Phalanges of fingers and toes. Thick but short. What it is

Basics corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

The phalanges of the little finger characterize your literature

Now let's look at the ratio of the lengths of the three phalanges of the little finger. The upper phalanx of the little finger indicates the activity of a person’s verbal communication. On most people's hands, the upper phalanx is the longest. The long upper phalanx of the Mercury finger indicates exceptional eloquence. Such people express themselves best through words, so the long upper phalanx of the Mercury finger is a particularly favorable sign for people professional activity which is associated with the verbal form of communication. Salespeople, advertising agents, radio and television announcers, lecturers and teachers and anyone who makes a career out of their eloquence are distinguished by a long upper phalanx.

If the upper phalanx is short, this indicates that the person has difficulty learning and is unable to express his thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly in words.

Very often the middle phalanx is the shortest. Its length quite clearly reflects a person’s literary and writing abilities. People who have a short phalanx do everything possible to avoid the need to express their thoughts on paper.

People with a long middle phalanx of the Mercury finger, on the other hand, like to express themselves in this way. The longest middle phalanges of the little finger are on the hands of writers, as well as on the hands of people who master the art of the epistolary genre, and those who find it easier to express their thoughts on paper than with words. Often such people are well aware of their abilities, but do nothing to develop them and find them practical use. A long middle phalanx also indicates that a person is capable of starting his own business and can bring it to the end without losing his interest and enthusiasm along the way. If the middle phalanx of the little finger is very short, this indicates that the person lacks good organizational skills.

The third, or lower, phalanx is associated with the material world and especially with money. If this phalanx is the longest, this indicates a person’s love for money as such. Such a person has the gift of persuasion and the ability to manipulate various facts in your own interests.

Sometimes you have to observe the little finger bent towards the ring finger. This little finger is known as the “finger of sacrifice”, which means that its owner will sacrifice his interests and suppress his desires in order to help others. A finger of this shape is often found on the hands of nurses, carers and people working in the social sphere.

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Phalanx thumb Each finger on the human hand is naturally divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Figure 49). Although, looking at the thumb of our hand, we believe that it has only two phalanges. In fact, the Mount of Venus (the fleshy part of the arm)

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What does the structure of the little finger indicate? You have already noticed that some zones and fingers on the palms of the hands are named after the planets of the solar system. The little finger is called the finger of Mercury. This is due to the fact that in ancient times Mercury was considered a winged messenger, and the little finger is a finger

Talks about the meaning of the additional line on the phalanges of the fingers.

Basically, many people consider the fourth phalanx to be an extra horizontal line, but this is a misconception. The phalanx is a tubular bone, and not an additional transverse fold on the finger. The fourth phalanx will be a separate bone that can bend. Otherwise it is just an additional line crossing the phalanx.

It is believed that such a line enhances the properties of the hill to which the finger belongs. If there are four lines on the thumb (usually the thumb consists of two phalanges), this means that the person is loved and respected in his environment.

An additional line is located on the index finger. It means not only despoticism, power, but also superego. The owner of such a line is unable to restrain the feelings associated with him, even if he works in a field that is associated with leadership and management.

The next finger is the middle finger. Finger of Saturn. If there are four transverse folds on it, and at the same time the hill is poorly developed, there are bad signs on it, then this indicates a pessimistic perception of reality, which, in its advanced form, can lead to thoughts of suicide.

Now let's talk about the ring finger. Finger of Apollo. The additional fourth line on it speaks of strong desire fame, popularity, glory. If at the same time there is no good line of Apollo on the hand, the owner of the hand is easily confused, it is difficult for him to realize his ambitious plans.

A little finger with four lines means that the owner of the hands is a good administrator, but uses an aggressive (decisive, deeper, active, revolutionary, persistent, energetic) method/approach to achieve the goal.

Lines of love and marriage

Astropalmist from Pakistan Sadiq Mahmood Malik talks about the lines of love and marriage on the palms.

Hill of Mars

Astropalmist from Pakistan Sadiq Mahmood Malik tells an inquisitive viewer about the hills of Mars.

Hill of the Moon

Astropalmist from Pakistan Sadiq Mahmood Malik explains how the Mount of the Moon influences a person’s character.

Hill of the Moon. It indicates romanticism, love of travel, the power of imagination and madness. In addition to the already mentioned characteristics of the Mount of the Moon, spirituality is added to the character of a person in fusion with the developed Mount of Saturn.

An indisputable truth: the people involved in creative activity(artists, writers, musicians) associated with professions where a wonderful imagination is necessary - they all have a developed Mount of the Moon.

