Smart topics to talk to a girl. The most interesting topics for discussion. How to Suggest an Interesting Topic for Conversation

Situations often occur when a man does not know what to talk about with a girl due to excitement, worries or embarrassment. Experts say that communication skills and the ability to communicate naturally with the opposite sex come with experience and practice. In the meantime, during this stage, you can start with a theory that will help a man be prepared for different circumstances.

Psychologists believe that the first opinion about a person significantly influences further communication, so the most difficult thing is to start a conversation correctly. For inexperienced men, superficial topics were left, as well as what questions can be asked in order to win over a woman and get to know her better. Thanks to communication, you can show your girl your good points character, and also get important information from her life.

Communication when meeting someone or how to start talking?

Some men tend to pre-think topics for conversations and questions that will be asked during the conversation. Daredevils and self-confident seducers, on the contrary, prefer to improvise, developing a conversation freely without a plan or instructions. Psychologists have prepared topics for conversation with a girl when meeting a girl for all types of men, since the prospects for a relationship depend on the first impression that is formed.

In general, communication when meeting can consist of three types of phrases - contextual or directive, as well as template phrases. In the first case, much is decided by the situation and circumstances of acquaintance; phrases can vary within the limits of a woman’s appearance, her outfit and hairstyle, mood, behavior or environment. Thanks to such communication, the girl will understand that she is interested in the man. Here are some examples of contextual phrases:

  • Tell me, is this street (street name) real?
  • Do you know where you can buy ice cream nearby, maybe we can enjoy the treat together?
  • It's pouring rain outside, may I offer you my umbrella?
  • You have such posture and grace, surely you dance?
  • It's amazing how much you look like famous actress(name of an attractive actress)!

If we consider directive phrases, they are needed to demonstrate the desire for acquaintance. Just here you don’t have to think about how to interest a girl. Despite the fact that such phrases are less productive, this approach emphasizes the man’s confidence and determination. Directive phrases can be of the following type:

  • Will you have free time tonight?
  • How do you feel about live communication and a walk in the park?
  • Let me get to know you.
  • Your beauty does not allow me to pass by, what is your name?

Template phrases can also tell you what to talk about with a girl. This is perhaps the most ambiguous option for dating, as it can either ruin everything or help a man start a conversation. Examples of template phrases:

  • Does your mother need a son-in-law?
  • I am amazed by your beauty, let me know your name.
  • Shall we meet?
  • It seems to me that we have already met somewhere.
  • Your beauty amazed me so much that I simply don’t know how to talk to you.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

Template phrases must necessarily correspond to the character and temperament of the man, otherwise the girl will immediately recognize the “preparedness” and stereotyped nature of the man’s conversation, perceiving him as an insincere person.

Conversations during long-term communication

Any man can talk to a girl, but not everyone knows how to win a woman over to conversation and open communication with the right questions. There are questions that lead the dialogue to a dead end; as a rule, they imply monosyllabic answer options. If a man wants to get his opponent talking in order to find out more about her, it is advisable to make a list of questions in advance about what can and cannot be asked.

What questions can you ask?

The right questions should start with the words “why, why, what, how and which.” Thanks to this formulation of questions, the girl will immediately understand that the man is interested in her, being ready for further communication with him.

Psychologists advise transforming any closed questions into open ones, for example:

  1. Question “Do you like strawberries?” you can ask differently - “What berries and fruits do you especially prefer?”
  2. The question “Are you a night owl or a lark?” You can paraphrase - “what time do you usually wake up, how many hours are you used to sleeping, what time do you go to bed?”

Psychologists emphasize the basic rules of what to talk to a girl about using questions:

  • girls always appreciate creative and non-standard questions, so a man needs to use his imagination so that the questions are not boring and banal;
  • questions must be positive, and any unexpected turn in the conversation is best corrected by changing the topic;
  • Personal questions should be asked in a measured way and in a timely manner as you get closer to the girl.

If a man doesn’t know how to flirt with a girl, you can simply ask what flowers she likes, which will be a signal to further actions and courtship. You can demonstrate your interest in her by asking questions about her friends, abilities and talents, hobbies and professional activity, goals in life and dreams. Questions about movies, favorite actors, music will help you decide further options Happy dating.

