Wolf pack water anime. Werewolves. List of the most unusual wolves in anime

Anime about wolves or anime about werewolves are quite a rare genre in the Japanese industry. You can recall many TV series where wolves and werewolves appear only in the background and play minor roles. The works where all the screen time is given to shaggy animals and semi-humans can be counted on one hand. Let's try to give a top list of famous and popular works that are most closely related to our topic today.

Wolf's Rain

The anime about wolves is a film adaptation of the manga of the same name by Nobumoto Keiko in the genre: post-apocalypse, dystopia, road movie, parable.

The world, after numerous wars and battles, has turned into a kind of wasteland, with lifeless ruins and debris from the past. A handful of aristocrats gained the most influence. Most ordinary people, there is nothing left but to try to survive in this lifeless world tending to its decline.

The main character, a wolf named Kiba, is a loner who makes his way to the city of Frieze. The moon flower, the scent of which Kiba smelled, is the key to the mythical Paradise. Confronted by three other wolves who have come to the city for exactly the same purpose as himself, Kiba encounters an enemy there. A former sheriff and now a werewolf hunter, he is obsessed with catching his prey.

Cheza, the flower maiden, is the one who will have to lead the wolves to Paradise. However, things take an unexpected turn when Chesa is kidnapped before meeting the werewolves.

Anime studio "Bones".

Spice and Wolf

An anime about a she-wolf and a traveling merchant, which is an adaptation of the light novel of the same name by Hasekura Isuna in the genre: medieval, economics, trade, mysticism.

Life is an unpredictable thing. What places a person can visit, what people he can meet - this is known only to God. The young traveling merchant Kraft Lawrence never deviated from the path of a true businessman. Do not get involved in dangerous adventures and conduct business only in a proven way - this is Lawrence’s motto. Well, the life of a traveling merchant, as you know, is just a series of meetings and partings.

This is exactly what Lawrence thought until he met the she-wolf and the harvest goddess Horo in his cart, who took the form of a young girl. For the past ten centuries, Horo has been guarding the harvest in one of the southern villages. Once glorified, and now long forgotten and abandoned by people, she dreams of returning to her homeland, to the north. Where she once left her fellow wolves. It was after this fateful meeting begins the story of a long journey between a she-wolf and a merchant to the north, where dangerous adventures await them along the way.

Anime studio "IMAGIN" and "Brains Base".

Wolf Children (Wolf children of Ame and Yuki)

Anime about wolves that is original full-length film.

The girl Hana, who is a nineteen-year-old student, meets a young werewolf and falls in love with him. Soon the lovers have children, but the wolf father dies. While trying to raise her young children (Ame and Yuki) on her own, Hana faces many difficulties, most of which stem from having to hide the true nature of her children. The constant howling cannot but arouse suspicion among the neighbors, and Hana has no choice but to move to the outback, away from numerous eyes.

Here Hana begins to work hard, trying to give a new and unencumbered life to her children, to teach them to be both people and wolves at the same time, accepting themselves as they are, without fear of other people. Observing the persistence of a single mother, good-natured and hospitable neighbors soon begin to visit and help Hana more and more often. This makes their home's secret increasingly difficult to keep.

Anime from Studio Chizu.

Luger Code 1951 (Luger Code 1951)

An anime about wolves and werewolves, which is an adaptation of the special-edition manga of the same name by Haneki Haruto in the genre: alternate world, werewolves, military.

Tetsa became a young university professor and is an expert in linguistics. Together with their superior, Ross, they are tasked with deciphering the werewolves' audio code. But here's the problem - the werewolf encryption code is nothing more than wolf howl. In order to crack the code, Testa comes to the only solution - capturing one of the werewolves. Ultimately, the missing piece in their plan is a young wolf girl named Yonaga.

Anime studio "DEEN"

Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf (Gone with the Wolves)

An anime about wolves, which is a film adaptation of the game of the same name.

Student Kuzumi and his family move from the metropolis to a quiet and peaceful town. Here people's lives are distinguished by their traditions and foundations, which such outbacks acquire over time. What traditions are inherent in such cities and what secrets such places can keep, probably only the locals know. A provincial and small mountain town becomes just such a place - quiet and mysterious.

