Individual correction plan for children with special needs. Individual plan for working with a child with mental retardation

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This development represents the design of classes for individual work with children with mental retardation for the development and correction of mental processes. For convenience, classes are distributed by month in accordance with thematic planning. Recommended for use for younger preschoolers preschool age.

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Plan of individual lessons for development and correction

mental processes in preschool children with mental retardation


teacher-defectologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 92" compensatory type

Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region

Perevodova Olga Vasilievna

This development represents the design of classes for individual work with children with mental retardation for the development and correction of mental processes. For convenience, classes are distributed by month in accordance with thematic planning. Recommended for use for preschoolers of primary preschool age. The number of benefits used is indicated in square brackets.



Game "Find out a new toy"

Develop attention and memory.

Game "Trouble"


Quest “Wilted Flowers”.


Recognize objects by verbal description, relying on the visual perception of objects.

Use toys or pictures depicting objects familiar to children.


Quest "Windy weather"

To form an understanding of phenomena interconnected by cause-and-effect relationships.

“Cross it out” task(development of attention).

Offer your child a card with drawn geometric shapes. He must cross out all the circles or all the squares, etc.



Game "Get the Pebbles"

Game "What's Missing"(memory development).

Offer the child 3-5 subject pictures depicting vegetables, ask them to remember them. Remove one picture and swap places. He must name the missing picture.


Game "Get the Key"

To form ideas about the use of aids in a problematic practical situation.

Game “One, two, three - speak”

Vegetables - fruits

Task “How to get the ball”

To form an understanding of the internal logic of actions in a plot in which dynamic changes in objects are assumed.

Game "Who's Hiding Here"

Form purposeful memorization and recall.

Forest. Mushrooms

Task “Hedgehog and Mushroom”

Task "What's in the picture?"(development of attention and memory).

Show the child a story picture. Then, turning it over, the child must remember and name as many objects as possible.


I myself

Quest “Morning of a Boy”

Develop an understanding of the sequence of events depicted in the pictures.

Game "Finger"

Form focused attention.

A comprehensive work of a teacher and other specialists is needed to help fill gaps in knowledge, correct speech, teach and read. Many teachers who specialize in correctional work with children with illnesses create their own methods.

Some programs really work and help children with mental retardation overcome their symptoms.

Program options for children with mental retardation

Despite the fact that the disease is directly related to learning, programs for mental retardation have little to do with it. In correctional institutions there are special methods, the length of classes, it is possible to devote time to each child in the amount that is needed. A special emphasis is placed on repeating material and mastering those skills that are not given time in school, since they are considered obvious (for example, to cut paper with scissors, you first need to learn how to hold them). The measured pace of classes and intensive workload on problem areas helps to quickly catch up with students of the same age and transfer to regular schools.

This result is achieved by several options for programs for children with mental retardation, the choice of which depends on the parents. They, seeing an obvious problem with one function (for example, articulation) turn to a highly specialized specialist (for example, a speech therapist). A professional creates an individual work schedule. In addition, there are proven methods of working with children with mental retardation, which are based on a set of work programs for children with mental retardation.

General principles of development programs

The main thing in working with children is to maintain balance in other areas (memory, attention, emotions, intelligence, reading, etc.). Although the patient may have bright expressed problems in one area, because of their interconnection, you have to combine exercises, covering all areas. In addition, the programs have common areas of work:

  • Physical direction - classes should be structured in such a way that the child has the opportunity for active recreation and exercise. In addition to classes, a proper diet and sleep schedule are built. Parents should pay attention to physical health and psychological peace, as this is the key to successful education.
  • Psychological – teaching social and other skills. This includes communication, the ability to answer questions, and behave in a team.
  • Sensory-motor - delayed development affects not only intellectual and emotional characteristics. In cases where there is dysfunction of the motor and sensory system, work in this direction is also necessary.
  • Cognitive – a patient with mental retardation has a lack of factual knowledge and experience due to poor memory. This gap can be easily filled if children are properly motivated and not limited in their knowledge of the world around them.
  • Emotional – developmental delay is also reflected in emotional reactions, which are often delayed by several years. Expressed in increased emotionality, love of games and dislike of intellectual stress. Requires learning to control emotions and understand the emotions of others.

Which children can participate in the programs?

All children diagnosed with mental retardation have the right to receive specialist help. Moreover, there are different techniques to cope with deviations of any severity.

Work with a child is structured according to an individual algorithm, which depends on the actual age, development of skills and abilities. In addition, the diagnosis implies a developmental delay, and not a disorder or pathology, which means that any problems are correctable.

Educational and correctional program for children with mental retardation

The educational and correctional program for children with mental retardation is carried out by specially trained people. It is intended for preschoolers and primary school students.

The technique will allow you to achieve several goals at once, among which are:

  • communication skills training;
  • preparation for life in society;
  • filling gaps in knowledge about the world around us;
  • stimulation of cognition and intellectual activity;
  • speech development;
  • teaching basic skills (reading, counting).

For this purpose, exercises have been developed that allow children to express themselves:

Type of activity Examples of tasks
Gaming: Role-playing games;
Games according to the rules;
Group games.
Communicative and social: Conversation and maintaining a dialogue about the work of parents, their city.
Tell us about yourself: first name, last name, age, names of family members.
Teaching the names of transport, days of the week, seasons, geometric shapes.
Spatial orientation: left, right, down, up.
Comparison of objects by colors, sizes, etc.
Research: Study of the environment: plants, animals, weather, society.
Education: Composition of numbers 1-10, arithmetic.
Counting objects, answering the questions: “How many?”, “Which one?”.
Understanding the meaning of general words (transport, fruit, furniture) and directional words (between, ahead, before, before).
Speech development: Find the sound in a word
articulation exercises,
division of sounds into vowels and consonants,
recognize letters
draw up proposal outlines.
Literature: Introduction to children's fairy tales, proverbs, riddles.
Ability to retell what you read and answer questions.
Learning to listen to others.
Memorizing poetry by heart is the development of memory.
Theatricalization of what was read.
Independence: Teaching everyday skills at home and outdoors.
Fine arts: Modeling, drawing, appliqué – development fine motor skills hands
Musical: Singing and understanding the meaning of music
Motor: Exercise: children are taught to throw a ball, catch objects, line up, jump in place and run in a circle.

In addition, speech therapy exercises are required, which include breathing and voice exercises. Warm-up of the hands - finger gymnastics. The child goes through tasks assigned by a speech pathologist, speech therapist and other specialists.
Educational and correctional work with children is closely related to the developmental program due to the similarity of goals. Conducted both individually and in small groups.

Features of the psychocorrection program

The psychocorrectional program for children with mental retardation is aimed at the formation and correction of the general level of emotional and mental development. The technique allows you to form basic algorithms of mental processes and behavior in different situations. The emotional background is corrected, the child becomes calmer and becomes familiar with will and determination. The psychocorrectional program teaches planning and self-control.
The course consists of exercises and games:

Partial programs are also closely related to psychocorrectional work. They imply separate work with each defect: understanding of language, clarity of speech, fine motor skills, etc. The partial program serves as a supplement to the main one and cannot replace complex work.

Adapted program

The adapted program is aimed at that group of children with mental retardation who were sent to regular schools. Sample programs are created for them to help in the school learning process.

Help from specialists for children with mental retardation

An important role in working with children with mental retardation is played by the assistance of specialists such as a defectologist, psychologist and speech therapist. Their programs are developed individually for each case, focusing on the problems of a particular patient. Specialists practice the production of sounds and syllable structure. They provide motivation to learn to speak correctly, because the baby will not just repeat it.

In addition to producing sounds, the speech therapist’s program is aimed at developing live communication. Therefore, vocabulary, vocabulary and grammar are expanding. All this is brought to automaticity, that is, schemes are created that will be used in everyday life.

