What is customization of goods and services? Customization as a current trend in the modern data center market


What is customization of goods and services?

Customization (from the English customer - client, consumer) implies the release of a mass finished product personalized for a specific consumer. The client today has become capricious; he has a lot to choose from. The era of customization is coming, the consumer is looking for his own, unique product.

The main task of customization is to create a product for a specific consumer that would satisfy his personal needs.

The manufacturer is faced with a modern question: how to produce such a product while still making a significant profit? Quite often, the manufacturer follows his own preferences, with little interest in the wishes of the client. As a result, unclaimed goods and services in the consumption market.

Both marketers and technologists, each in their place, know their job perfectly. A marketer is well versed in the purchasing preferences of the target audience. A technologist is a professional in producing products. But there is no coherence in their work. There is no system. There is no mutual understanding. In any large corporation, marketers and sales managers always play the role of an internal customer, completely dependent on the capabilities of production. This is why it can be so difficult to sell a product that is fresh, just off the assembly line, but already deeply obsolete.

The profitability of customization directly depends on the coordinated and efficient work of all departments of the corporation. Marketers propose expanding the range in order to attract as many consumers as possible, as they say - for all tastes and wallets. Sales managers insist on customization and versatility of offers. That is, they try to tailor their product or service to a specific client in order to conclude a deal and receive their rightful premium for volume.

Neither the marketer nor the manager has any idea how much each position they insist on costs.
Customization has another side to the coin. An overly complex product or a large number of proposed options can scare off a potential client and paralyze his will. When a client has a very large choice, it is difficult for him to give preference to a particular brand or model.

Customization has affected almost all areas of production. However, it is easier and cheaper to release a product or service for the target market segment than to customize the product for each specific client.

For example, the production of trucks with separate components for different customer requests is welcome. Why should southerners overpay for frost-resistant tires or some kind of feature for northerners?

I also create and prescribe my trainings for each of my clients. For me, the initial preparation of the group, basic knowledge, experience in the field and even the age of the participants are important. What and how should be presented to experienced people will be completely inappropriate for beginners, “ clean sheets" This is customization, that is, the release of goods for a specific consumer. The more we know about each of our clients, the more likely we are to satisfy their needs.

On the other hand, customization is fraught with an increase in the price of goods and services, which instantly makes this product uncompetitive. Customization is entering our lives confidently; every company and company must finally turn its face to its client. The interaction of all systems of a large production organism can lead to serious customer focus and make the company a sales leader.

Zhanna Pyatirikova

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In price competition, product characteristics began to be simplified, and customer needs were reduced to an average value. The return to uniqueness of goods is due to market presence large quantity almost identical products. Fed up with monotony, consumers now want to buy customized products that highlight their status and importance.

Goals and objectives

The main task of individualization is to create in the consumer a feeling of an ideal interaction, in which the client’s personal needs are met and all work is done “only for him.” Customization increases competitive advantage product and creates higher value for the consumer.

The main motives for ordering goods “for yourself”: obtaining public recognition and personal satisfaction of the consumer. An understanding of these reasons is given by considering A. Maslow’s pyramid of needs. At the lower levels of the pyramid (satisfying physiological needs and a sense of security), a person does not think about the exclusivity of the product, and, as a rule, price factor is decisive. But rising to a higher level, and needing public recognition and respect, the consumer begins to pay attention to other qualities of the product. A product individually made for a specific person or a narrow group becomes more desirable in the eyes of the consumer and society and acquires great value. With this motivation, the consumer chooses the wrong product that has best characteristics, but the one that the manufacturer made “for him”. It is this factor that gives the product the greatest value in the eyes of the buyer.

You can make your product unique using:

  • replacing some product components with higher quality ones;
  • bringing to more high level individual systems, providing them with increased quality characteristics;
  • custom manufacturing of all components;
  • manual fitting of elements, which provides improved performance by matching elements or system settings.

The result is products high quality with exclusive characteristics that meet the individual needs of the client. The price of such a product will be determined by production costs and the buyer’s willingness to pay for their ambitions, rather than the functional requirements for the product.

From idea to production

When customizing, a revaluation of the real qualities of the product occurs. Generally accepted evaluation parameters for individualized products do not work, since the concept of quality is a purely personal perception of a person, and he himself determines its decisive criteria. At different stages of life (reaching a certain age, status or position in society), assessment parameters may change. Achieving significance and recognition social group is one of the main motivating factors for ordering customized products.

