It would be a shame to characterize the characters. Speech characteristics of the heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboedov A.S.

Sirvint-Sherman Z.M. Sketch theatrical production to the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Famusov's image
Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is an elderly man, self-confident and domineering. A wealthy nobleman, a widower, the father of his only seventeen-year-old daughter, whom he loves very much and raises in his own way, in the spirit of old times. Famusov is a major official, although he approaches his service formally, it does not interest him (... it’s signed, off his shoulders). Always strives for his own benefit. This is evident from the way he talks about his daughter's marriage. Famusov loves to brag. He even boasts about what he does not have, for example: monastic behavior, although he himself flirts with the maid Lisa. In the image of Famusov, the author portrays an ordinary person for that time, with his views on life and upbringing.

Image of Sophia
Sophia is Famusov’s daughter, she is seventeen years old. From the words of her father, we learn that she lost her mother early, so Madame Rosier and visiting teachers were involved in her upbringing. As a child, she was very friendly with Chatsky, possibly in love with him. Likes to read French novels. He treats his maid Lisa well and considers her the only devoted person. She sincerely loves Molchalin, considers him smart, handsome and similar to the hero of her loved ones French novels. He does not hesitate, on occasion, to deceive his father, and has absolutely no sympathy for Chatsky.

The image of Chatsky
Chatsky is a young man, Sofia’s childhood friend. He is very smart and well read. His speech is literate and colorful. Arriving from abroad in Moscow, he rushes to meet Sofia and rejoices at the upcoming date. He is lively, inspired, eloquent (even talkative), witty, full of life, and jokes a lot. But the strange cold reception offends him, he is upset and puzzled by Sofia’s inattention, because, rushing to his homeland, Chatsky hoped that she was waiting for him.
Chatsky mocks and condemns the life of the Moscow nobles. He doesn’t like the fact that Russian children are taught to read and write by foreign teachers, and the children do not know pure Russian. Chatsky came to Russia with the hope of changing the old order, but these hopes were not realized.

Image of Molchalin
Molchalin is a young man in the service of Famusov. He is his secretary and lives at his home. Before meeting Famusov, Molchalin was either a minor nobleman or a commoner; after meeting him, he began to quickly move up the career ladder.
Molchalin’s characteristic features are the desire for a career, the ability to fawn, and hypocrisy. He is a man of few words. This is explained by his fear of expressing his judgment. Molchalin knows that if he wants to make a career, then he needs to please his bosses in everything. In an effort to rise in rank, Molchalin fawns and fawns on influential people. WITH different people he talks differently. He addresses Famusov with respect, and Sophia with particular modesty; with Liza he does not mince words; with Chatsky he speaks outwardly politely, but behind this lies complacency, mockery and a desire to teach. The manner of talking to people reveals all of Molchalin’s hypocrisy. His father bequeathed to him to please all the people who could be of some use to him. And he largely follows this advice.
Chatsky, who knows the type of officials such as Molchalin, predicts for him the possibility of a brilliant career.

Characteristics of the Moscow nobility
About life, way of life and morals of Moscow in the 20s of the 19th century. and its individuals, we learn from the words of Chatsky and Famusov. We see before us a sleepy, ossified life, where nothing changes for many years. Blind worship of everything foreign is shown, whether it concerns fashion, education or language. The empty pastime of many is to attend numerous balls and festivities in order to pursue ladies there. Mention is made of a serf-theater - a cruel tyrant, an obscurantist - a member of the academic council.

There are two conflicts in the play that are closely related. One of them is love, the other is social. This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy “Woe from Wit”. Love line represented by Chatsky, Sophia and Molchalin. The social line is expressed by the opposition between the conservative nobility, the main exponent of which is Famusov, and the progressive views on the structure of society, which Chatsky preaches. TO Famusov society also applies to Molchalin, Sophia’s lover. Love and social conflicts are united by the image of Chatsky, the main character of “Woe from Wit.”

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky returned from abroad and immediately went to Famusov’s house, where he had once been brought up and where he had been absent for three years. Chatsky dreams of meeting his beloved Sophia, Famusov’s daughter. But Sophia greets him with extreme restraint, because she is in love with Molchalin. The hero does not understand the reasons for the girl’s cooling towards him.
He begins to ask her, her father, about this. And in the verbal battles between these heroes, serious contradictions appear on issues of morality, culture, education, and the structure of society.

