from the higher self; this, however, can be painful and requires great dedication and love for the world, which, of course, glimmers in the soul of the fish Chiron, but at first may feel bad and not give anything for the person himself. A well-developed aspect gives greater sensitivity to all manifestations of the external world; these are artists, musicians, poets, spiritual teachers who perceive Divine love in the outside world and are able to show it to other people, no matter what level of development they are at. The defeat of the fishy Chiron gives a strong turbidity in the soul, which needs to be sorted out and clearly separated from the lower principles, which requires a lot of work and inner honesty; after this, a person is capable of true service to God in any, the most difficult, dirty, delicate and subtle situations; in the undeveloped version, he will constantly broadcast mental darkness to the outside world, continuing the tradition of an amorphous company of gray teachers.

Used Books:

1. Absalom the Underwater. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac. Chiron.
2. Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

We are moving into the region of planets invisible to the naked eye, and Chiron is the only one of them belonging to the third level, the rest already belong to the fourth. Chiron is in many ways an intermediate, connecting planet; this is also manifested in its position in the solar system: between Saturn and Uranus, that is, on the border between the lower and higher planets. Chiron does not show miracles and revelations, like the planets of the fourth level, but it still takes a person beyond the boundaries of his everyday perception and mental picture of the world, showing him what is almost implausible from a human point of view, but is still perceived as really existing. This applies to both external and internal life: the laws of both are formalized in the public consciousness and subconscious, and going beyond the method and framework of vision prescribed by society is punished, so to speak, administratively and sometimes criminally; but Chiron knows how to shift the emphasis and refocus reality in such a way that a person violates the prescribed laws of perception without noticing it, and then it’s too late to retreat back: Chiron shows this so clearly that he can then pretend to himself that he didn’t see or understand anything, It's simply impossible.

In external life, Chiron provides an almost supernatural way out of developmental impasses, such a confluence of circumstances and solutions to issues and problems that seem incredible before they happen, but are later interpreted as possible and real. Chiron gives a person a strong hint of the existence of the laws of karma; in particular, when it is active, signs symbolically showing the near future begin to work. In the inner life, Chiron shows access to such layers of the subconscious that allow you to clearly see the interaction of the higher and lower principles of a person and learn to some extent to control this process consciously.

Chiron takes human consciousness one step above the socially acquired level, therefore what it gives is perceived as a message from the future, but not from the day after tomorrow, as in the case of Uranus, and not directly from the incomprehensible God, as in the case of Neptune and Pluto, but from the already close, almost approaching tomorrow, so that chironic reality is felt as standing on this side of the border of the psychic norm, although close to this border.

Chiron's main function is to expand a person's consciousness (and, therefore, his capabilities, but this is secondary), and one of his main techniques is to establish connections between phenomena that were previously considered unrelated to each other. However, the chironic expansion of consciousness is fundamentally different from the Mercurian (quantitative increase in knowledge within the framework of one mental model), Jupiterian (expansion of the number of spheres of consciousness within the framework of the mental picture of the world existing in society) and Saturnian (internal development and self-knowledge also within a socially designated framework). Chiron gives an expansion of personal consciousness, not yet sanctioned by the public subconscious and consciousness..., but already almost authorized by it. In every era, Chiron gives his discoveries; for example, at the end of the 19th century, solar Taurus K. Marx and Z. Freud (dispositor of the Sun - Chiron) showed the world what it was almost prepared for, actually materializing public relations and human mental life. Now, a hundred years later, their concepts have become generally known, their models have been adopted and are largely outdated, and Chiron governs the discovery and materialization of other laws and phenomena.

Chiron is the planet of materialization of subtle plans. This, like everything in astrology, must be understood in relation to a given person (group, people, humanity), since what is subtle and subtle for one has long been mastered and actually material for another. Therefore, the description below of the qualities and manifestations of Chiron will undoubtedly become outdated as soon as Chiron materializes for humanity what it can hardly comprehend today, and in about forty years, that is, in 2028, this description can only be read in conjunction with a history textbook, and Chiron will control completely different processes and manifest itself, perhaps, in a completely different way.

Chiron connects with each other and materializes for a person his higher and lower selves and controls the process of spiritual development of a person in the narrow sense of the word. Since the discovery of a planet always means the activation of its principle, it must be assumed that for people born after 1977, the concepts of spirituality and evolutionary development of both man and society as a whole will be much more material and concrete than for all previous generations, for for whom spirituality meant religiosity, largely mystical and inaccessible to an ordinary person, but rather related to religious figures and saints (Neptune), or rose as socio-cultural development (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) or as sacrificial service to large social groups (Pluto). In other words, spiritual development was either replaced by cultural and intellectual development or was limited only to higher forms inaccessible to the average person. Chiron opens up to him the possibility of an intermediate path of evolutionary development, and in many ways brings clarity to this concept, making it completely concrete.

Chiron understands spirituality as the ability to hear the voice of the higher self in everyone life situations and live in accordance with its requirements and instructions. At the same time, Chiron materializes the laws of karma, and a person’s desire to listen to his higher principle and transform the lower begins to come not from higher aspirations as such, and not from a sense of duty to anyone, and not even from the desire to live according to conscience, but simply as a consequence of the need to follow the rules karmic movement as a street one: if you are not careful, they will knock you down. Chiron shows that for this you need to very carefully understand yourself, learn to distinguish the actions of various subconscious programs and increase internal honesty, which determines the resolution of internal attention. Chiron also shows and materializes direct connections between the inner and outer worlds of a person and teaches how to influence the outer world by corresponding transformations of the inner one.

At the first level of Chiron’s elaboration, a person’s inner life is perceived as a chaotic but beloved set of feelings, emotions, desires, needs and intentions, which has self-sufficient value both in itself and in any of its particular manifestations. A person does not know what he will desire in ten minutes and what intentions he will have tomorrow, but he has no protest against this, for all his internal impulses are equally organically his own, just as a person (usually) does not give preference to one your hand before the other, although here, of course, different opinions are possible, for example:

For me, ears are better than mouth,

And I prefer my stomach to my back;

But as for the hair,

It just brings me to tears

I'm sorry their time will pass.

At this level, a person does not feel any connection between his inner world and external reality, which appears to him in some places as aggressive and hostile, and in others as friendly and rich in gifts and opportunities, but a completely inanimate and static substance that does not evoke any feelings in itself. There is no ecological consciousness at this level, although with an afflicted Virgo a person may be uncomfortable with an overturned trash can at his entrance or stains of fuel oil on his personal lawn. Unpleasant internal feelings and the voice of conscience are equated to the negative influences of the environment, that is, a person, of course, takes them into account, but tries to avoid them much like mosquitoes, and since the level of internal honesty here is low, they most often repress them into the subconscious. Spirituality here is perceived as abstract religiosity (a specific prayer or ritual actually gives practically nothing, faith is purely mental) or as a socio-cultural development. Chiron’s action at this level leads to a shift in concepts about the external world and a sharp increase in chaos in the internal one, to such an extent that it may become unpleasant for a person and he will have a clear feeling of internal disorder and a desire to figure out what’s going on. Chiron (ruling Taurus) knows how to put pressure, and its action is difficult to ignore; however, at the first level of its elaboration, the very recognition of the existence of an inner world, for example, a conflict in the soul that is not motivated by conscience, can be considered a great success of a person.

At the second level of Chiron’s elaboration, a person feels his psyche as a complex formation, and feels the confrontation and interaction of various forces in his soul, sometimes being able to attribute a sign to them (that is, consider them progressive or retrograde in relation to his development), but often not knowing how to deal with himself cope with. The lower “I” insidiously hides, at times as if deliberately downplaying its power, sometimes posing as a higher one, and sometimes, which is completely incomprehensible, enters into an alliance with it - one wonders, against whom? At this level, a person already clearly wants to develop spiritually, but he still has little understanding of himself and, most importantly, does not know how to distinguish his internal impulses from those transmitted by the social subconscious, the existence of which he, although he may recognize, feels bad about himself.

The attitude towards the outside world is also changing. It is already thought of as partially integral, and a person sees in its fragments anthropomorphic and zoomorphic formations, in other words, living life, development and even the rudiments of reason. At this level, ecological consciousness appears, that is, a person begins to feel himself as part of the biosphere, which is his habitat, and he can no longer calmly look at drying lakes and rivers flowing with oil products, in which only rusty tin cans successfully reproduce.

At the second level, a person already feels the influence of his inner world on the external circumstances of his life. In any case, he notices that the work he does in a bad and especially aggressively evil state rarely turns out well, and a good attitude towards people is often more effective than direct administrative pressure. At this level, the action of Chiron is no longer considered by a person as chaotic and destructive; he understands that what is happening outside and inside him should be understood as certain instructions, and often as a result he understands the programs of his subconscious much better and learns to control them with the forces of consciousness. The general feeling after successful chironic processing is something like this: a person becomes internally more differentiated, but also more unified, as new connections appear, and the external world also acquires greater unity, as connections and general principles of existence are discovered that were previously unimaginable; changes and develops a lot mental picture the world in general; in particular, the role of religion and religious philosophy in one’s life is realized.

At the third level of Chiron’s development, a person already understands his inner world quite well, and his level of internal honesty is quite enough to unmask lower programs that pretend to be higher or non-existent. At this level, the conflict between the higher and lower “I” as such practically disappears, they separate their roles, and the person is no longer engaged in revolutionary, but more in the evolutionary development of his inner world, and declares war on the programs of his subconscious, imperatively broadcasting the social subconscious, which At this level it is perceived as a distinct and often alien moment in the psyche.

In the external life of a person, traces of karmic programs are now clearly (although not always) visible. A person understands that the main goal of his external life is his internal development and improvement, and that he cannot do or understand anything in the external world unless he is internally prepared. The world is now seen completely differently, a person feels the life of not only people and animals, but also plants and inanimate objects, from which he perceives an aura and, touching a coffee cup with his gaze, gently strokes it, causing its energy to increase greatly, the aura expands and flares up , and the cup gets warmer, not only emotionally, but also in the most literal sense of the word. A person sees how works of art open and close under the knowing or rudely impolite gaze of others, can feel the volume of a painting and lithograph and enter into it and feels communication with people, first of all, as an exchange of energy and information that cannot be directly expressed in words. Now he sees geobiocenosis simply as the life of the Earth, which he experiences as living, giving life and suffering from rough treatment.

At this level, a person sees the connection between internal and external life so clearly that he understands what kind of efforts he needs to make on himself in order to solve this or that external problem, sometimes not even concerning him personally. At the same time, he sees the limits of his capabilities and always feels that it is not he who is working, but the egregor standing behind him; the existence and influence of other egregors on the world also becomes obvious to him, but he still does not differentiate them well.

At the fourth level of Chiron development, a person perceives external difficulties solely as projections of his internal problems. At the same time, these internal problems of his belong to such deep layers of his subconscious, which are directly connected with large (in particular, social) egregors, and in fact, a person, by taking care of himself, directly influences world karma. In external life, his energy is so strong that his mere appearance or minor intervention often has very far-reaching consequences; however, usually not of a destructive nature, because he sees karma well and does not create unnecessary karmic knots (that is, from his point of view, which sometimes may not coincide with the views of the public - they have their own ideas about karma). At this level, a person is well versed in the structure and, to some extent, the relationships of egregors and sees which egregor is under the control of another person at the moment. He can, if he wishes, take this control over for a while, even from under the toughest egregor, and make sure that a soul flies to this person and talks to him; subjectively, this is experienced as a strong meditation, revelation, or simply an unforgettable conversation, during which a person feels his deep essence. This is the level of a national or world teacher, saint or prophet, with his own problems that are difficult to describe in the existing language even for him.