Customization differs from simple product line extensions, in which products are targeted to narrow consumer segments and standardized.

Types of customization:

  • Individual (expert). Creating a product for the individual needs of a specific client. Suitable for high-end products and associated with high costs.
  • Modular. Used if the product can be divided into parts or components. In this case, the consumer can choose his own option for completing the system elements.
  • At the level of appearance. The buyer can choose the type of packaging or packaging.

Customization at the component level of the final product may be the best way out of the situation. A striking example serves as pizza making. When preparing it, the buyer can order exactly his favorite set of components. Some models of equipment are produced using the same principle, which are equipped with the set of devices required by the consumer.

Customization can also be divided into:

  • horizontal(when the product is modified from standard elements offered to choose from);
  • vertical(the product is created from unique components, which are also created based on the individual wishes of the client).

Creating a custom product is creative process, in which two parties are directly involved: both the manufacturer and the customer.

Main stages of the customization process:

  1. The first and most important stage is to understand the client’s needs, his desires and interests, and the motivation for purchasing this product.
  2. Determining the set of properties and characteristics that a product must have to satisfy the buyer’s needs.
  3. Clear recording of all the client’s wishes to transfer the order to production.
  4. Cost calculation and price agreement with the client.
  5. Production and delivery of goods to the buyer.

Food products that can be customized

Customizable products must consist of components that can be easily changed or adapted to the customer's needs. Not every food product can be customized - consumer goods with low elasticity (for example, bread, milk) are purchased to satisfy a physiological need (to satisfy hunger). These products are low-margin and although they are in daily demand, there is no point in uniqueizing them. IN in this case costs will exceed profitability. But chocolate is a completely different matter, confectionery or delicacies. A person purchases such products for pleasure and is willing to pay more for it.

You can customize products using variations in the set of components, unique recipes or individual packaging. You can personalize your product with unique packaging or labels.

Food products that can be made to order (individual or modular customization):

  • chocolate and confectionery products;
  • elite drinks, cocktails;
  • herbal preparations, teas;
  • sets for breakfast cereals;
  • ice cream with different fillings;
  • meat and fish delicacies to order;
  • raw milk products;
  • selection and home delivery of individual food packages.

Feasibility, benefit or just cost?

Product uniqueness is associated with additional costs for production (system for receiving orders, sending it to production, manufacturing and delivery to the client) and promotion. The cost of such goods must be recouped either through high prices or through expansion of market share. As a rule, an individual approach to the manufacture of goods for a specific consumer is practiced small companies, but for large manufacturing or trading companies, customizing a certain group of products can also be cost-effective.

The feasibility of the process must be assessed based on the following product parameters:

  • Planned market capacity. To assess the size of the market capacity, it is necessary to clearly understand who the target buyer is, what price he is willing to pay for a unique product, and how often he will order it?
  • Product unit profitability. Manufacturing and delivery costs. Promotion costs.
  • Prospects for market share growth.
  • Planned project risks. Such risks include: low demand for the proposed product, competitive products, low profitability, etc.

Adjustment to the individual tastes of each consumer can be beneficial if the process is properly organized. One of the most effective ways increasing profitability and reducing costs for the production of customized goods is clear coordination and communication between production and customer service personnel.

The feasibility of customization depending on the type and market share of companies:

For small companies, this is an opportunity to find and occupy their niche, to differentiate themselves from competitors.

For large trading enterprises customization of a certain area of ​​the product range allows you to increase consumer loyalty and sales of products from the main range. Even by making one product to order, the company ensures its reputation as a manufacturer “that takes into account the needs and wishes of the buyer.”


How to customize a product without being left broke

Customization was recently considered one of the main market trends. However, the crisis has dampened the ardor of “advanced” marketers beyond measure, but we still hear a lot about customization to this day.

It must be admitted that the topic of customization is very controversial. This is not to say that customization is an unambiguous evil. But to say that this is a trend, that many products, including food, will follow the path of customization is completely stupid. The situation is far from being as simple as it is propagated in articles and books claiming to be a “breakthrough.”

Custom - pros and cons

The reasons for the interest in customization are clear: the more supply on the market grows, the more confused, picky and capricious the consumer becomes. When the consumer is faced with a choice between the options “beer” and “no beer,” the choice is obvious. But when the buyer has 200 or more varieties of this drink in front of him? Moreover, the differences between brands are often completely illusory. That’s when consumer shock, stupor, panic begins and, as a result, an increase in demands for the product, sometimes inadequate: someone needs a square bottle, someone needs a non-standard packaging, someone needs a special taste, and so that all this would be sold cheaper than the market. And what to do about it? Marketing teaches you to satisfy - which means you must satisfy!

