Our own business: we open computer courses. Non-state educational institution: participant in legal relations in the field of education

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - permitting documents;
  • - premises;
  • - furniture;
  • - equipment;
  • - technical means of equipping the process;
  • - clients;
  • - advertising;
  • - methods for studying the characteristics of children;
  • - individual plan working with each student;
  • - an agreement with clients for the provision of tutoring services.


Create a business plan. Like any other type of business activity, opening a tutoring center requires careful calculation of all necessary investments.

Get busy official registration permission to carry out your tutoring activities. Be prepared to pay income taxes. If you choose illegal activities, sooner or later you may incur administrative or even criminal liability for concealing income from the state.

Rent a room for tutoring activities. If you're going to lead individual sessions with students, then the area of ​​the room may be small, otherwise its footage must be calculated depending on the expected number of children.

Make sure that the room is sufficiently equipped with furniture and other educational equipment: books, tables, computers, etc.

Enter into an agreement with your clients for the provision of tutoring services. If you are a legal entity, then indicate the name and details of the company in the contract. In this case, you will have to obtain a license for educational activities. If you act as an individual entrepreneur, then the agreement must be concluded on your own behalf.

When starting your direct tutoring activities, identify the most vulnerable areas in the knowledge of each student. Testing methods, interviews, independent work and so on. Taking into account the data obtained, draw up a course of further work with the student, taking into account all the features of his knowledge, as well as the development of thinking processes, memory, attention, etc. Pick up required material(theoretical and practical) for conducting classes, as well as effective methods and teaching techniques.

Create a class schedule that takes into account your child’s workload in educational institutions, and also plan your personal schedule.


Start creating an educational center necessary in order to develop your own concept, i.e. determine the focus of the courses that will be held there. This could be a center with professional training courses (accounting, investments), a training center, teaching some original courses, for example, Feng Shui.

Then the educational center must be registered as a non-state educational institution, indicate its type of activity, for example, the provision of educational services, and select a taxation system. The most profitable in this case will be “” at a rate of 6% of the income received.

Next, you need to select personnel. To begin with, 1-2 teachers will be enough. However, pay attention to their literacy and professional training, because the success of your business will depend on their work. In addition, for work center You will need 2-3 consultants, a secretary and an accountant.

As for the premises, for classes you will need an area of ​​at least 200 square meters. It can be rented from any educational institution (university or college). Renting a vacant space will cost more. But then you can immediately organize a reception area, a computer class and 2-3 classrooms for classes.

To open an educational center you will need a set of equipment. It should include 10-12 computers, tables, chairs, office equipment (printer, copier, fax), cabinets, educational literature and consumables.

Remember that educational activities are subject to licensing. To obtain it, you must contact the Education Department in your area and provide information about the number and level of education of the teaching staff, premises, technical equipment, etc. Consideration of the application may take about 1 month.

Video on the topic


  • how to create a training center

Russian legislation does not provide an unambiguous and specific definition educational activities. It follows from the meaning of the Law “On Education” that such activities involve equipping students with knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as professional training in a certain specialty. Private educational institutions are helping to cope with the increased needs of citizens for educational services.

You will need

  • - Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.


Select the organizational and legal form of a private educational institution. You can use a non-profit organization for this purpose or register as an individual entrepreneur. The law does not allow a legal entity that is a commercial structure to engage in educational activities. Being individual entrepreneur, you can conduct business yourself, or use the capabilities of third-party specialists.

Find out whether the activity you intend to conduct is subject to licensing conditions. A license is not required if you intend to carry out educational activities through seminars, trainings or provide consulting services without issuing an education document. Individual pedagogical activity carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself is also not licensed.

Decide who will be the founder of the institution organized in the form legal entity. In some cases, to give educational structure authority, it is advisable to include a body among the founders state power or local government, as well as public organizations.

Develop a charter for an educational institution. Take as its basis the constituent documents of an existing educational institution that carries out similar activities in the field of education. It is advisable to engage a competent lawyer to draw up the document in order to avoid mistakes and take into account all the subtleties of the specifics of educational activities.

Register private educational establishment with the Federal Registration Service. Registration of an individual enterprise and such a form as a consumer cooperative is carried out by the tax authorities at the place of your residence or location of the legal entity.

After completing the registration procedure for the institution, register for taxes and other types of mandatory records. If necessary, obtain an educational license issued by local governments and the educational department of the subject of the federation. From this moment you have the right to in full carry out activities provided for by the charter of a private educational institution.