Important! If a girl is shy and not in the mood to communicate, psychologists recommend using humor in questions. Not knowing what to talk about in a certain situation, you can just joke. For example, asking “You bet I’m a better kisser?” or “Do you think that if you take a sleeping pill and then a can of energy drink, you will win in the end.”

What questions should you not ask?

In fact, it is quite difficult for many men to find a topic for conversation and questions, as a result of which tricky and negative questions often arise that lead the dialogue to a dead end. For example:

  • questions about a girl’s weight;
  • about the number of guys in the past;
  • about any mistakes she made;
  • about IQ level;
  • about appearance in a critical format (hair color, choice of cosmetics, clothing, etc.).

Do you know how to carry on a conversation with a girl?


Also, you should not use template questions that do not fit the type and character of a man. It is worth remembering that closed questions ending with a monosyllabic answer always bring the dialogue to an end. Inadmissible questions include vulgar options that may only be appropriate between close acquaintances.


Men often turn to specialists on forums and communities with the problem “I don’t know what to talk about with a girl on social networks.” It would seem that there is nothing easier than communicating remotely using the Internet, where every word can be thought out in advance. First of all, experts advise deciding on the goals of communication, which will determine the direction of communication.

Advice! Communication on the Internet should be based on a goal that is best achieved by the shortest route. Wasting time and stretching out the dialogue over months and years is inadvisable; this will lead to a lack of interest on the part of the girl.

During correspondence it is prohibited:

  • complain about life, people, cry about difficulties and problems;
  • gossip about other people;
  • discuss the shortcomings of people, especially your ex-girlfriends;
  • be offended by your interlocutor with or without reason.

It is better to tell about yourself those moments and events that characterize a man from the best side. Any opinion must be supported by facts, without value judgments. Good indicator best sides and qualities there will be photographs with family, friends, in different circumstances, demonstrating the man’s hobbies and interests. From the photo of the girl you can find a topic for conversation. Media files, films, music, pictures can add creativity to correspondence to attract attention.

Topics for conversation with girls

Few men know for sure what girls like to talk about, which is why attempts to start a dialogue often end in failure. A successful and productive conversation with a girl is possible, the topics of which will be related to her interests, hobbies, preferences and priorities in life, dreams and plans for life. It is important that the conversation is as relaxed and unobtrusive as possible, natural, so that it does not look like the man is simply ingratiating himself.


If a man is building a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl with the aim of inviting her on a date, you can put her in a romantic mood through conversation. You can tell how a man would like to greet the sunrise in the morning or an order in the evening in an intimate setting. Or you can invite a girl to the beach to take beautiful romantic photos at sunset or dawn.


You can find common interests with an unfamiliar girl by talking about proper nutrition, sports, and lifestyle. Almost all girls are concerned about their figure, monitoring their tone and weight. You can ask her about her attitude towards sports, offer a good gym, a website or blog about proper nutrition or something like that. In the future, you can even organize a joint visit to the gym or pool.


You can maintain a lively conversation on the topic of art and culture by finding out the girl’s preferences in music, cinema, and hobbies. different types creativity. Most often, such topics are appropriate in a conversation with a girl, when we have already talked about everything. In addition, in this way you can find common ground, for example, your favorite actor or movie genre, music and common favorite songs.

Her family and relatives

How to talk to a girl when communication has already become quite close and intimate? In this case, the man can ask about parents and family relationships. From the description of the father, one can understand what ideal of a man is built in the girl’s subconscious. By showing interest in the girl’s family, the man thereby makes it clear that he has serious intentions towards her.


Another one alive and always hot topic, what you can communicate about one-on-one or via the network are animals. Almost all girls love animals, so you can show her your attitude towards them, emphasizing common points. If she has pets, you can ask for a photo, and then give the animal pleasant compliments. Praise about caring for our little brothers will be an ideal compliment for the girl herself.


Laughter prolongs life, and psychologists say that it is his sense of humor that captivates many girls in men. You can just tell anyone funny incident from life, so that she would be interested, or a funny anecdote. If interesting topics exhausted, it's time to have fun from the heart with jokes and sharp humor. If a man managed to cheer up a girl, then he can conquer her.