But do not forget about the other hills. For example, (today we will discuss only one additional hill) the hills of Saturn and the Moon are developed. IN in this case when the Mount of Saturn is fleshy - this speaks of selfless love and about spirituality.

An overdeveloped mount of the Moon can negatively affect a person’s character, since in this case the influence of the planet Moon is much stronger than usual. This can lead either to madness or to spiritualism. A full analysis is required for a final conclusion.

Astropalmist from Pakistan Sadiq Mahmud Malik talks about the lines of travel. To begin with, I would like to clarify the erroneous judgment about the location of travel lines on the hand. It is widely believed that travel lines are either on the Mount of the Moon or extend from the life line to the Mount of the Moon. But in the case when a person is an avid traveler, this theory does not work at all. This a large number of travel data simply won’t appear on your hand. I’ll tell you a secret: the combination of the developed hills of the Moon and Venus already indicates that a person will travel repeatedly. Moreover, I divide hands into 7 classes. 1. Low 2. Average 3. Above average 4. Official 5. Manager 6. VIP 7. Star Based on this, it turns out that when reading the hand of an official (if there is a certain combination of lines), you can see when the trip will take place. Managers will have a lot of travel on official business. And they never rely on chance. Their mounts of Saturn, Venus and Moon are well developed. They can afford to travel anywhere and anytime

Mount of Saturn (palmistry)

A short lecture on the Mount of Saturn.

Palmists and astrologers consider Saturn to be an unlucky planet. But in fact, this is a misconception. According to my own observations, Saturn is responsible for well-being. A developed Mount of Saturn combined with a good Mount of Venus endows the owner with unusual qualities and advantages. A balanced Mount of Saturn has two qualities that have an extremely positive effect on character. The first quality is the ability to accumulate wealth (property), and the second is the neutralization of internal aggression, which can harm others.

In another case, if the Mount of Saturn is unbalanced and overdeveloped, this gives pessimism and mental disorders. People with suicidal tendencies have overdeveloped mounts of Saturn and Moon.

Another positive quality Saturn is spirituality, since the mount of Saturn is associated with religiosity, spirituality.

Hill of Venus (palmistry)

Brief lecture Astropalmist from Pakistan Sadiq Mahmud Malik about the hill of Venus.

Hello, I am an astro-palmist from Pakistan, Sadiq Mahmood Malik. Love and joy are the two pillars on which our world rests; people endowed with these traits have a good Mount of Venus. Dear viewer, latest programs I have already said that each hill has its own properties and affects a person differently. A developed Mount of Venus (balanced, elastic) speaks of an energetic person who loves art, literature and is an admirer of everything beautiful. In addition, people with a good Mount of Venus have an interest in the spiritual. If the Mount of Venus is soft, sluggish, red and the most dominant hill on the hand, then this indicates the influence of the Babylonian civilization *.

In ancient times, the goddess Venus (Ishtar) was worshiped, and according to tradition, a girl could not get married until she spent the night with by a stranger. The girls were given to strangers in the temple of the goddess Ishtar. Men paid any amount of money to enter the temple. Personally, I consider that era to be a time of vulgar traditions that were forcibly implanted by the dominant religion. These traditions associated with the cult of fertility lived until 325 AD. and continue to exist to this day, but with some changes. Now there are temple courtesans - Devadasis. (in Europe they are called bayaderes).

As you can see, the developed Mount of Venus has two poles: positive and negative.

*Temple prostitution in Babylon is described by the “father of history” - Herodotus (History, I, 199):

“The most shameful custom among the Babylonians is this. Every Babylonian woman, once in her life, must sit in the sanctuary of Aphrodite and give herself [for money] to a stranger. Many women, proud of their wealth, consider it unworthy to mingle with [the crowd] of other women. They arrive in closed carts, accompanied by many servants, and stop near the sanctuary. Most women do this: in the sacred area of ​​Aphrodite, many women sit with bandages made of rope plaits on their heads. Some of them come, others go. Straight passages separate the crowd of waiting women in all directions. Strangers walk along these passages and choose women for themselves. The woman sitting here cannot return home until some stranger throws money into her lap and joins her outside the sacred area. Having thrown the money to the woman, he should only say: “I call you to serve the goddess Militta!” The Assyrians call Aphrodite Mylitta. The fee can be as small as desired. A woman is not allowed to refuse to take money, since this money is sacred. The girl must follow the first person who threw her money without refusing. After intercourse, having fulfilled her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes home and then you can’t take possession of her again for any amount of money. The beautiful and stately girls soon go home, but the ugly ones have to wait a long time until they can fulfill the custom. And indeed, others must remain in the sanctuary even for three or four years.