Chiron symbolizes a jester or a strange incomprehensible event, an absurd joke (of a person or fate) with a hidden meaning.

Chiron rules Taurus, which gives it density, heaviness, an almost material and psychologically irrefutable effect on a person. When the prophet who comes under Chiron speaks, it will be impossible not to hear him, and the world will tremble.

Chiron culminates in Pisces, which gives him the ability to plastically, not rudely influence a person’s subconscious, in particular, skillfully including such an important means of protecting the psyche as laughter, which relieves tension and the seriousness of the situation, and sometimes puts emphasis on something completely impossible, but from Chiron’s point of view just the right way. Pisces themselves don’t have much humor, but they wag their tails so funny and so cleverly change their points of view to the opposite or completely incomprehensible ones that you’ll burst out laughing... unless, of course, this is your immediate boss.

The situation of Chiron of the lower octave is distinguished by two features: firstly, something absurd is happening, not foreseen by the usual order of things, and, secondly, it is accompanied by a strong and steady flow of cosmic energy over the situation, which makes what is happening full of secret meaning, but what namely, none of the participants is able to understand and express. Some small details and details become disproportionately large, right symbolic meaning, but no one can say why they are perceived as signs of fate... and then it turns out that they really meant something significant, but the external connection of events and the morality of what happened remains unclear, although it is remembered for a long time. Nowadays, Chiron governs the knowledge of the hidden capabilities of a person, he is present in accelerated training courses and during childbirth in water, in treatment and diagnostic sessions with passes and laying on of hands, acupressure, naturopathic treatment, therapeutic fasting and even telepathy and telekinesis - when all this is done under the banner of "materialism" and even "science". Registration of the biofield with physical instruments, photographing the aura and radiation from magnetizing hands, deriving the equations of karma from the Schrödinger equation with a zero boundary condition along the human spine, quantum numbers of the chakras - all this not only reveals the truth, but rather turns our ideas about the world inside out, preparing the ground for it discoveries, but nevertheless leaving behind the usual “scientific” foundation, or at least phraseology, so that society and the subconscious do not stage an outright revolt.

In the area of ​​inner life, Chiron reigns in sessions of group psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, where the reality of each participant and the group as a whole is distorted very significantly, in particular because a strong energy flow is turned on, which has its own logic and goals, individual for each group, and the task (and the art) of the presenter largely lies in not interfering with this flow and not setting his own goals that greatly impede his actions (here a map drawn up at the beginning of the lesson and a group map corresponding to the moment the course began are very helpful). What a person feels in himself as a result of three days of intensive communication in a group can completely change his outlook on life and direct his subsequent destiny in a completely different direction.

The Chiron person is perceived by others, in any case, as very unusual. Around him, the focus of the setting constantly seems to shift and reality becomes not quite the same as usual. This, however, is not perceived as a mental pathology or inaccessibility to high flight, the distant future or enlightened religiosity (which is typical for people with a predominance of one of the 4th level planets). Chiron's person is apparently of this world, but still sometimes the opposite feeling arises. The Chiron person is good at directing: he knows how to see and show others the Divine and spiritual in the human and ordinary, not including religious and philosophical views and mystical streams, but remaining in almost ordinary and completely human positions.

A Chiron person has an ability for all occult sciences, including astrology, especially if there is a major aspect of Chiron to Uranus (throughout the second half of the twentieth century, this is an opposition that arises every now and then in the period 1950-1990). He feels the biofield and energy of objects and situations, sometimes predicts the future or talks with those who are absent or dead, and prayer for him is a very real communication, if not with God, then with a high egregor - but all this is of little interest to him until it is put into action a “scientific” or, in any case, a material basis, which for him means the repeatability of phenomena and the opportunity to teach others (who, of course, have minimal natural abilities). But the main thing for a Chiron person is to understand his inner world, to distinguish between the influences of higher and lower principles and general social influences, and form the correct ethics of behavior in the outside world, in accordance with one’s karma (Chiron is the symbolic ruler of the second house). Without this, he feels out of place and can make many mistakes and even dirty deeds (in general, people with strong Chiron and especially higher planets have great energy and realization power, therefore, at a low level of development, they often become dirty teachers), for which, given the materiality of the impact on the world and the immateriality of the sources of this impact, it has a lot of possibilities, which the astute reader can get an idea of ​​by re-reading this chapter again.

Weak Chiron means the absence of a pronounced influence of this planet on a person’s life, but does not set limits for him in deep knowledge of himself, identifying the higher and lower principles and their connection with external fate, and so on. He is given freedom in this regard, which he can use at his own discretion.

At a high level of development, this is a progressor-observer, if we use the terminology of science fiction novels, that is, a person who sees a lot, including other people’s subconscious programs (his own are worse) and their connection with a person’s fate, and from the mere fact that such a person looks and sees that the situations and lives of the people around him change, because a high egregor, endowed with great implementation power, looks through him. But the person himself feels personally and emotionally not included in those changes in the external world that occur with his indirect participation (in general, weak personal and emotional involvement is a necessary condition for a high egregor to view the situation through this person: emotions and personal attitudes play a role of interference in the transmission of information).

At a low level of human development, Chiron’s weakness is perceived rather positively: there will be few situations that confuse and force you to reconsider your views on the world in horror and after severe stress (this applies to Chiron; you also need to look at the aspects of other higher planets, especially Uranus). He will lack a little originality and freshness of view, and literary device“removal” will not be entirely clear: why is this, strictly speaking, necessary?

Harmonious Chiron gives a wonderful sense of humor, highly valued by friends and acquaintances. This person knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations; something works for him that in principle, or at least for no one else, can work. However, he himself and those around him quickly get used to it and consider this state of affairs natural. Practicing magicians and wizards flock to this person with their specific problems, often apparently external, but in fact always internal, psychological, evolutionary and karmic, with gifts and in the hope that he will help resolve them or, at least, soften them. This person (of course, if Chiron is included) has great abilities, in particular, strong charm that works both retrospectively and at a distance; he sees something and can tell from the coffee grounds. Here, as always when the planet is in a harmonious position, the choice between serving people and one’s selfishness is quite acute. In the first case, a person can successfully develop inner vision in himself and other people and quickly move up the evolutionary ladder, but for this he needs to set himself tasks that are a little more complex and difficult than he wants; in the second case, you can become an astral vampire, gently basking in the gradually thinning streams of cosmic energy intended for others, with understandable karmic consequences for yourself.

An afflicted Chiron gives a person who is very spread out on the evolutionary ladder; his higher and lower principles are both very active and tear his soul apart, not to mention his psyche. Such a person is characterized by a keen interest in the problems of expanding consciousness and self-knowledge; he can study himself for a long time and develop wonderful skills in words, which in reality turn out to be much more modest. It’s good, of course, to see past incarnations and moments when karmic ties arose, since it’s difficult to verify this. But Chiron requires a practical solution, and if a person cannot solve the real problem of a given incarnation with the help of the information received, then he needs to deal with the problems of internal honesty and modesty, which require, firstly, an indirect, and secondly, an integrated approach. In general, an unprocessed, affected Chiron is characterized by the peculiar pride of a person who has reached the edge of esoteric knowledge and even knows how to do something practically, but evaluates his knowledge and skills at a level that elevates him to the celestials. From time to time there are hard blows and strong disappointments, sometimes the mental picture of the world and the image of oneself crumble into dust, and in such cases one needs to collect the fragments of one’s former conceit in a sackcloth bag of humility, put it on one’s shoulders and, realizing that one has overcome the next loop of the road of knowledge, walk along it further, not counting on the lacquered limousine of dedications and revelations. The affected Chiron requires hard work in little-explored areas of the outside world and desperate battles with the lower principles, especially aggression and self-deception, and with these enemies one can never be sure of complete, much less final, victory.

The material contains excerpts from publications: Absalom the Underwater - General Astrology. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac, Pavel Globa - Planets in the signs of the Zodiac, Semira and V. Vetash - The art of forecasting.

Chiron was discovered by astronomer Charles Koval on October 18, 1977. In 1978, Koval suggested that Chiron might be a comet. At the same time, the astronomer proposed naming the asteroid the name Chiron. In ancient Greek mythology, Chiron is a centaur (half man, half horse). This is quite consistent with the dual nature of the asteroid/comet object. He revolves around the Sun with a period of about 50 years, its orbit is located between Saturn and Uranus. The status of Chiron is completely uncertain, astronomers are in thought: either it is a small planet, or a planetoid, or the nucleus of a comet.

Chiron in Greek mythology was an enlightened teacher and healer, descended from a line of centaurs.Mythical centaurs lived in the lap of nature, on the slopes of Mount Pelion in Northern Greece.Centaurs were a strange mixture of animal and human, and due to their animal energy, they generally had a reputation for being "hot guys." Chiron, their leader and sage, rose above the rest. He was the son of the ancient god-king Kronos (Saturn).Chiron combines the instincts of an animal and the rational, logical thinking of a person.

He lived in a cave like a primitive man, but his philosophical thoughts, the mystical revelations that were born in this solitude, and the teachings that he preached were far from primitive. Chiron was wise, and it was wisdom of a practical kind and practical application. He was a renowned herbalist and was trusted with the training and education of the great warrior heroes of the classical era, including Achilles. However, Chiron was best known as one of the greatest healers of his time; he was the teacher of Aesculapius, who later became a demigod - the patron of healing.

Astrologers believe that the discovery of a planet occurs when humanity is ready to perceive its radiation, and at the same time it becomes more active. Since the discovery of the celestial body named after Chiron in 1977, signs of the presence of his archetype began to manifest themselves in the most noticeable way in our culture and public life. For example, the field of alternative medicine, including acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, chiropractic and many other disciplines, has grown into a huge industry since Chiron took its place in the night sky. His mastery of herbal healing is particularly noted in ancient Greek literature, and although he has no mythological connection with the Chinese practice of acupuncture, it must be remembered that in some sense he can be considered the patron saint of all traditional healing methods, and acupuncture therapy is such a method. Not all astrologers recognize Chiron; but the others study him closely. In any case, in the American Ephemeris of Neil f. Michelsen (California, San Diego, 1980) it has already been presented. According to the author, an astrologer who began to study his science after the discovery of Chiron should take into account its influence in any chart, even if it belongs to the last century. The discovery of a planet changes not only the destiny of mankind, but also the characteristics of the signs in which it dominates and culminates; in this case, these are Taurus and Pisces, respectively.

Located on the border of several astronomical definitions, it is located in the middle between two planets that embody opposing forces.Depending on the aspects and circumstances, Chiron can symbolize a jester, an incomprehensible impasse, or a way out of it. Chiron establishes a connection between a person’s higher and lower selves, expands his consciousness in a form accessible to a person, without leading him to a madhouse (at least for a long time). To put it aphoristically, Chiron's action is evolutionary in form, but revolutionary in content. Chiron develops occult abilities in a person, but outwardly it looks quite materialistic or close to it, mental shock does not occur. Chiron will provide access to higher spheres (energy, spiritual) not through a trance state (like Neptune), not through transcendental mental insight (like Uranus), apparently being firmly based on the usual picture of the human world or not contradicting it too much. The usual reaction of a person is something like this: “Well, how come I haven’t seen this before?”

The Chiron person is completely fascinated by occult subjects with a materialistic or quasi-materialistic lining: treatment with passes and telepathy as the use of a physical or almost physical “biofield”, acupuncture and meridians of active points as physiological manifestations, the study of esoteric religions on a practical basis, meditation as auto-training, experiences after a clinical death, etc., including communication with alien civilizations and astrology, which also has a quasi-physical justification (in any case, the influence of solar radiation and lunar phases on the human body is scientifically recognized). Chiron opens dead ends in spiritual development; there is hope that he will open the main dead end into which humanity has fallen, having fallen into naive materialism and ignoring the subtle world and the laws of karma.

