How much does it cost to open your own coffee shop? Who are you, our guest? Official registration procedure

Here we will look at an article about how to open a coffee shop, what is needed for this, you can download an example of a business plan for opening it.

A coffee shop is a small establishment that belongs to enterprises catering, but stands out from them with a specific assortment. In addition to the obligatory coffee - the main character of the coffee shop, the assortment usually includes confectionery, successfully harmonizing with the taste of the coffee drink. If the establishment is organized in a fast food format, it may offer several options for main courses, salads and cold appetizers.

Business plan

For you, we have prepared a detailed ready-made example of a coffee shop business plan for opening this establishment from scratch. The file contains all the approximate figures and calculations that will be necessary for your business.

Thanks to this example, you can evaluate your capabilities.

Instructions on how to open

So, let's look at the information on how to open a coffee shop from scratch, point by point.

Making a menu

An indispensable condition for a good coffee shop is a wide selection of coffee, so the assortment must include cappuccino, espresso, latte, Americano, mocha, and ristretto, which are in demand among consumers. The further assortment and menu of the coffee shop depend mainly on the desire and imagination of the owner of the establishment. Sweet desserts and buns are ideal with a cup of strong aromatic coffee. But there is no need to rush with other dishes; the initial stage should be limited to a minimum assortment of two or three items.

You can offer visitors a choice of cups in their preferred size or syrups to complement the flavorful drink. An option could be alcoholic cocktails, including a mandatory ingredient, for example, coffee with liqueur or cognac.

Documents for opening a coffee shop

First, you must register the company with the tax office. For a coffee shop, you need to choose one of two organizational and legal forms of ownership: individual entrepreneur or LLC. The OKVED code is indicated as 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

Having received the documents for opening a coffee shop from the tax office, you should immediately apply for a change tax regime and if it is impossible to apply UTII, then preference should be given to the simplified tax system of 15%.

We must not forget that in order to sell alcoholic products, you need to take care of the appropriate license.


The profitability of a coffee shop, in which the markup is higher than in canteens, cafes and even in a number of restaurants, is possible only if it is located in a crowded place. The best options include:

  • location in the business district;
  • intersections of busy streets;
  • near metro stations;
  • near markets, train stations, shopping centers, universities.

Quiet residential areas are not of interest to the coffee business, despite the low rent.


Like all catering establishments, coffee shops are subject to strict sanitary and hygienic requirements, presented in the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 29 of 03/31/11, as well as in SanPiN

The soundproofing layer will help to avoid problems when the establishment is located in a residential building, ensuring peace and quiet in the apartments of residents.

When organizing a coffee shop with 50 seats, 100-150 sq.m is enough, another 15-20 sq.m will be required for making coffee and trading. It is necessary to comply with fire safety requirements to obtain permission from the Fire Supervision Authority to conduct activities. It is necessary to take into account strict sanitary and epidemiological requirements for coffee shops and similar catering establishments, which regulate all processes associated with products in catering establishments: processing, preparation and serving of dishes.


In a coffee shop, the interior is an integral part of the entire idea of ​​the coffee business. Unity in assortment and design, expressing the key idea of ​​the business, should be present in everything - from the color of the walls to the types of coffee offered. There are no restrictions on the choice of style for coffee shops.

The main thing is not to forget that it is extremely important to divide the room for representatives of two opposing camps: smokers and non-smokers. You will also need an effective ventilation and air conditioning system.

Furniture and equipment

A stocked coffee shop contains, pcs/thousand rubles:

  • refrigerator - 2-3/50 each;
  • coffee machine - 1/30;
  • mixer - 1/3;
  • coffee grinder - several/15 each;
  • showcase - 1/150;
  • washing - 1/20;
  • cutting table 1-2/10 each;
  • microwave oven - 1/3;

And also, if necessary:

  • chest freezer - 1/30;
  • baking cabinet - 1/60.

To prevent the coffee aromas from mixing, a separate coffee grinder is needed for each type.

Furnishings for a coffee shop with an area of ​​150 sq.m., pcs.:

  • tables 40-60;
  • chairs 130-150;
  • bar counter - 1;
  • hangers (1 for 2-3 tables);
  • waiter's sideboard – 1;
  • interior items;
  • kitchen utensils.


The image of the coffee shop creates the quality of the coffee offered. When purchasing, you should be careful about the shape, color and roasting of coffee beans. It is important to understand the aroma of the raw materials and the prepared drink, determine the degree of its saturation and feel the presence of impurities. The aroma of truly good beans is clean, without additional odors, and their color and size are uniform throughout the same batch. The best option is to purchase three or four types of coffee for different types drink


Staff of a coffee shop with an area of ​​150 sq.m.:

  • director;
  • 2 cooks (shift work);
  • 4 waiters (shift work, 2 per shift);
  • 4 baristas (1 per shift);
  • 2 bartenders (for selling cocktails);
  • 2 cleaners.

If the coffee shop is supposed to not only sell purchased desserts, but also prepare your own, then the services of a technologist will be required.

To reduce costs, you can hire an accountant and a part-time driver.

Numbers and the coffee business

  • 1 cup of espresso - 7 g ground coffee.
  • 1 kg of beans – 140 servings of coffee.

If 1 kg of coffee raw materials costs 1.2 thousand rubles, and the price of 1 cup of espresso is 80 rubles, then it is easy to calculate that the revenue is 11.2 thousand rubles. This means that the profitability from making coffee can exceed 800%!

Opening a coffee shop with a hall area of ​​150 sq.m will require 2000-6000 thousand rubles. A stable level of work implies monthly revenue of about 1000 thousand rubles. Thus, the coffee shop pays for itself in no more than three years.

Pleasant quiet music, a cozy hall, high-quality service, inexpensive prices, a varied menu - this is what every person who decides to relax a little sometimes misses. We are talking about such a nice establishment as a coffee shop. It is not customary to compare it with a restaurant, since it serves mainly coffee and various types of it. But if the owner wishes, the menu will include some snacks. It is the tea atmosphere of a coffee shop, and not any other establishment, that allows you to pleasantly while away the time, enjoying the aroma of a hot drink.

It’s good to be a client of such an establishment, but it’s doubly nice to create it. And here the question arises, what does it take to open a coffee shop in Russia? Such a business has its own characteristics, which will be discussed within the framework of this article.

What do you need to get started?

It is necessary to compose a competent one. Since there are people in Russia who like the aroma of hot coffee, and among them there are also true connoisseurs of this drink, such a business can bring very good profit. But this is in the future, but for now there is some work to be done:

  • choose the right location for your future coffee shop;
  • choose the right room;
  • purchase furniture and equipment;
  • select qualified personnel;
  • create a menu.

Business registration

Before opening a coffee shop, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, you need to contact the tax office, where you can get full list necessary documents.

Of the two options, the first is preferable - registration is easier. This activity does not require licensing, but if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, then you will also have to obtain a license for this. An LLC is well suited for multiple owners.

As for taxation, you can choose one of two forms:

  • UTII;

It would be good to choose UTII, but the specifics of the business are associated with high expenses, so in order not to go broke, the simplified tax system remains the best option.