If a man doesn’t know what to do to win over a girl, you can use a special tool - compliments. But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will look insincere in the form of ingratiation. You can simply praise her lipstick, manicure or hairstyle when you meet, because she spent time creating the image. The best items for compliments there will be a girl’s smile and eyes.

Rules of communication

First of all, a man needs to set a list of topics, as well as what questions to ask a girl in order to get her to talk. Further, during the conversation, you need to adhere to several rules from psychologists, namely:

  • Elimination of lies. With constant and close communication, any untruth will sooner or later emerge.
  • With the exception of obscene speech, swearing always spoils the impression of a man and can even be perceived as an insult towards a girl.
  • Correct posture and gestures. During conversations, you should not cross your arms over your chest; excessive gesticulation may look strange, and constant scratching of the chin, head, eyes and earlobes can emphasize self-doubt.
  • No complaints allowed. Girls love and respect strong and persistent men, so you shouldn’t complain about difficulties, work, and especially about ex-girlfriends.
  • Conducting a dialogue. During communication, it is important to maintain parity, speaking out and listening to your opponent.
  • Vivid and emotional conversation. Stories about any events should be supported by appropriate emotions and mood so that the dialogue is always lively and not boring.
  • Positive. You should not discuss any life problems, transferring the load onto her shoulders. Also, do not gossip about other people, discuss ex-girlfriends, etc.
  • Self-confidence. A man’s dialogue should not contain the phrases “I’ll have to think about it,” “maybe,” or “I don’t know.” In addition, during communication you need to monitor your posture, straightened shoulders, calmness, confident gait, etc.

To communicate in accordance with these rules, you can regularly practice in front of a mirror. Special attention is given to breathing, which can turn a confident conversation into a confused and crumpled monologue. In order for speech to be clear and literate, you need to read books, train with the help of tongue twisters and various exercises from speech therapists.

What should you not talk about?

Interesting topics have already been discussed earlier, now it’s worth finding out the topics forbidden and contraindicated by experts for conversations with a girl. First of all, these include topics that a priori cannot be interesting and understandable for the fair sex, for example, topics about cars and technology, horror or action films, computers or weapons.

Topics that are extremely contraindicated include politics, religion and nationalism, as disputes and clashes of views often arise on this basis. The topic of ex-girlfriends in a man’s life, about their advantages and disadvantages. A man is not supposed to gossip, whine and cry into a girl’s shoulder, as well as succumb to emotionality, expressing his lack of composure.


Many inexperienced and insecure men attend various trainings and psychological consultations with the goal of learning how to flirt with a girl and meet the opposite sex. In fact, everything is quite simple, it is only important to decide on the purpose of acquaintance and communication, start communication by finding general topics for conversation, and also to show your best qualities and traits through well-constructed dialogue. Communication should be lively, relaxed and sincere.

I won’t be original when I say that regardless of the purpose of your acquaintance - from a quick affair to starting a family with five children, a summer house in the suburbs and an unbalanced Labrador - you need to talk to a girl. There are few ways to spend time together that don't require communication (to get to the most enjoyable way, again, you'll have to work on communication a little!). So let's outline the main topics for maintaining a conversation with a girl!

If a girl does not drive a car and does not express any particular desire to own one vehicle, you shouldn’t load it with details like the engine of your iron horse. But talk about the car of your dreams or remember which car was featured in last movie Bond movies, yes.

There is no need to talk about your habit of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, drinking two liters of beer at lunch, or biting your nails. Think of something sweeter that brings a smile to your face. About the habit of drawing funny faces on paper while telephone conversation, For example.

How best to earn them and how to spend them more pleasantly. People's attitude towards money different countries. The main thing when discussing this topic is not to come across as a miser or a spendthrift.

Sisters and brothers, nephews, funny little ones walking nearby and mothers with strollers passing by. Children are a pretty sweet and pleasant topic if you don't overuse it. For example, you should not immediately announce your desire to have triplets and share pre-selected names, just as it is not recommended to talk about your categorical rejection of children.

You can start with the simplest thing - finding out whether she is a cat person or a dog lover, prefers colorful fish in an aquarium or keeps a family at home guinea pigs. Pet owners willingly talk about their pets, show their photographs, and are just as happy to listen to a story about your iguana or talking parrot.

