Oblomov's life principles. Essay “Contrast of images – Stolz and Oblomov

It does not lose its relevance even today, being a brilliant socio-psychological work in Russian literature of the 19th century. In the book, the author touches on a number of eternal topics and questions, without giving clear answers, inviting the reader to independently find solutions to the described conflicts. One of the leading eternal themes in the novel is the theme of family, revealed through the example of the biography of the main characters of the work - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. According to the plot of the novel, Oblomov’s attitude towards family and parents, on the one hand, is similar, but on the other hand, it is radically different from Stolz’s attitude towards family. Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich, although they come from the same social order, adopted different family values and received completely different upbringings, which later left an imprint on their fate and development in life.

Oblomov family

The reader encounters a description of Oblomov’s family in the novel “Oblomov” in the final chapter of the first part of the work - “Oblomov’s Dream”.
Ilya Ilyich dreams of beautiful landscapes of his native Oblomovka, his calm childhood, parents and servants. The Oblomov family lived by its own norms and rules, and their main values ​​were the cult of food and relaxation. Every day, the whole family decided what dishes needed to be prepared, and after lunch the whole village plunged into sleepy, lazy idleness. In Oblomovka, it was not customary to talk about anything lofty, argue, discuss serious issues - conversations between family members were meaningless exchanges of words that did not require additional energy and emotions.

It was in such a calming and, in its own way, depressing atmosphere that Ilya Ilyich grew up. The hero was a very curious, interested in everything and an active child, but the excessive care of his parents and their attitude towards him as a greenhouse plant led to the fact that he was gradually swallowed up by the swamp of “Oblomovism”. Moreover, education, science, literacy and all-round development in the Oblomov family were considered rather a whim, an excess, a fashionable trend, which one could easily do without. That is why, even after sending their son to study, Ilya Ilyich’s parents themselves found many reasons for him to skip classes, staying at home and indulging in idle pastime.

Despite the excessive guardianship on the part of Oblomov’s entourage, Oblomov’s attitude towards his family and parents was the most favorable; he actually loved them with the calm love with which it was customary to love in Oblomovka. And even dreaming about how he would establish his family happiness, Ilya Ilyich imagined his future relationship with his wife exactly as it was between his father and mother - full of care and tranquility, representing the acceptance of his other half for who she is. Perhaps this is why the love of Oblomov and Olga was doomed to parting - Ilyinskaya only at first glance looked like the ideal of his dreams, but in fact she was not ready to devote her life to ordinary everyday joys, which for Ilya Ilyich represented the basis of family happiness.

Stolz family

Andrei Stolts in the novel is best friend Oblomov, whom they met back in school years. Andrei Ivanovich grew up in the family of a Russian noblewoman and a German burgher, which could not leave its mark on the already receptive, active and purposeful boy to the world around him. His mother taught Andrei the arts, instilled in him a wonderful taste for music, painting and literature, and dreamed of her son becoming a prominent socialite. The parents of Oblomov and Stolz knew each other, so Andrei was often sent to visit the Oblomovs, where that landowner calm and warmth always reigned, which were acceptable and understandable to his mother. His father raised Stolz to be the same practical and businesslike person as himself. He, undoubtedly, was the most important authority for Andrei, as evidenced by the moments when the young man could leave home for several days, but at the same time complete all the tasks assigned by his father.

It would seem that sensual maternal and rational paternal upbringing should have contributed to the formation of Stolz as a comprehensively developed, harmonious and happy personality. However, this did not happen due to early death his mother. Andrei, despite his strong-willed character, loved his mother very much, so her death became a real tragedy for the hero, complemented by an episode of forgiveness with his father, when he, sending him to St. Petersburg to live an independent life, could not even find words of encouragement for his own son . Perhaps this is why Oblomov and Stolz had different attitudes towards their own family - Andrei Ivanovich rarely remembered his parents, unconsciously seeing the ideal family life in “Oblomov”, spiritual relationships.

How did upbringing influence the characters’ future lives?