Cross, star on the Mount of Jupiter. Signs of Raja Yoga.

Pointing the finger plays an important role in our lives: they are used to point out an object or phenomenon that interests us, they are threatened when they are not allowed to do something, they are raised up to indicate importance in a conversation, they are used to forcefully interrupt a conversation and point to the door, etc. This is the finger of success, confidence, and the search for truth. This finger is also evaluated in chirology - it determines the importance of a person in society. This finger of Jupiter(Fig. 20). It defines pride, self-control, confidence, the desire for truth and power, intelligence, forbearance and kindness. These properties are associated with the manifestation of character traits typical of the planet Jupiter.

If the finger Jupiter same or longer nameless(fingers Apollo, aka finger of the sun– fourth finger of the hand, fig. 20), then fate assigned a person the role of a leader, a manager of other people and success in business. If the finger is crooked and short (comparable to the length of the little finger), then the person will not achieve great success and high positions.

Rice. 20. Index finger

An interesting observation: a person was successful in business, but if his thumb was accidentally damaged, he received a curvature or other deformation, which immediately affects a decrease in his business activity. That's why forefinger should be protected from injury.

Many world-famous successful politicians and businessmen had a long index finger. For example, N. Khrushchev, B. Yeltsin, R. Abramovich and others had such a long finger.

The size of the phalanges of this finger matters. Long upper(nail) phalanx indicates that a person has high spiritual aspirations, he is often visited by inspiration, he is prone to religiosity and philosophy. Long second(middle) phalanx - he has excellent analytical skills, thoughtfulness, can analyze the consequences of his own and others’ actions, and negative traits can manifest themselves in increased ambition and pride. Long third(lower) phalanx - his character contains the ability to achieve power, in negative manifestation this can be expressed in the desire to command, in the demand for honor and admiration. Depending on which phalanx of the finger is longer, the corresponding features will stand out in a person’s character.

First joint index finger short, and second long - a sign of a frivolous, addicted nature. Third the joint is longer than the others - a person loves to enjoy the fruits of the labor of others and is not averse to living at someone else’s expense.

Pointing finger bent to the side average finger, belongs to a modest person, prone to self-abasement, and also lacking pride and self-respect.

If we bring together all the interpretations of the meanings of the phalanges, we get general characteristics finger Jupiter - spiritual human aspirations.

Second the phalanx (often called “joint”) of the index finger shows the strength of intention, and the third joint characterizes the practical implementation of the idea or plan that has arisen.

If the finger Jupiter In short, this is a reserved person who cannot look down on others or take on too much responsibility. This is a good comrade, he is ready to share his work and glory with others. His finger always points to the cautious, unsure person. A very short finger indicates a deeply hidden inferiority complex. A very long finger determines a person’s desire for leadership.

Rice. 21. Index (1) and middle (2) fingers and signs on them: 1 – longitudinal lines; 3 – grid; 4 – cross; 5 – deep lines; 6 – star

Third phalanx Jupiter defines kindness, agreeableness, peace of mind and sociability, shows a person’s desire for knowledge and learning, ability for science.

Let's consider the meaning of some signs on index And average fingers (Fig. 21):

1 – straight lines on the finger – moral purity, chastity, modest existence. It also determines success among businessmen, officials, lawyers, traders, and gives success in the clergy and in society; 1-I – transverse lines on the nail phalanx – stress lines, usually develop with prolonged nervous tension or chronic stress and also slowly go away;

5-I - a vertical line on the nail phalanx means unrestrained and rude character traits, arrogance, but the possession of good logical thinking; 5-II – transverse line on the middle phalanx – envy; 5-II–III – a longitudinal line, deep and passing from the II to the III phalanx, means material success, illuminated by morality; 5-III – star means an important event, meeting or communicating with important people that can positively affect fate;

7-I – star at the end of the finger – an extraordinary and good event; 7-III – clear transverse lines on the main phalanx – material success and successful risky activities are possible. Many transverse lines - this is possible to acquire material wealth or receive a rich inheritance.

Signs on middle finger(Fig. 21): 2-II - the number of clearly outlined vertical lines determines (in combination with other signs on the palm) the number of sons, and the number of thin lines shows the possible number of daughters; 2 – straight small vertical lines – signs of decency;

4-I – transverse distinct lines on the first phalanx – stress lines; 4-III - a cross on the lower phalanx, if it is on both hands of women - infertility;

6-II – grid – unstable state of mind; 6-III – star on the lower phalanx – a big fateful event in life;

8-I – star at the end of the finger – a possible fatal event; 8-II – transverse lines on the middle phalanx (world of intellect)– you should be wary of nervous shocks and stress that will temporarily knock you out of your normal life; 8-III – clear transverse lines on the main phalanx (material world)– the danger of risky business activities that will result in large material losses.