The protagonist quickly gets used to school and fits into everyday life. However, some mysterious things begin to bother him. His new house is not such an ideal place to live, in his class there is a head girl who, for some reason, is bypassed, and local residents full of weirdness. Soon Kuzumi begins to realize that all the threads lead to mysterious ancient rituals somehow connected with wolves.

Anime studio "AIC".

Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade (Werewolves)

The anime is an original full-length film in the genre: alternative history, dystopia, political intrigue.

Alternative universe. Tokyo. After the victory of Nazi Germany in World War II, Japan was the losing side. There are protests, riots and armed clashes with the police on the streets everywhere. Local law enforcement agencies are unable to contain mass unrest. In this regard, a detachment called “Cerberus” is created. This is a special rapid response unit whose main purpose is to assist the police in dealing with riots and dangerous situations.

Anime studio "Production I.G".


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What is the anime “Werewolves” about?: IN dark forest your fears

50s, Tokyo. The anti-government paramilitary organization "Sect" is trying to achieve its goals by any means necessary. In response to their actions, the government creates an elite detachment "Wolves" ("Cerberus"), which immediately acquired the status of ruthless killers.

https://zona-film.com/boevik/ ​

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    Based on the screenplay by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell, 1995).

    The synopsis presented above is just a pathetic attempt to somehow introduce the anime. And you won’t have to expect any vivid action from this picture illustrating the work of the detachment, with the exception of a few, short scenes. The emphasis was placed on the relationship between the two heroes and their involuntary participation in behind-the-scenes games between departments. At the same time, it is difficult to understand the complex intricacies of relations between government services the first time, since remembering who is screwing whom, for what and why, is quite dreary.

    At the same time, the creators load the anime with a set of meanings and allusions. Sometimes it looks quite rough, but still quite organic and interesting. The main leitmotif of the work is the story of Little Red Riding Hood, and it tells a non-canonical, “apocryphal” version of the tale, which is much more cruel and bloody. She constructs the narrative, her motives become the main ones and form the plot in the anime. Through all the motives and meanings, the author tries to answer one question: what makes a person human. This "eternal" problem brings Jin-Roh much closer to main job Mamoru Oshii "Ghost in the Shell" In general, in "Werewolves" the style and traditions of teacher Okiura are strongly felt (similar color scheme, pace and accents of the narrative; in the same "Ghost in the Shell" great attention focuses on the confrontation between the 6th and 9th security departments).

    Fuse is from a wolf pack, he was raised as a wolf, he had to live like a wolf. But one incident casts a shadow over his entire fate: the death of a young terrorist. Can it really be that those who are born to kill have a feeling of compassion, a feeling of love? Fuse gave in: he showed compassion for the terrorist. After this he became an outcast. His forced isolation, his “otherness” is a reason for reflection, Fuse plunges into the impenetrable darkness of loneliness and alienation. And at that moment he meets Kai, so strong like the one who died so senselessly before his eyes. Their isolation from life, powerlessness before the world, absolute dependence on others help them get closer, find in each other comforters, saviors of their souls. Now they are ready to revolt, they now do not agree to be pawns in a big political game. But their rebellion is unconscious, spontaneous. Fuse and Kai feel his and their doom. They are only reassured by the fact that they will remain together, at least in death. Big game rarely takes pawns into account. But can everything go according to the big shots’ scenario? And can a beast be a person?

    Werewolves is an anime that is definitely worth watching and shows what Japanese animation can be. A mixture of detective, thriller, action and romantic drama produce a holistic, bright, unusual picture. You can download this film here

