Childhood memories arguments for the Unified State Examination. Problems and arguments for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language on the topic: Childhood. The influence of childhood memories on a person's life

What is the significance of childhood for a person? Is it the most happy times in our life? The writer D. A. Granin poses these and other questions in his text. However, I want to consider in more detail the problem of perceiving childhood as a happy time.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, Granin gives an extended monologue of the hero, who reflects on what childhood is for him and comes to the conclusion that a person is “born for childhood.” The author especially emphasizes how deep the hero’s memories are, how sincere his gratitude to fate is for those joyful, warm years of his life when he was a child.

There is “only life, a pure feeling of delight at one’s existence under this sky.” The happiness of childhood lies in the fact that a person is free, he feels the fullness of life, delight, and understands that every moment of life is unique.

One cannot but agree with the author of the text that in the first years of our life we ​​perceive it as a joyful journey. we feel the beauty of every day, we feel the harmony of the world, our freedom. This is what makes up the happiness of every child; his future begins with happiness.

To prove the validity of my point of view, I will give the following literary example. Let's remember Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", where the hero remembers himself in his childhood years. Seven-year-old Ilyusha doesn’t think twice. Even about the meaning of life, about problems, he is playful, cheerful and active. He is interested in everything, he strives to explore every corner of the garden, runs to the dovecote, to the ditch. He is driven by curiosity. Even excessive parental care cannot take power over the child. In the village of Oblomovka, where laziness, idleness and tranquility reign, Ilyusha is the one little hero who is able to fully experience life and create his own kingdom.

L. N. Tolstoy speaks about the value of the happy time of his childhood for a person in his story “Childhood”. Nikolenka is sincere in his thoughts and feelings. With love he remembers the faces of his relatives, carefree games, happy time spent in the village. Before leaving and saying goodbye to his mother, he cries and notes how tears give him “pleasure and joy.” Over time, growing up, he comprehends the laws of life, and his childhood becomes that happy time when a person begins to understand who he really is, what is the power of mental perception and how to become part of a big and beautiful world.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: childhood is a world of real feelings, pure thoughts and uncharted roads. Freedom, close interaction with the outside world, internal agreement with oneself makes a person happier. We carry memories of our childhood years throughout our lives; they feed our spirit, inspire us, and make difficult moments easier. If there were no childhood, then there would be no real conscious perception of life, there would be no true values.

Updated: 2017-08-07

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The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of childhood. Childhood is an integral part of every person’s life, so childhood themes will never lose their relevance.

To interest the reader, the Russian writer Granin talks about his childhood memories. He writes that childhood was “the happiest time,” without responsibilities or a sense of duty.

You could dream, rejoice, even simple food there seemed extraordinary. The most valuable memories are those from childhood.

- “an independent kingdom that does not depend on the adult future.”

But I do not agree with Granin’s opinion. In my opinion, childhood leaves a significant mark on future fate person. After all, it is in childhood that basic values ​​and ideals are formed.

To prove my position, I would like to turn to Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spends most of his time on an old sofa. The hero has neither dreams nor goals. He does not strive to achieve any heights, be it his career or his personal life. What caused Oblomov’s passive behavior? The answer becomes obvious when the reader reaches

to the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream”. Ilya Ilyich dreams of him carefree childhood, long family breakfasts and a mandatory afternoon nap. Parents strictly controlled that the boy did not overwork, and, as an adult, Ilya Ilyich was unable to replace the ideals laid down in childhood. It was childhood habits that turned Oblomov’s life into an empty existence. I am convinced that childhood largely determines our adult life.

Another proof can serve as Gogol’s novel “ Dead Souls" From an early age, Chichikov’s father taught his son to “save and save a penny,” to please his bosses and not to mix with his comrades. Pavel Ivanovich followed these instructions all his life. But can the eternal pursuit of money be called “life”?

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Topic: "Childhood"

Alyosha Peshkov, who was left without parents at an early age, lives in the family of his grandfather Kashirin along with numerous relatives - the families of his grandfather’s two sons. Grandfather and grandmother and all other relatives had a huge influence on his fate, each in their own way laid the foundations of his character and worldview.

Life in his grandfather’s house was difficult, there was not always contentment in it, there were times when Alyosha had to wear out someone’s old clothes and there was no money to buy books for school.

But if only there were material problems in the house. Cruelty, rudeness, and disrespect for each other reigned in the family. Grandfather often beat grandmother, uncles always quarreled over inheritance, even among cousins ​​there was enmity. How could a child grow up in such an atmosphere?

And how many deaths did the boy have to endure! His parents, Gypsy, whom he loved so much, and his brothers died before his eyes. It’s difficult for an adult to survive all this, let alone a child. And childhood itself ended very early: after the death of his mother, his grandfather sent Alyosha “to the people,” that is, to work with people.

And yet the boy did not become embittered, did not harbor a grudge. He grew up to be an open, kind and sensitive person. Even in this house, where there was so much hostility, he found something that made him happy: communication with people dear to him. And this was his grandmother, and Gypsy, and Good Deed. They brightened up the joyless days.