Chiron is a dense and definite planet (he rules Taurus), and if he undertakes to show you something, he will do it, and in the most unambiguous way, your sensations will be physical and quite clear, and the information will not allow for discrepancies. If your Chiron is active and you go to a psychic, he will not only cure you, but also teach you how to treat and diagnose others, and maybe even see internal organs. After this, it is difficult to “not believe” in the biofield, although you are no closer to understanding its nature. However, Chiron not only opens dead ends in development, he also creates them in the wrong directions, and also the most unambiguous ones. But if Saturn’s obstacles are recognized by their heavy, suffocating, slowing down style, then Chiron’s obstacles, although often also insurmountable, are more cheerful and non-trivial; often completely incomprehensible in terms of the logic of their origin and occurrence on your life path. They are not connected with your sins and failure to fulfill your debts, but with an insufficiently broad consciousness, and the purpose of these obstacles is its expansion. The Absolute seems to want to say: as long as you look at the world with your usual eyes, you will not understand anything and will see only chaos (and, perhaps suffering: if you have an affected Chiron in Virgo or in the 6th house (health and illness), then it is very likely that you should reject classical medicine and be treated with naturopathic remedies, herbs, massage, yoga, hardening, etc. but by the time you understand this, a lot of time may pass, filled with unsuccessful visits to doctors).


Chiron is partial to accelerated and effective teaching methods, especially group ones, and psychoanalysis. It also relates to literature and is meant to demonstrate the true magical power of a precisely spoken word and teach people to listen to each other; It is through speech that the spiritual principle in a person is most easily expressed and perceived, but first you need to learn not to litter it.

Chiron shows how spread out a person is on the evolutionary ladder.Defeat of Chironmeans that a person has many evolutionary “tails”, that is, unobsolete programs of a much lower evolutionary level than the rest. This means that in his life (when Chiron is active) there will be a lot of chaos, ups and downs, a person will strive upward, underestimating the power of the lower principle, then fall down, give up on himself, then rise again, etc. However, in a horoscope that is harmonious as a whole, all this is strongly said. In this case, the manifestation of the lower principle in a person is repressed into the subconscious, he perceives himself as “good enough”, he can (and should, of course) strive to become better, but even as he is, it’s not bad... Here it is very difficult to realize one’s inner dishonesty . The affected Chiron requires an active struggle between his higher self and his lower self, and here it is difficult (and not at all desirable) to distinguish between them. On the contrary, in an overall afflicted chart, afflicted Chiron gives a very acute sense of inner imperfection. In general, people with affected cards are often internally happier than people with harmonious cards. They quickly realize that their life is not strewn with roses, and begin to work through their tense, and at the same time, their few harmonious aspects, guided by the opinion that “good must be made from evil, since there is nothing else to make it from.” However, Chiron, even when struck, does not like a person to attack his inner shortcomings like a fierce tiger and completely deny his lower beginning. Still, it is alive.

Unaspected Chiron gives a person for whom the separation of the higher and lower “I” in his psyche, the expansion of consciousness and the burning of evolutionary “tails” are not particularly relevant. He (karmically) must do a lot at his level of consciousness and self-awareness, and spiritual growth in the narrow sense of the word is optional for him. He is not too spread out on the evolutionary ladder, and this is not his main obstacle.

Harmonious Chiron gives a person in whom both higher and lower principles are quite strongly represented, but he manages to live as if they do not interfere, but help each other. His lower self gives him protection, as well as physiological and emotional joy, and at this time the higher seems to be silent; then the higher “I” turns on, and the person, forgetting about himself, actually does something for evolution. Good occult abilities with practical output (effective treatment with the biofield, reading the necessary thoughts of superiors, abilities in palmistry and astrology). If this person seriously engages in his spiritual development, he can, over time (Chiron is in no hurry in his positive actions) achieve a high level of penetration both in himself and in others. His higher and lower principles, holding hands, march together along the evolutionary ladder (though, in the absence of sufficiently hard work on themselves, they will go down).

Chiron is the first ruler of Taurus(the second ruler of Taurus is Venus). Chiron gives Taurus a new sound. It turns out that Taurus is very intuitive. He has the ability to perceive astral and mental forms (i.e., what we register as emotions and thoughts) as material. Here are some examples. The future, envisioned by the developed Taurus, is conceived by him as a material substance that has not yet fully formed. Stockpiles of nuclear bombs are a heavy, disharmonious astral-mental form that wants to finally materialize into a nuclear war. High Taurus considers all material manifestations in their connection with the subtle world; for him the higher and lower principles materialize, and spiritual work becomes almost physical. Therefore, Taurus faces the danger of primitive analogies and a somewhat straightforward perception of spiritual life; he needs to learn to sense the boundaries of his intuition, which in any case is quite acute.Chiron in Taurus gives excellent intuition in general and a sense of form in particular. Chironic Taurus understands that thoughtless spending of money means a hole in the energy of the family, and financial discipline is a sign of harmony on higher planes. Good abilities for massage, especially oriental massage, treatment with passes and acupuncture.

Chiron in Scorpio is in captivity. The new and sustainable subconscious programs that Chiron creates are tested by the distrustful Scorpio. If a person is able to protect the constructively new things that happen to him as a result of difficult internal work, he can greatly change for the better, become deeper and more insightful. But speculation is also possible, since this position gives great magical and occult abilities, a tendency to hypnosis. Upon development, good ability to work with groups.

Chiron culminates in Pisces. Chiron gives Pisces the possibility of behavior intermediate between a repentant prostitute (Sonya Marmeladova) and the Virgin Mary. Such a Pisces of the middle octave can give a person a new energetic and spiritual channel, without completely dissolving in him, appealing to the best in him, but without accepting his lower manifestations.

Chiron is in decline in Virgo. Chiron is generally associated with a change in perspective on things; What is typical for him is instability, a new twist on the theme, as a result of which it suddenly flares up with unexpected sparkles and inner fire. Virgo, for her part, always tries to take details in numbers; she can wait a long time for quantity to turn into quality. But if she doesn’t strangle Chiron with her tediousness, she will see the depth in the cliche and the non-obvious in the trivial details that set everyone’s teeth on edge. The unprocessed chronic Virgo drowns in chaos of thoughts and disorder.

Chiron in Cancer, and in general water signs, gives periodic emotional and spiritual restructuring and revelations, when a person with horror discovers lower desires in himself, which, frankly speaking, are much more intimate and less pleasant than lower thoughts, their appearance in consciousness is more difficult to survive. This position means great psychological abilities and the need to understand your subconscious, to separate the emotional wheat from the chaff.

Chiron in fire signs, especially amazed - energy surges in all directions at once, a person passionately states one thing, then another, then a third, is subjected to energetic influences from different sides, and his thoughts are greatly confused. The desire to comprehend and master energy, control one’s psyche, treatment with passes, biofield, etc. Here is the problem of realizing the source and addressee of your enthusiasm, energy and aggression. Who am I really fighting with? For the strong fiery Chiron, this is an essential question; astral wars for him are not a fairy tale, but an everyday reality.

Retrograde Chiron gives more internal problems than direct (direct), there are more dead ends and chaos in internal life, but the results of working out here are higher, which will immediately affect external life - people instinctively reach out to learn how to live.

Aspect with Chiron gives an emphasis on the problem of evolutionary growth, expansion of consciousness (and the difficulties that encourage this) in connection with the Planet in aspect.

Conjunction with Chiron gives too much interaction force, it is difficult to maintain a reasonable level; for Chiron the conjunction is a difficult aspect, with the possible exception of Venus and the Moon.

Conjunction of Chironwith Venusgives specific problems in love and art, a person does not do everything like people do, but has great intuitive abilities of perception, especially works of art and a loved one. If the connection is in an air sign, the person telepathically catches the thoughts of his beloved, in a water sign - empathic perception, etc. With this connection, it is very important to work out the internal ethics of behavior, seek constructive cooperation with society and form your own aesthetics, which will be very original.

Trine Chiron- the possibility of harmonious evolutionary development, excellent intuition, spiritual subtlety, good vision of the spheres of life governed by the Planet in trine. A person is sometimes capable of performing actions on the verge of a miracle (this aspect is often stronger than the trine of Jupiter, when one is very lucky, but a miracle still does not happen). Chiron trine to Mars - excellent energy, the ability to heal with passes, creative abilities, with the development of which a person creates works of art that awaken in people conscience and the desire for self-realization.

Chiron opposition- the tendency to spiritually develop and expand the consciousness of others, but not of oneself; sometimes, on the contrary, violent self-abasement. One must learn to cooperate spiritually with others and establish a balance between one's higher and lower selves. Chiron puts a lot of pressure on the Planet in opposition - it must sometimes fight back, defending its principle. For example, with the Venus-Chiron opposition, one cannot devote one’s art exclusively to moral and spiritual goals - it also requires service to oneself as such: here is the problem of balancing higher ethics and aesthetics.

Chiron Square- karmic obstacles in the form of uneradicated evolutionary “tails” that need to be dealt with, but cannot be cut off - they are still alive (unlike the trine, when they have already dried up, they have turned into unimportant habits that are easy to get rid of). A person feels that the lower “I” is literally fused with him, but in some places it is so unpleasant that one wants to turn to a surgeon or generally repress the problem of inner life, which is possible only with a harmonic map, and not always at the cost of great sacrifices. At first, the square of Chiron gives the energy of the trine, but when you try to use it constructively, everything goes to hell, and it seems that the matter is hopeless: you can’t do anything with yourself, you won’t help others, but you will only aggravate the general chaos. The Square of Chiron thus forms a complex of its own hopelessness (in matters related to the Planet, and in the actual chironic problems described above; and, as luck would have it, both often go together), however, if, in spite of everything, lose heart, and do not give up hopes and efforts, then at one fine moment Chiron opens dead ends, which he himself organizes, and if you find yourself able to understand the dazzling new and completely incomprehensible picture of the world that suddenly opens before you, you will for some time time to become happy; nevertheless, Chiron is not at all evil, a witty and cheerful planet, and the author is inclined to consider it more beneficial than malefic - although if the reader forms a square with Saturn, the latter may be of the opposite opinion.

Chiron in the signs of the Zodiac

Chiron in Aries(1918-1926, 1968-1976)

Progressive Aries.Warlike Chiron.
Here Chiron is in exile, in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun, in the sign of the element Fire. You may be characterized by sudden changes in activity and disguise as a strong personality. Sometimes your activity is smoothed out by sobriety and caution. Sometimes you can behave like a March hare, that is, the more cautious you are, the more you become Satanic and become capable of heroism through cowardice. This generation can feign great cheerfulness and cheerfulness. You are probably torn between the desire to be active and the desire to hide. Sometimes you want to be on time everywhere, you grab onto several things at once and don’t bring anything to the end. At best, you can turn your activities in the desired direction without inertia. You carry out a variety of tactical techniques in the form of leaps. This is a kind of “rabbit loop”. It is difficult for you to maintain a sense of proportion, and being inspired by something new, you can disrupt the existing harmony. In relationships with people, you tend to focus on your personal preferences and do not understand enough the desires of others.