Many signs disappear when the danger of their meaning for the owner of the hand goes away. You can see these signs not only on the described phalanges of the fingers, so we give a general description of the signs used in the text on other phalanges of the fingers; they can strengthen or weaken their interpretation:

star– in all cases a good influence;

cross– always negative, distortion and strengthening of harmful manifestations;

lattice– difficulties in business, obstacles in your plans;

vertical lines– positive manifestations of the meaning of the phalanx, decency;

transverse lines on the phalanx - weakening of positive qualities.

Rice. 22. Middle finger

Rice. 23. Middle and index fingers different shapes: 1 – nodular; 2 – smooth; 3 – blunt; 4 – straight

If for Jupiter characterized by striving forward, then for Saturn - the desire to realize, understand and go deeper. 1st (nail) joint means area divine, 2nd – region abstract and 3rd – region material. Finger Jupiter shows the relationship with society, and the finger Saturn, characterizes human relationships With myself(Fig. 22).

A person with smooth fingers (Figure 23-2) is usually unable to do the same in-depth analysis as someone with knobby fingers (Figure 23-1). The former are usually satisfied with a superficial, general analysis of events or a person, while the latter try to understand the motives, get to the bottom of the event and the reasons for the person’s behavior.

If the finger Jupiter It has quadrangular top (Fig. 23–3) is a sign of a person’s great ability for analysis and love of investigation. (Many famous detectives had a quadrangular index finger.) Shovel-shaped the finger indicates soreness, a tendency towards mysticism.

The length of the finger and individual joints in gypsy palmistry also has its own meaning. Thus, people who are short-sighted and less observant have a straight and short pointing finger. In melancholic people, the middle finger takes on very large sizes.

The first joint of the middle finger represents the spiritual perception, the second is spiritual deepening, and the third defines love for practical work, physical activity and sports.

It is important to consider the ratio of the phalanges finger of Saturn: long upper the joint shows that a person is prone to sadness and superstition, and a very long phalanx reveals his desire for death, possible suicide (especially with failures in life). Long and wide indicates sadness and religiosity.

Long second joint average finger – intuition, ability for exact sciences and a penchant for agriculture are developed, and with equal 1st and 2nd phalanges – a penchant for unconventional sciences and magic. If the middle joint is the longest of the three phalanges, then the person has organizational skills and may be a “workaholic.” With a short middle phalanx, a person does not like to study or engage in mental work.

Long third the joint determines high performance, achievements in sports, and if negatively manifested, stinginess and greed.

Smooth finger(Fig. 23–2) indicates a tendency to applied arts and science, knotty (Fig. 23–1) - to technology and mechanics. With a smooth middle finger (Fig. 23-2), a person expresses anxiety and curiosity.

Man with square fingertips (Fig. 23–3) strictly follow social rules, deep thoughtfulness, a lot of internal experiences, frequent mental discord. If the middle finger is thick, then the person is prone to worries and melancholy. If he has overcome his experiences, he stands out positively and brightly from those around him. This finger is considered the “pendulum” of the hand; it determines responsibility in life and a person’s attitude towards it. Success is not easy for people with such a finger.

Shovel-shaped finger Saturn means the ability to do any work and promotes the balance of difficult character traits; he loves order and systematicity. Rarely seen spicy finger Saturn demonstrates mood swings and an unbalanced character.

Straight and proportional to the other fingers (Fig. 23–4), not too long and not too short, speaks of a reasonable attitude to life, a refined nature, for which self-esteem and prestige are more important than material gain. If the middle finger is no longer than the ring finger, this is a sure sign of sedateness and abstinence.

A middle finger that is too short shows a flaw inner strength and a share of irresponsibility. These people despise conventions and are inclined towards artistic or journalistic activities.

This article uses materials from the lectures of Professor Park Jae-woo, fragments from his book “Issues of the theory and practice of Su Jok therapy” and my personal experience doctor - reflexologist.

Hand correspondence systems are energy information copies of the entire organism and its individual organs, systems of these organs and parts of the body. They are simultaneously present on the hand and determine the ordered holographic picture of the entire organism.

In addition to the standard matching system, which occupies the entire hand, the “insect” system and the mini-system located on the fingers, there are systems correspondence of the phalanges of the fingers. They reflect the state of specific internal organs and are called Triorigin volumetric systems of correspondence of the phalanges of the fingers.