Even if a girl lives in one place her entire adult life, with a little preliminary preparation you can easily impress her with your knowledge of local attractions, tell a funny story about old house or about what significant personalities lived on this street.

If you didn't meet in line for shawarma or a nutritious cheeseburger, you can speculate on the topic healthy image life - fortunately, there is plenty of information on this topic in all media sources, so any Internet user can be considered an expert in matters of nutrition and proper habits.

Another win-win topic for conversation. Favorite films, directors, discussion of the latest film events. And if you also manage to show off a phrase from her favorite movie, a trip to the cinema is guaranteed!

Be original—admit that you're not just reading the news when you open your email. Tell us about your favorite book and promise to let them read it. Ask what she reads and what writer she likes most. Or maybe there was a film adaptation of her favorite book recently? A reason to watch it together.

Compliments on her appearance and selection of clothes and accessories will never be superfluous. But here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, I am wary of men who know fashion trends better than me and know more than one designer.

How a girl spends her weekends, her favorite places to spend a long weekend and your recommendations on how to diversify a short vacation. Listen carefully and do not criticize in any way, even if she does not get up from the couch in front of the TV for two days. It’s better to offer something more interesting and, most importantly, joint.

Talk about general topics - what she values ​​in her partner, what kind of relationship she strives for, and which couples are an example for her. You shouldn’t go into details about the unpleasant breakup with your ex-girlfriend, and don’t ask about the size of your chest ex-boyfriend It's also not worth it.

Favorite holiday, what gifts he likes to receive, whether he likes to give gifts and how he usually chooses them, the most memorable celebration for lately. And much, much more. This is truly a fun and endless topic of conversation.

Tell a funny story that happened to you or your friends while on vacation. Ask her where she prefers to relax and what type of vacation she likes best. Share useful information about the country where she is planning to go or offer your services as a guide to places she would like to visit.

Who doesn't have a boss that makes you want to talk about it outside of work? And stories from the last corporate party? Or a couple of gossips about employees? Our work unites us and gives us many common topics for conversation, even if your areas of activity do not overlap.

Be careful not to hurt the feelings of a deeply religious person or irritate a frenzied fanatic of some dubious sect. No matter how slippery this topic may be, it is better to find out right away who you are dealing with. But carefully and having the ability to quickly retreat in case of danger.

The topic of sex is like a minefield, walking through which you can attract attention and intrigue with skillfully chosen stories and appropriate jokes, or be undermined once and for all by immediately reporting in great detail about your sexual preferences using diagrams, pictures and visual examples.

Favorite sport or recent Olympic Games. What is better - going to belly dancing or doing yoga seriously? When is the best time to go for a run - in the morning or in the evening. There are many topics - choose any one.

Invite a girl to teach her to roller-skate, play curling, or invite her to see your collection, as was the case with the classics - lute music of the 16th century. Don’t forget to find out about her hobbies - listen carefully, without interrupting, with an interested face and ask clarifying questions, no matter what oddities she’s into!

This situation has happened to everyone - you met a girl you really like, but you don’t know what to talk to her about. In this article we will talk about how to choose the right suitable topic to communicate, find common interests with a girl and interest her.

Inappropriate topics for communicating with a girl

Obviously, you shouldn't talk to a girl about topics that aren't interesting to her. For example:

  • Racing cars and motorcycles - if she does not like speed, but prefers safe driving;
  • Horror or action films if she prefers romantic comedies;
  • Computers and their components, unless of course your girlfriend is a hacker.

There are also a number of topics that should be excluded:

  • policy;
  • nationalism;
  • religion.

Your views may differ significantly, and then your romantic date may end in a quarrel.

Besides, you can't tell girls about your "ex" girlfriends. Remember! Never! Make this a rule.

Let's start communicating. Let's get to know the girl better

The only thing that any person can talk about endlessly is about himself. If you don't know where to start a conversation with a woman, ask her tell about yourself. Here are the relevant topics:

  • What is she interested in and what is her hobby?
  • What kind of pastime does she like best - a quiet, calm atmosphere at home with a mug of coffee or night parties in clubs with friends;
  • What does her name mean, who is she according to her horoscope;
  • Does he believe in love at first sight and trust dream books?
  • What she does in her free time, where she likes to go;
  • Pay special attention to her plans for the future;
  • Favorite drink, scent, movie, book, season, color;
  • Separately, you should ask about her favorite colors. Be sure to remember them. When you come to your next date with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, it will definitely make a strong impression on her;
  • Ask if she has ever done crazy and thoughtless things, for what?