The developed aspect means that for a person the energy flow is already almost material; he treats it as an instrument, opening, closing and changing its direction at his own discretion (within the framework of implementing power). Ability and interest in healing with passes, bioenergy, accelerated training methods, and a strong version - telekinesis. From a psychological point of view, the ability to actively intervene in the programs of one’s own and others’ subconscious, changing them, in particular, burning out already used and outdated ones (the lower “I”) and activating the higher ones. With a strong position, general psychological and hypnotic abilities, the ability to practically work on slightly higher energy flows than seems possible to the previous and subsequent generations with Chiron in non-fire signs (Chiron from the previous Capricorn to the subsequent Cancer). If Aries is defeated, there is a danger of switching to exploitation of energy flows for material purposes and a subsequent decrease in their level.

Chiron in Taurus (1926-1933, 1977-1983)

Chiron draws Taurus's attention to those forms that from time immemorial were considered the domain of poets, thinkers and mystics. For him, thought forms and astrosomes (astral entities, for example, something that sometimes evokes in us completely atypical emotions) become tangibly real. When Chiron walked through Taurus in the 70s, a generation was born that would see auras and consistently read the simplest thoughts (i.e., register heavy thought forms as material objects). Psychologically, chironical Taurus perceives the programs of his own and others’ subconscious not as a model, that is, a way of speaking, but as reality, and can practically work with them. In an undeveloped version, this aspect gives rich imagination and (often deceiving intuition), and constant chaotic rushing from reality to the illusory world and back (the Chiron principle is not implemented, i.e. the principle of connecting the material plane with a more subtle one on the basis of the first).

Here Chiron faces very big tasks, but Taurus also gives him the opportunity to solve them, materializing and formalizing literally everything that Chiron touches, at least the developed one. At a low level, Chiron gives strong and constant pressure from external circumstances, which clearly requires a person to reconsider his views on the world; in particular, Taurus Chiron strengthens the purely material effect of the law of karma in a person’s life, clearly demonstrating to him return blows in response to his incorrect external behavior and even his internal attitude towards what is happening around him (in which areas this operates to the greatest extent, the position of Chiron in the house will show and its aspects). Elaboration gives amazing abilities that are on the verge of human understanding, since chironic Taurus can turn into form what was previously only intuitively felt. If there is an aspect of Chiron to Venus, then abilities for extraordinary art are manifested, which contemporaries will consider to be related to the future. At the same time, without elaboration, especially if the map as a whole is damaged, a person, when Chiron is turned on, may find himself literally crushed by his own imperfection and internal hopeless clumsiness; he will feel like a cart that they want to force to participate in high-speed car races and have already installed the appropriate engine. Here, the problems of discrepancy between the inner and outer world, the lower and higher “I” are felt physically and must be solved accordingly, slowly and thoroughly, because the subconscious and the evolutionary position are very stable in general, and in Taurus Chiron in particular.
Chiron in Gemini (1934-1937, 1984-1988)

Connecting Chiron. Advanced Gemini.

Here Chiron is in the house of Mercury, in the element Air. Chiron is the highest hypostasis of Mercury, and therefore the position of Chiron here is aligned with the abode of Mercury. This kind of standing gives greater variability, greater adaptability. You are usually characterized by “brokerage”, that is, you introduce everyone, unite and connect, but you yourself remain lonely. You are a purely civilian person who does not recognize discipline. You always try to keep abreast of events, know about everything, at least a little, and you can develop technical means of language translation. At best, you have excellent literary and editorial skills. You are characterized by an objective assessment of information, while you may not give away your true opinion. You are also able to captivate others with a story, although sometimes you yourself are bored, you can participate in a conversation and think about other things. In the worst case, false activity manifests itself in you, you are passionate about what you do not believe. You cannot be trusted at your word. You have a shallow, chameleon-like quality and superficiality.When interacting with people, you are overly inclined to compare and compete with them, which can deprive you of true partnership. Try to see behind the bustle of life a harmony of a more sublime order than the specifics of the moment.
Chiron is the planet of materialization of subtle plans. Its influence on Gemini is reflected primarily in a certain materialization of their mental and information flows - thoughts become more intense, information more meaningful. When developed, this aspect makes it possible to communicate directly with the egregor directly in words. Subjectively, this can be experienced in different ways: direct communication in the astral plane with a high spiritual teacher (anthropomorphic version), an invisible “voice”, conversation with an icon, etc. In the area of ​​inner life, this aspect makes it possible to correct the mental picture of the world, establishing its relationships with the (subconscious) essential picture of the world and to a large extent harmonize them, eliminating contradictions in the meantime. what is actually, internally, important to a person, with what he thinks is important to him. In an undeveloped form, this aspect provides an abundance of chaotic information and contacts on all levels - from gross to subtle, which at first completely confuse a person, so that he overcomes certain cliches of a banal view of the world and deepens his worldview. Possible are constantly changing superficial fascinations with fashionable occult movements, considered on the verge of the material: the biofield as a physical object, treatment with passes as a thermal effect, psychoanalysis and group psychoanalysis as branches of psychology, astrology as a science on the verge of physics and astronomy, etc. In a strong position, possible contacts with other civilizations.Chiron in Gemini helps developed Gemini solve their main problem of superficiality and the lack of a common systematic view of the world. He deepens them and gives them the key in the form of an internal spiritual core. Chiron drives undeveloped Geminis into a mental impasse, giving them a lot of contradictions and very interesting information, which at their initial level they cannot digest and somehow assimilate. Here (as in other air signs) the karmic task is to learn to feel your higher self as being above the mental flow (external and internal).

When worked through, this is a very promising aspect, since a person can use the power of reason and extraordinary combinatorial abilities to solve evolutionary and specifically internal problems. At a low level, Gemini Chiron is drowned out by the flickering and energy of the surrounding life to such an extent that all colors and sounds merge into one, and the orienting instinct fails. Gemini (and other air signs) pose a difficult task for Chiron: he must learn to think differently, that is, to comprehend the world around him, find connections in it of a fundamentally new nature and, in addition, see connections between processes in the internal and external world and express them in words or mental constructions. In some respects, this is a complex aspect, since Chiron is the planet of essential knowledge, and the construction of mental models is always profanation, and in the absence of proper internal honesty and disinterest, strong distortions are possible, that is, self-deception, internal and external, when a person, under the guise of self-knowledge and internal self-improvement, cognizes and improves not himself at all, but a phantom - a mental surrogate of the essence, helpfully built by the subconscious specifically for such an occasion. However, distinguishing false internal work from true is not difficult for an attentive observer, especially an external and disinterested one - its results are unambiguously visible in any external manifestation of a person.
Chiron in Cancer (1938-1941, 1988-1991)

Materialized Cancer. Deep Chiron.

In Cancer, Chiron is in the house of the Moon, in the sign of exaltation of Jupiter, in the sign of the element of Water. In this position it appears quite harmoniously. The main contradiction is between the domestic character of the sign and the wandering character of the planet. From a representative of a plastic water sign, Chiron can make a hysterical type, masking complexes. You may well be capricious and changeable. The air planet here gives rise to wandering, gives birth to a prodigal son. The better you live, the more you strive to get out of the house. Often you think that you are not settled in your family life; you are characterized by unsettledness - you may have two families and different houses. Sometimes you are drawn to wandering and home at the same time: this is how the duality of Chiron manifests itself. At best, very plastic, subtle internal changes occur in you. You can fully experience the spirit of your ancestors and ancient traditions. Often these are archaeologists reviving ancient authorities. In the worst case, you may be characterized by cunning and deceit, subtle deception (and the more you lie, the more you believe yourself).You feel harmony in the synthesis and diversity of life forms, finding in each phenomenon a connection with another. You are characterized by an attentive attitude towards people, the ability to understand and accept other people's opinions, which can lead to compromise.

Chiron gives Cancer a ladder along which he can descend into his own depths without losing the ground under his feet. Chiron materializes many programs of Cancer's subconscious and brings them into his consciousness - if Cancer is ready to accept them. Chiron also (in a developed version of the aspect) gives Cancer the opportunity to understand the depths of his subconscious and understand which programs have already become obsolete, which belong to the lower self, and which have just been created by the higher one. Chiron facilitates Cancer’s program of self-expression, offering him unexpected ways to do this, when deep essential and emotional experiences are hidden behind the outwardly material form. Everything seems to be as usual, but the effect is a miracle. In the undeveloped version, Chiron seems to be knocking on the consciousness of Cancer, creating for him a variety of unthinkable situations (communications and others), which should (as in Zen Buddhism) overturn his cliched programs of perception, especially emotional and essential, and show it to him from the inside and in a completely different way. Chiron, at least, is confusing, and how constructive it will be depends on the person. In the highest octave of this aspect, a person gets the opportunity to build his essence, deep programs of the subconscious with the participation of his mind and will, i.e. directly influence your spiritual growth (and, of course, on the spiritual development of other people).

This position presupposes fundamental work on oneself, mastering emotional life and the ability to direct internal transformations - one's own and others' - along the spiritual path. At a low level of elaboration, Chiron puts on a buffoon performance, playing on emotions and, from a person’s point of view, his most intimate feelings, so that if a person takes his chironic situations completely seriously, he will quickly die of grief. Fortunately, Chiron gives such an impossible shade to experiences that at some point one inevitably becomes funny and there is a shift in one’s view of the external situation and, most importantly, one’s emotional attitude towards it. In case of defeat, all this can be deep and painful, and you will not at all want to crawl out of the shell of your egoism and reconsider your views on anything, and especially on the justice of your emotional grievances, but Chiron will make it even more painful to be offended and, most importantly, it's obviously funny and stupid. From the outside, all this may look very funny... but look at the position and aspects of your own Chiron. Here, working through makes it possible to eliminate large karmic problems through purely internal efforts, but this will require the development of great internal honesty, which is needed, in particular, in order to rise above the barrage of emotions that protect the most vulnerable places of the subconscious (it is impossible to resist these emotions, they will lead you astray feet of anyone who fails to become transparent to them, that is, to watch indifferently as they come and go, with almost no effect on external behavior and deep inner balance, supported by spiritual aspiration and the right attitude to the evolution of the manifested world: the gunas rotate, says Bhagavad- Gita, and the sage watches them dispassionately).
Chiron in Leo (1941-1943. 1991-1993)

Advanced Leo. Ideological Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the house of the Sun, in the sign of exaltation of Pluto, in the sign of the element Fire. With this position of Chiron, self-affirmation, illusions, and seduction by victories may be very characteristic of you. At the same time, you may have complacency from uncertainty, and the greater the uncertainty, the more harshly you impose your life position on others. But you are characterized by constant creative reorientation, changing your life program. Usually you play the role of a person to whom everything is allowed, but this is a mask that hides your complexes. At best, you can get used to any creative image. You are not constrained by dogma, you have a free lifestyle, you are successfully struggling with your own shortcomings, you are able to look at yourself from the outside. Flattery and praise have no effect on you. Moreover, you will be disgusted by obvious flattery. In the worst case, you will be characterized by eclecticism in your creativity. There may be a lot of play and posturing in your behavior. At the same time, praise causes you to develop even greater insecurities and complexes.You see harmony in classical forms and a holistic view of the world, finding the sublime in life’s creativity and skillfully creating your own style. You tend to maintain decent relationships with people, paying great attention to the ethical and aesthetic side of the partnership.

The developed aspect gives Leo an awareness of the nature of the energy flow, its true purpose and the meaning of the corresponding practical activity, as well as an idea of ​​the source of energy (i.e. egregor). With a strong Chiron, the practical use of biological and mental energy: telekinesis, treatment with the biofield and at a distance, effective psychotherapy by suggestion, etc. The ability to consciously control the group biofield, which can be approximately in group psychotherapy, group accelerated training and similar problems. For the average person, this aspect gives various experiences and experiences, prompting him to expand his ideas about the types and possibilities of energy flows and the strength and possibilities of energy programs of the subconscious (for example, self-healing through auto-training, reading mantras, etc.]. If defeated, there is chaos in consciousness on the described issues (and interests in them), attempts to use the abilities of suggestion (direct and at a distance) for the purpose of manipulating people and groups, in extreme cases, acute mental disorders and obsession (i.e., intense influence of strong astral entities).