Despite their different upbringings, the attitude towards Oblomov and Stolz’s parents is more similar than different: both heroes respect and love their parents, strive to be like them and appreciate what they gave them. However, if for Andrei Ivanovich, upbringing became a springboard for achieving career heights, establishing himself in society and helped develop will and practicality, the ability to achieve any goals, then the “greenhouse” upbringing made Oblomov, who was already dreamy by nature, even more introverted and apathetic. Ilya Ilyich’s first failure in the service leads to his complete disappointment in his career, and he quickly replaces the need to work with continuous lying on the sofa and pseudo-experience real life in dreams and unrealistic illusions about the possible future of Oblomovka. It is noteworthy that both heroes see the ideal of a future wife in a woman similar to their mother: for Ilya Ilyich, Agafya becomes the thrifty, meek, quiet, agreeing with her husband in everything, while Stolz, having first seen in Olga an image similar to his mother, later years of his life he understands that this is not entirely true, because he needs to constantly develop in order to remain an authority for his demanding, selfish wife.

The theme of family in “Oblomov” is one of the most important, so it is through understanding the characteristics of the upbringing and development of the characters that the reader begins to understand them life goals and motives. Perhaps if Ilya Ilyich grew up in a family of progressive bourgeois or Stolz’s mother had not died so early, their fates would have turned out differently, but the author, accurately depicting the social realities of that time, leads the reader to eternal questions and themes.

Having depicted two in the novel different types personalities, two opposite paths, Goncharov provided readers with an extensive field for reflection on issues of family and education that are still relevant in our time.

The attitude of Stolz and Oblomov to family and parents - an essay based on the novel by Goncharov |

So, we will start working with text.

In one of the lessons you were asked to make a quotation comparative characteristics according to plan, using only material from the novel. Text of the novel.

Why is this necessary?

Text analysis, deep text analysis! will allow you to in this case understand what makes up the hero’s image, how the choice of lexical means allows the Master (writer!) to create the character’s character. We will see that the choice of one or another will allow us to convey to the reader a deep thought, an idea (which idea exactly - we will try to determine together with you)

You are on the wiki page, which means you can make changes. How to do this - see. Don't forget to indicate authorship - this way it will be clear to me who to evaluate.

I filled out the first column as a sample - here is everything we talked about in class. If you would like to add to the first column, please do so, this is encouraged.

Comparative characteristics of the image

Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts

Ilya Oblomov Andrey Stolts

"He was a man of years thirty-two or three years old, medium height,
good-looking, with dark gray eyes , nose absence of any
a certain idea
any concentration in facial features. The thought was walking
like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips,
hid in the folds of the forehead, then disappeared completely, and then all over the face
glowed evenly light carelessness..."

"...Complexion Ilya Ilyich was neither ruddy, nor dark, nor positively
pale and indifferent .."

"...body him, judging by the matte, too white
light neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders
, it seemed too pampered
for a man..."

"Stolz peer Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old..."

"...He's all made up of bones, muscles and nerves like blood English
horse. He thin; he has almost no cheeks at all , that is, there is a bone yes
muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; color faces smooth, dark and no blush; The eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive.
"..He made no unnecessary movements ..."

Lifestyle, household items

“The room where Ilya Ilyich was lying seemed at first glance to be beautifully decorated. But the experienced eye of a man with pure taste<...>I would just read it the desire to somehow observe the decorum of inevitable decency, just to get rid of them."

“There was a forgotten towel on the sofa; on the table, on rare mornings, there wasn’t a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone that hadn’t been cleared away from yesterday’s dinner, and there weren’t bread crumbs lying around. If it weren’t for this plate, and a freshly smoked pipe leaning against the bed, or not for myself the owner lying on her, you would think that no one lives hereso everything became dusty, faded and generally devoid of living traces of human presence"(Kipriyanova)

“Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: it is was his normal state"(Klimova)

"Andrey often taking a break from business or from a social crowd, from the evening, from a ball I was going to sit on Oblomov’s wide sofa.” (Kipriyanova)

"He constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - choose him. Meanwhile he goes out into the world and reads: when he has time - God knows"(Klimova)


“Oh, if only Andrei would come quickly... He would have sorted everything out...”

“Or maybe Zakhar will try to settle everything so that there won’t be any need to move; maybe they’ll get by…”

"Everything is eternal running around in starts, and game of trashy passions, especially greed, gossip<...>Boredom, boredom, boredom! Where is the man?? His integrity?<...>Light, society! You send me there for more discourage being there ! What to look for there? Interests, mind, heart? All these are dead people, sleeping people

!..." (A. Ustyantseva)<...>.