There are times in every person’s life when everything around them seems so boring, repetitive and monotonous that it seems that nothing can please them anymore. In relation to films, including animated ones, I personally have experienced such periods more than once. They were saved only by occasionally coming across things that could not leave anyone indifferent.
« Wolf Pack"was reviewed twenty times (depending on who, but for me this is an absolute record), and the passion for watching it has not yet completely disappeared. This is a masterpiece, if you put my attitude into two words. But if in more detail...
While watching, I got the feeling that the creators were very much afraid that they would be accused of hackwork. There is so much work put into every shot that it scares me. The film used computer technology, but, fortunately, very rarely and so carefully that many did not notice it at all. This high class. I won’t talk about graphics, animation and music - of course, they are wonderful.
There are only two points that cause me complaints:
1. Alternative history. Well, I can’t imagine why the Germans would be so happy to conquer Japan and rush atomic bombs, successfully replacing the Americans in this field. Maybe it’s just that some kind of taboo is triggered in relation to the United States? Is it politically incorrect to show America as bad?
2. Survivor of the Fuse explosion. This is truly a miracle; no amount of armor could have saved him, or the surrounding “Panzers.”
However, “The Wolf Pack” is not at all about how bad it is to live under the yoke of the German boot. And if Fuse died then, “that’s the end of the fairy tale, and those who listened” may not look any further.
But the reviews for the film were surprising in some places. For example, the reproach about the “stupid”, “zombified” Nanami Agawa is misplaced. The uprisings did not arise at all because of evil uncles provocateurs; at first they were generally spontaneous, and only under the influence of the clearly unfriendly force of the government did they gain organization. Reproaches about the fact that the actions of the frightened girl are illogical are completely beside the point. Try to imagine yourself pressed against a damp brick wall, surrounded by enemies. The muzzle of a machine gun is pointed at you, a friendly voice is heard from the right: “What are you looking at, Fuse? Shoot." And someone more determined is already raising the barrel of a pistol (is it really in order to save and re-educate the lost girl in the spirit of humanism?). By all means, if I even had a penknife, I would rush into battle out of fear. Nanami didn't have a knife, but she did have a bomb. In my opinion, from this point of view, the actions are quite understandable. And most importantly, she succeeded in something that was impossible with a penknife - discrediting the OGB. Without that explosion, talk about the abolition of the Panzers would have remained talk for a long time.
The parallel with Little Red Riding Hood is certainly beautiful. I especially like the way it is presented. First, the “Red Riding Hoods” and the mysterious “Wolf Pack” are mentioned. The viewer is already ready to label the heroes. However, the quoted fairy tale turns everything upside down: after all, the “girl in armor” is most likely Fuse. Then follows another somersault, stretched out in time (note that first Fuse reads the book, then it is quoted by both Fuse and Kay, and in the end the remarks belong only to Kay). Only the final shot finally distributes the roles. This technique may seem strange to some, but, in my opinion, it incredibly enhances the image of Fuse, who in this story is both predator and prey. And it is obvious that running both along the road of pins and the road of needles is equally painful.
The main character is generally very interesting. Personally, I don’t like characters who are just silent throughout the action; it seems as if they don’t know how to speak at all. But not at this time. Now I want to say: “A tree is known by its fruits, and a man by his deeds” - and feel the hero, not covered with verbal husks. “You're always so sad,” Kay says. Like Tristan (“Tristan and Isolde” - the book in which Fuse keeps the pistol). He is not a killing machine, as his superiors would like and as it sometimes seems to the viewer. Even if you remember the bloodiest scene in the film (the one where Fuse parades through the sewers, pouring bursts of fire on his enemies), you will notice that he never fired first. His armor is not perfect, you can shoot him in the thigh, you can stun him with a grenade, and then cut him with the aforementioned pocketknife. But Khinmi noticed that a shot even with a rubber bullet, even through armor, hurts. Why does Fuse endure? Just for the sake of efficiency? The reason is that “one of the best students at the academy” never learned to kill. He cannot decide what is better: to become an executioner or to die. But the scriptwriter does not allow the latter. And the wolf develops step by step - first it kills enemies, then ex-friend, then a girl.
I really like Kay. Among the heroes who are reinforced in their seriousness, she is like a ray of light in dark kingdom. And her smile... oh-oh! This smile is like a balm for the soul of a person who is tired of grinning grins from advertising. Why does she betray Fuse? Because a creature? Khinmi characterizes the girl briefly and harshly: “The same “little red riding hood” as the one that died. Codename Longhair. Real name Kei Amamiya. She was arrested many times, but was never convicted. A real venerable terrorist." Why then did she get caught? Kay herself gives the answer. The girl was simply tired of her role, so tired that she stopped caring about future fate. The question of money is not even raised: it has been said that she perfectly understood where this affair would lead from the very beginning. Why does a dead man need money? Only next to Fuse is Kay truly alive. In other company, the girl becomes doomedly quiet, unnoticeable, like a ghost. If you remove her from the frame at this moment, nothing will change at all. Perhaps she really had something for Fusa, after all, a brave warrior, a superman, mysterious person, very dashingly pulled her out of the trap in the museum. I’m sure if Fuse had agreed to escape, she would have thrown away the radio beacon. But it didn't happen.
Hinmi. The most controversial hero, although his “fairytale” role is quite definite. This is a hunter. Life credo- "Death to the enemies". Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all which ones, be it “Red Riding Hoods” or “ gray wolves" If I had decided to create a SMERV brigade, Khinmi would have become one of the key figures. Khinmi often lies, not so much to others as to himself. “He and I are not of the same blood,” he says about Fus, considering himself “good”, of course. But it is clear that the hunter differs from the wolf only in his confidence in his superiority... “Why didn’t you shoot then? What's the difference between us? - Hinmi asks Fuse. Philosophical questions? Not at all. For Hinmi, this is just an attempt to pity her former friend. Translated from Russian into Russian, the phrase sounds like this: “Please don’t shoot until I fire first.” Khinmi also has to betray, because a friend has become an “enemy”, and personal affection fights with his life attitude. This struggle ended quickly and without visible moral torment, but does it mean that it never happened at all? You can remember the scene at the shooting gallery. What does he say to Fusa? Sheer nonsense, which, it would seem, can be ignored. After all, his words, basically, can really be called husk. However, translating them from Russian into Russian, we get: “You are being set up. Leave this girl, the sooner the better.” This is his only opportunity to help his friend and at the same time continue to play the role of a zealous servant. However, Fuse, who by that time already knew about the conspiracy, does not believe either Hinmi or Kei.
I won’t talk about teacher Fuse. He is so charismatic that there is no way to throw mud at him. But no one will appreciate his praiseworthy remarks, and there is little objectivity in such praise...
The film is truly tragic and the world is gloomy, but this is not because the “Cerberus” Fuse killed Kay. If you think about it, he made one single mistake, which will not seem like a mistake to everyone, but without it, history would have developed completely differently, perhaps more optimistically.
Fuse did not shoot the girl.
P.S. Why did I write all this? Yes, to express a simple, in general, thought. This thing is worth watching more carefully: most of the questions that arise are answered in the film itself.