Place matters

Where to start opening a coffee shop in Russia? From choosing a suitable place. The main thing is not to rush and not make mistakes, otherwise instead of income there will be only losses. It is worth taking a closer look at those places where there is a large flow of people. These will be potential clients. The profitability of the business will depend on this.

It is worth paying attention to residential areas, intersections of busy alleys, and market squares. Sleeping areas and courtyards are not suitable! A good place can be found near shopping centers. Shouldn't be ignored educational institutions, train stations, airports, railway stations.

Which room should you choose?

When looking for a place for your coffee shop, you should also take a closer look at real estate properties. First of all, you need to pay attention to the available premises, what their rent is and whether any difficulties will arise during the arrangement.

When choosing a room, you should not save on space; it is better to make a small reserve for further expansion. The optimal room area can be from 150 m2 or more. In this case, the coffee shop can comfortably accommodate 50 to 60 people. A small part of the area should be allocated for preparing drinks. If the menu includes food, then it will also be prepared here. For this, 20-25 m2 is enough.

If you can’t even afford this space, then you should think about how to open a mini takeaway coffee shop. In this case, many businessmen organize a coffee shop in the basement of the house.

Since a coffee shop is also considered a catering establishment, the premises are subject to certain SES and fire inspection requirements. And before that, during the preparation of documents, obtain permission from these authorities. Here are some of these requirements:

  • If the coffee shop is located in a residential building, then the noise should not disturb the residents. To do this you need to make high-quality insulation.
  • The basement room must be treated with special fire-resistant compounds.
  • The room must be equipped with high-quality ventilation.

A more detailed list can be found directly at the SES or fire department. For smoking visitors, it is better to have separate rooms with improved ventilation.

The requirements must be taken seriously and strictly followed so that during regular inspections you do not receive penalties.


The interior decoration of a coffee shop should be conducive to a pleasant stay. Coffee is considered an elite drink, so the interior must be appropriate and you cannot skimp on it. To do this, you can attract professional designers, which will entail an increase in the budget. Or you can use your imagination, thereby saving your money.

For your establishment on initial stage You can choose any thematic style. American design means minimum quantity furniture and service, while the European style is characterized by beauty in everything. You can create sea ​​coast with a pleasant breeze or immerse visitors in the colonial era.

Lighting should also match the style of the room. Large chandeliers will create too much light, while small and neat fixtures will create soft lighting. Some decorative items add variety to the interior design. You can hang several thematic paintings, install lamps unusual shape, vases, plant beautiful plants. You can place bookshelves on the walls.


The main task of furniture is to provide maximum comfort to customers. Therefore, buying ordinary chairs is out of the question. Instead, it is better to purchase small sofas, armchairs or ottomans. There must be at least one bar counter; if necessary, you can install several. In addition, it is worth attaching a display case to it.

Usually, coffee shops do not have a wardrobe, and therefore you need to take care of purchasing hangers, which should be placed one for every 2-3 tables. This way the clothes will be in close proximity and at the same time will not interfere with either the client or everyone else. It is worth taking care of purchasing stands for wet umbrellas. In rainy weather this is a significant problem in many such establishments.


Good tableware is also important for a coffee shop. You can purchase cups with a company logo, or use dishes different colors and shapes to create a good color. Each drink requires its own type of glassware, so if the establishment will prepare cappuccino, espresso, latte, then at least three types of cups should be present.


Most of the budget will be spent on purchasing equipment. For a new coffee shop you need to purchase:

  • coffee machine;
  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerator or freezer (2-3 pcs);
  • microwave or baking cabinet;
  • cash register;
  • mixer;
  • water filter;
  • juicer.

Other necessary equipment can be purchased as needed. There is no need to save on basic equipment, since coffee is the main product and the number of visitors will depend on its quality. Italian companies offer high-quality products in this area.

You can provide a service such as takeaway coffee in your establishment. To do this, install a machine to dispense drinks. Takeaway coffee is the best option for those customers who can drink it on the way to work.

Menu is the basis of success

In addition to selling coffee, you can offer various dishes. You just need to find a middle ground between food and drinks. Just don’t overdo it, after all, this is not a dining room. For drinks, it is advisable to have a wide range of coffee and tea. At the beginning of work, it is enough to offer from 3 to 5 types of dessert and 3 or 4 varieties of salad. In the future, the menu range can be expanded by adding something new to replace the old.


How to open a coffee shop from scratch without staff? The answer is no. It is this that allows you to conduct full-fledged activities. All employees must be polite to customers. To create a good menu of appetizers and desserts, you need the help of a qualified technologist. Even if the baked goods are purchased at the store. Whether he will work later or not is up to the businessman to decide.

The staff may include:

  • bartenders (2-4);
  • waiters (preferably 4, ideally 5);
  • cleaners (2 are enough);
  • accountant.

Waiters should be well versed in the types of coffee and know how to prepare it. If necessary, an accountant can be hired on a part-time basis. If the establishment is not small, then the help of an administrator and a security guard will not hurt.

Advertising is the most annoying, but the most necessary

Proper advertising will allow you to properly promote your coffee business. You can start doing this a month or two before opening. And already on the first working day you can collect a decent number of clients. Clients themselves can give good promotion if you follow the basic rules. First of all, high-quality service with polite waiters, a rich assortment and much more will serve as good advertising for business.

Summing up

In the end, you can roughly calculate how much it costs to open a coffee shop. In such a business you can get by minimal investment it won't work. Size starting capital can range from 2 to 3 million rubles. If successful, the profit in just a month will reach 800 thousand rubles. This is subject to servicing 100-150 people per day. At this rate, a coffee shop can pay for itself in no more than 3-4 years.

How to create your own coffee business and, at a minimum, not “tread water”, and at most, not go broke, says a real owner of his own coffee shop. From his story you will learn how to come up with a name for your future success, how to develop a menu, how to work with suppliers and many more “secrets” of a profitable and, at the same time, very interesting business.

Opening a coffee shop from scratch. Step-by-step instructions from a real entrepreneur

Hello, my name is Alexander Nikiforov, I am from Tver. Today I own a small but very cozy one, which is in demand among local residents and city guests.

Even before starting the business, I had a clear idea of ​​future costs. Initially I planned to invest 300 thousand rubles, but it turned out even cheaper - 270-280 thousand.

It played an important role, thanks to which it was possible to implement the plan without additional costs. Of course, small adjustments had to be made, but they were few.

And one more thing: I think the most important of all the main factors in the development of a coffee shop is a good location. I recommend searching for premises for a cafe on the website Roomfi.Ru (

Based on my existing experience, I can say with confidence that coffee is real and inexpensive.

What do you need to open a coffee shop first?

I love coffee, so I often went to various coffee shops, studied their range, menu and process features. Communication with the barista provided information about visitors, features of business organization, and cooperation with suppliers.

I conducted a price analysis and studied the assortment. At the initial stage, it was decided to open an inexpensive establishment with prices slightly lower than those of competitors. I paid special attention to the menu and room design.

The main criterion for choosing was pedestrian traffic. I wanted to speed up the return on investment for the coffee shop and recoup costs faster due to greater traffic.