Psychologist programs for mental retardation are designed to provide emotional support. Art therapy is often used to provide indirect developmental interventions.

In addition to specialists, teachers in preschool institutions also participate in the development of the patient. They follow already developed methods approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Baryaeva’s program is very popular among workers preschool institutions who work with children with mental retardation. It is divided into weeks and each contains a lexical topic that will be developed. A vocabulary of 10-20 words to be worked on is determined in advance. An event (celebration or game) is also allocated for emotional and high-quality assimilation of the topic.

Shevchenko's program is aimed at working with preschoolers and is often used by defectologists. The goal of the program is early correction of mental development. Children learn to write, read, count, and train self-control and independence. They learn the basics of personal hygiene and speech culture.

Boryakova’s program includes several areas of work:

  • primary research of skills and knowledge, from which a forecast for further work is made;
  • motivation;
  • subsequent work of specialists aimed at correcting problems, ensuring comprehensive development, not only mental, but also physical;
  • formation of higher mental functions.

Neretina’s program for children with mental retardation is focused on cognitive and speech development in the process of exploring the world around them. The emphasis is on speech and school readiness.

“Little Steps” is a program for children with mental retardation, which is represented by a series of books. For example, one of them is dedicated to the development of self-service. The child will gradually learn to eat, drink, dress and wash himself.

In some correctional kindergartens, special attention is paid to music, which has a positive effect on the emotional state. Therefore, a solfeggio program was developed that teaches how to perceive music, sing, sense rhythm and play musical instruments.


After a diagnosis of mental retardation has been made, it is necessary to select a suitable development program. It is important to remember that violations with mental retardation can be corrected, which means that all that remains is to choose only suitable specialists. Depending on age and abilities, the learning approach is formed. It can be built around games, exercise, art or music.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Ukrainian school" of the Simferopol region of the Republic of Crimea


Methodologist CDYuT Director

Morbitsr V.V MBOU "Ukrainian School"

"____"_____________ 20___ ____________ Stelyukova A.A



For individual training at home

“Correction and development program for children with disorders of the normal rate of mental development (ZPR)”,

for 2015-2016 academic year

Practical psychologist: Osmanova E.N.

With. Ukrainian, 2015

Explanatory note

Regulatory acts and educational and methodological documents on the basis of which the work program was developed:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 5, paragraph 5.1, Article 34, paragraph 1)

    Federal State Educational Standard of General Education

    Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation"

    Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2010-2015

    National educational initiative “Our New School” (dated 02/04/2010)

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 297 of April 15, 2014 “On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008 No. AF 150/06 “On creating conditions for children with disabilities to receive education disabilities health and disabled children"

    Decree of the Government of the Rostov Region dated September 25, 2013 No. 596 “On approval of the state program of the Rostov Region “Development of Education”

    Order of the MBOU "Ukrainian School" No. No. dated November 19, 2015 "On the organization of individual education at home for sick students"

    Charter of the MBOU "Ukrainian School" of the Simferopol region of the Republic of Crimea

    School educational program

    School “Regulations on the work program of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) implemented by the school”

General characteristics of the course

The program is modified and based on the basic methodological materials: “A system of preventive work with children on cognitive mental processes according to the development programs of E.A. Alyabyeva, Aidaralieva B.Zh., Stepanova S.S., Vasilyeva N.N., Baranova F.Yu., Zimina L.V.”

Theoretical basis programs are provisions developed in domestic psychology by L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin and other scientists, about the commonality of the basic patterns of mental development in normal and pathological conditions, about sensitive ages, about the relationship between correction and development, about the actual and potential levels of development (zone of proximal development), about the relationship between learning and development, about the role of preschool childhood in the process socialization, about the significance of activity in development, about the role of a sign in the “cultural” development of a child, etc.

One of the priority tasks of Russian education at present is to ensure state guarantees - accessibility and equal opportunities to receive a full-fledged education for all categories of citizens, including those with special educational needs.

The number of children with special educational needs increases every year. One of the most common developmental problems that give rise to these needs is mental retardation (MDD).

Correctional and developmental education in the context of general education institutions is a pedagogical system that ensures the individualization of education for children with learning difficulties and implements the principles of an integrated approach to the goals, objectives and content of education, the unity of diagnosis and correction of developmental deficiencies, developmental education (the development of general learning abilities based on person-centered approach).

This work program was developed for student Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich. According to the conclusion of the city PMPK, it was revealed: a violation of the rate of mental development, OHP - level 2, an erased form of dysarthria. Based on the recommendations of doctors, the child was prescribed individual training at home.

This program is designed taking into account age and specific features child, contains the use of various kinds of gaming situations, didactic games that can make cognitive activity more attractive and meaningful for the child.

Purpose of the program: formation of a psychological basis for the full development of the child’s personality, creation of a zone of proximal development to overcome the shortcomings of the intellectual activity of children with mental retardation.


    awaken the child’s cognitive and creative activity;

    develop involuntary attention and memory, various types of perception,

    speech development

    improve motor functions;

    develop skills of voluntary behavior.

P principles of program construction.

    Systematicity of correctional, preventive and developmental tasks.

    Unity of diagnosis and correction.

    Taking into account age, psychological and individual characteristics child.

    Complexity of methods of psychological influence.

    Increasing complexity.

    Accounting for the volume and degree of variety of material.

Place of the item in curriculum

To implement the content, educational goals and objectives of the course on the formation of a psychological basis for the full development of the child’s personality, the program allocates time for classes:

    Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich - 2 hours a week;

In connection with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1017 of September 24, 2015 “On the transfer of days off in 2016” and in accordance with the school schedule, a course of correctional and developmental classes for individual training will be implemented for:

    Vidyuk Daniil Vitalievich - 48 hours; duration – 40 minutes.

Course Sections

Section 1. Development of general motor skills.

Section 2. Sensory perception.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5. Speech development.

Planned results of mastering the course

As a result of correctional and developmental work, the child should know :

    social skills - communication with adults and peers;

    seasons, parts of the day, days of the week in their sequence;

    your biography: first name, last name, age, home address.

    names of trees, flowers, birds, animals;

    natural phenomena;

    numbers, signs (“+”, “-”)

    names of people's main professions. Explain what characterizes these professions and how they benefit people

be able to:

    purposefully carry out the teacher’s actions;

    use writing instruments correctly;

    analyze and compare objects according to one of the specified characteristics (shape, size, color);

    classify figures according to one characteristic;

    navigate the plane of a sheet of paper and your own body;

    recognize basic emotions;

    perform simple graphic work from dictation;

    make an object out of parts.

Personal, meta-subject and subject

results of mastering the training course


    the ability to evaluate both one’s own and others’ actions (“good” - “bad”);

    the ability to see your strengths and weaknesses;

    formation of adequate positive conscious self-esteem and self-acceptance;

    development of goodwill, trust and attentiveness to people, readiness for cooperation and friendship, providing assistance to those who need it;

    development of empathy and compassion, emotional and moral responsiveness based on the development of the ability to perceive the feelings of other people and express emotions;

    formation of an attitude towards a healthy and safe lifestyle, intolerance and the ability to counteract actions and influences that pose a threat to the life, health and safety of the individual and society within one’s capabilities.


    developing the ability to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to an interlocutor, understand his point of view, and recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;

    speech development, mastery of speech technique;

    development of various types of thinking, memory, attention;

    expanding ideas about the world around us and enriching the vocabulary.


    have an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, such concepts as: daily routine, healthy eating, personal hygiene;

    be able to analyze and manage your cognitive activity;

    be able to perform actions according to a model containing the necessary method of action;

    be able to carry out a method of action by direct indication of its name (purpose)

System for assessing planned results

    Markless training system.

Forms and types of control:


Forms of control of ZUN(s)


  • diagnostics;


Calendar and thematic planning

    Thematic planning

sections, topics

Name of sections, topics

Number of hours

Section 1

Development of general motor skills.