"A simple, that is, direct, real view of life - that was his constant task

“It’s tricky and difficult to live simply!”

"Work is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine." "He opened his umbrella while it was raining, that is, he suffered while the grief lasted, and he suffered without timid submission , but more with annoyance, with pride, and endured it patiently only because attributed the cause of all suffering to himself , and did not hang it, like a caftan, on someone else’s nail. AND enjoyed the joy

, like a flower plucked along the way, until it withers in your hands..."

“He was afraid of every dream, or if he entered its area, he entered as one enters a grotto with the inscription: ma solitude, mon hermitage, mon repos, knowing the hour and minute when you will leave there.” (Klimova)

" Childhood, family background Parents did not rush to explain to the child the meaning of life And prepare him for her , as to something sophisticated and serious; did not torment him over books that give rise to a darkness of questions in his head, but."

questions gnaw at the mind and heart and shorten life “Everyone gasped and began to reproach each other for how long ago this had not occurred to them:."

one to remind, another to tell to correct, a third to correct "He was looking forward to this moment with which his "(Kipriyanova)

independent life "Zakhar, as it used to be, was a nanny, pulls up his stockings , puts on his shoes, and Ilyusha is already fourteen year old

the boy only knows that he is lying down, first one leg, then the other...” (A. Ustyantseva) “They brought Andrei - but in what form: without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose

“The father put him on a spring cart, gave him the reins and ordered him to be taken to the factory, then to the fields, then to the city, to the merchants, to public places, then to look at some clay, which he would take on his finger, smell, sometimes lick, And He’ll let his son smell it and explain what it’s like and what it’s good for. Otherwise, they’ll go and see how they mine potash or tar, or melt lard.”

"— Go back where you came from- he added, - and come again with a translation, instead of one, two chapters, and teach your mother the role from the French comedy that she asked: don't show up without it!" (Kipriyanova)

"...Andryusha studied well, and his father made him a tutor in his small boarding house.<…>he paid him a salary as a craftsman, completely in German: ten rubles a month, and forced me to sign in the book." (A. Ustyantseva)

Attitude to study

"Father and mother imprisoned the spoiled one Ilyusha for a book. It was worth it tears, cries, whims."

"And everyone in the house was imbued with the conviction that learning and parent's Saturday should not match at all, or that a holiday on Thursday is an insurmountable obstacle to studying for the whole week. And for three weeks Ilyusha stays at home, and then, you see, it’s not far from Holy Week, and then there’s a holiday, and then someone in the family for some reason decides that they don’t study on Fomina’s week; There are two weeks left until summer - there’s no point in traveling, and in the summer the German himself rests, so it’s better to put it off until the fall." (Kipriyanova)

“He generally considered all this to be a punishment sent down by heaven for our sins...” (Klimova)

" From the age of eight he sat with his father for a geographical map, sorted through the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, townspeople and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, learned the fables of Krylov and sorted through the warehouses of Telemacus." (Kipriyanova)

Attitude to service

Ilya Ilyich would like service to be something like an optional and easy activity. If this were the case, no doubt he would willingly go to work. But when confronted with reality, Ilya Ilyich realized that service required significant effort, which he was not at all ready to spend on it.

It's interesting how Goncharov characterizes Oblomov’s views: “Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun. From this, the main field - the service at first puzzled him in the most unpleasant way”.

Oblomov is trying to free himself from service at any cost. He strives for relaxation and pleasure, not realizing that in fact, rest is good and pleasant only after completed tasks. Ilya Ilyich is not ready to take responsibility for his actions. (Kvashenko M.)

For Andrei Stolz, work is not a way to achieve peace, any desire for which Stolz called “Oblomovism.” For him, work is “the image, content, element and purpose of life”.Stolz treated his service responsibly, was hardworking, and was never lazy, Always carried out assigned tasks to the end when performing work.He worked not for a high goal, but for the sake of personal success.(Kuzmin Zh.)

