Attitude to the social system of the rock-tooth. Brief description of Skalozub (Griboedov A.S.). See what "Skalozub" is in other dictionaries

One of the important characters in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” is Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub. He spent his whole life in military service, rose to the rank of colonel and really wants to become a general. The brilliant careerist, however, was carried away by his service alone; he was a limited and simply stupid person.

Skalozub's appearance is almost perfect: all his clothes are chosen according to army fashion, he is tall, and his voice could be admired by all the girls who dream of fairy-tale heroes. Skalozub has many medals, but all of them are on the occasion of a celebration, and not received for valor and honor. This is one of the details with which the author wants to show readers that Skalozub does not have that real military spirit that rushes into battle to protect his loved ones. All Skalozub dreams of is beautiful shape and a lot of glory and fame. He fights not for his homeland, but for his own selfish and vain goals.

Sergei Sergeevich’s upbringing fails him: he grew up in the barracks, so all his requests or even ordinary speech sound like army orders. He is very rude, not tolerant, not tactful and in some places seems just a boor. But his shortcomings are largely offset by his enormous fortune, respectability and place in society; many respect him and almost worship him.

Skalozub hates reading and believes that there is nothing good in books; two examples of this can be cited: when he happily says that now all educational schools will become like barracks and when he talks with great contempt about his cousin, who this moment sits in the village and reads books.

Famusov wants to marry Sophia to Skalozub, because he has a lot of money. Sophia finds Skalozub very stupid and speaks of him as if he had not said a single sensible thought the entire time. Sophia’s words are confirmed for the reader in the situation when Skalozub, having listened to Chatsky’s monologue, agrees with him, not understanding anything of what Chatsky said.

I think that Skalozub is a person who tries to show the good side of himself in everything, a person who tries to please others and win their sympathy. Because of his ambitions to become a general, he does not see anything beyond his service, which scares off the smart and well-read Sophia. Skalozub himself considers himself a very honest officer who is worthy of his position. Judging by how his service is going, I can assume that he will still achieve his goal of becoming a general, but whether he will become the person that a young lady like Sophia wants to see in her husbands is unlikely.

Option 2

Griboyedov in his comedy "Woe from Wit" raises an important topic that concerns the past and present times. At this time, the values ​​of the “old” time are opposed to the values ​​of the new time. Not only Famusov or Khlestakov, but also Skalozub considers himself a supporter of the old self.

Skalozub holds a military rank, his goal in life is to achieve good place or rank at any cost. He “made a fortune” and is therefore popular with the ladies. Even Famusov himself prefers Skalozub as his daughter’s husband.

Skalozub, although a military man, does not know how to think for himself. He follows society, follows those who are beneficial to him or supports those who are more noble. The hero does not really love Russia, he says this himself. He received a high military rank only because there were places, and not for his exploits and devotion to the Motherland. Skalozub is a collective image, his behavior corresponds to other military men who tried to make their careers after Patriotic War, and, it should be noted, they had every opportunity to do this.

Skalozub is a typical liberal of that time, who clings to the old, because only by those laws and rules can he live; it is more convenient for him to adapt to someone than to act on his own.

Also, the image of Skalozub helps to fully understand Chatsky, who is opposed to the “past century”; the reader notices deceit, depravity and stupidity Famusovsky Society, which includes Skalozub.

Skalozub has a special attitude towards learning; he does not understand why he needs to study, and he tries to show himself as smart, but in dialogues with other characters he only answers with memorized military phrases.

Skalozub does not bring anything useful to society, he only satisfies his own needs, goes over his head for the sake of his goals. This attitude towards the world is the basis of the old system, which Chatsky does not like so much.

The hero did not receive an education, he grew up in a military environment, so he was used to speaking rudely, not taking anyone into account, and giving orders. Skalozub is rude, does not listen or understand others, he lives according to the laws of the army.

His attitude towards reading is terrible - he despises books. The reader notices this when the main character assures that it is better to equip schools in a new way, like in the army, where they will teach what is really important, and not science. And talking about his distant brother, who loves to read and lives in the village, Skalozub humiliates him, he does not understand how one can read books.