Section 2

Sensory perception.

Section 3

Formation of subject activity.

Section 4

Formation of communication skills.

Section 5

Speech development.



Lesson planning

Course section


Lesson topic

Type of control

Number of hours

Main types educational activities


Requirements for results


Approximate date


“Development of general motor skills” - 16 hours.

Monitoring hand motor skills and fine motor skills.


Methodological kit

    Perform imitation finger movements.

    Hold a pencil or pen correctly;

    Orientate yourself in the space of the sheet;

    Use simple sculpting techniques (rolling, flattening, spiraling);

    Use glue, brush, scissors;

    Make simple products from paper and plasticine;

    Fasten and unfasten buttons, buttons, hooks;

    Tie and untie ribbons, laces, knots.

Types of grasping movements. Improving grasping movements, gripping.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Counting sticks, pencils

Development of accuracy of hand movements, eye, consistency, visual coordination.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Massage balls, beads

Ability to grip a pencil correctly. Pinch grip.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Hex pencils

Threading a flexible cord into the hole, fastening, unfastening.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Cord, cardboard with holes

The ability to depict points of a given brightness, place vertical and horizontal lines, lines in different directions.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Paints, brush, A4 sheet

Performing actions with objects, focusing on verbal instructions.

Image of broken, wavy, arched lines. Painting.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Brush, paint, wire

Contour applique made of plasticine and pieces of colored paper.

Current, individual

Cardboard, plasticine, colored paper

Section II

“Sensory perception” - 11 hours.

Development of the ability to recognize household items and toys according to adult instructions and demonstration. Ability to distinguish among heterogeneous ones.

Thematic, individual

Correctional and developmental

Household items

    Purposefully carry out actions according to the teacher’s instructions.

    Be able to correlate an object and its image, recognize it in a picture.

    Be able to track movement and movement in relation to other objects.

    Distinguish primary colors.

    Collect cut pictures.

    Know the seasons, days of the week.

    Be able to differentiate objects.

    Perform actions and movements with the help of a teacher and verbal instructions.

    Show off the main parts of your body and face.

    Be able to compare objects.

Monitoring the development of attention. Development of visual attention and visual memory.

Preliminary, individual


Methodological kit

The ability to correlate an object and its image, recognize it in a picture.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Cutting pictures

The ability to distinguish objects based on an undifferentiated sign of size (“big-small”).

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Cubes, household items

Monitoring memory development.

Preliminary, individual


Methodological kit

Development of attention and memory. The ability to track movement and movement in relation to other objects.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Toys, educational pictures “Animals”

Ability to follow the instruction “give me the same”, encouraging practical trying on and comparison.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Miniature toys

The ability to perceive objects, differentiate “one-many”.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Educational presentation

Ability to assemble cut pictures.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Cutting pictures

Distinguishing and highlighting primary colors (red, yellow, blue, etc.)

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Colored cubes, paints, brush, A4 sheet

Study of subject indicators: seasons, days of the week. Sequence of events: “earlier-later”.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Computer (Educational Presentation)

Section III

“Formation of subject activity” - 8 hours.

Development of visual-motor coordination, the ability to perform actions of grasping, feeling, moving objects.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Pencils, massage balls

    Determine the object and its size by touch.

    Be able to draw long and short vertical lines.

    Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper.

    Be able to combine the figure with the slot.

    Be able to coordinate the movement of both hands.

    Be able to make combinations of stripes and geometric shapes on a sheet of paper.

    Be able to use non-traditional finger and palm painting techniques.

    Be able to reproduce a combination of figures by imitation.

Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper (center, bottom, top, right (left) side).

Thematic, individual

Correctional and developmental

Colored pencils

The ability to combine a figure with a slot, act consistently, purposefully, and practice coordinating the movements of both hands.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Development of tactile gnosis, the ability to feel an object, trace its outline with a finger.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Household items, cubes

Drawing up combinations of stripes and geometric shapes on a sheet of paper.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

A4 sheet, colored paper, scissors, glue

Exercises in recognizing objects by touch, different in size.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

A cloth bag, various objects (cubes, buttons, pencils, tennis ball, etc.)

Improving hand-eye coordination, strengthening the skills of examining objects: the ability to draw suggested figures with a finger on the table and in the air; development of constructive praxis: reproduction of buildings by imitation and model.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Cubes, Lego constructor

Strengthening design skills.

Final, individual

Developmental (practical lesson)


Section IV

“Formation of communication skills” - 6 hours.

Establishing emotional contact, encouraging visual contact, developing the ability to listen to the teacher, and follow simple instructions.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

    Be able to establish contact, collaborate in pairs, groups.

    Be able to understand your communication partner and build trusting relationships with each other.

    Master effective communication skills.

    Be able to imitate expressive movements in facial expressions.

    Understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize.

Determining the level of self-esteem. Developing the ability to pay attention and respond to facial expressions and gestures of an adult.

Current, individual


Formation of the image of one’s own “I”.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

The ability to imitate expressive movements in facial expressions.

Final, individual

Developmental (practical lesson)

Flashcards “Emotions and Gestures”

Chapter V

“Speech development” – 7 hours.

The role of speech in human life. The ability to understand and relate a word to an object.

Thematic, individual

Correctional and developmental

Subject pictures

    Be able to communicate freely with adults and children.

    Be able to master the norms of speech.

    Be able to pronounce the sounds of your native language, correctly articulate in sound combinations and words.

    Answer questions about the content of the text.

    Listen and understand the speech of others; use listening techniques.

    Be able to understand the role of language and speech in people's lives.

The ability to listen to the speech of an adult.

Current, individual

Correctional and developmental

Children's fiction

Exercises for pronouncing simple tongue twisters.

Monitoring of child development (final test).

Final, individual.

Correctional and developmental

Methodological kit

Tongue twister texts


48 hours

material and technical support for the educational process

Printed manuals in electronic form

    “Education of children with mental retardation: organization of group and individual classes of correctional and developmental education.” A manual for primary school teachers and psychologists, E.V. Shamarina; Moscow, 2007.

    “Correctional and developmental training: Organizational and developmental aspects”, S.G. Shevchenko; Moscow, Vlados, 1999

Learning Tools

    Printed manuals: in electronic form

    "Diagnostics and correction of mental retardation." Ed. S.G. Shevchenko; Moscow, Arkti, 2001.

    Workbook for children ZPR “Developing! Let's form! Let’s improve!”, A.V. Zakharova; "Book lover", 2002.

    “I count and think”, E.V. Shamarina, O.V. Tarasova; Moscow, 2008.

    Methodological and practical journal “Education and training of children with developmental disorders”, 2010.

    “Speech impairments and their correction in children with mental retardation” R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, S.V. Zorina; "Vlados", 2009.

    “How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic techniques. Corrective exercises." Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N-M.: Publishing house "Os-89", 1997.

    Visual aids:

  • Plasticine.

    Colored pencils.

  • Buttons.

    Colored paper.


    Illustrated books.

    Rubber ball.

    Counting sticks.


test materials

Diagnosis of fine motor development

Fine motor skills are differentiated and complexly coordinated movements of the hands and fingers when performing actions. The child’s ability to correctly distribute muscle efforts when working with the hands and thumb in relation to the rest – important condition for successful mastery of motor skills in educational activities (primarily writing). Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills during preparation for school.

Using these techniques, the development of fine motor skills associated with graphic actions can be diagnosed.

A sheet with a task is placed in front of the child. He listens carefully to what needs to be done. All tasks are completed with a simple pencil. During their implementation, you cannot comment on or evaluate the child’s actions. After completion, you need to thank and praise the baby for any result.