How much warmth there was in the attitude of his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, this amazingly kind and morally pure woman. Thanks largely to her, Alyosha became sensitive and attentive, loving beauty, folk art, she taught him to see the beauty of life. Grandma was for Alyosha “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person.”

Good Deed attracted Alyosha with his education, his erudition, and his difference from the others. He aroused in the boy a desire to learn and explore the world. But even « lead abominations» tempered the character of the hero, making him stronger.

Alyosha also really liked the foundling orphan Gypsy, kind, cheerful, cheerful. How many fun minutes they spent together! How tragic is the fate of Gypsy - he died, suffered a strain while carrying the cross.

Alyosha is also drawn to the blind master Grigory Ivanovich, who lost his sight while working for his grandfather.

How important it is that in childhood, when character is being formed, the child meets good, real people. After all, it is at this age that the foundations of a future adult personality are laid, the values ​​that a person will follow throughout his life.

There were such people in Alyosha’s childhood. An atmosphere of love and respect reigned between Alyosha’s parents; it’s a pity that they both died so early.

“As a child, I imagine myself as a beehive, where various simple, gray people carried, like bees, the honey of their knowledge and thoughts about life, generously enriching my soul, whoever could. Often this honey was dirty and bitter, but all knowledge is still honey.”

Eat Nice words that we all come from childhood. And this is true, because over the years our past does not let us go, filling our hearts with warm memories. Although life shows that not everyone had a rosy childhood, moreover, many, having matured, want to forget about it. It is quite natural that from these contradictions arose in favor of their influence on a person at various periods of his life, found in the works of writers, teachers, and psychologists.

The significance of childhood memories

Now we are increasingly faced with the fact that the topic school essays, discussions at lectures on psychology and pedagogy, the subject of scientific dissertations becomes problem of childhood memories. Arguments high school students argue in favor of their value in their essays, analyzing those positive emotions which such memories evoke in the soul of every person. Teachers hold interesting discussions with students on this topic. Psychologists believe that every person stores all the events that happened in childhood on the shelves of his memory, and at any moment they can radically change his life.

Memory problem

Memory is valuable because at any time it can return us to childhood, so distant and so dear.

  • We remember how young and beautiful our parents were then.
  • Of course, we remember our friends from yard games.
  • We remember our first matinees in kindergarten.
  • A special place in the corner of our memory is given to our classmates and teachers. Even if we were scolded for a poorly learned lesson or made a remark, over the years all this only brings about a warm, nostalgic smile.

However, the problem with memory is that it cannot be erased. But for many, unfortunately, it did not leave the brightest mark in the heart:

  • someone was teased at school;
  • someone was deprived of the attention of their parents;
  • someone was left orphaned and lived in an orphanage.

Such moments, of course, should not overshadow childhood, but since this is the case, every person should still have a bright spot in his past, the memories of which will give him strength in his adult life.

The problem of childhood perception

Most people consider childhood the most beautiful time in their lives. Remembering distant happy times, they mentally imagine themselves small and carefree. Old photographs help add brightness to perception. Such people identify their childhood with fairy tales, children's books, New Year's gifts. However, as mentioned above, not everyone perceived childhood as a holiday. Here arises problem of childhood memories. Arguments can be both for and against. What to do?

  • On the one hand, if a person perceives memories of childhood in a negative way, perhaps it is not worth reminding him of it once again and traumatizing his psyche.
  • On the other hand, such a person is needed so that he can give his children what he himself did not receive at the time.

The meaning of childhood memories in the works of different writers

A number of writers in different time created unforgettable works that describe the lives of the heroes, from their childhood to the time when they became adults and stood firmly on their feet. And the theme of childhood memories runs through the entire outline of the plot.

  • One of the brightest literary examples You can call Veniamin Kaverin’s book “Two Captains”. Her characters were happy in their own way in their perhaps difficult childhood. But it gave them a strong friendship for life. And no matter what trials fate presented them with, they helped them become stronger and more confident to move towards new victories.
  • The hero of Maxim Gorky's story "Childhood", as a child, learned a lot from his grandmother. And already in his adult life, remembering his childhood, he understands that only thanks to her he became a kind and sympathetic person, capable of empathizing and helping people, giving them his love and affection.

The influence of childhood memories on a person's life

Psychologists say that events occurring in childhood can seriously affect the future fate of a child, shaping his character from an early age. The actions of an adult can often reflect his childhood memories.

  • If parents suppressed any signs of independence in the child, this developed in him such a trait as stubbornness. Moreover, over the years this quality remains.
  • If parents teach their child to be open and sociable from childhood, such children grow up sociable and easily find mutual language with others.
  • If parents considered it the norm to punish their child for any, even minor, offense, such a child will grow up secretive and vindictive.
  • If the parents overprotected the child and did everything for him themselves, he grows up to be a weak-willed person who constantly needs someone’s advice.