Attitude towards love

"He never did not surrender to beauties, was never their slave, not even very much diligent fan, already because getting closer to women leads to a lot of trouble.<…>Rarely did fate confront him with a woman in society to such an extent that he could flare up for a few days and consider himself in love...” (A. Ustyantseva)

"He not blinded by beauty and therefore I did not forget, did not humiliate a man's dignity, was not a slave, “did not lie at the feet” of beauties, although did not experience fiery passions"(A. Ustyantseva)


Who is Stolz? Goncharov does not force the reader to puzzle over this question. In the first two chapters of the second part there is detailed story about the life of Stolz, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. “Stolz was only half German, on his father’s side; his mother was Russian; He professed the Orthodox faith, his native speech was Russian...” Goncharov first tries to show that Stolz is more Russian than German: after all, the most important thing is that his faith and language are the same as those of the Russians. But the further he goes, the more the qualities of a German begin to emerge in him: independence, perseverance in achieving his goals, frugality.
Stolz's unique character was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and hard, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father he received a “hard-working, practical upbringing,” and his mother introduced him to beauty and tried to instill in the soul of little Andrei a love of art and beauty. His mother “seemed the ideal of a gentleman in her son,” and his father accustomed him to hard, not at all lordly, work.
Practical intelligence, love of life, and courage helped Stolz achieve success after he left at the insistence of his father to study in St. Petersburg...
According to Goncharov, Stolz - new type Russian progressive figure. However, he does not depict the hero in a specific activity. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz has been and what he has achieved. He “served, retired... went about his business,... made a house and money,... learned Europe as his estate,... saw Russia up and down,... travels into the world.”
If we talk about Stolz’s ideological position, he “sought for a balance of practical aspects with the subtle needs of the spirit.” Stolz could control his feelings and was “afraid of every dream.” Happiness for him lay in consistency. According to Goncharov, he “knew the value of rare and expensive properties and spent them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive...”. In a word, Goncharov created the kind of hero that Russia has long lacked. For the author, Stolz is the force that is capable of reviving Oblomovism and destroying Oblomovism. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of Stolz, setting him up as an example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of Stolz. Dobrolyubov explains this by saying that “now there is no soil for them” in Russian society. For more productive activities of the Stolts, it is necessary to reach some compromise with the Oblomovs. This is why Andrei Stolts takes Ilya Ilyich’s son into custody.
Stolz is certainly the antipode of Oblomov. Every character trait of the first is a sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - Oblomov often falls into apathy; Stolz has a thirst for activity; for Oblomov, the best activity is relaxing on the couch. The origins of this opposition are in the education of heroes. Reading the description of the life of little Andrei, you involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilyusha. Thus, already at the very beginning of the novel, two absolutely different characters, two life paths...

In Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” there are many storylines. The variety of characters helps to better understand the meaning that the author puts into the work.

The image and characterization of Stolz with quotes prove that success is achieved by those who confidently move towards their own goals, without fear of difficulties.

Childhood and literacy

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich was born into a family of a German and a Russian noblewoman. His father was a manager in the village of Verkhlevo, he ran a local boarding house, where Andryusha met young Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. They soon became inseparable friends.

“Russian was a natural speech” Stolz, he learned it from his mother, from books, and adopted many words from peasants and village boys. Parents early began to introduce their son to all kinds of sciences.

“From the age of eight the boy sat over geographical maps, taught Bible verses, Krylov’s fables.”

When he “looked up from the instructions,” he ran to the neighbor’s kids.

He stayed on the street until late at night, destroyed birds' nests, and often got into fights. The mother complained to her husband that:

“Not a day goes by without the boy returning without a blue spot, and the other day he breaks his nose.”

Despite his violent temper, he never lost his talent for learning. When he played the piano four hands with his mother, she instantly forgot about the bad behavior of her beloved son.

From the age of fourteen, the father began to send his son to the city on certain errands.

“It never happened that the boy forgot, overlooked, changed things up, made a mistake.” Mother did not like this kind of “work discipline”.

The woman dreamed of seeing her son as a gentleman, and not as a farmer with working hands.


Andrei Ivanovich was the same age as his friend Ilya Oblomov. The author compares him to a thoroughbred English horse. It seemed that he was composed only of nerves and muscles. Stolz was thin. He was missing "a sign of fatty roundness".

