The topic of the week is folk culture in preparatory school. Fragment of the calendar plan in the preparatory group “Folk culture and traditions. Perception of fiction and folklore

Sample plan of educational work

with kids middle group

Subject: " Folk culture and traditions"

Program content:

    Development of children's need and desire for knowledge of the creativity of folk culture, perception of beautiful household items, folk works, decorative and applied and fine arts.

    Familiarization with household items, their names, purpose.

    Familiarization with various different types decorative arts (products made of wood, clay, paper, cardboard, sewing, embroidery, weaving).

Directly organized educational activities

“Cognition” - development of horizons

Didactic game “How the hut was built.” Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.

"Labor" - a man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Apron decoration." Learn to draw a pattern on a square-shaped paper napkin from circles and squares, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to draw accurately. Foster independence.

Communication/Reading fiction»

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Wonderful little paws." Continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art through reading Russian folk tales and learning nursery rhymes. Teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to see the relationship between the content and the title of the work.

“Artistic creativity” - drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Handkerchief decoration. (Based on Dymkovo painting) Teach: highlight a pattern element (straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes);

Cover the sheet evenly, using continuous lines (vertical and horizontal), and place strokes, dots and other elements in the resulting cells. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

“Plasticine painting” (Dymkovo). Introduce children to some methods of making and painting clay toys. Involve in folk art. Nurture the creative spirit. Teach to rejoice in the success of your work and the work of other children.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Construction of “Turret”, “House”. Goal: to teach children to create their own combinations from existing parts, to find a certain aspect of the building in them. Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

    Listening: “The Shepherd Boy”; Russian folk dance melodies.

    Singing: “Where was Ivanushka”, “Kisonka - Murysonka” Russian; folk songs.

    pictures, illustrations about ancient household items;

    illustrations for enriching and creating mood, individual musical performance, exercises, crafts, chants, movement, plastic, dance sketches;

    illustrations for the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”;

    ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items, for tracing along the contour of drawing a pattern

    waste material for making the “Compound” model

    forms for laying out a pattern on flannelgraph

    painting by E. Rachev “Fox with a rolling pin”

    illustrations for the fairy tales “Khavroshechka”, “Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”;

    Matryoshka toys and albums of samples of matryoshka painting

    decorating household items, tracing along the contour

    for independent games-experiments with water, clay, wood, sand;

    doll in folk costume, looking at a doll in folk costume

    coloring pages Dymkovo toy»;

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend that parents:

    looking at books, discussing;

    examination of objects on the theme “Russian hut”,

    outdoor games with children: running; “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Bird and Cat”, “Horses”, “Homeless Hare”, “Traps”;

    visit the museum of decorative and applied arts;

    draw an illustration with your child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale”;

    look at the photo album “National Costumes” at home;

    tell your child about folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.);

Joint educational activities on the topic in special moments:


    experimental activities with the properties of wood and clay;

    developing situations: looking at albums, looking at a doll in folk costume, pictures, illustrations of ancient household items, illustrations of “Heroes of Rus'”;

    examination of folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.);

    examination of illustrations for the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”;

    use of ready-made forms made of paper, cardboard of household items, for tracing along the contour of drawing the pattern;

    production of the “Compound” model;

    laying out a pattern on a flannelgraph;

    acquaintance with folk instruments rattle and pipe;

    painting by E. Rachev “Fox with a rolling pin”;

    Matryoshka toys and albums of samples of matryoshka painting;

    organization of outdoor games;

    looking at toys, illustrations, talking about them;

Hygiene procedures

    use of nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles; “Sunshine, bell”, when washing, dressing for a walk;

    situational conversations about washing facilities (washbasin, basin with water);

    introduce fables and funny folklore - teasers; tongue twisters; "Barabek", "Sack";

    nursery rhyme for combing hair “Grow, braid, to the waist”

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner


Observation: use folk songs, chants “Sunny, turn around!” “Rain, rain, more!”

Outdoor games: games – round dances: “Three Merry Brothers”, “Vegetable Garden”, “Wind”, Russian folk games: “Geese-swans”, “Wolf in the moat”, “Wolf and sheep”, “Crows and sparrows”, “Snake”, “Hares in the garden”, “Bees and swallows”, “Cat and mouse”, “At the bear’s” in the forest" etc.

Work: Collect sticks, pebbles, dry grass, leaves to make a “Compound” model

Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:


    experimenting with water, clay;

    looking at pictures depicting items of ancient clothing and utensils;

    problematic situations “How can we wash ourselves if there is no running water”;

    imaginative games of imitation, organization of game situations using toys, finger theater and puppet theater characters;

    viewing CDs with folk tales;

    learning sayings and proverbs, reading nursery rhymes;

    examination of objects of decorative art, illustrations, paintings;

    reading riddles and poems about the Dymkovo toy;

    use of counting rhymes in the game “They were sitting on the golden porch...” “The cuckoo walked past the net...”;

    Russian folk tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (arranged by O. Kapitsa), “The Zhikharka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Winter Hut of the Animals”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “Wonderful little paws”;

    game situations “Visiting Grandma Matryona.”



Outdoor games: Enrich children's active vocabulary.

Intensify the use of names of clothes and their parts in speech.

"Mice and the Cat"; with running “By the bear in the forest” (learning); with jumping “Fox in the hen house” (learning); with throwing “Who will throw the bag further”; with lasagna “The Mother Hen and the Chicks”; Folk outdoor game “The gray bunny washes itself”;

Topic: “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions”

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the traditions and culture of the Russian people. Foster respect for Russian culture.

    Expand ideas about the folk toy (matryoshka);

    Introduce folk crafts Nizhny Novgorod region(embroidery, lace making, knitting);

    Involve children in creating Gorodets and Khokhloma painting patterns;

    Continue to introduce oral folk art. Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities.


« Big story little toy." Introduce children to the folk toy matryoshka.To form emotional responsiveness to the perception of a wooden nesting doll as a symbol of Russian folk art;
Objectives: To introduce children to the history of the matryoshka doll and the technique of its creation. To develop children's interest in folk art. To develop the creative abilities of children through familiarization with folk art and applied arts. Foster a love of folk art.

Conversation: “What do we know about the nesting doll?” Goal: To develop patriotic feelings and interest in Russian applied art - the wooden nesting doll.

P\i: “Visiting the nesting doll”; games – round dances: “Three Merry Brothers”, “Vegetable Garden”, “Wind”, Russian folk games: “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf in the Ditch”, “Wolf and Sheep”, “Crows and Sparrows”, “Snake”, “Hares in the Garden”, “Bees and Swallows”, “Cat and Mouse”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, etc.

Reading nursery rhymes and looking at different types of nesting dolls.

cultivate emotional responsiveness, joy, love, kindness through familiarity with folk art; expanding children's horizons.

Independent activity.
Evening: D/i "Find differences and similarities"
Goal: learn to compare nesting dolls, find similarities and differences.
Role-playing game A toy shop.
Goal: to continue to develop interest in folk toys. learn to assign roles before the game. generate interest in the story game.



Making family nesting dolls from various materials(cardboard, fabric, etc.).