List of the most unusual wolves in anime

The anime world loves to show people with unusual racial or caste backgrounds among its characters. There is such a trend as anime about wolves.

These creatures are so popular that their images are often used to attract public attention. These wolf anime that are featured on the list are sure to delight viewers with their epicness and unrivaled sense of dignity.

1st place – Inaba Hiroshi

Inaba Hiroshi from anime "Werewolf Detective Inaba". In this anime, a half-human wolf cub lives in complete harmony with other creatures. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal utopia; there is still quite a lot of crime here.

Some of them are almost impossible to solve, since they are not committed by people, but by half-breeds who leave animal imprints. This is where it comes to the rescue main character series.

Detective Inaba Hiroshi, who is a werewolf with incredible abilities. In fact, only he can provide all the necessary information for the investigation.

2nd place – Akira Koburagi Regendorf

Akira Koburagi Regendorf from the anime "Dance on the Vampire Coast". The story of the anime about wolves and vampires tells about the difficulties of survival of these two representatives of extraordinary creatures in a huge metropolis, where they need to wage war not only against each other, but also against a common enemy - man.

Gradually they are transferred outside of Tokyo, where they try to create their own shelters and survive at any cost. These anime wolves are real fighters who are forced to become monsters in order to survive in the cruel realities of the modern world.

3rd place – Okami

Okami from anime "The Wolf Children of Ame and Yuki". Diligent college student Hana falls in love with a mysterious man who attends all classes at the university, but he is not a student.

He is lonely, handsome and extremely hardworking, which speaks to his hidden leadership qualities. However, he has a peculiarity - he can turn into a wolf. But love knows no bounds, and Hana and her werewolf lover are happy.

In marriage, they give birth to two beautiful children: Ame and Yuki, who inherited the ability from their father to turn into wolf cubs. But, after the tragic murder of the head of the family, the family's views and priorities completely change. In this anime, wolves are not so much villains as victims of prejudice.