On a dark face, green eyes looked very expressive. The gaze was sharp. Absolutely no detail escaped him. Ilya Oblomov enviously tells his friend that he exudes masculinity and health, because he “is not fat and does not have styes.”

Attitude to work. Financial situation

Andrey was persistent.

“He stubbornly walked along his chosen path. I haven't seen anyone think painfully about anything. Didn’t get lost in difficult circumstances.”

From childhood he was accustomed to any kind of work. After he resigned, he decided to start his own business. Thanks to this, I managed to acquire a house and money. “He is involved in a company that ships goods overseas.” Colleagues respect him and treat him with confidence.

Andrey's life is continuous movement. If work requires you to go abroad, then they definitely send him.

“When there is a need in society to visit Belgium or England, they send Stolz, it is necessary to write a project or adapt a new idea to the case, they choose him.”

This kind of enterprise helped him:

“from the parents’ forty, make three hundred thousand capital.”

To Ilya Oblomov’s assurances that one cannot devote one’s whole life to work, he replies that such a thing is possible. He cannot imagine himself being idle.

“I will never stop working. Work is the goal, the element and the way of life.”

Lives on a budget, without excesses.

“I tried to spend every ruble, with vigilant control over time and labor, the strength of the soul and heart.”

Friendship and love.

Stolz was a loyal and reliable comrade. He became friends with Oblomov when he was a teenager. Together they studied at the boarding school, where Andrei’s father was in charge. The guys were already very different in their aspirations.

Ilya did not like science. But when he developed a passion for poetry, Andryusha began to bring him all kinds of books from home, just to develop his knowledge.

“Stolz’s son spoiled Ilyusha, giving him lessons and doing many translations for him.”

Years later, he never ceases to support Oblomov. He claims that he is a close person to him.

“Closer than any relative: I studied and grew up with him.”

Andrey will always selflessly support his comrade. Ilya happily awaits his visit and trusts him with all his affairs, including financial ones. Stolz would come soon! He writes that it will be soon. He would have sorted it out. When Oblomov has serious problems with the estate, his friend himself offers to help restore order there; he understands that the estate manager is deceiving Ilya Ilyich. He does everything competently.

Even after Oblomov’s death, he never ceases to show concern for his loved ones. He sends his wife Agafya Pshenitsyna the money that the estate brings. He takes the son of his late comrade into his home.

“Andryusha was asked to be raised by Stolz and his wife. Now they consider him a member of their own family.”


Andrei Ivanovich was careful in relationships with the opposite sex.

“Among my hobbies, I felt the ground under my feet and enough strength to break free in case of emergency. I was not blinded by beauty, I did not lie at the feet of beauties.”

They had a long-standing friendship with Olga Ilyinskaya. The man was older than her and perceived her acquaintance as a child.

“I was in his eyes as charming, giving big hopes child."

After a painful break in relations with Oblomov, Olga and her aunt go abroad. They will meet Andrey in Paris, and will never part again.

Andrey will try in every possible way to brighten up her loneliness in a foreign city.

“Having covered it with notes and albums, Stolz calmed down, believing that he had filled his friend’s leisure time for a long time, and went to work.”

Soon they leave for Switzerland together. Here he becomes even more convinced that he cannot live without Olga.

The man is in love with her.

“During these six months, all the tortures of love, from which he so carefully guarded himself in relationships with women, played out over him.”

Having confessed to her sincere feelings, finds out that she feels reciprocity towards him. Soon the lovers get married and have children.

The family lives amicably and happily. The widow of the late Ilya Ilyich Oblomov comes to visit them to visit her son Andryushka. The woman understands that their feelings are sincere. “Both existences, Olga and Andrey, merged into one channel. Everything was harmony and silence with them.”