Leo Chiron is not as impulsive as Aries, but he demands the elimination of evolutionary “tails” much more persistently and, most importantly, constantly (when he turns on, he turns on for a long time). Here a person is confused by energetic ideas that often take possession of him against his will, but which cannot be realized without revising his life positions and views on his inner life. In case of defeat, you can fall under the complete power of an energetic black teacher, who, preaching high (and deep) truths, will seize the student’s energy channel and completely subjugate him to his will, imprisoning him in energetic slavery (subjectively, it can be experienced as love and devotion, albeit somewhat artificial , forced, because induced, sense). Coming out of such subordination, a person can completely lose faith in the highest ideals and the meaning of internal work, but use the acquired knowledge (if the energy returns) for selfish purposes, repeating the path of his teacher, but on the contrary, through an effort of will, he can take the blame upon himself (which is unusual for Leo difficult) and rethink the experience gained as a difficult but necessary school. Then he is able to reach the next evolutionary level and constructively use the energy of his Chiron, for example, burning karmic knots with the fire of his sermons, religious or worldly, dedicated to the practical development of spirituality; his inspiration can work almost miracles if he learns to accurately engage in situations, overcoming the lion's egocentrism and focus on the energy of his flow, and not the state of the listeners. If done poorly, the first to be exposed are problems of inflated self-esteem, which needs to be brought into line with actual rather than potential capabilities.

Chiron in Virgo (1943-1945, 1993-1995)

Self-improving Virgo. Confused Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the monastery of Mercury, in the sign of exaltation of Mercury, in the sign of the element Earth.Chiron gives Virgo a subconscious desire to see the inner, hidden from her, but really existing meaning of the forms that surround her, and her work with them. However, this subconscious desire hardly penetrates into her rigid essential consciousness and takes shape there with distortions: it seems to the chironical Virgo that she “simply” strives to do everything as best as possible, to take into account the most advanced and sometimes even almost fantastic methods and emerging opportunities (as in the plan the outside world, and in terms of improving one’s psyche, developing subconscious programs, etc.). In the undeveloped version, all this turns out badly, hopes arise and are crushed, Virgo begins to fuss and rush around, and most often becomes completely disappointed in all her ideas, since in fact they do not promise as much as she initially thinks, and require not only work, but also a certain expansion of consciousness, which is not easy for Virgo. However, when working on this aspect, Virgo is given the opportunity to access her subconscious, and she turns out to be capable of any change in the programs of the subconscious in the direction she desires, and in particular the skills and abilities of working with forms, including subtle ones: astral entities, thought forms, etc. . p. For example, abilities for treatment with acupuncture and acupressure taking into account bioenergy, herbal treatment, and fine diagnostics are revealed. Success in criticism (and awareness) of original scientific concepts, and, in particular, those modeling living objects (biology, economics).You see harmony in a dynamic order, absolutely corresponding to each specific moment, finding the beauty of what is necessary. In relationships with people, you tend to adhere to a clear hierarchy, obeying some and criticizing others.
Chiron means qualitative changes in a person’s view of things, and Virgo is inclined to gathering, accumulating and collecting, so here the developed aspect gives the transition of a large number of often heterogeneous phenomena into a single harmonious system based on qualitatively new principles, very unusual and strange, but nevertheless, explaining and sorting the whole bunch of available concrete facts. It is impossible to understand this, you can only get used to it, just as people got used to the principle of uncertainty and electronic “clouds” in the mid-twentieth century. The motto of the developed maiden Chiron is this: knowledge is an effective and accurate intuition about objects that are known to us only insofar as habit has dulled the fear of them.The undeveloped virgin Chiron, turning on, gives a person such an abundance of phenomena and facts that are not linked to each other that he literally loses his head and does not know what to grab first in order to defend his (it seems!) thought-out system of views on the world. He is clearly told to look at his inner nature, and he begins to analyze himself like a virgin, in detail and carefully, but, alas, he soon discovers that he often gets hung up, cannot penetrate deep enough to do something real, and most importantly - he is not left with a vague feeling of something wrong, which he really doesn’t want to admit to himself, namely: that his subconscious is cleverly leading him by the nose, slipping in small, insignificant details so as to lead him along the wrong path, bypassing really weak points and frankly selfish programs of the subconscious. Here the development of inner honesty is difficult and very relevant; but the elaboration of the aspect gives good results, perhaps in some ways even better than in Taurus, since the materialization is carried out very clearly and in detail, although with a less aesthetic bias.

You may well have objective information and evaluate every detail quite objectively. However, often this is just a “monkey” instinct of imitation and efficiency (according to the Chinese calendar, the sign of Virgo corresponds to the Monkey). You tend to get caught up in the little things, but you don't have a big picture approach. Here a contradiction arises between the earthiness of the sign and the elevation of the planet. The everyday plan confuses your orientation towards the higher function of the conductor. However, the highest Chironians manage to fulfill their connecting function on Earth due to the earthly nature of the sign. Here Chiron can rely on the evolutionary function of exalted Mercury, whose highest hypostasis he is. In the best case, you will be subject to magic, which you use for good, contacts in the professional sphere, in the field of health. You may have a heightened sense of duty, and you will fulfill your duty very punctually. You will never get carried away by the game, although you are a good player and a sober critic. You can be a good scientist, a business scientist, a technical discoverer, an interpreter. At worst, you may turn out to be a cold broker, a dark seducer, a subtle behind-the-scenes intriguer. You may often get tired of life, because, seeing little things, you don’t see much meaning in it. The more zealously you fulfill your duty, the more protest grows in you. If you are well-off financially, you may not want to work (the so-called antisocial type of behavior).

Chiron in Libra (1945-1946, 1995-1997)

Socializing Chiron. Chaotic Libra.

Here Chiron is in the daytime abode together with Venus, in the sign of exaltation of Saturn, in the element of Air. Chiron is the key planet of Libra. You have been given the knowledge of opposites in their unity, solidarity with the masses. You are characterized by rigor and extraordinary demands on yourself: you evaluate yourself from the position of the majority. Your professions: lawyer, lawyer, journalist, communications worker. You are very sociable, you get along well with everyone, you find your own approach to everyone perfectly. You have the best diplomatic abilities, excellent arbitration, alternative thinking, peacemaking, and the ability to keep the whole world in balance. You have a thirst for justice, and with good Saturn and Mars, you have the ability to implement it. At worst, your character may become unbalanced and hesitant, indecisive and uncertain. In this case, you may lack inner core and discipline. Due to the lack of a unifying goal, you yourself do not know what you want. The more peaceful a period you live in, the stronger your desire to destroy everything out of a sense of protest. Such a person can develop into a bitchy nature with dislocations in behavior. Sometimes you may have a tendency to sit on two chairs. Duality in you will lead to betrayal of both your own and others. In adulthood, you should develop the functions of stabilizing planets, for example, Venus and the evolutionary Saturn, which gives Libra the core. After this, whenever possible, such as with the ability to transform, you need to develop the best traits of Chiron.You perceive the world in a sublime and refined way, forming a culture of relationships based on a balance between feeling and reason. When interacting with people, you easily find harmony and agreement, understand your partner well and are able to resolve other people’s conflicts.

Chiron in Libra is the problem of the ethical position in general and the elitist position in particular. You need to learn to distinguish the ethics of your social class from your personal one and behave accordingly. The question "Where do my thoughts come from?" far from idle and always has a definite answer - this is the lesson of Chiron in air signs.Chiron strives to expand Libra's consciousness, and therefore they often find themselves in situations where their standard assessments and ways of behaving no longer work; and Libra needs to understand something new, to look at things outside the box, not in the way that is customary, in order to balance the situation, preventing it from turning into complete chaos, when the threads holding the scales of Libra are torn, and moral, ethical and even sometimes aesthetic criteria. It is especially difficult for Libra when the ethics and aesthetics of their social circle changes (and Chiron is capable of provoking this too), then the ground literally disappears from under their feet. Chiron’s lessons are quite material, but he requires conclusions and expansion of consciousness to be made on the edge of Libra’s capabilities. The study of this aspect provides the key to understanding the law of karma as a real law that truly governs the evolution of the world, including the material world, as well as the opportunity to comprehend the interaction of the material and subtle worlds, as well as study the boundaries and expand the possibilities of the human world to influence the Cosmos and karma ( construction of new structures in the egregor). But still, Chiron, being in many ways the opposite of Saturn, makes Libra too frivolous: the expansion of consciousness must be accompanied by a careful search for a new balance, seeing the situation through different eyes.

In general, in air signs, Chiron requires a change in the way of thinking, and in Libra, ethical and aesthetic aspects are especially emphasized. Chiron puts a person in situations where standard social ethical norms unexpectedly not only stop working, but also clearly reveal their inconsistency and inconsistency, and the person is forced to search within himself, overcoming strong resistance and conflicts, for new, truly inherent principles of behavior in difficult situations . At the same time, the discrepancy between his aesthetic ideals and social ones is revealed; more precisely, his feelings of beauty and harmony (in the broadest sense), predominantly consistent with the social subconscious, under the influence of external and internal circumstances reveal their insufficiency, unsatisfactory and even perversion; for example, what was previously perceived naturally and did not cause any protest (certain social norms, the order of things, etc.) is seen in a sharply disharmonious light and requires decisive changes. This is a very difficult moment, since those layers of the subconscious that control the aesthetic feeling are very deep and closely connected with the social aesthetic feeling, and what is needed here is not an ax, but a microsurgeon’s scalpel, if (which is unlikely) it is generally permissible to speak in such terms. The expression: “my aesthetics”, “my sense of beauty” should always be understood not absolutely, but only as a certain increase in emphasis, since aesthetics means the development of personal, original aesthetics and personal ethics, together with their coordination with social ones, that is, a person tells himself something like this : in this and that I submit to the will of the people, but here, excuse me, I am subject only to my karmic egregor; and a similar position is adopted in aesthetic terms, and only then will the paintings of an original and gifted, although not entirely understandable, artist bewill cause a reaction different from the standard one: “Eck!”

Chiron in Scorpio (1947-1948, 1997-1998)

Magic Scorpio.

Here Chiron is in exile, in the house of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of Uranus, in the sign of the element of Water. This is a difficult standing: because if Mars is war and passion, then Chiron is peace and tranquility. If Chiron is balance, then Uranus is destruction and rebellion. As a result of these contradictions, you most likely have internal conflicts and mental division. Self-deception and deception of others leads you to betrayal and fight against imaginary enemies. At best, you are not associated with property and material goods, you renounce property and rush into practical occult activity (Pluto gives the strength for this activity). By completely transforming yourself, you seem to die and be reborn in this life. You most likely have great psychological gifts. You can understand other people and explore the world through yourself. In the worst case, this situation, with a strong Chiron and the inability to overcome duality, can stimulate mental illness in you. Then the desire to change places will appear. The more you have, the more you spend, or vice versa, you use nothing. Neither one nor the other resolves the conflict.The harmony of the existing world often does not satisfy you, and you try to find beauty beyond the limits of visible reality, neglecting the beauty of the natural. When interacting with people, you tend to come into close emotional contact, which can be overly destructive for contact.