4th place – Jolo

Holo from anime "Spice and Wolf". The story is about a young girl, who is half-wolf, who escapes from a village where for many years she was considered a fertility deity, offering gifts as a sign of respect.

But as the level increases Agriculture, they stopped believing in her, and she decided to return to her homeland - to the northern lands. She hires escort Kraft Lawrence as her companion, who agrees to the deal.

Many dangers and adventures await them ahead, which, thanks to the bright plot, will only unite these two lonely hearts.

5th place – Kiba

Kiba from anime "Wolf rain". In a desolate, despotic future, folklore dictates that wolves will be the ones who bring heaven, or in other words, the end of the world. It is also widely known that wolves became extinct more than two centuries ago - killed by humans.

But that's not true. Many wolves live in different communities hidden in the appearance of people, taking on any image available to them. Some are thieves, others are beggars, and many prefer to work for their own well-being.

But there is Kiba, an idealist who refuses to take on the form of a person. It's strong-willed and strong-willed anime wolf who devoted his whole life to searching for paradise. Because of his uncompromising nature, he even avoids coming into contact with other people.

30 Aug. 2016 17:20

An old-school spy detective story with a fairytale theme. Not without mistakes, quite predictable and the ending causes mixed reactions.

Spoiler alert!

When the “cap” with streams of (literally) tears and snot is thrown onto the “wolf’s” chest, the cinematic specificity is lost. Unnatural expression of emotions, cartoonish. Plus, the audience's feelings were spared. An otaku would not be forgiven for killing a sweetheart at the hands of the protagonist. I wouldn't buy the DVD. And who needs it? And all the evil security forces are spoiling the youth. And the drama of the situation is exaggerated. The world shown is so much fun that it’s just an ordinary episode. Damn, that's the service.

The reality here is not alternative, but the most familiar one. Yes, at least South Korea 70s. It’s just that this barricade ram affected the Japanese a little less than their neighbors. We fantasized a little and played with history. Uber armor is all fantastic and limited.
Despite all the shortcomings, it’s pleasant to watch. A true tribute to old school political detectives. The selected era has. The theme of the fugitives was well developed. It creeps through. The global metaphor with the red riding hood results in a number of powerful episodes (the dream with cannibal wolves is worth it). Good movie.

Spoiler alert!

The ending brings me to tears, he shouldn’t have done that. But overall, this anime is not for everyone. For example, I liked it. Some will say it’s too dark, serious, even depressing - maybe, but I liked the story itself, and it’s unlikely to be told any other way.
So if you decide to watch, be prepared: there is nothing even close to funny here, and it will be very sad at the end.

Alex Lunatic

For those who write about a remade, perverted version of Little Red Riding Hood. In fact, it is the original that is mentioned here! They did not remake it, but rather took the version before the literary adaptation of Charles Perot and the fabulous reworking of the Grim brothers. Yes, that's how bloody Red Riding Hood is in the original. By the way, almost all of their tales actually have a cruel, medieval source.

No, excuse me, but such a Little Red Riding Hood is not a fairy tale for everyone. You eat mother's flesh, you drink mother's blood... So they edited it a little and made the fairy tale a guiding thread in the political bloody tangle. An anime with realistic art and plot, the intensity of the drama is something similar to “Grave of the Fireflies” - the same effect of childish horror is created in a cartoon shell. Plus, it is 100 percent serious with the seriousness of a block of stone or the release of the “Man and the Law” program - for trash, dynamics, sushi - the muss are definitely not here.
And now about the claims: the political line in it, in my opinion, greedily swallowed into its depths the line of human relations and especially the social line. Romance limply trails behind games of wolves and chess games, but with the initial arrangement of the pieces on the board there is generally a problem, because it is very curious - why didn’t the girl fall into her hands? What goals did the Sect pursue? Are the hats right or wrong? Is their terror justified or not? Why do heavily armed soldiers shoot people left and right with impunity? Why is the government afraid of the Sect to such an extent? Why, in turn, is there such an acute conflict between ordinary rebels and the authorities if the country is emerging from the crisis? It turns out that the foreground is detailed, but the background is blurry, so no, not mine.

