Didactic material for the study of E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”. Questions about the novel by E.I. Zamyatin "We" Zamyatin we questions on content

  1. What do you know about? When was it written?
  2. What is the difference between utopia and dystopia?
  3. Who, besides Zamyatin, wrote dystopias in the literature of the 20th century? Does Zamyatin have predecessors? What are the similarities and differences between the novels of Orwell and Zamyatin?
  4. Which works of Russian literature contained dystopian features?
  5. Why is the novel the notes of one of the residents of the United State? Why did the author need an “inside view”?
  6. What idea of ​​the United State does the reader get when reading the diary D-503? By what signs can one establish that this is a totalitarian state?
  7. How is human life regulated in the United State? Are there any positive consequences of such regulation?
  8. Can moral people live in such a state? good people? Why?
  9. How does the narrator feel about the United State and the order established in it? How and why is this attitude changing?
  10. For what purpose is the image of I-330 introduced into the novel? Why does she attract the main character? Why is he gradually losing his old beliefs?
  11. How is I-330 different from O-90? Which one of them truly loves the hero? Why do you think so?
  12. What is the complexity of the image of the Benefactor? Can it be said that he - bad guy novel?
  13. What is the Benefactor talking to D-503 about? Was the hero right who tried to rebel against the United State?
  14. What mood does the ending of the novel leave?

Didactic materials for a lesson on the works of E.I. Zamyatin

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Sosh"

Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Khalyapina L.N.

Novel "We"

History of creation and genre

The novel was not published in the USSR; its publication appeared abroad on English language. In our country, it was published only in 1988. During the writer’s lifetime, critics hounded him even for unpublished works. In 1931, Zamyatin left his homeland forever. Dissatisfaction with Soviet reality made him wonder what the future should be like in which he could feel happy. The novel is recognized as a classic dystopia of the 20th century. If uto genreWhile PII suggests a bright future, dystopia does not provide such hope.The novel predicted that the totalitarian regime would destroy millions of peopleaction - both in the moral and physical sense. Much of what Zamyatin predicted came true. A totalitarian state was created in Russia, which lasted 70 years.


D-503 has a woman 0-90 who comes to him with a pink ticket. Unexpectedly, D-503 meets woman 1-330 and falls in love with her. She leads him to the Ancient House, where for the first time he sees something that has long been gone from their lives: a piano, bright colors And unusual shapes, statue of Pushkin. It turns out that 1-330 is involved in a conspiracy against the Benefactor. She wants D-503, the builder of the integral, to also participate in the Mephi plan: during a test flight, it is necessary to destroy the Green Wall, behind which natural life flows. If you destroy this wall, then you can put an end to the United State. D-503, as a loyal subject, wants to inform on his beloved, but first he goes to the Medical Bureau: it seems to him that a virus has grown into him. In his notes, D-503 reports with horror that he cannot fulfill his duties to the United State, that his “I” has separated from “we”. D-503 is taken into account: he needs to be treated, because he “has formed a soul.” And the Mefi plan, conceived against the state, of course, failed. Everyone is arrested, everyone will face punishment.

A Great Operation to remove fantasies is carried out on D-503, after which he feels at ease and he tells the Benefactor everything he knows about the enemies of Happiness. D-503 witnesses the execution of his beloved, but now she is just the one who wanted to destroy the happiness of the “multi-million body.”

The United State brutally dealt with a terrible threat to itself - with love, which awakens Personality, Beauty and Goodness in a person. A single State can exist only when its citizens are numbers who are deprived of the opportunity to love.

Image of the future

The society of the future is presented in a fantastic and grotesque form. This is the “mathematically perfect life of the Unified State” (US). Soulless technology and despotic power turned man into an appendage of a machine, took away his freedom, and brought him up into voluntary slavery. Everything here is controlled by the Benefactor through his Guardians. In the EG, everything is thought out, the weight of the rebellious nature of a person is taken into account and all the levers are found to suppress them. Love in the EG is prohibited; it comes down to sex and the law of procreation. For each, a suitable report card for sexual days is determined and pink coupons are issued. Beforeus world withoutlove, without soul, without poetry. It was suggested to a “number” man, deprived of even a name, that happiness lies in the renunciation of one’s own “I” and dissolution in the impersonal “we”.

