Works suitable to the theme of honor and dishonor. The direction is hope and despair. Is everything so bad

The choice between honor and dishonor sooner or later arises for every person. We find ourselves in a situation where a fork appears in front of us: one road is straight, the other path is crooked, but straight. We understand that the second option will get us to our goal much easier and faster, but the first will allow us to preserve our dignity and good name. Many people choose what is least difficult, because they do not have the moral strength to achieve their goal honestly. However, there are those who will never sacrifice virtue. Difficult choice situation good way check what a person is worth. When does it occur and how to recognize it?

To answer the question posed, let us turn to fiction. In Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, the heroine falls in love with the handsome Vronsky, although she married woman and an exemplary mother. She never loved her husband, since the difference in age and interests did not allow them to get closer, so she can be understood. The young officer soon achieves reciprocity; he and Anna become lovers. It is obvious that the heroes had to choose between honor and dishonor when they realized that they were in love. An honest path did not initially exist for them, because divorce in those days was already considered dishonorable. What should I do? Betray love? Deceive your spouse? So they didn’t know the answer. And no one knows exactly how they will behave in such a situation. You cannot come to terms with the fact that you need to live life without love, but betrayal is not a way out of the situation. In literature this is called “collision” (unresolvable conflict), and that’s when it arises difficult choice, because there is no straight road, and the boundaries between honor and dishonor are blurred.

Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” was also touched upon. Sonya Marmeladova is forced to feed her family, since her father drinks away all his money and her stepmother is sick with consumption. She had to get " yellow ticket" From that moment on, the girl lost her honor, trampling on her human dignity. But we are faced with a collision again: she has no other way out. Either the whole family dies by starvation, or Sonya sacrifices herself for their lives. It cannot be said that she followed this path for the sake of money or that she was naturally depraved. The vice did not touch her even on the panel. But in a situation of extreme need, the heroine did not value her good name too highly, because the life of her family was on the other side of the scale. Poverty is vicious in itself, because it devalues ​​human dignity. Therefore, people who are in dire need of funds are always at a crossroads.

When does the choice between honor and dishonor arise? When nothing happens in life and a person is calm, he will most likely live honestly, since there is no temptation, but in the fever of love and in extreme need we are all capable of doubting the expediency of virtue.

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Some examples for writing the direction “Honor and Dishonor”

About honor

Concepts such as “honor” and “conscience” have somehow lost their relevance in modern world indifference and cynical attitude towards life.
If previously it was a shame to be considered an unscrupulous person, today such a “compliment” is taken lightly and even with bravado. Pangs of conscience - today this is something from the realm of melodrama and is perceived as a movie plot, that is, the audience is indignant, and at the end of the film they go and, for example, steal apples from someone else's orchard.
Nowadays, it has become a shame to show mercy, compassion, empathy. Nowadays it’s “cool”, to the approving hooting of the crowd, to hit a weak person, kick a dog, insult an elderly person, be rude to a passerby, and so on. Any nasty thing created by one scumbag is perceived as almost a feat by the fragile minds of teenagers.
We have stopped feeling, having isolated ourselves from the realities of life with our own indifference. We pretend that we don’t see or hear. Today we pass by a bully, swallow insults, and tomorrow we ourselves quietly turn into unscrupulous and dishonest people.
Let's remember past centuries. Duels with swords and pistols for insulting one's honorable name. Conscience and duty that guided the thoughts of the defenders of the Fatherland. Mass heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War for the enemy's trampling of the honor of his beloved Motherland. No one shifted the unbearable burden of responsibility and duty onto the shoulders of another to make himself more comfortable.
Honor and conscience are the most important and valuable qualities of the human soul.
A dishonest person can go through life without feeling pangs of conscience for his actions. There will always be sycophants and hypocrites scurrying around, extolling his imaginary merits. But none of them will lend him a helping hand in difficult times.
An unscrupulous person will not spare anyone on his ambitious path to achieve his goals. Neither devoted friendship, nor love for the Motherland, nor compassion, nor mercy, nor human kindness are inherent in such a person.
Each of us wants respect and attention from others. But only when we ourselves become more tolerant, more restrained, more tolerant and kinder, will we have the moral right to respond to the manifestation of the listed qualities.
If today you betrayed a friend, cheated on a loved one, cheated on a colleague, insulted a subordinate, or betrayed someone’s trust, then don’t be surprised if tomorrow the same thing happens to you. Finding yourself abandoned and unwanted, you will have a great chance to reconsider your attitude towards life, towards people, towards your actions.
A deal with conscience that covers up shady dealings up to a certain point can end very badly in the future. There will always be someone more cunning, arrogant, dishonest and unscrupulous, who, under the guise of false flattery, will push you into the abyss of ruin in order to take the place that you also took from another.
An honest person always feels free and confident. Acting according to his conscience, he does not burden his soul with vices. He is not characterized by greed, envy and irrepressible ambitions. He simply lives and enjoys every day given to him from above.