In the end, I chose a place in a small building with access to a pedestrian path. Proximity to large shopping centers and educational institutions guaranteed a decent flow of customers.

At first they advised me to open it at a car or railway station, but I abandoned this idea. Practice has shown that passing people are not ready to spend 120-150 rubles on a cup of coffee.

The size of the room is twenty square meters I had enough to place a bar counter and put several tables with sofas for each.

There was an option to buy coffee shops, but I took a different route and decided to register myself, from scratch. There were no problems with the documents. You will need it here.

The first option is suitable if you are running a business together with other people. Since I am the only one, preference was given to individual entrepreneurs.

As for taxation, the best option is UTII. Its advantage is convenience, because there is no need to report on other types of taxes, for example, property tax.

Generally speaking, the entire discovery process took place in several stages. First, I registered a legal entity, registered with the tax office and submitted an application for application.

The next step was to select a location and sign with the landlord. Next, I resolved the issue with suppliers, thought through the design and made repairs. Most of the time was spent on choosing and purchasing equipment and drawing up a map.

Let me make a reservation right away: it is important to carefully choose the barista who is the face of the coffee shop. I also hired one waiter, but a lot depends on your needs and size.

Take your time when choosing suppliers for your coffee shop. Remember, this is about long-term relationships and customer experiences. It is advisable to order milk with a fat content of 3.2% (an important point). Choose the rest based on price and quality.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

What attracted me to this one was its minimal investment requirements. From my friend's experience, I knew how to open a coffee shop.

At the same time, before drawing up a business plan, I did not clearly understand the level of costs of opening a business in a large locality. In general, there is plenty to roam around here.

I have already spoken about my initial investments (270-280 thousand rubles). But there are no upper limits here. Buying just one coffee machine can cost up to , so each entrepreneur makes his own decision.

By the way, a friend of mine invested an even smaller amount (100 thousand rubles). He limited himself to a small room and light cosmetic repairs. Within three months, he bought new equipment and made adjustments to the design of the premises.

Thus, the total investment increased to 300-400 thousand rubles. Perhaps, at the initial stage, this approach is the most optimal, because this way you can understand whether the business will “burn out” or not.

Actually, I also did not show off and went to reduce costs wherever possible - I found a room with an inexpensive fee, rented the most expensive one and did not go to excess in terms of decoration.

Over time, I corrected the situation and today my coffee shop only has new and expensive equipment.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch. Business plan for coffee to go.

Example menu

When organizing a business, pay attention to the menu, make it special and different from what your competitors offer. In other words, you need some kind of “zest” that will make your establishment fall in love.

Be sure to include in the menu latte, espresso, cappuccino, mocha and other coffee drinks that are most in demand among visitors.

To upgrade your coffee shops, add buns and cakes to the selection. Personally, this helped me increase the establishment’s profit and attract additional customers.

As for more serious dishes, their number should be limited (no more than 2-3). As an option, add to the range the possibility of adding syrups, various alcoholic cocktails with the addition of coffee.

When creating the menu, I tried to make it understandable for the user. You shouldn’t be overwhelmed by your knowledge of foreign languages ​​and types of coffee drinks - focus on clarity.

The fewer foreign names on the menu, the better. A person should sort out the available assortment himself, and not call the waiter to him every five minutes.

For example, my coffee shop is open in the morning, so a few simple dishes came in handy for breakfast. If there is a university or business center nearby, then fast food dishes are suitable as a complement.

An equally important point is the design of the menu. It is important that it fits comfortably in your hands and is easy to read. Make the font medium size (neither small nor large).

Also come up with names that will make you want to order the dish. If possible, describe the ingredients of the dish.

The picture is clickable. Click and you will find out how you can open an express coffee shop as a franchise without much difficulty and large investments!

It’s not hard to come up with a coffee shop name!


I already mentioned above that the interior of the establishment plays a key role. The number of clients directly depends on the literacy of its organization. For this reason, you shouldn’t skimp on extra surroundings.

If you have experience and the appropriate talent, do everything yourself. If you don’t have the required skills, then hire a designer who will do everything taking into account recommendations and current trends.

There are a million design options. I made the interior in a French style, but you can go another way - choose English classics or the Russian way of organizing an interior.

The main thing is that the finished establishment should have a sense of character and individuality.

Pay attention to the lighting fixture- it is better to refuse chandeliers on the ceiling. Dim, romantic light is more typical for a coffee shop. The best option is to place small lamps or table lamps at each table and in neutral places.


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Pay special attention to furniture. When buying chairs and tables, do not go for cheapness - focus on convenience for customers. Ideally, avoid chairs altogether and install small sofas instead.

Musical arrangement. When choosing music, consider the style you choose. If he is French, then the music should be appropriate. At the same time, the sound background should saturate the room and create an unusual atmosphere. The most commonly recommended are "blues", "folk" or "classical".

Pay attention color palette - she should not be intrusive. Also provide a ventilation and air conditioning system, which is very helpful in hot weather.

I was interested in business issues long before I got into it. My choice fell on coffee.

It has become too fashionable in recent years drink it five to seven while walking through the streets. Every coffee shop offers an opportunity called "take your coffee with you" . Plus, I'm a big fan of his myself.

Why a coffee shop?

When I came up with the idea of ​​starting a business, I was going through a lot of ideas in my head and didn’t even consider the option of opening a coffee shop. Somewhere on a subconscious level, I convinced myself that there were too many establishments of this kind and that opening a coffee shop meant dooming yourself to a constant struggle with competition and possibly incurring losses.

At that time, I paid attention to vending and was already ready to buy two coffee machines and one snack machine, but then I learned that in this business it is best to first select a location for the machines, and only then start purchasing.

I couldn't find a place, so I switched to a coffee shop. Moreover, the income from the coffee shop, according to my calculations, should have been much more income from several coffee machines.

I didn’t have any friends who could give advice in this regard, so I had to rely only on myself. Looking ahead, I can say that there is a lot of false information on the Internet.

Almost every second article about this business promises mountains of gold for a novice businessman. In fact, everything is completely different.

What kind of coffee shop?

Most of all, I wanted to open a coffee shop where customers could come in and sit. A shelf with books, a chess table - this is the ideal coffee shop that I built in my imagination, but then it would have taken too much money. In addition, this style already resembles an anti-cafe.

Therefore, it was decided to open a mini-coffee shop. That is, a small, modern booth, in the form of a stall. Another name for this is a coffee kiosk.

In principle, a mini-coffee shop is in no way inferior to large coffee shops, because the main trend of coffee shops is “Coffee to go.” This is exactly the direction I tried to follow.

When I first became interested in this issue, I observed several such kiosks for several hours. One was near the train station.

Another kiosk in the city center. During the half day, these kiosks had 24 and 32 customers respectively.

Selecting a location

Choosing a location for a coffee shop is not so easy. It seemed to me that everyone was the most best places have been busy for a long time. The first place I chose was in a shopping center, but I was confused by the fact that it only gets busy on weekends. Other shopping centers turned me away. In several of them, the rental cost was too high.

In the end I chose central street cities. Our city has its own “Arbat”. Only pedestrians can move along it. Traffic is busy, especially on weekends and holidays. There are shops and business centers here. Street vendors sell souvenirs.