To open private business, large-scale financial investments are not at all necessary. You can start small. To start your own business, even an ordinary garage is enough, which is suitable for several types of promising work.

You will need

  • - Decoration Materials;
  • - equipment;
  • - tools;
  • - racks;
  • - Business Cards.


Arrange your garage depending on the direction you choose. Finish the walls or plaster them, make a high-quality screed on the floor, provide good lighting, and, if necessary, sewerage and heating. Take care of a reliable lock and even security if you are going to store it in garage valuable materials and equipment.

Try opening business, directly related to cars. Don't try to do a large number of works, because to compete with full-fledged service centers you are unlikely to succeed. Focus on one of the areas where car owners easily save money. This could include tire fitting and balancing, washing, anti-corrosion treatment. Complex engine repairs and paintwork may only be in demand among your friends who are aware of your reliability and reputation. Ordinary clients are unlikely to risk entrusting such types of repairs to an unfamiliar garage technician.

If space allows, open a simple production that requires minimum quantity equipment. For example, if you have a welding machine, start manufacturing metal structures, doors, grilles, etc. Swipe brief analysis relevant market and set prices significantly lower than those large manufacturers.

Convert your garage into storage. To do this, mount racks and install several pallets. You can schedule several hours a day when your warehouse will be open to customers. Additionally, you can take on the functions of a storekeeper and delivery driver. In this form business and the key role is played by finding at least one large client who will provide your income.

Video on the topic

With proper organization, this type of business activity such as food production brings good income and quickly pays for itself. Not a single factory can boast of such a turnover of its products. After all, people eat three times a day, and they are all potential buyers.


Consider whether your future business requires anything special, such as a grease trap, special confectionery equipment, or food pumps. Also keep in mind that the disadvantage of this area of ​​production activity is the short shelf life of raw materials. This in turn means that it is necessary to create good refrigeration and warehouse space.

Determine what types of products and for what segments of the population will be produced. Also decide on the age of your own potential buyers, because they could be adults, children or the elderly. Then think about the purpose of the product, that is, who it will be intended for - for healthy people, or maybe it will be diabetic, dietary or therapeutic products.

Create an initial business plan. Calculate in it how much money you may need to sell food production. Conduct an analysis of the company: what threats and opportunities exist at the stages of opening and development of the organization.

Purchase regulatory documentation. IN food production any products must be manufactured only in accordance with these documents. Basically, all companies work according to GOST, OST and TU - state, industry standards, as well as technical specifications, allowing the manufacturer to produce the widest range of different products and at the same time use an increased list of various raw materials. You can develop specifications yourself, but to do this they must be agreed upon with the Rospotrebnadzor authority and then registered with the department of the Center for Standardization and Metrology.

Find a production space. You can rent or buy the property. After this, approve the production program and list of products with the Rospotrebnadzor authority. Then you can proceed to purchasing the necessary equipment, installation and connection, ordering raw materials, containers, labels, and packaging.

Video on the topic

If you are a hairdresser or stylist and want to take your business to the next level, new level, then you should consider opening your own beauty studio. You can create a business with a small cash investment and earn good passive income.


Choose a suitable studio location. If you do not have enough regular customers, it is better to position the salon beauty in a well visited mall. On the other hand, if you already have a large customer base, you can open a business in any location of your choice.

Offer a variety of services that will help you stand out from your competitors. Add to list various techniques massage, nail and skin care treatments. You might even consider selling various products for beauty(nail polish, shampoos, gels, lotions, etc.)

Hire qualified stylists. Place an ad in the media and interview applicants who respond. As a business owner, you are responsible for everything that happens inside the studio beauty. Make sure all employees are licensed this type activities.

Make sure your studio is kept clean and tidy. If you want it to become a paradise for visitors, be sure to keep the environment cozy and welcoming. Require employees to clean their work areas daily and provide customers with a variety of drinks, such as tea or coffee. Additionally, strive to maintain a professional and business-like atmosphere.

Opening a business in a village should be done in a clear sequence and only after assessing the needs of the village residents themselves. At the same time, the entrepreneur should be patient, because his business in the village will require a lot of time and effort from him.

You will need

  • - business project;
  • - start-up capital;
  • - land plot or premises;
  • - automobile.

Private education in Russia has often been declared a priority at the highest level. However, this industry has not yet received real support. Problems that need to be quickly and professionally solved arise for entrepreneurs who want to educate children and adults on a market basis at the very beginning of their journey. To open a non-state educational institution (NOU), you must collect great amount documents, undergo licensing, develop and send for approval syllabus and much more.