Essay on the topic: Honor and dishonor

The concepts of honor and dignity express the spiritual connection of a person with society. “Honor is my life,” wrote Shakespeare, “they have grown into one, and to lose honor is for me the same as losing life.”
Own position: What does the concept of “honor” mean today? Everyone will interpret this concept in their own way. For some, it is a set of highest moral principles, respect, honor, and recognition of others’ victories. For others it is “land, cattle, sheep, bread, commerce, profit - this is life!” For me, honor and dignity are not an empty phrase. It's too early to say that I live by honor. But I hope that these concepts will always serve life guide for me.
Nowadays, it seems that the concepts of “honor and dignity” are outdated, having lost their original, true values. But earlier, in the times of valiant knights and beautiful ladies, they preferred to give up their lives rather than lose honor. And it was customary to defend one’s dignity, the dignity of one’s loved ones and simply dear people in fights. Let us at least remember how, defending the honor of his family, A.S. died in a duel. Pushkin. “I need my name and honor to be inviolable in all corners of Russia,” he said. The favorite heroes of Russian literature were people of honor. Let us remember what kind of instruction the hero of the story receives from his father." Captain's daughter": “Take care of your honor from a young age.” The father did not want his son to become a secular reveler and therefore sent him to serve in a distant garrison. Meeting with people devoted to duty, the Motherland, love, for whom the honor of the uniform was above all, played a role in Grinev’s life decisive positive role. He passed with honor all the trials that befell him, and never once lost his dignity, did not compromise his conscience, although there were plenty of opportunities, there was peace in his soul.
"Honor is like gem“The slightest spot takes away its shine and takes away all its value,” Edmond Pierre Beauchaine once said. Yes, this is indeed true. And everyone, sooner or later, will have to decide how to live - with honor or without it.

Essay on the topic: What is honor?

What is honor and why has it been so valued at all times? He talks about her folk wisdom– “Take care of your honor from a young age,” poets sing it and philosophers reflect on it. They died in duels for her, and, having lost her, they considered their life over. In any case, the concept of honor contains the desire for moral ideal. This ideal can be created by a person for himself, or he can accept it from society.
In the first case, in my opinion, this is a kind of internal honor, which includes such individual qualities of a person as courage, nobility, justice, and honesty. These are the beliefs and principles that form the basis of a person's self-esteem. This is what he cultivates and values ​​in himself. A person's honor outlines the limits of what a person can allow himself and what kind of attitude he can tolerate from others. A person becomes his own judge. This is what constitutes human dignity, so it is important for a person not to betray any of his principles.
I would correlate another understanding of honor with more modern concept reputation is how a person shows himself to other people in communication and business. IN in this case It is important not to “lose your dignity” in the eyes of other people, because few people will want to communicate with a rude person, do business with an unreliable person, or help a heartless miser in need. However, a person may still have bad traits character and simply try to hide them from others.
In any case, loss of honor leads to negative consequences- either a person becomes disappointed in himself or becomes an outcast in society. Honor, which I defined as reputation, has always been considered the calling card of a person - both men and women. And sometimes it hurt people. For example, when they were considered unworthy, even though it was not they who were to blame, but gossip and intrigue. Or rigid social boundaries. I have always found it amazingly accepted in Victorian era the condemnation of a young woman who was in mourning for her husband and wanted to start a new life.
The main thing I realized is that the word “honor” is related to the word “honesty.” You need to be honest with yourself and people, to be, and not seem to be, a worthy person, and then you will not face either condemnation or self-criticism.