Traditional marketing is generally built on identifying consumer needs and adapting the product/communication to them. And, it seems, if you adapt to the consumer, then success awaits, and customization in this case is the pinnacle of marketing in its usual form, when the target audience collapses to one person. We are fed stories that in the Potbelly Sandwich Works chain, each consumer “assembles” his own unique sandwich, and soon this trend will reach the mass market. Potbelly Sandwich works's revenue per establishment exceeds that of its closest competitor, Subway, by 3 times. At first glance, this is interesting and even logical. But once you come down to earth, this whole “funky business” looks like a completely unfunny joke. Still, talking your tongue is one thing, but working in a specific market is completely different.

Of course, in the food production market, complete customization is often beyond common sense. The very idea that a consumer can order 10 cans of “unique” green peas for himself can only be described as delusional. Production costs will make such a product prohibitively expensive, and therefore unnecessary to anyone. Not to mention that the consumer can only come up with such an idea in an altered state of consciousness. Sometimes, when talking about customization, they mean increasing the product line in order to cover as much as possible larger number consumer requests. But here too everything is doubtful. The increase in the width and depth of the assortment complicates and increases the cost of logistics, distribution, sales and promotion. Not to mention the fact that very authoritative Western marketing classics also wrote about the thoughtless expansion of the line. The consumer ceases to clearly perceive the brand and over time abandons the manufacturer who does not offer a clear and unambiguous product. However, entrepreneurs already understand the dead end of the position “each consumer has his own product”, due to the fact that it is too expensive, so there is no need to break spears here. However, successful examples there is customization! And expanding the product line does not always have a negative effect.

Product customization has always been the domain of small businesses, which is especially important in our unstable times, when there are many people who want to start their own business, small companies are changing the profile of their activities, and everyone needs new business ideas. However, both Western preachers of customization and their domestic brothers in mind seem to have little understanding of the logic of the process. Without this understanding, the risk is too great. It is enough to imagine the opening in our country of an establishment where 100 variants of hamburgers will be presented, or a hamburger based on an individual project of the customer. Does anyone need it? Or not? When seriously introduced into a topic, more doubts arise than confidence in the correctness of this idea. And yet, the idea of ​​customization is possible, and may even be profitable in Russia. But what kind of customization should there be and for what product groups and categories is it relevant? You can’t do without rules, and for these rules to be not a set of stupid superficial advice, but logically structured recommendations, you need to dig a little deeper than praising successful Western examples and analyzing business models for transferring them to the local market.

Customization - a little theory

In general, according to our ideas, the need for custom products is at the very end of the chain of choice logic. Each market has utilitarian products, products with advanced consumer properties, image and hedonic products. The logic of choice and the market itself are moving from utilitarian to image (conspicuous consumption) and hedonic (consumption for personal pleasure). Customization, as a motivational category, comes after these large product groups, and if a specific market has not reached image or hedonic products, it is stupid to talk about customization. The criterion for market development is again simple and transparent: if consumption of a product can be ostentatious or enjoyable, the market will develop along this path. And this means that sooner or later it will reach a state where the consumer may be interested in a product created according to his special order. If the purpose of the product itself does not imply demonstration or hedonic functions, we cannot talk about customization. That is why there is quite a lot of customization in the automotive industry (the same tuning is customization) and not at all in dry construction mixtures. Some services, such as interior design, are 100% customized, while auto repair is practically not. It’s similar in the food market: confectionery products are bought to please yourself and your loved one. Here, customization is quite possible. Buckwheat it is bought for purely utilitarian purposes, and there can be no talk of customization.

The second criterion is the potential demand for the product category. In addition to the condition described above, you can only customize a product whose market capacity is very large - there is either a huge audience of consumers or a very expensive product. Accordingly, we can only talk about those food products that have long become familiar in the diet, that is, they are rooted in the local culture. For example, catering establishments can customize pancakes - they are familiar and familiar, everyone has their own preferences, which can be played on. At the same time, customizing hamburgers in Russia is obviously a dead-end path, although the company that brought this product to Russia is growing every year. Hamburgers and sandwiches are a familiar product in American culture, which is why customization and differentiation of players through unique recipes and much more is possible there. For us, hamburgers are McDonalds and that’s it. No one here needs the second, third or fifth mass brand of hamburgers with its own cooking characteristics - the product is alien to our culture.