Chiron deepens internal contradictions, and also strengthens his desire for emotional self-expression. It gives Scorpio a subconscious feeling of the materiality of the latter’s actions and the desire to understand the programs of his own and others’ subconscious. The developed aspect produces a brilliant practical psychologist, for whom the processes and structures of the subconscious seem to be completely materialized. However, the elaboration here is complicated by the imprisonment of Chiron, who initially creates too chaotic situations in the external and internal world (higher and lower planes mixed together) for them to be easy to understand. To do this, with this aspect, you need to accept not only the objective and independent of your will existence of subconscious programs, but also their ability to control the external world around you; in other words, to recognize that any person, regardless of level of development, is a practical magician. Then a vision of the subtle world (especially the astral plane) and specific magical abilities (i.e. manipulation with astral entities) opens. When defeated, there is a tendency to black magic of the classical sense.

Scorpio Chiron requires a qualitatively different formulation of the issue of transformation of reality - external and internal. At a low level, this aspect gives such an emotional overflow that a person will inevitably want to understand himself more deeply, so as not to destroy himself (and others) so destructively. In his heart there will appear... well, not yet pity, but at least regret for what he is doing in the houses where Chiron stands and aspects. It is not easy for him to figure it out, however, since the lower Scorpio is characterized by (overcompensated) self-confidence, especially in cases of righteous anger and revenge. The latter, however, will give such unexpected consequences that the tarantula may think - and turn into a gray lizard. At a higher level, Scorpio Chiron knows how to subtly play on a subconscious level (with himself and others), causing emotional states similar to electric shock, sometimes with strong aftereffects and great effect, although not always able to predict whether it will be positive or negative. Here, elaboration is difficult - the personal-emotional background in the subconscious is too strong, but the results will be very high, since along the way of developing the aspect, a person will be forced to find in himself the means to control gross emotions, and not to suppress them mentally (in this case this is very difficult), but their weakening and sublimation, as well as the constructive use of released energy, for example, in psychoanalysis.

Chiron in Sagittarius (1949-1950, 1999-2000)

Temperamental Chiron. Fantastic Sagittarius.

Here Chiron is in exaltation, in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of the element Fire. This position gives you an excellent opportunity to combine caution and wild adventurism. You are reminiscent of ice6erg - you fascinate with your charm, hiding your essence in the depths. You will be characterized by a philosophical mindset, you will not impose your views on anyone and you will easily learn the law of the unity of opposites. You are a very mature person, you easily acquire and easily consolidate knowledge. You subtly sense the ideas of the century, as if floating in the air, and make discoveries that are already ripe. Chiron is a very creative planet, and fire is a creative sign, and Neptune, the co-ruler of Sagittarius, makes it possible to “read” the universal information field. The lord of Sagittarius - Jupiter gives you the possibility of consolidation and the status of legitimacy. In the worst case, you will be characterized by a bifurcation of your life program, a desire to both row for yourself and squander. Like a boar (Sagittarius is a pig according to the Chinese calendar), you quickly crush the weak under you, first acting with cunning. In this case, you usually achieve your goal by committing a lot of offenses that are surprising in their ease and meaninglessness.In relationships with people, you have an inherent understanding of completely different views and the need to combine many things within yourself, finding general harmony and a higher plan for organizing the world. You can reveal the meaning of the sublime and convey it to others.

Chiron supplies Sagittarius with ideas on the edge of reality; however, this line is achievable with appropriate work; Chiron is trying to knock Sagittarius off his standard vision of the world picture and show him in practice that it needs a change in fundamental principles. Initially, this aggravates the chaos of ideas and energy of Sagittarius, who tries to ignore, by moving to a broad plane of vision, what still does not fit into the framework known to him. When working through the aspect, Sagittarius learns to look for intermediate levels to realize their almost fantastic ideas and really bring them to life. A typical interest is in UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations, human spiritual development, mastery of higher energies and mental capabilities (telekinesis, telepathy, etc.); at a high level, breakthroughs are possible to construct a synthetic picture of the world, which is not always understood by contemporaries, and ideas of social organization of a fundamentally new type. However, this is a difficult aspect to work through, and without it there will be chaotic tossing and turning of the described ideas on the surface layer, a love of science fiction.

At some point in development, fiery Chiron poses the following problem to a person, and quite acutely: what are the sources of my enthusiasm? Where, in fact, do the ideas that I so energetically serve come from? And why are the results of this ministry so fantastically inconsistent with the genius of the plan? In the moving cross, Chiron knows how to increase the speed of movement of circumstances, ideas, opinions, etc. to the point of unimaginable absurdity; when he is in Sagittarius, a person can be overwhelmed by 6 magnificent ideas at the same time that require joint implementation, and one can (but in fact cannot) imagine what this turns into as a result - everything goes out. Sagittarius Chiron (karmically) needs to learn to understand from which area of ​​his (or public) subconscious the idea that he is currently burning with came from, and to realize that he is responsible not only for its expression and popularization, but also for its embodiment and subsequent profanation in society, which he naturally doesn’t want to think about. What poet, when writing poetry, thinks about what parodies of him will look like? And Streltsovsky Chiron should think about this too. At a high level, this aspect produces existential philosophers and preachers who speak a truly new word and make God much more real to their flock (especially in the energetic aspect). In general, a developed Chiron gives a person practical religiosity, that is, the ability to hear the voices of very high egregors, without confusing them either with one’s ego or with social broadcasts; the method of communication is largely determined by the position of Chiron in the sign (in the fire sign these are quiet impulses of deep enthusiasm, in the earthly sign - actions of creation, in the air sign - the subtlest thoughts heard in complete mental calm, in the water sign - deep-essential emotional movements).

Chiron in Capricorn (1901-1904, 1951-1954)

Subtle Capricorn. Forward looking Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the day house of Saturn and Uranus, in the sign of exaltation of Mars, in the sign of the element of Earth, the opposite element of the planet.Chiron tries to focus Capricorn's attention on the subtle plan of the projects embodied by Capricorn. The aspect gives interest in group psychology and psychoanalysis, especially in the context of creating effective ways to manage work teams, initially, perhaps, motivated by conflicts and dead-end situations that arose during the life and work of Capricorn, which clearly have some kind of their own, but incomprehensible logic, having solved which, it would be possible to resolve them. The developed aspect gives Capricorn the opportunity to see the karmic goals of the projects he is implementing and the true meaning of the activities of all participants, which allows him to most effectively place them in their places and properly motivate them, as a result of which energy flows, enthusiasm, labor productivity and income of the team sharply increase. However, for this, Capricorn needs to significantly expand his consciousness and include subtle plans and motivations, which for him, however, in the presence of Chiron, is easier than it might seem at first glance, since Chiron feels good in Capricorn. At the highest level of development of the aspect chironical Capricorn can carry out very specific material work so that, in parallel, new objects will be created in the subtle world (this is perceived by contemporaries as a miracle); abilities in the areas of work organization and accelerated group training; practical use of collective meditation, including for constructive activity in the subtle world, conscious work with the egregor of the group.Chiron in Capricorn (when worked through) provides a spiritual path of development, outwardly similar to ordinary life, but internally filled with completely different content. There is a difference in emphasis, somewhat less emphasis on the lower “I” and a deeper understanding of the path of life; This is a good position for Chiron, here the spiritual and life paths are close. In the lower octave there is a parody of spirituality or speculation on spiritual values, the theme of expanding consciousness as a side dish to the tough bloody steak of a career or frankly selfish goals.

This position gives you excellent tactical talent. You start your own business secretly, you can change your goals and methods of achieving it. Capricorn, like any earth sign, must dig up a lot of ground in order to bring everything into system and achieve something. Strong Chiron allows you to do this with apparent ease. In everything you will demonstrate professional excellence and skill. You achieve everything through enormous work capacity. You usually have an interesting ability to maintain your balance before the decisive leap. You achieve your goal with apparent ease - a wonderful combination of caution (Chiron) and pressure (Mars) plays a role here. You may have a combination of being adaptable and hungry for new things. You probably often objectively strive for something new and, like a good Capricorn, you achieve something new, although you yourself may not have wanted it. You can do sober and cool analysis and strive for paradoxes. As a rule, you are able to refuse everything, but if you hit, it will be unexpected and sharp, like a guillotine. At the same time, there is no fanaticism or blind faith in you. In the worst case, the end justifies the means for you. You can act in a way that no one expects from you, but having achieved the goal, you begin to suffer from dissatisfaction (it turns out that you have achieved the wrong thing).Harmony for you is conciseness and refinement of forms and manners. You clearly assess people's capabilities and are able to identify those areas that may be useful for a joint reality.

Capricorn Chiron makes high demands on a person, since the practicality of both is combined together, and Capricorn always involves long and complex programs of action. Therefore, in the developed version of the aspect, this person will achieve a lot on the path of knowledge and coordination of his lower and higher principles, and materialize for himself many processes and programs of the subconscious, to a large extent learn to classify them, recognize and manage their development within himself. In his external life, he will set himself serious goals, often socially acceptable, but having, if you look closely, a completely different meaning (both for him and for society) than at first glance - and it will often not be easy to understand this meaning. Capricorn Chiron looks for the beaten path whenever possible, but his aspirations go far beyond the boundaries of social ideas and ideals. In the undeveloped version, especially with the defeat of Chiron, this is a very unhappy person, because unknown forces constantly set him seemingly understandable and, albeit difficult, achievable goals, and having achieved them (or halfway), he discovers that ( due to an internal feeling or external circumstances) he has come to the wrong place and needs to reorient himself, and where, it is not clear, and whether he will need the acquired experience - too. Here it is important for a person not to lose faith in his destiny and the (albeit still unclear) meaning of any of his conscientious work, and most importantly - not to look at his life and the world with stereotyped social eyes, but to see in the chaos of his disappointments chironic hints at the hidden meaning of the changes in his fate and goals - external and internal. Chiron develops Capricorn's imagination and sense of humor, although using inappropriate and incorrect, from the latter's point of view, methods, but quite effectively.

Chiron in Aquarius (1905-1909, 1955-1960)

Promising Aquarius. Inventive Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the night house of Uranus and Saturn, in the sister sign of the element Air.Chiron's stability hardly resists the pressure of Aquarius's fantastic ideas, and with a strong defeat, especially if there is opposition of Uranus (dispositor) to Chiron, mental illness is possible. When worked through, this is a person who came to us directly from the future. This could be a brilliant engineer, or a psychoanalyst who directly reads the subconscious of his patients, or a scientist whose scientific discoveries also solve the most pressing practical problems of our time; many of the Aquarius Chiron generation, born in 1955-1960, will learn astrology and successfully apply it in practice. But the focus of the well-developed Aquarius Chiron is his own subconscious, which he will be able to understand, find some very unique language of communication with it and go to such depths where he can find a solution (or a hint of it) to any problem that interests him. Here, a method of thinking known as “brilliant insight” is used as a method, which requires, of course, some preparation, but the developed Aquarian Chiron somehow knows how it should be carried out. In the undeveloped version, a person has a lot of fantastic ideas, glimpses of strange revelations, etc., but all this is very confusing, and it is necessary not so much to develop original thinking (this is enough in the first case), but to deepen it, penetrating into the essence of any current practical problem that disciplines the mind and subconscious. You need to understand that a brilliant idea is entertaining, but requires elaboration, and discover that the lower “I” is interested in the first, but not necessarily the second, and that the truth about oneself is often heard in the most ordinary, albeit unpleasant, words.In your interactions with people you are friendly, but perhaps too eccentric and somewhat distracted from the specific needs of your partner. You are able to see the beauty of ideas and harmony in abstract and fantastic forms, losing touch with the criteria of reality.