Honor, duty, conscience - these concepts are now rarely seen among people.
What is it?
Honor is an association I have with the army, with the officers who defend our Motherland, and also with the people who withstand the “blows of fate” with honor.
Duty is again our valiant defenders of the fatherland, who have a duty to protect us and our Motherland, and any person can also have a duty, for example, to help older people or younger ones if they are in trouble.
Conscience is something that lives inside every person.
There are people without conscience, this is when you can pass by grief and not help, and nothing will torment you inside, but you can help and then sleep peacefully.

Often these concepts are related to each other. As a rule, these qualities are given to us during our upbringing.
Example from literature: War and Peace, L. Tolstoy. Unfortunately, these concepts are now outdated, the world has changed. It is rare to meet a person who has all these qualities.

Essay on the topic: What is honor? (According to D. Granin)

In his article, D. Granin talks about the existence in the modern world of several points of view about what honor is, and whether this concept is outdated or not. But, despite this, the author believes that the sense of honor cannot become obsolete, since it is given to a person from birth.
To support his position, Granin cites an incident related to Maxim Gorky. When the tsarist government annulled the writer's election to honorary academicians, Chekhov and Korolenko refused the titles of academicians. By this act, the writers expressed their rejection of the government’s decision. Chekhov defended Gorky's honor; at that moment he did not think about himself. It was the title of “man with a capital M” that allowed the writer to protect the good name of his comrade.
In my opinion, one cannot but agree with the author’s opinion. After all, people who will do desperate things to preserve the honor of their loved ones cannot disappear.
This means that the concept of honor will not become obsolete. We can defend our honor and, of course, our loved ones and relatives.
So A.S. Pushkin went to a duel with Dantes to defend the honor of his wife Natalya.
In Kuprin's work "The Duel" main character just like Pushkin, he defends the honor of his beloved in a duel with her husband. Death awaited this hero, but it was not meaningless.
I believe the topic of this article is very relevant, since in the modern world many people have lost the line between honor and dishonor.
But as long as a person lives, honor lives.

Essay on the topic: The theme of honor and dishonor in the works of Pushkin

After reading the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter”, you understand that one of the themes of this work is the theme of honor and dishonor. The story contrasts two heroes: Grinev and Shvabrin - and their ideas about honor. These heroes are young, both of them are nobles. YES, they end up in this outback (Belogorsk Fortress) not of their own free will. Grinev - at the insistence of his father, who decided that his son needed to “pull the strap and smell the gunpowder...” And Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress, perhaps because of the high-profile story associated with the duel. We know that for a nobleman a duel is a way to defend honor. And Shvabrin, at the beginning of the story, seems to be a man of honor. Although from the point of view common man, Vasilisa Egorovna, a duel is “murder.” This assessment allows the reader who sympathizes with this heroine to doubt Shvabrin’s nobility.
You can judge a person by his actions in difficult times. For the heroes, the challenge was the capture Belogorsk fortress Pugachev. Shvabrin saves his life. We see him “with his hair cut in a circle, in a Cossack caftan, among the rebels.” And during the execution, he whispers something in Pugachev’s ear. Grinev is ready to share the fate of Captain Mironov. He refuses to kiss the impostor’s hand because he is ready to “prefer a cruel execution to such humiliation...”.
They also treat Masha differently. Grinev admires and respects Masha, even writes poetry in her honor. Shvabrin, on the contrary, confuses the name of his beloved girl with dirt, saying “if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings.” Shvabrin slanderes not only this girl, but also her relatives. For example, when he says “as if Ivan Ignatich was in an inappropriate relationship with Vasilisa Egorovna..” It becomes clear that Shvabrin actually does not love Masha. When Grinev rushed to free Marya Ivanovna, he saw her “pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress.” The girl’s appearance eloquently speaks of what she had to endure due to the fault of Shvabrin, who tortured her, kept her in captivity and constantly threatened to extradite her her rebels.
If we compare the main characters, Grinev will certainly command more respect, because despite his youth he managed to behave with dignity, remained true to himself, and did not disgrace good name father, protected his beloved.
Perhaps all this allows us to call him a man of honor. Self-esteem helps our hero at the trial at the end of the story to calmly look into the eyes of Shvabrin, who, having lost everything, continues to fuss, trying to slander his enemy. Long ago, while still in the fortress, he crossed the boundaries determined by honor, wrote a letter - a denunciation - to Grinev's father, trying to destroy the newly born love. Having acted dishonestly once, he cannot stop and becomes a traitor. And therefore Pushkin is right when he says “take care of honor from a young age” and makes them an epigraph to the entire work.