Main conflict

The main thing is the conflict of ideas: the ideas of Freedom and the idea of ​​a United Statedonations. The United State in the novel is a totalitarian state with a powerful system of suppressing the “I” in a person.

The novel describes the future totalitarian state And warns aboutthe danger posed by an ideology that deprives an individual of freedom.

Main character- D-503

In his notes, D-503 talks about measured and right life numbers. This description is very similar to the description of the life of crazy people who get up at the same hour and at the same minute, start and finish work, bring spoons to their mouths and go to bed. D-503 praises this life, not realizing that his consciousness is just the result of indoctrination, the purpose of which is to acquire for the Benefactor an obedient cog that is easy to control.

Thematic assignments according to the Unified State Exam type

    Read the below piece of text and do B1- B7; C1-C2.

A customary five-minute pre-election break. Pre-election silence established by custom. But now it was not that truly prayerful, reverent, as always: now it was like that of the ancients, when they did not yet know our battery towers, when the untamed sky still raged from time to time with “thunderstorms.” Now it was like the ancients before a thunderstorm.

The air is made of transparent cast iron. I want to breathe with my mouth wide open. A painfully tense ear records: somewhere behind, a mouse-gnawing, alarming whisper. With my eyes not raised, I see all the time those two - 1 and R - side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and on my knees someone else's - my hated - shaggy hands are trembling.

In everyone's hands there are plaques with watches. One. Two. Three... Five minutes... from the stage - a cast-iron, slow voice:

- Those who are in favor, please raise your hands.

If only I could look into His eyes as before, directly and faithfully: “Here I am all. All. Take me!" But now I didn't dare. With an effort - as if all the joints were rusty - I raised my hand.

The rustle of millions of hands. Someone's depressed "ah"! And I feel that something has already begun, it was falling headlong, but I didn’t understand what, and I didn’t have the strength - I didn’t dare look...

Who is “against”?

This has always been the most majestic moment of the holiday: everyone continues to sit motionless, joyfully bowing their heads to the beneficent yoke of Numera from Numeras. But then, with horror, I heard the rustling again: the lightest, like a sigh, it was more audible than before copper pipes anthem. So last time In life, a person will sigh barely audibly - and all around everyone’s faces turn pale, everyone has cold drops on their foreheads.

I looked up and...

This is a hundredth of a second, a hair. I saw: thousands of hands waved upward - “against” - fell. I saw the pale face crossed out with a cross, her raised hand. My vision darkened.

Another hair; pause; quiet; pulse. Then - as if by some signcrazy conductor - in all the stands at once there was a crash, screams,a whirlwind of running unifs, confusedly rushing figures Keep bodies, someone's heels in the air right before my eyes - near the heels of someone's wide, open mouth, straining from an inaudible scream. For some reason this struck me most sharply: thousands of silently screaming mouths - as if on a monstrous screen.

Give answers to tasks B1-B7 in the form of words or phrases.

IN 1. What official holiday of the United State is described in this episode?

AT 2. What kind of object is the hero-narrator engaged in the construction of (write the word in nominative case)?

AT 3. What combination of numbers and letters serves as the name of the hero-storyteller?

AT 4. What stylistic figure is the repetition of the phrase “established by custom” at the beginning of the fragment?

AT 5. Find the expressive epithet in the last sentence of the passage (write the word in the nominative case).

AT 6. What figurative and expressive device is used in the following sentence: “With effort - as if all the joints were rusty - I raised my hand”?

AT 7. What is the name of a stylistic figure based on the combination in one object or the phenomenon of the incompatible (for example, “a mouth bursting with an inaudible scream”; “thousands of silently screaming mouths”)?

Answers to tasks B1-B7

IN 1

Unanimity Day

AT 2


AT 3

D – 503

AT 4


AT 5


AT 6


AT 7


    Tasks with a detailed answer of limited scope (5 - 10 sentences)

C1. Why does the once-favorite holiday now cause the hero-storyteller not awe, but anxiety?

C2. What works of Russian literature depict pictures of uprising or revolt against the authorities and in what ways are they similar to E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”?

    Give a complete, detailed answer to the problematic question (in at least 200 words), using the necessary theoretical and literary knowledge, based on literary works, the author’s position and, if possible, revealing his own vision of the problem.

C5. Why does the hero of E. Zamyatin’s novel decide to title his personal notes “We”?