Oblomov Stolz
origin from rich noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for them from a poor family: his father (a Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, his mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman
upbringing his parents taught him to be idle and quiet (they did not allow him to pick up a dropped item, get dressed, or pour water for himself); labor in the quarry was a punishment; it was believed that it bore the mark of slavery. there was a cult of food in the family, and after eating there was a sound sleep his father gave him the education he received from his father: he taught him all the practical sciences, forced him to work early and sent away his son, who had graduated from the university. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, rigor and accuracy
laid down program Vegetation and sleep - passive beginning energy and vigorous activity - active beginning
characteristic The kind, lazy person is most concerned about his own peace. For him, happiness is complete peace and good food. he spends his life on the sofa without taking off his comfortable robe. does nothing, is not interested in anything. loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams he has created. The amazing childlike purity of his soul and introspection, the embodiment of gentleness and meekness worthy of a philosopher. strong and smart, he is in constant activity and does not disdain the most menial work. Thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became rich and famous person. a real “iron” character was formed. but in some ways he resembles a machine, a robot, his whole life is so clearly programmed, verified and calculated before us - a rather dry rationalist
test of love he needs not equal love, but maternal love (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him) he needs a woman equal in views and strength (Ollga Ilyinskaya)
    • Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna Character qualities Captivating, delightful, promising, good-natured, warm-hearted and unfeigned, special, innocent, proud. Good-natured, open, trusting, sweet and reserved, caring, thrifty, neat, independent, constant, stands her ground. Appearance Tall, fair face, delicate thin neck, gray-blue eyes, fluffy eyebrows, long braid, small compressed lips. Grey-eyed; nice face; well-fed; […]
    • Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to compose detailed psychological portraits. They were no exception female images in the novel. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the technique of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such couples can be called “Oblomov and Stolz” and “Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.” The last two images are complete opposites of each other, their […]
    • Andrei Stolts is Oblomov’s closest friend; they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how such dissimilar people, with such different views on life, could maintain deep affection. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as a complete antipode to Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this plan was not destined to come true. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that in these conditions it was simply [...]
    • The second wonderful Russian prose writer half of the 19th century century Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” reflected difficult time transition from one era of Russian life to another. Feudal relations and the estate type of economy were replaced by a bourgeois way of life. People's long-established views on life were crumbling. The fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov can be called an “ordinary story,” typical of landowners who lived serenely off the labor of serfs. Their environment and upbringing made them weak-willed, apathetic people, not […]
    • The image of Oblomov in Russian literature closes the series of “superfluous” people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active action, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but is this really so? In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov there is no place for global and dramatic changes. Olga Ilyinskaya, extraordinary and beautiful woman, a strong and strong-willed nature undoubtedly attracts the attention of men. For Ilya Ilyich, an indecisive and timid person, Olga becomes an object [...]
    • The novel by I.A. Goncharov is permeated with various opposites. The technique of antithesis, on which the novel is built, helps to better understand the character of the characters and the author's intention. Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different personalities, but, as they say, opposites converge. They are connected by childhood and school, which you can learn about in the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream.” From it it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilya, caressed him, and did not let him do anything on his own, although at first he was eager to do everything himself, but then they […]
    • In the novel "Oblomov" the skill of Goncharov as a prose writer was fully demonstrated. Gorky, who called Goncharov “one of the giants of Russian literature,” noted his special, flexible language. Poetic language Goncharov, his talent for figurative reproduction of life, the art of creating typical characters, compositional completeness and enormous artistic power The picture of Oblomovism presented in the novel and the image of Ilya Ilyich - all this contributed to the fact that the novel “Oblomov” took its rightful place among the masterpieces […]
    • In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” one of the main techniques for revealing images is the technique of antithesis. Using contrast, the image of the Russian gentleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and the image of the practical German Andrei Stolz are compared. Thus, Goncharov shows the similarities and differences between these characters in the novel. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a typical representative of the Russian nobility of the 19th century. His social status can be briefly described as follows: “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, […]