Method 1

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper lying in front of you. It has stripes on it. Between these strips, from the beginning of the sheet to the end, draw straight lines with a pencil. When I say "Start!", start drawing straight lines, when I say "Stop!" - Finish the task and put your pencils aside. Work quickly and carefully.

(1 minute is allotted to complete the task).

3 points - the child completed 10 lines or more with satisfactory quality of execution (the drawn lines are located closer to the center of the line, they are characterized by moderate waviness, drawn without breaks, without going beyond the lines, without missing lines).

2 points – the child completed 6 – 9 lines with satisfactory quality of execution (moderate wavy lines with a tendency to approach the center of the line, without breaks, without going beyond the line, without missing lines).

1 point – the child has completed 5 or fewer lines or the completed task is of unsatisfactory quality (significantly skewed lines relative to the center of the line, going beyond its limits and/or broken lines, omitted lines).

Method 2

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper lying in front of you. It has paths. Draw a line in the middle of the path without lifting the pencil from the paper.

3 points – no errors

2 points – the child went beyond the line 1 – 2 times

1 point – the child crossed the line 3 or more times

Method 3

Take a pencil in your hand and look at the sheet of paper lying in front of you. It has balls and pins. Hit the pins with the balls. Try to draw straight lines without lifting the pencil from the paper.

3 points – all lines are straight and hit the pin exactly

2 points –1 – 2 errors (an error is considered to be a non-straight line or a line not hitting the pin)

1 point – 3 or more errors

Method 4

Take a pencil and look at the sheet of paper with drawings lying in front of you. Trace the drawings exactly along the line without lifting the pencil from the paper.

3 points – went off the line 1 – 2 times

2 points – 2 – 4 times off the line

1 point – left the line 5 or more times

Method 5

Take a pencil in your hand and continue drawing patterns. Try not to lift the pencil from the paper.

3 points – no errors

2 points – with errors

1 point – the child was unable to continue any or all of the patterns

Method 6

Take a pencil in your hand and continue drawing patterns in the cells.

3 points – no errors

2 points – the child made a mistake in one pattern

1 point – the child made a mistake in both patterns

Method 7

Take a pencil in your hand. Listen carefully and draw a pattern from the point: put a pencil on the point, draw a line - two cells up, one cell to the right, two cells down, one cell to the right, two cells up, one cell to the right. Then continue this pattern yourself.

3 points – no errors

2 points – 1 mistake

1 point – 2 mistakes or more

Method 8

3 points – no errors

2 points – 1 – 2 mistakes

1 point – 3 errors or more

Method 9

Take a pencil in your hand. Draw exactly the same figure in the cells.

3 points – no errors

2 points – 1 – 2 mistakes

1 point – 3 errors or more

Method 10

Take a pencil in your hand and draw exactly the same figure next to it.

3 points – no errors

2 points – errors in 1 figure

1 point – errors in 2 or more figures

Method 11

Take a pencil in your hand and copy the phrase exactly according to the model.

3 points – copied correctly

2 points – copied with 1 – 2 errors

1 point – could not copy phrases

Interpretation of diagnostic results for fine motor development:

An overall result of 27 or more points indicates that the child’s graphic activity skills are well-developed and fairly highly automated (holds a pencil correctly, freely distributes the muscle activity of the hand and fingers when working with it), as well as developed volition (when performing a task, he orients his actions to externally specified ones). conditions: sheet layout, sample, accuracy requirements The listed features are in favor. high level development of fine motor skills in a child, which is essential for the successful mastery of motor skills in educational activities.

An overall result of 17 to 26 points indicates that the child’s graphic activity skills are sufficiently developed and moderately automated, as well as moderately developed voluntary movement regulation. Such indicators for the main components of fine motor skills as part of a motor skill are generally sufficient for further learning.

An overall result of 16 points or less indicates the child’s insufficient development of the motor component of the skill of graphic activity, as well as the low development of voluntary regulation and control over the execution of movements that require accuracy and sufficient performance. Such fine motor skills may not be sufficient for successful mastery of basic learning skills in elementary school.

Exercises to develop thinking, imagination, attention, memory

Exercises to develop thinking

Exercises to develop imagination

Exercises to develop attention

Memory exercises


An exceptionally important role in a person’s life and activity is played by his cognitive sphere, which includes a set of mental processes: attention, sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, speech, imagination. These processes act as original tools for cognitive, as well as other types of activity, serving them and ensuring their effectiveness. The main function of these processes is cognitive-analytical.

This work presents exercises aimed at developing not all cognitive processes: memory, thinking, imagination, attention.

Exercises aimed at developing thinking


Riddles help develop imaginative and logical thinking, the ability to identify essential features and compare, train the speed and flexibility of the mind, quick wits, and the ability to find original solutions. You can invite children to make up riddles about some well-known objects on their own.

I walk around the world

I'm waiting for an answer

You will find the answer -

I don't exist. (Mystery)

The living castle grumbled

He lay down across the door. (Dog)

Two windows at night

They close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open on their own. (Eyes)

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can’t walk. (Swamp)

The cat is sitting on the window,

Tail like a cat's

Paws like a cat's

Whiskers like a cat's

Not a cat. (Cat)

Two geese ahead of one goose

Two geese behind one goose

And one goose in the middle.

How many geese are there in total? (Three)

Seven brothers have one sister.

Are there many of them? (Eight)

Writing proposals

This game develops the ability to quickly establish various, sometimes completely unexpected connections between familiar objects, and creatively create new ones. holistic images from individual disparate elements.

Three words that are not related in meaning are taken at random, for example, “lake”, “pencil”, “bear”. You need to make as many sentences as possible that would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be banal (“The bear dropped a pencil into the lake”), complex, going beyond the situation indicated by the three initial words, and introducing new objects (“The boy took a pencil and drew a bear swimming in the lake”), or creative, including these objects are in non-standard connections (“A boy, thin as a pencil, stood near a lake that roared like a bear”).

Eliminating unnecessary things

Any three words are taken, for example, “dog”, “tomato”, “sun”. It is necessary to compose only those words that denote similar objects in some way, and exclude one word, “superfluous”, which does not have this characteristic. You should find as many options as possible for excluding an extra word, and most importantly, more features that unite each remaining pair of words and are not inherent in the excluded, extra one. Without neglecting the options that immediately suggest themselves (exclude “dog” and leave “tomato” and “sun” because they are round), it is advisable to look for non-standard and at the same time very accurate solutions. The one with the most answers wins.

This game develops the ability not only to establish unexpected connections between disparate phenomena, but to easily move from one connection to another without getting hung up on them. The game also teaches you to simultaneously hold several objects in your thinking field and compare them with each other. It is important that the game creates the idea that completely different ways of combining and dismembering a certain group of objects are possible, and therefore you should not limit yourself to one - the only “correct” solution, but need to look for a whole variety of them.

Search for analogues

Any object or phenomenon is called, for example, “helicopter”. It is necessary to write down as many of its analogues as possible, i.e. other items similar to it in various essential characteristics. It is also necessary to systematize these analogues into groups depending on what property of a given object they were selected taking into account. For example, in in this case can be called “bird”, “butterfly”, (fly and land); “bus”, “train” (vehicles); “corkscrew (important parts rotate) and more. The winner is the one who named the most larger number groups of analogues.

This game teaches you to identify a wide variety of properties in an object and operate separately with each of them, and develops the ability to classify phenomena according to their characteristics.

Ways to use the item

A well-known object is called, for example, “book”. It is necessary to name as many different ways of using it as possible: a book can be used as a preparation for a film projector, it can be used to cover papers on the table from prying eyes, etc. A ban should be introduced on naming immoral, barbaric ways of using the subject. The winner is the one who indicates the most different functions of the item. This game develops the ability to concentrate thinking on one subject, the ability to introduce it into a variety of situations and relationships, and discover unexpected possibilities in an ordinary subject.