I set up my kiosk near the bookstore. Rent 4 sq. m. only 12,300 per month. The agreement was concluded at the city administration. True, there is one thing..... On holidays, the rent is 2400 for the space I occupy. That is, this is an additional payment to the monthly rent.

Such conditions are common throughout our country. In my case, there is a discount because I am a permanent tenant. Those who trade exclusively on holidays pay more. The price is also measured by the number of square meters occupied.

You don't have to pay for electricity. It is included in the rental price. However, during heating periods, the price increases by 900 rubles.

Buying a coffee kiosk

There are many coffee kiosks for sale on the Internet. When I first became interested in this issue and saw the prices, I gasped! The cost of booths in the form of coffee cups is 200,000 -250,000 thousand rubles.

And this provided that I planned to keep within 200,000 thousand rubles.

The cost of this kiosk is 240,000 rubles.

This is what my kiosk looks like. Price 120,000 rub.

I managed to find a cheaper option for 120,000 rubles. I didn't consider used options. Its internal area is smaller than that of models costing 200,000 thousand rubles. It's already cramped to be there together.

The choice of kiosk should be taken very carefully. Initially, I chose the model for 90,000 rubles. and already wanted to order, but when I called the company, it turned out that this was only the cost of the frame, without interior decoration and insulation.
You can buy a kiosk cheaper. Regular, rectangular. Their average price is 50,000 – 70,000 TR.

The kiosk was delivered five days after payment was made and the sales contract was signed. For most companies, the transaction scheme is approximately the same. The contract is sent to an email address; it must be signed and sent back. You can ask to send the contract by mail.

The price includes delivery directly to the location of the kiosk. After installation, it is necessary to check the integrity of the kiosk: door locks, windows, roof, absence of damage, after which a document is signed stating that the goods were received intact. It is also necessary to sign the inventory, having first checked the presence of all parts and elements of the kiosk.

Purchase of equipment

I didn't purchase any equipment for my kiosk until it was delivered to me. It was important for me to see what was going on inside and determine the size of the future equipment. How and where to place it. At that time, I was sure that I would spend a lot of money, but everything turned out cheaper than I expected.

I purchased a FUTURMAT Rimini A/2 coffee machine. One of the most expensive. Its price is growing from year to year. I managed to purchase it for 85,000 rubles. Just six months later, when I was selling the coffee shop, its price rose to 130,000 rubles.

This model is used by world-famous coffee shops. It has virtually no analogues. At least in its price category. The warranty on it is 2 years.

The main quality of this device is good performance. Many coffee shops use cheap machines priced at 25,000 - 40,000 rubles. but in order not to spoil the coffee machine, you have to purchase two copies.

Another plus when purchasing this coffee machine is that the buyer receives spoons for the coptester, etching pencils, tempering mats, several trays, and several mugs for mixing ingredients as a gift.

Purchasing ingredients

I bought all the ingredients from one city company. True, they did not have delivery and I had to go to their warehouse, which is located outside the city. But the prices are quite low. In addition to coffee, I bought cups, lids, milk, cocoa, chocolate, sugar there.

The purchase was made strictly once every two weeks, regardless of whether the ingredients were left over from the previous purchase or not. For one purchase I spent 2500 - 3000 rubles.


I hired two salespeople. One was a professional barista, the second employee (a girl) had experience working in a coffee shop. I managed to find them thanks to an ad on the Internet. Of course, they had to be arranged without official registration.

Working hours: 2 days in two days, from 8.00 am to 19.00 pm.

Payment: 800 rubles per shift.

Tax registration

Since I already had registration with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur, I did not have to register my business. I pay a fixed amount, around 30,000 rubles once a year, plus 6,000 tr. to an accounting company.

I think this is the most ideal taxation system. Moreover, I have benefits, so the tax rate is lower. True, the amount grows every year.

Identifying needs

Initially, our assortment included a lot of drinks, but after two months we kept only the most popular ones:


Cappuccino is the most popular coffee. If we compare the number of purchases of this coffee as a percentage with other drinks, then according to my calculations it turns out to be 80% to 20%.

They buy not only classic cappuccino, but also with various additives. Most often it is chocolate, caramel and vanilla. Additives in the form of fruit syrups are not in demand. Maybe a banana.


Steamer is a simple, weak cocoa drink. It is in demand not only among adults, but also among children. Main feature steamera - a good share protein cream, which is eaten with a spoon and washed down with a drink through a straw.

Steamer topping: chocolate chips, candy filling, cocoa topping.

Unclaimed drinks

Nobody buys tea. Hot chocolate They rarely buy it, just like cocoa. Our assortment consisted of cappuccino of different dosages with various fillings and steamers, several types. Lattes are also bought very rarely.


My coffee shop operated from August 2017 to January 2018, after which it was successfully sold. During this time, I was able to determine that the best purchasing activity occurred in the fall. Although I initially assumed that most sales would be made in winter.

Summer means heat, so this time of year is the best time to buy cooling drinks. Many people think that they should start selling lemonade, but this opinion is wrong. My observations have shown that people in hot weather prefer branded carbonated drinks.


What I initially feared most was competition. But if someone had asked me about it, I would have answered: “I don’t know anything about it.” The closest competitor was 150 meters away, but I think he had more difficulties than me. There were no steamers there. This drink was very popular.


Cost of cappuccino:

300 grams – 80 rubles.

450 grams – 110 rubles.

Addition of syrup – 20 rubles.


Any steamer – 80 rubles.

Expenses. Income.

Kiosk – 120,000 rub.

Coffee machine – 85,000 rub.

Total 205,000 tr. my business investments.

Monthly expenses:

Ingredients for a month – 6000 rub.

Rent – ​​12,000 rub.

Payment to employees – 48,000 rubles.

Total: 66,000 tr.


The cost of one glass of cappuccino is 13-16 rubles, depending on the dosage.

The cost of one steamer is 18 rubles.

Income from each glass sold is 60 - 100 rubles.

Every day we managed to sell 40–60 glasses of coffee and steamers.

Approximate income per day varied from 3,000 to 4,500 rubles.

During the work several fell out holidays. On such days there are more purchases, about 70-80. To get the greatest benefit, I raised prices by 10 rubles.

Monthly income was: 90,00 – 120,000 rubles.

Reading profit 24,000 – 42,000 tr. per month. Within six months of operating the kiosk, I managed to completely recoup the kiosk, after which I decided to sell it.

Many owners of such kiosks make even more profit because they themselves stand behind the counter. I couldn’t afford it, since I’ve been doing other activities for a long time.


Coffee is bought by all people aged 16 to 40 years. Parents buy steamers for their children. They are also readily purchased by schoolchildren and students.

A lot of shopping happens in the morning, when office plankton rush to their jobs. Therefore, the coffee shop’s working day began at 8.00 am. Steadily from 8.00 to 10.00 in the morning it was possible to sell 8-12 glasses of coffee.

Selling a business

When I started doing this business, I assumed that perhaps, if things were going badly, I would try to sell it, or, as a last resort, I would sell the kiosk and equipment. That's why I bought everything new.