First, let's understand the terminology. A non-state educational institution is a non-profit organization that provides educational services on the basis of an obtained license, and was created not by the state or a federal subject, but by a private individual (or group of individuals). In this definition, it is important to highlight the word “non-profit”, which implies that the standard registration procedure for private firms is not applicable to non-profit organizations.

NOU, like state organizations, have the right to provide the full range of educational services. Among them there are preschool, general, additional, higher and postgraduate institutions, as well as special institutions for orphans. These include companies conducting trainings, seminars, exhibitions, lectures in the event that participants are issued diplomas of their qualifications.

Registration procedure

Before starting the registration procedure, it is necessary to collect a large number of documents, the list of which is established on the basis of the Education Law. They must be submitted to the regional department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, and everything related to the license is worked out with the local Department of Education.

Any legal entity requires a charter to operate. In the case of a non-state educational institution, this document must meet the requirements of Article No. 13 of the Education Law. It should include in addition full name organization, address and information about the founders such information as:

  • detailed information about educational programs Oh;
  • standards for deduction and admission;
  • rating system;
  • rules for working with personnel;
  • the language in which lessons are taught;
  • training schedule;
  • procedure for providing paid services,
  • a system for building relationships between the institution, students and their parents.

The document must indicate the degree of competence of the founders and those persons to whom they are ready to delegate part of their powers, with the relevant acts and diplomas attached. The charter initially sets out all possible changes that it may be subject to in the future.

In addition, to register you will have to collect maximum amount information about the material and technical base of the institution. A complete package of documents relating to the available real estate is provided. This includes a lease or ownership agreement, the results of checking the premises for compliance with legally established sanitary and epidemiological standards, and a letter of guarantee from the owner of the building. Information about programs must be accompanied by detailed description all equipment that is planned to be used during the educational process. It must undergo the necessary licensing and be safe for health.

Before registration, you need to collect documents evidencing the NOU as a legal entity. Their list and submission rules are regulated by Law No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” dated January 12, 1996. Here they are:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Full name of the organization;
  • Checking account;
  • Legal and actual addresses;
  • Phone numbers of the institution;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • Print sketch;
  • Detailed information about the founders. For Russian citizens, these are notarized copies of passports, as well as contact information. Foreigners must provide apostilled documents, i.e. documents officially registered by Russian government agencies. Also, according to the requirements, all official papers must be translated into Russian.

When all the documents have been collected, you can submit an application for registration of a non-state educational institution. Before contacting the local branch of the Ministry of Justice, you must pay a fee of 10 thousand rubles, and attach the received receipt to the package of documents. After the application is received, the government agency orders a verification of all data, which can take up to one and a half months. If the result is negative, a repeat audit may be scheduled at the request of the applicant.

All documents submitted to the Ministry of Justice are checked very carefully, and Lately the number of refusals to register a non-state educational institution has increased significantly. Information about the founders and the results of inspection of educational premises are especially scrupulously examined.

Licensing procedure

Another official document that must be obtained before starting work is a license. It is needed to provide almost all types of educational services, except for tutoring and lectures and seminars that do not imply the issuance of final state diplomas.

To obtain a license, almost the same set of documents is required as for registering a non-state educational institution:

  • copy of the charter;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • founders' passports;
  • results of the audit of the building and material and technical base;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

All of them, together with the state registration certificate, are attached to the application, which is submitted to the regional office Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science. This body appoints a special commission, which within 60 days must conduct inspections of documents, buildings, equipment, teaching and administrative staff, educational programs and give a final answer. Work without this permission is punishable very strictly: a fine of up to half a million and even a prison term.

It should be noted that the requirements for compliance with all indicators stated in the documents for registration and licensing are extremely serious in the education system. So, when collecting and signing papers, you need to pay very close attention close attention for their content.

As you can see, obtaining permission to operate a non-state educational institution is not easy. The minimum period, which is easy to calculate by adding up the time for making decisions on licensing and registration, two and a half months, will most likely increase significantly due to all the delays in collecting necessary documents. Therefore, the optimal solution is to turn to professionals who are ready to take on legal and bureaucratic activities. After all, the slightest mistake in preparing for any of these procedures can devalue all the work done. Which, in case of failure, will have to start from scratch.

At present creation of a training center possible in two options:

1. Creation Training center vocational training (for blue-collar jobs).

2. Creation of a corporate training center and in the form of non-commercial or commercial organization(institutions).

In the first case, your company will be able to train only its employees in working specialties without assigning them qualifications.