Modeling “Family of nesting dolls”. Purpose: to introducewith the process of making nesting dolls; learn to sculpt using a plastic method, use pulling and smoothing techniques in work; practice working with the stack; achieve the conveyance of expressiveness of the image.

Presentation "Folk artistic crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod region." Goal: to introduce children to the nesting dolls of Semenovskaya, Polokhov-Maidan, Gorodets painting; note the differences and features of the painting. Involve in the folk culture of your region.

« Wonderful little shoes" Continue to introduce children to oral works folk art through reading Russian folk tales, learning nursery rhymes. Teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to see the relationship between the content and the title of the work.

Labor assignments: “How our ancestors set the table.” Goal: to introduce children to the features of table setting of our ancestors;development of a positive attitude towards various types of work and creativity.

Examination of the illustrations “Nizhny Novgorod nesting dolls”.

D\i “Fold the pattern”. Goal: fold the pattern on the matryoshka sundress in accordance with the sample.

« Entertaining nesting dolls"

Tasks : introduce children to small folklore forms: riddles, counting rhymes, jokes, sayings, proverbs, fairy tales, enrich children’s vocabulary with the concepts: joke-joke, proverb, develop the ability to give a complete answer to a question, the ability to clearly pronounce sounds in words, develop the ability to understand the figurative meaning of folklore works, develop memory, sense of humor, fine and gross motor skills, cultivate interest in oral folk art.



Offer to replenish the card index “Nizhny Novgorod nesting dolls”


"Acquaintance with folk arts and crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod region." Target:introduce children to Russian folk crafts: Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, artistic fabric products (embroidery, weaving, lace making). Develop observation skills, the ability to see the distinctive features of products, backgrounds, painting colors, and pattern elements; introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.


Conversation“What are folk crafts?”Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about folk art and its types.

Opening of the mini-museum “Painted Miracles”. Goal: to continue to introduce children to different types of paintings: Gorodets, Khokhloma, embroidery, lace.

P\n: “Tea-tea-help out.” Goal: development of physical qualities, increasing motor activity of children. "Blind Man's Bluff" - goal: development of orientation in space.

Consideration of thematic albums “Khokhloma”, “Gorodets painting”.

Master class “Embroidery on cardboard”. Goal: pintroducing children to Russian folk culture, developmentartistic and creative abilities of the child through embroidery.

Exhibition of children's works.



Announce a competition for the best handicraft (embroidery, napkin, toy).


KHER (drawing): “Gorodets patterns.” Goal: to continue to introduce Gorodets painting and develop interest in folk arts and crafts.


Conversation: “Profession of a potter.” Target:expand children's ideas about professions; introduce the potter’s profession and the specifics of his work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making dishes from clay.

Experimenting with clay. Goal: to experimentally find out the properties of clay and determine why it is used to make dishes.

Reading the fairy tale “About the Grumpy Dressmaker and the Potter.” Goal: to teach to listen carefully to a piece of music, develop memory and attention. Learn to answer questions based on a fairy tale.

Game “Fold the pattern” (painted cubes). Goal: to develop attention to analyze a pattern, spatial perception.

Making polymer clay with children. Goal: to develop children’s cognitive interest, to introduce in a simple way making clay. Create joy from the work done together.



Invite parents and children to make clay plates from prepared clay. Organize an exhibition of joint works.


Decorative drawing on a clay plate based on the theme of Khokhloma painting “Miracle Plate”. Goal: To learn to highlight the elements of the Khokhloma pattern (leaf, berry, grass) and see beauty; Develop color perception, sense of rhythm, creative imagination; Learn techniques for painting decorative elements with a brush floral pattern Khokhloma painting; To cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen; To develop knowledge about the features of painting dishes.


Presentation "The Doll's Past". Target:Pintroducing children to folk culture through familiarization with folk dolls. Expand knowledge about the environment. To promote the formation of cognitive interest in children.

Create conditions for the role-playing game “How we went to visit” Goal: to teach children the rules of behavior when visiting, to consolidate table setting skills.

Didactic game" Let's dress the doll for a walk".

Goal: To teach children to name items of clothing, to clarify children’s ideas about clothing, to teach them to differentiate types of clothing by season, to learn to remember the sequence of dressing. Cultivate a caring, neat attitude towards your clothes. Develop speech, replenish lexicon children.

Book exhibition: “Russian folk tales”



Consultation for parents: “On the traditions of Russian folk culture”, “Russiansamovar and tea drinking in Rus'"

Topic of the week:

"Folk culture and traditions"

10/19/2015 to 10/23/2015

Program content:

Development of children's need and desire for knowledge of the creativity of folk culture, perception of beautiful household items, works of folk, decorative, applied and fine art.

Familiarization with household items, their names, purpose.

Familiarization with various types of decorative arts (products made of wood, clay, paper, cardboard, sewing, embroidery, weaving).







Cognitive development (ext. circle)

“How the hut was built”

Kutsakova, 13

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)

“Apron decoration” Komarova 38

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 22 page 36

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Lesson 4 I.A. Pomoraeva V.A. Pozina pp. 19-21

Speech development

Retelling a fairy tale

Ushakova page 34

Physical development

L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 23 page 37

Artistic aesthetic development (apple/sculpting)

“Handkerchief Decorations” Komarov 38

Physical development (outdoors)

L.I. Penzulaeva Lesson 24 page 37

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan

Final event of the week –

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




cognitive development;

speech development;

Morning exercises.

Morning conversations – “What is folk toy? (introduce the concept)

Assignments, duties - “We are on duty in the dining room” (setting the table, clearing dishes) - game exercise - “The fork and spoon are on the right and looking up.”

Finger game “We will blow on our palms...” Purpose: develop speech and fine motor skills hands

examination of folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.) Purpose: To introduce household items, their names, purpose.

D/i “Who will remember more? Goal: to enrich children's vocabulary with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

It rains, drizzles, drips, lashes; crow-flying, cawing, sitting, eating

Develop the ability to wash your hands as they become dirty and before eating under the supervision of an adult, and then independently. Contribute to the formation of a vocabulary: “terry towel”, “clean”; "scented soap."

Introducing into the iso-corner a collection of toys and household items made of wood: nesting dolls, rattles, boxes, objects made of carved wood.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Didactic game “How the hut was built.” Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.

“How the hut was built” continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample. Practice fencing small spaces with bricks and plates, distinguishing and naming colors.

Artistic.aesthetic.development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

. "Little white bunny." Goals: to teach you to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; practice jumping; develop motor skills; cultivate a desire to play outdoor games.

S/r about seasonal changes in nature “How we walked in the park”, “What kind of trees became” Goal: development of observation and attention

Create conditions for the p/i “At the bear in the forest...”

Goal: To teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Sand buildings, games with external materials.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes. Reading the fairy tale “Tar Barrel Bull” to strengthen the ability to listen to a fairy tale


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Reading the poem “Masha put on a mitten.....” Purpose: Introduce objects man-made world using small folklore genres. Expand your vocabulary: mittens, gloves, yarn, ball. Foster a caring attitude towards things as the result of adult labor

D/i: “Make a picture-matryoshka” - teach children to collect simple pictures, select parts according to shape and image; develop attention, observation, visual creative thinking, perseverance and fine motor skills of the fingers

Reading the nursery rhyme “Like our cat...” Purpose: introduce the inhabitant of the “hut” - the cat Vaska; learn the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”; develop interest in the small folklore genre. (Our house - Southern Urals) (Application

Create conditions for s/r play “Visit Grandma Varvarushka for pancakes” Purpose: To introduce household items in the hut, their purpose and meaning; with the process of transforming objects by humans. Activate cognitive activity by expanding vocabulary. Develop interest in objects of the man-made world of the past, caring for them (Appendix)

Design of the travel folder: “The role of the family in introducing children to Russian national culture.”