In principle, things were not going so bad, although I initially assumed that I would earn more. Perhaps I was doing something wrong. At least he didn’t keep strict accounting. There was simply no time for this. And it is simply impossible to calculate real expenses with income down to the penny. My calculations have always been approximate.

There are many companies that sell businesses, but I did not sell my business through them. This is because they take a large percentage of the sale. The lower the value of the business, the higher the percentage. Through these companies it is important to sell a business worth more than a million rubles.

I sold my business through Avito and our local website. To be honest, I did not expect such a number of calls. There were about 10 of them.

The kiosk was bought by a woman who already had several similar coffee shops. I advertised my business for 300,000 rubles. but during a personal meeting and inspection of the coffee shop, she proved with calculations and calculations that it costs less than I want to get for it.

Total 230 00 t.r. Not bad at all. Of course, I wanted to sell it for more, but I understood that if I missed this buyer, then I don’t know when I’ll find the next one.

The sale of the kiosk and equipment was formalized through a notary (we divided all expenses equally), the lease agreement for the space was reissued at the city administration.

Thus, within six months I earned an average of 30,000 rubles. and sold the coffee shop at a price higher than what he invested by 25,000 rubles.

For those who want to save money when opening a mini-coffee shop, you need to purchase a rectangular coffee shop. Their cost is half that of coffee shops in the form of a cup of coffee. You can also save money on a coffee machine.


As a result, we can draw a conclusion: opening a mini-coffee shop is profitable. It is especially beneficial for those who plan to work there themselves. Competition in this market is quite strong, so you need to be more careful when choosing a location and the drinks that will be sold in a coffee shop.

Ingredients for preparing any coffee drinks are sold in all major cities, at affordable prices. I would even say very low prices Therefore, the approximate cost of coffee produced is from 12 to 20 rubles.

You should hire sellers who have experience, unless, of course, you do not have the necessary knowledge. My employees taught me how to make coffee.

In general, this type of income is very relevant, if, of course, all the necessary conditions are met.

After the sale of the coffee shop, I even bought coffee there several times, but the new owner changed the staff, increased the number of drinks, repainted the kiosk and even moved it a few meters. And a few months ago I discovered that the coffee shop was no longer there.

Many people dream of opening a coffee shop to make money. This article will help you move from dreams to actions. We will tell you how to open a coffee shop with minimal investment.

Concept Definition

Based on the operating format, coffee shops can be divided into several large groups:

  • "island" in a shopping center;
  • coffee point "to go";
  • coffee shop with seating.

"Island" in the shopping center

This format is convenient because it eliminates most of the issues related to security of the premises, interaction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and attracting client traffic. But it usually has the highest rent per square meter. Often this is the starting method for those who want to open their own coffee shop from scratch.

An island will require a minimum of six square meters, which in large cities can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. In order to understand how effectively a point in this format will pay for itself, you need to decide on the target audience and calculate its presence in a specific shopping center.

Then decide on the conversion and average check. After this, the potential revenue of the coffee shop will become visible. If it is enough to pay all expenses, taking into account the large rent, then placement in a shopping center makes sense.

From experience, in small towns shopping centers are not as crowded, and rental prices are quite consistent with large cities. It is imperative to consider how effective the location will be from a commercial point of view. Possibly attractive shopping mall in fact it will turn out to be a losing option.

Coffee to go point

A separate point in the format of a small pavilion, where you can take coffee to go. Typically, the land on which the point is located is leased from the city. Here everything depends on the local authorities.

As an option: look for renting a premises where you can organize the sale of coffee to go through the window opening.

In most cases, an auction is held, the winner of which receives the right to lease the land. For a season, for a year or for a longer period. It all depends on the specific site and municipality.

Rental costs are often low. But difficulties arise with connecting the pavilion to the power grid. Here the approval process can take several months. The government is making efforts to speed up approval procedures, but now they take more than 180 days and officials cheerfully report that this is a very good figure, because previously some facilities could not connect to electricity, gas or water for two or three years.

Therefore, when choosing this option, you need to carefully calculate your strengths and resources. There are many cases when, due to bureaucratic delays, good projects never saw the light of day.

It is worth locating the point in areas with high traffic, only then will the investment pay off.

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a coffee-to-go outlet are almost the same as the steps to open an indoor coffee shop.

Coffee shop with seating

One of the most popular formats, requiring decent investments from the very start. Distinctive feature The advantage of coffee shops with seating is that you can drink coffee not in a paper cup, but in a well-heated porcelain cup.

The average bill at them is also two to three times higher than at points with coffee to go, due to guests who came to relax, drink coffee, and eat dessert.

The main difficulty is to find a suitable premises that will be located near the flow of human traffic and at the same time meet the requirements for public catering facilities from Rospotrebnadzor and the Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

In large cities, this problem usually does not arise, but in small cities, be prepared for the fact that most of the premises will be ideal for retail, but not for catering facilities.

Using the example of a coffee shop with seating, we will look at all the other aspects of running a coffee business - where to start opening a coffee shop from scratch, and how to make it profitable.

Who are you, our guest?

Understanding which guests will prefer your product is almost half the battle. It is very important to understand the habits of your target audience, their tastes and interests. The big picture The coffee shop's target audience looks like this:

Morning hours

  • students hurrying to get together;
  • office workers rushing about their business.

Lunch hours

  • girls stopping by for coffee. They often refuse dessert with the phrase “We are on a diet”;
  • respectable men who decided to discuss their affairs. Most often they order two classic Americanos and leave a good tip;
  • students who decided to have a sandwich and coffee. They respond very well to all kinds of promotions and discounts;
  • workers from nearby offices. Often they do not stay in a coffee shop, but take several glasses of coffee with them;
  • mothers with children. They usually meet on a walk and come in for coffee. Children are ordered cocoa or a milkshake. People often ask to make it warm. They prefer latte.

Evening hours

  • walking couples. Two coffees to go. Most often a cappuccino or latte;
  • couples who decided to sit in a cozy corner. The same two cappuccinos or latte, but a dessert for the girl can be added to them. Guys most often trust the choice of coffee to a girl, but if they figure it out themselves, they order an Americano;
  • families with children. Almost always, mother and child found a coffee shop, visited several times during the day, and pulled dad out evening walk, they persuade me to come in and have some coffee. The head of the family always pays, and the order always includes desserts for each family member. If the service is good, they leave a tip and come back a month later.

As you can see, each type of audience requires its own approach, and often even separate drinks and desserts. Accordingly, promotions should be separate for each audience.

Determining the target audience will make it possible to competently build a marketing policy, which will lead to the prosperity of the establishment.

What to choose: LLC or individual entrepreneur?

There are many different articles on this topic. My opinion is this: at the start, if there is only one owner, it is worth becoming an individual entrepreneur, and then, as soon as the business gets on its feet, creating an LLC.

For individual entrepreneurs, the registration procedure is simpler, accounting is simplified, and there are no particular difficulties with reporting. But the individual entrepreneur is also responsible for his actions with all his property.

In the case of an LLC, the opposite is true. It’s a little more difficult to create, manage and report much more difficult than an individual entrepreneur, but responsibility is only within the authorized capital.