Sophia sees Skalozub as a stupid and backward person; she is not interested in his money. In a dialogue with Chatsky, Skalozub does not understand what the hero is talking about, but out of habit he agrees with what was said.

Skalozub is accustomed to benefiting from any situation through flattery and agreement with others. He does not want to develop, but the goal is one - to succeed in a military career, this shows the limitations of the protagonist and his ideals.

Detailed analysis of Skalozub’s image

Skalozubs are the generals of Tsarist Russia, or hoarsemen, strangled people and bassoons.

(Based on the comedy by A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit.”)

Literature knows cases of the genius of an author thanks to one of his works. These include famous works of word art different eras. These are “Don Quixote” by Cervantes Saavedra, “Gulliver’s Travels” by Swift and, of course, “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov.

The immortal comedy was written at the beginning of the 19th century, but has not lost its significance in the 21st century, because it touches on universal human values ​​- “eternal values”.

The play mainly contains representatives of the nobility (“the present century” and the “past century”) with their own worldview, attitude to service, education, serfdom, foreign fashion, and people of different classes. The author talks about the meaning of life, honor and dignity, love, inner freedom, moral choice.

There's a lot in comedy characters, but conditionally they can be divided into two camps: the world of Famusov and the world of Chatsky. Chatsky has progressive views on life, he is an active figure, a thinking person, and the other (Famusov) is an adherent of the old order, where servility, hypocrisy, respect for rank, and the desire to become an “ace” are valued.

Skalozub is a prominent representative of the Famus circle. Chatsky gives an apt description of this character:

Khripun, strangled, bassoon,

A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas.

In tsarist Russia, fanfare officers who gave themselves important view and striving to be especially noticeable in secular society. To this end, they forced themselves to wheeze, pronouncing words with a French accent. The writer gives the term “khripun” an army, military slang meaning.

The word “strangled” is associated with “wheezer” and helps to partially represent the highest-ranking military in Nikolaev Russia: the collar was pulled so tightly and the uniform was pulled into a glass that it was difficult to breathe.

A bassoon is a musical wind instrument made of wood that produces hoarse, nasal sounds (direct meaning). However, in order to have a complete understanding of the word “bassoon”, one must turn to the story of the surgeon N.I. Pirogov (“Diary of an Old Doctor”). Uniformed leaders were called bassoons for their abrupt, harsh speech. The hero of Griboyedov's comedy Skalozub Sergei Sergeich is a serving colonel, a narrow-minded soldier, who has only a military career on his mind (“And the golden bag, and aims to become a general”). In fact, he did not take part in the hostilities and received an award because he “sat in a trench.” He is very limited in knowledge and has poor vocabulary as a character satirical novel Ilf and Petrov “Twelve Chairs” Ellochka the Ogress. Dumb and rude in communication, he is not interesting to anyone, and they communicate with him because of money. It's funny and sad to hear his answers. A typical figure in the Arakcheev army drill. His appearance is historically real, without caricature. Just like Famusov, Colonel Skalozub adheres to the “philosophy” of the “past century,” but more crudely and openly. For him, the purpose of service is not to protect the Fatherland, but to achieve career growth, wealth and honor. A military man, in his opinion, can achieve success faster.

Skalozub is an opponent of all enlightenment. For him, learning is a “plague.” To eliminate freethinkers, it is he who proposes effective measures to destroy books. He would really like to establish an army regime and suppress any manifestation of freedom of thought.

Individuals like Skalozub are dangerous to society.

Characterization of Skalozub in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

Griboyedov's work "Woe from Wit" gives us a lot different characters, which you can think about for a long time. One of them is Skalozub.

Skalozub is a high-ranking official, a rich and respected man with the rank of colonel. The main place in his life is occupied by combat march and other military topics. But he is not interested in valor and honor. About such people, as they say, they are martinets. Among people, Skalozub is known as the first gossip, angry and constantly gloating. Most of all, he loves to make stupid and ridiculous jokes about the princess. Hence the telling surname.