"To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf..."
Serious, cruel, psychological anime, designed, by and large, for a male audience, due to its ideological component, and the topics covered, but seasoned for spice, love line, and for the sake of poignancy - socio-political intrigue. It’s worth mentioning separately about the intrigue: everyone here is not who they initially seem.
In "Werewolves" they did a great job of psychologizing the situation, creating a painful and depressing atmosphere, as well as psychological portraits characters of this bloody epic. Honestly, for me this became a captivating element in recreating the overall feeling of what I saw.
The graphics themselves also attracted me: the presence of clear, almost documentary shots, drawn in strict chronology, smoothly turning into a kind of unsteady, crumbly and poetic substance of a barely emerging feeling, a gloomy and foggy dream, haze over the sewer waters, gradually dissolving a painfully familiar figure - all it looks at least stylish and attractive.
The inspiring leitmotif of this creation by Okiura, the screenwriter of which was Mamoru Oshii, was the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood,” which received a free, ambiguous and slightly sadistic interpretation.
And I’ll tell you, the alternative reality invented and embodied in this anime - like no other, approached this fairy tale: cruel, bloody, deceitful, turning inside out, at every opportunity.
Anime is complex, confusing, and leaves the viewer with conflicting feelings until the end. Although in last scene everything is explained quite eloquently, and you don’t have to guess about the choice.
a wolf in the guise of a man, or a man dressed in wolf skin

I realized that I would be the only person who did not like this film. I started watching movies without thinking about anything. Then, when I began to delve into it, I realized that politics, and even in anime (by the way, I never digested anime, although I tried) was not for me. complex storylines, subtle political intrigues, a strong denouement (that’s all I read in the reviews), after watching it, I divided it by 2. and this is not because I’m a thick-headed idiot who has neither brain nor feelings. This genre is just not for me. I can also add that the film is worth watching ONLY for anime fans. people who don’t like this will simply waste a good hour and a half of their lives, like me. I won’t rate the movie, because... To evaluate, you need to have at least some idea of ​​what is happening. but I don’t see this

in essence, this is a terribly serious, psychological movie in the style of anime, a real seinen, not a hint of kawaii... but with all the severity, in places it is surprisingly subtle and lyrical, which is felt most piercingly in contrast... but this lyricism is also like that. .. an adult or something... the director, of course, great master...immortal immediately came to mind "Akira"... very reminiscent, quite comparable in weight... but there seems to be nothing else like it... there is more, of course 1 th part "Garden of Sinners", but with all its strength it is still closer to youthful maximalism, more vague... mm, this is tragedy, drama - more in the head, it is limited to it, which is wonderful, so to speak, in its own way... but in "Werewolves" And "Akire" is also social, more “earthly” in nature... given my delight and the fact that I gave those two other works a 5, the question quite reasonably arises, why in in this case only 4.5... it's all about the ending...

Spoiler alert!

to say that it is original would be blasphemy in some way, it would probably be more correct to say that it is non-standard... I am more than sure that in 90% of similar Hollywood films this cannot happen, if at all possible in principle... I do I couldn’t believe the end, it’s so monstrous, so against nature... the already painful feeling of the film in the finale is crushed by a slab... so - if I gave it a 5 - this, even if to some microscopic extent, would mean that that I somehow justify this ending... there is no justification for this... nothing... I’m just choking on a wave of indignation that rolls up in my throat... meanwhile, with my mind I understand that this is the strength of this ending too, perverted power...

By the way, too long a political line is also not good for the anime, but these are minor things... and one more thing... the title... I almost passed by this masterpiece... by the way, I had come across it before to my eyes, but I rushed past like an express train, without even reading the description... a completely natural reaction: well, werewolves... "Twilight" probably some "Another world" V best case scenario... now I understand that the name is very accurate, but in order not to mislead the potential viewer, I should have given something more understandable and written “werewolves” after the colon... 4.5 out of 5

P.S.: sincere main topic- OST "Grace Omega"

A complex, deep film that is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment - it touches on too many social and personal problems. You have to watch this, and several times. Children will not appreciate it, and I don’t recommend it - this is a philosophy with a meat grinder. 8/10