Honor and dishonor... Probably many have thought about what these words mean. Honor is self-esteem, moral principles that a person is ready to defend in any situation, even at the cost own life. The basis of dishonor is cowardice, weakness of character, which does not allow one to fight for ideals, forcing one to commit vile acts. Both of these concepts are revealed, as a rule, in a situation of moral choice.

Many writers have addressed the topic of honor and dishonor. Thus, V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” talks about two partisans who were captured. One of them, Sotnikov, bravely endures torture, but does not tell his enemies anything. Knowing that he will be executed the next morning, he prepares to face death with dignity. The writer focuses our attention on the hero’s thoughts: “Sotnikov easily and simply, as something elementary and completely logical in his situation, now made the last decision: to take everything upon himself. Tomorrow he will tell the investigator that he went on reconnaissance, had a mission, wounded a policeman in a shootout, that he is the commander of the Red Army and an opponent of fascism, let them shoot him. The rest have nothing to do with it.” It is significant that before his death the partisan thinks not about himself, but about saving others. And although his attempt did not lead to success, he fulfilled his duty to the end. The hero faces death courageously, not for a minute does the thought of begging the enemy for mercy or becoming a traitor occur to him. The author wants to convey to us the idea that honor and dignity are above the fear of death.

Sotnikov’s comrade, Rybak, behaves completely differently. The fear of death took over all his feelings. Sitting in the basement, all he can think about is saving his own life. When the police offered him to become one of them, he was not offended or indignant; on the contrary, he “felt keenly and joyfully - he will live! The opportunity to live has appeared - this is the main thing. Everything else will come later.” Of course, he does not want to become a traitor: “He had no intention of giving them partisan secrets, much less joining the police, although he understood that it would obviously not be easy to evade them.” He hopes that “he will turn out and then he will certainly settle accounts with these bastards...”. An inner voice tells the Fisherman that he has embarked on the path of dishonor. And then Rybak tries to find a compromise with his conscience: “He went to this game to win his life - isn’t this enough for the most, even desperate, game? And there it will be visible, as long as they don’t kill him or torture him during interrogations. If only he could break out of this cage, he wouldn’t allow himself anything bad. Is he an enemy to his own? Faced with a choice, he is not ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of honor.

The writer shows the successive stages of Rybak's moral decline. So he agrees to go over to the side of the enemy and at the same time continues to convince himself that “there is no great guilt behind him.” In his opinion, “he had more opportunities and cheated to survive. But he is not a traitor. In any case, I had no intention of becoming a German servant. He kept waiting to seize an opportune moment - maybe now, or maybe a little later, and only they will see him...”

And so Rybak takes part in Sotnikov’s execution. Bykov emphasizes that Rybak is trying to find an excuse even for this terrible act: “What does he have to do with it? Is this him? He just pulled out this stump. And then on the orders of the police.” And only walking in the ranks of policemen, Rybak finally understands: “There was no longer a road to escape from this formation.” V. Bykov emphasizes that the path of dishonor that Rybak chose is a path to nowhere.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that, when faced with a difficult choice, we will not forget about the highest values: honor, duty, courage.

Many people like to use the word honor, but not everyone is ready to defend it in our time. Cowardice causes dishonor, disrespect, indifference and laziness, forcing us not to defend our interests and the interests of people close to us.
Sometimes it seems to me that men who defend their honor and the honor of their lovers have sunk along with the times of the Middle Ages. It was at this time that men defended the concept of honor and were ready to give their lives for it.
But, to my great happiness, I can still observe men who will never allow them to be dishonored. This gives me hope that our world will be free of hurt, insults and disrespect.