The issue of production economics is also important. As mentioned above, customization in the full sense of the word is not an extension of the product line, it is a unique product for a specific consumer. Of course, for the existing scheme of food production and distribution, this approach is often unrealistic - after all, custom requires a completely autonomous distribution and sales system and you need to be prepared for this. Nevertheless, the time of crisis makes many interested in the development of new business areas, and customization is still a completely viable option for a business idea. But it is necessary to repeat the disclaimer: we are talking about a completely new business with a completely new principle of searching, attracting clientele and then working with it. If you're ready, go ahead.

Customization - logic of work

1. The algorithm for evaluating a business idea is very simple. The first point is the analysis of that product category to determine whether it belongs to hedonic and/or demonstrative consumption objects. In other words, if a product can speak about a certain social status of the purchaser to others, while the consumption process is visible to other people, the product can be considered demonstrative. Another thing is that there are almost no such products on the food market, except maybe beer and vodka. But in the food service market, the choice of options is much wider - from catering to fast food, consumption cannot be hidden, sometimes it is carried out jointly with other people, which means the question “what will others think of me” is relevant. And people are willing to pay for relevance in this context. Sometimes a lot.

2. If consumption is not visible to others, you need to analyze the purpose of consuming the product. Is it for pleasure? Is it a nice personal whim, or part of the holiday, does consumption please the soul and body? What we have in front of us is what we need - a hedonistic product. If the product is utilitarian and does not bring much pleasure in itself, alas, there is no point in customizing it. Despite the fact that nutrition is generally hedonistic in principle, not all foods are hedonistic. Bread is utilitarian, canned food, groceries are utilitarian. But if you take alcohol, confectionery products, delicacies - this is hedonism in its purest form. People are also willing to pay for hedonism, for satisfying their whims. And even more than that - overpay.

3. If a product category or segment of the food services market satisfies at least one condition, the third step is to assess the market capacity. In this article there is no point in deciphering all the options for methods for assessing market capacity; moreover, for a preliminary analysis it is quite possible to determine the need “on the knee”. If a product is familiar to the consumer, or even more so, it is rooted in local culture, it is interesting topic. If a given product has a lot of options, this is an additional reason to think about customization. But the factor of habit and compliance with local culture still remains decisive. Yogurt has still not become a common product in the local diet, although there are more than enough types of yogurt. And vodka or beer is such - it is part of Russian culture. Consequently, the market capacity is considerable initially. Here you need to understand: when introducing a new, customized product to the market, you will have to not only advertise yourself, but also create a market from scratch. After all of this market before the appearance of the first custom product there was no such thing. It is quite obvious that creating a market and creating new consumption standards is, if not impossible, then at least an expensive task. By creating a customized product in a familiar category, consumer interest can be practically guaranteed. You can create any market from scratch, you can set new consumption standards in anything, but it simply may be too expensive, and the point of compliance with the dominant culture in the market is precisely about avoiding these expenses.

4. If the previous stages in the analysis of a business idea have been valiantly completed, then it’s time to consider the economics of the process. But there is one more nuance that is connected both with the needs and stereotypes of a person, and with the economy on the other hand. This is the possible order volume, the check amount that is possible. After all, this indicator determines possible profitability process, while being directly related to established consumption standards. It can be repeated: the process of changing consumption standards “by gravity”, without outside influence, is extremely long, and the influence that can accelerate this process is very expensive. Therefore, research in this field is vital. Sometimes, the volume of consumption can be calculated without leaving the office: for example, the amount of vodka that is drunk during an average corporate event or wedding is known. This already makes it possible to predict volumes and compare them with possible costs. If consumption standards are not on the surface, focus group interviews or other qualitative research are indispensable. They will show what the possible order volume will be, and what the key audience will be, and therefore how to reach it. However, research can do a lot; the main thing is to understand what you need to find out and what information to extract from the consumer.

Once you've gone through these four points, you'll have a pretty clear picture of what this customized product could be. How it is consumed and how much consumption may increase. And besides, what is the potential audience of the new product, where does it find itself, what does it read, what does it watch, what events does it attend, and why in general might it need a customized product. Consequently, the communication strategy is also clear. For some audiences, you will only need to promote your customized product through direct marketing; some audiences are mostly located on the Internet and the optimal solution for you would be contextual advertising, for a third audience, joint promotional events with providers of related services may be relevant. The specific situation will already give a clearer answer on how to promote your idea. But still, the main thing when analyzing or creating a business project is to know that the future product is, in principle, needed a certain number people. This means that a business idea built on customization has every chance of success. Thoughtlessly copying Western finds is a dead-end path that can only lead you to results by accident. Good luck.