Used Books

    Krutetskaya V.A. Russian literature in tables and diagrams. 9-11 grades. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House"Litera", 2010

    Kuchina T.G., Ledenev A.V. Thematic test tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy; Vladimir: VKT, 2010

  1. What is the essence of the theory of “neorealism” (synthetism, expressionism) according to E. Zamyatin?
  2. The history of the creation and publication of the novel "We".
  3. Narrative form. Genre. Plot. Composition of the novel "We".
  4. Which statement is closer to you: “the novel is very drawn out and difficult to read” (A.K. Voronsky) or ““We” is a brilliant thing, sparkling with talent; among fantastic literature What’s rare is that people are alive and their fate worries them very much” (A. Solzhenitsyn)?
  5. Poetics, the meaning of the title of the novel "We".
  6. How is the idea of ​​universal happiness embodied in the novel (Tablet of Hours, etc.)? Analyze the system of restrictions created by the United State, how it affects the consciousness of numbers (price human life, the story of “The Three Freedmen”, etc.). Why does the hero-narrator contrast the American engineer-inventor F. Taylor (1856 -1915), the founder scientific organization labor, German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804)?
  7. The role of art in the United State. How do you imagine architectural appearance One State?
  8. The official state language of the United State; How are the language and type of consciousness of numbers related? Speech characteristics characters.
  9. The novel’s figurative system: what characters did the author need to reveal the central idea of ​​the work?
  10. How do the names relate? external portrait And inner essence characters in the novel? Symbolism of names.
  11. D-503 and other numbers: general and distinctive. How is the central character close to the author? What is the essence of the conflict between D-503 and the state? How does this conflict develop and how is it resolved?
  12. Love line in the novel. Images of O-90 and I-330 in the novel. Which point of view is closer to you: I-330 is a heroic, courageous revolutionary and at the same time a spiritual benefactor of D-503 (L. V. Polyakova) - or I-330 is an insidious spy who used D-503’s love to achieve her own selfish goals ( A. Stein) 1 ?
  13. How do you understand the ending (“result”) of the novel?
  14. Biblical motifs, vocabulary and symbolism (including colors) in the novel “We” (“bread of ancient Christians”, oil food of the inhabitants of the European Union, etc.).
  15. Peculiarities portrait characteristics characters, role artistic detail(symbolism).
  16. The color scheme of the novel "We", the symbolism of color.
  17. The nature of the confrontation between the United State and the world behind the Green Wall (at the level of ideology, objective world, portrait details of characters, lifestyle, color scheme, etc.).
  18. The author about the novel "We". From the story "The Islanders" to the novel "We". Satirical (political) and universal codes for reading the novel.
  19. The novel “We” and literary dystopias of the twentieth century (J. Orwell “1984”, O. Huxley “Brave New World”).

Read also articles on the work of E.I. Zamyatin and analysis of the novel "We".

2. The corrected answer will be counted as incorrect.

1. Why couldn’t O-90 become a mother?

A) due to mismatch of hormones

B) by physical characteristics

B) by intellectual level

2. What is this phrase “a deafeningly motley, confused crowd of people, wheels, animals” about?

A) The world behind the Green Wall

B) Painting in a museum

B) Ancient house

A) point out the absurdity of the need to explain the structure of life in a Unified State

B) point out the stupidity of the inhabitants of other planets

C) demonstrate superiority over the ancients

4. What was the Bicentennial War?

A) War between two generations

B) War between states

B) War between city and countryside

5. What dream foreshadowed D-503’s illness?

A) Jehovah and the spider

B) buddha and juice

B) liturgy and choir

6. For what purpose did I-330 choose D-503 out of all the numbers?

A) because I loved him

B) because he is the builder of Integral

B) by chance

7. What was the most majestic moment on the day of Unanimity?

A) when the question “Who is for?” was asked.

B) when the question “Who is against?” was asked.