As a hero, he is faithful to his ideals and shows a willingness to defend his honor and those of his loved ones. But, like Famusov, he is a man of conservative views who does not want to change his usual way of life. For him, the old way of life is an indicator of stability, because he is afraid of simply not having time to rebuild under rapid current life and get lost among people like him. When compared with Famusov, the author does not reveal Skalozub so clearly as to give the reader the opportunity to reflect on the character. It is noticeable that Skalozub is not an ardent conservative, but is simply afraid of losing his achieved standard of living.

He is not spoken of as an intelligent, educated and perspicacious person. All his achievements are just pure coincidence. And he himself knows about it.

The author has no love for this hero, so there is a darker side to the colonel’s characterization. This man acts as a hard radical. He vehemently despises everything related to innovation and its introduction into the world. For him, this is a sign that the world is beginning to change in full force, and changes in life are inevitable. He is very dissatisfied with this fact. IN in this case Skalozub is described as a person who has failed as a person and who does not know how to adapt to new living conditions. There is a clear fear of change and a fear of not being able to cope with the difficulties associated with it.

His attitude towards ordinary people is also interestingly described. everyday problems. Love and affection are not things that need to be paid attention to for him, because they do not carry any material value. He treats the people around him with benefit. Skalozub sees benefit only in those people who have the opportunity to help him achieve success and advance in his career. career ladder, while others are just unnecessary gray mass for him.

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Skalozub has been serving in the army since 1809 (in his own words), but he does not even mention the Patriotic War of 1812, except for his words about the fire of Moscow, which, in his judgment, “contributed a lot to its decoration.” He “distinguished himself” in 1913, and for August 3, when he “sat down in a trench,” he received an order. Professor Nechkina, in his book about Griboyedov and the Decembrists, says that at that time there were no hostilities, so Skalozub received his orders and awards not for military exploits, but thanks to his ability to use various “channels.” Skalozub has the rank of colonel (“You’ve been a colonel for a long time, but you’ve only been serving recently,” Famusov notes with approval) and strives to become a general.


Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;
I judge them as a true philosopher:
If only I could get an axis as a general, -
he himself admits, and it is clear that he does not neglect any of these
"channels". He, by his own admission, is lucky in his career:
I am quite happy in my comrades
Vacancies are currently open:

Then the elders will turn off others,
The others, you see, have been killed.
In his naivety and stupidity, he does not even understand what immoral things he is saying: after all, he sees his happiness in the fact that his comrades were killed, since this gives him the opportunity to advance in his career. In his desire for rank, Skalozub is similar to Famusov.
He is unanimous with Famusov in his views on enlightenment. At Famusov’s ball he announces:

I will make you happy: universal rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach in our way: one, two;
And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions.

When Repetilov calls him to go to a meeting of the smartest people, in his opinion, Skalozub replies:

Spare me. You can't fool me with learning,
Call others, and if you want,
I am Prince Gregory and you
I'll give the sergeant major to Voltaire,
He will line you up in three ranks,
Just make a noise and it will instantly calm you down.

Skalozub puts drill, command, ranks, barracks, steps, ranks above all else, shows exact knowledge the differences between all the regiments in piping, shoulder straps, and buttonholes on their uniforms (in a conversation with Khlestova), he perks up and becomes talkative when the topic comes up. He is not interested in anything else and cannot talk about anything coherently.
talk, with the exception of secular gossip, which he readily retells, adding “a hundred embellishments.” So, he tells gossip about the princess with sincere pleasure. Skalozub sprinkles military terms: distance, line, sergeant major, etc., and here the comedy is achieved by the fact that Skalozub speaks about things that have nothing to do with military life in exactly this language. When Famusov asks him how he gets to know Nastasya Nikolaevna, Skalozub replies:

I don’t know, sir, it’s my fault,
She and I did not serve together.