Exercises aimed at developing imagination

Unfinished figures

Children are given sheets of paper with figures drawn on them (circles, squares, triangles, various broken lines etc.). Each child's set of figures should be the same. Children must draw whatever they want to the figures in 5-10 minutes so that they get object images. When the child hands in a piece of paper, the experimenter always asks what each of the eight pictures can be called and signs its name under each picture.

Studying geographical map

The child is given a map - a tourist route diagram, with a picture of a river. Along the banks of the river there are schematic images of cities, villages, railways, bridges, etc. Children are told: “You see, a motor ship is sailing along the river. Imagine that you are standing on the deck, looking at the shores. And please tell me about everything you see and feel.”

The following story options are possible:

Children conscientiously list everything they see on the map, without adding anything of their own; no images arise in their minds.

There is no plot story, but the children tell a lot, sometimes very emotionally, and freely imagine themselves sailing on a ship.

Children give coherent story about an imaginary journey. Such stories are emotional, colorful, imagination plays a big role in them, but it is constantly controlled by consciousness, which directs it in a certain direction.

"Magic Blots"

Before the game starts, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper, and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet unfolds and the game can begin. The players take turns saying what kind of object images they see in the blot or in its individual parts.

Completing the story

Children are offered the beginning of a story. For example: “It was a clear sunny day. A girl was walking down the street and leading a funny puppy on a leash. Suddenly, out of nowhere...”

It is necessary to come up with a continuation and ending to the story. Operating time – 10 minutes.

The story can be assessed according to the following criteria:

Completeness of the story;

Brightness and originality of images;

Unusual twist and plot;

Surprise ending.

Writing a story using individual words

Children are offered individual words.

For example:

a) girl, tree, bird;

b) key, hat, boat, watchman, office, road, rain.

You need to create a coherent story using these words.

Exercises aimed at developing attention

We offer exercises for developing attention, which have proven to be the most effective in the practice of the work of psychologist E.L. Yakovleva (tasks No. 1-3)

Proofreading task

Completing a proofreading task contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry it out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils or pens. For children 6-11 years old, texts should be in large font.

The task can be performed with students 6-17 years old

Execution time: 5 min. Daily (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months.

Classes can be individual or group. Each child is given old book, pencil or pen. For teenagers - newspapers and magazines.

Instructions looks like this: “Within 5 min. You need to find the letters “A” (you can specify any letter): both small and capital. Both in the title of the text and in the author’s surname.”

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters being searched change and are crossed out in different ways; two letters are searched at the same time, one is crossed out; two letters are searched at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; On one line the letters are circled, on the second they are marked with a tick, etc. All changes made are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of omissions and incorrectly crossed out letters is calculated. The indicator of normal concentration is four or fewer absences. More than four omissions – poor concentration.

The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be further interested by asking them to train their attention in order to become good drivers, pilots, doctors (after first finding out what they want to be.)

Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce funny “fines”: meow as many times as you made mistakes, crow, jump on one leg, etc.

For children, the norm of allowed absences at each lesson should change and is approximately equal to the actual number of absences that the child makes.

The duration of the lesson should in no case exceed 5 minutes.

The volume of the text viewed does not matter; the meaning may vary for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

The completion of assignments in group classes is checked by the students themselves, and they also come up with “fines.”

Practice with this task shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a reduction in errors in written assignments by 2-3 times. To consolidate self-control skills, it is necessary to continue classes for 3-4 months. If after 4 months of training there is no improvement. You need to stop classes and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children aged 6–8 years, it is very important to observe one more condition: start each lesson with a new agreement about the possible number of errors. It is necessary to proceed from the actual number of mistakes made, so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness and inability to achieve the desired result. This condition is easy to comply with in individual lessons. In group classes, it can be difficult to establish a general norm, so here you can pay attention to the variety of fines assigned by children to each other, and the individual support of the child.

In order for the developmental effect of this game to be more noticeable, when the child completes written educational tasks, it is necessary, by introducing the game, to change the child’s attitude towards reading a textbook on the Russian language. This can be achieved by comparative explanation of how words are read and how they are written. It is necessary to explain to the children that in the Russian language textbook, all the words in the exercises must be read aloud like this. It's as if another boy (girl) wrote it, and you know what it says. Therefore, pronounce each letter as it is written.” It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the exercise should be perceived as if it were written by someone else - “another girl”, “a poorly trained puppy”, just like children checking their text. They start from the meaning (it is already known), and no amount of encouragement to read carefully does not improve matters: children do not see missing or incorrectly written letters. Attributing a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to be critical of it. For children who have difficulty concentrating, a more detailed stage of external activities is necessary.

Game "Fly"

This game is also aimed at developing concentration. To carry it out, you will need sheets of paper with a 3 x 3 nine-cell playing field, and chips (chips can be buttons, coins, pebbles, etc.).

The game is played for 5-10 minutes. 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

Children aged 7-17 years can play.

The tasks are completed in pairs. Each pair of players is given a sheet with a lined playing field and one chip

Instructions to the task sounds like this: “Look at a sheet of paper with lined cells. This is the playing field. But this chip is a “fly”. The “fly” sat in the middle of the sheet in the middle cell. From here she can move in any direction. But she can move only when she is given the commands “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”, turning away from the playing field. One of you, the one sitting on the left, will turn away and not look at the field. He will give commands, the other will move the “fly”. You need to try to keep the “fly” on the field for 5 minutes. And don't let her fly away. Then the partners change roles. If the “fly flies away” earlier, it means that the roles will be exchanged earlier. Is everything clear?”

The game becomes more difficult due to the fact that the players team up in groups of three. Two people take turns giving commands, trying to keep the “fly” on the field. The third controls the “flight”. Anyone who misses the “fly” before the agreed time gives up his place to the controller. If everyone fits into the allotted time, then they change roles in turns.

A three-player game takes no more than 10 minutes, i.e. three minutes each. The winner is the one who stays in his role for the entire allotted time.

"Tangled Lines"

This task is also aimed at developing children's concentration.

To carry it out, you need cards measuring 12 x 7, on which mixed lines of the same color are drawn.

The game is played for children aged 6-17 years.

Execution time 3-5 minutes. Every day for 3-4 weeks.

The lesson can be organized as an individual or as a group. Each child receives a card.

Instructions to the task is as follows: “Look at the card. Along the edges of the card there are vertical lines with scales printed on them. There is a number next to each line. These numbers are connected by intertwined lines (paths). Within a few minutes, you only need to use your eyes, without using your hands, to find a path (“walk” along it) leading from one number to another: from one to one, from two to two, etc. Is everything clear?”

As you master the game, new cards are offered with more intricate lines connecting different numbers: one with three, two with seven, etc. On the back of the card, write down the answers: pairs of connecting numbers.

Completion rate in 3 minutes. You need to identify all 10 pairs of different numbers connected by lines.

The general rules of the game are:

Friendly class atmosphere. After the end of the time allotted for the game, you can talk about who “lost the road” how many times, “crossed onto the wrong path.”

Children 6 – 7 years old are asked to walk along only 3 paths for 5 minutes. If the children cope with the task, then you can offer to “run” along so many paths that they can complete each one in 5 minutes. Children aged 8-10 years are asked to “pass” in 5 minutes. 5-7 tracks or as many as you can manage; 11-17 years old - all 10 tracks in 5 minutes.

Cards with more complex lines are offered after all 10 pairs of numbers are established in 3 minutes.

Usually, after 1.5 - 2 weeks of daily classes, children themselves notice that it is easier for them to engage in any intellectual activity. The improvement means that the exercise should be stopped, and the concentration of attention has become stable. Classes must be repeated daily for the same period: 1.5-2 weeks. Then for another 3 weeks, conduct 2 classes per week.

"Find the Differences"

The child is given two very similar pictures, different a certain number small parts (for example, Fig. 18 a, b). It is necessary to detect existing differences - at least twenty).