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Conversations: “Dymkovo miracle toys”, “Why are toys called Dymkovo toys” Goal: Tell the story of the Dymkovo toy; to develop knowledge about the features of painting toys, color, and basic elements of the pattern.

coloring pages “Dymkovo toy” Purpose: to show children how to carefully and with different colors of pencils you can create beauty, paint carefully without going beyond the contours.

D/i “Let’s set the table for tea” Purpose: introduce the names of tableware into the dictionary, teach to find the named items among others

Situational communication: “My favorite fairy tales” Goal: Develop dialogical speech; attention, visual perception, memory, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about Russians folk tales and their heroes.

Create conditions for the developmental educational situation “The bear washes the dishes” Goal: to ensure the activation of the experience of washing dishes gained by children in the process of observing the labor process; promote the transfer of ideas about direction and structural components labor process for children's play activities.

Direct educational activities

Artistic.aesthetic.development (drawing)

“Decorating an apron” Purpose: to teach children to make a simple pattern of elements on a strip of paper folk ornament Develop color perception. Look at several aprons with your children and pay attention to how they are decorated. Call to show the child.

Physical development

Lesson 22

Goals: Exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time, in walking and running in all directions; repeat climbing under an arc without touching the floor with your hands; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Jumping on two legs- push off energetically andland correctly.

Target: develop dexterity.

stimulate the development of interest in joint games with adults and children, a positive response to the offer to play

Create conditions for playing in the sandbox “Let’s build a tower for a nesting doll.” Goal: teach children to play together, in a group, and help each other.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

develop the skills and abilities to say your name, talk about yourself in the first person; express your needs and interests in speech; Listening r.n. songs: “Oh, you canopy”, “The moon is shining”, “Oh, I got up early”


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Game: “Like a cat went to visit.” Target. Getting to know the custom of going on a visit with gifts. Repeating jokes, learning the game “Belt”.

Retelling the fairy tale “Kolobok” Goal: to develop the ability to retell a story by answering questions


DI. "Close and far." Target:

enrich your vocabulary, develop free communication skills; develop spatial orientation; cultivate a desire to play with the teacher

Individual and collective instructions “How we maintain order” Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the group. Cultivate a desire to take part in as much as possible (cleaning up toys). Continue to cultivate respect for people of familiar professions (teacher assistant).

Offer to children different kinds the designer to develop the desire to construct buildings according to his own plans. Form in children the habit of carefully putting the pieces back in their place after playing.


physical development.

Experimenting Observing the soil in frosty weather. Goal: to continue to familiarize children with the properties of soil. Expand your vocabulary with new words: frost, frost.

P/I “Sly Fox” Goal: to develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises. D/i “Wonderful bag” Enrich children’s sensory experience and the ability to record it in speech. Improve children's perception by actively including all senses. Develop figurative ideas.

Game-situation “Hares and Hunters” Purpose: to introduce children to Russian folk traditions; learn to use various means of expression(facial expressions, gesture, posture, gait)

Repeating the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”

Remind children folklore work; develop an active vocabulary.

Conversation: history of the Dymkovo toy (Appendix)

Create conditions for viewing the Russian matryoshka Goal: Introduce the folk toy - matryoshka. Enter the words into the active dictionary: matryoshka, painted, wooden. Develop interest in matryoshka dolls

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Lesson 4 Goal: continue to learn to count within 3, correlating a number with an element of a set, independently designate the final number, and correctly answer the question “How much?” Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric figures(circle, square, triangle) regardless of their size.

Artistic-aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

P/n “Find yourself a mate.”

Target: choose different pairs based on a signal.

Labor activity

Collection of large waste on site. Target: develop the ability to work in a subgroup.

Create conditions for the s/r game “Kindergarten, Matryoshka girls went for a walk”

Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s understanding of the content labor actions employees kindergarten

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” Getting acquainted with household items – a rolling pin.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

maintain a positive attitude towards performing basic hygiene processes, a feeling of joy from independent and joint actions and their results


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Drawing “Trace the stencil” Purpose: trace the silhouettes of the dishes using a stencil. Learn to hold a pencil correctly, paint over objects, and not go beyond the contours.

Learning the nursery rhyme “Grow, braid, to the waist.” Objectives: Introduce children to the work, talk about how this nursery rhyme was used by our ancestors. Develop memory, create a positive attitude.

D/i “Complete the pattern” Purpose: to teach to carefully study the sample and choose required colors. . Develop interest in studying folk crafts

Work in a corner of nature: watering indoor plants, removing dust from their leaves, cultivating hard work, the ability to care for plants, working with the nature calendar

Create conditions for the role-playing game “How we went to visit” Goal: to teach children the rules of behavior when visiting, to consolidate table setting skills.

Consultation for parents: “On the traditions of Russian folk culture”, “Russian

samovar and tea drinking in Rus'"


physical development.

Sparrow watching

Goals: : expand knowledge about the appearance and habits of a sparrow;cultivate attention and observation

Outdoor games "Colored Cars", "Hares and the Wolf".Target: practice running randomly and jumping.

Games with external material.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Situational communication: “Our hostess.” Target. Introducing a new joke. Show how to use basic household items

Russian folk game "Loaf". Purpose of the game: to create a sense of belonging and a positive psychological microclimate of the group; identifying likes and dislikes in the group.

D/i “Where is the nesting doll?”

Goal: to learn to distinguish the position of objects in space (in front, behind, between, in the middle, on the right, on the left, below, above).

D/i “Learn the pattern” - consolidation of elements of Dymkovo and Gorodets painting.

Create conditions for "Shop" (toy department). Goal: continue to develop the ability to distribute roles, unite for games

Involving parents in the design of the album “Poems, nursery rhymes - helpers in raising children.”

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Retelling the fairy tale “The Bubble, the Straw and the Shoe” Purpose: to teach children to retell a short story, expressively conveying the dialogue of the characters. Learn to use precise names to name baby animals using the form imperative mood verbs.

Physical development

Lesson 23 Basic types of movements.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

Goals:- learn to do an exercise with a ball;

develop eye and running speed.

Labor activity

Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox. Target: instill a love of work in the team.

Create conditions for independent activity of children during walks.

P/n “Catch up with me.”

Target: learn to run in the right direction.

Games with external material

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading the Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (adapted by O. Kapitsa) The goal is to cultivate interest in fiction and the ability to answer questions about what is read.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Construction games with the constructor “Building a house for a matryoshka doll.” Target: Goal: to teach children to create their own combinations from existing parts, to find a certain aspect of the building in them. Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.