The developed aspect makes the connection between the egregor and Aquarius almost material. He learns to distinguish information from the higher layers of the subtle world, which is always intuitive and difficult to interpret in any formal language, from information coming from lower layers, which can be accurately interpreted in a suitable language, which is an extension of what is already known, and further tested for applicability in current situations. living conditions of chironic Aquarius. He is essentially a practitioner; But for him, practical problems are those that before him were considered not only unsolvable, but even sometimes taboo in society. The last generation of chironical Aquarians treats the laws of karma and the life of the subconscious as something very real, specifically regulating our lives and absolutely as accessible to study and practical use as the already discovered laws of inert nature (laws of physics, chemistry, geology, etc.) . P.). There is hope that this generation will significantly advance epistemology, establish the dependence of the potential boundaries of human knowledge and humanity on their evolutionary level, and be able to discover new principles of teaching that would take into account the actual abilities and capabilities of students. The result of such training should be the real opening of channels into the subtle world, and not mental surrogates of knowledge. A developed aspect gives extraordinary mental abilities; a person learns to regularly work with the egregor, that is, he systematically solves problems using the method of “brilliant insight,” which only needs minor purely mental refinement. At the same time, the undeveloped aspect gives constant ersatz “revelations”, that is, thoughts that are unexpected enough for a person to consider them not “his own”, but to come from somewhere above, and be confused by them, but not sufficiently developed in order to practically use them, although it seems that it is missing a little. Working through this aspect requires a significant expansion of mental consciousness, and Chiron gives impulse and hint, but this alone is not enough. It requires a lot of dedicated personal work. However, overall this is a very promising aspect.

You will be characterized by an organic need for freedom, including for others (Aquarius is friendship), a real split and paradox. Surely you want to have an alternative to everything and combine opposites. Most likely, you are a highly spiritual person (thanks to the exaltation of Uranus here), and you may well get closer to the knowledge of the Absolute. But at the everyday level, you may experience, for example, an inability to make a decision. And also buffoonery, foolishness, unpredictability of behavior are possible, instead of true originality. At best, you live simultaneously in the present, future and past, without losing ground under your feet. You are a carrier of the new, moving towards the future through constant choice, a traveler in space and time. At worst, freedom is realized in your life in the form of ugliness. Then complete uncontrollability, scatteredness, duality and unpredictability may appear. You commit vile acts out of boredom and become even more bored when you are having fun. There may be a lot of absurd and meaningless things in you (for example, two wives, two houses, two jobs, or even all at once).

Chiron in Pisces (1910-1917, 1961-1968)

Practical Pisces. Misty Chiron.

Here Chiron is in the night house of Jupiter and Neptune, in the sign of exaltation of Venus, in the sign of the mysterious element of Water.
If Chiron is in Pisces, a person will find himself in such social currents and emotional situations that plunge him into internal chaos and external impasse; from him, at an average level of development, he is required to understand what level of service people need from him, and what level of selfishness and internal dishonesty is acceptable for him. Chironic Pisces feels less evasive and slippery, but on the other hand, it has very great opportunities for realizing itself in practical psychology (for which a psychology degree is not required). However, Chiron is a very practical planet, and it requires that superficial fishy sympathy and empathy be followed by effective assistance to a person, otherwise you risk ending up in a tense characteristic chironic situation, where the usual cause-and-effect relationships between good and evil are violated, and unmotivated rudeness and black ingratitude is just pale flowers that precede the juicy poisonous fruit of the complete destruction of the picture of the world and disappointment in people in general and in oneself in particular.

In the lower octave, Chiron raises a lot of turbidity around Pisces; she is thrown from side to side, now into the occult, now into extreme materialism, now into inner experiences, but nowhere can she find a sufficiently reliable beginning, a core that will give her stability. However, the meaning of the flow, events and experiences that Chiron gives to Pisces is that she must reconsider her views on the world and herself, learn to respect both her external and internal realities and see a direct connection between them. External problems are the consequences of internal ones: and as the latter are resolved, the former are solved or disappear on their own - this is the most important lesson Chiron teaches Pisces. But in order to learn this principle, Pisces needs to learn to understand their subconscious and its problems; Chiron also gives this opportunity, but in return demands a restructuring of Pisces’ ethics: in this case, it turns out that not only some actions are unethical, but also intense thoughts and desires. Chiron gives Pisces a practical orientation and at the same time a non-standard view of things: it becomes inclined to use its psychological and mystical abilities in practice, in working with people. The developed aspect gives the ability to see one’s own and other people’s subconscious programs as almost material objects, the ability to navigate energy flows and karmic programs of various egregors, clear clairvoyance in many matters, etc., but for this, Pisces should develop for itself a very clear ethics, which alone only can save her from the chaotic tossing and muddy waters of egocentrism. Working through the aspect gives Pisces the opportunity for practical and sometimes quite active actions (in cases where the situation has been well reviewed and requires it), very effective and constructive, which is extremely rare for lower Pisces; however, no Pisces should get carried away with active actions, due to the subtlety of its karmic tasks, which can only be carried out directly by the egregor (then events develop as if on their own).

This is the most mysterious position of Chiron.It can give you great sensitivity and awareness of subtle cosmic vibrations.You can see harmony where others do not see it, and find a place for the phenomenon in the spontaneous flow of life, without drawing a line between the base and the sublime. You are able to identify with any person and know how to sympathize with everyone.Pisces Chiron (karmically) requires a person to understand his most subtle and elusive feelings and emotions and to find and carefully close all the loopholes for internal dishonesty and self-deception. An unprocessed aspect gives a chaos of feelings and impressions, exciting and completely unbearable, and at some point a person feels that what is happening to him does not fit into any framework and he needs to reconsider his internal attitudes. If this does not work out, bad company, alcoholism, drugs, or various other attempts to escape into an illusory reality are possible. Here the psyche is very sensitive, and subtle defenses are developed, fencing off a person not only from the outside world, but also from his own soul, which feels very uncomfortable among the dirty emotions floating on the surface of the subconscious. Working through the aspect frees a person from the power of emotions and makes it possible to remove the protective shells that distort the perception of the external world and signals from the higher self; this, however, can be painful and requires great dedication and love for the world, which, of course, glimmers in the soul of the fish Chiron, but at first may feel bad and not give anything for the person himself. A well-developed aspect gives greater sensitivity to all manifestations of the external world; these are artists, musicians, poets, spiritual teachers who perceive Divine love in the outside world and are able to show it to other people, no matter what level of development they are at. The defeat of the fishy Chiron gives a strong turbidity in the soul, which needs to be sorted out and clearly separated from the lower principles, which requires a lot of work and inner honesty; after this, a person is capable of true service to God in any, the most difficult, dirty, delicate and subtle situations; in the undeveloped version, he will constantly broadcast mental darkness to the outside world, continuing the tradition of an amorphous company of gray teachers.

Used Books:

1. Absalom the Underwater. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac. Chiron.
2. Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

What is Chiron - an asteroid? Or a rejected comet? Tiny planet? Or the lost moon of Neptune, wandering lonely through space after leaving its native orbit? Ever since November 1, 1977, when scientist Charles Koval (b. 1940, astronomer at Mount Palomar Observatory) discovered Chiron racing around the Sun between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, astronomers and astrologers have debated the nature of Chiron.

Much smaller than any other planet (its estimated size is 320 km), Chiron has a peculiar orbit. It lingers much longer in some signs (Pisces, Aries and Taurus) than in others (Virgo, Libra and Scorpio). It takes Chiron almost 51 years to go through all 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Chiron in astrology

In mythology, the centaur Chiron is a wise and compassionate mentor; his students included Hercules, Achilles and Jason. One day, Chiron was accidentally pierced by one of Hercules' poisoned arrows. The pain was so intense that he wished he could die. But by the will of the gods, Chiron was immortal! Deprived of the opportunity to die, he was forced to struggle with agony. Soon Chiron became a real expert in the art of healing (he later passed it on to Asclepius, the son of Apollo. Under the leadership of Chiron, Asclepius became such a brilliant healer that he once revived... a corpse. Then Zeus struck him with lightning. But that's a completely different story... ) But, despite all his knowledge and skills, Chiron was never able to cope with the pain. Yet in the end he found a way out. After negotiating with Zeus, he bequeathed his immortality to Prometheus (who gave fire to humanity and was punished for this with eternal torment). Prometheus joined the host of gods, and Chiron, with great relief, went to the underworld, freed from bodily pain and settled in the kingdom of Hades. The mythological Chiron was immortalized by people in the constellation Centaur.

Astrologers love this story (which, note, exists in different versions). In the years following the discovery of Chiron, several professionals ventured to include the asteroid in the natal chart. Now everything is different. Chiron is often used these days, although it is still little understood. Usually it is addressed as a healer of wounds, astrologers see in it a “painful” point, a place where you will find yourself in the role of a victim or disappointed in something, where circumstances will turn against you, and where you will have to make a decision or something. then fix it.

Some astrologers consider Chiron to be one of the most important indicators of a person’s ability to adapt and multifaceted thinking, to synthesize multi-level and heterogeneous concepts and phenomena, to achieve harmony between one’s ego and the public good. They consider Chiron to be the largest fragment of Phaeton, a planet that existed during the "golden age of mankind" and fell apart at the end of this period (possibly about 25 thousand years ago). Weak and evil Chiron natal chart can give, at best, only cunning and a tendency to maneuver.

Chiron is very small, and it is also so far away that it is not possible to see it without a telescope. It is expressed in your chart if the following conditions are met:

  • It occupies an angle and especially if it forms a conjunction or opposition to your ascendant or midheaven point.
  • He is in close aspects to the Sun, Moon or the planet that rules your Ascendant.

Planet Chiron in the Zodiac signs

Chiron spends a little over four years in each sign. Therefore, he is in charge of areas both personal and inherent to all representatives of your generation.

  • Chiron in Aries. Efforts aimed at self-expression will be in vain. It is not easy for you to take initiative. You need to find enough courage to overcome your fears and feelings of inadequacy.
  • Chiron in Taurus. Stability and economic security are difficult to achieve, although you need them. Stop wanting material wealth and financial stability and start pursuing higher values.
  • Chiron in Gemini. Expressing your thoughts is a challenge for you, so you may feel inadequate. Seeking knowledge and acting as a teacher will help you solve it.
  • Chiron in Cancer. Family is very important to you, but your home life (especially if you are still a child) can be filled with pain. Pestering others (to get rid of pain) will not solve the problem. Comfort will come from consciously seeking and creating a supportive emotional environment.
  • Chiron in Leo. Your efforts as a child to pay attention to your needs were in vain, so you may doubt your talents. Creative self-expression will help heal wounds. The stage and teaching are especially good.
  • Chiron in Virgo. You grew up in a family with incredibly strict rules. As a result, you become afraid of everything. You definitely need to loosen up. Seek consolation in goodness, in serving others, but without sacrifice. You can make it your craft, especially if it pays dividends.
  • Chiron in Libra. Love relationships are extremely important to your well-being, but the reality is disappointing. Strive to create relationships based on equality. A harmonious combination of love relationships and objective reality- the key to resolving the situation.
  • Chiron in Scorpio. You need love, excitement and phenomenal sex. But your fascination with mystery and deep-rooted fear of rejection makes it difficult to achieve what you want. Help will come from immersing yourself “in sorrows” and getting out of them. Knowledge is power! Turn to psychotherapy or another area of ​​self-discovery.
  • Chiron in Sagittarius. What is the purpose of life? Traditional answers leave you feeling unsatisfied and lonely. You are driven by curiosity. Personal search will reduce the pain of this period.
  • Chiron in Capricorn. Deep down, you crave success. You obey the rules, but they disappoint you. Relief will come if you “unplug” from the strict orders of society and begin to follow your inner understanding of what is really happening.
  • Chiron in Aquarius. What's wrong with people? You observe with sadness the consequences of ethnic differences and social injustice. Your destiny is solitude. Addressing these injustices can change your life for the better.
  • Chiron in Pisces. Pisces is a sign of empathy, receptivity and sacrifice. You notice that many hypocritically talk about these high qualities without actually experiencing them. Your mission: to express regret and act according to your conscience. Spiritual cultivation will ease your pain and strengthen you.