    • There is a type of book where the reader is captivated by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think that “Oblomov” is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that this laziness of Oblomov would lead him to some kind of sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel captured me, I was already reading with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me. It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, [...]
    • Introduction. Some people find Goncharov's novel “Oblomov” boring. Yes, it’s true that Oblomov lies on the sofa for the entire first part, receiving guests, but here we get to know the hero. In general, the novel contains few intriguing actions and events that are so interesting to the reader. But Oblomov is “our people's type,” and it is he who is the bright representative of the Russian people. That's why the novel interested me. In the main character, I saw a piece of myself. You should not think that Oblomov is a representative only of Goncharov’s time. And now they live [...]
    • Oblomov's personality is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with slight disrespect. For some reason, they read him as almost inferior in comparison to them. This was precisely the task of Olga Ilyinskaya - to awaken Oblomov, to force him to show himself as an active person. The girl believed that love would push him to great achievements. But she was deeply mistaken. It is impossible to awaken in a person what he does not have. Because of this misunderstanding, people’s hearts were broken, heroes suffered and […]
    • TO mid-19th V. under the influence of the realistic school of Pushkin and Gogol, a new remarkable generation of Russian writers grew up and was formed. The brilliant critic Belinsky already in the 40s noted the emergence of a whole group of talented young authors: Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Herzen, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Ogarev, etc. Among these promising writers was Goncharov, future author"Oblomov", whose first novel " An ordinary story"Aroused high praise from Belinsky. LIFE AND CREATIVITY I. […]
    • Raskolnikov Luzhin Age 23 years old About 45 years old Occupation Former student, dropped out due to inability to pay A successful lawyer, court adviser. Appearance Very handsome, dark brown hair, dark eyes, slender and thin, above average height. He dressed extremely poorly, the author points out that another person would even be ashamed to go out into the street dressed like that. Not young, dignified and prim. There is a constant expression of grumpiness on his face. Dark sideburns, curled hair. The face is fresh and [...]
    • Nastya Mitrasha Nickname Golden Chicken Little man in a bag Age 12 years 10 years Appearance A beautiful girl with golden hair, her face is covered in freckles, and only one nose is clean. The boy is short, densely built, has a large forehead and a wide nape. His face is covered in freckles, and his clean nose looks up. Character Kind, reasonable, overcame greed Brave, savvy, kind, courageous and strong-willed, stubborn, hardworking, purposeful, [...]
    • Luzhin Svidrigailov Age 45 years old About 50 years old Appearance He is no longer young. A prim and dignified man. He's grumpy, which shows on his face. He wears curled hair and sideburns, which, however, does not make him funny. All appearance very youthful, doesn’t look his age. Partly also because all the clothes are exclusively in light colors. Loves good things - hat, gloves. A nobleman, formerly served in the cavalry, has connections. Occupation Very successful lawyer, court clerk […]
    • Olesya Ivan Timofeevich Social status A simple girl. Urban intellectual. “Master,” as Manuilikha and Olesya call him, “panych” Yarmila calls him. Lifestyle, activities She lives with her grandmother in the forest and is happy with her life. Doesn't recognize hunting. He loves animals very much and takes care of them. A city dweller who, by the will of fate, finds himself in a remote village. Tries to write stories. In the village I hoped to find many legends and traditions, but I got bored very quickly. The only entertainment was [...]
    • Name of the hero How he got to the bottom Peculiarities of speech, characteristic remarks What Bubnov dreams of In the past, he owned a dyeing workshop. Circumstances forced him to leave in order to survive, while his wife got along with the master. He claims that a person cannot change his destiny, so he floats with the flow, sinking to the bottom. Often displays cruelty, skepticism, lack of good qualities. "All people on earth are superfluous." It’s hard to say that Bubnov is dreaming of something, given [...]
    • Bazarov E.V. Kirsanov P.P. Appearance A tall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and untidy. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance. A handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance. He takes good care of himself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin Father – a military doctor, a simple, poor family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life and built a military career. Education A very educated person. […]
    • Troekurov Dubrovsky Quality of characters Negative hero Main positive hero Character Spoiled, selfish, dissolute. Noble, generous, decisive. Has a hot character. A person who knows how to love not for money, but for the beauty of the soul. Occupation: A wealthy nobleman, he spends his time in gluttony, drunkenness, and leads a dissolute life. Humiliation of the weak brings him great pleasure. It has a good education, served as a cornet in the guard. After […]
    • Character Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Napoleon Bonaparte The appearance of the hero, his portrait “...simplicity, kindness, truth...”. This is a living, deeply feeling and experiencing person, the image of a “father”, an “elder” who understands and has seen life. Satirical image of the portrait: “ fat thighs short legs", "fat, short figure", unnecessary movements that are accompanied by fuss. The hero’s speech Simple speech, with unambiguous words and a confidential tone, respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, the group […]