B) when the riot started

8. E. Zamyatin - masterfully uses details when describing characters and space. Draw parallels:

1. “Her purple numbers on a golden field look into my eyes.” A)I 330

2. “some strange annoying X” B) Tablet

3. “Strange, fragile, blind structure” B) Benefactor

4. “A motionless figure, as if made of metal” D)S 47

5. “66 concentric circles” D) Integral

6. “graceful elongated ellipsoid” E) Area of ​​the Cube

7. “pink wings-ears” G) An ancient house

A) thin doctor

B) D 503

B) S 4711

10. When I 330 turns to D 503 with the words: “Do you understand that everything known is over? New, incredible, unprecedented"

A) on Unanimity Day

B) during the first trip beyond the Green Wall

B) during the Integral test

11. D 503 calls itself

A) microbe

B) phagocyte

B) chemical solution

12. In connection with what event were unifs issued to residents of the United State?

A) the holiday of Justice

B) day of unanimity

B) launch of Integral

13. What feelings does D 503 experience when he sees that the girl who has escaped from the walking rows is not I 330?

A) spreading indignation

B) mad, gushing joy

B) overwhelming surprise

14. “...it existed only as a metaphysical substance of an insult inflicted on the One State.” Who does the main character of the novel speak about this way?

A) about I 330

B) about 90

B) about a freckled, red-haired girl

15. What religious holiday of the ancients does D 503 compare the Day of Unanimity with?

A) Happy Easter

B) with Trinity

B) Merry Christmas

Didactic materials for a lesson on the works of E.I. Zamyatin

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Sosh"

Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Khalyapina L.N.

Novel "We"

History of creation and genre

The novel was not published in the USSR; its publication appeared abroad in English. In our country, it was published only in 1988. During the writer’s lifetime, critics hounded him even for unpublished works. In 1931, Zamyatin left his homeland forever. Dissatisfaction with Soviet reality made him wonder what the future should be like in which he could feel happy. The novel is recognized as a classic dystopia XX century If uto genreWhile PII suggests a bright future, dystopia does not provide such hope.The novel predicted that the totalitarian regime would destroy millions of peopleaction - both in the moral and physical sense. Much of what Zamyatin predicted came true. A totalitarian state was created in Russia, which lasted 70 years.


D-503 has a woman 0-90 who comes to him with a pink ticket. Unexpectedly, D-503 meets woman 1-330 and falls in love with her. She brings him to the Ancient House, where for the first time he sees what has long been gone from their lives: a piano, bright colors and unusual shapes, a statue of Pushkin. It turns out that 1-330 is involved in a conspiracy against the Benefactor. She wants D-503, the builder of the integral, to also participate in the Mephi plan: during a test flight, it is necessary to destroy the Green Wall, behind which natural life flows. If you destroy this wall, then you can put an end to the United State. D-503, as a loyal subject, wants to inform on his beloved, but first he goes to the Medical Bureau: it seems to him that a virus has grown into him. In his notes, D-503 reports with horror that he cannot fulfill his duties to the United State, that his “I” has separated from “we”. D-503 is taken into account: he needs to be treated, because he “has formed a soul.” And the Mefi plan, conceived against the state, of course, failed. Everyone is arrested, everyone will face punishment.

A Great Operation to remove fantasies is carried out on D-503, after which he feels at ease and he tells the Benefactor everything he knows about the enemies of Happiness. D-503 witnesses the execution of his beloved, but now she is just the one who wanted to destroy the happiness of the “multi-million body.”

The United State brutally dealt with a terrible threat to itself - with love, which awakens Personality, Beauty and Goodness in a person. A single State can exist only when its citizens are numbers who are deprived of the opportunity to love.

Image of the future

The society of the future is presented in a fantastic and grotesque form. This is the “mathematically perfect life of the Unified State” (US). Soulless technology and despotic power turned man into an appendage of a machine, took away his freedom, and brought him up into voluntary slavery. Everything here is controlled by the Benefactor through his Guardians. In the EG, everything is thought out, the weight of the rebellious nature of a person is taken into account and all the levers are found to suppress them. Love in the EG is prohibited; it comes down to sex and the law of procreation. For each, a suitable report card for sexual days is determined and pink coupons are issued. Beforeus world withoutlove, without soul, without poetry. It was suggested to a “number” man, deprived of even a name, that happiness lies in the renunciation of one’s own “I” and dissolution in the impersonal “we”.

Main conflict

The main thing is the conflict of ideas: the ideas of Freedom and the idea of ​​a United Statedonations. The United State in the novel is a totalitarian state with a powerful system of suppressing the “I” in a person.

The novel gives a description of the future totalitarian state and warns aboutthe danger posed by an ideology that deprives an individual of freedom.