HBT. Washing toysGames. Reception: I don’t recognize the toys, they have changed and become dusty. They need to be washed. Practical activity: I will wash and you will wipe. Conversation along the way: Which toys have become touchable? (wet) What are you doing? (wiping) What kind of steel? (dry)

Learning a finger game

“We are funny nesting dolls”


Conversation: “Russian folk toy”, “What did our grandmothers play with?”

Create conditions for

Playing out the actions of lulling a doll to sleep with the singing of lullabies. Reading the nursery rhyme “The night has come, the darkness has taken away.”

Compiling a card index of oral folk art:

proverbs, sayings,

chants, nursery rhymes,


physical development.

Bird watching

Target : learn to identify differences in the appearance of different birds, paying attention to the size, methods of movement.

Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Goals: practice crawling and climbing;

cultivate attention and dexterity.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises (card file)

Carrying out gymnastics under r.n. song "Two cheerful geese"

D/i "Dymkovo toy"

Goal: to familiarize children with various types of decorative arts

conversation with consideration “Which folk toy do you like best?”

Didactic game “Recognize the painting” Purpose: to teach how to compare paintings and determine the right one.

Book exhibition: “Russian folk tales”

Create conditions for the dramatization game “The nesting doll has a housewarming party” (Gerbova V.V. p. 52) Ts: form dialogical speech.

S/r game “Visiting a matryoshka game “Treat” Goal: to develop the ability to implement a game plan

Direct educational activities

Artistic-aesthetic development


“Decorating a handkerchief” Purpose: To develop children’s imaginative ideas and the ability to choose the content of an image. Learn to convey the selected object in sculpting. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately. To cultivate the desire to do something for others, to develop the ability to combine the results of one’s activities with the work of peers.

Final event of the week – exhibition of children's works on the theme "Folk culture"

Physical development (outdoors)

Lesson 24

Tasks. Repeat walking and running in a column one at a time; practice throwing a ball into a basket, developing dexterity and eye.


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development; physical development

P/n “Catch the ball.”

Target: develop dexterity.

Labor activity: Cleaning up trash on site.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.

P/i “Cat on the Roof”, “Find Yourself a Mate” Goals: to develop spatial orientation.

Create conditions for games with external materials

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Game “Tell Another” Purpose: to teach how to treat each other kindly. Exercise “Let's smile at each other”


social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

di “Mosaic” Make a pattern - development of fine motor skills

Game: “We are from a fairy tale.” Target. Learn to “play a fairy tale” by staging it with the help of adults. Look at the little mansion and name it traditional elements Russian house: shutters, ridge, platbands, porch. Learn to dance by playing along with yourself on a simple instrument. Foster friendliness and hospitality.

D/I “4th extra” Purpose: To train children in grouping geometric shapes by color, shape, size, thickness.

Situational conversation while washing (remember works of art where water is mentioned). Repeating the nursery rhyme: “Water, water, wash my face”

(Our home is the Southern Urals)

Create conditions for a developing situation: looking at albums, looking at dolls in folk costume, pictures, illustrations of ancient household items, illustrations of “Heroes of Rus'”;


physical development.

Crow watching

Goals: expand knowledge about the crow;Foster curiosity and interest in bird life.

Outdoor games

“Throw it - catch it”, “Find where it’s hidden.”Goals:

practice throwing and catching a ball;

teach orientation in space.

Topic: “HOW UOUR CAT..."

Topic: “HOW UOUR CAT..."

Introduce the inhabitant of the “hut” - the cat Vaska; learn the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”; develop interest in the small folklore genre.

Planned results: masters memorization skills and shows interest in works folklore genre(rhyme “Like our cat”); knows how to conduct a dialogue about a new character (the inhabitant of the “hut” is the cat Vaska).

Material: cat (toy); box with threads and papers.

Vocabulary work: the cat, the inhabitant of the hut, purrs, plays, sweet words for the cat.

Preparatory work: looking at illustrations about cats; reading poetry, riddles; memorizing nursery rhymes, playing “Name it kindly.”

Grandma Arina meets the children, seats them on benches and says: “We’re sitting so well, looking at each other.” Then he begins to chant:

Sit, kids, talk, listen to fairy tales, songs. Wherever I have been, Whatever I have heard. Having been in all the incredible things, I have seen all the unheard of things... Shadow, shadow, darkness, There is a fence above the city.

Oh, who's tickling me? Come, come here, cat, don't be afraid. Guys, call him kindly.

Like our cat, the fur coat is very good, like the cat, the mustache is amazingly beautiful, the eyes are bold, the teeth are white.

What kind of fur coat does he have? Mustache? Eyes? Teeth?

Pat the cat on the back, stroke its tummy, ears, tail. He really likes it.

Children repeat the nursery rhyme.

How can you affectionately call a cat? (Kitten, kitten, cat, etc.)

Oh, you little kitten, you are my little gray one, How can I not love you, little white tail.

Can the cat sing?

The cat asks you to sing a nursery rhyme about him again.

He gives a box containing threads and spools for playing with him.

Grandma explains how to make a toy for the cats that live near the dashing house.


Program pedagogical tasks: introduce household items in the hut and their purpose; with the process of transforming objects by humans; activate cognitive activity, expanding your vocabulary with new words; develop interest in objects of the man-made world of the past; cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Planned results: shows activity and initiative to expand his ideas about everyday objects in the hut, interest in objects of the man-made world of the past; uses new words in speech; treats man-made objects with care.

Material: attributes of a mini-museum - grip, pot, poker, samovar, bench.

Vocabulary work: poker, cast iron, bench, grip, bench, stove, bowl.

Preparatory work: reading Russian folk tales, visiting a mini-museum, looking at objects in a group.

Grandma Arina meets the children.

Grandma Arina.

Tell me, please, what is the name of my home? (Upper room, gorenka, hut, lighthouse.)

The housewife removes needlework (balls and knitting needles) from the bench, “accidentally” drops the ball, it “rolls” towards the stove.

Where did my magic ball go? (To the oven.)

Why is there a stove in the hut?

There is a hut made of bricks, sometimes cold, sometimes hot.

Let's see what's in the oven? (A pot of potatoes or porridge.)

I was on the trample, I was on the circle, I was at the fire, I was at the market, I came home.

How do you understand the meaning of the saying?

How can we get the pot out of the stove, because it’s hot and we can get burned? The hostess has assistants. Try to find the answer in the hut.

The bull is horned, clutched in his hands,

There is enough food, but he himself is starving. (Grab.)

He takes out the pot with his grip and places it on the table. The children look at the pot, and the hostess talks about its purpose.

Try using a grip to move the empty pot from the bench to the table (you can invite 2-3 children to perform this action).

Horns, but not a bull, Grabs, but is not full, Gives to people,

And he goes on vacation. (Grab.)

And here’s another riddle about a faithful assistant: “The crooked dog is looking into the stove.” Why a dog? How do you think? (The dog guards the house, and the poker guards the fire.)

The poker is an important helper. You can't handle the stove without it. (Shows how to use a poker.)

Guess the riddle: “The iron horse gallops into the fire.” (Poker.)

The grandmother says goodbye to the children and treats them to bagels.