Essay No. 2 Honor and dishonor Complete for grade 11

It's nice to watch people who like to defend their honor, who are not afraid to express their point of view, and are true to their life principles. Honor allows you to be more confident in yourself, to understand what you need from life, what you are ready to fight for and what is really important to you.

There are things that, according to many people, are more important than honor. This is where dishonor comes into play. Money can make people give up their honor, money can make them offend people, be rude, and betray. Many politicians do not defend the interests of the country, many men are not ready to protect their women. All this is a manifestation of dishonor, tactlessness and disrespect. Dishonor also speaks of a person’s lack of conscience. Nowadays, in our time of stress and constant haste, it is easy to insult a person, offend and show disrespect. It is important that such behavior does not go unpunished. It is important to raise children on the principles of upholding honor, their interests and showing respect. It is this kind of education that can get rid of constant negativity, self-interest, and arrogance.

The concept of conscience is inextricably linked with honor. Conscientious people will not deceive, betray, insult or offend a person. Conscience allows you to think about your behavior and the consequences that may arise.

Nurturing in a person such positive qualities how honor begins with the atmosphere in the family. This is exactly what the parents did, their children will do. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise children in a family with a favorable climate, in a family where the honor of the family, country and like-minded people is protected.

A person always decides for himself how to act according to his conscience, or choose the path of dishonor. His moral side is always responsible for his actions and behavior in various life situations.

Essay No. 3 on the topic Honor and dishonor

Today, more than ever, such a concept as honor is important. This happens because now almost all young people are trying to lose this valuable quality and remain dishonest person. Today, help, respect, and integrity are not valued. Many do not try to protect their honor from a young age, but it turns out that this happens in vain.

Honor has been important at all times. Men considered it a duty of honor to protect their family and their homeland. Women took care of their honor for the sake of their beloved men. The children were raised patriotically. Now all this has faded into the background. Now they beat dogs, insult old people and post it all on the Internet. However, it is worth stopping and thinking about whether such actions are correct. After all, it is better to be an honest and conscientious person than to be dishonest and unprincipled.

Important from the very beginning early childhood instill in children a sense of self-esteem. It is important to teach children to respect other people and love their homeland. It is important to understand that to an honest man life is easier and simpler. After all, when there is no heaviness on the soul dishonorable acts, I want to do good, live happily and cheerfully, and not hide from society with the burden of crimes. Therefore, I always choose honest actions and conscientious decisions.

Essay for 11th grade. Unified State Exam

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The “Honor and Dishonor” direction is based on polar concepts associated with moral choice person: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused their attention on depicting different manifestations of man: from fidelity moral rules to various forms compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline.

For inspiration!

Everything in the world depends on

From the heavenly heights.

But our honor, but our honor

It depends on us alone.

Song from the movie "The Musketeers. 20 years later"

Music M. Dunaevsky, poems by Leonid Derbenev

Possible essay topics

Possible essay topics(selection by Irina Anatolyevna Suyazova)

1. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honest eyes do not look sideways”?

2. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honor goes along the road, but dishonor goes on the side”?

3. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Death is better than dishonor”?

4. How do you understand the meaning of F. M. Dostoevsky’s statement “Trading honor, you cannot get rich”? 5. A work about honor and dishonor that excited you...

6. It’s easy to be called a man, but it’s more difficult to be a man (proverb).

7. How are the words “honor”, ​​“honesty”, “purity” similar?

8.Why has honor been valued at all times?

9.Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?

10. How do you understand what “honor” and “dishonor” are?

11.People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. (Confucius)

12. When a guilty person admits his guilt, he saves the only thing worth saving - his honor (Victor Hugo)

13.Whoever loses honor cannot lose anything beyond that. (Publius Syrus)

14.Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest spot deprives it of its shine and takes away all its value. (Pierre Beauchaine, French writer)

15. Is the Russian proverb true: “Take care of your honor from a young age”?

16. You won’t get rich by trading your honor. (F.M. Dostoevsky, great Russian writer)

17. An honest person can be persecuted, but not dishonored. (F. Voltaire)

18.Honor can only be lost once. (E.M. Kapiev, Dagestan Soviet prose writer)

19.Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.P. Chekhov)

20. Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that should be valued (according to the works of Russian literature of the 19th century century)

21. Your attitude to the relevance of the topic of honor (Why does the topic of honor remain relevant today?)

22. What kind of person can be called a man of honor?

23. How do you understand what “honor” and “dishonor” are?

24. Betrayal and dishonor: how are these concepts related?

25. Honor and conscience are the leading concepts characterizing the human personality

26. The concept of honor that is close to my spirit...

27. Can love or conscience revive the previously lost concept of honor? (As an example-argument: Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”) 28. Can a person who wins a duel be considered a man of honor?