Parents should trust their children, see future adults in them, and then problems will arise less often. problem of childhood memories. Arguments psychologists in their research are bright that proof.

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) The strongest impression on me is made by dreams in which distant childhood rises and no longer existing faces appear in the vague fog, all the more dear, like everything irretrievably lost. (2) For a long time I cannot wake up from such a dream and for a long time I see alive those who have long been in the grave. (3) And what lovely, dear faces they all are! (4) It seems that what I wouldn’t give to even look at them from afar, hear a familiar voice, shake their hands and once again return to the distant, distant past. (5) It begins to seem to me that these silent shadows are demanding something from me. (6) After all, I owe so much to these people who are infinitely dear to me...

(7) But in the rosy perspective of childhood memories, it is not only people who are alive, but also those inanimate objects that were in one way or another connected with the little life of a beginner little man. (8) And now I think about them, reliving the impressions and sensations of childhood.

(9) In these silent participants in a child’s life, in the foreground, of course, there is always a children’s book with pictures... (10) And this was the living thread that led out of the children’s room and connected it with the rest of the world. (11) For me, to this day, every children’s book is something alive, since it awakens a child’s soul, directs children’s thoughts in a certain direction and makes a child’s heart beat along with millions of other children’s hearts. (12) A children's book is a spring ray of sunshine that awakens the dormant powers of a child's soul and causes the seeds thrown onto this grateful soil to grow. (13) Children, thanks to this book, merge into one huge spiritual family that knows no ethnographic and geographical boundaries.

(14)3Here I will have to make a small digression specifically about modern children, who often have to observe a complete disrespect for the book. (15) Disheveled bindings, traces of dirty fingers, bent corners of sheets, all kinds of scribbles in the margins - in a word, the result is a crippled book.

(16) It is difficult to understand the reasons for all this, and only one explanation can be accepted: too many books are being published today, they are much cheaper and seem to have lost their real value among other household items. (17) Our generation, which remembers an expensive book, has retained a special respect for it as an object of the highest spiritual order, bearing within itself the bright stamp of talent and holy work.

(According to D. Mamin-Sibiryak)


Childhood is the most reverent and magical time for a person. This bright time leaves an indelible imprint on the rest of your life. As a child, we strengthen in our minds the model of human behavior in the family, absorbing, like a sponge, the atmosphere created by our parents.

It is in childhood that the main life values: we begin to appreciate what our family and friends valued, we have a negative attitude towards what mom and dad spoke with dissatisfaction about.


The problem of childhood is raised in his text by D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Memories of childhood, of the people who surrounded the hero in his childhood, of objects so dear to the heart, fill the author’s heart and make him think about the past.

A comment

The author often sees his long-gone childhood in a dream, where long-gone people are nearby, especially dear because of the impossibility of seeing them again in reality. The soul hurts more from the desire to talk to them, hug them, hear their native voice and see their faded faces.

Sometimes it seems that these people demand something from him, because it is impossible to make up for what the hero owes to them.

Not only family and friends come to mind, but also childhood objects that were a constant companion of that time. First of all, a book comes to mind - bright, colorful, opening up the whole wonderful huge world to the child’s consciousness, awakening the soul of a growing person.

The author complains that in modern world Children have a completely different attitude towards books. It is characterized by disrespect for her, a careless attitude. D. Mamin-Sibiryak tries to understand the reasons for this, finds it in the fact that children's books have become cheaper, more accessible, and as a result have lost their value.

Author's position

Your position

From the early childhood It is worth teaching your child respect for the world around him: for nature, for animals, for toys and books. Otherwise, he will not be able to subsequently appreciate what brings him pleasure and benefit.

Argument No. 1

Speaking about the influence of childhood on the formation of a person’s character, it is worth remembering Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". There is a whole chapter in the work called “Oblomov’s Dream,” where the author introduces us to the world that raised Ilya Ilyich from the moment of birth to his student years.

His parents and nannies pleased him in everything, protected him from outside world. Main value in Oblomovka there was food and sleep. And as he grew up, the hero began to value lying on the couch and the opportunity to eat deliciously more than anything in life.

Oblomov's friend, Andrei Stolts, was brought up completely differently. His family valued activity, practicality, and the ability to work. And he grew up just like that - a focused practitioner who never wastes a minute.

Argument No. 2

In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" can also see the influence of childhood on development main character Katerina. Her childhood was bright and rosy. Her parents loved her and raised in her a love of freedom and the ability to sacrifice everything for the sake of her loved ones.

Finding herself in the Kabanov family after her marriage, for the first time in her life she found herself in an unfriendly environment, in a place where personal freedom and freedom of expression of feelings were not perceived, where everything was done according to the rules of house-building.

Katerina could not withstand the oppression and died, throwing herself into the river in despair.


No matter how we feel at one time or another, no matter how we regret own life and were not disappointed in tomorrow, children should not feel and know all this. Be responsible to your children, teach them what will really be useful to them in life, what will help them adapt to the world in which they will have to live and raise their own children.