Conversation: the history of the Dymkovo toy ,

perhaps one of the oldest crafts in Russia. It arose out of love for the pottery tradition of the Vyatka lands in ancient times. The name of the toy comes from the settlement of Dymkovo, today it is a district of the city of Vyatka. According to many researchers, the development of the Dymkovo clay toy is associated with ritual spring holiday“Whistle dance”, which was dedicated to the sun. To take part in the holiday, you needed a clay whistle and a painted clay ball that could be thrown around.

Finger game

We are funny nesting dolls (pointing to ourselves)

We have boots on our feet (point to feet),

In our colorful sundresses,

We look like sisters (pointing at each other).

We are funny nesting dolls (pointing to ourselves),

Our clothes are nice (they stroke their hands).

We spin and dance (children spin)

We will lead a round dance (holding hands).

Elena Shibanova
Fragment calendar plan in the preparatory group “Folk culture and traditions”

Topic of the week: “Folk culture and traditions”

Goals of the teacher:

expand children’s understanding of the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; continue to introduce folk songs, dances, rituals, calendar holidays, signs, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales; cultivate interest and love for folk culture and traditions.



The teacher’s story about the folk culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia - to expand ideas about the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia (Vika G., Kira, Alina)

D\i "Striped napkin" with Cuisenaire sticks - develop logical thinking(Ilya, Egor)

Situational conversation about the culture of eating in different countries– broadening one’s horizons, educating KGN.

Games with puzzles, cut-out pictures: “Lay out a pattern”, “Make a picture”

1. Communicative activity (Speech development) “Writing a fairy tale based on the proposed plot” (Ushakova p. 173)

Goals: coherent speech - to develop the ability to compose a collective descriptive story using subject pictures; compose a fairy tale based on a given plot;

Vocabulary and grammar – consolidate the ability to identify general and individual characteristics of objects, compare objects by size, shape, color; activate verbs expressing different states; develop the ability to understand and explain the meaning of figurative expressions; it is logical to ask questions, to find objects based on highlighted characteristics.

Means: illustrations depicting heroes of Russian folk tales, game “Guess the Fairy Tale”

Methods: looking at illustrations, talking about fairy-tale heroes, children’s independent stories, game “Guess the Fairy Tale”, “Continue the Tale”, reflection.

2. Visual activity. Modeling “Grandma's Tales” (Lykova p. 108)

Goal: to develop children’s ability to sculpt based on Russian folk tales: independently choose an individual character or plot, determine the methods and techniques of sculpting, and, depending on the nature of the image, give the characters fairy-tale features. Develop abilities for plotting and composition. Bring up artistic taste, independence, creative initiative.

Means: plasticine, stacks, beads, beads, shreds, cocktail tubes, toothpicks, bushings, pieces of foil, candy wrappers, cardboard or small boxes for coasters, paper and cloth napkins, S. Yesenin’s poem “Grandmother’s Tales.”

Methods: reading S. Yesenin’s poem “Grandma’s Tales”, looking at illustrations for Russian folk tales, conversation, discussion of sculpting methods, finger gymnastics “Brothers”, independent work children, reflection.

3. Motor activity ( Physical Culture) (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)


Learning with Danil and Egor the joke “Fedul, why did you pout?” - develop speech, introduce oral folk art.

Examining the bark of trees is to concretize and deepen children’s ideas about the ways plants adapt to changed conditions of existence.

Work on the site: building a snow slide for dolls - to develop the appropriate skills and abilities.

P/i “Wolf in the Moat” - develop motor activity, reaction speed

Independent activities based on children’s interests – expand their circle of contacts, find mutual language with everyone who wants to take part in the game.


Reading p. n. fairy tales “Vasilisa the Beautiful” - conversation on the content of the fairy tale (Ksyusha, Vika L.)

Conversation “Life and traditions of the Russian people” - continue to introduce children to the traditions of folk culture: Russian calendar holidays, arts and crafts, folk song art (subgroup of children)

Consideration of the thematic album “Folk Crafts”.

Games on musical instruments.

An evening walk

D/i “Guess it!” - develop attention, expand vocabulary (Makar, Gleb) Examination of tree bark - broaden horizons, cultivate interest in living nature.

Labor: clearing the path near the veranda from snow - to cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults.

P/i "Zhmurki" - continue to introduce folk games.



Conversation on the questions: “How were holidays celebrated in Rus'? What Russian folk holidays do you know? How did you prepare for the celebration of Russian folk holidays? - cultivate interest in the culture of the Russian people (Varya, Nastya, Tanya)

Learning the saying “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do” with Maxim, Ilya - developing speech.

Morning exercises: promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Making shapes of birds and feeders using Dienesh blocks and counting sticks.

Lotto games.

1. Mathematical development. Topic: No. 29 “Square. Measuring area using a measuring stick” (Sycheva - 2 p. 11)

Goals: developing ideas about the area of ​​figures, becoming familiar with methods for comparing the area of ​​figures, developing general and fine motor skills.

Tools: a magnetic board, a plot picture for the text, silhouette images of two birch leaves that differ in size and color, envelopes with silhouette images of two rectangular scarves of different lengths with a pattern made up by alternating two stripes contrasting in color but equal in width (for each child, tray, set, it includes: a ruler, a sheet of white paper, 2-3 cardboard templates of geometric shapes, including a rhombus (for each child), workbooks, simple and colored pencils (according to the number of children).

Introduction to the topic (the teacher’s story based on the plot picture, the teacher’s questions, comparison of figures by area using a measure, physical education lesson “Winter Morning”, work in notebooks, reflection.

2. Communication activities. Reading fiction “Telling the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” (Ushakova p. 177)

Goal: to develop in children the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form; consolidate knowledge about the features (compositional, linguistic) of the fairy tale genre.

Medium: illustrations for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” by various artists"

Methods: talking with children about winter fun, telling the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, discussing the fairy tale with children, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, exercise “Say it differently” (phraseological units, reflection.

3. Motor activity (physical education in the air)

Objectives: to develop children’s ability to start and stop playing at the teacher’s signal, to quickly and clearly carry out commands, formations, and go to a certain place.


D/i “What kind of bird is this” - develop attention, intelligence (Masha, Ksyusha)

Observing crows and jackdaws - develop an interest in nature, expand knowledge about the features appearance, habits of birds, adaptation to the environment, enrich vocabulary.

Work on the site: sweeping paths on the site junior groups– cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to the younger ones, to take care of them.

P/n “Don’t get caught!” - develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Independent motor activity – expand the range of outdoor games.


Developing educational situation “Visiting Aunt Alena” - continue to develop interest in Russian traditions: hospitality, honoring old age, clarify ideas about the church, temple, icon; introduce the Christian holiday - Christmas; cultivate the need for good deeds and actions (a subgroup of children)

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep - to form cultural and hygienic skills, to increase the motor activity of children.

Household work: washing napkins - develop the ability to carefully wring out and hang napkins to dry, cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Construction according to diagrams on the theme “Palaces and huts”

An evening walk

Sports exercise “Hit the target” - develop eye, dexterity (Vika G., Dima) Observation of crows and jackdaws - develop observation, interest in the environment.

Work on the site: sculpting a snow woman - to arouse interest in the construction of buildings from snow.

P/i “Two Frosts” - develop motor activity.

Independent games with snow - develop fantasy and imagination.