The child is offered drawings containing several superimposed contour images of various objects, animals, etc. (Fig. 19 a, b, c, d). It is necessary to find all masked images as quickly as possible.

Exercises aimed at developing memory

Semantic memory is based on understanding, i.e. on the activity of thinking, and is associated with the development of language. In the process of semantic memorization, first of all, connections suitable for memorization are created - large structural units of recall, the so-called mnemonic supports, which allows one to overcome the limitations of short-term memorization. The connections used for memorization are not independent, but auxiliary in nature; they serve as a means of helping to remember something. The most effective will be mental supports that reflect the main ideas of any material. They represent enlarged semantic units. For children with underdeveloped memory, the main ways to compensate for it lie in the development of semantic memory: the ability to generalize material and highlight the main thoughts in it.

An effective teaching method for creating mnemonic supports was developed by K. P. Maltseva (1958). This technique, called “Meaning Units,” can be used for schoolchildren of all ages who have difficulties in mnemonic activity, starting from the second grade. It is most convenient to use this teaching technique in elementary school.

The method consists in the fact that the student is given the task of highlighting the main thing in the text (creating mnemonic supports) and indicating the path to analyze the text. To isolate the main thing, the student must consistently answer two questions: “Who (or what) is this part talking about?” and “What is said (reported) about this?”

The answer to the first question allows you to highlight the main thing in the part to which it relates, and the second question confirms the correctness of this selection. The teaching methodology has two parts. The first part is the identification of semantic supports, the second is the drawing up and use of a plan as a semantic support for the student’s mnemonic activity.

(ZPR) is not considered a gross violation. Children with mental retardation develop more slowly than their peers, they are inattentive and poorly perceive new material, have low cognitive activity. The pathology manifests itself in physical and mental slowness, poor memory, and low communication skills. Considering these features, one thing is clear - a child with mental retardation cannot meet standard general educational requirements. Moreover, almost all forms of delay are compensated as the child grows up, so the diagnosis allows studying in regular secondary schools (according to the program correctional classes for children with mental retardation).

Mental retardation in children

ZPR manifests itself in several variants, each of which has its own characteristics, prognosis and dynamics. With a delay of constitutional origin, the delay is determined by heredity, that is, the child repeats the development of the father or mother. With this diagnosis, a seven-year-old child is usually at the level of 4-5 years. Such students are characterized by a favorable prognosis, subject to pedagogical influence. The delay is compensated by 10-12 years.

ZPR of somatogenic origin is caused by long-term chronic diseases, neuropsychic weakness of the brain, etc. Children are born into healthy families, and the delay appears as a result of diseases transferred to early childhood(chronic infections, allergies). Such students have severe symptoms in the form of decreased performance, headaches, increased fatigue, poor memory, and attention span for a very short time. With preserved intelligence, the emotional sphere is characterized by immaturity.

Psychogenic delay is typical for children with normal physical development and health. The lag in learning and development is associated with flaws in upbringing, unfavorable conditions that disrupt the normal development of the child’s personality. Often such students grow up in unfavorable families, suffer from parental cruelty or overprotection. This leads to mental instability, lack of initiative, and retardation in intellectual development.

Delay of cerebral-organic origin is caused by persistent local destruction of brain structures due to maternal diseases during pregnancy, oxygen starvation of the fetus, prematurity, intrauterine infection, and so on. In terms of productivity, mental operations in children of this group are close to those of children with mental retardation. Such students acquire knowledge fragmentarily, there is immaturity emotional sphere. Children with mental retardation of cerebral-organic origin need comprehensive assistance from a psychologist, speech pathologist and physician.

Difficulties in teaching special children

Parents may notice mental retardation even before school age. Typically, such children begin to walk later, pronounce their first words later, and are not very active in cognitive process and have poor relationships with peers. Most adults attribute these features to the child’s individual developmental rates and character traits. All children do develop differently, so small deviations from age norms should not be a cause for concern. Training such children within the framework of the general educational process will fully reveal existing mental problems.

By the age of 6-7, children already show attentiveness and purposefulness, know how to manage mental operations and rely on previous experience in the learning process, and use abstract logical thinking. For schoolchildren with an immature psyche, the general education system will be too complicated. Typically, a child with mental retardation experiences the greatest difficulties in mastering his native language and foreign language, mathematics. It is impossible to master writing without sufficient development oral speech, and to understand mathematics, a child must know such concepts as comparison, form, quantity, magnitude.

Education of children with developmental delays

In the process of training wards with mental retardation (the program of correctional work for children fully takes into account these features), it is necessary to develop cognitive activity, correct emotional and personal qualities, promote the child’s social adaptation, and increase the overall level of intellectual development. This should be taken into account by parents and other adults who introduce the child to the outside world, some fundamental concepts, teach at home and help with homework.

Many secondary schools have correctional classes, the program of which provides for the successful education of children with similar disabilities. Usually the number of students in such groups does not exceed ten to twelve people. This creates comfortable conditions for children with mental retardation, who have poor contact with peers and do not perform well in class. The small class size allows the teacher to pay attention to each student.

Special children in a regular school

Currently, the program of correctional work for children with mental retardation of varying degrees of severity is being implemented in eight types of special schools. To exclude the inclusion of diagnoses in the details of these schools, in regulatory documents they are mentioned by serial number: Type I - for deaf children, Type II - for hard of hearing and late-deafened children, Type III - for blind children, Type IV - for visually impaired children, Type V - for children with speech impairments, Type VI - for children with musculoskeletal disorders, Type VII - for children with difficulties (mild mental retardation), Type VIII - for children with mental retardation.

In such institutions, serious correctional work is carried out with children with mental retardation, the task of which is to develop such students, enrich them with knowledge about the world around them, instill in them observation and attentiveness, experience in practical generalization, develop the ability to independently obtain knowledge and use it to solve problems. various tasks. In correctional boarding schools, children can stay around the clock, they have their own doctors, and teachers are involved not only in teaching, but also in the physical development of children.

Modern doctors, psychologists and speech pathologists with extensive practical experience recognize that the most promising direction is the social adaptation of children with mental retardation. In special institutions, such students interact only with children with the same problem, but never learn to communicate with their regular peers. A special approach to children with mental retardation is really needed, but the attitude should be the same as to children with normal development.

Thus, it was decided to allow the upbringing and education of children with mental retardation in regular secondary schools. At the same time, the integration line should go through correction at the early stages (in preschool educational institutions and primary grades), and a correction block should function in parallel with general education. A correctional program for children with mental retardation should include filling gaps in previous learning, normalizing and improving cognitive activity, increasing students’ performance, and overcoming negative characteristics of the emotional sphere.

Stages of psychological and pedagogical support

The program of correctional and developmental classes for children with mental retardation is formed during the sequential passage of several stages of psychological and pedagogical support. At the stage preparatory work diagnostics and formation of a data bank about children with disabilities are carried out, medical specialists provide assistance in identifying children with mental retardation, comprehensive diagnostics of the child, and so on. The features of the individual development of the future schoolchild, health status, educational conditions, family atmosphere, and so on are studied. Diagnostics is carried out by the teacher with the assistance of an educational psychologist who keeps a map of observations. The developmental features of the future student are discussed at an intra-school meeting. The child may be referred to a primary care clinic, where he will be given an accurate diagnosis.

Next, parents are consulted about further teaching methods, prospects, and expected results. A defectologist or educational psychologist conducts a conversation on issues of further education and explains the need for correctional work with the child. Questionnaires, open days, and joint events are organized. The psychologist also provides assistance to teachers working with children with mental retardation (providing recommendations, preparing a package of documents necessary for working with special children). At this stage, an individual correction program is drawn up for a child with mental retardation.