Famusov in comedy it represents the “past century”. Main feature The worldview of the conservative nobility is that they do not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being. In the noble society, at which Griboyedov’s satire is directed, only rank and money are valued. And Famusov is no exception. He speaks with pride of his uncle, Maxim Petrovich, who knew how to “curry favor” and therefore “knew honor before everyone.” The only thing that Famusov really cares about is society’s opinion of him.

On behalf of the “past century” also speaks Molchalin. Its main virtues are “moderation and accuracy.” He is a worthy successor to the views of Moscow high society. He knows how to curry favor, strives to make and maintain useful acquaintances. Even his relationship with Sophia is nothing more than serving her father.

Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. Their views on the structure of society are alien to him. Chatsky is the owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve “the cause, not individuals,” because he highly values ​​individual freedom, honor and dignity. Chatsky is the only comedy hero who represents the “present century.” It expresses the ideas of the author himself - ideas of morality and enlightenment that conservative nobles are not ready to accept.

When characterizing the characters in “Woe from Wit,” the most difficult thing to interpret is the image Sofia Famusova. It cannot be attributed either to the “present century” or “to the past century.” Unlike her father and Molchalin, Sophia is not afraid of the opinions of society. She tells Molchalin as much when he asks her to be careful and not show her feelings in public.
She plays music and reads books, which Famusov considers unnecessary and even harmful. But Sophia is not on Chatsky’s side, since his accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia starts a rumor that Chatsky is crazy, and society is so actively spreading this gossip.

List characters“Woe from Wit” is not limited to the main characters. To understand the issues, the secondary characters of “Woe from Wit” are also important. For example, it is impossible to imagine the development of a love affair in a comedy without Lisa's maids, who helps Sofya and Molchalin keep their dates secret. Also, the image of Lisa participates in a more complete disclosure of other characters in Griboedov’s “Woe from Wit”. Molchalin shows her signs of attention, and it immediately becomes clear to the reader that he has no feelings for Sophia.

Colonel Skalozub also participates in the development of the love line. He is tipped to be Sophia's groom because he has money. The only pity is that I have no mind at all. But this helps to portray the army in a satirical way.

Off-stage characters carry a special meaning. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but other characters talk about them, which allows us to more fully imagine the mores of the noble society of that time. The most famous off-stage character is Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusov, who deliberately fell several times at the empress’s reception in order to amuse her and earn respect at court.

It should be noted that all the images of the comedy heroes acquire a deeper sound than was customary before the appearance of the play “Woe from Wit.” There are no absolute villains here, no heroes without flaws. Griboyedov refuses the traditional division of characters into good and bad. So Famusov is a caring father for his daughter, and Chatsky in some moments shows excessive ardor and unceremoniousness.

The characters created by Griboyedov do not lose their relevance today. After all, the problem of replacing old views with new ones is always topical. At all times there are people who bring progressive ideas to society, and those who refuse to accept the new, defending their outdated views.

This article describes the main characters of Griboedov's comedy. A description of the heroes and their characters will be useful to 9th grade students when preparing a report or essay on the topic “The main characters of the comedy “Woe from Wit”.”

The main characters of “Woe from Wit” - images of Griboedov’s characters and characteristics for an essay on the topic |

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In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", there are many characters. Most of them are used by the author as background or confirmation of certain principles secular society.

The main characters of the comedy

Despite the large number of heroes, the main action in the comedy is centered around four characters - Chatsky, Famusov, Sophia, Molchalin.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky

Alexander Chatsky

This is a young nobleman who was left an orphan in early age. A family friend, Famusov, was involved in his upbringing. Having matured, Chatsky begins independent life.

He spent three years abroad and after returning from the trip he visits his teacher Famusov and his daughter Sonya, for whom he has tender feelings and with whom he hopes to marry.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what Alexander Griboyedov wrote.

However, the picture he saw extremely discouraged him - Famusov was far from childhood memories about educators.

Thanks to a trip abroad, Chatsky was able to learn about the excellent relationships between people and their goals in life, so the corrupt aristocracy, mired in clichés and empty, meaningless actions, disgusts Chatsky. Chatsky’s attempts to explain his position and convince others of the opposite do not lead to success - at the end of the work he leaves Moscow, because he sees no other way out.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov
Famusov is the teacher of Alexander Chatsky. At the time of the story, he is the manager of a government agency. His wife died long ago, leaving him a daughter, Sophia. The image of Famusov is very contradictory; on the one hand, he is a man who is not deprived positive qualities character - for example, he takes Alexander in after the death of his parents and treats him as his son. On the other hand, he is dishonest and hypocritical person. The main measure of a person’s success and integrity for him is financial security and a high position. Famusov is a bribe-taker and a deceiver, which is why he has a conflict with his pupil.