A conversation on the topic “What kind of clothes did men and women wear in Rus'?”, a teacher’s story about an ancient Russian costume “What did they wear in Rus', how did they celebrate holidays” - to broaden one’s horizons, cultivate interest in Russian culture and traditions. (subgroup of children)

D/i “Dress the doll in National Costume» - consolidate knowledge of Russian elements folk costume(Alina, Ksyusha, Vika G.) Morning exercises: to promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Working with the dining room attendants is to continue to instill neatness and the ability to beautifully set the table.

Game situation “Performance of the vocal ensemble “Ryabinushka”: selection of concert costumes.

1. Communicative activity (speech development) “Retelling the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes” (Ushakova p. 168)

Goals: coherent speech - to develop the ability to retell the text of a fairy tale sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, to expressively convey the speech of characters;

Dictionary and grammar – strengthen the ability to explain the meanings of words; give tasks to form words with evaluation suffixes (diminutive and augmentative, select synonyms and antonyms; teach to notice semantic inconsistencies.

Means: text of the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”, poem by L. Stanchev “Is this true or not?”

Methods: teacher reading a fairy tale, questions to children, retelling a fairy tale by children in roles, game “How to say it correctly?”, teacher reading the poem “Is this true or not?”, discussion of the poem, game “House - home”, game “Finish the sentence” , reflection.

2. Visual activity Application on the theme: “The Hut on Chicken Legs” (Lykova p. 110)

Goal: to form the ability to find applicative ways to create an expressive image of a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs. Develop abilities for multi-dimensional composition - create an image in layers: background (forest) and foreground (hut). Direct them to search for means of artistic representation. Cultivate an interest in reflecting fairy tales in fine art.

Tools: colored and textured paper, colored paper napkins (for tear-off appliqué), glue, glue brushes, paper and cloth napkins.

Methods: artistic word(S. Yesenin’s poem “The Witch”, examination of illustrations depicting fairy houses, independent activity of children, reflection.

3. Musical activities(according to plan music director)


D/i “Let’s weave a wreath of sentences” - to develop the ability to compose short story on a given topic (Gleb, Ilya, Makar)

Bird watching - to cultivate observation and curiosity.

Experience “The melting and freezing of water” - develop observation skills, the ability to compare, generalize, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Labor: feeding birds - to cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

P/i “Two Frosts” - develop motor activity.

Independent motor activity - consolidate the ability to independently organize outdoor games, attract new players to the game


Developing educational situation “Construction of a Russian hut” - continue to acquaint children with the housing of Russian people in the old days, explaining to children the purpose of its components; provide the opportunity to use genuine antiques in the game; cultivate interest in the life of ancestors (a subgroup of children).

Reading Russian folk tales of children's choice.

Developmental educational situation “Why do we help feathered friends in winter?” - to encourage the ability to sympathize and empathize with our smaller brothers.

Selection of attributes for games based on Russian folk tales

An evening walk

Sports exercise: sliding along an ice path - maintain balance, develop agility (Egor, Danil)

Introducing the proverb “Feed the birds in winter, they will serve you in the spring” - continue to introduce oral folk art, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Labor: clearing the path near the veranda from snow - to cultivate hard work.

P/i “Two Frosts” - consolidate the ability to choose a driver using a rhyme.

Children's independent games with snow - develop fantasy and imagination.



Conversation on the topic “Know how to invite guests, know how to treat them” - to clarify children’s knowledge about how guests are welcomed in the family, whether the tradition of hospitality is maintained. (Ksyusha, Alisa)

A teacher's story about the traditions of hospitality in Rus'.

D/i “Find mistakes” with the LEGO constructor - to develop the ability to understand simple construction schemes (Ilya, Dima)

Morning exercises: promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Situational conversation “What did our ancestors eat? What rules did they follow at the dinner table? - introduce the peculiarities of cooking and eating food of our ancestors, the ability to compare previous and modern rules of behavior at the table.

Games in the doll corner “We welcome guests”

1. Social world “Holidays in Rus'” (Gorbatenko p. 133)

Goal: to form children’s understanding of holidays in Rus' (Christmas time, the customs and traditions of our people; to develop children’s cognitive interest in the history and traditions of their people.

Medium: illustrations

Methods: teacher’s story “How did you go on a visit?”, dramatization game “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies”, teacher’s story about Maslenitsa, singing songs about Maslenitsa, ritual “Treating pancakes” (reflection)

2. Cognitive and research activities. Mathematical development. No. 30 “Measuring the shape and area of ​​geometric figures” (Sycheva - 2 p. 15)

Goals: development of skills in transforming geometric figures according to instructions and design, development of logical thinking, development cognitive processes, development of general and fine motor skills.

Tools: magnetic board, a series of pictures to accompany the text, a set that includes: scissors, geometric paper figures different color– square with side 4 cm, rectangle – 46 cm, equilateral triangle with a side of 6 cm (for each child, a tray, two sets of cards with recording numbers from 10 to 18, workbooks and colored pencils (according to the number of children)

Methods: introduction to the topic (teacher’s story based on plot pictures, teacher’s questions, practical work: changing the shape and area of ​​geometric figures, physical education lesson “Wind”, work in notebooks, numerical dictation, reflection.

3. Motor activity (physical education (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

The role of the educator: monitor breathing and posture when performing outdoor control equipment, air traffic control; assistance in arranging equipment, insurance during air traffic control; individual work with children, organization of p/i.


Physical education exercise “Sliding after a run on ice paths while standing, crouching” - develop dexterity, the ability to maintain balance (Gleb, Ilya, Egor)

Bird watching - to develop the ability to observe the birds to identify the relationship between the shape of the beak and the nutrition of birds; summarize children's observations of bird life in winter.

Work assignment: help the janitor clear the paths of snow - cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Russian folk game “Snake” - develop motor activity, continue to introduce folk games.

Children's independent creative games with snow - to develop fantasy and imagination.


Leisure “Game Carousel” - strengthen children’s ability to solve riddles, read nursery rhymes, sing songs, play folk games; develop physical qualities, creativity, imagination, logical thinking, ingenuity, speed of reaction; cultivate a love for Russian folk art (subgroup of children)

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep: to form cultural and hygienic skills, to increase the motor activity of children.

Reading Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - continue to introduce children to the literary heritage, cultivate a love for Russian fairy tales.

Making amulets dolls from threads.

An evening walk

D/Game “Tell without words” - involve Kira, Alice, Masha in the game.

Watching snowflakes.

Work on the site: shoveling snow to tree trunks - cultivate a desire to take care of plants.

Russian folk game "Wolf" - to develop motor activity.

Independent activity of children - to develop independence in choosing activities according to their interests.



Communication situation “What is oral folk art? What types of oral folk art do you know? (Nastya, Tanya, Varya)

D/exercise “Tell your favorite nursery rhyme (counting rhyme, tongue twister, proverb or saying) - reveal children’s knowledge of small folklore forms (Alice, Ksyusha)

Morning exercises: promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Duty for classes - to improve the ability of those on duty to quickly and correctly prepare workplaces for classes without prompting from the teacher, to cultivate accuracy and independence.

Dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”

1. Musical activities (as planned by the music director)

The role of the educator: to promote perception piece of music, the ability to evaluate the nature of music; develop dance moves in children, the ability to perform movements in pairs, cultivate attention and friendliness.

2. Visual activity (drawing) “Baba Yaga and the Leshy” (Lykova p. 112)

Goal: to develop children’s ability to draw fairy tales: choose an episode on their own, think about the poses and nature of the characters’ interactions. Develop abilities for plotting and composition. To develop the ability to imagine the depicted object with different points vision. Foster independence and initiative in artistic creativity.

Medium: watercolor and gouache paints, colored pencils, pastels, simple pencils, sheets of white, light blue and light yellow paper, brushes different sizes, jars of water

Methods: looking at appliques of huts on chicken legs, conversation, creative imagination by children on the topic fairy tales, reading the poem “Forest Tale” by V. Shipunova, independent work of children, reflection.

3. Natural world Topic: “The wolf and the fox are forest predators” (Bondarenko p. 172)

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the lifestyle of foxes and wolves in winter. To form an idea of ​​the adaptability of predators to obtaining food: sensitive ears, keen eyesight, good sense of smell, endurance. To train children in the ability to compare and describe animals.

Medium: toy hare, paintings “Bunny on the bed”, “ Wolf Pack in winter", "Fox", "Bear Den", model "Long and short legs", outlines of a house, trees, pictures of a wolf and a fox.

Methods: motivational moment - the appearance of a bunny, riddles about forest predators, looking at illustrations depicting a fox and a wolf, working on the “Long and Short Legs” models, physical education “Hares are jumping”, writing letters to a wolf and a fox, reflection.


D/i “Birds” - consolidate knowledge about the habits and lifestyle of wintering birds” (Vika G., Kira) Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder - develop observation, curiosity, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Labor: cleaning snow on the site - remind children why they need to shovel snow into holes in trees, shrubs and flower beds, develop the ability to work harmoniously, bring the job started to the end, and enjoy the work done.

P/i “Guess what you caught” - develop attention and speed of reaction.

Children's independent games with snow - to develop creative abilities when constructing buildings from snow.


Developing educational situation “Oral folk art - epics” - to consolidate children’s ideas about the genres of Russian oral folk art: tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, shifters, riddles, fairy tales, songs; introduce the epic; emphasize that thanks to epics people know about important events that took place in Rus' many years ago; cultivate interest in folk art and respect for the Russian people.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep: to form cultural and hygienic skills, to increase the motor activity of children.

Collective work: putting the toy cabinets in order; box repair and board games; sewing loops to towels.

Independent work in the creativity corner: weaving beaded bookmarks and belts.

An evening walk

Conversation about epics - to consolidate children’s understanding of the genres of Russian oral folk art (Makar, Kirill)

Watching falling snowflakes. Making riddles about snow.

Labor assignment: sprinkling sand on the path - to cultivate hard work and care for others.

P/i “Frogs and Heron” - develop motor activity, continue to introduce folk games.

Independent games for children based on interests with external material.

Planning educational work (for the week of March 13 to March 17, 2017)

Subject : "Folk culture and traditions" Tasks:1. Introduce spring folk holidays. 2. Create conditions for the comprehensive integration of children’s knowledge through familiarizing preschoolers with folk holidays and traditions of the Russian people. 3. Develop respect and positive attitude to the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian folk culture. 4. Form feelings of love for big and small homeland based on the study of national cultural traditions; 5. Enrich with musical impressions and develop the musical abilities of children through musical folklore.


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises. Conversation: “What fairy tales do you have?” Russian folklore songs, chants, nursery rhymes “tili-bom! ", "rainbow-arc..." Folk game "Topals" "Geese-swans" Development of motor activity.

Pronouncing pure phrases Purpose: to practice pronouncing pure phrases. .Daniil H., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

Role-playing games – “Family” (we are waiting for guests), “Shop” (toy department). Construction games with the constructor “Building a house for a matryoshka doll.”

Printed board games at the request of children Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the game

Ask to bring folk toys and crafts to the group to look at with the children.

Artistic creativity(Drawing) Lykova zan. 75, page 164, topic Golden Cockerel. Tasks: Drawing a fairy-tale cockerel based on literary work. Development of imagination, sense of color, shape and composition.

Literacy training (according to the speech therapist’s plan)

Music (according to the music worker's plan)


Bird watching in the kindergarten area. Objectives: - teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice; - develop observation and memory; cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Di"Broken phone" . Target : develop children's auditory perception, attention, develop the ability to regulate voice volume, and clearly pronounce words. Daniil H., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina,

Game exercises : "Equilibrists" . Target : teach children to walk on a log, maintain balance, form and improve the skills of correctly performing basic types of movements..

Work on the site is to clear the paths of snow. Goal: to develop the ability to complete the work started. Independent motor activity of children in the area

Work before bed

S. Topelius. "Three ears of rye"


Gymnastics after sleep. D. and. “I’ll start, and you continue” D. and. “Guess the nursery rhyme” Development of attention and logical thinking. Guessing riddles about birds Outdoor games “One, two, three - run”, “Hares and the wolf”

Di"Repeat after each other" . Target : development of auditory attention, memory of children.

Role-playing games – “Family” (we are waiting for guests), “Shop” (toy department). Descriptive story about the work of adults (potter) Purpose: To cultivate interest in the life and work of adults

Attributes for s/r games, a set of illustrations for collage, equipment for artistic productive activities. Independent play activity in employment centers.


Observation : the day is coming.Target : invite children to note characteristics this phenomenon in the spring, help compose a collective story"The Day Abides" .

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Conversation with consideration “Which folk toy do you like best?” P/game “Stream”; “Fisherman and Fishes”

Game exercise“Look and remember” Purpose: to develop memory and logical thinking. Daniil H., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

D/I “Before and now. What first, what then” (lotto game depicting objects of the surrounding world) Purpose: to expand natural-historical ideas

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Consultation for parents "Russian folk traditions in family education"

Ask parents to have conversations with their children at home about Russian folk traditions

Direct educational activities

Cognition. (Acquaintance with nature) Ryzhova , Topic: Walk to the Zoo.Tasks:introduce children to wild animals of other climatic zones (lion, tiger, elephant, giraffe, crocodile, etc.), give an initial idea of ​​where they live, what they eat, how they get their food, and how they have adapted to the environment.Materials : illustrations depicting wild animals of various climatic zones, audio cassette “Voices of Animals”, poems and riddles (cards), book “Atlas for the little ones”, poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Where the Sparrow Dined”, globe.

Physical education According to the plan of the physical education instructor.


Observing changes in nature.

P/games “Who is the most accurate?”, “Catch up”

"Walk on the bridge" . Target : teach children to walk on an inclined board while stepping over objects Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha

Monitoring seasonal changes.Target : to form the concept of the change of seasons, to give an idea of ​​the features of each season. Tell us about the first month of springMarch .

The work on the site is to scatter the snow so that it melts as quickly as possible. Goal: to develop the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children in the area.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: fairy taleB. Potter. "The Tale of Jemima Diveluzha", trans. from English I. Tokmakova


Gymnastics after sleep. Rehearsal of the skit "The Girl Irishka in a Small House." The goal is to develop acting abilities.