At the stage of correctional and developmental work, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities, individual psychological and pedagogical support of the child is provided, taking into account individual characteristics. Groups are formed based on observations of children and diagnostic results. For children with mental retardation, a correction program (feedback from parents about teaching children with special needs in general education schools confirms that this gives better results than if the child studied in a special school) can be compiled either individually or in a group.

To overcome problems in the development of students, consultations and conversations are held for teachers of correctional classes, the stand is regularly updated useful information psychologist. Interim and final diagnostics of students' achievements are carried out to determine a further program of correctional and developmental classes for children with mental retardation. Diagnostics includes an analysis of the success of mastering the program in various subjects, as well as studying the condition of children in school conditions (adaptation can last from 1.5-4 months to 1-1.5 years).

Corrective work system

Any correctional program for children with mental retardation consists of four main blocks: development and improvement of communication skills, development of mental and speech activity, development of mental activity, development of spatial concepts. Only integrated approach teaching special children will lead to success and equalization of development rates.

In the course of developing and improving communication skills, it is necessary to teach the child to master the means of communication, to form attitudes towards a friendly attitude towards peers and adults, successful interaction, to achieve positive relationships with others (the child must be able to correctly express his opinion and attitude towards the interlocutor, listen to his comrades, not interrupt elders), to form a positive image of one’s own self. The development of speech and mental activity involves expanding the vocabulary, acquiring knowledge about the world around us, which can help improve social skills, the formation of developed monologue and dialogic speech (the ability to express one’s thoughts, observing the rules of communication), the formation of basic mental operations (comparison, analysis, generalization). ).

The child must learn to work according to models and instructions, to regulate his behavior in educational and life situations. The skills of monitoring one’s activities are instilled, mastery of control and evaluation actions is provided, and so on. The development of spatial concepts involves mastering spatial orientation (indoors and in a notebook), mastering basic educational concepts, and developing the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, manipulate images, making mental transformations: dividing into parts, rotating, connecting parts into a single whole, and so on.

Option 7.1 of the correctional work program for children with mental retardation provides that the work will be carried out with children who, in terms of their level of psychophysical development, are close to the age norm, but in the educational process they encounter difficulties in voluntary self-regulation. Such children require a special approach; they learn the material more slowly and take longer to achieve results, but by the time they reach the secondary level they are usually on par in development with their peers.

The high efficiency of the implementation of the correctional program of the defectologist for children with mental retardation is ensured by the gradual complication of tasks and the conduct of classes with material that is close to the main one. educational program. It must be taken into account that teaching children with mental retardation requires the use of game methods and work techniques that include an element of competition. A good technique is to introduce a system of rewards and penalties. This helps to develop organization.

It is necessary to alternate sedentary and mobile methods of work, conduct physical education sessions more often, and alternate oral and written work. This will give children the opportunity to distribute energy, and also help relieve fatigue, increase concentration and performance. It is important to use simple exercises to test attention (questions like: “Who heard the task, show your thumb”).

The lesson outline includes an introduction, the main content of the lesson and the final stage. At the introduction stage, a greeting is required, which sets children up for successful interaction with the teacher, discussion of news (children can discuss the difficulties that arose while doing homework, the results obtained, evaluate their mood verbally or in points, recall the content of the previous lesson, and so on), communicative game (carried out to increase energy resources and create a positive attitude).

The main stage is aimed at the formation and development of the main list of functions that are necessary when mastering educational material. Usually, tasks aimed at developing spatial concepts are first offered, then speech and thinking are developed, and homework is given. At the final stage, a relaxation exercise and a communicative game are carried out, which helps children relax and develops positive attitude to the lesson as a whole. The peculiarities of the correctional and developmental program for children with mental retardation consist precisely in a sequential transition and the allocation of additional time for the correction of mental skills and memorization of material.

Results of the program for children five to seven years old

As a result of the implementation of the program of correctional work for children with mental retardation (feedback from parents confirms that special children, with the help of a qualified teacher and psychologist, develop practically in accordance with target guidelines), it is envisaged that the student will achieve certain successes in the field of speech development, artistic, social-communicative, cognitive, physical.

Planned successes in program implementation

Planned achievements in speech development the following:

  • understanding the meaning of individual sentences and coherent speech;
  • understanding various forms words;
  • learning new words;
  • understanding of phrases, constructions with prepositions, diminutive suffixes, differentiation of plural and singular numbers;
  • correct formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;
  • correct pronunciation of sounds;
  • use of basic types of speech, rhythm and tempo, normal pauses.

Within the framework of social and communicative development, the following results of following a correctional program for children with mental retardation are expected:

  • manifestation of independence in play and communication;
  • selection of activities, participants in group activities, sustainable interaction with children;
  • participation in a group lesson;
  • the ability to accurately convey information to the interlocutor;
  • the ability to cooperate during the game, regulate one’s own behavior;
  • use received during educational activities knowledge;
  • the desire for independence and the manifestation of a certain independence from an adult.

Expected results of cognitive development:

  • the ability to generalize objects and concepts into groups;
  • the presence of ideas about size, quantity, shape, the ability to express them in speech;
  • the ability to name objects and their parts from pictures;
  • the ability to show named actions in pictures;
  • use of verbal accompaniment, activity planning or reporting during the activity;
  • possession of a score within ten;
  • the ability to construct from different materials (with the help of an adult);
  • the ability to determine the seasons and parts of the day;
  • the ability to identify geometric shapes and bodies, the location of objects relative to oneself;
  • creation of subject and plot compositions from material according to a sample, conditions, scheme.

In the artistic and aesthetic segment of the correctional program for children with mental retardation, the following successes are expected to be achieved:

  • having basic understanding of different types of art;
  • emotional perception of music, literature, folklore;
  • mastery of cutting skills;
  • knowledge of primary colors and shades, the ability to mix them;
  • showing interest in art;
  • pronunciation of all words while singing;
  • composing melodies of various types;
  • the ability to convey the character of music through movements.

As part of successful physical development, the following results are achieved:

  • performing basic exercises and movements according to adult instructions;
  • performing various types of running;
  • knowledge of the rules of outdoor games, games with elements of sports;
  • mastery of the basic rules in the formation good habits, physical activity, nutrition;
  • maintaining a given pace when walking, and so on.

Expected results are presented for students aged five to seven years. The correctional development program for children with mental retardation (on January 24, 2017, news appeared that children with such a diagnosis will no longer be sent to special institutions) of younger age sets other goals and is implemented not in secondary schools, but in correctional groups of pre-school educational institutions or at home .

What parents need to know

Parents of children with delays should understand that this is not a serious violation, it is just a little more difficult for the child to learn new material, he needs more time and attention. The requirements for the student must be reasonable; in no case should their capabilities be overestimated to please their desires. You need to accept the child’s abilities and level of development, agree with this, understanding that quick results are only possible at the expense of deteriorating health and disruption of emotional balance. In order for a child to catch up with his peers, you need to show patience, attentiveness, love, endurance and confidence. Perhaps a student with mental retardation is unusually talented in another area. What creates a situation of success for him (creativity, music, dancing, sports, drawing) is support and development.

Program of individual psychological support for a child with mental retardation (correctional component)

Explanatory note

The program of individual psychological support was developed and compiled based on the results of diagnostics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere of the student, in accordance with the psychological conclusion and recommendations of the TMPK.

F.I. is studying in class No. individually at home for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the TPMPC: “Mental development delay. Partial immaturity of mental functions. Emotional-volitional disorders. Dysgraphia, dyslexia.”

When drawing up a program of individual psychological support, the individual psychological and age characteristics of the child were taken into account, based on his zone of proximal development.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of schoolchildren with mental retardation

Children of this category have great persistence and severity of disturbances both in emotional-volitional and cognitive activity, which has an impact on negative influence on the child’s school and social adaptation.