Let's continue communication. We are looking for common ground.

So, the reconnaissance is over. You already have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person is sitting opposite you. Then the conversation needs to continue on general topics that are interesting to both of you. You have already formed a general opinion about her range of interests. Well, you know your circle of interests like the back of your hand. Where your interests intersect - there you should look for the most interesting topics for conversations.

If there are no points of contact (this also happens), do not despair. You can always find topics that one way or another concern both. For example:

  • Favorite places in your city;
  • Weather;
  • Mutual acquaintances (if any);
  • Significant events and activities.

Additional Win-Win Themes


All women on the planet are incredibly romantic creatures. Tell me how you would like to meet sunrises and see off sunsets with her, look at the stars on the shores of the Cote d'Azur and admire her outlines in the moonlight.


Not all girls are athletes. But each of them always tries to watch their figure. If you sporty man, then this is your topic. Here she will listen to you very carefully.

Tell her about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, perhaps she is trying to stick to it. Ask if she goes to the gym or any classes - fitness, shaping, yoga, etc. If not, but says that she has always dreamed of this, offer her a joint visit to the gym or pool.


Find out what kind of music she likes to listen to, what movies to watch. Perhaps she draws or dances well, sings or plays some kind of musical instrument. If you are doing the same thing, then you will have something to talk about.

Her family and relatives

All girls love to tell how much they love their mom and dad. What are they to her? perfect couple and that, following their example, she would like to build her love.

If a girl has brothers or sisters, don’t deprive them of an extra question. Ask their names, how old they are, what they like, where they study and what they would like to become in the future. If they are already adults, find out if they have their own families and whether they often get together on common holidays or on weekends.

If your girlfriend has neither a brother nor a sister, you can talk to her about whether she ever wanted to have them and why. Find out more about her childhood. Did she go to kindergarten, did she like it there? Let him relax a little and plunge into the atmosphere of carefree years.


It’s also worth talking to a girl about love for our smaller brothers. Every girl loves animals. Find out if she has a pet, be sure to ask what his name is and how old he is. Ask to see a photo! (this will be a plus for you). And if you yourself love animals, then you can talk about this topic endlessly.


Humor can be an additional advantage in communication. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, joke more, especially if you are excellent at it, it turns out, tell me something interesting and funny joke or an incident from life. Just in case, you should always have 7-8 jokes in your arsenal for all occasions in life. If you can cheer her up, consider it a done deal.


The main thing is not to overdo it! Throw a couple of phrases about how wonderful she looks, how this dress suits her and the perfectly matched lipstick (after all, she spent a lot of time on this before your date and it will be a pity if you don’t appreciate it).


You need to be careful with this topic. Go to it only if you are sure that you already have complete mutual understanding. At the same time, her past lovers should not be mentioned. But, for example, you can talk about your favorite poses.

It's better to bring up the topic of sex towards the end of the date. Talking about sex at the very beginning may turn her off.

Well, in general, when talking to a girl, act according to the circumstances. Don't worry, don't be nervous and don't fuss. On the first date, you should not force things. Imagine that she is your friend whom you have not seen for 10 years. Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and try to learn more about her.

Topics for communicating with a girl

Dating and Pickup

Topics for communicating with a girl

We are often asked about topics to talk about with a girl when meeting a girl, on a date, and during closer communication. And, as a rule, guys try to get a certain list of topics that will help them talk to a girl easily and freely.

Unfortunately, this desire of guys is initially wrong, since it is quite stupid to limit your communication with a girl to a certain list of topics that, in the guy’s opinion, will be interesting to the girl. In fact, everything is much more interesting and easier, it will be enough to remember just one thing important rule, and you can communicate comfortably with any girl. talking with a girl.

What topics do girls want to talk about?