Society with limited liability worth choosing if you are more than one business owner. Then this form of organization will make it possible to clearly state the percentages of each participant and not worry about the division of profits.

Small coffee shop tax form

If in your municipality catering establishments are allowed to switch to the Unified Tax on Imputed Income (UTII), then definitely worth choosing this form taxation.


  1. Minimum reporting. One declaration once a quarter.
  2. Easy to count. You don’t need to calculate revenues and losses, you simply determine the imputed income from the area of ​​the establishment, and the tax percentage from it with all the coefficients.
  3. There is no need to purchase cash register equipment.


  1. You pay tax regardless of whether you work or not, earn money or are at a loss.
  2. Often the imputed income turns out to be lower than the real one. On the one hand, this is good, you pay less taxes, on the other hand, it interferes with obtaining a loan from banks.

Whether to choose UTII or not is up to you.

If you think that this form of taxation is not suitable for you, then you can choose the Simplified taxation system, income minus expenses.

In this case, you will need a cash register with an EKLZ (electronic control tape, protected), with the help of which the tax inspector will determine your income. In addition, you will need to maintain all accounts and invoices with special care.

The tax office likes to refuse to use some acquisitions to reduce the tax base. In other words, 500 liters of milk purchased per month in the nearest store may not be taken into account by the tax authorities for the reason that there is no agreement between you and the store.

In this case, it is better to include in the expenses a column for the accountant’s salary and delegate all “paper” issues to him.

Selection of premises for a coffee shop

Almost 90% of the success of a coffee shop depends on its location.

It is very important to choose those places where there is the greatest flow of people who belong to your target audience. Business centers, educational institutions, walking areas - each such object attracts a specific target audience, on which your revenue depends.

In addition to passability, the room must comply with the standards of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station: be equipped with a toilet, exhaust hood, etc. In addition, Fire Supervision makes its own demands. When preparing to open an establishment, do not be lazy, visit these organizations and check the list of requirements. It is updated frequently.

A seemingly suitable premises must be carefully checked and the theoretical number of sales per day calculated. To do this, you need to make several time slices, counting how many people who correspond to the target audience pass by the future coffee shop. An hour in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. After that, you will have an average number of people who pass near you every hour.

The conversion, derived empirically for different premises and types of coffee shops, varies from 1 to 3 percent. Taking approximately one and a half percent of the number of people passing by, you will get the theoretical number of sales per day.

Coffee shop equipment

For an easy start of a coffee shop there is one very interesting tool. Instead of buying a coffee machine and coffee grinder, you can rent it. Coffee supply companies are happy to provide equipment for rent, provided that you purchase coffee only from them. In this case, you save about 250 thousand rubles at the start.

In the future, if the coffee shop’s business goes well, it makes sense to buy its own equipment. In this case, you will immediately reduce the purchase price of coffee and get the opportunity to talk with suppliers about other conditions for purchasing.

All other equipment can cost 150-200 thousand.

  • coffee machine - 0 rub.
  • coffee grinder - 0 rub.
  • mixer for milkshakes - 8,000 rub.
  • ice maker - 12,000 rub.
  • mini-refrigerators for milk - 24,000 rub.
  • refrigerator for consumables - 20,000 rub.
  • grill for sandwiches - 12,000 rub.
  • display case for desserts - 30,000 rub.
  • microwave oven - 5,000 rub.
  • oven for desserts - 7,000 rub.
  • thermopot - 4,000 rub.
  • automation system - 35,000 rub.

Total 157 thousand rubles.

That's all you need to open a small coffee shop. By adding repairs, rent and purchase of consumables to this amount, you will understand how much it costs to open a coffee shop according to your plan. In practice, this is already a business plan for opening a coffee shop. All that remains is to decide on the remaining expense items and start taking action.

Coffee shop furniture

In a coffee shop, you immediately need to decide what kind of furniture will be.

From experience, it is best to use tables for 4-6 people, instead of small tables for two.

We realized too late that the girls, even if they came together, took up four places. It's all about women's handbags, which are given a special place. Therefore, it is better to foresee this in advance and use large tables.

There is a rule: if you want guests to quickly come in, take their order and not stay in the room for long, put chairs.

If you want the guest to sit longer and place an order several times, put sofas. This is also true. Tables with sofas have a higher average check, while tables with chairs accommodate more people.

Furniture should be non-staining so that it can be easily washed from the footprints of children that parents place directly on the sofa, from the traces of ballpoint pens left by students and from coffee stains. There is no way without this.

Coffee shop staff

To operate a small coffee shop you will need two baristas and two waiters. You also need to have at least one barista and waiter as a replacement, so that in the event of illness or unforeseen circumstances in the life of one of the employees, the enterprise continues its work.

Recruitment should begin two to three weeks before the opening of the coffee shop. Baristas can be hired from outside or trained on your own.

It is important to understand that the barista profession is one of the few where the quality of the drink radically depends on a person’s passion for his work.

How to teach?

First of all, theory. Baristas should study the book “The Barista Bible,” which explains in detail what types of coffee there are, where they grow, how they are processed, how they are roasted and prepared. Theory will create the basis for practice.

For the practical part, it is better to invite someone who is already a barista. In theory, you can understand how to make coffee, but in practice it is very difficult to independently implement the acquired knowledge.

A few hours of practice with someone who understands how to properly brew espresso and froth, and your would-be barista can slowly and flawlessly begin making his first test batches of coffee.

If a person does not show interest in his work, does it correctly, but “without a soul,” believe me, he will probably make delicious coffee. But no one will come to him.

For most coffee shop regulars, the barista is a magician who can assemble a drink exactly the way the guest wants it. To do this, the barista communicates with guests, gets opinions on drinks and cocktails, makes changes to the menu and invents new drinks.

The situation with waiters is a little simpler. High-quality service is the strict implementation of all instructions and a unique “feeling” of a guest that comes with experience.
The waiter, who has many satisfied guests behind him, always feels what the guest wants to say, order and do.

Therefore, it seems to us that the waiter is guessing thoughts. In fact, he simply knows what we want to order based on our previous orders or passing phrases thrown out while studying the menu.

Make it up for the waiters step by step instructions how you want them to serve guests. How they greet, how they smile, from which side they approach, how the menu is served, and so on.

The more detailed you describe everything, the more accurate the waiters’ actions will be, the better the service in the establishment will be.

How to motivate?

Salary motivates only up to a certain threshold. Above the individual level, a person ceases to perceive a bonus as gratitude for outstanding achievements in work and takes it for granted.

Set a small salary, add a bonus, organize competitions between baristas and waiters. Be clear about what you reward financially and what you deprive of money for.

Once clear rules of the game are established, the system will stabilize. But all this is just monetary motivation. It is effective, but in the short term.

Open up new horizons

Help employees grow and develop. This is one of the most powerful incentives for young people. The feeling that you are not just working as a barista in a coffee shop in a town of 700 thousand people, but that you are constantly developing as a professional in your field, it spurs you on and forces you to be better every day. And this is what binds the employee to the company.

Form an effective team

There is nothing worse than going to work where you are satisfied with everything except the team. In this case, professionals are the first to lose motivation. It is important for them that the team supports each other, achieving new results together.