Correspondence to internal organs on the phalanges of the fingers

It is explained like this. The fingers are under the influence of Hetero's power. They are functionally mobile and sensitive, capable of performing complex, rapid movements. But the phalanges of the fingers are also subject to Homo influence - their Homo form.

The combination of Homo- and Hetero-properties creates a harmonizing influence on these systems of Neutro power. The systems of the phalanges of the fingers allow us to consider the internal organs in their volumetric format, since each phalanx has 3 dimensions - length, width, height. Other correspondence systems display organs in a planar format.

It is possible to determine the painful locus of an organ and influence it with treatment. This allows you to get a quick and stable effect when using the phalanges of the fingers for treatment.

Tri-initial volumetric compliance systems have advantages over other systems; they are more effective.

The hand and its phalanges develop in utero simultaneously with the internal organs, so they are interconnected. The phalanges of the fingers can be used to diagnose and treat internal organs. The phalanges of the fingers and the corresponding parts of the limbs reflect the painful state of the internal organs. Painful points and correspondence zones appear on them.

The endocrine glands, which control many body functions and determine the interaction of internal organs with each other, require special consideration.

The endocrine glands on the hand correspond to the nails and wrist bones. The wrist bones are not available for direct use, and the nail area has some limitations in treatment, so the greatest practical significance has a projection of the endocrine system onto the phalanges of the fingers.

The thumb corresponds to the epiphysis - the pineal gland, which occupies both of its phalanges. The pineal gland regulates rapid Hetero and Homo processes in the body, neutralizes them, determines intuition and is the “third” eye, which does not function in humans, and also produces hormones: melatonin and norepinephrine.

On the third and fourth fingers (Homo fingers) there are correspondences to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the right lobes of the thymus and thyroid gland, the right ovary and testicle, the right adrenal gland, the lower, anterior or right (head) parts of the pancreas.

On the second and fifth fingers (Hetero fingers) there are correspondences to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the left lobes of the thymus and thyroid gland, the left ovary and testicle, the left adrenal gland, the upper, posterior, or left (body, tail) parts of the pancreas.
See pictures.

I give examples.

If suffers stomach(gastritis, peptic ulcer), then painful points can be found on the lower (nail) phalanx of the fifth finger (little finger) of the hand. Painful points and zones will be on the palm of the hand according to the corresponding pattern.

If diseased heart, then the painful points of the zone should be looked for

the upper phalanx of the second (index) finger.Painful points andzones will be on the right shoulder according to the correspondence.

If kidney disease, then the painful points and zones will be on the middle phalanx of the third (middle) finger of the hand and on the right shin accordingly.

If you have cystitis, prostatitis or other bladder pathology, then the painful points and zones will be on the middle phalanx of the fourth (ring) finger and on the left shin accordingly.

If liver disease, painful points and areas will be on the lower (nail) phalanx of the third (middle) finger and on the palm right hand according to compliance.

If there pathology of the large intestine(colitis, proctitis, sigmoiditis), then the painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the fourth (ring) finger of the hand and on the left thigh accordingly.

At lung diseases(bronchitis, pneumonia) painful points should be looked for on the upper phalanx of the third (middle) finger and on the right thigh accordingly.

If there thyroid pathology in its right lobe (nodule, cyst, inflammation), then painful points and zones will be on the nail phalanx of the fourth finger of the hand.

If there pathology of the left testicle(orchitis, epididymitis), then painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the second finger of the hand.

If there brain pathology(vascular diseases, encephalopathy), then painful points and zones will be on the upper phalanx of the first (thumb) finger and correspondingly in the neck area, usually in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae.

To have an even more effective effect on the diseased organ, from the painful correspondence points on the phalanges of the fingers, lower the perpendicular to the joints above and below the phalanx. There will also be painful spots.

Diagnostics. If an organ is sick, there are painful changes in it, then painful points and correspondence zones appear in the corresponding phalanx of the fingers, which can be found by pressing with a diagnostic stick, match, pen, or fingernail. The same zones will correspond in a certain part of the limb.

Treatment. The found points and zones should be massaged, warmed up, plant seeds should be placed and secured with a band-aid. The phalanges of the fingers can be effectively treated with a wire massage ring, rolling it repeatedly along the phalanges of the finger until a feeling of warmth appears.

The result of the therapeutic effect on the phalanges of the fingers will be positive for the suffering organ. The general condition of the sick person will also improve, painful symptoms will weaken and disappear.

In this way, it is possible to simply diagnose diseases of internal organs and provide the simplest therapeutic effect on them in addition to the treatment that can be received in a clinic or in a hospital.