How can you surprise a client if today supply exceeds demand, service is available at any level, there is no shortage, any product is available for purchase without leaving home? What else can you come up with to draw the buyer’s attention to you? The answer is simple - offer him a special product that no one else has and you will see how many people want to order from you. Today we will talk about a new fashionable word in business - customization.

What is customization?

Translated from English word customization means to customize, in our case, to adjust the characteristics and properties of a product to the individual needs of the consumer. The desire to own a special thing is inherent in all of us by Mother Nature, and nothing can be done about it, and it is precisely because of this that customization of a product or service is simply doomed to success.

Most successful business is built on the weaknesses and vices of a person - this is a centuries-tested fact, and now nothing changes. The desire to stand out from the crowd, to show your status, to show that you belong to a special group of people makes buyers look for something special. That is why exclusive clothing and footwear stores, hand-assembled cars, and why not cars, the assortment of smartphone cases, is simply amazing with its abundance of models, colors and shapes.

However, tuning or variations in the execution of a product cannot always be considered customization; sometimes a small change in the structure or design can rightfully be considered a custom execution.

Examples of product customization

Customization how marketing strategy, has penetrated into all areas of trade. Each company can meet the client and fulfill his order taking into account individual wishes. A clear example of product customization can be seen on the Nissan Juke:

The Japanese car manufacturer made sure that the buyer had the opportunity to choose his own style, his own car design, thereby standing out from the crowd. The benefit of such customization is that the client buys an image along with the car. Manufacturers of shoes and clothing have not gone far either:

And also software developers:

As you can see, all manufacturers want to attract customers to their product and make a lot of efforts to do this. Each individualization of a product costs considerable financial costs and considerable effort from designers and marketers. However, the game is worth the candle - the customization works!

How to create a custom product?

In order to create interesting product you need to know your target audience (TA), who it is, what interests, needs, problems, dreams, and lifestyle they have. Only by knowing what is valuable to your target audience can you create effective product customization, and the more complex the product, the more you need.

In addition, you will need the help of an expert in a specific product niche, the help of a person who knows everything about your product (or the product you want to create):

  • what it can be;
  • how potential buyers want to see it;
  • what models competitors already have;
  • what are the sales statistics by geography;
  • supposed life cycle goods;
  • its pros and cons.

In small and medium businesses, the opportunity to do individual offer for the client – ​​this is an undeniable competitive advantage. Everyone has already understood that templates and similar solutions are not effective, but something special in your service or product is a magnet that will always attract customers. The very fact of being able to choose a product for yourself, be it a bicycle, a sofa or jeans, increases customer loyalty to your company.

Disadvantages of customization

  • As mentioned above, product personalization requires certain costs, which are included in the cost price. More options - higher price!
  • The production speed of a custom (individual) model always takes longer than a standard serial model. The more complex the order, the longer term its manufacture.
  • The more options, the more likely it is that the product will be divided into bestseller and non-liquid. It has been proven that when a product model is displayed in 6 colors, people will not buy 1-2 colors at all, but 4 will do their job - attract customers and increase sales.
  • A large selection makes the buyer think more, take longer to make a purchasing decision, and therefore it is more difficult for the seller to work with the client.


Despite the disadvantages, there are more advantages in the customization process, since everything that attracts buyers, makes them interested in our product, is a positive point in sales. When a seller or manufacturing company thinks about its customers, this certainly affects the brand image and, accordingly, the level of sales. If you have the opportunity to customize your product, start doing it immediately, don't wait for your competitors to do it first.

Customization is the process of creating, decorating, and improving gameplay elements. Most often this concerns the creation of a personal protagonist or his subsequent change within the project. It depends on the tools that developers provide to players. Some projects have extensive editors with a lot of options, while others only provide a choice between a few models.

The popularity of customization in games

Customization is another way for a player to be creative in any game. Every RPG fan (single player or online) dreams of creating a unique main character, unlike the others and standing out from their background. The editor helps create exactly the kind of hero that the gamer himself wants to be like. It's nice to once again see an elegant person or a representative of another race on the screen. The same applies to shooters with interesting weapons, racing with improved cars and other game genres in which customization is present.

Explanation of the term

It is worth knowing that this term means changing a product to suit the needs of the buyer. It is often used by marketers to describe necessary changes in product design. With the development of the digital industry, workers in this area also often began to use the term “customization.”