The main character is D-503

In his notes, D-503 talks about the measured and correct life of the numbers. This description is very similar to the description of the life of crazy people who get up at the same hour and at the same minute, start and finish work, bring spoons to their mouths and go to bed. D-503 praises this life, not realizing that his consciousness is just the result of indoctrination, the purpose of which is to acquire for the Benefactor an obedient cog that is easy to control.

Thematic assignments according to the Unified State Exam type

    Read the below piece of text and do B1- B7; C1-C2.

A customary five-minute pre-election break. Pre-election silence established by custom. But now it was not that truly prayerful, reverent, as always: now it was like that of the ancients, when they did not yet know our battery towers, when the untamed sky still raged from time to time with “thunderstorms.” Now it was like the ancients before a thunderstorm.

The air is made of transparent cast iron. I want to breathe with my mouth wide open. A painfully strained ear records: somewhere behind, a mouse-gnawing, alarming whisper. With my eyes not raised I see all the time those two - 1 and R - next to me, shoulder to shoulder, and on my knees someone else's - my hated - shaggy hands are trembling.

In everyone's hands there are plaques with watches. One. Two. Three... Five minutes... from the stage - a cast-iron, slow voice:

- Those who are in favor, please raise your hands.

If only I could look into His eyes as before, directly and faithfully: “Here I am all. All. Take me!" But now I didn't dare. With an effort - as if all the joints were rusty - I raised my hand.

The rustle of millions of hands. Someone's depressed "ah"! And I feel that something has already begun, it was falling headlong, but I didn’t understand what, and I didn’t have the strength - I didn’t dare look...

Who is “against”?

This has always been the most majestic moment of the holiday: everyone continues to sit motionless, joyfully bowing their heads to the beneficent yoke of Numera from Numeras. But then, with horror, I heard the rustling again: the lightest, like a sigh, it was more audible than before the copper trumpets of the anthem. So for the last time in his life a person will breathe a barely audible breath - and all around everyone’s faces turn pale, everyone has cold drops on their foreheads.

I looked up and...

This is a hundredth of a second, a hair. I saw: thousands of hands waved upward - “against” - fell. I saw a pale face crossed out with a cross I, her raised hand. My vision darkened.

Another hair; pause; quiet; pulse. Then - as if by some signcrazy conductor - in all the stands at once there was a crash, screams,a whirlwind of running unifs, confusedly rushing figures Keep bodies, someone's heels in the air right before my eyes - near the heels of someone's wide, open mouth, straining from an inaudible scream. For some reason this struck me most sharply: thousands of silently screaming mouths - as if on a monstrous screen.

Give answers to tasks B1-B7 in the form of words or phrases.

IN 1. What official holiday of the United State is described in this episode?

AT 2. What kind of construction is the hero-narrator engaged in (write the word in the nominative case)?

AT 3. What combination of numbers and letters serves as the name of the hero-storyteller?

AT 4. What stylistic figure is the repetition of the phrase “established by custom” at the beginning of the fragment?

AT 5. Find the expressive epithet in the last sentence of the passage (write the word in the nominative case).

AT 6. What figurative and expressive device is used in the following sentence: “With effort - as if all the joints were rusty - I raised my hand”?

AT 7. What is the name of a stylistic figure based on the combination in one object or the phenomenon of the incompatible (for example, “a mouth bursting with an inaudible scream”; “thousands of silently screaming mouths”)?

Answers to tasks B1-B7

IN 1

    Tasks with a detailed answer of limited scope (5 - 10 sentences)

C1. Why does the once-favorite holiday now cause the hero-storyteller not awe, but anxiety? C2. What works of Russian literature depict pictures of uprising or revolt against the authorities and in what ways are they similar to E. Zamyatin’s novel “We”?

    Give a complete, detailed answer to the problematic question (in at least 200 words), using the necessary theoretical and literary knowledge, relying on literary works, the author’s position and, if possible, revealing your own vision of the problem.

C5. Why does the hero of E. Zamyatin’s novel decide to title his personal notes “We”?

Used Books

    Krutetskaya V.A. Russian literature in tables and diagrams. 9-11 grades. – St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2010

    Kuchina T.G., Ledenev A.V. Thematic test tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy; Vladimir: VKT, 2010