D/I “I’ll start, and you continue” Purpose: to teach children to complete poetic passages from familiar fairy tales, to develop memory

P/i"Empty place" . Target : to develop in children the ability to run easily and rhythmically, energetically pushing off from support, to maintain coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

Independent play activities in employment centers.


Bird watching. They chirp happily in the sun, enjoying the warmth. Fix the names of non-migratory birds. P/I “Birds on a tree”

Day of the week


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Situational communication: “If a cat goes into the garden, the whole people will be alarmed.” Purpose. Introducing jokes and songs about pets, Involving children in outdoor folk games. Russian folk outdoor game "Carousel". Goal: development of general motor skills, development of attention.

Game “Rhymes” Purpose: to exercise speech creativity. play the d/game “What I saw” (learn to memorize pictures and then list from memory) Daniil Kh., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

Situational conversation about “Why we need to help and protect girls” Design an exhibition book illustrations Goal: to expand the understanding of illustrator artists, to develop aesthetic taste.

Dining duty Goal: to develop the ability to set the table for breakfast.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Ind. Conversations with parents “What to read to children”

Direct educational activities

Cognition. FEMP. Pomoraeva, Pozina zan.8, page 117,Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition and subtraction problems. To consolidate ideas about the quantitative and ordinal values ​​of a number, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which is in order?”, “In which place?”. Improve your ability to model geometric shapes. Develop attention and imagination.

Artistic creativity (Modeling) Lykova zan.73 p.160Topic: Miracle - bouquet. Tasks:Creation of flower arrangements using plastic means based on folk art (bouquet, flowerpot, wreath). Introduction to the art of making tiles.

Physical education (evening , street) according to the plan of the physical education instructor.


Sky observation. What is the sky like in early spring? P\i "Birds and chicks". Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other, quickly find your place, help P/I “Magic Wand”

P.I. "Don't miss the ball." Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping; cultivate friendliness.

Game-survey “Ecological interview” (inspection of a site in order to detect bad and good deeds people with natural objects) Goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior in nature.

Work on the site - snow removal. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Independent motor activity of children in the area

Work before bed

A. Lindgren. "The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls", trans. with Swedish E. Solovyova


Gymnastics after sleep. Nursery rhyme for combing hair “Grow, braid, to the waist” Situational communication: “Our hostess.” Target. Introducing a new joke. Show how to use basic household items.

Vocabulary game “The letter is lost” Purpose: to practice reading, to develop arbitrary attention

Attributes for theatrical activities, artistic and productive activities.

Independent play activities in employment centers.


Observations of changes in the weather that occurred during the day. D/I “From morning to evening” Goal: to develop observation skills. P/I "Bell"


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Game: “We are from a fairy tale.” Target. Learn to “play a fairy tale” by staging it with the help of adults. Look at the mansion and name the traditional elements of a Russian house: shutters, ridge, trim, porch. Learn to dance by playing along with yourself on a simple instrument. Foster friendliness and hospitality.

D/I “Proverbs” Goal: to develop speech skills, consolidate knowledge of proverbs. Daniil H., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

D/I “Confusion” Goal: to develop knowledge about plants, develop team play skills. Board and printed game

Children's duty during classes. Goal: teach cooking workplace to classes.

Independent play activities in employment centers

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Direct educational activities

Cognition (Holistic picture of the world ) Dybina. Like the squirrel, the hare and the elk spend the winter in the forest. To form in children an idea about the life of animals in the forest, their adaptation to the winter period.

Speech development . Ushakova 22, p. 178 Compiling the story “How the Hedgehog Got into Trouble” based on a series of plot paintings. Learn to convey the plot embedded in a series of paintings, determine the main idea of ​​​​the fairy tale. Learn to select definitions, synonyms, antonyms. Cultivate a love for your native language.

Physical Culture (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)


Bird watching in the area of ​​the kindergarten P/i “Catch and throw”; P/i "Salki"

P/I “From hummock to hummock” Purpose: to practice jumping on one leg while moving forward

Situational conversation “If spring never came, but there was always winter, then...” Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to express one’s point of view

Work on the site - sweep the veranda. Goal: to develop the ability to complete the work started. Independent motor activity of children in the area.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction:lane K. Chukovsky; “White and Rosette”, German, trans. L. Kohn; from the fairy tales of C. Perrault (French)


Gymnastics after sleep. Game “Katya Got Sick” Goals: to diversify the role-playing participation of children in playing with a doll; contribute to enriching the plot of children's games; develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary.

D/I “What color is gone” Purpose: to develop attention. Daniil H., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita

Manual labor “Knizhkina workshop” Goal: to develop manual labor skills. Restore books in a group, teach careful attitude to books.

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, equipment for manual labor.

Independent play activities in employment centers.


Wind observation. Note that winds blowing from south to north are warm. Offer to play with the wind using pinwheels. Create a joyful emotional mood. P/I “Think of a figure”


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. Situational communication: “My favorite fairy tales” Goal: Develop dialogical speech; attention, visual perception, memory, thinking. To consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales and their heroes.

D/I “Who from which fairy tale used this item?” Goal: develop memory, consolidate knowledge of fairy tales. Daniil Kh., Slava, Artem, Vova, Varya, Alina, Dasha, Vita.

D/I “Guess the song” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about fairy tales, cartoons and their characters. D/I “Guess the name of the fairy tale” (TRIZ) Goal: to develop creative imagination

Duty in a corner of nature D/I “What has changed?”

Independent play activities in employment centers.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Direct educational activities

Cognition. FEMP. Pomoraeva, Pozina zan. 1, page 119 Objectives: Continue to teach how to independently compose and solve arithmetic problems. Improve the ability to divide a circle into 8 equal parts, correctly label the parts and establish relationships between them. Exercise the ability to determine time on a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour. Develop attention.

Artistic creativity. Drawing . on the three-dimensional figure of Lykov, zan. 77, p. 168 Topic: Miracle - Easter eggs. Objectives: Clarify the idea of ​​the composition and decorative elements of Slavic Easter eggs. Mastering the technique of decorative rapport drawing on a three-dimensional form (egg).

Music (according to the music director's plan)


Walk. Observing the work of a postman.C ate: continue to monitor the work of the postman; enrich your vocabulary with specific vocabulary; cultivate respect for working people. P/games“Sunny bunnies”, “Geese-geese”.

Exercise children in fast running, changing direction at a signal. Goal: develop movement reaction

Situational conversation “How to behave safely on the street in early spring?” Goal: to reinforce the rules of safe behavior while walking

Work on the site - clearing the benches of snow. Goal: to develop the ability to carry out work assignments. Independent motor activity of children in the area.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction:lane with him. L. Tsyvyana; M. Eme. "Colors", trans. from French I. Kuznetsova.


Gymnastics after sleep.Teacher's story: “What toys did grandparents play with” (examination of illustrations). Playing Russian folk music. instruments:

Creative game “Paper cutting” Goal: improve skills in working with scissors and paper, develop fine motor skills.

Household work in a group. Goal: to develop labor skills when washing toys and doll clothes. Independent play activities in employment centers.


Observing clouds, explain. D/I “What do clouds look like?” Goal: to develop creative imagination and fantasy. P/I "Stop"