When it comes to Moscow and Muscovites, and Famusov makes a laudatory speech, and Chatsky makes an accusatory speech, Skalozub has only three words in praise of Moscow: “Distances of enormous size.” He strives to be polite with Famusov, but in front of people with whom he does not stand on ceremony, he says ponderously and rudely: “Look at how he cracked - in the chest or in the side?” If Skalozub is similar to Famusov in his views on service, ranks, education, then in mentally he stands much lower than Famusov, who is intelligent, eloquent, and observant. Sophia says about Skalozub: “He hasn’t uttered a smart word in his life,” and Lisa agrees with her, only she expresses it in her own way: “he’s not very cunning.” In conclusion, let us recall the reviews of Skalozub by two ideological enemies, representatives of opposite camps - Famusov and Chatsky.

Famous person, respectable,
And he picked up a ton of insignia;
Beyond his years, and an enviable rank,
Not today or tomorrow general, -
This is how Famusov respectfully evaluates Skalozub. Chatsky gives him a brief spigrammatic description:
Khripun, strangled, bassoon,
A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas!
“And a golden bag, and aims to become a general,” - in these apt words
Lisa is all Skalozub.

It was precisely such people - narcissistic, stupid, ignorant, non-reasoning, fans, shagists, barracks education, cane drills, enemies of free thought - who succeeded in the army during Arakcheev’s time. Real people, educated and thinking, resigned in protest against Arakcheevism, as did Skalozub’s cousin, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub is a military man (colonel), a seasoned soldier who does not care about anything other than military affairs and career growth according to service (“And a golden bag, and aims to become a general”). He is completely undeveloped mentally, even, roughly speaking, dull (Sofia about Skalozub: “he hasn’t uttered a smart word in his life”). That is why he does not suit Sophia as a groom, despite how much her father craves it. Famusov treats Skalozub with reverence, as he considers him the best match for his daughter.

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Skalozub can conduct a conversation exclusively about the service, so he mentions it everywhere (“I don’t know, sir, it’s my fault; we didn’t serve together”) or tries to reduce the conversation to this topic. IN high society he ended up there solely thanks to his rank and good earnings, since otherwise no one would have communicated with him. As you already understand, Skalozub is an opponent of all education and enlightenment, he considers this a completely unnecessary activity, does not want to learn himself and advises the same to others (“You can’t faint with learning”).

Updated: 2017-08-17

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Characteristics of Skalozub from the comedy "Woe from Wit"

  1. Skalozub
    1 option

    Skalozub Sergei Sergeich in his image depicts the ideal Moscow groom - rude, uneducated, not very smart, but rich and pleased with himself. Famusov reads S. as his daughter’s husband, but she considers him not the hero of her novel. At the moment of his first arrival at Famusov’s house, S. talks about himself. He took part in the War of 1812, but received the order on his neck not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. aims to become a general. The hero despises book wisdom. He makes derogatory comments about his cousin reading books in the village. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in army fashion, using belts to make his chest look like a wheel. Having understood nothing in Chatsky’s accusatory monologues, he, nevertheless, joins his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.
    Option 2