Sometimes you have to fire professionals high level because they couldn't find common language with a team, sometimes you have to call each rebel “on the carpet”, trying to understand the reasons for such behavior.

If the leader has enough strength and patience to gather different people into one effective effective mechanism, then this team will be able to work with virtually no participation from the manager. It is very important to be able to remove yourself from business processes. We will return to this later.

Coffee shop suppliers

In any business, suppliers play a big role. In our case, they supply equipment free of charge and supply the coffee shop with everything necessary for work. For them, coffee to go is a business where they earn money through your efforts.

  • equipment;
  • raw materials (coffee, milk, water);
  • consumables (cups, stirrers, bags, chemicals);
  • desserts.

It is better to search for equipment suppliers on the Internet, and then look at the results of contextual advertising. If the supplier company can afford to spend a budget on advertising on the Internet, then it understands modern trends and will be on the same page with you.

Coffee for the machine is selected either based on the equipment supplier, or thanks to useful contacts on various events dedicated to the hospitality industry. Exhibitions of this kind often feature well-established suppliers.

The supply of milk and water should be adjusted based on the territorial proximity of the companies supplying this type of raw material.

You need a lot of different consumables. The key parameter here is the price-quality ratio.

Desserts are a separate issue. On the one hand, local confectionery shops are good because they can deliver everything fresh and on time. On the other hand, the same desserts can be bought much cheaper in any store in your city.

Not every confectionery shop will make certain quantities to order just for you. We have to look for other options. Companies involved in supplying food to various restaurants perform well in this case. They have a wide variety of desserts in stock. high quality that cannot be bought in a store.

Desserts are usually delivered extremely frozen at a temperature of minus 18 degrees. In the morning, the shift moves cheesecakes, Viennese waffles and other desserts from the freezer to the refrigerator. Within three to four hours, desserts undergo a defrosting process, after which they are ready to serve. Fresh, beautiful and unique.

How to ask for a discount or deferment

Never hesitate to ask what discounts and promotions the supplier currently has, and what kind of discount he can provide. Managers often have a special threshold discount system for each type of client.

Perhaps you could get the same desserts a little cheaper than you do now. Even ten rubles a day turns into almost four thousand over the course of a year. And this is very good.

In the same way, find out about deferred payments. A kind of commodity loan, in which you take goods for sale, and after some time you pay for it. During the period of establishment of a coffee shop, deferred payment can be very useful.


In order to competently create a menu, you need to know the cost of each drink and the minimum price at which it can be sold at your potential level of attendance.

Each cup includes rent, salary, taxes and other expenses, so it makes sense that the more cups sold per day, the lower the percentage of additional expenses in each of them.

The cost of a cup of coffee based on raw materials is determined based on the cost of the main components.

Let’s say you buy a kilogram of coffee for 1,600 rubles. There are from 7 to 9 grams per serving of espresso. During operation, the grind may change slightly due to changes in room humidity. Therefore, for convenience, we will consider the rounded version - 10 grams.

Therefore, to prepare one serving of espresso, 16 rubles worth of grain was spent.

If we want a cappuccino, we will add 200 ml of frothed milk to the espresso shot, which, at a price of 65 rubles per liter, will cost us 13 rubles.

The total cost of raw materials for making cappuccino is 29 rubles.

Now this cost must include rent, salaries and other expenses. This is determined by summing up all additional expenses for the month and dividing by the number of receipts per month. By selling below this value, you are operating at a loss.

We need to strive to either increase the number of receipts or reduce expenses.

Interaction with regulatory authorities

As long as your business is small and you don’t break any laws, you don’t have to worry about someone coming to you with a surprise inspection. The tax authorities are interested in large objects with million-dollar turnover. But in order to sleep peacefully, you need to fulfill a number of conditions.


  • register as a UTII payer in a timely manner;
  • file returns and pay taxes on time;
  • enter into agreements with your employees.


  • notify through the State Services website that you have begun your work in a catering facility at your address.

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

  • conclude an agreement to conduct inspections;
  • pay for inspections and eliminate discrepancies;
  • conclude an agreement for the removal and disposal of waste.

Three years of verification will not bother you, only unless someone files a complaint against you. In this case, employees of any department are obliged to react and conduct an unscheduled inspection.

You must be present at it, and there must be attesting witnesses with you. Please read the inspection protocol carefully and make comments and additions if necessary. Get a copy of the protocol in your hands.

A law recently came into force according to which entrepreneurs will not be fined for the first violation, but will be given an order to eliminate the violations. This measure should have a beneficial effect on the economic climate as a whole.


Monthly from the coffee shop budget you need to allocate at least 10% to advertising.

From experience, even if there is a great product, but there is no advertising, there will be no sales.

A little earlier we talked about the fact that a suitable offer is very important for each target audience. Then the response to promotion will be maximum.

When choosing a promoter, be sure to tell him who the target audience is, so that leaflets are distributed not to everyone, but to those who fit the template. As a result, conversion from leaflets can reach 3-6%.

Many people pass by your coffee shop every day, but do not pay attention to it. We all walk in our own thoughts, from which something interesting, bright, unusual can pull us out. This is exactly what your billboard or pillar should be like, located near the coffee shop.

Groups and accounts on social networks allow your potential audience to see your premises, assortment, and get acquainted with prices and reviews in a comfortable environment. From experience, more than 30% of the audience learned about our coffee shop thanks to social networks. The leader here turned out to be Instagram, from which five to ten people came every day.


Each guest needs a different approach. Some people prefer not to be asked any unnecessary questions and to quickly make their favorite drink. Others constantly doubt and ask the barista to come up with something just for them.

Attention to every desire allows us to create a high-quality service.

Here are some rules for excellent service.

  1. Don't try to make money off a guest.
    It sounds strange, especially considering that the essence of business is to make money. But there is one important point here. Can be received one time per guest a large amount and never see him again. And you can build long-term relationships. Just count who brings more money to the establishment: a guest who drinks one espresso for 90 rubles every morning five days a week or a guest who comes once a month and orders for a thousand rubles? The first guest brings in almost twice as much revenue. And the second one may not come again.
  2. Ask the guest .
    It is very unpleasant when the waiter begins to force his choice on the guest. It's off-putting. Find out what the guest’s tastes are, what he prefers and what he doesn’t like. Based on his answers, you can easily select the appropriate drink and dessert that will satisfy the guest.
  3. Remember the guests' choice .
    There is nothing more ideal in the work of an establishment: when a guest arrives, the barista asks: “ As always?", and the guest nods with a smile. The guest feels at home here. And no matter what the coffee shop located next door offers him, he will remain faithful to his beloved, because here they know what needs to be done after the phrase: “ As usual for me».

On the one hand, everything looks very simple. But in reality, it is possible to introduce high-quality service only with competent work with waiters and baristas.

If the team has created a comfortable atmosphere for work, the employees themselves will make every effort to make the guest as comfortable as they are.

Loyalty system

In order for a guest to become a regular, he needs to be interested in something.

Don't waste money on bonus cards. The easiest way is to provide a 10% discount for bonus card holders. But the accumulative point system is much more effective when a guest buys some drinks, collects points, increases his rating, and exchanges points for prizes and gifts.