In the second option you will be able to provide educational services not only to his colleagues, but also to third parties(partners, dealers, etc.) and receive income from this activity.

To create a corporate training center, you must register a private institution additional education or a commercial company (such as an LLC).

Registration of the Training Center in the form education (non-profit organization)

In accordance with Article 2 of the Law "About non-profit organizations" (January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ):

"1. A non-profit organization is an organization that does not have profit as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among participants.

2. Non-profit organizations can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, development physical culture and sports, satisfying the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits."

The main difference between a non-profit organization and an ordinary enterprise is that a non-profit organization (in any form: partnership, foundation, institution, union, etc.) does not have the right to distribute the profit received among its founders, but is obliged to direct it to the purposes indicated above .

We are ready to provide you with services for registering non-profit organizations of any form.

Algorithm for registering a private additional institution education (CHU or MIRACLE)

  1. Receiving primary information from the Client.
  2. Checking name options in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. For organizations wishing to use the words “RUSSIA”, “MOSCOW” or their derivatives in their NPO name, it is necessary to obtain prior approval. The cost of approval is 40 thousand rubles, the period is 1-3 months.
  3. Receiving a letter of guarantee for the provision of legal addresses and certificates of ownership of premises by legal entity. address.
  4. We prepare a set of documents for submission to the Ministry of Justice.
  5. Signing by the Client of a package of necessary documents.
  6. Payment of state duty.
  7. Certification by a notary of the founder's signature on the application.
  8. Submission of a set of documents to the Ministry of Justice.
  9. Registration of a private enterprise with the Ministry of Justice (1-1.5 months).
  10. Obtaining constituent and registration documents at the Ministry of Justice.
  11. Manufacturing of NC stamps.
  12. Preparation of copies of constituent and registration documents, applications for obtaining statistics codes and registering private enterprises with the fund: Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, MGFFOMS.
  13. Receiving statistics codes.
  14. Submission of documents to funds for registration of private enterprises.
  15. Receiving notifications from the funds (notifications about the registration of private enterprises and the assignment of registration numbers).
  16. Legal conclusion with the owner of the premises. the address of the lease agreement (this agreement may be required to open a current account for a private company).
  17. Opening a current account for a private company and notifying the tax authority about it.

    Necessary documents for registration of a non-profit organization in the form private institution of additional education (MIRACLE):

    a) if the Founders are Russian individuals:

  • copies of passports with all passport data;
  • postal code of registration.

    b) if the Founders are Russian legal entities:

  • constituent documents of the founder (Charter, constituent agreement, protocols/decisions on the appointment of a manager);
  • details, statistics codes;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities no older than 1 month;
  • certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and assignment of a TIN.

    Also needed:

  • a copy of the passport of the head of the organization,
  • address of the location of the permanent executive body,
  • letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises (legal address),
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the premises (legal addresses),
  • full and abbreviated name of the organization (including on foreign language(if needed)),
  • structure of governing bodies of a non-profit organization,
  • information about general director non-profit organization, chief accountant, as well as other officials who are determined constituent documents(full passport details, as well as contact numbers),
  • planned goals and activities of the organization.
  • declared form of taxation.

Price our services for registration of private enterprises - 25 thousand rubles. Registration period- 1.5 months.

The price of our services includes

  1. Consulting on registration of a private educational institution - non-profit organization (PE DO).
  2. Preparation of a set of necessary documents.
  3. Receiving documents from the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Tax Service and funds (by power of attorney).
  4. Production of one seal using conventional equipment.
  5. Assistance in opening a bank account for an organization and notifying the tax authority about it.

Registration of non-profit organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulations:

    1. Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.
    2. Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs."

Establishment- another of the many forms of non-profit organization, which is often chosen, for example, when registering a private enterprise, or non-profit organization (NOU), i.e. private educational institutions. In addition, various state, municipal and budgetary institutions formed by them are often created using this form.

Private institutions in the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” a separate article is devoted to:

“A private institution is a non-profit organization created by an owner (citizen or legal entity) to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-commercial nature.

The property of a private institution is under its right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code Russian Federation.

The procedure for financial support for the activities of a private institution and the rights of a private institution to property assigned to it by the owner, as well as to property acquired by a private institution, are determined in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.”