    Skalozub is a character in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy Woe from Wit (1824). If we look for classicist characters in the characters of the play, and through them also ancient prototypes, then S. corresponds to the boastful warrior, a popular mask of Roman comedies, embodied in the famous tower-city conqueror Pyrgopolinicos, the hero of Plautus. The bully warrior was traditionally portrayed not only as a braggart, but also as a narcissistic person. S., if you take it out of the poetic context, is somewhat similar to its distant ancestor. It should be noted that many characters in Griboedov’s work wear comedic masks, but the mask is only the top layer of its voluminous plot. During the course of the action, S. transforms into an individual comedic character. Colonel Sergei Sergeevich S. is at the very center of the events of the play. Already in the first act, Lisa mentions him as Sophia’s almost official fiancé (and the golden bag and marks the general) in contrast to the unwanted Chatsky and secret Molchalin. Perhaps, for the sake of S., in order to introduce him to the circle of relatives, Famusov is planning a ball where he introduces S. Khlestova, who does not like him because of his lack of servility and too tall stature. All the facts of S.’s biography, in the eyes of Famusov, distinguish him favorably from Chatsky. S. is rich, a military man, quickly and thoughtfully making his career, arguing little, expressing himself straightforwardly and lapidarily. S.’s manner of not conforming to the tone of secular politeness does not harm him in the opinion of others (like Chatsky), because in the main S. Famusovsky is his own: you won’t faint me with your learning! . What his military career is based on becomes clear quite quickly: here some of the elders are turned off, others, you see, are killed. It would be a mistake to underestimate S.'s influence in the Moscow environment: he is recognized and supported by society. IN climax discussions about the harm brought by books and education, S. announces the good news for everyone that it has been decided to reform lyceums, schools and gymnasiums according to the barracks model: There they will only teach in our way: one, two; And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions. (Which, however, does not quite suit Famusov, who knows a more correct way to restore order: to take all the books and burn them.) S. is a collective character in which Griboedov’s contemporaries recognized many: from divisional colonel Frolov to Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, future Emperor Nicholas I. In a vast stage history Unfortunately, no solution to this image has yet been found that would be free from the masking, which is equally emphasized by the actors with the most different directorial decisions in style. The basis of S.’s image is the technique of the grotesque, but not cartoon or caricature. Such an image requires an interpretation akin to the poetics of the play as a whole, which Griboyedov called the poetics of an excellent poem.

"no less bright than the figure of Famusov. “A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas,” says Chatsky about Skalozub. In the person of this hero, Griboyedov caricatured the type of military man who pays attention mainly to the external part military service, are interested in the uniform that distinguishes one regiment from another, are engaged in drilling, “stepping,” as they said then, and are deprived of that real military spirit that created the valor of the Russian army. Skalozub embodies all the vulgarity, all the limitations of this kind of officer. His name indicates that he constantly “snarls”, jokes, tries to make jokes; but his jokes are not funny, but vulgar. Typical is his story about Princess Lasova, who, having fallen from her horse,

“...the other day I was completely blown away:
The jockey did not support - he thought it was obvious that there were flies.
And without that she is, as you can hear, clumsy,
Now the rib is missing
So she’s looking for a husband for support.”

His answer to Famusov’s question about how Nastasya Nikolaevna is related to him is typical:

“I don’t know, sir, it’s my fault:
She and I didn’t serve together.”

With this witticism, Skalozub wants to show that nothing outside of military service interests him. What is occupying him? “The uniforms have piping, shoulder straps, buttonholes...” - a comparison of the guard with the army, in which the officers “everything is so tailored and the waists are so narrow”...

Woe from the mind. Maly Theater performance, 1977

Skalozub strives only for ranks, awards, and promotions. He himself is a colonel, but is already “aiming for general.” It is interesting to know how he achieved high rank; he himself quite frankly says that he received a promotion not for personal merit, but due to happy coincidences of circumstances:

“I am quite happy in my comrades,”
Vacancies are currently open:
Then the elders will turn off others,
The others, you see, have been killed.”

The frankness with which Skalozub speaks about his promotion testifies to his extreme stupidity:

“He’s eloquent, but he’s not cunning,”

– the maid Lisa characterizes him. Just like Famusov, he is convinced of the dangers of science and wants children to be taught to march in all lyceums and gymnasiums.

I will make you happy: universal rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach in our way: one, two;
And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions.

This is the kind of son-in-law Famusov would like to have! But his daughter Sophia Skalozub is disgusted - and not only because she loves Molchalin. Sophia understands Skalozub’s emptiness and stupidity. When Chatsky, trying to find out Sophia’s attitude towards a possible groom, mentions:

Here, for example, is Colonel Skalozub:
And a golden bag, and aims to become a general,

she answers:

How cute! and it's fun for me to fear
Listen about the frunt and rows;
He hasn’t uttered a smart word for a long time, -
I don’t care what goes into the water.