Sofia Famusova
Sophia is the daughter of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. In the comedy she is depicted as an adult - a girl of marriageable age.

Despite the fact that she is not so mired in the aristocratic swamp, the girl is still partially negative character– her disregard for true feelings pushes her away from this character.

The girl loves when people please her, and she doesn’t care much about the fact that such behavior looks humiliating.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin
Molchalin is Famusov’s personal secretary, although officially he is an archive worker at the government agency where Famusov works. Molchalin is a simple person by birth, therefore, for the sake of the title and the right to belong to high society he is ready for anything. Molchalin pleases Famusov and his daughter in every possible way in order to make his dream come true. In fact, it is hypocritical, stupid and dishonest man.

Minor characters

This category includes characters who have significant influence to shape the plot of the comedy, but at the same time they are not active characters. In addition, this also includes heroes who have overly generalized and vague character traits, such as Lisa.

Repetilov is an old friend of Famusov. During his youth, he led a dissolute and stormy life, giving in to balls and social pastimes. Due to absent-mindedness and lack of concentration, he was unable to provide himself career growth.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the comedy “Woe from Wit,” written by Alexander Griboyedov.

Sergey Sergeevich Skalozub

Skalozub is a rich officer. By nature he is a prominent person, but stupid and uninteresting. Skalozub is too fixated on military service and his career and sees no point in anything else.

Lisa is a young girl, a servant in Famusov’s house. She has an attractive appearance, which turns out well in her case negative trait- Famusov and Molchalin pester her. In Liza’s case, life in Famusov’s house becomes even more complicated difficult relationships with Sophia - Famusov’s daughter from time to time drags Lisa into her love affairs, which can cause the latter to have serious problems.

Tertiary characters

Largest quantity in a comedy of characters whose action occupies a fragmentary, episodic period of time. However, it cannot be said that their presence in the text is unjustified - in fact, they play a very important role. With their help, the main types of personalities of aristocratic society and the main negative qualities representatives of this layer.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky
Zagoretsky became famous in society as a rogue and a deceiver - he has an extraordinary passion for playing cards, but always plays in a dishonest way. In addition, Anton Antonovich prefers to lead an active social life - he is a regular person at theaters, balls and dinner parties.

Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova
Anfisa Nilovna is a relative of Famusov. At the time of the story, she is already an old woman. Khlestova was once a maid of honor, but now, in her old age, no one needs her.

Because of such dissatisfaction with life, the old woman acquired bad character and is an extremely unpleasant person.

Her house is full of young girls whom she has taken in and dogs - such company allows her to seem important and necessary and entertains the old woman in times of despondency.

Platon Mikhailovich Gorich
Not all representatives of the aristocracy are people with leveled qualities. Examples of people who have retained their moral character are Platon Mikhailovich Gorich. He is a kind and sincere person, with a sound mind and the ability to think, but he has too soft a character, which made him a confident henpecked man.

Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich
Natalya Dmitrievna is Platon Mikhailovich’s wife. A woman is much younger than her husband, and in contrast to him, has a special love for social life, which terribly burdens the husband, but Gorich is unable to resist his wife’s desires.

Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhovsky
The surname of Pyotr Ilyich fully corresponds to his essence, or rather to his physical defect. The prince is terribly hard of hearing, which makes his life much more difficult. Hearing problems became the reason that Pyotr Ilyich rarely appears in public, and his wife became the commander of her husband and their life in general.

Marya Alekseevna Tugoukhovskaya
Marya Alekseevna is Pyotr Ilyich’s wife. They had 6 daughters in their marriage. All of them unmarried girls, at the time of the story. The prince and princess are forced to constantly appear in public with their daughters in order to successfully marry off their daughters, but so far the hopes of these nobles have not been justified.

Countesses Khryumina
The grandmother and granddaughter are hiding under the name of the Countesses Khryumin. The main emphasis in the comedy of the two of them is on the granddaughter, who remains an old maid, and therefore she is always angry and offended by the whole world.

The Grandmother Countess is a decrepit old woman who dinner parties and the balls are no longer affordable, but she still tries to attend them, apparently to find a husband for her granddaughter.3 (60%) 2 votes

The main character of this comedy by Griboyedov is Alexander Chatsky, who ultimately suffered from his mind, which gave rise to the name of the comedy. Chatsky is the only comedy hero who represents the “present century.”

One of the main features of the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov is the presence in the play of two conflicts that are closely related to each other. One of them is love, the other is social.