No matter how strange it may seem, all people want to talk and discuss exclusively themselves and their affairs, and girls are no exception. Therefore, when meeting girls, they don’t want to listen to guys’ stories about themselves, about their exploits and various affairs and things, they want to talk about themselves and see empathy, understanding and interest in the guy’s eyes. And it would be stupid of you not to use this trick.

Therefore, your communication with a girl should be light and relaxed, so that she feels free to choose topics for conversation, and you sincerely support her intention to talk about what she chooses. There is no need to put pressure on her, no need to interrupt and insert remarks that have little to do with her stories.

Also, you should not show the girl that you are preoccupied. We do not argue that communication with a girl should include flirting and sex, otherwise she will perceive you exclusively as a friend. But this should be a response to the girl’s desire to get closer, and not straightforward stubbornness that turns into concern.

Let her talk about herself, about her affairs, about her goals and desires, about what bad friends she has, and also how she has had no luck with normal guys in relationships. Let her talk about her hobbies and preferences, as well as funny incidents that have happened in her life. And your main task becomes: ability to hear it. Because after each topic, she will want to hear your opinion regarding her story, and she will need to say something more intelligible and worthy than “Yes, you’re right,” “Yes, I think so too.”

You will need to support her main talking points and get her to go a little deeper than she already has. This will show your interest and involvement in the conversation, she will definitely like it.

How to maintain topics for communication:

“I danced as a child, but then I really gave it up because of my studies.”

  • You can see that you have a good figure. Moreover, I won’t believe that you don’t dance. When last time did you go dancing and relaxing?

“I like watching horror films, I like the atmosphere in them”

  • I’m lucky, but I’m afraid to watch such films, I’m constantly scared. Which one is the best scary movie did you watch?

“Look, the sky is cloudy, it’s about to rain.”

  • “Rain is good. Were you afraid of rain as a child? Such a fragile girl must have been afraid of something.”

This way you can show the girl your sincere interest in her as a person, and not as an object for sex and entertainment. But, as you may have already noticed, you should not only maintain a conversation with the girl on her topic, but also from time to time give her compliments that move you closer to her. For example:

  • “Good story, I want sex with you” - Wrong!
  • « You have an amazing figure, I would be glad to see it in the near future" - Right!

Girl's approval. If you do everything right, the girl will start talking about her past and current exploits, and this sometimes leads to stories about quite shocking things. For example, something vulgar or too personal. However, no matter what she says, you should act as if she didn’t say anything offensive or strange. Then, without her, you will draw conclusions from this and think about the whole prospect of the relationship, but while you are with her, support everything she says.

Topics for conversation with a girl

Although your number 1 goal is to get a girl to talk about herself, quite often you come across girls who act shy. They will be afraid to tell you anything at first. Then to avoid awkward silence, you will need to take matters into your own hands. And with these topics you can start a conversation with a girl:

Hobbies, hobbies, interests. You look at a girl and notice things that can somehow characterize her and her interests. For example, you see a bracelet on her hand and ask her where she bought it. Then you start telling her about the influence of bracelets on a person and transfer it all to the topic of mysticism. Girls love such topics, so she will support her.

If a girl doesn't have some distinctive features, then you ask her a question directly, for example: “And you interesting girl What are your hobbies besides walking with nice guys? And then you spin her theme.

Food. Unfortunately or fortunately, now almost every girl openly admits that she loves to eat. Therefore, discussing her taste preferences and culinary capabilities is a great idea.

Trips. Thanks to publics about success and “ free life“Nowadays only the lazy don’t dream of blaming desert island or somewhere in Europe. So ask the girl:

  • Where have you been?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Why do you like this place?
  • How much does a trip there cost?
  • Would you like to go alone or with a guy?

Philosophy and the meaning of life. If our girl falls into the “dreamers” category, then discussing the meaning of life or some kind of injustice is best suited. You ask just a couple of questions about her opinion about the meaning of life, and she will be carried away: she will talk, you will argue with her, she will begin to behave aggressively and want you. An ideal theme for spiritual girls.

Relationship. Relationships are a good topic to discuss. Girls love to talk about their loser girlfriends and their unhappy loves. But try not to stoop to discussing her ex-boyfriends, let her just tell you about the meaning of relationships for her and some funny incidents from her life.

And that's all! Now you know how to get a girl to talk and become an interesting conversationalist.