The main function of Chiron is to expand human consciousness(and, consequently, its capabilities, but this is secondary), and one of its main techniques is the establishment of connections between phenomena that were previously considered in no way related to each other. However, the chironic expansion of consciousness is fundamentally different from the Mercurian (quantitative increase in knowledge within the framework of one mental model), Jupiterian (expansion of the number of spheres of consciousness within the framework of the mental picture of the world existing in society) and Saturnian (internal development and self-knowledge also within a socially designated framework).
We move on to the region of planets invisible to the naked eye, and Chiron is the only one of them belonging to the third level, the rest already belong to the fourth. Chiron is in many ways an intermediate, connecting planet; this is also manifested in its position in the solar system: between Saturn and Uranus, that is, on the border between the lower and higher planets. Chiron does not show miracles and revelations, like the planets of the fourth level, but it still takes a person beyond the boundaries of his everyday perception and mental picture of the world, showing him what is almost implausible from a human point of view, but is still perceived as really existing. This applies to both external and internal life: the laws of both are formalized in the public consciousness and subconscious, and going beyond the method and framework of vision prescribed by society is punished, so to speak, administratively and sometimes criminally; but Chiron knows how to shift the emphasis and refocus reality in such a way that a person violates the prescribed laws of perception without noticing it, and then it’s too late to retreat back: Chiron shows this so clearly that he can then pretend to himself that he didn’t see or understand anything, It's simply impossible.

In external life, Chiron provides an almost supernatural way out of developmental impasses, such a confluence of circumstances and solutions to issues and problems that seem incredible before they happen, but are later interpreted as possible and real. Chiron gives a person a strong hint of the existence of the laws of karma; in particular, when it is active, signs symbolically showing the near future begin to work. In the inner life, Chiron shows access to such layers of the subconscious that allow you to clearly see the interaction of the higher and lower principles of a person and learn to some extent to control this process consciously.

Chiron takes human consciousness one step above the socially acquired level, therefore what it gives is perceived as a message from the future, but not from the day after tomorrow, as in the case of Uranus, and not directly from the incomprehensible God, as in the case of Neptune and Pluto, but from the already close, almost approaching tomorrow, so that chironic reality is felt as standing on this side of the border of the psychic norm, although close to this border.

Chiron is the planet of materialization of subtle plans. This, like everything in astrology, must be understood in relation to a person (group, people, humanity), since what is subtle and subtle for one has long been mastered and actually material for another. Therefore, the description below of the qualities and manifestations of Chiron will undoubtedly become outdated as soon as Chiron materializes for humanity what it can hardly comprehend today, and in about forty years, that is, in 2028, this description can only be read in conjunction with a history textbook, and Chiron will control completely different processes and manifest itself, perhaps, in a completely different way.

Chiron connects with each other and materializes for a person his higher and lower selves and controls the process of spiritual development of a person in the narrow sense of the word. Since the discovery of a planet always means the activation of its principle, it must be assumed that for people born after 1977, the concepts of spirituality and evolutionary development of both man and society as a whole will be much more material and concrete than for all previous generations, for of which spirituality meant religiosity, largely mystical and inaccessible to the average person, but rather related to religious figures and saints (Neptune), or rose as a socio-cultural development (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) or as sacrificial service to large social groups (Pluto).

In other words, spiritual development was either replaced by cultural and intellectual development or was limited only to higher forms inaccessible to the average person. Chiron opens up to him the possibility of an intermediate path of evolutionary development, and in many ways brings clarity to this concept, making it completely concrete. Chiron understands spirituality as the ability to hear the voice of the higher self in all life situations and live in accordance with its requirements and instructions. At the same time, Chiron materializes the laws of karma, and a person’s desire to listen to his higher principle and transform the lower begins to come not from higher aspirations as such, and not from a sense of duty to anyone, and not even from the desire to live according to conscience, but simply as a consequence of the need to follow the rules karmic movement as a street one: if you are not careful, they will knock you down. Chiron shows that for this you need to very carefully understand yourself, learn to distinguish the actions of various subconscious programs and increase internal honesty, which determines the resolution of internal attention. Chiron also shows and materializes direct connections between the inner and outer worlds of a person and teaches how to influence the outer world by corresponding transformations of the inner one.

At the first level of Chiron’s elaboration, a person’s inner life is perceived as a chaotic but beloved set of feelings, emotions, desires, needs and intentions, which has self-sufficient value both in itself and in any of its particular manifestations. A person does not know what he will desire in ten minutes and what intentions he will have tomorrow, but he has no protest against this, for all his internal impulses are equally organically his own, just as a person (usually) does not give preference to one your hand before the other, although here, of course, different opinions are possible, for example: For me, ears are better than mouth,

And I prefer my stomach to my back;

But as for the hair,

It just brings me to tears

I'm sorry their time will pass.

At this level, a person does not feel any connection between his inner world and external reality, which appears to him in some places as aggressive and hostile, and in others as friendly and rich in gifts and opportunities, but a completely inanimate and static substance that does not evoke any feelings in itself. There is no ecological consciousness at this level, although with an afflicted Virgo a person may be uncomfortable with an overturned trash can at his entrance or stains of fuel oil on his personal lawn.

Unpleasant internal feelings and the voice of conscience are equated to the negative influences of the environment, that is, a person, of course, takes them into account, but tries to avoid them much like mosquitoes, and since the level of internal honesty here is low, they most often repress them into the subconscious. Spirituality here is perceived as abstract religiosity (a specific prayer or ritual actually gives practically nothing, faith is purely mental) or as a socio-cultural development. Chiron’s action at this level leads to a shift in concepts about the external world and a sharp increase in chaos in the internal one, to such an extent that it may become unpleasant for a person and he will have a clear feeling of internal disorder and a desire to figure out what’s going on. Chiron (ruling Taurus) knows how to put pressure, and its action is difficult to ignore; however, at the first level of its elaboration, the very recognition of the existence of an inner world, for example, a conflict in the soul that is not motivated by conscience, can be considered a great success of a person.

At the second level of Chiron’s elaboration, a person feels his psyche as a complex formation, and feels the confrontation and interaction of various forces in his soul, sometimes being able to attribute a sign to them (that is, consider them progressive or retrograde in relation to his development), but often not knowing how to deal with himself cope with. The lower “I” insidiously hides, at times as if deliberately downplaying its power, sometimes posing as a higher one, and sometimes, which is completely incomprehensible, enters into an alliance with it - one wonders, against whom? At this level, a person already clearly wants to develop spiritually, but he still has little understanding of himself and, most importantly, does not know how to distinguish his internal impulses from those transmitted by the social subconscious, the existence of which he, although he may recognize, feels bad about himself.

The attitude towards the outside world is also changing. It is already thought of as partially integral, and a person sees in its fragments anthropomorphic and zoomorphic formations, in other words, living life, development and even the rudiments of reason. At this level, ecological consciousness appears, that is, a person begins to feel himself as part of the biosphere, which is his habitat, and he can no longer calmly look at drying lakes and rivers flowing with oil products, in which only rusty tin cans successfully reproduce.

At the second level, a person already feels the influence of his inner world on the external circumstances of his life. In any case, he notices that the work he does in a bad and especially aggressively evil state rarely turns out well, and a good attitude towards people is often more effective than direct administrative pressure. At this level, the action of Chiron is no longer considered by a person as chaotic and destructive; he understands that what is happening outside and inside him should be understood as certain instructions, and often as a result he understands the programs of his subconscious much better and learns to control them with the forces of consciousness. The general feeling after successful chironic processing is something like this: a person becomes internally more differentiated, but also more unified, as new connections appear, and the external world also acquires greater unity, as connections and general principles of existence are discovered that were previously unimaginable; the mental picture of the world as a whole changes and develops greatly; in particular, the role of religion and religious philosophy in one’s life is realized.

At the third level of Chiron’s development, a person already understands his inner world quite well, and his level of internal honesty is quite enough to unmask lower programs that pretend to be higher or non-existent. At this level, the conflict between the higher and lower “I” as such practically disappears, they separate their roles, and the person is no longer engaged in revolutionary, but more in the evolutionary development of his inner world, and declares war on the programs of his subconscious, imperatively broadcasting the social subconscious, which At this level it is perceived as a distinct and often alien moment in the psyche.

In the external life of a person, traces of karmic programs are now clearly (although not always) visible. A person understands that the main goal of his external life is his internal development and improvement, and that he cannot do or understand anything in the external world unless he is internally prepared. The world is now seen completely differently, a person feels the life of not only people and animals, but also plants and inanimate objects, from which he perceives an aura and, touching a coffee cup with his gaze, gently strokes it, causing its energy to increase greatly, the aura expands and flares up , and the cup gets warmer, not only emotionally, but also in the most literal sense of the word. A person sees how works of art open and close under the knowing or rudely impolite gaze of others, can feel the volume of a painting and lithograph and enter into it and feels communication with people, first of all, as an exchange of energy and information that cannot be directly expressed in words. Now he sees geobiocenosis simply as the life of the Earth, which he experiences as living, giving life and suffering from rough treatment.

At this level, a person sees the connection between internal and external life so clearly that he understands what kind of efforts he needs to make on himself in order to solve this or that external problem, sometimes not even affecting him personally. At the same time, he sees the limits of his capabilities and always feels that it is not he who is working, but the egregor standing behind him; the existence and influence of other egregors on the world also becomes obvious to him, but he still does not differentiate them well.

At the fourth level of Chiron development, a person perceives external difficulties solely as projections of his internal problems. At the same time, these internal problems of his belong to such deep layers of his subconscious, which are directly connected with large (in particular, social) egregors, and in fact, a person, by taking care of himself, directly influences world karma. In external life, his energy is so strong that his mere appearance or minor intervention often has very far-reaching consequences; however, usually not of a destructive nature, because he sees karma well and does not create unnecessary karmic knots (that is, from his point of view, which sometimes may not coincide with the views of the public - they have their own ideas about karma).

At this level, a person is well versed in the structure and, to some extent, the relationships of egregors and sees which egregor is under the control of another person at the moment. He can, if he wishes, take this control over for a while, even from under the toughest egregor, and make sure that a soul flies to this person and talks to him; subjectively, this is experienced as a strong meditation, revelation, or simply an unforgettable conversation, during which a person feels his deep essence. This is the level of a national or world teacher, saint or prophet, with his own problems that are difficult to describe in the existing language even for him.

Chiron symbolizes a jester or a strange incomprehensible event, an absurd joke (of a person or fate) with a hidden meaning.

Chiron rules Taurus, which gives it density, heaviness, an almost material and psychologically irrefutable effect on a person. When the prophet who comes under Chiron speaks, it will be impossible not to hear him, and the world will tremble.

Chiron culminates in Pisces, which gives him the ability to plastically, not rudely influence a person’s subconscious, in particular, skillfully including such an important means of protecting the psyche as laughter, which relieves tension and the seriousness of the situation, and sometimes puts emphasis on something completely impossible, but from Chiron’s point of view just the right way. Pisces themselves don’t have much humor, but they wag their tails so funny and so cleverly change their points of view to the opposite or completely incomprehensible ones that you’ll burst out laughing... unless, of course, this is your immediate boss.