Game elements always work very well in a guest service business.

How to deal with negative reviews?

As correct as possible.

Remember the rule: one satisfied customer will bring a friend with him. And one dissatisfied person will turn several dozen people away from you.

In our practice, there were also negative reviews. It is not enough to remove the objection; the person will still remain dissatisfied. We need to transform negative into positive.
For example.

Anna: " Yesterday I was in a coffee shop, I didn’t like that the cappuccino they brought was warm and not hot. »

In this situation, the guest is wrong. Hot cappuccino is served by non-professionals who “burn” the milk. The guest is accustomed to this terrible drink and believes that this is correct, because large, reputable restaurants cook this way. What should you say in this situation?

Administration: " Anna, hello. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to change the stereotype that a proper cappuccino must be very hot. Believe me, we prepare coffee according to all world rules, attracting winners of all-Russian coffee-making championships to train baristas. To convince you of this, we invite you to a free tasting. We will prepare coffee in two ways: the way professional baristas prepare it and the way they are used to serving it in many establishments in our city. By comparing two drinks, you can draw objective conclusions, and then tell about it with another review. We are sure that you will choose more delicious coffee)) »

Don't blame your guest for not knowing what proper coffee is. It's not his fault. Better yet, help him taste some truly delicious coffee, and this guest will become your biggest fan, convincing everyone that you make truly high-quality coffee.


Coffee shop expenses consist of several categories: raw materials, rent, salaries, taxes, advertising, etc.

It’s worth creating a budget right away, from the first day the coffee shop opens. You will be able to immediately track your revenue, average bill, potential profit, and then distribute funds among budget items.

You need to put aside for rent immediately, in equal shares, making this amount inviolable.

Otherwise, you may end up in a situation that we often found ourselves in in our project. There is money, but everything is invested in goods. There are enough supplies, but not enough for rent. To prevent this from happening, keep records and make purchases not from the funds that you have on hand, but from the amount of available funds minus rent, payroll, and other things.

There is no need to look for a specialized program for creating a budget for a small coffee shop. Excel is yours best friend. Especially if you figure it out basic formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, IF, etc. Spending one day creating a powerful budgeting program in Excel will give you a much deeper understanding of all the processes that take place in your coffee shop.

Business processes

Every business has a certain procedure for dealing with each situation. In most cases, these principles are conveyed verbally. It usually looks like this:

“When a guest comes in, go up and ask if he wants to order something right away or later.”

A company that is aimed at growth and development prescribes all processes for each situation. The employee must clearly know what he needs to do if the guest wants to pay with a card for different bills and what to answer the question: “Why don’t you have alcohol.” All these situations are formed into a special set of rules.

In addition, it is important to write down instructions for employees on opening and closing shifts. Each step should be described in detail so that even a novice working in a coffee shop for the first time can figure out how to close a shift and hand it over to those who will work the next day.

If you understand that you can trust your team, then there is a second way to describe business processes.

You can create basic instructions on what needs to be done in the morning, how to order a delivery or process a return. And then you need to start forming the general attitude of the company.

What will you do if you accidentally spill your coffee on a guest? Surely, apologize, find a way to replace his shirt and offer coffee at the establishment’s expense.

Will your waiter be able to do the same if he makes such a mistake?

Give your employees a certain freedom of action and then job descriptions that describe literally every step will simply not be required. Employees will think about what you would do in such a situation and do the same.

As a result, you will be happy with how efficiently your team is performing.

Removing the owner from the processes

One of the most important stages in the life of any business - this is the owner’s escape from routine and routine.

If without your attention the enterprise does not work, all processes stop and revenue falls, then this is the wrong business.

The manager’s task is to be above all processes in order to understand where the company is going.

To do this, you need several important components:

  • a team that has the authority to carry out current activities (list of suppliers, access to certain financial resources, proven scheme for working with guests);
  • clearly defined regulations for employee activities.

If these two points are met in your business, then you will be able to start the machine so that it continues to feed itself, forcing it to rotate again and again.

After this, the owner will have the opportunity to solve global issues of development of the establishment. He will no longer be immersed in routine, the business will cope on its own.

Unfortunately, in Russia, business owners have very little trust in their subordinates, seeing everyone as lazy and a potential thief.

As a result, the employee understands what is expected of him and begins to meet the expectations. And the manager then declares: “I told you, they are all stupid lazy people who cannot be relied on.”

Most people like to be trusted new level responsibility. This gives a feeling of importance to the company, helps it grow and develop. The output from the employee increases significantly. But not all business owners understand this, so the situation is changing very slowly.

Franchise formation

Any business has four development options.

  1. Make a stable profit and feed the owner for several years. Then lose part of your monthly revenue and be either closed or sold to other hands.
  2. To achieve payback and be sold into other hands, immediately bringing the original owner a decent amount, which he invests at his own discretion.
  3. Come to expansion using your own resources or by selling a franchise
  4. Go bankrupt and close.

We will consider the third option.

It's important to understand a few things. Franchising is a logical stage in business development, but at the same time, franchising is a separate line of business, completely independent from the main establishment.

In other words, it won’t be possible to have one of your employees make phone calls and offer everyone a franchise. This is a separate area that requires serious costs at the stage of “packaging” the business, its promotion, sale of the franchise package, and support of franchisees.

Stages of franchise formation

  1. Preparing your business for packaging.
    1. Prescription of all business processes and regulations.
    1.2. Preparing everyone technological maps and instructions.
    1.3. Registration of all marketing campaigns.
    1.4. Complete revision of the corporate identity.
    1.5. Trademark registration.
  2. “Packaging” a business into a franchise.
    1. Obtaining rights to a trademark.
    2.2. Formation of a book on operational business management.
    2.3. Creation of a commercial proposal.
    2.4. Creation of a management company.
  3. Franchise promotion.
    1. Creation of a website or section on the website dedicated to the franchise.
    3.2. Website promotion using contextual advertising, thematic blogs and forums.
  4. Selling a franchise.
    1. Processing applications using a call center.
    4.2. Conclusion of a commercial concession agreement.
    4.3. Training future franchisees in the basics of running your business.
    4.4. Assistance in opening a facility under your brand.
  5. Franchisee support.
    1. Supply of equipment and consumables through the management company.
    5.2. Assistance in organizing marketing events.
    5.3. Revenue control and analysis, achieving payback.
    5.5. Promotion of the brand in general.

As you can see, the formation and sale of a franchise is a separate area that requires time, effort and money.

There are a lot of low-quality franchise offers on the market, in which more than half of the required stages are missed.

As a result, it often happens that a person pays money for a franchise package, but simply receives the right to use the name and several templates to create his own advertisements. This is the wrong approach and everyone suffers. The owner of the trademark suffers image losses, and the entrepreneur who decides to open under this brand loses effort, time and money.

In conclusion

Opening a coffee shop from scratch, forming a loyal audience, setting up all processes and putting the owner out of business is not easy.

It will take a lot of effort to launch even such a small business as a small coffee shop. But it's worth it.

By starting with a small investment, an entrepreneur can gain invaluable business experience and then scale it up to a larger project.

Try it and everything will work out!