Windows is an operating system that lends itself to external visual enhancements. Lovers beautiful windows on the screen and pleasant colors, all sorts of themes have been created since the existence of the first version of the OS. On at the moment“Customization” of a personal computer from the inside has gone much further. Users can add special gadgets, download themes and high-quality desktop wallpapers. However, there is no way to rewrite the code to provide a different look and feel for regular users. “Customization” showed itself most well in games, where developers even allowed players to create entire levels in projects using special editors (Age of Empire, “Cossacks” and others).

Characters in RPGs

Customization is a process that never ends in RPG games. When users log in for the first time, an editor opens where they need to select appearance and body size. Most projects allow you to change even the most small elements faces and create your ideal personality. The developers of the game Fallout 4 went especially far in this regard. After the game was released in 2016, fans spent three to four hours inside, before even starting the campaign. As the game progresses, customization continues, as armor and clothing are selected according to personal preferences, shape and beauty. In some games, you can visit a hairdresser (Skyrim) to change your hairstyle or a tattoo artist (Fable) to decorate your body with designs. Constantly changing the character creates interest for the player and gamers do not leave the project halfway through the game.

Editor in MMORPG

IN online games In the MMORPG genre, customization is one of the main points for all gamers. The main reason This means constant play as a character and adventures in groups. Every user wants to stand out in terms of appearance. If such an opportunity is absent, then it will not be possible to impress the gamer with the first impression. Korean MMORPGs have gone especially far in this regard. high class. This category includes the games Blade and Soul, TERA, Black Desert and others. The editor in them allows you to edit even the position of the eyebrows and eye color. Of course, developers do not make customization in their projects similar to what was already there before. In MMORPGs it never ends for the character. IN famous project all over the world of World of Warcraft, with the advent of transmogrification (changing the appearance to another model from the game), a real hunt for beautiful clothes began, which has not ended to this day. In all online projects this direction Customization manifests itself in different ways, but always creates additional interest for users.

Upgrading cars

There is no character customization in racing games, because the player only controls racing cars. Along with this, developers often provide a huge arsenal of vehicle improvements as the campaign progresses. The first attractive upgrade opportunities were in Need for Speed: Underground (two parts). There, players could plunge into the atmosphere of illegal street competitions in cars, where without improvements there was no way to win. Then the tradition was supported in other games in the series, and in Need for Speed ​​2015 (reboot of the line) it came to new level. The car can be upgraded externally and internally. In the first case, the color, wheels, fit are changed, stickers are added, new doors are installed, etc. In the second direction, engine power is increased, nitrous oxide is added, brakes are improved and skidding on corners is reduced. In addition, there is a huge selection of different licensed brands of cars, so that every user can choose a car to suit their taste.

New customization

The customization options for developers have never been exhausted. In the early 2010s, the online gaming industry began to struggle with how to create paid content that would not impact gameplay. Until this time, real investments created an imbalance between players, and many users did not like this. The developers of the League of Legend project were the first to use customization as a way to generate income from games, where the word “skin” was used. Now this term is closely related to customization, and it means a paid change in the appearance of some elements. After this money-making strategy has proven itself in the best possible way, other games began to come out that used it.

Shooters with customization

Shooter games with customization are now extremely popular, but among the total number, there is only one project that is known to all players. Counter Strike outshines other entertainment in this category. In it, customization concerns only weapons, because the player sees only them in front of him (first-person games). The gamer, by investing real money, buys skins for guns, which are divided by quality. After purchasing, the available appearance is set in the settings, and it will be visible in the battles themselves. In online games, respect for players with skins and the proper level of skill increases on both teams. In addition to the general change, there is also a partial change. It is presented in the form of stickers with inscriptions or logos of professional teams.

MOVA with customization

After League of Legend came out with the ability to purchase characters, other MOBA games copied this strategy of getting money from users. Now all projects offer to buy a changed appearance of a champion or hero for a certain amount. Some MOBA games with character customization allow you to change only part of the clothing (DOTA 2), while others allow you to change the entire appearance (SMITE, Heroes of the Storm). Considering that this genre is considered the most popular, and every player tries to find their favorite heroes, customization tactics were doomed to success. Already for many years it only shows its good side, and every second online project is moving in this direction. The price for the images is not high, but due to the large number of purchases, both developers and gamers remain satisfied. Everyone gets what they want (both players and creators) and continues to play or work on the project.