Why do children like fairy tales? Why are fairy tales needed: awakening the soul or accurate knowledge?

Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. Our ordinary reality lacks miracles and magic. In pursuit of material values, we drown in routine, begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experience stress and dream of escaping for at least an hour to a place where fantasy can paint a world different from the usual one, where dreams come true, and good certainly triumphs over evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic are as real for them as another deadline at work or a morning traffic jam is for us. They not only believe in them, they are convinced that the world is woven from magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Therefore, reading fairy tales for kids - not escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality in fictional universe). This is a continuation of what they see around them. And the task modern storyteller- to do so, on the one hand, not to kill the dream, and on the other hand, to fill your work with realism: eternal values, these rules, understanding of current events, description surrounding reality. In a word, you need to combine business with pleasure, and in no case should you violate the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if there is too much reality, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will be empty and will lose its main meaning: teach and pass on accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once upon a time, ancient people told them to each other around the fire, often composing them on the spot. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, and mistakes. This way the kids had fun and learned their first life lessons, which are perhaps the most important of all. school activities, taken together. Fairy tales contain not only entertaining and educational components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and are stored in memory along with all the morality that they contain. And our ancestors understood this very well.

The traditions were continued by the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems that the storytellers addressed changed. It should be noted that works from the past often seem gloomy to contemporaries, and the ideas expressed in them can traumatize the psyche of prosperous children of the twenty-first century. Therefore very often classic books modified, shortened and even rewritten. Is it correct? A question whose answer can be debated for a very long time. But if you want to avoid controversy and read the original book to your children, it would be safer to take the creation modern writer, who understands our realities and the mental characteristics of girls and boys of the new generation.

An author whose work deserves close attention, is Natalia Mosina. Her book “How Katenka and Mashenka went into a fairy tale,” which was published in May of this year by the Union of Writers publishing house, is very sweet, kind, and magical. It is full of magic and adventure, there is a dream to strive for, and hope that leads forward, like a saving light of a lighthouse in the night. The characters turned out to be charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, make friends, and have respect for elders. Natalia Mosina presents the highest human values, tested by time, to the public. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book about? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And then one day they themselves decided to find the way to the world of miracles, the door to which does not open to everyone. They met good fairy, met the wise Storyteller and went to your own Fairy Tale, where discoveries, adventures and, of course, danger await them.

Buy the book for children “How Katenka and Mashenka went to a fairy tale” in the online stores “#Book” and “Book for Children”.

1) Fairy tales good helpers for adults! They can tell you what to do in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are imbued with optimism - we miss this so much in life!

2) A fairy tale is an excellent simulator for the imagination of both the reader and the author.
It has happened more than once that the ideas of fairy tales were later embodied in life.

3) A fairy tale is an opportunity to talk with the child who lives in each of us.
This child wants to be loved. Childhood traumas come out in tears.
Fairy tales for adults – good way help yourself, talk to yourself, help forgive many things.

4) We know what goodness is, how to behave with dignity, but in real life we ​​forget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
A fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards!
By awakening forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of a child, you need to remember yourself as a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) In our tough times, when we become inexorably callous, a fairy tale is simply necessary. It encrypts important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to maintain spiritual health.

7) A fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, and help to recover from the hustle and bustle of life.

8) Fairy tales help to find confirmation of one’s own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) Fairy tales are like a reminder to yourself about important things that you dreamed about and then forgot about. For what? To move on with your guiding star. To not give up when it's hard.

10)Rereading a fairy tale, you are charged with energy and can perform new feats! And then you can certainly find yourself where you always wanted to be!


Your “10 reasons” speak of great observation and originality mental abilities author: thinking, reflecting and drawing such deep conclusions is not given to everyone.
You have produced a brilliant treatise-research entitled “What is a FAIRY TALE?”
I absolutely agree with all the conclusions you made.
Well, after the words that “a fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards,” I would put at least ten exclamation marks or highlight these words in capital letters. There is holy truth in these words, and it seems to me that it is with these words that you need to start the 4th point of your research, and then give it the brief transcript with which you began this paragraph.
Thank you for such a necessary, pleasant and unexpected gift to readers. It will probably make many “adults” think.

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The history of the creation of the planet. Legends about how a man found best friend. A parable about war, peaceful skies and hot bread. Recommendations for solving problems. Tales of vices bad habits. Ways to fight back against villains and rogues. This is the legacy of storytellers. Russian folklore. Favorite stories.

Children like fairy tales - a fact. But why? This is a lifesaver for all occasions:

  • teaches you to be strong like Ilya Muromets
  • tells the story of a dog's devotion to its provider
  • helps not to lose heart if a request is denied three times
  • calls not to lose heart if the thatched house is destroyed

Have a question? There is an answer in the fairy tale! Children like this help more than parental advice and lectures from teachers. Epic - unobtrusive learning. Accumulation of new words, interesting concepts, folk rituals. Attention is focused, not scattered. Eyes wide open with excitement. They don’t stick together out of boredom, like in math class.

Communication problems will be solved by imagination

Children love to imagine. They invent a separate apartment, where everything is the same as in their father’s house. But there are no adults: the child is his own master. Or they compose a biography of an invisible comrade. He cannot be introduced to his parents. But you can give him an extra bowl of soup. They go for a walk with a red mitten instead of a live puppy. Carlson is invited to visit. They speak gibberish.

Reflection and acting out problems. Psychological terms. They can be explained more simply:

  • Young readers transfer their burdens to the characters
  • They decide what to do, guided by the example of their favorite hero.
  • They open their hearts, allowing their imagination to take over them entirely.