The difficulties that these children experience in the learning process may be due to both lack of attention, emotional-volitional regulation, self-control, low level of educational motivation and general cognitive passivity (weakness of regulatory components of educational and cognitive activity), and motor skills disorders in the form of insufficient coordination movements, motor disinhibition, a limited supply of knowledge and ideas about the world around us, and immaturity of the operational components of educational and cognitive activity.

Children have poorly formed spatial concepts,

Peculiarities attention children with mental retardation are manifested in its instability; increased distractibility; switching difficulties; weak concentration on the object. The presence of extraneous stimuli causes a significant slowdown in the activities performed by children and increases the number of errors.

Developmental deficiency memory manifests itself in: a decrease in memorization productivity and its instability, low memorization speed; the predominance of mechanical memorization over verbal-logical;

Imagination children with mental retardation are underdeveloped.

Peculiarities thinking manifest themselves in a pronounced lag and originality in the development of cognitive activity, insufficiency of visual-figurative thinking;

Analytical-synthetic activity in all types of thinking is insufficiently developed.

Children with mental retardation have relatively high potential for reproductive thinking, which ensures the assimilation of knowledge presented in a “ready” form, based on detailed assistance.

Psychological characteristics of the student F.I. (No. class)

As a result of a psychological examination, the student was found to have:

General awareness level- reduced

Motor agility– low level of formation

Characteristics of activity:

Motivation: social prevails - approval motivation;

Criticality: reduced;

Performance: low;

Pace of activity: reduced, due to increased fatigue;

Features attention: low level of concentration and stability; poor switchability.

Memory Features: short-term memory prevails over long-term memory;

Intellectual development: the formation of mental operations comparison, generalization is close to the age norm;

analysis, synthesis, classification - below the age norm;

Temporal and spatial relationships: insufficiently formed.

Emotional-volitional sphere: Low level of development of volition and self-control, motor disinhibition; In a situation of failure, personal anxiety is noted.

Psychological report: The level of actual development has been reduced. An insufficient level of development of the cognitive sphere and weakness of the emotional-volitional sphere were revealed.

When drawing up an individual psychological program

escorts used methodological manuals And didactic materials:

1.Program for creating a correctional and developmental environment in educational institutions, ed. S.G. Shevchenko,

2. “Problem children: the basics of diagnostic and correctional work of a psychologist,” ed. Semago N.Ya. Semago M.M.,

3. Kalyagin V.A. "Organization of psychological support in educational institution».

Purpose of the program– increasing the level of general development of the student through correctional and developmental work on the development of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere in order to prepare for the perception of new educational material at the secondary level.

Program objectives:

1. Development of higher mental functions of the cognitive sphere (perception, memory, attention, thinking, imagination, speech).

2. Development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, volition, self-control).

3. Expanding ideas about the environment and enriching the vocabulary.

4. Protection and strengthening of psychological health: prevention of psychophysical overload, stabilization of the emotional sphere, creation of a climate of psychological comfort in learning.

The program is based on the following principles:

consistency; complexity; activity approach; ontogenetic;

general didactic principles (visuality, accessibility, individual approach, consciousness).

Methods and techniques for working with a child with mental retardation:

The following techniques and methods are used in correctional and developmental work: the use of dosed pedagogical assistance (teaching, stimulating, organizing, guiding); step-by-step presentation of the material, the use of tasks in a visually effective and visually figurative manner, verbal pronunciation of actions at each stage of learning, taking into account individual psychological and age characteristics, emotionally charged presentation of the material.

Correctional work is carried out within the framework of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child in accordance with the general plan of psychological and pedagogical support within the framework of interdisciplinary interaction of specialists from the School of Medical Education.

Program structure

The program is divided into four stages (according to academic quarters:

1. Development of the cognitive sphere: attention (9 hours)

2. Development of the cognitive sphere: memory (7 hours)

3. Development of the cognitive sphere: thinking (10 hours)

4. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere: the formation of a positive “I-concept”, self-knowledge of one’s resources, minimization of personal anxiety (8 hours)

The program consists of 34 lessons. Duration of classes is 30-35 minutes.


correctional and developmental classes with student class No. F.I.



Topics, sections


Goals and objectives

Name of forms of work and exercises


September October

(1 quarter)

Cognitive sphere.


Development of arbitrariness and attention properties with the help of psychotechnical, neuropsychological techniques and kinesiological exercises

1. Diagnostics of attention properties. Psychotechnics, a set of exercises for the development of fine motor skills (“ring, finger gymnastics”).

2. A set of exercises to develop the volume and distribution of attention through psycho-gymnastic exercises (“ring”, “fist-rib-palm”).

3. A set of exercises to develop stability of attention through the development of psycho-gymnastic exercises (“ring”, “fist-rib-palm”, “lezginka”, “ear-nose”).

4. A set of exercises to develop concentration (“ring”, “fist-rib-palm”, “lezginka”, “ear-nose”, “frog”).

5. A set of exercises to develop attention switching (“fist-rib-palm”, “lezginka”, “ear-nose”, “frog”, “lock”).

6. A set of exercises to develop observation skills

(game “Visiting Sherlock Holmes”).

7. Final lesson on developing the properties of attention.

Game "Scouts".

(2nd quarter)

Cognitive sphere.


Development of memory using psychotechnical techniques. Teaching rational organization of memorization.

1.Identification of the leading type of memory through diagnostics of memory properties.

2. Psycho-gymnastics. Exercises to develop fine motor skills (kinesiological exercises).

3. Exercises to develop visual memory (working on a model, recreating mental images).

4. Psycho-gymnastics (kinesiological exercises for the development of auditory and motor-auditory).

5. Exercises to develop associative and logical memory (grouping by meaning, associations, searching for patterns).

6. Psycho-gymnastics, kinesiological exercises for the development of fine motor skills and the development of indirect voluntary long-term memorization (semantic units, mysterious words).

7. Final lesson on the development of all types of memory. Composition of the fairy tale “In the Land of Memory.”

(3rd quarter)

Cognitive sphere.


Increasing mental performance with the help of psychotechnical techniques for the development of thought processes (visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical).

Formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity in schoolchildren.

1. Diagnostics of the degree of formation of thought processes (identification of essential features, comparison and generalization of concepts, analysis and synthesis, specification of objects).

2. Exercises to develop and consolidate the components of visual and effective thinking through construction. Psycho-gymnastics.

3. A set of exercises to develop visual-figurative thinking. Psycho-gymnastics, kinesiological exercises.

4. A set of exercises for the development of verbal-logical thinking through construction based on visual and verbal models, searching for analogies,

analysis and synthesis.

5. Repeating and generalizing lesson on the development of thought processes

(4th quarter)



volitional, personal sphere

Removal negative energy from a schoolboy

Increasing learning motivation through transfer positive emotions.

Development of communication skills, formation of adaptive forms of behavior. Self-knowledge of oneself as a person.

1. Diagnosis of the personal sphere (self-esteem, level of anxiety, personality accentuation).

2. Development of communication skills using psychotechnics and art therapy techniques.

3. Formation of emotional stability, awareness of emotions.

4. Training in techniques for relieving aggressive and negative emotions and anxiety.

5. A set of exercises to develop an adequate attitude towards yourself.

6. Consolidating an adequate emotional response to various situations through playing role-playing games (the use of art therapy techniques).

Program controls

In order to monitor the results of work, students are subject to a comprehensive diagnosis of the formation of the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres. Diagnostics consists of 3 stages - primary, intermediate, final. The results of the research are noted in the “Individual Student Card” (Appendix 1) and the Psychological and Pedagogical Status of the Student (Appendix 2)

The teacher-psychologist analyzes the productivity of joint work with the child and draws up a further algorithm for correctional and developmental activities, taking into account the conclusions and recommendations of the work done, as well as for the purpose of continuity of psychological support for the child.