Famusov in his comedy represents the “past century.” In the noble society, at which Griboyedov’s satire is directed, only rank and money are valued. Its main virtues are “moderation and accuracy.” Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. When characterizing the characters in “Woe from Wit,” it is most difficult to interpret the image of Sofia Famusova.

Unlike her father and Molchalin, Sophia is not afraid of the opinions of society. The list of characters in “Woe from Wit” is not limited to the main characters. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but other characters talk about them, which allows us to more fully imagine the mores of the noble society of that time. Woe from Wit" is one of the most quoted texts in Russian culture. Moliere looks at his hero from above and flaunts all his weaknesses and shortcomings.

Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” is, first of all, a dispute with the very idea of ​​​​Moliere’s comedy “The Misanthrope”. A young man who is at odds with society is in love with a girl who belongs to this society and does not respond to his feelings. The conflict between man and society is the main problem of both comedies. In order to understand what this conflict is for Alceste and for Chatsky, you need to understand a lot about their characters.

Heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit". Sofia, Famusov, Molchalin

His ideas and caustic, mocking words cause mistrust and push people away from him. This is partly the meaning of the title of the entire comedy. The mind makes itself hostile. The reason for Moliere's dislike for his hero was that the latter's actions and actions contradicted the tenets of the classicist consciousness. In order to reduce the pathos of Alceste’s words, hostile to the rules of classicism, Moliere forces the characters surrounding the protagonist to respond with a smile to his rantings.

On this occasion, Griboedov wrote in the same letter to Katenin: “I’ll add one thing about Moliere’s characters: “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”, “The Imaginary Ill” are portraits, and excellent ones. In connection with the above words of Acast, another important topic arises for understanding Moliere and Griboyedov. This is a relation to modern society and predecessors.

However, after all the discussions about author's respect We should return to the heroes and their ancestors in the comedy “The Misanthrope” itself. This is evidenced by the very location of the heroes. Pavel Famusov is Sophia's father, the owner of the mansion in which the comedy takes place, the gentleman and Molchalin's employer. A. S. Griboyedov was close to the Decembrists, and there was hostility in him towards the serfdom.

Analysis of the characters of Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”

Woe from Wit” he completed in 1824, and it was immediately banned by censorship. The roles of the characters are not expressed as clearly as in the classical play. Even Griboyedov’s typical image has individual features; it is multifaceted and interesting.

Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”: plot, characters, innovation in the work

It combines “situation comedy” and “character comedy.” Previously, comedy and sublime ideas were considered incompatible, but it was social conflict becomes the main thing in “Woe from Wit”. A. S. Pushkin called Griboedov a “comic genius,” quite rightly predicting that half of his comedy poems would go down in history. Woe from Wit" was the first work with such an accurate and quick reaction to current events. Chatsky, main character comedy, which appeared “on the eve of the disturbance on St. Isaac’s Square,” immediately began to be perceived by readers as a reflection in the literature of the Decembrist type.

A lot of controversy and mixed opinions have accumulated about this comedy, and even more about its main character. The purpose of my essay is to consider and compare all the characteristics of Chatsky. This work provides an overview of all interpretations of the image of the main character, the attitude of contemporaries, critics and friends of Griboyedov towards him.

This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy “Woe from Wit”. The love line is represented by Chatsky, Sophia and Molchalin. But Sophia greets him with extreme restraint, because she is in love with Molchalin. The main feature of the worldview of the conservative nobility is that they do not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being.

The main characters of Griboedov’s comedies “Woe from Wit” and Moliere’s “The Misanthrope”

And Famusov is no exception. He speaks with pride of his uncle, Maxim Petrovich, who knew how to “curry favor” and therefore “knew honor before everyone.” Molchalin also speaks on behalf of the “past century”. Chatsky is the owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve “the cause, not individuals,” because he highly values ​​individual freedom, honor and dignity. It cannot be attributed either to the “present century” or “to the past century.”

V. Belinsky. "Woe from Wit." Comedy in 4 acts, in verse. Essay by A.S. Griboyedov.Second edition of St. Petersburg. 1839

She tells Molchalin as much when he asks her to be careful and not show her feelings in public. She plays music and reads books, which Famusov considers unnecessary and even harmful. But Sophia is not on Chatsky’s side, since his accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia starts a rumor that Chatsky is crazy, and society is so actively spreading this gossip.

The main character of this comedy, Alceste, is disappointed in people and is obsessed with hatred of secular and any other human society. Sophia, whom he loves, does not understand him and does not respond to his love, preferring the quiet, mean Molchalin. But the main characters of the comedy are Famusov and Chatsky.