Folk tales are more effective. Take Andersen: he composed amazing world, to which his way was ordered. The reason is humble origin. And extreme frankness in conversations with other people. The truth hurts my eyes. Hans Christian acts out his pain through literary hero. Expresses himself in the text. And Russian folklore fables have been formulated for centuries. Every word is verified. Polished like a sea pebble. It contains one hundred percent wisdom. The laws of life in a universal interpretation.

Take stories where the sly fox is a character with a plus sign. Even a notorious scoundrel can change. In the book "The Snow Maiden and the Fox" a silver fox saves a girl who got lost in the forest.

Forget me, forget me!

Not only positive traits heroes are welcome in fairy tales. Horror stories important for development. Children like them, even if the frost hits their skin. As the story progresses, the children experience a lot of emotions. They worry about the defendants. They are looking for ways to escape. Transform negative, weak and unnecessary emotions. The horror story turns it into a powerful positive. Relieves tension and nervousness.

Why do children need fairy tales? Some parents ask this question. Wouldn't it be better for the child to read something useful, not about the magical world, but about the real world? And yet the wisest adults grow from children who listened to fairy tales. Let's say more: adults who know how to see the beauty of the world themselves love fairy tales all their lives. What is the use of fairy tales?

The benefits of fairy tales in awakening the soul!

Fairy tales are an ancient tradition of passing on knowledge

Let to today's people It seems that fairy tales are entirely made-up stories. The northern elders know: a true story is like resin, and a fable is like water. Fairy tales that are not reflected in the soul of the people quickly die, just like drops of water rolling off a tree trunk. Only true stories with deep meaning are like resin that hardens and forever preserves the magical moment of a fairy tale.

Did you know that at the beginning of the 20th century they tried to create stories reminiscent of Russian epics, only their heroes were leaders and tsars? A lot of similar stories did you remember it yourself? Artificially created epics, even those resembling real northern legends in form, did not take root among the people. Only a story that touches something in people’s souls becomes a fairy tale. This is the real benefit of fairy tales: by reading them, you can understand what was most important for our Ancestors, what values ​​the Slavs preserved, what lessons they passed on from father to son.

Why are fairy tales needed? There are two answers here: about the benefits of magic stories for children and for adults.

Why do children need fairy tales?

Nowadays, many parents are trying to awaken their child’s mind before awakening his soul. Children are taken to math classes and foreign languages even before the child learns to walk and talk. In the old days, caring for children was different. The mother, grandmothers and older sisters sang lullabies to the baby, and the father or grandfather told fairy tales. Thus, the child’s soul gradually began to awaken. Not yet knowing much about the world, he felt in his heart the difference between good and evil, learned about the most important things: that there is friendship, love, honor in the world.

Why do children need fairy tales?

Why are fairy tales needed? To teach a child to dream, to strive for more, to find his own path. A person who felt the spark of his soul in childhood will remember it in the darkest moments of life, and Inner Light will show him the right path. That is why in the old days people themselves strived for knowledge, and today children, with early years Those studying complex sciences, when they grow up, no longer want to know anything. Is it surprising if they do not feel the light of their own soul?

Why does modern man need a fairy tale?

“The children, laughing, biting off slices of fragrant cookies, rushed in a flock to last house in the village to sprinkle crumbs on the field. And they stood rooted to the spot when they saw a tall, long-haired old man who had already stepped onto the wooden pavements.
“And I know who it is,” whispered the older fair-haired girl, whom everyone called Vesnyanka. - But I won’t tell you, I’ll invite him to stay with us, and you’ll find out in the evening! The old man heard everything, came closer, took the girl’s narrow palm in his and said in an unexpectedly thick melodious voice;
- Well, take me, beauty, to your father, I haven’t seen him for a long time, there’s something to talk about together!
“Bojan has come,” the women called to each other joyfully, and the men twirled their mustaches and smiled. In the evening, whoever came first to the headman’s hut occupied the benches, and whoever was late remained standing embarrassed.
- Will you sing, dear guest, will you play your harp for us? - it was Starostina’s wife, Vesnyanka’s mother, who added more lingonberry pie to the guest and added more tea.
- How can you not sing if you want to listen!
- We are calling spring today, sing about love, sweet-voiced Boyan! Or as you choose.
And the harp rang with an iridescent ringing, and in front of the enchanted listeners it was no longer an old man in a white robe embroidered with red patterns, but magical pictures of the past ... "

This is how storytellers were greeted in the North in ancient times. The ability to sing epics and tell magical stories was valued on a par with the skill of artisans or hunters. Entire dynasties of storytellers are known in the Russian North. When scientists discovered the miracle of a northern fairy tale, our grandparents, singers of epics, even came to the capital and collected whole theater halls. Can you imagine a room full of people gathered to listen fairy tale?

In the old days, they understood the benefits of fairy tales not only for children, but also for adults

Why did adults, educated people need fairy tales? Northern epics, long and measured, set a special mood and calmed the mind. Stories Slavic Gods and heroes are often even closer to adults than to children. Where a child hears only a fairy tale, an adult may notice a wise lesson. The benefit of a fairy tale is that it helps you see your life differently, look at your path from a height where the soul rises following the words of the storyteller, and see the right path where there used to be a dead end.

Why do you need fairy tales?

Everyone will have their own answer here. Someone wants to meet you folk traditions, ancient customs, the description of which has been preserved in northern fairy tales. Someone wants to teach children wisdom and introduce them to Slavic myth. And some people don’t even realize why they like fairy tales so much, but every time after reading them they feel that they are ready to live joyfully and do good.

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