The functioning of a private institution, as well as the procedure and timing for its registration, are identical to the general procedure that applies to almost all types of NPOs. The main thing is to take into account the fact that NPOs are under increased scrutiny government agencies, therefore, the collection and filling out of documents should be taken much more seriously than the registration of ordinary companies. Due to the slightest inaccuracy, the Ministry of Justice will immediately refuse to register a non-profit organization, which means that the entire procedure will have to start over again, and the money for paying the state fee (see below) will not be returned. In addition, a refusal will follow if the person establishing the NOU (NOU, CHOU) cannot be a founder in accordance with the Federal Law or if a non-profit organization with the same name has already been registered.

It is important to note that the activities of some private institutions are regulated by separate laws, for example, the Federal Law “On Education”. In the case, for example, with NOU (NOU, CHOU), one should remember the need for additional procedures related to licensing of educational activities.

Deadlines for registering an institution (including NOU, NOU, CHOU) in Moscow and Moscow Region

Employees of the company "US Liberum" have extensive experience in the field of registration of non-profit organizations and are ready to advise the client on choosing the most correct form of non-profit organization that best suits its tasks. Our lawyers have high level qualifications to provide comprehensive assistance in registering NPOs of any type - public associations, funds, associations (unions), institutions, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, etc. They will prepare the required set of documents and represent your interests in all authorities - the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, the tax inspectorate, extra-budgetary funds (PF, Social Insurance Fund) and banks - thereby significantly saving time and effort on going through all stages of approval.

Consultations by specialists of the company "US Liberum" on issues related to the registration of NPOs, including the choice of the organizational and legal form of the NPO, are provided FREE OF CHARGE.

Institution registration scheme (including NOCHU, NOU, CHOU) in 2019

NPO (non-profit organization) registration services

  • Preparation of documents necessary for state registration of an NPO (non-profit organization) with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, including the development of an NPO charter, the structure of governing bodies, defining goals and types of activities.
  • Submission of prepared documents to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for state registration of non-profit organizations.
  • Representation of the customer’s interests related to the state registration of non-profit organizations at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • Registration of NPOs for tax purposes.
  • Obtaining documents confirming the fact of state registration of the NPO, including a certificate of registration of the NPO.
  • Receiving an information letter about registration in the Statregister of Rosstat (statistics codes).
  • Making a seal.

Additional services when registering an NPO

  • Registration with extra-budgetary funds (PF, Social Insurance Fund).
  • Opening a current account.
  • Providing a legal address for registration of an NPO.
  • Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

List of documents required for the creation and registration of an NPO

  • NPO name.
  • Passport details of the founders - individuals, details of the founders - legal entities, including passport details of the executive body of the founding legal entity.
  • Passport details of the head of the NPO.
  • Goals and subject of activities of NPOs.
  • Address for registration of the non-commercial organization (if the address is provided by the customer).

Our specialists will prepare everything Required documents for registration of non-profit organizations, and also organize their certification by a notary at any time convenient for the customer without queuing.

Advantages of registering an institution (including NOU, NOU, CHOU) with the company "US Liberum"

  • Vast experience in working and interacting with the Moscow and regional divisions of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • Knowledge of the requirements of the Ministry of Justice for the content of constituent and other documents of an institution (including NOCHU, LOU, CHOU) in order to pass all stages without comments.
  • Support and control of the registration procedure of an institution (including NOUCHU, NOU, CHOU).
  • Compliance with statutory registration deadlines.

The cost of services for registering an institution (including NOU, NOU, CHOU) in Moscow and Moscow Region

Registration services Price
Registration of an institution (including NOCHU, NOU, CHOU) 19,000 rub. - services;
4,000 rub. – state duty.
Amendments to the constituent documents of the institution (including NOCOU, NOU, CHOU) 12,000 rub. - services;
800 rub. – state duty.
Legal address for registration of the institution (including NOUCHU, NOU, CHOU) from 15,000 rub.
Making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (change of director) 8,000 rub.
Opening a current account 3,000 rub. as additional registration service
Obtaining evidence from off-budget funds(PF and FSS) 3,000 rub.
Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 2,000 rub.
Carrying out the procedure for reorganizing an institution (including NOU, NOU, CHOU) from 60,000 rub.
Liquidation of an institution (including NOCHU, NOU, CHOU) from 80,000 rub.
Registration of trademarks and service marks from 25,000 rub.
Obtaining Rosstat codes 2,000 rub.

For questions related to the registration of non-profit organizations and other non-profit organizations (NPOs), please contact our specialists by phone: +7 (495) 507-99-13 , +7 (495) 642-45-97 .