29. Do you agree with the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky “In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once you step over, it is impossible to go back”?

30. What is true honor and what is imaginary?

31. What lengths can you go to in order to protect human honor? 32. A work about a man of honor that shocked me...

33. What does it mean to walk the path of honor?

M.A. Sholokhov, story “The Fate of a Man”;

A.S. Griboedov, comedy “Woe from Wit”;

DI. Fonvizin, comedy “Undergrown”;

A.S. Pushkin, story “The Captain's Daughter”;

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign";

N.A. Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'"

M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”

N.M. Karamzin, story “Poor Liza”

A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "The Thunderstorm"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matryonin's Dvor"

A.I. Kuprin, stories " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya"

M. Gorky, story “Old Woman Izergil”

Tolstoy L.N., story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Paustovsky K. G., fairy tale “Warm Bread”

Stevenson R., ballad “Heather Honey”

M.Yu. Lermontov. “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”

N.V.Gogol. , story "Taras Bulba"

F. Cooper, novel “The Last of the Mohicans”

A.P. Platonov, story “Yushka”

W. Scott. , novel "Ivanhoe"

Pushkin A.S. ,novel "Dubrovsky"

Green A.S. , extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”

Merimee P., short story “Matteo Falcone”

L.N. Andreev, story “Judas Iscariot”

N.S. Leskov, “The Stupid Artist”, “The Enchanted Wanderer”

G. de Maupassant, “The Necklace”

Materials for the introductory part of the essay

Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an action when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, presenting them with a choice - to act honorably and take the blow or be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and from it moral principles depends on how he will act. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot help but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his entire life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity. “Honor is my life,” Shakespeare wrote, “they have grown into one, and to lose honor is for me the same as losing life.” Moral decay, the decline of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation. That is why the importance of the great Russian classical literature, which is the moral foundation for many generations of people.

Materials for the main part of the essay

Holy Army

Conscience, Nobility and Dignity - here it is, our holy army.
Give him your hand
There is no fear for him even in the fire.

His face is high and amazing.
Dedicate your short life to him.
Maybe you won't be a winner
but you will die like a man.


Bella Akhmadulina

Self-esteem is a mysterious tool:

it is created over centuries, but is lost in a moment

whether to an accordion, to a bombing, to beautiful chatter,

dried up, destroyed, crushed at the root.

Self-esteem is a mysterious path,

on which it’s easy to crash, but you can’t turn back,

because without delay, inspired, pure, alive,

will dissolve and turn to dust human image your.

Self-esteem is simply a portrait of love.

I love you, my comrades - pain and tenderness are in my blood.

No matter what the darkness and evil prophesies, there’s nothing but this

humanity did not come up with a way to save itself.

So don’t waste your time, brother, don’t give up, spit on the nonsense vanity -

you will lose your divine face, your pristine beauty.

Well, why risk it in vain? Are there not enough other concerns?

Get up, go, servant, just straight, just forward.

Yuri Levitansky

Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, religion, a road.

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves:

Shield and armor. Staff and patches.

The measure of the final reckoning

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

The day will come and the hour will strike,
When will it be the turn of intelligence and honor to stand in first place throughout the entire earth.
Robert Burns

This wonderful text from a collection of texts for Unified State Exam essays can be used both in the main part and in the introduction and conclusion. Read it, write down quotes, keywords.

(1) In a letter to his wife on May 18, 1836, Pushkin wondered: where did these sensible young people come from, “who are spit in the eyes, and they wipe themselves off” instead of defending their honor? (2) Sometimes it seems that we came out of the greatcoats of these meek people. (3) We can no longer hear the ringing of elastic steel in the word honor.